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Southern South America has a rather low fish species diversity. Gymnocharacinus bergi, the southernmost characid fish of the world, is the only member of Characoidei in the Argentine Patagonia. The isolation of this species in an endorheic stream has been linked to the thermal conditions of its habitat, the head-waters of the Valcheta Stream, which is the only site where this species occurs. We provide information on the distribution and thermal habitat of this species and other fishes in the Valcheta Stream. The responses of G. bergi to high and low temperatures were assessed in the laboratory under different temperatures and heating and cooling rates. Our results suggest that G. bergi is unable to extend its distribution to the colder waters nearby, as well as to waters with greater temperature fluctuations. We discuss the implications of our experimental data, the habitat of G. bergi, and the known responses of a few other paranensean fishes to temperature, within the framework of the thermal ecology of freshwater fishes.  相似文献   

Increasing temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations will affect tree carbon fluxes, generating potential feedbacks between forests and the global climate system. We studied how elevated temperatures and CO2 impacted leaf carbon dynamics in Norway spruce (Picea abies), a dominant northern forest species, to improve predictions of future photosynthetic and respiratory fluxes from high‐latitude conifers. Seedlings were grown under ambient (AC, c. 435 μmol mol?1) or elevated (EC, 750 μmol mol?1) CO2 concentrations at ambient, +4 °C, or +8 °C growing temperatures. Photosynthetic rates (Asat) were high in +4 °C/EC seedlings and lowest in +8 °C spruce, implying that moderate, but not extreme, climate change may stimulate carbon uptake. Asat, dark respiration (Rdark), and light respiration (Rlight) rates acclimated to temperature, but not CO2: the thermal optimum of Asat increased, and Rdark and Rlight were suppressed under warming. In all treatments, the Q10 of Rlight (the relative increase in respiration for a 10 °C increase in leaf temperature) was 35% higher than the Q10 of Rdark, so the ratio of Rlight to Rdark increased with rising leaf temperature. However, across all treatments and a range of 10–40 °C leaf temperatures, a consistent relationship between Rlight and Rdark was found, which could be used to model Rlight in future climates. Acclimation reduced daily modeled respiratory losses from warm‐grown seedlings by 22–56%. When Rlight was modeled as a constant fraction of Rdark, modeled daily respiratory losses were 11–65% greater than when using measured values of Rlight. Our findings highlight the impact of acclimation to future climates on predictions of carbon uptake and losses in northern trees, in particular the need to model daytime respiratory losses from direct measurements of Rlight or appropriate relationships with Rdark.  相似文献   

Understanding the extent to which phylogenetic constraints and adaptive evolutionary forces help define the physiological sensitivity of species is critical for anticipating climate‐related impacts in aquatic environments. Yet, whether upper thermal tolerance and plasticity are shaped by common evolutionary and environmental mechanisms remains to be tested. Based on a systematic literature review, we investigated this question in 82 freshwater fish species (27 families) representing 829 experiments for which data existed on upper thermal limits and it was possible to estimate plasticity using upper thermal tolerance reaction norms. Our findings indicated that there are strong phylogenetic signals in both thermal tolerances and acclimation capacity, although it is weaker in the latter. We found that upper thermal tolerances are correlated with the temperatures experienced by species across their range, likely because of spatially autocorrelated processes in which closely related species share similar selection pressures and limited dispersal from ancestral environments. No association with species thermal habitat was found for acclimation capacity. Instead, species with the lowest physiological plasticity also displayed the highest thermal tolerances, reflecting to some extent an evolutionary trade‐off between these two traits. Although our study demonstrates that macroecological climatic niche features measured from species distributions are likely to provide a good approximation of freshwater fish sensitivity to climate change, disentangling the mechanisms underlying both acute and chronic heat tolerances may help to refine predictions regarding climate change‐related range shifts and extinctions.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, hundreds of studies have examined the abilities of whole organisms to modify their physiology and behaviour in response to environmental temperature changes; despite this, virtually nothing is known about the ability of sex cells to adjust to different temperature conditions. In fact, a recent meta‐analysis based on studies of 309 species and 112 physiological and ecological traits found no studies examining the influence of temperature on gamete function. Because sex cells play a critical role in the adaptation and persistence of species, this represents a severe oversight in physiological studies of thermal adaptation. Our study examines whether sex cells can respond phenotypically to variation in the thermal environment that is experienced by the whole‐organism. Specifically, we studied the thermal dependence of sperm swimming and the critical thermal limits of sperm cells in males of the poeciliid fish, Gambusia holbrooki. This species is well known for its ability to modify physiological function and maintains burst and sustained swimming performance and mating ability across a wide range of thermal conditions. In contrast, we found that sperm cells from male G. holbrooki did not adjust their physiological function as predicted by adaptive models. After acclimation of adult males to cool or warm temperatures, we found that the critical thermal limits of sperm function remained unchanged, as did the effect of temperature on sperm swimming performance. However, warm‐acclimated fish had sperm with higher swimming speeds across all temperatures. The absence of phenotypic changes in the critical thermal limits of sperm or thermal dependence of sperm swimming performance is surprising given that whole‐organism traits in G. holbrooki generally show improved performance after exposure to novel environments. As such an inability to thermally adjust gamete function may be widespread among other organisms, we urge biologists to investigate the generality of this result.  相似文献   

Climate change projections indicate more frequent and severe tropical marine heatwaves (MHWs) and accompanying hypoxia year-round. However, most studies have focused on peak summer conditions under the assumption that annual maximum temperatures will induce the greatest physiological consequences. This study challenges this idea by characterizing seasonal MHWs (i.e., mean, maximum, and cumulative intensities, durations, heating rates, and mean annual occurrence) and comparing metabolic traits (i.e., standard metabolic rate (SMR), Q10 of SMR, maximum metabolic rate (MMR), aerobic scope, and critical oxygen tension (Pcrit)) of winter- and summer-acclimatized convict tang (Acanthurus triostegus) to the combined effects of MHWs and hypoxia. Fish were exposed to one of six MHW treatments with seasonally varying maximum intensities (winter: 24.5, 26.5, 28.5°C; summer: 28.5, 30.5, 32.5°C), representing past and future MHWs under IPCC projections (i.e., +0, +2, +4°C). Surprisingly, MHW characteristics did not significantly differ between seasons, yet SMR was more sensitive to winter MHWs (mean Q10 = 2.92) than summer MHWs (mean Q10 = 1.81), despite higher absolute summer temperatures. Concurrently, MMR increased similarly among winter +2 and +4°C treatments (i.e., 26.5, 28.5°C) and all summer MHW treatments, suggesting a ceiling for maximal MMR increase. Aerobic scope did not significantly differ between seasons nor among MHW treatments. While mean Pcrit did not significantly vary between seasons, warming of +4°C during winter (i.e., 28.5°C) significantly increased Pcrit relative to the winter control group. Contrary to the idea of increased sensitivity to MHWs during the warmest time of year, our results reveal heightened sensitivity to the deleterious effects of winter MHWs, and that seasonal acclimatization to warmer summer conditions may bolster metabolic resilience to warming and hypoxia. Consequently, physiological sensitivity to MHWs and hypoxia may extend across larger parts of the year than previously expected, emphasizing the importance of evaluating climate change impacts during cooler seasons when essential fitness-related traits such as reproduction occur in many species.  相似文献   

Critical thermal maximum (CTmax) is widely used to measure upper thermal tolerance in fish but is rarely examined in embryos. Upper thermal limits generally depend on an individual's thermal history, which molds plasticity. We examined how thermal acclimation affects thermal tolerance of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) embryos using a novel method to assess CTmax in embryos incubated under three thermal regimes. Warm acclimation was associated with an increase in embryonic upper thermal tolerance. However, CTmax variability was markedly higher than is typical for juvenile or adult salmonids.  相似文献   

Final temperature preferendum of white shrimp adults were determined with acute and gravitation methods. The final preferendum was similar, independent of method (26.2–25.6 °C). A direct relationship was determined between the critical thermal maxima values and the acclimation temperatures (P<0.05). The end point of Critical Thermal Maxima (CTMax) for adults was defined as the loss of righting response (LRR). The acclimation response ratio (ARR) for adults of white shrimp had an interval of 0.36–0.76, values that agreed with others obtained for crustaceans from tropical and subtropical climates. The oxygen consumption rates increased significantly (P<0.05) from 39.6 up to 90.0 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 wet weight (w.w.) as the acclimation temperature increased from 20 to 32 °C. The range of temperature coefficient (Q10) of the white shrimp between 23 and 26 °C was the lower 1.60. The results obtained in this work are discussed in relation to the species importance in the reproductive scope and maintenance of breeders.  相似文献   

Some fish species, such as killifish, that normally inhabit temperate water environments are also found in extreme thermal environments such as thermal springs. The extent of the adaptations involved is not known. In the present laboratory study, we exposed killifish (Aphanius dispar) acclimated to a normal thermal environment to elevated temperatures (37–40 °C) in which related killifish species live permanently. Our objective was to determine whether there is evidence that killifish have heat-shock characteristics that make permanent adaptation likely. The fish was exposed to this temperature for a period of 44 days and then compared with control fish kept at their normal temperature (24 °C) with respect to growth, survival and histopathology of gill and heart tissues. At the end of the experimental time, the percentage of body weight gain and specific growth rate were significantly lower in fish kept in thermal stress compared with the control group. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was also significantly affected by water temperature, so that during thermal stress the values of FCR were negative. Fish condition (Condition factor: CF) did not differ significantly between both groups at the end of the experiment. On days 11 and 33, however, CF was significantly lower in the thermal stress group. The gill showed blood congestion in primary lamellae and shortened secondary lamellae in fish kept at 37–40 °C. No specific alterations were found in the cardiac tissue of fish kept in thermal stress conditions. Under thermal stress, 40% of fish survived until the end of the experiment. A preliminary conclusion drawn from this work is that A. dispar, which lives at normal temperatures, shows evidence of adaptability to elevated temperatures that could be a factor in the ability of killifish to adapt permanently over time to thermal environment.  相似文献   

Due to anthropogenic CO2 emissions, our oceans have gradually become warmer and more acidic. To better understand the consequences of this, there is a need for long‐term (months) and multistressor experiments. Earlier research demonstrates that the effects of global climate change are specific to species and life stages. We exposed berried Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), during 4 months to the combination of six ecologically relevant temperatures (5–18°C) and reduced pH (by 0.4 units). Embryonic responses were investigated by quantifying proxies for development rate and fitness including: % yolk consumption, mean heart rate, rate of oxygen consumption, and oxidative stress. We found no interactions between temperature and pH, and reduced pH only affected the level of oxidative stress significantly, with a higher level of oxidative stress in the controls. Increased temperature and % yolk consumed had positive effects on all parameters except on oxidative stress, which did not change in response to temperature. There was a difference in development rate between the ranges of 5–10°C (Q10: 5.4) and 10–18°C (Q10: 2.9), implicating a thermal break point at 10°C or below. No thermal limit to a further increased development rate was found. The insensitivity of N. norvegicus embryos to low pH might be explained by adaptation to a pH‐reduced external habitat and/or internal hypercapnia during incubation. Our results thus indicate that this species would benefit from global warming and be able to withstand the predicted decrease in ocean pH in the next century during their earliest life stages. However, future studies need to combine low pH and elevated temperature treatments with hypoxia as hypoxic events are frequently and increasingly occurring in the habitat of benthic species.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy increases the risk for congenital heart disease in the offspring. The majority of the cardiovascular malformations occur in the outflow tract and pharyngeal arch arteries, where neural crest cells are essential for normal development. We studied the effects of specific exposure of neural crest cells to elevated glucose on heart development. Antioxidants reduce the damaging effect of glucose on neural crest cells in vitro; therefore, we investigated the effect of supplementing N-acetylcysteine in vivo. METHODS: Cardiac neural crest of HH 8-12 chicken embryos was directly exposed by a single injection in the neural tube with 30 mM D-glucose (or 30 mM L-glucose as a control). To examine the effect of a reduction in oxidative stress, we added 2 mM N-acetylcysteine to the injected D-glucose. RESULTS: Exposure of neural crest cells to elevated D-glucose-induced congenital heart malformations in 82% of the embryos. In the embryos injected with L-glucose, only 9% developed a heart malformation. As expected, all malformations were located in the outflow tract and pharyngeal arch arteries. The frequency of heart malformations decreased from 82% to 27% when 2 mM N-acetylcysteine was added to the injected D-glucose. CONCLUSIONS: These data are the first to confirm that the vulnerability of neural crest cells to elevated glucose induces congenital heart malformations. The fact that N-acetylcysteine limits the teratogenicity of glucose implies that its damaging effect is mediated by an increase of oxidative stress in the neural crest cells.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to investigate whether extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) affect certain cellular functions and immunologic parameters of mouse macrophages. In this study, the influence of 50 Hz magnetic fields (MF) at 1.0 mT was investigated on the phagocytic activity and on the interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) production in differentiated macrophages. MF-exposure led to an increased phagocytic activity after 45 min, shown as a 1.6-fold increased uptake of latex beads in MF-exposed cells compared to controls. We also demonstrate an increased IL-1beta release in macrophages after 24 h exposure (1.0 mT MF). Time-dependent IL-1beta formation was significantly increased already after 4 h and reached a maximum of 12.3-fold increase after 24 h compared to controls. Another aspect of this study was to examine the genotoxic capacity of 1.0 mT MF by analyzing the micronucleus (MN) formation in long-term (12, 24, and 48 h) exposed macrophages. Our data show no significant differences in MN formation or irregular mitotic activities in exposed cells. Furthermore, the effects of different flux densities (ranging from 0.05 up to 1.0 mT for 45 min) of 50 Hz MF was tested on free radical formation as an endpoint of cell activation in mouse macrophage precursor cells. All tested flux densities significantly stimulated the formation of free radicals. Here, we demonstrate the capacity of ELF-EMF to stimulate physiological cell functions in mouse macrophages shown by the significantly elevated phagocytic activity, free radical release, and IL-1beta production suggesting the cell activation capacity of ELF-EMF in the absence of any genotoxic effects.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous and ever‐changing thermal environments drive the evolution of populations and species, especially when extreme conditions increase selection pressure for traits influencing fitness. However, projections of biological diversity under scenarios of climate change rarely consider evolutionary adaptive potential of natural species. In this study, we tested for mechanistic evidence of evolutionary thermal adaptation among ecologically divergent redband trout populations (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) in cardiorespiratory function, cellular response and genomic variation. In a common garden environment, fish from an extreme desert climate had significantly higher critical thermal maximum (< .05) and broader optimum thermal window for aerobic scope (>3°C) than fish from cooler montane climate. In addition, the desert population had the highest maximum heart rate during warming (20% greater than montane populations), indicating improved capacity to deliver oxygen to internal tissues. In response to acute heat stress, distinct sets of cardiac genes were induced among ecotypes, which helps to explain the differences in cardiorespiratory function. Candidate genomic markers and genes underlying these physiological adaptations were also pinpointed, such as genes involved in stress response and metabolic activity (hsp40, ldh‐b and camkk2). These markers were developed into a multivariate model that not only accurately predicted critical thermal maxima, but also evolutionary limit of thermal adaptation in these specific redband trout populations relative to the expected limit for the species. This study demonstrates mechanisms and limitations of an aquatic species to evolve under changing environments that can be incorporated into advanced models to predict ecological consequences of climate change for natural organisms.  相似文献   

Nanoparticles have unique properties that make them attractive for use in industrial and medical technology industries but can also be harmful to living organisms, making an understanding of their molecular mechanisms of action essential. We examined the effect of three different sized poly(isobutyl‐cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles (iBCA‐NPs) on the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. We found that exposure to iBCA‐NPs immediately caused C. reinhardtii to display abnormal swimming behaviors. Furthermore, after one hour, most of the cells had stopped swimming and 10%–30% of cells were stained with trypan blue, suggesting that these cells had severely impaired plasma membranes. Observation of the cyto‐ultrastructure showed that the cell walls had been severely damaged and that many iBCA‐NPs were located in the space between the cell wall and plasma membrane, as well as inside the cytosol in some cases. A comparison of three strains of C. reinhardtii with different cell wall conditions further showed that the cell mortality ratio increased more rapidly in the absence of a cell wall. Interestingly, cell mortality over time was essentially identical regardless of iBCA‐NP size if the total surface area was the same. Furthermore, direct observation of the trails of iBCA‐NPs indicated that the first trigger was their contact with the cell wall, which is most likely accompanied by the inactivation or removal of adsorbed proteins from the cell wall surface. Cell mortality was accompanied by the overproduction of reactive oxygen species, which was detected more readily in cells grown under constant light rather than in the dark.  相似文献   

To examine the biological effects of radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields in vitro, we have examined the fundamental cellular responses, such as cell growth, survival, and cell cycle distribution, following exposure to a wide range of specific absorption rates (SAR). Furthermore, we compared the effects of continuous and intermittent exposure at high SARs. An RF electromagnetic field exposure unit operating at a frequency of 2.45 GHz was used to expose cells to SARs from 0.05 to 1500 W/kg. When cells were exposed to a continuous RF field at SARs from 0.05 to 100 W/kg for 2 h, cellular growth rate, survival, and cell cycle distribution were not affected. At 200 W/kg, the cell growth rate was suppressed and cell survival decreased. When the cells were exposed to an intermittent RF field at 300 W/kg(pk), 900 W/kg(pk) and 1500 W/kg(pk) (100 W/kg(mean)), no significant differences were observed between these conditions and intermittent wave exposure at 100 W/kg. When cells were exposed to a SAR of 50 W/kg for 2 h, the temperature of the medium around cells rose to 39.1 degrees C, 100 W/kg exposure increased the temperature to 41.0 degrees C, and 200 W/kg exposure increased the temperature to 44.1 degrees C. Exposure to RF radiation results in heating of the medium, and the thermal effect depends on the mean SAR. Hence, these results suggest that the proliferation disorder is caused by the thermal effect.  相似文献   

Marine organisms living at low temperatures tend to have larger genomes and larger cells which suggest that these traits can be beneficial in colder environments. In fish, triploidy (three complete sets of chromosomes) can be induced experimentally following fertilization, which provides a model system to investigate the hypothesis that larger cells and genomes offers a physiological advantage at low temperatures. We tested this hypothesis by measuring metabolic rates and swimming performance of diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) post smolts acclimated to 3 or 10.5 °C. At 10.5 °C, triploids had significantly lower maximum metabolic rates which resulted in a lower aerobic scope compared to diploids. In addition, triploids initiated ram ventilation at lower swimming speeds, providing further evidence of a reduced capacity to meet oxygen demands during strenuous activity at 10.5 °C. However, at 3 °C, metabolic rates and critical swimming speeds were similar between both ploidies, and as expected substantially lower than at 10.5 °C. Therefore, triploidy in colder environments did not provide any advantage over diploidy in terms of metabolic rate traits or swimming performance in Atlantic salmon. We therefore conclude that traits, other than aerobic scope and swimming performance, contribute to the trend for increased cell and genome size in marine ectotherms living in cold environments.  相似文献   

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