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The role of fluctuating asymmetry as an indicator of fitness to females in mate choice remains controversial. Previous studies indicated that male medflies with symmetrical supra-fronto-orbital (SFO) bristles achieve relatively high mating success under laboratory conditions. Here we present data from field cage studies of wild collected medflies in Guatemala and Crete, which reveal the same association between fluctuating asymmetry in SFO bristle length and mating success as that seen in the laboratory. The experiments in Crete included males that were missing one or both of their bristles. A comparison of mating success between the three groups indicated that the mere presence of bristles did not exert a major influence. Analysis of attempted courtships suggests that the association between male mating success and FA in bristle length appears to be generated as a result of females being more likely to enter into courtships with symmetrical males, rather than through a rejection of asymmetrical males during or after it. This raises the possibility that the primary stimulus that makes a symmetrical male attractive is acting at too great a distance to depend on symmetry itself. Alternatives might include superior pheromone emissions or the occupation of a prime location within the lek.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 81 , 347–355.  相似文献   

We investigated factors underlying variation in male matingsuccess in Uganda kob (Kobus kob thomasi), a lek-breeding antelope.We found that only heavy (and, possibly, relatively old) malesheld lek territories and that female choice was an importantdeterminant of nonrandom mating patterns at leks. Our measureof male mating success was closely related to the historicalpopularity of the territory that a male defended, and individualfemales showed consistent preferences for particular lek territories,despite changes in territory ownership. Male success increasedwith body weight and declined independently of territory effectsduring each bout of lek territory tenure. We also found someevidence that female kob copied one another's choice of matesbecause females arriving at a lek tended to join territoriesthat already had relatively large harems on them. When comparedacross leks, average male mating success increased with leksize. Our results suggest that female kob may use a suite ofmale- and territory-based cues in mate choice at leks and, asa result, mate with particularly large males. However, we wereunable to determine whether female kob gain any direct or indirectbenefits through mate choice at leks.  相似文献   

Relationships between measures of body size, asymmetry, courtship effort, and mating success were investigated in the housefly, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae). A previous study indicated that both male and female flies with low fluctuating asymmetry enjoyed enhanced mating success. The aim of our investigations was to determine whether the greater success of symmetrical males is due to variation in male mating effort or to female choice and whether males exhibited mate choice. However, our study found directional rather than fluctuating asymmetry with both male and female flies having, on average, longer left wings than right. Also, asymmetry was not related to mating success in either sex. Rather, both males and females appeared to exhibit choice on the basis of the size of potential mates, with males preferring females with long bodies and females preferring heavy males. Possible benefits from choice of large mates are discussed. The initial mating strikes (in which the male leaps onto the back of the female) did not appear to be targeted according to female morphology, and their frequency did not vary according to male morphology. This indicates that mate choice by both sexes according to size probably occurs during the later stages of courtship, when the flies are in intimate contact. Possible reasons for the absence of choice according to asymmetry are discussed.  相似文献   

The mating system of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), is based on leks. In field cage choice experiments we examined lek site selection as influenced by the presence of fruit and the presence of conspecific flies. Males were allowed to choose between artificial trees containing fruit and trees without fruit. Males showed a significant preference for the tree baited with fruit. To determine which fruit-related stimuli were important, males were allowed to choose between visual and/or olfactory fruit-derived stimuli. Males preferred to lek on trees presenting both stimuli. To determine the influence of conspecifics on lek site selection, males were allowed to choose between trees containing male and/or female conspecific flies. The presence of pheromone-emitting males was preferred. In addition, both in the field and on artificial trees, we examined the effect of leaf size on lek site selection. In the field, males preferred to lek on leaves of a particular size. Moreover, leaf integrity was important, as males tended to select undamaged leaves as lek sites. In field cage experiments, males consistently chose to lek on trees containing the largest leaves. We conclude that the choice of lek site is influenced by the presence of fruit and of other lekking males, while leaf size and integrity determine male location within a lek.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is known to operate at medfly leks with a few males gaining a high proportion of matings. However, specific male characteristics subject to sexual selection have not been identified. Here we report laboratory studies indicating that directional sexual selection operates on the level of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in the superior frontal orbital setae (sex setae), with symmetrical males gaining more matings. Studies relating mating success with FA in a male trait have generally been taken as evidence of the operation of indirect sexual selection. For a male trait to acts as a reliable indicator of fitness, FA in the male trait should be negatively associated with trait size and females should mate with the males with the most exaggerated form of the trait. However no association was found between seta FA and mean seta length. In addition sexual selection did not appear to operate on mean trait size, although males with an intermediate sex seta to wing length ratio did achieve higher mating success, indicating that stabilizing sexual selection operates on this relative dimension. It is suggested that differences in male competitive ability may provide an alternative explanation of how such associations between mating success and FA in male characteristics can arise.  相似文献   

Lek formation by female choice: a simulation study   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We used computer simulation to study the formation of matingaggregations under the influence of female choice. Female movementswere not constrained by home range size. Males formed clumpeddispersions if females expressed strong preferences either forlarger leks or for male quality. High travel costs for femalesvisiting leks produced male dispersions that matched the initialdistribution of females. High costs to females for waiting formatings produced evenly dispersed males. Depending on the relativeweights of these factors, a continuous range of outcomes froma single lek per population to evenly dispersed males was produced.The results suggest that effects of female choice on lek evolutionare more likely to be detected by studying the processes bywhich leks form than by characterizing the spatial distributionof displaying males.  相似文献   

Uganda kob prefer high-visibility leks and territories   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In lekking species, where males provide estrous females withlittle more than sperm, it has been widely supposed that theonly possible benefits to females of mate choice are genetic.We studied female choice of leks and territories in a reduncineantelope, the Uganda kob (Kobus kob thomasi), and found thatfemales consistently preferred high-visibility mating sites.Leks were elevated and had shorter grass and fewer thicketsthan the surrounding areas. Changes in the number of male andfemale kob on 10 leks were correlated with changes in surroundinggrass height, and both females and males preferred leks withexperimentally reduced grass height over neighboring controls.Within a lek, territory popularity was the primary determinantof male daily mating success, and females preferred territoriesrelatively far from thickets, but removal of thickets did notaffect female territory preferences. Because lion hunting successon kob increases with grass height and thicket density, femalesmay benefit directly from these preferences by reducing therisk of predation.  相似文献   

Leks, communal display grounds in which males display and femalesonly attend to mate, represent one of the most remarkable outcomesof sexual selection. There have been no detailed studies thatcompare the behavior of males and females between leks of differentsizes to test if there is any benefit for male clumping andto test the many hypotheses suggested to explain lekking. Inthe black grouse, Tetrao tetrix, larger leks have many morefemale visits and copulations, leading to a higher average malemating success. Females visiting larger leks are also more likelyto mate, indicating that female preferences of males are importantfor the evolution of leks. Yearling males seldom copulate, buttheir presence on the lek increases the mating success of adultmales, suggesting that lek size per se and not only male qualityaffects female preferences for larger leks. The distributionof males over lek sizes agrees with a game theory model of idealfree distribution with unequal competitors, in which less competitivemales go to smaller leks.  相似文献   

Previous models for the evolution of alternative male matingbehavior have virtually ignored the role of female choice. Wepresent a model in which female choice favors the evolutionand maintenance of alternative mating strategies in male ruffs,Philomachus pugnax. Resident male ruffe establish and defendcourts on leks against other residents, while non-territorialsatellite males move between leks and among courts on a lek.Residents appear to actively recruit satellites to their courts,even though satellites may mate with females once there. Residentbehavior toward satellites and data on female behavior suggestthat residents benefit from a satellite's presence due to somefemale preference for mating on co-occupied courts. However,if all residents accept satellites, none gains any relativeadvantage, yet all pay the costs of having satellites on theircourt. We present a game theoretical model that shows that therelative nature of female choice places residents in an evolutionarydilemma with respect to satellite acceptance. Although all residentswould benefit if satellites could be cooperatively excludedfrom leks, the only evolutionarily stable strategy for individualresidents is to defect and accept satellites. The model alsodemonstrates that this "resident's dilemma" likely exists onlyin a local sense, since the failure of residents to cooperativelyexclude satellites from leks need not result in globally lowerpayoffs, due to frequency-dependent selection on the proportionof satellites in the population. Our analysis suggests thatthe resident-satellite relationship in ruffs, despite its obviouscompetitive elements, is fundamentally a cooperative associationfavored by female choice. Female choice has also been proposedas the primary mechanism selecting for male association to formleks in ruffe. In this context, resident-satellite associationsmay be thought of as transitory "leks within a lek  相似文献   

Avian malaria, the infection by blood parasites of the genus Plasmodium, can reduce host fitness not only through mortality, but also by impairing the expression of sexual selection traits. Although different studies highlight the association of parasitism with a decrease in host reproductive success, few studies have addressed the role of parasites in honest signalling by lekking species. Hence, it is still uncertain which fitness components are affected by parasites in these species. We investigated whether avian malaria is associated with a decrease in mating behaviour of male blue‐crowned manakins Lepidothrix coronata and whether it affects female visitation in leks of a population in the central Amazon. Through behavioural observations, we estimated the rates of total male activity and social interaction, as well as the frequency of female visits at individual perches. We then examined if individuals were infected with Plasmodium spp. using molecular techniques. Avian malaria was associated with a decrease in male mating behaviour in each lek, and mating behaviour correlated with female visitation. Although rates of social interaction were not correlated with avian malaria among males, we observed that interacting with several individuals within a lek may be advantageous for males, as they also vocalized and displayed more, thus increasing their chances of being visited by females. Although female visitation was not associated with avian malaria in individuals or leks, it is still possible that female visitation is indirectly affected by avian malaria through the latter's effects on male activity. We suggest a role for male activity as an honest sexual signal for females. Thus, male display rate could be used by females as cue for the probability of a male being infected.  相似文献   

Indirect mate choice is any behavior that restricts the individual's set of potential mates without discrimination of mate attributes directly, for example, by having preferences about where to mate. We analyzed a 14-year data set from great snipe (Gallinago media) leks for evidence of indirect mate choice based on relative and absolute position of lek territories. We found little or no effect of the centrality of territories on mating and no between-year consistency in the spatial distribution of matings within leks. Instead, the probability of matings occurring at a particular site increased if the current territory owner had mated the previous year. Furthermore, individual females returned in later seasons to mate with the same male as previously rather than at the same site. Previous work found that male interactions and dominance do not control matings and that females are very choosy about which territory they mate in. Here we show that this is because of the male occupying the territory rather than its position. We therefore conclude that direct female mate choice is the main behavioral process affecting variation in mating success among great snipe males, unlike in some lekking mammals where male competition and/or indirect mate choice appears more important.  相似文献   

Simulation models of insects encountering sex pheromone with or without mass trapping in which the searching sex is either male (moths and many insect species) or female (some true bugs, beetles, and flies) were developed. The searching sex moved as a correlated random walk, while the opposite sex remained stationary (calling) and released an attractive sex pheromone. The searching sex was caught when encountering a pheromone‐baited trap, and females mated when encountering a male. An encounter with pheromone was defined by the searcher's interception of a circle termed the effective attraction radius (EARc). Parameters of movement (speed and duration), initial numbers of calling sex and searching sex, number of traps, area, and EARc of traps and calling sex were varied individually to evaluate effects on the percentage of females mating. In the natural condition without traps, female mating success in both models was identical. Increasing the EARc of the calling sex caused diminishing increases in female mating success, suggesting that evolution of larger pheromone release and EARc is limited by increasing costs (production/sensitivity) relative to diminishing increases and benefits of mating encounters. With mass trapping, increasing the EARc of traps or density of traps caused similar declines in female mating in both models, but the female‐searching model predicted slightly lower mating success than the male‐searching model. Increasing the EARc of calling insects or the initial density of insects caused similar increases in female mating in both models, but again the female‐searching model had slightly lower mating success than the male‐searching model. The models have implications for mating lek formation and for understanding the variables affecting the success of mass trapping programs for insect pests with either male or female sex pheromones.  相似文献   

Males of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, are strongly attracted to various plant odors, and previous work has demonstrated that male exposure to certain odors, including the scent of orange oil (OO) and ginger root oil (GRO), increases their mating success relative to non-exposed males. However, the mechanism(s) underlying this mating increase is not known. Here, we describe several experiments that further investigate the association between GRO- and OO-exposure and male signaling activity, pheromone attractiveness, and mating success in male medflies. Exposure to GRO or OO increased time spent pheromone calling but did not accelerate the rate of male sexual maturation. Using a wind tunnel, we compared female attraction to the pheromone of control, non-exposed males versus males previously exposed to OO or GRO. There was no evidence that GRO exposure enhanced the attractiveness of the male pheromone. The data for OO were inconclusive: females tended to spend more time on spheres emanating pheromone from OO-exposed males than on spheres emanating pheromone from non-exposed males, but the number of female landings did not differ between the two types of pheromone sources. Female choice tests confirmed that GRO- and OO-exposure boost male mating success relative to non-exposed males. Application of GRO directly to the abdomen reduced male mating success, whereas similar application of OO boosted male mating success. The potential role and mode of action of plant chemicals in the mating behavior of male medflies are evaluated in light of these findings.  相似文献   

Leking moths present an evolutionary problem in their apparently simultaneous reversal of male–female attraction. The mating system of Phymatopus (or Hepialus) hecta embraces an unusually wide range of procedures. Both males and females use medium‐range olfactory attractants (also probably visual signals), and both sexes will lure, and both will approach, the other, either when flying or perched. This produces an ‘infinite variety’ which includes the classic moth mating procedure (males fly to sessile female); a typical lek procedure (female flies to sessile male); a mating swarm (hovering male follows passing female); and intermediates such as a mutual courtship dance. Male behaviour includes a flying display, two sessile displays, and an escalating war of attrition. The system is versatile, persistent, and probably evolutionarily stable. The lek site has a high density of perches suitable for copulation which facilitate predator‐escape by means of a dead drop. The whole supports a model for the evolution of resource‐based leks which commence with a concentration of females on a hotspot, leading to a concentration of males; and then an escalating process of sexual selection as males become increasingly attractive over a distance to females, and females use the males as a way of locating the resource. The main stabilizing pressure may be selection for efficient mate acquisition, and as with grouse leking systems, the precondition for evolution was probably having travelling females that actively sought a reproductive resource or a predator free space. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 114 , 184–201.  相似文献   

In fallow deer (Dama dama), as well as in other lek-breedingungulates, receptive females arriving at leks commonly joinmales that are defending large harems. This tendency enhancesdifferences in harem size and mating success between males.It could occur because females independendy move to the samemales, because females are attracted to males with females,or because females are attracted to each other. Using controlledexperiments with estrous female fallow deer, we show that, althoughfemales are more attracted to males with harems than to thosewithout, they are as frequently attracted to groups of femaleswithout a male as to female groups with males. We conclude thatfemale fallow deer joining leks are attracted to each otherand copy each other's movements. As yet, there is no firm evidencein fallow deer or in other lek-breeding ungulates that femalescopy each other's choice of mating partners. Key words: Damadama, fallow deer, lek breeding, mate choice, copying behavior.[Behav Ecol 4: 191–193 (1993)]  相似文献   

Several conceptual models seek to explain patterns of male display and factors that influence female mate choice in lek mating systems. The central advantage model predicts that males displaying at or near the lek centre should be more attractive to females than are males positioned along the lek periphery. Females may exhibit biases toward these centrally displaying males based on either spatial or display‐related cues. We tested the prediction of the central advantage model in investigating the importance of male display position in the subterranean and lek mating prairie mole cricket (Gryllotalpa major). Gryllotalpa major males form mating aggregations in the early spring and produce an acoustic advertisement signal from a constructed calling chamber at the soil surface. Pair formation occurs in the calling chamber, and males typically maintain these structures for the duration of the reproductive season. To assess whether G. major females exhibit a preference for males calling from centrally located acoustic burrows, we documented the spatial position and number of female attractions for all advertising males across the focal lek. Six spatial attributes related to display position were reduced using principal component analysis and examined for an association with male attractiveness. We found that in general, female attractions were distributed randomly across the lek; male attractiveness was not related to proximity to the lek centre nor to any factor associated with display position. The most highly attractive males, however, were located further from the lek centre and from nearest calling neighbours than other attractive males. Advertising males that segregate themselves within the aggregation and locate nearer the lek margin may gain a geometric advantage resulting in the increased probability of attracting a searching female.  相似文献   

Widemo F  Owens IP 《Animal behaviour》1999,58(6):1217-1221
Lek size varies greatly among lekking species. At present there is no explicit theoretical explanation for this diversity. We extend an existing model of optimal lek size that incorporates female mating preferences and male-male contest competition. The model shows that variation in lek size is predicted by the interaction between lek size, overall copulation rate and the proportion of copulations accruing to males of different rank. In species where females prefer to mate on the largest leks and high-ranking males are able to monopolize females irrespective of the size of the lek, the maximum lek size will be large. Conversely, in species where females show weak preference for mating on large leks or increasing lek size quickly results in scramble competition, the maximum lek size will be smaller. Thus, differences between species in lek size may be due largely to differences in the extent to which high-ranking males can monopolize mating opportunities. Leks become unstable and break down when high-ranking males can no longer get their 'expected' copulation success. Therefore, the mechanism that generates male clustering, that is, sexual parasitism of high-ranking males by subordinates, also sets a limit to the largest stable lek size. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Four theoretical models have been proposed to account for the origin and maintenance of leks: hotspot, female preference, hotshot, and black hole models. Each has been validated in particular cases, and most are not mutually exclusive; therefore, it has been difficult to contrast and separate them, empirically and experimentally. By using decoys to mimic natural leks in the little bustard, artificial leks attracted wild birds. Then, by manipulating artificial lek size and structure (sex ratio, male phenotype), the study of responses of wild males and females allowed us to test specific predictions derived from the four classical models of lek evolution. The hotspot model was not supported because female decoys did not attract wild males. Conversely, hotshot males do exist in this species (attracting both wild females and males), as does a female preference for a particular lek size (four males). Finally, males aggressive toward decoys attracted fewer females, consistent with one of the mechanisms by which the black hole model may work. Therefore, three models of lek evolution were partly or fully supported by our experimental results: hotshot, female preference, and black hole models. We suggest that these models actually fit within each other, ensuring the evolution, functioning, and long-term maintenance of leks.  相似文献   

1. Males of the oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis are attracted to and feed on flowers of the golden shower blossom Cassia fistula. Flowers of this plant contain methyl eugenol, the metabolites of which apparently function in the synthesis of male sex pheromone. 2. The goal of the study reported here was to determine whether feeding on C. fistula flowers enhanced male mating success. Mating frequencies of unfed (control) and fed (treated) males were compared in trials conducted 0 (same day), 2, 7, or 21 days after treated males were exposed to the flowers. Trials were performed using flowers from three trees of C. fistula to investigate whether the effects of floral feeding were similar among different plants. 3. For all three trees, treated males accounted for a disproportionately large number of matings in trials performed 0, 2, and 7 days after floral feeding by the treated males. For two of the trees, treated males also had a mating advantage 21 days after flower‐feeding. 4. Additional tests were conducted to compare female attraction to perch sites of control and treated males. When at a lek, males exhibit rigorous wing‐fanning behaviour, presumably to increase dispersal of the sex pheromone. Floral feeding had no significant effect on the level of wing‐fanning. Significantly more female sightings were recorded for perches of treated than control males, however, suggesting that the treated males produced a pheromone more attractive to females than did control males.  相似文献   

Modelling studies are presented which describe the effect of lek mating on the control of a wild population by sterile male release. The mixed leks are assumed to follow a Poisson-binomial distribution and the system includes three parts: territory defense, matings inside a lek and matings outside a lek. The effects of parameters on the hatchability are discussed. Among the parameters, sterile type effect (Ws), female choice (fs) and mating competitiveness (Cm) are the most important. The application to determining the effects of sterile male release and on the proportion of sterile males required for eradication are also discussed.  相似文献   

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