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David G. Chapple Stephanie N. J. Chapple Michael B. Thompson 《Journal of Biogeography》2011,38(9):1761-1775
Aim To investigate the impact of climatic oscillations and recognized biogeographic barriers on the evolutionary history of the garden skink (Lampropholis guichenoti), a common and widespread vertebrate in south‐eastern Australia. Location South‐eastern Australia. Methods Sequence data were obtained from the ND4 mitochondrial gene for 123 individuals from 64 populations across the entire distribution of the garden skink. A range of phylogenetic (maximum likelihood, Bayesian) and phylogeographic analyses (genetic diversity, Tajima’s D, ΦST, mismatch distribution) were conducted to examine the evolutionary history and diversification of the garden skink. Results A deep phylogeographic break (c. 14%), estimated to have occurred in the mid–late Miocene, was found between ‘northern’ and ‘southern’ populations across the Hunter Valley in northern New South Wales. Divergences among the geographically structured clades within the ‘northern’ (five clades) and ‘southern’ (seven clades) lineages occurred during the Pliocene, with the location of the major breaks corresponding to the recognized biogeographic barriers in south‐eastern Australia. Main conclusions Climatic fluctuations and the presence of several elevational and habitat barriers in south‐eastern Australia appear to be responsible for the diversification of the garden skink over the last 10 Myr. Further molecular and morphological work will be required to determine whether the two genetic lineages represent distinct species. 相似文献
Abstract We describe a new skink species (Oligosoma taumakae sp. nov.) from the Open Bay Islands, New Zealand. This species is diagnosed on the basis of several morphological characteristics, and its specific status is supported by mitochondrial sequence data (ND2, ND4). The new species appears to be most closely related to O. acrinasum, O. infra‐punctatum, O. otagense and O. waimatense. The new taxon appears to be rare and endemic to the island of Taumaka in the Open Bay Islands (off the west coast of the South Island). Predation by a flightless rail (weka, Gallirallus australis), native to New Zealand but introduced to the Open Bay Islands, is a major conservation concern. 相似文献
European colonization by the spined loach (Cobitis taenia) from Ponto-Caspian refugia based on mitochondrial DNA variation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In the last 20 years, new species, asexual reproduction, polyploidy and hybridization have all been reported within the genus Cobitis. An understanding of the current distribution and baseline phylogeographical history of 'true' nonhybrid Cobitis species is crucial in order to unravel these discoveries. In the present work, we investigated the phylogeography of the spined loach, Cobitis taenia, using 1126 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from 174 individuals collected at 47 sites. In total, 51 haplotypes that differed at 49 positions (4.35%) were detected. We deduce that C. taenia survived European glaciations in at least three refugees in the Ponto-Caspian area. Two of these refugees each provided a major lineage that recolonized Europe in separate directions: one westward to England and the other spreading north into Russia before moving west. A third (minor) lineage that contributed little to the recolonization of Europe was also revealed--remaining near its Black Sea refuge. However, more recent history was difficult to resolve with colonization from a more western refugium during the last glacial maximum (LGM) a distinct possibility. Nested clade analysis indicates a pattern of restricted gene flow with isolation by distance at the first two levels and overall. Unlike many other European freshwater fish species, the Danube is not part of the current distribution of C. taenia, nor was it used as either a refuge or a source of colonization of Europe. Low genetic diversity within C. taenia suggests that its colonization of Europe is relatively recent. Demographic analyses revealed a history of recent expansion and isolation by distance. 相似文献
New Zealand has experienced a complex climatic and geological history since the Pliocene. Thus, identifying the processes most important in having driven the evolution of New Zealand's biota has proven difficult. Here we examine the phylogeography of the New Zealand common skink ( Oligosoma nigriplantare polychroma ) which is distributed throughout much of New Zealand and crosses many putative biogeographical boundaries. Using mitochondrial DNA sequence data, we revealed five geographically distinct lineages that are highly differentiated (pairwise ΦST 0.54–0.80). The phylogeographical pattern and inferred age of the lineages suggests Pliocene mountain building along active fault lines promoted their divergence 3.98–5.45 million years ago. A short interspersed nuclear element (SINE) polymorphism in the myosin gene intron ( MYH-2 ) confirmed a pattern of restricted gene flow between lineages on either side of the mountain ranges associated with the Alpine Fault that runs southwest to northeast across the South Island of New Zealand. An analysis of molecular variance confirmed that ~40% of the genetic differentiation in O. n. polychroma is distributed across this major fault line. The straits between the main islands of New Zealand accounted for much less of the variation found within O. n. polychroma , most likely due to the repeated existence of landbridges between islands during periods of the Pleistocene that allowed migration. Overall, our findings reveal the relative roles of different climatic and geological processes, and in particular, demonstrate the importance of the Alpine Fault in the evolution of New Zealand's biota. 相似文献
R. LORENZINI S. LOVARI 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2006,88(1):85-100
The extant taxa of central and northern Europe are commonly believed to derive from Pleistocene ancestors, who moved to the north from three separate glacial refugia: the Iberian and Italian peninsulae, as well as the southern Balkans. The issue of postglacial dispersal patterns was addressed through the investigation of population structure and phylogeography of the European roe deer, Capreolus capreolus . The genetic diversity in 376 individuals representing 14 allegedly native populations across their European range was assessed, using ten autosomal microsatellite loci and restriction fragment length polymorphisms of the mitochondrial D-loop and NADH dehydrogenase 1 gene segments. Our results suggest the existence of three major genetic lineages of roe deer in Europe. One comprises populations in the south-western limit of the species' distribution (i.e. Iberia), where an internal substructure splits a northern from a southern sublineage. A second lineage includes populations of southern and eastern Europe, as well as a separate sublineage sampled in central-southern Italy, where the existence of the subspecies Capreolus c. italicus was supported. In central-northern Europe, a third lineage is present, which appeared genetically rather homogeneous, although admixed, and equally divergent from both the eastern and western lineages. Current patterns of intraspecific genetic variation suggest that postglacial recolonization routes of this cervid to northern Europe could be due to range expansion from one or more refugia in central-eastern Europe, rather than proceeding from the Mediterranean areas. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 85–100. 相似文献
Christopher D. Jones M. Eric Anderson Arcady V. Balushkin Guy Duhamel Richard R. Eakin Joseph T. Eastman Kristen L. Kuhn Guillaume Lecointre Thomas J. Near Anthony W. North David L. Stein Marino Vacchi H. William Detrich III 《Polar Biology》2008,31(12):1481-1497
A primary objective of the ICEFISH 2004 cruise was to collect and study notothenioid fishes from remote localities in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Nearly 1 month was devoted to bottom trawling for fishes on the shelf and upper slope (to 1,000 m) areas around Shag Rocks, South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands and Bouvetøya. The focus was on the latter two locations, because their faunas are more poorly known. Eight species were collected at Shag Rocks with Patagonotothen guntheri most abundant; 17 at South Georgia with Lepidonotothen nudifrons, L. larseni and Gobionotothen gibberifrons most abundant; 13 at the South Sandwich Islands with L. larseni, L. nudifrons and G. gibberifrons most abundant; and 11 at Bouvetøya with L. larseni, Macrourus holotrachys and L. squamifrons most abundant. Ten new locality records were established: Shag Rocks (1), South Georgia (1), South Sandwich Islands (5), South Sandwich Trench at 5,350 m (1) and Bouvetøya (2). Total known demersal fish diversity on the shelf and upper slope at Shag Rocks/South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands and Bouvetøya is 42, 31 and 17 species, respectively. To examine population structure in the four most abundant notothenioids at Bouvetøya (L. larseni, L. squamifrons, Notothenia coriiceps and Chaenocephalus aceratus), we examined the ND2 portion of mitochondrial DNA. Chaenocephalus aceratus, N. coriiceps and L. larseni exhibited no significant genetic differentiation in comparison with samples from localities in the Scotia Sea and the Antarctic Peninsula. However, L. squamifrons showed significant genetic differentiation between the South Shetlands and Bouvetøya populations (F ST = 0.189, P = 0.015). Thus, these data combined with previous studies of two other notothenioids suggest that five of the six notothenioid species at Bouvetøya are not genetically differentiated from other localities in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. The location of Bouvetøya within the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and the long (1–2 years) pelagic stages of the notothenioids at Bouvetøya may be at least partly responsible for this genetic homogeneity. 相似文献
Stephanie N. J. Greaves David G. Chapple † Charles H. Daugherty Dianne M. Gleeson Peter A. Ritchie 《Journal of Biogeography》2008,35(5):853-864
Aim To examine the hypothesis raised by Graham S. Hardy that Pleistocene glacial cycles suffice to explain divergence among lineages within the endemic New Zealand speckled skink, Oligosoma infrapunctatum Boulenger. Location Populations were sampled from across the entire range of the species, on the North and South Islands of New Zealand. Methods We sequenced the mitochondrial genes ND2 (550 bp), ND4 + tRNAs (773 bp) and cytochrome b (610 bp) of 45 individuals from 21 locations. Maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony and Bayesian methods were used for phylogenetic reconstruction. The Shimodaira–Hasegawa test was used to examine hypotheses about the taxonomic status of morphologically distinctive populations. Results Our analysis revealed four strongly supported clades within O. infrapunctatum. Clades were largely allopatric, except on the west coast of the South Island, where representatives from all four clades were found. Divergences among lineages within the species were extremely deep, reaching over 5%. Two contrasting phylogeographical patterns are evident within O. infrapunctatum. Main conclusions The deep genetic divisions we found suggest that O. infrapunctatum is a complex of cryptic species which diverged in the Pliocene, contrary to the existing Pleistocene‐based hypothesis. Although Pleistocene glacial cycles do not underlie major divergences within this species, they may be responsible for the shallower phylogeographical patterns that are found within O. infrapunctatum, which include a radiation of haplotypes in the Nelson and Westland regions. 相似文献
Eric Petit Laurent Excoffier Frieder Mayer 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1999,53(4):1247-1258
During the Pleistocene, the habitat of the noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula) was limited to small refuge areas located in Southern Europe, whereas the species is now widespread across this continent. Using mtDNA (control region and ND1 gene) polymorphisms, we asked whether this recolonization occurred through bottlenecks and whether it was accompanied by population growth. Sequences of the second hypervariable domain of the control region were obtained from 364 noctule bats representing 18 colonies sampled across Europe. This yielded 108 haplotypes that were depicted on a minimum spanning tree that showed a starlike structure with two long branches. Additional sequences obtained from the ND1 gene confirmed that the different parts of the MST correspond to three clades which diverged before the Last Glacial Maximum (18,000 yrC14 BP), leading to the conclusion that the noctule bat survived in several isolated refugia. Partitioning populations into coherent geographical groups divided our samples (φCT = 0.17; P = 0.01) into a group of highly variable nursing colonies from central and eastern Europe and less variable, isolated colonies from western and southern Europe. Demographic analyses suggest that populations of the former group underwent demographic expansions either after the Younger Dryas (11,000–10,000 yrC14 BP), assuming a fast mutation rate for HV II, or during the Pleistocene, assuming a conventional mutation rate. We discuss the fact that the high genetic variability (h = 0.69–0.96; π = 0.006–0.013) observed in nursing colonies that are located some distance from potential Pleistocene refugia is probably due to the combined effect of rapid evolution of the control region in growing populations and a range shift of noctule populations parallel to the recovery of forests in Europe after the last glaciations. 相似文献
The bigeye chub, Hybopsis amblops, is a member of the Central Highlands ichthyofauna of eastern North America. Phylogenetic analyses of the H. amblops species group based on a 1059 bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene did not recover a monophyletic group. The inclusion of Hybopsis hypsinotus in the species complex is questionable. Within H. amblops, five strongly supported clades were identified; two clades containing haplotypes from the Ozark Highlands and three clades containing haplotypes from the Eastern Highlands and previously glaciated regions of the Ohio and Wabash River drainages. Estimates of the timing of divergence indicated that prior to the onset of glaciation, vicariant events separated populations east and west of the Mississippi River. East of the Mississippi River glacial cycles associated with the blocking and rerouting of the Teays River system caused populations to be pushed southward into refugia of the upper Ohio River. Following the most recent Wisconsinan glaciation, populations expanded northward into previously glaciated regions and southward into the Cumberland River drainage. In the Ozarks, west of the Mississippi River, isolation of clades appears to be maintained by the lack of stream capture events between the upper Arkansas and the White River systems and a barrier formed by the Arkansas River. 相似文献
JUAN L. GARCÍA-MUDARRA CARLOS IBÁÑEZ JAVIER JUSTE 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2009,96(2):434-450
Genetic divergence in bat communities was assessed on both sides of the Straits of Gibraltar and cryptic diversity was examined. Screening was carried out using partial sequences of the mitochondrial (mt)DNA cytochrome b gene on 399 individual bats belonging to the 18 species found on both sides of the Straits of Gibraltar. For those bats that showed important genetic discontinuities, molecular markers (ND1 and nuclear RAG2 genes) were added to expand the sampling process. Phylogenetic reconstructions were obtained using maximum parsinomy, genetic distances, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian criteria. As an estimate of bats' flight performance, we measured for each species the wing aspect ratio and wing loading indexes, and correlated them with the maximum pairwise genetic distances obtained between southern Iberian and northern Moroccan populations. Genetic mtDNA distances between populations on both continents exceed 5% in seven out of 18 bat species analysed and unknown lineages were uncovered within the species complexes Myotis nattereri and Myotis mystacinus . We did not find a general pattern in the degree of permeability of the Straits of Gibraltar for bats. Genetic distances were not correlated with the ability to cross the Straits. Our study shows that the cryptic diversity uncovered among bats continues to increase as more regions are studied. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 434–450. 相似文献
The Chilotan Archipelago and surrounding areas of north‐western Patagonia (41°–43°S, 72°–74°W) offer a unique opportunity to study the interplay between the recent genetic and paleoenvironmental evolution on temperate rainforest environments. Previous studies in this region have postulated that land biota persisted west of the Patagonian ice sheet, in ice‐free low‐elevation regions of the mainland, and the north‐western portion of Isla Grande de Chiloé during Quaternary ice ages. In this study, we analysed the phylogeographical structure (Cytochrome b) of the iguanid lizard Liolaemus pictus to estimate their genetic structure in response to glacial–interglacial cycles and colonization routes. We found that populations from the mainland and Isla Grande de Chiloé do not share haplotypes and, thus, are divergent haplogroups. This divergence might reflect an ancient isolation, much older than the last glaciation. Moreover, the existence of four divergent haplogroups among L. pictus populations in the mainland suggests the persistence of multiple isolated populations during the last glaciation. Our results also indicate that the colonization of small islands occurred from several source sites, located both in the mainland and in Isla Grande de Chiloé, after the Last Glacial Maximum. 相似文献
The relationships among Myoxocephalus quadricornis complex fish from Arctic coastal waters and from 'glacial relict' populations in Nearctic and Palearctic postglacial lakes were assessed using mtDNA sequence data (1978 bp). A principal phylogeographical split separated the North American continental deepwater sculpin (M. q. thompsonii) from a lineage of the Arctic marine and North European landlocked populations of the fourhorn sculpin (M. q. quadricornis). The North American continental invasion took place several glaciation cycles ago in the Early-to-Middle Pleistocene (0.9% sequence divergence); the divergence of the European and Arctic populations was somewhat later (0.5% divergence). The Nearctic-Palearctic freshwater vicariance in Myoxocephalus, however, appears clearly younger than in similarly distributed 'glacial relict' crustacean taxa; the phylogeographical structure is more similar to that in other northern Holarctic freshwater fish complexes. 相似文献
J. K. Colbourne T.J. Crease L.J. Weider P. D. N. Hebert F. Duferesne A. Hobæk 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》1998,65(3):347-365
The evolutionary history of freshwater zooplankton is still relatively unknown. However, studies of the microcrustacean Daphnia have revealed interesting patterns; the daphniids that dominate ponds and lakes in the northern hemisphere may have recent origins, likely associated with the glacial advances and retreats during the Pleistocene. Moreover, they form species complexes that actively engage in hybridization and introgression. The present study examines the phylogenetic relationships among circumarctic members of the Daphnia pulex complex, through the analysis of sequence diversity in 498 nt of the ND5 mitochondrial gene. Our results suggest that the complex is composed of three major clades, two of which are subdivided into at least eight different lineages. Clearly, species in the complex show genetic discontinuity. Many lineages originated during the Pleistocene, but at least three lineages diverged during the Pliocene. Two taxa ( D. pulex, D. pulicaria ), thought to be broadly distributed in the northern hemisphere, are shown to be endemic to single continents. In general, the diversification of the pulex complex is characterized by rapidly dispersed lineages spanning enormous distances and also by endemism in temperate areas. Gene flow among lineages from the temperate region of different continents are restricted to rare intercontinental migrations across a polar bridge followed by convergent morphological evolution. 相似文献
Tara L. Fulton Ryan W. Norris Russell W. Graham Holmes A. Semken Jr Beth Shapiro 《Molecular ecology》2013,22(9):2540-2548
Collared lemmings (genus Dicrostonyx) are circumpolar Arctic arvicoline rodents associated with tundra. However, during the last glacial maximum (LGM), Dicrostonyx lived along the southern ice margin of the Laurentide ice sheet in communities comprising both temperate and boreal species. To better understand these communities and the fate of these southern individuals, we compare mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence data from three LGM‐age Dicrostonyx fossils from south of the Laurentide ice sheet to sequences from modern Dicrostonyx sampled from across their present‐day range. We test whether the Dicrostonyx populations from LGM‐age continental USA became extinct at the Pleistocene–Holocene transition ~11000 years ago or, alternatively, if they belong to an extant species whose habitat preferences can be used to infer the palaeoclimate along the glacial margin. Our results indicate that LGM‐age Dicrostonyx from Iowa and South Dakota belong to Dicrostonyx richardsoni, which currently lives in a temperate tundra environment west of Hudson Bay, Canada. This suggests a palaeoclimate south of the Laurentide ice sheet that contains elements similar to the more temperate shrub tundra characteristic of extant D. richardsoni habitat, rather than the very cold, dry tundra of the Northern Arctic. While more data are required to determine whether or not the LGM southern population is ancestral to extant D. richardsoni, it seems most probable that the species survived the LGM in a southern refugium. 相似文献
Range-wide genetic variation of black spruce (Picea mariana) was studied using polymerase chain reaction-random fragment length polymorphism markers of the mitochondrial genome. Four polymorphic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) loci were surveyed and two or three alleles were detected at each locus, resulting in 10 multilocus mtDNA types or mitotypes. A significant subdivision of population genetic diversity was detected (GST = 0.671; NST = 0.726), suggesting low levels of gene flow among populations. The distribution of mitotypes was not random (NST > GST; P < 0.05) and revealed four partially overlapping zones, presumably representative of different glacial populations. Comparison of the genetic structure derived from mtDNA markers and the colonization paths previously deduced from the fossil and pollen records allow us to infer at least three southern and one northeastern glacial populations for black spruce. The patterns revealed in this study suggest that black spruce shares its biogeographical history with other forest-associated North American species. 相似文献
GEORGE F. BARROWCLOUGH JEFF G. GROTH 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2011,104(3):710-723
The green woodpecker complex consists of the green woodpecker (Picus viridis), distributed from Western Europe to the Caucasus and Iran, and the related LeVaillant's woodpecker (P. vaillantii), distributed in north‐western Africa from central Morocco to Tunisia. Much of the habitat of green woodpeckers in Central and Northern Europe was covered by ice, tundra, steppe or other unsuitable habitat during the Pleistocene; consequently, they must have come to occupy most of their current range during the past 20 000 years. We used complete mitochondrial ND2 sequences from populations throughout the range to investigate the genetic structure and evolutionary history of this complex. Three well‐differentiated clades, corresponding to three biogeographical regions, were recovered; 89% of the total genetic variance was distributed among these three regions. The populations in North Africa were sister to those of Europe and, within Europe, Iberia was sister to the rest of Europe and the Near East. This suggests that the post‐glacial colonization of most of Europe occurred from a refuge east of Iberia, probably in Italy or the Balkans; there was no substantial divergence among these regions. In addition, a population sample from Iran was genetically distinct from those of Western Europe, indicating a history of genetic isolation and an additional Pleistocene refuge east of the well‐known Balkan refugia and south of the Caucasus. Within Europe, northern populations were less genetically variable than southern ones, consistent with recent colonization. There was significant isolation‐by‐distance across Europe, indicating restricted gene flow; this was particularly apparent between western populations and those of the Caucasus and Iran. We recognize four species in the complex. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 710–723. 相似文献
Achyut Kumar Banerjee Wuxia Guo Sitan Qiao Weixi Li Fen Xing Yuting Lin Zhuangwei Hou Sen Li Ying Liu Yelin Huang 《Ecology and evolution》2020,10(14):7349-7363
Phylogeographic forces driving evolution of sea‐dispersed plants are often influenced by regional and species characteristics, although not yet deciphered at a large spatial scale for many taxa like the mangrove species Heritiera littoralis. This study aimed to assess geographic distribution of genetic variation of this widespread mangrove in the Indo‐West Pacific region and identify the phylogeographic factors influencing its present‐day distribution. Analysis of five chloroplast DNA fragments’ sequences from 37 populations revealed low genetic diversity at the population level and strong genetic structure of H. littoralis in this region. The estimated divergence times between the major genetic lineages indicated that glacial level changes during the Pleistocene epoch induced strong genetic differentiation across the Indian and Pacific Oceans. In comparison to the strong genetic break imposed by the Sunda Shelf toward splitting the lineages of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, the genetic differentiation between Indo‐Malesia and Australasia was not so prominent. Long‐distance dispersal ability of H. littoralis propagules helped the species to attain transoceanic distribution not only across South East Asia and Australia, but also across the Indian Ocean to East Africa. However, oceanic circulation pattern in the South China Sea was found to act as a barrier creating further intraoceanic genetic differentiation. Overall, phylogeographic analysis in this study revealed that glacial vicariance had profound influence on population differentiation in H. littoralis and caused low genetic diversity except for the refugia populations near the equator which might have persisted through glacial maxima. With increasing loss of suitable habitats due to anthropogenic activities, these findings therefore emphasize the urgent need for conservation actions for all populations throughout the distribution range of H. littoralis. 相似文献
Helen K. Weber Christian M. Jones Matthew J. Ajemian Michael P. McCallister Brent L. Winner Gregg R. Poulakis Dana M. Bethea Lisa D. Hollensead Daniel Zapf John D. Swenson Jill M. Hendon Toby S. Daly-Engel Nicole M. Phillips 《Journal of fish biology》2021,98(2):577-582
We report 24 new records of the Brazilian cownose ray Rhinoptera brasiliensis outside its accepted geographic range. Sequencing of a 442-base pair portion of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene for 282 Rhinoptera samples revealed eight records off the east coast of the USA and 16 from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Both sexes of all life stages were documented in all seasons over multiple years in the Indian River and Lake Worth lagoons, Florida, indicating that their range extends further in the western North Atlantic than previously described. 相似文献