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Flavonoids are a group of secondary metabolites derived from the phenylpropanoid pathway. They are ubiquitous in the plant kingdom and have many diverse functions including key roles at different levels of root endosymbioses. While there is a lot of information on the role of particular flavonoids in the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis, yet their exact role during the establishment of arbuscular mycorrhiza and actinorhizal symbioses still remains unclear. Within the context of the latest data suggesting a common symbiotic signaling pathway for both plant-fungal and plant bacterial endosymbioses between legumes and actinorhiza-forming fagales, this mini-review highlights some of the recent studies on the three major types of root endosymbioses. Implication of the molecular knowledge of endosymbioses signaling and genetic manipulation of flavonoid biosynthetic pathway on the development of strategies for the transfer and optimization of nodulation are also discussed.  相似文献   

Fungal endophytes modify plant–herbivore interactions by producing toxic alkaloids that deter herbivory. However, studies have neglected the direct effects herbivores may have on endophytes. Antifungal properties and signalling effectors in herbivore saliva suggest that evolutionary pressures may select for animals that mitigate the effects of endophyte-produced alkaloids. Here, we tested whether saliva of moose (Alces alces) and European reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) reduced hyphal elongation and production of ergot alkaloids by the foliar endophyte Epichloë festucae associated with the globally distributed red fescue Festuca rubra. Both moose and reindeer saliva reduced the growth of isolated endophyte hyphae when compared with a treatment of distilled water. Induction of the highly toxic alkaloid ergovaline was also inhibited in plants from the core of F. rubra''s distribution when treated with moose saliva following simulated grazing. In genotypes from the southern limit of the species'' distribution, ergovaline was constitutively expressed, as predicted where growth is environmentally limited. Our results now present the first evidence, to our knowledge, that ungulate saliva can combat plant defences produced by a grass–endophyte mutualism.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial symbionts (cyanobionts) have been identified forming associations with various open ocean eukaryotic host genera, including two dinophysoid genera, Histioneis sp. and Ornithocercus sp., two radiolarians, Spongastaurus and Dictyocoryne truncatum, sp., and a tintinnid, Codonella sp. The TEM analysis revealed that single individual hosts were closely associated with one to two different cyanobacterial morphotypes (cyanobionts) and two hosts had in addition to cyanobionts, one to two bacterial cell types. Eleven significantly (P<0.01) different cell types were identified as cyanobionts, with cell diameters ranging 0.5±0.38–3.7±0.66 μm. Using immunogold‐labeling techniques coupled to the TEM, four of the five cell types contained phycoerythrin (PE) at high levels (>71±28 gold particles·μm?2). Immunolabeling‐TEM using nitrogenase antisera demonstrated a significant (P<0.01) nitrogenase content in cell type four cyanobionts of Histioneis sp. host 1 (39±34 gold particles·μm?2). The cyanobionts of the radiolarians were of a cell diameter (0.5–0.8 μm) and showed ultrastructural characters (peripheral thylakoids) reminiscent of Prochlorococcus sp. Also, an open ocean tintinnid, Codonella sp., was shown to contain cyanobacteria as symbionts for the first time. In all cyanobionts, glycogen storage was obvious, no cellular degradation was visible, cells were observed in the process of cellular division, and antisera localization was apparent. These observations suggest that the relationship between host eukaryote and cyanobacteria is an active one, and likely symbiotic.  相似文献   

Because plants are sessile organisms, the ability to adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions is critical for their survival. As a consequence, plants use hormones to regulate growth, mitigate biotic and abiotic stresses, and to communicate with other organisms. Many plant hormones function plei-otropically in vivo, and often work in tandem with other hormones that are chemically distinct. A newly-defined class of plant hormones, the strigolactones, cooperate with auxins and cytokinins to control shoot branching and the outgrowth of lateral buds. Strigolactones were originally identified as compounds that stimulated the germination of parasitic plant seeds, and were also demonstrated to induce hyphal branching in arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. AM fungi form symbioses with higher plant roots and mainly facilitate the absorption of phosphate from the soil. Conforming to the classical definition of a plant hormone, strigolactones are produced in the roots and translocated to the shoots where they inhibit shoot outgrowth and branching. The biosynthesis of this class of compounds is regulated by soil nutrient availability, i.e. the plant will increase its production of strigolactones when the soil phosphate concentration is limited, and decrease production when phosphates are in ample supply. Strigolactones that affect plant shoot branching, AM fungal hyphal branching, and seed ger-mination in parasitic plants facilitate chemical synthesis of similar compounds to control these and other biological processes by exogenous application.  相似文献   

Marine nitrogen‐fixing cyanobacteria play a central role in the open‐ocean microbial community by providing fixed nitrogen (N) to the ocean from atmospheric dinitrogen (N2) gas. Once thought to be dominated by one genus of cyanobacteria, Trichodesmium, it is now clear that marine N2‐fixing cyanobacteria in the open ocean are more diverse, include several previously unknown symbionts, and are geographically more widespread than expected. The next challenge is to understand the ecological implications of this genetic and phenotypic diversity for global oceanic N cycling. One intriguing aspect of the cyanobacterial N2 fixers ecology is the range of cellular interactions they engage in, either with cells of their own species or with photosynthetic protists. From organelle‐like integration with the host cell to a free‐living existence, N2‐fixing cyanobacteria represent the range of types of interactions that occur among microbes in the open ocean. Here, we review what is known about the cellular interactions carried out by marine N2‐fixing cyanobacteria and where future work can help. Discoveries related to the functional roles of these specialized cells in food webs and the microbial community will improve how we interpret their distribution and abundance patterns and contributions to global N and carbon (C) cycles.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic studies comparing the Dipterocarpaceae and the Sarcolaenaceae, a tree family endemic to Madagascar, have shown that the Sarcolaenaceae share a common ancestor with Asian dipterocarps. This suggests that Asian dipterocarps drifted away from Madagascar with the India-Seychelles landmass and then dispersed through Asia. Although all dipterocarps examined so far have been found to be ectomycorrhizal, the ectomycorrhizal status of Sarcolaenaceae had not been investigated. Here we establish the ectomycorrhizal status of Sarcolaenaceae using histological and molecular methods. This indicates that the common ancestor of the Sarcolaenaceae and Asian dipterocarps was ectomycorrhizal, at least before the separation of the Madagascar-India landmass, 88 million years ago.  相似文献   

Caridean shrimps are a highly diverse group and many species form symbiotic relationships with different marine invertebrates. Periclimenes rathbunae is a brightly colored shrimp that lives predominantly in association with sea anemones. Information about the reproductive ecology of the species is scarce. Therefore, we collected 70 ovigerous females inhabiting the sun sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus in coral reefs from the southern Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. Females produced on average 289 ± 120 embryos. The volume of recently-produced embryos was on average 0.038 mm3, and embryo volume increased by 192% during the incubation period. The average embryo mortality during embryogenesis was 24%. The reproductive output was 0.24 ± 0.094, considerably higher than in many other pontoniine shrimps. Females carrying embryos close to hatching showed fully developed ovaries, suggesting consecutive spawning. We assume that the sheltered habitat, living on sea anemones, allows Periclimenes rathbunae to allocate more energy in embryo production than most other free-living caridean shrimps. This is the first record of Periclimenes rathbunae for Costa Rica.  相似文献   

Mimetic species have evolved to resemble other species to avoid predation (protective mimicry) or gain access to food (aggressive mimicry). Mimicry systems are frequently tripartite interactions involving a mimic, model and 'signal receiver'. Changes in the strength of the relationship between model and signal receiver, owing to shifting environmental conditions, for example, can affect the success of mimics in protective mimicry systems. Here, we show that an experimentally induced shift in the strength of the relationship between a model (bluestreak cleaner fish, Labroides dimidiatus) and a signal receiver (staghorn damselfish, Amblyglyphidodon curacao) resulted in increased foraging success for an aggressive mimic (bluestriped fangblenny, Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos). When the parasite loads of staghorn damselfish clients were experimentally increased, the attack success of bluestriped fangblenny on damselfish also increased. Enhanced mimic success appeared to be due to relaxation of vigilance by parasitized clients, which sought cleaners more eagerly and had lower overall aggression levels. Signal receivers may therefore be more tolerant of and/or more vulnerable to attacks from aggressive mimics when the net benefit of interacting with their models is high. Changes in environmental conditions that cause shifts in the net benefits accrued by models and signal receivers may have important implications for the persistence of aggressive mimicry systems.  相似文献   

Evolutionary adaptation is the adjustment of species to a new or changing environment. Engaging in mutualistic microbial symbioses has been put forward as a key trait that promotes the differential, evolutionary success of many animal and plant lineages (McFall‐Ngai, 2008). Microbial mutualists allow these organisms to occupy new ecological niches where they could not have persisted on their own or would have been constrained by competitors. Vertical transmission of beneficial microbial symbionts from parents to the offspring is expected to link the adaptive association between a given host and microbe, and it can lead to coevolution and sometimes even cospeciation (Fisher, Henry, Cornwallis, Kiers, & West, 2017). Vertical transmission also causes bottlenecks that strongly reduce the effective population size and genetic diversity of the symbiont population. Moreover, vertically transmitted symbionts are assumed to have fewer opportunities to exchange genes with relatives in the environment. In a “From the Cover” article in this issue of Molecular Ecology, Breusing, Johnson, Vrijenhoek, and Young (2019) investigated whether hybridization among different host species could lead to interspecies exchange of otherwise strictly vertically transmitted symbionts. Hybridization of divergent lineages can potentially cause intrinsic and extrinsic incompatibilities, swamp rare alleles, and lead to population extinctions. In some cases, however, it might also create novel trait combinations that lead to evolutionary innovation (Marques, Meier, & Seehausen, 2019). Breusing et al. (2019) linked the concept of hybridization to symbiont transmission, and their findings have significant implications for the study of evolution of vertically transmitted symbionts and their hosts.  相似文献   

Patterns of nodulation, growth, andFrankia — host specificity have not been well characterized for the actinorhizal genera in the family Rosaceae because of the scarcity ofFrankia isolates from these taxa. Furthermore, the few isolates available from actinorhizal Rosaceae have consistently failed to nodulate plants from the host genus. In a series of experiments, species of rosaceousDryas, Cowania, Cercocarpus, Fallugia, andPurshia were inoculated withFrankia isolates, crushedDryas actinorhizae, and neoglacial soils to ascertain whether any of these inocula would effectively induce nodulation. Neoglacial soils from Alaska and Canada nodulated not only the localDryas drummondii, but alsoCercocarpus betuloides, Cowania mexicana andPurshia tridentata from distant and ecologically diverse locales as well as nonrosaceous, actinorhizal species ofAlnus, Elaeagnus, Myrica, andShepherdia. But of eightFrankia isolates, including two fromPurshia tridentata and one fromCowania mexicana, none were able to induce nodulation onPurshia orCowania species. Globular, actinorhizae-like nodules incapable of acetylene reduction were produced onC. betuloides inoculated withFrankia isolates. Crushed nodule suspensions fromDryas drummondii nodulated rosaceousCowania, Dryas andPurshia, as well as non-rosaceousElaeagnus, Myrica, andShepherdia species. Nodules produced by inoculation ofCowania mexicana andPurshia tridentata with crushed, dried nodule suspensions fromDryas drummondii reduced acetylene to ethylene, indicating nitrogenase activity for these nodulated plants. These data suggest that a similar microsymbiont infects the actinorhizal genera in the family Rosaceae.  相似文献   

The genus Symbiodinium encompasses a group of unicellular, photosynthetic dinoflagellates that are found free living or in hospite with a wide range of marine invertebrate hosts including scleractinian corals. We present GeoSymbio, a hybrid web application that provides an online, easy to use and freely accessible interface for users to discover, explore and utilize global geospatial bioinformatic and ecoinformatic data on Symbiodinium-host symbioses. The novelty of this application lies in the combination of a variety of query and visualization tools, including dynamic searchable maps, data tables with filter and grouping functions, and interactive charts that summarize the data. Importantly, this application is hosted remotely or 'in the cloud' using Google Apps, and therefore does not require any specialty GIS, web programming or data programming expertise from the user. The current version of the application utilizes Symbiodinium data based on the ITS2 genetic marker from PCR-based techniques, including denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, sequencing and cloning of specimens collected during 1982-2010. All data elements of the application are also downloadable as spatial files, tables and nucleic acid sequence files in common formats for desktop analysis. The application provides a unique tool set to facilitate research on the basic biology of Symbiodinium and expedite new insights into their ecology, biogeography and evolution in the face of a changing global climate. GeoSymbio can be accessed at https://sites.google.com/site/geosymbio/.  相似文献   

Potter wasps (Vespidae: Eumeninae) are known to exhibit not only sophisticated preying strategies but also a remarkable ability to manipulate clay during nest building. Due to a mixture of plasticity in building behavior and flexibility in substrate preferences during nest building, the group has been reported nesting in a variety of places, including decaying nests abandoned by termite species. Yet, evidence of wasps nesting inside senescent termite mounds is poorly reported, and to date, accounts confirming their presence inside active colonies of termites are absent. Here, we address a novel intriguing association between two species from the Brazilian Cerrado: a previously unknown potter wasp (nest invader) and a termite species (nest builder). Besides scientifically describing Montezumia termitophila sp. nov. (Vespidae: Eumeninae), named after its association with the termite Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Silvestri, 1901) (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae), we provide preliminary information about the new species'' bionomics by including (a) a hypothetical life cycle based on the evidence we collected and (b) a footage showing the first interaction between a recently ecloded wasp and a group of termites. In doing so, we attempt to provoke relevant discussions in the field and, perhaps, motivate further studies with the group. Finally, we describe a solution to efficiently detect and sample termitophilous species from termite nests, an intrinsic yet challenging task of any studies dealing with such a cryptic biological system.  相似文献   

We created the mathematical model for the evolution of the Efficiency of Mutualistic Symbioses (EMS) which was estimated as the microsymbiont impacts on the host’s reproductive potential. Using the example of rhizobia–legume interaction, the relationships were studied between EMS and Functional Integrity of Symbiosis (FIS) which is represented as a measure for concordance of changes in the partners’ genotypic frequencies under the environmental fluctuations represented by the minor deviations of the systemic model parameters. The FIS indices correlate positively with EMS values suggesting an enhancement of FIS via the natural selection operating in the partners’ populations in favor of high EMS. Due to this selection, nodular habitats may be closed for colonization by the non-beneficial bacterial strains and the Genotypic Specificity of Mutualism (GSM) in partners’ interactions is enhanced: the selective advantage of host-specific vs non-host-specific mutualists is increasing. The novelty of our model is to suggest a selective background for macroevolutionary events reorganizing the structure and functions of symbiotic systems and to present its evolution as a result of shifting the equilibrium between different types of mutualists under the impacts of the symbiosis-stipulated modes of natural selection.  相似文献   

The movement of carbon and nitrogen from Amphiscolops langerhansi , fed on 14C- and 15N-labelled Tigriopus japonica , to its algal endosymbiont Amphidinium klebsii is examined in a series of experiments designed to detect both sources in the host and utilization by the symbiont. Data for carbon indicate that.1. klebsii utilizes host carbon primarily as respired CO2 taken up in photosynthesis. Data for nitrogen suggest that translocation takes place primarily through the excretion of ammonia, and that uptake and incorporation by the alga is light-dependent.  相似文献   

Functional aspects of biodiversity were investigated in a lowland tropical rainforest in French Guyana (5°2′N, annual precipitation 2200 mm). We assessed leaf δ15N as a presumptive indicator of symbiotic N2 fixation, and leaf and wood cellulose δ13C as an indicator of leaf intrinsic water-use efficiency (CO2 assimilation rate/leaf conductance for water vapour) in dominant trees of 21 species selected for their representativeness in the forest cover, their ecological strategy (pioneers or late successional stage species, shade tolerance) or their potential ability for N2 fixation. Similar measurements were made in trees of native species growing in a nearby plantation after severe perturbation (clear cutting, mechanical soil disturbance). Bulk soil δ15N was spatially quite uniform in the forest (range 3–5‰), whereas average leaf δ15N ranged from −0.3‰ to 3.5‰ in the different species. Three species only, Diplotropis purpurea, Recordoxylon speciosum (Fabaceae), and Sclerolobium melinonii (Caesalpiniaceae), had root bacterial nodules, which was also associated with leaf N concentrations higher than 20 mg g−1. Although nodulated trees displayed significantly lower leaf δ15N values than non-nodulated trees, leaf δ15N did not prove a straightforward indicator of symbiotic fixation, since there was a clear overlap of δ15N values for nodulated and non-nodulated species at the lower end of the δ15N range. Perturbation did not markedly affect the difference δ15Nsoil δ15Nleaf, and thus the isotopic data provide no evidence of an alteration in the different N acquisition patterns. Extremely large interspecific differences in sunlit leaf δ13C were observed in the forest (average values from −31.4 to −26.7‰), corresponding to intrinsic water-use efficiencies (ratio CO2 assimilation rate/leaf conductance for water vapour) varying over a threefold range. Wood cellulose δ13C was positively related to total leaf δ13C, the former values being 2–3‰ higher than the latter ones. Leaf δ13C was not related to leaf δ15N at either intraspecific or interspecific levels. δ13C of sunlit leaves was highest in shade hemitolerant emergent species and was lower in heliophilic, but also in shade-tolerant species. For a given species, leaf δ13C did not differ between the pristine forest and the disturbed plantation conditions. Our results are not in accord with the concept of existence of functional types of species characterized by common suites of traits underlying niche differentiation; rather, they support the hypothesis that each trait leads to a separate grouping of species. Received: 18 August 1997 / Accepted: 14 April 1998  相似文献   

Patterns of photobiont diversity were examined in some Nostoc -containing lichens using the nucleotide sequence of the cyanobacterial tRNALeu (UAA) intron. Lichen specimens collected in northwestern USA were analysed and the sequence data were compared with tRNALeu(UAA) intron sequences previously obtained from lichens in northern Europe. Generally, it is the species identity of a lichen rather than the geographical origin of the specimen that determines the identity of the cyanobiont. Identical intron sequences were found in Peltigera membranacea specimens collected in Oregon (USA) and in Sweden, and very similar sequences were also found in Nephroma resupinatum thalli collected in Oregon and Finland. Furthermore, in mixed assemblages where two Peltigera species grew in physical contact with each other, the different lichen species housed different photobiont strains. There is however not a one-to-one relation between mycobiont and photobiont as some intron sequences were found in more than one lichen species, and different intron sequences were found in different samples of some lichen taxa. Peltigera venosa exhibited a higher level of photobiont diversity than any other lichen species studied, and several intron sequences could for the first time be obtained from a single thallus. It is not clear whether this is evidence of lower cyanobiont specificity, or reflects an ability to exhibit different degrees of lichenization with different Nostoc strains. In one specimen of P. venosa , which contained bipartite cyanosymbiodemes and tripartite, cephalodiate thalli, both thallus types contained the same intron sequence.  相似文献   

Gerardo NM  Wilson AC 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(10):2038-2040
Species interactions are fundamental to ecology. Classic studies of competition, predation, parasitism and mutualism between macroscopic organisms have provided a foundation for the discipline, but many of the most important and intimate ecological interactions are microscopic in scale. These microscopic interactions include those occurring between eukaryotic hosts and their microbial symbionts. Such symbioses, ubiquitous in nature, provide experimental challenges because the partners often cannot live outside the symbiosis. With respect to the symbionts, this precludes utilizing classical microbiological and genetic techniques that require in vitro cultivation. Genomics, however, has rapidly changed the study of symbioses. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, MacDonald et al. (2011) , coupling symbiont whole‐genome sequencing, experimental studies and metabolic modelling, provide novel insights into one of the best‐studied symbioses, that between aphids and their obligate, nutrient‐provisioning, intracellular bacteria, Buchnera aphidicola ( Fig. 1 ). MacDonald and colleagues assessed variation in the ability of aphid–Buchnera pairs to thrive on artificial diets missing different amino acids. As shown previously (e.g. Wilkinson & Douglas 2003 ), aphid–Buchnera pairs can differ in their requirements for external sources of essential amino acids. Such phenotypic variation could result from differences in Buchnera’s amino acid biosynthetic capabilities or in the ability of aphids to interact with their symbionts. Whole‐genome sequencing of the Buchnera genomes from four aphid lines with alternate nutritional phenotypes revealed that the environmental nutrients required by the aphid–Buchnera pairs could not be explained by sequence variation in the symbionts. Instead, a novel metabolic modelling approach suggested that much of the variation in nutritional phenotype could be explained by host variation in the capacity to provide necessary nutrient precursors to their symbionts. MacDonald et al.’s work complements a recent study by Vogel & Moran (2011) , who through crossing experiments investigating the inheritance of a nutritional phenotype associated with a frameshift mutation in a Buchnera amino acid biosynthesis gene powerfully demonstrated that different host genotypes paired with the same symbiont genome could exhibit substantially different nutritional requirements. 2 Thus, while there is little doubt that Buchnera are evolutionarily central to the nutritional ecology of aphids, the current work by MacDonald et al. (2011) together with that of Vogel & Moran (2011) surprisingly demonstrates host dominance in defining and controlling the ecological niche of this particular symbiosis.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint Pea aphids and their bacterial symbionts. (a) A pea aphid mother and her clonal offspring. (b) Flourescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) microscopy reveals the intimate association of aphid tissues (blue) with their obligate bacterial symbiont, Buchnera aphidicola (green), and a common facultative bacterial symbiont, Hamiltonella defensa (red). Photo by T. Barribeau, FISH image provided by A. Douglas.  相似文献   

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