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Alternative reproductive tactics and courtship in the common goby   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the marine common goby Pomatoschistus microps , males either build nests and attract females to spawn or act as sneakers, forcing themselves into other males' nests during mating, to fertilize some of the eggs in the clutch. The reproductive tactics of small males were studied in the presence of surplus nest material and an excess of gravid females, while a larger, nestholding male spawned with a female. Of 24 small males, 13 only attempted to sneak, seven only courted females and/or spawned in their own nest, and four performed both behaviours. The small males who attracted females successfully were significantly larger than the ones who failed to do so. Females had been courting the small male more often when he subsequently spawned in his own nest, than when he did not get a female. The small males did not court the females very frequently, and their courtship rate did not depend on whether or not they attracted females. Instead, female courtship behaviour may be a cue for a male either to spawn as a nest holder or become a sneaker. The study pointed out the importance of female behaviour for male reproductive tactics, which could be more important in fish than is known currently.  相似文献   

Females of the tropical weevilCleogonus rubetra oviposit into fruits of the leguminous treeAndira inermis, and larvae develop in the pulp and seed of these fruits. We hypothesized three alternative tactics by which males might secure matings. By using focal observations of males and by evaluating predictions specific to each hypothesis, we demonstrate that males search within aggregations of conspecifics for receptive females, and upon finding a suitable partner, males mount and perform courtship behavior consisting of stroking the eyes and sides of the female's abdomen. Males also stridulate and emit a sequence of short buzzing sounds. While mounted, males actively prevent rival males from mating with their partner. Males defend their mates for a mean duration of 3.7 h (including copulation). As predicted, paired males were larger than solitary individuals, although the difference was marginally nonsignificant. The overabundance of fruits relative to males, the prolonged period during which females are active, and the probability of last male sperm precedence are factors that may have contributed to the evolution of this female-defense tactic by males. Paired females were significantly larger than solitary females. We observed no competition among females for mates, and the correlation between elytron length of paired males and females was not significant.  相似文献   

Mating tactics in external fertilizers when sperm is limited   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Among externally fertilizing animals in aquatic habitats, theproportion of a female's egg clutch that is successfully fertilizedoften falls below 100%. In many such species, particularly incoral reef fishes, males spawn daily at high frequencies, oftenwith little or no sperm competition. A major evolutionary problemfor such males is how best to allocate sperm over successivespawns. Females face the problem of ensuring complete fertilizationof their egg clutch. Here we model male and female mating tacticswhen daily sperm production is limited and with various assumptionsconcerning how differences in the number of sperm released duringa mating influence the number of eggs fertilized. The modelsreveal conditions under which males can maximize daily reproductivesuccess, either by releasing a fixed number of sperm duringall successive spawns or by matching sperm numbers to the clutchsize of their mates. These patterns of sperm allocation exertdifferent pressures on females, which may respond evolutionarilyby developing various mating tactics of their own.  相似文献   

  The relationships between gonadal maturation and the expression of behavioral and morphological display characters in O. mossambicus was investigated and the possible role of androgens in the coordination of this process was evaluated using genital papilla size as a bioassay for androgen levels. Morphological and behavioral displaying characters were found to be correlated among themselves. The sexually dimorphic characters were correlated with gonad maturation and androgen levels, but not with the gonado-somatic index. Gonad maturation and androgen levels were closely related. Territoriality and other behavioral variables involved in reproduction were also correlated with gonad maturation and androgen levels. These data suggest that in O. mossambicus androgens play a mediating role between gonadal maturation and the expression of display characters, both morphological and behavioral. Received: 23 February 1999 / Received in revised form: 3 May 1999 / Accepted: 10 May 1999  相似文献   

A rare form of alternative reproductive behaviour without simultaneous parasitic spawning was observed in Ophthalmotilapia ventralis, a lekking mouth‐brooding cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. Floater males attempted to sneak opportunistically into the territory to actively court the female, while the owner (bourgeois male) defended the territory against other potential intruders. Floater males had more body fat than territory owners and generally higher condition factors. In field experiments, the response of bourgeois males and courted females was tested towards floaters and egg predators (a catfish Synodontis multipunctatus) present in the territories. Territory owners responded aggressively particularly to floaters, and female responsiveness to bourgeois male courtship tended to decline when floaters were present. The potential influence of reproductive parasitism on sexual selection in mouth‐brooding cichlids is discussed.  相似文献   

The persistence of genetic variability in performance traits such as strength is surprising given the directional selection that such traits experience, which should cause the fixation of the best genetic variants. One possible explanation is ‘genic capture’ which is usually considered as a candidate mechanism for the maintenance of high genetic variability in sexual signalling traits. This states that if a trait is ‘condition dependent’, with expression being strongly influenced by the bearer''s overall viability, then genetic variability can be maintained via mutation-selection balance. Using a species of dimorphic beetle with males that gain matings either by fighting or by ‘sneaking’, we tested the prediction of strong condition dependence for strength, walking speed and testes mass. Strength was strongly condition dependent only in those beetles that fight for access to females. Walking speed, with less of an obvious selective advantage, showed no condition dependence, and testes mass was more condition dependent in sneaks, which engage in higher levels of sperm competition. Within a species, therefore, condition dependent expression varies between morphs, and corresponds to the specific selection pressures experienced by that morph. These results support genic capture as a general explanation for the maintenance of genetic variability in traits under directional selection.  相似文献   

Studies using molecular markers have shown that some grey seal males may be gaining success through exhibiting alternative mating tactics. We estimated the probability of fertilization success of grey seal males exhibiting the primary tactic of female defence and one alternative tactic of mating with departing females on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, during the breeding seasons of 1997-2002. Although the fertilization rate of the primary tactic (27-43%) was greater than that of the alternative tactic (10-12%), these low rates indicate the potential fitness value of alternative mating tactics in this size-dimorphic pinniped species.  相似文献   

The role of sound production of the Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus in agonistic and mating interactions observed during hierarchy formation and in established groups was examined. Only territorial males produced sounds, during male–female and male–male courtship interactions and during pit-related activities ( e.g. dig, hover and still in the nest). Sound production rate was positively correlated with courting rate. Although sounds in other cichlids are typically emitted in early stages of courtship, O. mossambicus produced sounds in all phases, but especially during late stages of courtship, including spawning. It is suggested that the acoustic emissions in this species may play a role in advertising the presence and spawning readiness of males and in synchronizing gamete release.  相似文献   

Induction of alternative mating tactics by surrounding conditions, such as the presence of conspecific males, is observed in many animal species. Satellite behaviour is a remarkable example in which parasitic males exploit the reproductive investment by other males. Despite the abundance of parasitic mating tactics, however, few examples are known in which males alter courtship behaviour as a counter tactic against parasitic rivals. The fruit fly Drosophila prolongata shows prominent sexual dimorphism in the forelegs. When courting females, males of D. prolongata perform ‘leg vibration’, in which a male vibrates the female''s body with his enlarged forelegs. In this study, we found that leg vibration increased female receptivity, but it also raised a risk of interception of the female by rival males. Consequently, in the presence of rivals, males of D. prolongata shifted their courtship behaviour from leg vibration to ‘rubbing’, which was less vulnerable to interference by rival males. These results demonstrated that the males of D. prolongata adjust their courtship behaviour to circumvent the social context-dependent risk of leg vibration.  相似文献   

The mouthbrooding cichlid Oreochromis niloticus is one of the world's best-studied fish and is raised extensively for aquaculture. Although it is a common behavioural model, its acoustic communication has been neglected. Because of extensive parental care, the species is a good candidate for vocal learning. In male O. niloticus , we investigated for the first time sound production in agonistic interactions during nest construction. Males produce short-duration (250–400 ms), often double-pulse sounds. Most energy is below 200 Hz and includes three main low-frequency peaks although energy extends beyond 1 kHz. Males (separated as eggs and raised in isolation) produce similar sounds in the same context as parental fish, indicating that the ability to produce sounds and the basic properties of the sounds are innate.  相似文献   

In European bitterling Rhodeus amarus , fish that lay their eggs in the gill chambers of living freshwater mussels, females perform conspicuous behaviours associated with spawning that increases the probability of males performing ejaculatory behaviour and participating in a spawning. A significant positive association was detected between behaviour in which a female performs a spawning action but without releasing eggs, here termed 'deceptive female oviposition', and ejaculatory behaviour by courting males.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of alternative mating behaviours may vary within and among populations in relation to environmental factors and demographic parameters. We used behavioural and genetic data to investigate how male density affects reproductive success of territoriality and sneaking in the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus, Cyprinidae), a freshwater fish that spawns on the gills of living freshwater mussels. Keeping the number of spawning sites constant, we manipulated male densities in laboratory and mesocosm experiments. We showed that sneaked fertilizations were common in R. sericeus, and that they increased significantly with male density. Territorial mating was almost 17 times more successful than sneaking at the lowest male density treatment, and still 2-3 times more successful at intermediate densities. However, both behaviours conferred the same fitness pay-off at the highest male density. While the success of territorial males declined with male density, the success of individual sneaking males remained constant across densities. Notably, the capacity of territorial males to outcompete sneakers by preoviposition sperm loading was the best predictor of male reproductive success, rather than aggression, body size or postoviposition ejaculation.  相似文献   

Male trait distribution determined alternative mating tactics in guppies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of the percentage of the body of male guppies Poecilia reticulata covered with orange coloration influenced alternative mating tactics. At 15% mean coverage, male guppies interfered with other courting males more and engaged in courtship activities longer than males with 10% mean coverage. When males were tested in a situation with a wide variety of male types, males switched among females less frequently than when the variance among males was low.  相似文献   

Males of Dawson’s burrowing bees (Amegilla dawsoni) search for virgin females at three locations: (1) open clay patches where females are emerging from underground brood cells, (2) the vegetated peripheral zone adjacent to emergence areas (through which females pass after emerging), and (3) clusters of flowering plants, which are often some distance from emergence areas. Males of Dawson’s burrowing bees exhibit a size dimorphism with large major and small minors. Major males patrol only the open emergence sites, whereas minor males may be found in all three locations. Although most females are mounted and presumably mated immediately upon emergence, some are not, and these females make up a pool of potential mates for the small males patrolling the peripheral zone and flower patches. The density of males at emergence sites and the probability of male-male aggression change over the course of a day and over the entire flight season. When the level of competition is low, some minor males hunt for mates at emergence areas, where potential mates are relatively numerous. But when the presence of many large rivals makes it unlikely that a small male can avoid being displaced from emerging females, minors make the best of a bad job by shifting to areas where majors are absent.  相似文献   

The present study shows that small non‐territorial terminal‐phase males of the rusty parrotfish Scarus ferrugineus are reproductively active and are comparable with initial‐phase males in behaviour, rates of participation during group‐spawning and success in streaking into pair spawning. Large territorial terminal‐phase males defend contiguous territories for several hours during the morning where they pair spawn with initial‐phase females.  相似文献   

We investigated the costs of mating with multiple males in terms of feeding time, traveling distances, sexual proceptivity, and male aggression, for wild female (Macaca fuscata yakui) on Yakushima Island, Japan. We analyzed all-day focal sampling data from 7 females during the mating season (Sept.-Nov. 1996). On days when estrous females copulated with multiple males, they decreased their feeding time to half that of anestrous days, traveled longer distances, showed more proceptive sexual behaviors and received more aggression from subordinate males than on days when they copulated with only the 1st-ranking male. On days when females copulated with only the 1st-ranking male, they showed no difference in feeding time with that of anestrous days, and expended less effort than the above mating pattern because of short traveling distances, diminished sexual proceptivity and a lower frequency of aggression received. The results suggest that the costs of estrous vary according to female sexual proceptivity and the number and social status of mating partners. Female Japanese macaques exhibit a mixed mating strategy over prolonged estrous periods, which may provide females with opportunities to maximize the benefits of copulating with multiple males and to minimize the costs of estrus by mating with only the 1st-ranking male. During an estrous cycle, females may be adjusting efforts for reproduction and survival; i.e., mating vs. feeding.  相似文献   

The Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus (Teleostei, Cichlidae) has been transplanted worldwide during the 20th century, and now belongs to the list of the most invasive species. Using a geometric morphometric approach, we describe body shape differentiation among 15 populations from native (Mozambique) and invaded (New Caledonia and Guadeloupe) ranges. A dominant phylogeographic signal is detected, despite the broad range of environmental conditions at the local scale. This result suggests that phylogeographic background rather than phenotypic plasticity responding to environmental variation constitutes the main factor correlated with shape divergence. This could result from successive founder events that occurred during the process of colonization of new geographic areas, and therefore strongly suggests heritable phenotypic differentiation. In addition, shape changes along a major axis of divergence hypothetically refer to different swimming abilities, possibly related to divergent functional requirements between the native and invaded ranges. Overall, patterns of contemporary shape diversification in O. mossambicus probably result from both phylogenetic constraints and adaptive divergence processes. We show that critically taking into account recent phylogenetic history of populations as a constraint on rapid phenotypic divergence is necessary for an improved view of contemporary evolution. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 369–381.  相似文献   

Life history theory provides a powerful tool to study an organism's biology within an evolutionary framework. The notion that males face a longevity cost of competing for and displaying to females lies at the core of sexual selection theory. Likewise, recent game theory models of the evolution of ejaculation strategies assume that males face a trade-off between expenditure on the ejaculate and expenditure on gaining additional matings. Males of the dung beetle Onthophagus binodis adopt alternative reproductive tactics in which major males fight for and help provision females, and minor males sneak copulations with females that are guarded by major males. Minor males are always subject to sperm competition, and consistent with theoretical expectation, minor males have a greater expenditure on their ejaculate than major males. We used this model system to seek evidence that mating comes at a cost for future fertility and/or male expenditure on courtship and attractiveness, and to establish whether these traits vary between alternative mating tactics. We monitored the lifespan of males exposed to females and nonmating populations, and sampled males throughout their lives to assess their fertility and courtship behaviour. We found a significant longevity cost of reproduction, but no fertility cost. On average, males from mating populations had a lower courtship rate than those from nonmating populations. This small effect, although statistically nonsignificant, was associated with significant increases in the time males required to achieve mating. Minor males had lower courtship rates than major males, and took longer to achieve mating. Although we did not measure ejaculate expenditure in this study, the correlation between lower courtship rate and longer mating speed of minor males documented here with their greater expenditure on the ejaculate found in previous studies, is consistent with game theory models of ejaculate expenditure which assume that males trade expenditure on gaining matings for expenditure on gaining fertilizations.  相似文献   

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