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JURY, S. L., 1987. A new species of the genus Torilis Adanson (Apiaceae). The name Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaertner has been shown to have been used to include two very distinct variants. Torilis nodosa is therefore typified, and the other variant described as a new species.  相似文献   

伞形科囊瓣芹属的表型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取伞形科(Apiaceae)囊瓣芹属(Pternopetalum Franchet)32个分类群的60个形态学性状,利用DELTA系统的UPGMA算法进行了聚类分析。结果表明属下形成以五匹青(P.vulgare(Dunn)Hand.-Mazz.)和东亚囊瓣(P.tanakae(Franchet&Sav.)Hand.-Mazz.)为代表的两个主要表征群。两个主要表征群的分类结构和各自所包含的类群基本相应于前人研究中本属两个组的属下处理。根据全面相似性分析的结果和部分形态学特征的评估,确认了属下6个种的复合群:即五匹青、囊瓣芹(P.davidii Franchet)、散血芹(P.botrychioides(Dunn)Hand.-Mazz.)、洱源囊瓣芹(P.molle(Franchet)Hand.-Mazz.)、澜沧囊瓣芹(P.de-lavayi(Franchet)Hand.-Mazz.)和东亚囊瓣芹复合群。根据形态学特征在表型树上的分布分析表明:伞形花序的着生位置、花柱的形态、花柱基的形状和萼齿的大小等生殖特征可能是属下早期分化的关键性性状。属下主要变异类型(种的复合群和典型狭域特有种)对不同海拔区域和小生境的依赖,以及不显著的形态学分化表明:对横断山区较高的异质性生境的生态适应是囊瓣芹属类群多样化过程后期的一个重要特征。  相似文献   

Hymenidium apiolens and H. pilosum have been recorded to co-occur in the Himalayas, and it was found difficult to distinguish between them in the field. In this study, we reconstructed the phylogeny and estimated the genetic distance between individuals of H. apiolens, H. pilosum and related species based on nuclear ITS sequences, and rpl16 and rps16 introns, to determine the relationship between H. apiolens and H. pilosum. The analyses suggest that H. apiolens and H. pilosum are nested together, and that the ratio of genetic distance between them is smaller than that between individuals of Chamaesium spatuliferum, Hansenia forbesii or Ligusticum acuminatum. Furthermore, we found similar morphological characteristics of bracteoles, rays, petals and mericarps in H. apiolens and H. pilosum. Consequently, both molecular and morphological evidence supports that Hymenidium pilosum is a synonym of H. apiolens.  相似文献   

Pternopetalum arunachalense M. Bhaumik & P. Satyanar. is a new species from Arunachal Pradesh in India and is described and illustrated here. This new species is similar to P. trichomanifolium (Franch.) Hand.‐Mazz. by highly dissected, ternate 2–4‐pinnate leaves, ultimate segments linear and erect elongate styles but differs by generally smaller habit and scabrid mericarps with 1–2 vittae in each furrow and commissure.  相似文献   

Boissier described several taxa in Anthriscus , summarized in his Flora orientalis account. The names include A. lamprocarpa, A. kotschyi, A. ruprechtii, A. tenerrima, A. t. var. leiocarpa, A. anatolica, A. macrocarpa, A. nemorosa var. mollis, A. n. var. glabra; the hst four are still recognized as separate species. These names are typified in this paper, based on the material in Boissier herbarium at G.  相似文献   

中国实蕨属的分类修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对实蕨属Bolbitis的17种植物的孢子进行了扫描电镜观察。根据孢子周壁特征,中国产实蕨属的孢子明显可分为3种类型:A型孢子具网状周壁,B型孢子具鸡冠状-波状周壁,C型孢子具平滑的波状周壁。孢子周壁特征、叶脉式样和叶片顶部的形态是实蕨属中最有价值的分类学性状。根据标本检查,结合野外调查和孢子形态观察,对中国产实蕨属的分类进行了修订,确定中国有实蕨属植物20种和3杂交种,其中包括2个新组合B. fengiana (Ching) S. Y. Dong和B. medogensis (Ching &; S. K. Wu) S. Y. Dong,以及2个中国新分布B. costata Ching ex C. Chr.和B. hookeriana K. Iwats.。将B. latipinna Ching、B. media Ching &; Chu H. Wang、B. yunnanensis Ching、Egenolfia crassifolia Ching、E. crenata Ching &; P. S. Chiu、E. fengiana Ching、E. medogensis Ching &; S. K. Wu和E. ×yunnanensis Ching &; P. S. Chiu等8个名称处理为新异名。文中给出了分种检索表、每个种的生境和分布资料、大多数种的特征集要和孢子扫描电镜照片。  相似文献   

All previously reported chromosome counts for Umbelliferae of tropical and southern Africa are summarized, two from Socotra are included. New counts on 35 taxa in 14 genera are provided, mostly from Malawi or South Africa. Alepidea, Baumiella, Diplolophium, Lefebvrea , and Lichtenskinia are included for the first time.  相似文献   

Ferula coskunii H. Duman & M. Sağıroğlu sp. nov. from the Amanos Mountains (C6: Hatay-Turkey) is described and illustrated. It is closely related to F. drudeana Korovin, from which it differs mainly in habit, basal leaves, stem and mericarp features.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 357–361.  相似文献   

Following a revision of Thapsia (Apiaceae) in north-western Africa, the name Thapsia platycarpa is resurrected and lectotypified for a species that grows between Algeria and Morocco, and a new species Thapsia cinerea is described from the Rif region of north-eastern Morocco. Morphological features that differentiate between these and other species ( T. villosa , T. garganica , T. transtagana and T. gymnesica ) are discussed. An identification key for the plants of the area is presented.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 433–442.  相似文献   

在标本观察和野外调查的基础上,对细莴苣属Stenoseris植物进行了分类学修订,共确认了3种.有3个名称,即Stenoseris leptanthaShih,S.taliensis(Franch.)Shih和S.tenuisShih处理为新异名.此外,重新编制了细莴苣属分种检索表,并较为详细地记录了每种的分布地点.  相似文献   

WIKLUND, A., 1986. The genus Rhanterium (Aateraceae: Inuleae) . This revision of the genus Rhanterium Desf. of the /nu/a-group in the Asteraceae: Inuleae, subtribe Inulinae, is based on studies of herbarium material. The genus is distributed over western North Africa, the Arabian peninsula, Iraq and Iran. Three species are recognized: R. adpressum Coss. & Durieu, R. epapposum Oliver and R. suaveolens Desf. A fourth previously accepted species, R. intermedium Coss. & Durieu ex Pomel, is here considered to be composed of hybrids between R. adpressum and R. suaveolens. A laxonomical recognition of these hybrids is not found to be justified. The morphology, phylogeny and phytogeography of the species are discussed and a cladogram of the genus is proposed.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the catfish genus Silurichthys is revised, and eight species are now recognized. A neotype is designated for S. hasseltii . Two new species are described: S. gibbiceps from the Barito basin in southern Borneo and S. marmoratus from north-western Borneo. Silurichthys leucopodus Fowler, 1939, is considered a subjective junior synonym of S. schneideri Volz, 1904. The extent of the gape and the relative positions of the dorsal and pelvic fins show considerable infraspecific variation and are of little taxonomic value. The number of anal-fin rays is useful if used with other meristic data such as the number of vertebrae. Colour varies infraspecifically as individuals become paler and less mottled at night, but can still be used as a secondary character in separating some species. The head and caudal fin shapes are useful discriminating characters. Mature males are smaller than females and have prominent posterior serrae on the pectoral spine and articulated segments of the first pectoral-fin element. The shape and number of these serrae are also diagnostic for some species.  相似文献   

四川乌头属的修订   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
四川是我国乌头属Aconitum L.植物的重要分布区。本文对该地区的乌头属植物进行了分类修订。通过文献查阅、野外观察和标本室研究,对乌头属的形态性状在居群间和居群内的变异式样进行了比较分析,发现叶分裂程度、上萼片的形状和花梗毛被等性状是较为可靠的分种依据,但是在个别情况,这些性状也会在同一种的同一居群内或不同居群间发生变化。花瓣和种子的特征对于属下划分有重要意义。本文承认四川乌头属植物有46种11变种,另有2种和1变种暂存疑。29种和22变种降为异名;作出新组合2个,其中包括1个改级新组合。紫乌头A. delavayi Franch.和保山乌头A. nagarum Stapf为四川新分布记录。对康定乌头A. tatsienense Finet &; Gagnep.、川鄂乌头A. henryi Pritz.和狭裂乌头A. refractum (Finet &; Gagnep.) Hand.-Mazz.进行了后选模式的标定。初步澄清了东俄洛乌头A. tongolense Ulbr.和狭裂乌头等种类中长期存在的名实混乱。还给出了各个种的形态描述、地理分布以及分亚属、分系和分种检索表。  相似文献   

East Asian species of the genera Hybrizon and Ghilaromma are reviewed. Four species of Hybrizon, H. buccatus (Brébisson 1825), H. ghilarovi Tobias, 1988, H. juncoi (Ceballos 1957) and H. flavofacialis Tobias, 1988 and two species of Ghilaromma, G. orientalis Tobias, 1988 and G. ussuriensis Tobias, 1988, were recognized. H. ghilarovi was recorded from Korea, Japan and China, while H. juncoi was recorded from Korea, for the first time. The specimens recorded from Japan as G. fuliginosi (Wilkinson, 1930) by Watanabe (1984) are referred to G. orientalis herein. This species is newly recorded from Korea and Japan. Keys to East Asian species of Hybrizon and the world species of Ghilaromma are also provided.  相似文献   

基于文献考证和标本研究,将宁德冬青(Ilex ningdeensis C. J. Tseng)修订为乌来冬青(I. uraiensis Yamamoto)的异名,并对南平冬青(I. nanpingensis G. S. He)的分类学地位进行讨论。  相似文献   

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