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Journal of Ichthyology - Eosytchevskia nom. nov. (type species: Parabarbus mynsajensis Sytchevskaya, 1986) has been proposed as a substitute name for the oldest known genus of cyprinids, Parabarbus...  相似文献   

The green alga Pedobesia lamourouxii (J. Agardh) Feldmann et al. (Bryopsidales) is reported from the northern Arabian Sea on the basis of collections from the Sultanate of Oman and Socotra Island (Yemen). Vegetative and sporangial plants as well as the ecology are described. These collections constitute the first record of this widely distributed species for the Indian Ocean. In the course of this study we discovered that Bryopsis simplex Kützing is an older taxonomic synonym, and thus we propose Pedobesia simplex (Kützing) comb. nov. as the correct name for this species. A specimen of Bryopsis simplex in the Leiden Herbarium (L) is designated as lectotype.  相似文献   

The extant Cyprinodontiformes (killifishes) with their two suborders Cyprinodontoidei and Aplocheiloidei represent a diverse and well-studied group of fishes. However, their fossil record is comparatively sparse and has so far yielded members of the Cyprinodontoidei only. Here we report on cyprinodontiform fossils from the upper Miocene Lukeino Formation in the Tugen Hills of the Central Rift Valley of Kenya, which represent the first fossil record of an aplocheiloid killifish. A total of 169 specimens - mostly extraordinarily well preserved - and a sample of ten extant cyprinodontiform species were studied on the basis of morphometrics, meristics and osteology. A phylogenetic analysis using PAUP was also conducted for the fossils. Both the osteological data and the phylogenetic analysis provide strong evidence for the assignment of the fossils to the Aplocheiloidei, and justify the definition of the new family †Kenyaichthyidae, the new genus †Kenyaichthys and the new species †K. kipkechi sp. nov. The phylogenetic analysis unexpectedly places †Kenyaichthys gen. nov. in a sister relationship to the Rivulidae (a purely Neotropical group), a probable explanation might be lack of available synapomorphies for the Rivulidae, Nothobranchiidae and Aplocheilidae. The specimens of †K. kipkechi sp. nov. show several polymorphic characters and large overlap in meristic traits, which justifies their interpretation as a species flock in statu nascendi. Patterns of variation in neural and haemal spine dimensions in the caudal vertebrae of †Kenyaichthys gen. nov. and the extant species studied indicate that some previously suggested synapomorphies of the Cyprinodontoidei and Aplocheiloidei need to be revised.  相似文献   

Polyxylic columnar stems covered by persistent leaf bases and found in sediments assignable to the Upper Cretaceous of Bajo de Santa Rosa, Río Negro Province, Argentina, are described as two new generic entities in the Cycadales. Anatomical characters are the basis for their being assigned to the Encephalartoideae of the Zamiaceae.Brunoa santarrosensis gen. et sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of polyxyly, cone domes, mucilage cavities, and uniseriate to triseriate araucaroid, scalariform, or bordered intervascular pitting.Worsdellia bonettiae gen. et sp. nov. has polyxyly, anastomosing medullary vascular bundles, centripetal xylem, mucilage canals, and concentric extraxylary bundles. Some characters (polyxyly, medullary vascular bundles, and cone domes) were used to determine the systematic position, while other characters (mucilage reservoirs and centripetal xylem) were used to establish the relationship between polyxylic and monoxylic forms.  相似文献   

We propose the name Bumba as a new name for Maraca, preoccupied by Maraca Hebard, 1926 (Orthoptera). We describe and illustrate Bumba lennoni, a new theraphosid species from Caxiuanã, Pará, Brazil. This species differs from the other species of the genus in the extremely reduced keel on male palpal organ and in the higher number of labial and maxillary cuspules. Females additionally differ in the spermathecal morphology. As a consequence of the name replacement, three new combinations are established.  相似文献   

An α-glucosidase producing, thermophilic, facultatively anaerobic, and endospore-forming, motile, rod-shaped bacterial strain F84b(T) was isolated from a high temperature well-pipeline sediment sample in Kizilcahamam, Turkey. The growth occurred at temperatures, pH and salinities ranging from 45 to 69oC (optimum 60oC), 7.0 to 8.5 (optimum 8.0) and 0 to 5% (w/v) (optimum 3.5%), respectively. Strain F84b(T) was able to grow on a wide range of carbon sources. Starch and tyrosine utilization, amylase, catalase and oxidase activities, nitrate reduction, and gas production from nitrate were all positive. The G+C content of the genomic DNA was 49.6 mol%. The menaquinone content was MK-7. The dominant cellular fatty acids were iso-C17:0, iso-C15:0, and C16:0. In phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequence, strain F84b(T) showed high sequence similarity to Geobacillus thermodenitrificans (99.8%) and to Geobacillus subterraneus (99.3%) with DNA hybridization values of 74.3% and 29.1%, respectively. In addition, the Rep-PCR and the intergenic 16S-23S rRNA gene fingerprinting profiles differentiated strain F84b(T) from the Geobacillus species studied. The results obtained from the physiological and biochemical characters, the menaquinone contents, the borderline DNA-DNA hybridization homology, and the genomic fingerprinting patterns had allowed phenotypic, chemotaxonomic and genotypic differentiation of strain F84b(T) from G. thermodenitrificans. Therefore, strain F84b(T) is assigned to be a new subspecies of G. thermodenitrificans, for which the name Geobacillus thermodenitrificans subsp. calidus, subsp. nov. is proposed (The type strain F84b(T) = DSM 22629(T) = NCIMB 14582(T)).  相似文献   

Danielle Decrouez 《Geobios》1976,9(4):515-519
A new benthonic Foraminifera: Pseudolituonella? guerneti n. sp. (Ataxophragmiidae) has been found in upper cenomanian limestones of central Eubee (Greece, pelagonian zone). It is described and illustrated in this publication.  相似文献   

A new name, Michajlowastasia nom. nov., is introduced as a replacement name for the pre-occupied euglenoid genus name Parastasia Michaj?ow, 1972 (nec Westwood, 1841). Eighteen species-group names are referred to this new generic name.  相似文献   

A novel, irregular, coccoid-shaped archaeum was isolated from a hydrothermally heated black smoker wall at the TAG site at the Mid Atlantic Ridge (depth 3650 meters). It grew at between 90°C and 113°C (optimum 106°C) and pH 4.0–6.5 (optimum 5.5) and 1%–4% salt (optimum 1.7%). The organism was a facultatively aerobic obligate chemolithoautotroph gaining energy by H2-oxidation. Nitrate, S2O3 2–, and low concentrations of O2 (up to 0.3% v/v) served as electron acceptors, yielding NH+ 4, H2S, and H2O as end products, respectively. Growth was inhibited by acetate, pyruvate, glucose, starch, or sulfur. The new isolate was able to form colonies on plates (at 102°C) and to grow at a pressure of 25000 kPa (250 bar). Exponentially growing cultures survived a one-hour autoclaving at 121°C. The GC content was 53mol%. The core lipids consisted of glycerol–dialkyl glycerol tetraethers and traces of 2,3-di-O-phytanyl-sn-glycerol. The cell wall was composed of a surface layer of tetrameric protein complexes arranged on a p4-lattice (center-to-center distance 18.5nm). By its 16S rRNA sequence, the new isolate belonged to the Pyrodictiaceae. Based on its GC-content, DNA homology, S-layer composition, and metabolism, we describe here a new genus, which we name Pyrolobus (the "fire lobe"). The type species is Pyrolobus fumarii (type strain 1A; DSM). Received: 28 September 1996 / Accepted: 17 October 1996  相似文献   

Vampyronassa rhodanica nov. gen. nov. sp., Vampyromorpha (Cephalopoda, Coleoidea) from the Lower Callovian of la Voulte-sur-Rhône (Ardèche, France). The Vampyromorpha, an order of cephalopods closely related to Octopoda, have been yet undubitably identified only in recent time, always in deep oceanic waters. Their occurrence since the Middle Jurassic is evidenced by about twenty specimens from the Lower Callovian of la Voulte-sur-Rhône (Ardèche), which exhibit vampyromorph fundamental features : eight sessile arms showing one row of suckers with bordering cirri, a web uniting the arms, a pair of brachial tentacles, well shaped lateral eyes, an internal uncalcified supporting organ (gladius), a pair of supero-posterior fins, two postero-dorsal light-organs, no ink-sac. These specimens, here assigned to the new genus and species Vampyronassa rhodanica, still differ from recent Vampyromorpha by their two first dorsal sessile arms clearly longer than the others, their more important funnel and their longer and slightly more spindle-like body. This characteristic Middle Jurassic vampyromorph leads to admit a much older origin for this cephalopod order. The probably mesopelagic mode of life of this new vampyromorph is then tentatively examined. Critical arguments about the assignment to Vampyromorpha of three large teuthid-like species from the Upper Jurassic of Germany are developed.  相似文献   

John C. Semple 《Brittonia》1978,30(4):492-495
Analysis of the type collections ofChrysopsis hyssopifolia Nutt. (Compositae),C. gigantea Small andC. mixta Dress indicates that all three are conspecific. On the other hand, plants identified by all authors asC. hyssopifolia were found not to be conspecific. A new name is here proposed for these plants,C. Iinearifolia Semple. Two subspecies are recognized, subsp.linearifolia confined to west Florida and subsp.dressii Semple, primarily confined to central peninsular Florida.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):457-464

A new species of Orthotrichum (O. lewinskyae) from the Rif Cordillera and the Mid Atlas Mountains (Morocco) is described. This taxon is included in subgenus Pulchella (Schimp.) Vitt section Pulchella Schimp. It is close to O. scanicum Grönv. and o. holmenii Lew.-Haap., from which it differs by the following combination of characters: large spores (22–30 μm); leaves linear-Ianceolate with wide and excavate at bases; leaf margins progressively narrowed at apices, which can be plane or incurved on one or both sides; upper leaf-cells larger than those of related taxa; seta intermediate between those of O. scanicum and o. holmenii.  相似文献   

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