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We have explored the feasibility of using crude nuclear extracts and band-shift experiments, to select and clone short human DNA fragments that contain binding sites for sequence-specific nuclear proteins. We show that this strategy is feasible. It provides a means to systematically identify the recognition sequences of proteins found in nuclear extracts prepared from various tissues, in order to compile a protein-binding-sequence catalogue. A complete catalogue would provide the data needed for searching the "raw" human DNA sequences for occurrence of protein-binding sites and thus, to construct a statistical map of potential regulatory regions in the human genome.  相似文献   

田靖  赵志虎  陈惠鹏 《遗传》2009,31(11):1067-1076
比较基因组学的研究发现: 人类基因组中约5%的序列受到选择压力的限制, 但编码序列只占其中很小一部分, 约3.5%是保守、非编码序列。这些保守非编码元件具有重要功能。可能在染色质构型(高级结构)、DNA转录和RNA加工等不同水平参与了基因的表达调控, 与哺乳动物的形态发生和人类疾病相关。文章简要综述了保守非编码元件的识别、功能及验证、起源演化以及与人类疾病的关系。  相似文献   



The ChickRH6 whole chicken genome radiation hybrid (RH) panel recently produced has already been used to build radiation hybrid maps for several chromosomes, generating comparative maps with the human and mouse genomes and suggesting improvements to the chicken draft sequence assembly. Here we present the construction of a RH map of chicken chromosome 2. Markers from the genetic map were used for alignment to the existing GGA2 (Gallus gallus chromosome 2) linkage group and EST were used to provide valuable comparative mapping information. Finally, all markers from the RH map were localised on the chicken draft sequence assembly to check for eventual discordances.


Eighty eight microsatellite markers, 10 genes and 219 EST were selected from the genetic map or on the basis of available comparative mapping information. Out of these 317 markers, 270 gave reliable amplifications on the radiation hybrid panel and 198 were effectively assigned to GGA2. The final RH map is 2794 cR6000 long and is composed of 86 framework markers distributed in 5 groups. Conservation of synteny was found between GGA2 and eight human chromosomes, with segments of conserved gene order of varying lengths.


We obtained a radiation hybrid map of chicken chromosome 2. Comparison to the human genome indicated that most of the 8 groups of conserved synteny studied underwent internal rearrangements. The alignment of our RH map to the first draft of the chicken genome sequence assembly revealed a good agreement between both sets of data, indicative of a low error rate.  相似文献   

J E Hyde  P F Sims 《Gene》1987,61(2):177-187
We have statistically analysed the distribution of nucleotides and dinucleotides in 21 genes of the 81% A + T-rich human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The mRNA-synonymous strands of this protozoan show in general a marked excess of purines over pyrimidines, correlated with abnormally high levels of Lys and Glu. We have used the large differences in base composition between coding and non-coding regions to estimate that the parasite possesses in the range of 2700-5400 genes. The dinucleotide preference patterns are compared with consensus patterns derived from other organisms [Nussinov, Nucl. Acids Res. 12 (1984) 1749-1763]. Patterns in the coding regions surprisingly resemble those of higher, rather than lower eukaryotes, particularly with respect to TG elevation and CG suppression. The latter is correlated with an abnormally low level of Arg in these parasites. In the non-coding regions, the four dinucleotides made up of C and/or G are found with significantly higher frequencies than expected (approx. 50-150%), specifically to the 5' side of the coding regions. The possible role of these dinucleotides in control sequences is discussed.  相似文献   

Interpretation of non-coding genome remains an unsolved challenge in human genetics due to impracticality of exhaustively annotating biochemically active elements in all conditions. Deep learning based computational approaches emerge recently to help interpret non-coding regions. Here, we present LOGO (Language of Genome), a self-attention based contextualized pre-trained language model containing only two self-attention layers with 1 million parameters as a substantially light architecture that applies self-supervision techniques to learn bidirectional representations of the unlabelled human reference genome. LOGO is then fine-tuned for sequence labelling task, and further extended to variant prioritization task via a special input encoding scheme of alternative alleles followed by adding a convolutional module. Experiments show that LOGO achieves 15% absolute improvement for promoter identification and up to 4.5% absolute improvement for enhancer-promoter interaction prediction. LOGO exhibits state-of-the-art multi-task predictive power on thousands of chromatin features with only 3% parameterization benchmarking against the fully supervised model, DeepSEA and 1% parameterization against a recent BERT-based DNA language model. For allelic-effect prediction, locality introduced by one dimensional convolution shows improved sensitivity and specificity for prioritizing non-coding variants associated with human diseases. In addition, we apply LOGO to interpret type 2 diabetes (T2D) GWAS signals and infer underlying regulatory mechanisms. We make a conceptual analogy between natural language and human genome and demonstrate LOGO is an accurate, fast, scalable, and robust framework to interpret non-coding regions for global sequence labeling as well as for variant prioritization at base-resolution.  相似文献   

Molecular methods, by which copy number variants (CNVs) detection is available, have been gradually introduced into routine diagnostics over the last 15 years. Despite this, some CNVs continue to be a huge challenge when it comes to clinical interpretation. CNVs are an important source of normal and pathogenic variants, but, in many cases, their impact on human health depends on factors that are not yet known. Therefore, perception of their clinical consequences can change over time, as our knowledge grows. This review summarises guidelines that facilitate correct classification of identified changes and discusses difficulties with the interpretation of rare, small CNVs.  相似文献   

At the 5' and 3' end of genomic HCV RNA there are two highly conserved, untranslated regions, 5'UTR and 3'UTR. These regions are organized into spatially ordered structures and they play key functions in regulation of processes of the viral life cycle. Most nucleotides of the region located at the 5' side of the coding sequence serve as an internal ribosomal entry site, IRES, which directs cap-independent translation. The RNA fragment present at the 3' end of the genome is required for virus replication and probably contributes to translation of viral proteins. During virus replication its genomic strand is transcribed into a strand of minus polarity, the replicative strand. Its 3' terminus is responsible for initiation of synthesis of descendant genomic strands. This article summarizes our current knowledge on the structure and function of the non-coding regions of hepatitis C genomic RNA, 5'UTR and 3'UTR, and the complementary sequences of the replicative viral strand.  相似文献   

Mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units (MIRUs) are 40-100 bp DNA elements often found as tandem repeats and dispersed in intergenic regions of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex genomes. The M. tuberculosis H37Rv chromosome contains 41 MIRU loci. After polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequence analyses of these loci in 31 M. tuberculosis complex strains, 12 of them were found to display variations in tandem repeat copy numbers and, in most cases, sequence variations between repeat units as well. These features are reminiscent of those of certain human variable minisatellites. Of the 12 variable loci, only one was found to vary among genealogically distant BCG substrains, suggesting that these interspersed bacterial minisatellite-like structures evolve slowly in mycobacterial populations.  相似文献   

Scott MS  Ono M 《Biochimie》2011,93(11):1987-1992
Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) are an ancient class of small non-coding RNAs present in all eukaryotes and a subset of archaea that carry out a fundamental role in the modification and processing of ribosomal RNA. In recent years, however, a large proportion of snoRNAs have been found to be further processed into smaller molecules, some of which display different functionality. In parallel, several studies have uncovered extensive similarities between snoRNAs and other types of small non-coding RNAs, and in particular microRNAs. Here, we explore the extent of the relationship between these types of non-coding RNA and the possible underlying evolutionary forces that shaped this subset of the current non-coding RNA landscape.  相似文献   

A bitmap display of the Fourier spectra has been developed which allows convenient whole chromosome scanning for genes and other features. Use of a limited sliding window gives rapid visualization and localization of coding regions in the chromosomes, as well as non-coding features such as repetitive DNA. The method works particularly well on organisms with a skewed base composition, to provide an overview of genomic features.  相似文献   

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