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Experimental analyses of causes of patterns of distribution and abundance of intertidal animals and plants on rocky shores have been a major activity for many years. In this review, some of the themes and topics that have emerged from such analyses are briefly discussed to provide an up-date for practitioners and ecologists working in other habitats. Conceptual issues include the widespread occurrence of transphyletic use of the same resources (space and food), theories and experimental analyses of intermediate disturbance in relation to numbers of species, the complex but pervasive nature of indirect interactions among species, relative importance of ‘top-down’ versus ‘bottom-up’ control of assemblages and the importance to rocky intertidal species of ‘supply-side’ influences on densities and interactions. Methodological advances include experimental designs for complex and patchy, interacting sets of species, the importance of controls in experimental manipulations and methods for analyses of hierarchical scales of patterns and processes. Finally, some contributions to social issues (pollution, biodiversity) and some scenarios for future directions are briefly considered.  相似文献   

As the recognition of the importance of biological diversity in biological conservation grows, an ongoing challenge is to develop metrics that can be used for effective conservation and management. The ecological integrity assessment has been proposed as such a metric. It is held by some to measure species composition, diversity, and habitat quality, as well as ecosystem structure, composition, and function. The methodology relies on proxy variables that include data on landscape characteristics such as patch size, abiotic factors such as hydrology, and some features of vegetation structure and composition. We suggest that the measure is flawed on four levels. First, its putative representation of general ecological form and function, and its lack of specific detail about how it actually represents those attributes, leaves the metric without the focus needed to be useful for measuring ecological features on the ground and testing associated hypotheses and predictions. Second, the proxy variables used to represent biological diversity, such as habitat (vegetation) metrics and vascular plant species diversity, are not empirically correlated with diversity of a range of taxa or of other components of the biota. Third, like other ecological indices that integrate many distinct features, the ecological integrity index is subject to the loss of information in its condensation of multi-dimensional variability into a one-dimensional index, and it may be subject to systematic bias from the conversion of raw data into categorical scores. Fourth, the sampling protocols are at risk of sampling bias, observer bias, and measurement error, any of which can confound the estimation of conservation value. In terms of biological diversity, the methodology produces an unreliable estimate of the number of vascular plant species and their relative percentages of occurrence, and an absence of any protocols for taxa other than plants. For these reasons we believe that ecological integrity assessment is currently of limited value as a measure of site-specific biological diversity and its change over time. A considerable amount of investigation is needed in order to have confidence in the results of an ecological integrity assessment, especially if it is to be used for regulatory purposes. We suggest further refinements and discuss alternative measures of biological diversity that provide reliable metrics for assessing change. A thoughtful choice among measures can help to identify the most appropriate assessment for conservation decisions.  相似文献   

Frolic A 《Bioethics》2011,25(7):370-382
This paper explores the theory and practice of embodied epistemology or mindful embodiment in ethics case consultation. I argue that not only is this epistemology an ethical imperative to safeguard the integrity of this emerging profession, but that it has the potential to improve the quality of ethics consultation (EC). It also has implications for how ethics consultants are trained and how consultation services are organized. My viewpoint is informed by ethnographic research and by my experimental application of mindful embodiment to the development of an ethics consultation service. My argument proceeds in four phases. First I explore the notion of 'situatedness' in the bioethics literature, identifying gaps in the field's theories as they apply to EC. I then describe my theoretical approach to embodiment grounded in critical-interpretive medical anthropology and autoethnography. I use embodiment to refer to a moral epistemology grounded in the body, comprised of the interplay of physical, symbolic, intersubjective and political elements. Third, I describe how mindful embodiment can inform the role of the ethics consultant and the development of effective training techniques, vocabularies and processes for EC. I also discuss the benefits of this orientation, and the potential harms of ignoring the embodied dimensions of EC. My goals are to expose the fallacy of the 'theory-practice gap', to demonstrate how my own EC practice is deeply informed by this theoretical orientation, and to argue for a wider definition of what 'counts' as relevant theory for ethics consultation.  相似文献   

Pulmonary intravascular macrophages (PIMs) are constitutively found in species such as cattle, horse, pig, sheep, goat, cats, and whales and can be induced in species such as rats, which normally lack them. It is believed that human lung lacks PIMs, but there are previous suggestions of their induction in patients suffering from liver dysfunction. Recent data show induction of PIMs in bile-duct ligated rats and humans suffering from hepato-pulmonary syndrome. Because constitutive and induced PIMs are pro-inflammatory in response to endotoxins and bacteria, there is a need to study their biology in inflammatory lung diseases such as sepsis, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, or hepato-pulmonary syndrome. We provide a review of PIM biology to make an argument for increased emphasis and better focus on the study of human PIMs to better understand their potential role in the pathophysiology and mechanisms of pulmonary diseases.  相似文献   

Antibiotics are enormously important for the humane and efficient production of food animals. These benefits are somewhat offset by the human and animal health antibiotic resistance risks posed by their use in animals. This article provides an overview of what we have learned about antibiotic resistance as an issue in animal agriculture and where that knowledge could lead us in the future. To preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics, more action is needed to ensure their prudent use, particularly in the case of antibiotic growth promoters and antibiotics deemed critically important for human and animal health.  相似文献   

Species distribution models (SDMs) have become one of the major predictive tools in ecology. However, multiple methodological choices are required during the modelling process, some of which may have a large impact on forecasting results. In this context, virtual species, i.e. the use of simulations involving a fictitious species for which we have perfect knowledge of its occurrence–environment relationships and other relevant characteristics, have become increasingly popular to test SDMs. This approach provides for a simple virtual ecologist framework under which to test model properties, as well as the effects of the different methodological choices, and allows teasing out the effects of targeted factors with great certainty. This simplification is therefore very useful in setting up modelling standards and best practice principles. As a result, numerous virtual species studies have been published over the last decade. The topics covered include differences in performance between statistical models, effects of sample size, choice of threshold values, methods to generate pseudo‐absences for presence‐only data, among many others. These simulations have therefore already made a great contribution to setting best modelling practices in SDMs. Recent software developments have greatly facilitated the simulation of virtual species, with at least three different packages published to that effect. However, the simulation procedure has not been homogeneous, which introduces some subtleties in the interpretation of results, as well as differences across simulation packages. Here we 1) review the main contributions of the virtual species approach in the SDM literature; 2) compare the major virtual species simulation approaches and software packages; and 3) propose a set of recommendations for best simulation practices in future virtual species studies in the context of SDMs.  相似文献   

Kochman A  Kośka C  Metodiewa D 《Amino acids》2002,23(1-3):95-101
This overview summarizes recent findings on the role of tyrosyl radical (TyrO(*)) in the multitudinous neurochemical systems of brain, and theorizes on the putative role of TyrO(*) in neurological disorders [Parkinson's disease (PD), Alzheimer's disease (AD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)]. TyrO(*) and tyrosine per se can interact with reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) via radical mechanisms and chain propagating reactions. The concentration of TyrO(*), ROS and RNS can increase dramatically under conditions of generalized stress: oxidative, nitrative or reductive as well, and this can induce damage directly (by lipid peroxidation) or indirectly (by proteins oxidation and/or nitration), potentially causing apoptotic neuronal cell death or autoschizis.Evidence of lesion-induced neuronal oxidative stress includes the presence of protein peroxides (TyrOOH), DT (o,o'-dityrosine) and 3-NT (3-nitrotyrosine). Mechanistic details of protein- and enzymatic oxidation/nitration in vivo remain unresolved, although recent in vitro data strongly implicate free radical pathways via TyrO(*). Nitration/denitration processes can be pathological, but they also may play: 1). a signal transduction role, because nitration of tyrosine residues through TyrO(*) formation can modulate, as well the phosphorylation (tyrosine kinases activity) and/or tyrosine hydroxylation (tyrosine hydroxylase inactivation), leading to consequent dopamine synthesis failure and increased degradation of target proteins, respectively; 2). a role of "blocker" for radical-radical reactions (scavenging of NO(*), NO(*)(2) and CO(3)(*-) by TyrO(*)); 3). a role of limiting factors for peroxynitrite formation, by lowering O(2)(*-) formation, which is strongly linked to the pathogenesis of neural diseases.It is still not known if tyrosine oxidation/nitration via TyrO(*) formation is 1). a footprint of generalized stress and neuronal disorders, or 2). an important part of O(2)(*-) and NO(*) metabolism, or 3). merely a part of integral processes for maintaining of neuronal homeostasis. The full answer to these questions should be of top research priority, as the problem of increased free radical formation in brain and/or imbalance of the ratios ROS/RNS/TyrO(*) may be all important in defining whether oxidative stress is the critical determinant of tissue and neural cell injury that leads to pathological end-points.  相似文献   

Early psychological theories of autism explained the clinical features of this condition in terms of perceptual and sensory processing impairments. The arrival of domain-specific social cognitive theories changed this focus, postulating a ‘primary’ and specific psychological impairment of social cognition. Across the years, evidence has been growing in support of social cognitive and social attention explanations in autism. However, there has also been evidence for general non-social cognitive impairments in representational understanding, attention allocation and sensory processing. Here, I review recent findings and consider the case for the specificity and primacy of the social cognitive impairment, proposing that we should focus more explicitly on clinically valid features for insights on the integration of ‘social’ and ‘non-social’ cognition.  相似文献   

For almost a decade, in vitro selection experiments have been used to isolate novel nucleic acids, peptides and proteins according to their function. Selection experiments have altered our perception of molecular mimicry and catalysis, and they appear to be more facile than rational design at generating biopolymers with desired properties. New methods that have been developed improve the power of functional strategies in ways that nature has already discovered - by expanding library size and facilitating the recombination of positive mutations. Recent structural information on a number of selected and evolved molecules highlights future challenges for design via rational approaches.  相似文献   

Late-onset porphyrias: what are they?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Porphyrias are inherited disorders of heme biosynthesis. ALA dehydratase porphyria (ADP) and congenital erythropoietic porphyria (CEP) are autosomal recessive porphyrias, and are typically expressed at birth or in childhood. However, a few cases of late-onset recessive porphyrias have been reported. Recently we encountered a late-onset ADP patient who developed symptoms of acute porphyria when he was 63 years old. This was accompanied by polycythemia vera. It was concluded that he developed the porphyria because an abnormal ALAD allele was clonally expanded by polycythemia vera. Upon reviewing the literature, a few cases of late-onset CEP were found to be also associated with hematologic abnormalities suggestive of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), another clonal disorder. These findings suggest that these late-onset porphyrias may be heterozygous for their gene defects, but clinical expression may be elicited if there is a loss of heterozygosity, either by a clonal expansion of the porphyric allele or by a loss of function mutation in the other allele.  相似文献   

To engineer plants with increased and durable disease resistance using transgenic technologies we must address two questions. First, what gene or genes do we want to express to improve disease resistance, and second, how are we going to express these genes so that crop yields are actually increased? Emerging technologies are providing us with a plethora of candidate genes that might lead to enhanced crop protection through genetic engineering. These genes can come from plants, from pathogens or from other organisms and several strategies for their manipulation show promise. Here, we discuss recent advances and consider future perspectives for producing plants with durable disease resistance.  相似文献   

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