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A new species, Eugenia marambaiensis M.C.Souza & M.P.Morim, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by having large translucent gland dots densely distributed on the leaves, with a caudate apex and slightly wavy margins and a glabrous raceme, with only two flowers. Eugenia marambaiensis was only found in the locality of Restinga da Marambaia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 306–308.  相似文献   

Allium brussalisii , from Mount Parnitha near Athens (Sterea Hellas, Greece), is described as a species new to science and compared with related species of Allium section Codonoprasum and Allium section Brevispatha. It is a diploid species (2n = 2x = 16) that flowers in early autumn. On the basis of its unilateral and more or less entire spathe and the simple filaments, it resembles species of Allium section Brevispatha; however, its sectional taxonomy remains unclear as, on the basis of several other morphological, cytological, and ecological characteristics, it also resembles species of Allium section Codonoprasum. The new species is presently known only from the type locality and is of particular interest for the phylogeny of the genus. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 140–146.  相似文献   

A new species of Centaurea, Centaurea sicana , endemic to Sicily, is described. This new taxon is close to Centaurea parlatoris and Centaurea giardinae (Sect. Dissectae), the former occurring at Palermo and in the Madonie Mountains, while the latter occurs on the Etna volcano. The new species has so far been found only on the Sicani Mountains, a limestone mountain range in western Sicily, while the related species occur in the surrounding mountains. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 157 , 785–788.  相似文献   

A new species of Gesneriaceae, Paraboea trisepala W.H.Chen & Y.M.Shui, from a karst cave in Guangxi, China is described and illustrated. The new species differs from other species of Paraboea by its three‐lobed calyx. Variation in flower and inflorescence architecture was observed under cultivation. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 681–688.  相似文献   

Doryopteris adornata is described as a new species from west‐central South America (Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina). The dense indument of scales on the abaxial surface of the lamina is the most prominent diagnostic feature of this new species. Illustrations of the diagnostic characters are provided, as well as a table comparing the morphological characters of D. adornata with those of the two most similar species. The ecology and distribution are described. The conservation status for the new species using World Conservation Union (IUCN) guidelines/criteria is recommended. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 73–77.  相似文献   

Cycas swamyi Singh & Radha, sp. nov. (Cycadaceae) is described and illustrated from Karnataka, India. This new species has been confused with Cycas circinalis L., which is found in the Western Ghats. However, on the basis of its habit, characteristic isotomous‐type dichotomous branching, pinnae anatomy, mega‐ and microsporophyll morphology and seed anatomy, it has been segregated from C. circinalis and is described here as a new species. The distribution and conservation status are also discussed. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 430–435  相似文献   

A new species of Tripleurospermum Sch.Bip., Tripleurospermum ziganaense Inceer & Hay?rl?oglu‐Ayaz (Asteraceae, Anthemideae), is described and illustrated. The species grows in open places, on rocky slopes and on roadsides in north‐east Anatolia, Turkey. The diagnostic morphological characters that distinguish it from closely related taxa are discussed, and its conservation status is indicated. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 696–700.  相似文献   

Behuria comosa Tavares, Baumgratz & Goldenberg is a new species from Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo, Brazil. It can be recognized by the branch nodes, sinuses of the leaf margins and domatia comose, leaves and inflorescence axes frequently three‐whorled, flowers five(–six)‐merous, calyx lobes broadly triangular and with the apex laterally flattened, and petals glabrous, thickly apiculate. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 489–492.  相似文献   

This study used pollen morphology to address taxonomic controversies related to several species belonging to subgenus Hebeclada of the genus Polygala (Polygalaceae). According to the last traditionally accepted revision of this subgenus, it comprises 40 species. Nevertheless, a recent taxonomic treatment applying more comprehensive criteria reduced this number to only nine species. Our work focused on 15 traditionally accepted species that occur in Brazil, fourteen of which have been considered as only six species in this recent taxonomic study. Pollen grains from floral buds at pre‐anthesis were collected from herbarium specimens and analysed using both visible light and scanning electron microscopy. Most of the traditionally accepted species were distinguished by different combinations of several pollen‐related features, in particular colpi number (13 or 15), pollen size and shape, and endoaperture type (endocingulate or not) and arrangement (parallel or sinuous). The species accepted in the recent taxonomic treatment could not be discriminated by pollen characters. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 157 , 609–619.  相似文献   

Lichens are the dominant organisms on most of the South Atlantic island of St Helena. In total, 220 different species were found during a recent survey, most of which have never been reported from the island. Previously, less than 50 lichen species were reported from the island, one half of which are most probably incorrect records. The total number of lichens known from the island now stands at 225. Most species could be identified, but the following, most probably endemic, species are described as new to science: Dolichocarpus seawardii , which is only the second species in this genus, the type being from Chile; Dermatiscum pusillum , which is only the third species in this African genus; Dimelaena triseptata ; Xanthoparmelia beccae ; and four Ramalina species, Ramalina geniculatella , R. ketner‐oostrae , R. rigidella , and R. sanctae‐helenae . The lichen flora has many species in common with that of the geologically much younger Ascension Island, where just under 100 species were recently found by the author, most of which are equally new to that island. Lecanora sanctae‐helenae, previously known as the only endemic lichen of St Helena, was also found to be abundant on Ascension Island. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 147–171.  相似文献   

Polygala peshmenii Eren, Parolly, Raus & Kürschner is described and illustrated as a new species from Antalya province in south‐west Anatolia, Turkey. Within subgenus Polygala section Polygala, it seems to be taxonomically quite isolated. As far as the Flora of Turkey area is concerned, technical comparison can be made with the informal P. alpestris Rchb. and P. vulgaris L. groups. The habitat conditions of P. peshmenii and its conservation status are considered. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 82–86.  相似文献   

Orchid species that are food mimics produce fewer fruits than species offering rewards, but few studies have shown the impact of environmental factors (e.g. anthropogenic activity, frost and herbivores) on their reproductive success over several seasons. In this study, we focused on the sole population of the endangered Calanthe yaoshanensis as it secretes no nectar. We investigated its floral biology, fruit set rates and prevailing environmental factors over three seasons (2008–2010). Mechanical self‐pollination did not occur in C. yaoshanensis, but hand‐selfed and crossed flowers produced equal numbers of fruit. However, seed viability and embryo size were significantly higher in cross‐pollinated fruits maximizing embryonic fitness. Large hoverflies (Syrphidae) and Bombus patagiatus (gynes) were the only pollinarium vectors, but they often failed to disperse pollinaria. We interpret the temporary retention of the anther cap over the pollinarium as an adaptation lowering self‐pollination. Insect‐mediated rates of pollinarium removal were always higher than rates of pollinia deposition on stigmas. Over 3 years, natural rates of pollinarium removal differed significantly, whereas natural rates of fruit set were not significantly different (< 22%). Climate, herbivory and anthropogenic collections also inhibited some fruit set and maturation. Both biotic and abiotic factors appear to lower the fecundity of this endangered population. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 421–433.  相似文献   

A new species in the previously monotypic, endemic New Caledonian genus Gastrolepis (Stemonuraceae) is described. Gastrolepis alticola differs from G. austrocaledonica by its shorter and thicker petioles, strongly coriaceous leaves with revolute margins, shorter inflorescences, and pubescent corollas. The new species is further distinguished by its ecology, occurring only in high‐altitude maquis on two massifs in southern New Caledonia, Mt. Kouakoué and the Montagne des Sources. Gastrolepis alticola is assigned a preliminary conservation status of ‘Endangered’ using the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List criteria. Comparison of the IUCN threat status for the 19 species endemic to this distinctive, restricted vegetation type reveals a striking lack of consistency and underscores the need for a reassessment of the entire New Caledonian flora. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 157 , 775–783.  相似文献   

Maytenus dongfangensis , a new species of Maytenus section Gymnosporia from Hainan Island, China, is described and illustrated. It is most similar to M. longlinensis, from which it differs in its glabrous rachis, deltoid sepals, 2 stigmas, and obconical capsules. A key to the species of Maytenus section Gymnosporia in China is provided. No claim to original Chinese Government works. Journal compilation © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 534–538.  相似文献   

Six new fossils of Micromalthus (Coleoptera: Archostemata) from Dominican amber are compared with extant and previously described fossil micromalthid beetles. The amber inclusions are well preserved and all important morphological features are visible. Taking into account the morphological variability of the extant species Micromalthus debilis LeConte, 1878 , it is not possible to find any morphological features that distinguish the fossils from the extant species. This also applies to the Dominican amber inclusion described as Micromalthus anasi Perkovsky, 2008, which therefore is considered a junior synonym of M. debilis. The lack of morphological change in M. debilis over time might possibly be explained by unusually stable environmental conditions, as this species occupies a very specialized ecological niche in decaying timber. A general survey of fossil insects indistinguishable from extant species is presented. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 300–311.  相似文献   

Systematics and the Origin of Species from the Viewpoint of a Zoologist has remained an essential text on the bookshelves of evolutionary biologists since it was first published. Here, I expand upon several topics touched upon by Ernst Mayr to look at how our thinking has evolved, and is evolving, with particular reference to molecular phylogenetic studies on islands. At the time of publication, apart from the fossil record, inferences of temporal trends or patterns could only be speculative, deduced from the distributions of species and the patterns that these present. Much like the subject material itself, evolutionary biology evolves as a discipline, with an increasing availability of tools and resources. The development of molecular phylogenetics and molecular markers has given biologists a new window on the past and, as such, the ideas and explanations of Mayr have become more accessible to testing. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 47–52.  相似文献   

A new species of Astragalus L., A. trabzonicus (section Onobrychoidei DC.), is described and illustrated from north‐east Anatolia in Turkey. The diagnostic, pollen morphological, and chromosomal characteristics are discussed. A distribution map and conservation status are given. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 157 , 741–747.  相似文献   

The new series Elatostema section Elatostema series Albopilosoides Q.Lin & L.D.Duan (Urticaceae) is described, and two new species of Elatostema, namely Elatostema albopilosoides Q.Lin & L.D.Duan and Elatostema purpureum Q.Lin & L.D.Duan. from south Guizhou province, south‐west China are described and illustrated. Both species were found growing only at the base of a large limestone chamber at an altitude of c. 800 m. Elatostema albopilosoides is morphologically similar to E. albopilosum W.T.Wang, but differs by having female inflorescences with peduncles 10–60 mm long (0–1.5 mm long in E. albopilosum) and receptacles 7–27 mm long, 7–24 mm wide (E. albopilosum: 1–4 mm long and 1–3 mm wide). Elatostema purpureum is also morphologically similar to E. albopilosum, but has stipules 5–6 mm long, 0.8–1.5 mm wide (4–7 mm long, 1.5–2.8 mm wide in E. albopilosum) and leaf blades obliquely elliptical to obliquely oblong‐obovate, 3.5–7.5 mm long and 1.5–2.5 mm wide (obliquely narrowly oblanceolate‐oblong, 12–17 cm long, 3–5 cm wide in E. purpureum:). © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 674–680.  相似文献   

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