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Immunocytochemistry was used to determine sites of synthesis and pathways for the transport of the neuropeptide, Leucomyosuppressin (pQDVDHVFLRFamide) in the cockroach,Leucophaea maderae. This study led to identification of neurons in the brain and thoracic ganglia reactive to polyclonal antibodies raised against this peptide. No immunoreactive cells were found in the subsophageal or abdominal ganglia. Although the corpus cardiacum contained no intrinsic cells immunoreactive to LMS antibodies, the periphery of this organ and that of the nervi corporis allati contain an abundance of LMS-reactive terminals.  相似文献   

Abstract. The innervation of the gut of the cockroach Leucophaea madera (F.) has been studied by means of wholemount immunocytochemistry with antisera raised against Leu-callatostatin, a cockroach allatostatin homologue identified from neuropeptide isolation and gene studies in the blowfly Calliphora vomitoria. Leu-callatostatin-imunoreactive neurones in the brain, with axon trajectories in the stomatogastric nervous system, innervate the foregut and midgut. Neurones in the last abdominal ganglion supply the hindgut and the midgut via the proctodeal nerve. In addition to a rich callatostatin-immunoreactive nerve supply, the midgut, including the midgut caeca, contain numerous callatostatin-immunoreactive endocrine cells. Physiological studies show that the spontaneous contractile activities of the foregut, but not the hindgut, are inhibited by callatostatin neuropeptides. Leu-callatostatin 3 was the most potent of the range of Leu-and Met-callatostatins tested, with a dose-dependent response between 10-13 and 10-7 M. This is similar to the results obtained with the previously identified myoinhibitory peptide of L. maderae , leucomyosuppressin. However, this peptide, with a different type of structure to the allatostatins, inhibits both foregut and hindgut motility equally. Experiments with a series of analogues of the Met-callatostatins showed that the free acid (as opposed to the carboxyamidated peptide) and N-terminally truncated peptides were inactive. These morphological and physiological results are thought to be representative of the, as yet unidentified, naturally occurring allatostatin homologues of L. maderae. This family of peptides should be added to the increasing list of insect gut myoinhibitory substances.  相似文献   

Adult and nymphal antennae of the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae, contain nine or more different morphological types of sense organs. There is no outwardly apparent sexual dimorphism in adult antennae. Nymphs are dificient in gross numbers of sensilla. Sense organs are classified morphologically by their similarity to known types of sensila and are assigned functions on this basis and preliminary electrophysiological data: Sensilla chaetica (A), thick-walled mechanoreceptive hairs in groups on the antennal base; S. chaetica (B), thick-walled setae which are tactile and probably chemoreceptive, occurring in the antennal base and flagellum; S. trichodea (A), thin-walled chemoreceptive hairs of the flagellum; S. trichodea (B), minute hairs on the scape and pedicel; S. basiconica, thin-walled chemoreceptive pegs, and S. coeloconica (?pit-pegs”?) of the flagellum; S. campaniformia and scolopidia, mechanoreceptors in the base and flagellum; plus Johnston's organ and/or connective chrodotonal organs in the pedicel. Calculations based on absolute counts of sensilla and their known innervation yield an estimate of about 3.3 × 104 sensilla and 105 cells per antenna.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that pigment-dispersing hormone-immunoreactive neurons with ramifications in the accessory medulla are involved in the circadian system of insects. The present study provides a detailed analysis of the anatomical and neurochemical organization of the accessory medulla in the brain of the cockroach Leucophaea maderae. We show that the accessory medulla is compartmentalized into central dense nodular neuropil surrounded by a shell of coarse fibers. It is innervated by neurons immunoreactive to antisera against serotonin and the neuropeptides allatostatin 7, allatotropin, corazonin, gastrin/cholecystokinin, FMRFamide, leucokinin I, and pigment-dispersing hormone. Some of the immunostained neurons appear to be local neurons of the accessory medulla, whereas others connect this neuropil to various brain areas, including the lamina, the contralateral optic lobe, the posterior optic tubercles, and the superior protocerebrum. Double-label experiments show the colocalization of immunoreactivity against pigment-dispersing hormone with compounds related to FMRFamide, serotonin, and leucokinin I. The neuronal and neurochemical organization of the accessory medulla is consistent with the current hypothesis for a role of this brain area as a circadian pacemaking center in the insect brain.  相似文献   

Summary An antiserum against the cockroach neuropeptide leucokinin I (LKI) was used to study peptidergic neurons and their innervation patterns in larvae and adults of three species of higher dipteran insects, the flies Drosophila melanogaster, Calliphora vomitoria, and Phormia terraenovae, as well as larvae of a primitive dipteran insect, the crane fly Phalacrocera replicata. In the larvae of the higher dipteran flies, the antiserum revealed three pairs of cells in the brain, three pairs of ventro-medial cells in the subesophageal ganglion, and seven pairs of ventro-lateral cells in the abdominal ganglia. Each of these 14 abdominal leucokinin-immunoreactive (LKIR) neurons innervates a single muscle of the abdominal body wall (muscle 8), which is known to degenerate shortly after adult emergence. Conventional electron microscopy demonstrates that this muscle is innervated by at least one axon containing clear vesicles and two axons containing dense-cored vesicles. Electronmicroscopical immunocytochemistry shows that the LKIR axon is one of these two axons with dense-cored vesicles and that it forms terminals on the sarcolemma of its target muscle. The abdominal LKIR neurons appear to survive metamorphosis. In the adult fly, the efferent abdominal LKIR neurons innervate the spiracles, the heart, and neurohemal regions of the abdominal wall. In the crane fly larva, dorso-medial and ventrolateral LKIR cell bodies are located in both thoracic and abdominal ganglia of the ventral nerve cord. As in the larvae of the other flies, the abdominal ventrolateral LKIR neurons form efferent axons. However, in the crane fly larva there are two pairs of efferent LKIR neurons in each of the abdominal ganglia and their peripheral targets include neurohemal regions of the dorsal transverse nerves. An additional difference is that in the crane fly, a caudal pair of LKIR axons originating from the penultimate pair of dorso-median LKIR cells in the terminal ganglion innervate the hindgut.  相似文献   

Mating behavior of small populations of virgin males and females of the cockroach Leucophaea maderae were continuously monitored via time-lapse video recording in controlled laboratory conditions. The time of onset of copulation was found to be rhythmic in a light cycle of 12 h light alternated with 12 h of darkness, with the peak of mating behavior occurring near the light to dark transition. This rhythm persisted in constant dim red illumination and constant temperature. In constant conditions, the period of the rhythm was slightly less than 24 h, with a peak of copulation during the late subjective day. These data demonstrated that mating behavior is gated by a circadian clock. When males and females were taken from light cycles that were 12 h out of phase, a bimodal rhythm was observed with one peak in the males' late subjective day and a second peak of equal amplitude in the late subjective day of females. The results indicated that circadian systems in both males and females contribute to the circadian rhythm in copulation. Bilateral section of the optic tracts (OTX) of both males and females abolished the rhythm, but the rhythm persisted when OTX females were paired with intact males or when OTX males were paired with intact females. Furthermore, when OTX males or OTX females were paired with intact animals that were 12 h out of phase, a bimodal rhythm was still observed. These results suggested that the circadian pacemaker in the optic lobes of both male and female cockroaches participates in the control of mating, but that a pacemaker outside the optic lobes is also likely involved. Finally, it was shown that the female's olfactory response (measured by electroantennogram) to components of the male sex pheromone exhibited a circadian rhythm, but the data suggested the peripheral olfactory rhythm is not likely to be involved in the rhythm of mating behavior.  相似文献   

The accessory medulla is the master circadian clock in the brain of the cockroach Leucophaea maderae and controls circadian locomotor activity. Previous studies have demonstrated that a variety of neuropeptides are prominent neuromediators in this brain area. Recently, members of the orcokinin family of crustacean neuropeptides have been identified in several insect species and shown to be widely distributed in the brain, including the accessory medulla. To investigate the possible involvement of orcokinins in circadian clock function, we have analyzed the distribution of orcokinin immunostaining in the accessory medulla of L. maderae in detail. The accessory medulla is densely innervated by approximately 30 orcokinin-immunoreactive neurons with cell bodies distributed in five of six established cell groups in the accessory medulla. Immunostaining is particularly prominent in three ventromedian neurons. These neurons have processes in a median layer of the medulla and in the internodular neuropil of the accessory medulla and send axonal fibers via the posterior optic commissure to their contralateral counterparts. Double-labeling experiments have revealed the colocalization of orcokinin immunostaining with immunoreactivity for pigment-dispersing hormone, FMRFamide, Mas-allatotropin, and γ-aminobutyric acid in two cell groups of the accessory medulla, but not in the ventromedian neurons or in the anterior and posterior optic commissure. Immunostaining in the ventromedian neurons suggests that orcokinin-related peptides play a role in the heterolateral transmission of photic input to the pacemaker and/or in the coupling of the bilateral pacemakers of the cockroach.This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, grant HO 950/9.  相似文献   

Taurine, glycine, glutamate, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were all present in concentrations of greater than 1% of the total free amino acid content in the brain, thoracic, and abdominal ganglia of Leucophaea maderae. Hemolymph, subesophageal ganglia, and hindgut had substantial amounts of glutamate and glycine, but less than 0.3% taurine or GABA. Taurine, 3-aminopropanesulfonic acid (3-APS), cysteine-sulfinic acid (CSA), and GABA each had myotropic activity on the isolated cockroach hindgut, with 3-APS having the most consistent effect (ED50 = 0.63 mM), while taurine and CSA activities were similar to that of GABA on the hindgut. Both taurine and 3-APS had anti-arrhythmic effects on semi-isolated heart preparations of L. maderae, while GABA was inhibitory and induced arrhythmia. Bicuculline was antagonistic to the effects of GABA, taurine, and 3-APS on the hindgut, and induced arrhythmia in heart preparations; this arrhythmia was reversible by taurine, but not by GABA or 3-APS.  相似文献   

The cockroach Leucophaea maderae was the first animal in which lesion experiments localized an endogenous circadian clock to a particular brain area, the optic lobe. The neural organization of the circadian system, however, including entrainment pathways, coupling elements of the bilaterally distributed internal clock, and output pathways controlling circadian locomotor rhythms are only recently beginning to be elucidated. As in flies and other insect species, pigment-dispersing hormone (PDH)-immunoreac- tive neurons of the accessory medulla of the cockroach are crucial elements of the circadian system. Lesions and transplantation experiments showed that the endogeneous circadian clock of the brain resides in neurons associated with the accessory medulla. The accessory medulla is organized into a nodular core receiving photic input, and into internodular and peripheral neuropil involved in efferent output and coupling input. Photic entrainment of the clock through compound eye photoreceptors appears to occur via parallel, indirect pathways through the medulla. Light-like phase shifts in circadian locomotor activity after injections of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)- or Mas-allatotropin into the vicinity of the accessory medulla suggest that both substances are involved in photic entrainment. Extraocular, cryptochrome-based photoreceptors appear to be present in the optic lobe, but their role in photic entrainment has not been examined. Pigment-dispersing hormone-immunoreactive neurons provide efferent output from the accessory medulla to several brain areas and to the peripheral visual system. Pigment-dispersing hormone-immunoreactive neurons, and additional heterolateral neurons are, furthermore, involved in bilateral coupling of the two pacemakers. The neuronal organization, as well as the prominent involvement of GABA and neuropeptides, shows striking similarities to the organization of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the circadian clock of the mammalian brain.  相似文献   

Bursicon activity first appears in the haemolymph of the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae, early in ecdysis as the old cuticle splits and separates over the thorax. Hormonal activity reaches high levels in the haemolymph before ecdysis is complete and remains so for about 1·5 hr, with a gradual decline and disappearance by 3 hr. The sensory mechanism controlling bursicon release is located in the thorax and appears to be stimulated as the ecdysial split widens for emergence of the thorax. If the abdomen is isolated before this time no tanning of abdominal cuticle occurs, while the isolated thorax proceeds to tan. Therefore the thoracic ganglia seem to be a site of release for bursicon. Release of the hormone from abdominal and head ganglia may also occur after neural stimulation from the thoracic system. Bursicon activity was found in all ganglia of the central nervous system and the corpora cardiaca-allata complex. Removal of the old cuticle prior to the start of ecdysial behaviour does not result in tanning of the new cuticle. However, if the old cuticle is removed after the insect begins to swallow air in preparation for ecdysis, then the new cuticle tans. Mechanical prevention of ecdysis and later removal of the old cuticle also does not result in tanning of the new cuticle. Therefore, shedding of the old cuticle only activates the release of bursicon in conjunction with other normal ecdysial events.  相似文献   

Summary In the abdominal ganglia of the turnip moth Agrotis segetum, an antibody against the cockroach neuropeptide leucokinin I recognizes neurons with varicose fibers and terminals innervating the perisympathetic neurohemal organs. In the larva, the abdominal perisympathetic organs consist of a segmental series of discrete neurohemal swellings on the dorsal unpaired nerve and the transverse nerves originating at its bifurcation. These neurohemal structures are innervated by varicose terminals of leucokinin I-immunoreactive (LKIR) fibers originating from neuronal cell bodies located in the preceding segment. In the adult, the abdominal segmental neurohemal units are more or less fused into a plexus that extends over almost the whole abdominal nerve cord. The adult plexus consists of peripheral nerve branches and superficial nerve fibers beneath the basal lamina of the neural sheath of the nerve cord. During metamorphosis, the LKIR fibers closely follow the restructuration of the perisympathetic organs. In both larvae and adults the LKIR fibers in the neurohemal structures originate from the same cell bodies, which are distributed as ventrolateral bilateral pairs in all abdominal ganglia. The transformation of the series of separated and relatively simple larval neurohemal organs into the larger, continuous and more complex adult neurohemal areas occurs during the first of the two weeks of pupal life. The efferent abdominal LKIR neurons of the moth Agrotis segetum thus belong to the class of larval neurons which persist into adult life with substantial peripheral reorganization occurring during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1980,10(2):163-168
An adenylate cyclase from the hindgut of the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae (F.), has been investigated. Several properties of the enzyme, including subcellular distribution, pH optimum, stimulation by NaF, effect of ATP and Mg2+, effect of divalent cations and effect of hindgut-stimulating neurohormone (HSN) were determined.Studies with isolated hindguts revealed that cyclic AMP potentiated the effect of HSN fourfold. However, HSN had no effect on basal- or fluoride-stimulated activities of adenylate cyclase in vitro. These observations are discussed with reference to the mode of action of HSN.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of prolactin-like neuropeptides was demonstrated immunocytochemically in the brain and affiliated neuroendocrine structures of the insect Leucophaea maderae. Use of the unlabelled peroxidase-antiperoxidase method of Sternberger revealed a rather widespread and differential distribution of reaction products resembling human (hPRL) and ovine (oPRL) prolactin. Tests with antirat PRL antibody were negative. The specificity of the antibodies used was established by liquid-phase absorptions and confirmed in tissue control systems. In L. maderae, anti-oPRL identifies part of an oPRL-like molecule different from human and rat PRL. Anti-hPRL reveals part of a human and ovine PRL-like molecule different from rat prolactin. These results indicate the occurrence, in the nervous tissue of one insect species, of at least two types of prolactin-like molecules.Supported in part by SNF grants 11-5082 and 11-6652 (G.N.H.) and NIH Grant NS 22344-02 (B.S.). The authors are indebted to Mrs. Bente Hershøj for skillful technical assistance  相似文献   

Summary The hindgut of the Madeira cockroach contains an intricate network of longitudinal and circular muscles that are distinctive for each region. In the rectum, the longitudinal muscles are symmetrically arranged in 6 distinct bands, while the circular muscles appear as a uniform layer over the rectal pads. In the colon, the muscle fibers are arranged in an irregular lattice with the longitudinal fibers generally superimposed on the circular ones but with an evident weaving between the layers. In addition to these muscle layers, a delicate, superficial network of muscle-like fibers covers many portions of the colon and rectum.In spite of the bewilderingly complex motile activity of deganglionated hindguts, all activity could be classified under 4 basic types after cinematographic analysis: segmentation, compression, peristalsis, or reverse peristalsis or a combination thereof. Although much of the activity that occurred was seemingly random, there was an evident rhythmicity that spontaneously arose and ended in several types of motility during the course of observations. The defined modes of activity seemed to be completely myogenic in nature, as all 4 categories were readily observed in hindguts 30 min after treatment with tetrodotoxin (10–6 g/ml). Each region of the hindgut seemed to have its own particular rhythm.Action potentials were recorded both intracellularly and extracellularly from all regions of the hindgut; amplitude usually ranged between 10 and 20 mV for intracellular recordings, and such spike potentials were often preceded by a slow depolarizing pre-potential. Generally, however, the depolarization was abrupt. Transmembrane potentials from the visceral muscle fibers were never truly at rest. Slow, continuous fluctuations (3–8 mV) were common. At times, plateau-type action potentials were recorded, but generally the repolarization contour was almost linear with time. Contractions were evoked by action potentials but not by the slow, rhythmic fluctuations in the membrane potential.No particular region or structure in the hindgut showed an exclusive pacemaker function. However, there was an evident gradient of increased excitability progressing in an caudal direction from the ileum.In a sodium-free saline, the amplitude of action potentials was remarkable enhanced from 5 to 10 min after the initial change. Even after a 20 min exposure, action potentials were still often present although their frequency and amplitude dropped. Tetrodotoxin (10–6g/ml) had no. pronounced effect on frequency or amplitude of action potentials. However, spike potentials ceased within 1.5 min after exposure to a sodium and calcium-free saline. When such preparations were re-exposed to a sodium-free saline containing normal calcium, the action potentials reappeared, suggesting that calcium might be a current-carrying ion. Although action potentials in a calcium-free medium showed variability, we generally saw a marked reduction in amplitude of potentials within 5 min. We further observed that 2 mM manganous ion completely abolished action potentials within 2 min. Thus, it seems likely that sodium is not the sole current-carrying ion in cockroach hindgut muscle.The authors express their indebtedness to Ms. Susan Swann, Mr. Gerald Holt, Mr. David Owens, and Ms. Mary Strand for their competent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Antennal sensilla of Leucophaea maderae were investigated electrophysiologically, labeled and then examined with the scanning or transmission electron microscope. The sensilla can be classified into morphological types according to their external shape and the structure of their hair wall. Sensilla showing similar reaction spectra of their cells can be cathegorized into physiological groups. The morphological classification corresponds to the physiological grouping: one morphological type of sensillum comprises one or several groups of physiologically similar sensilla. In many of these groups constant combinations of physiologically different cells occur. The possible functional significance of the relationships found between the structural features of the sensilla and the physiological properties of their sensory cells is discussed.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Scha 292/1)  相似文献   

Vitellogenin (Vg) synthesized by the fat body of Leucophaea maderaeis made up of four polypeptides with molecular weights of 160,000, 105,000, 98,000, and 57,000. Other polypeptides previously reported as part of Vg are associated with other proteins. Vitellin (Vt), the yolk protein (YP) isolated from mature oocytes and from newly formed oothecae, is a protein with a sedimentation coefficient of 28s and consists of three polypeptides with molecular weights of 105,000, 85,000, and 57,000. During vitellogenesis, the YP of developing oocytes contains both Vt and a 14s component. The 14s component is made up of four polypeptides with molecular weights of 105,000, 90,000, 85,000, and 57,000. The data suggest that 14s may not be a discrete protein but rather a form in transition between Vg and Vt in which the 98,000 dalton polypeptide is converted to the 85,000 dalton polypeptide of Vt through a 90,000 dalton intermediate. The 160,000 dalton peptide of Vg does not appear to be a part of Vt. Under alkaline conditions, both the 14s component and Vt are reduced to a polypeptide with a lower sedimentation rate in sucrose gradients. When acid conditions are restored, a protein resembling 14s is obtained. This suggests that the YP is a loosely held aggregate of similar or identical proteins with a molecular weight of about 250,000.  相似文献   

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