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Two populations of small bushbabies that frequently have been regarded as subspecies of Galago senegalensisare compared and contrasted. The animals in South Africa differ from those in coastal forests of Kenya in aspects of their morphology, locomotion, calls, reproduction, diet, social organization, and karyotype. The two forms are clearly separate species, namely G. moholiand G. zanzibaricus.  相似文献   

I observed seven pairs of sexually mature, captiveGalago moholi during the females’ ovarian cycles to determine the pattern of male copulatory behavior and its relationship to female receptivity. In this species, a copulatory lock was not apparent, a variety of thrusting patterns was displayed, and the male was capable of ejaculating following a single mount and intromission and may have ejaculated more than once during the 30-min test. Male mating indices did not differ significantly on consecutive days of the mating period, though declines in certain mating latencies on the second and third days of mating suggested increased female receptivity. Mating indices did not differ notably between the first and the second copulation within a test, though both showed some differences compared to the third copulation. InG. moholi, male copulatory behavior is typical of a prosimian species with a dispersed — nongregarious — mating system, in which copulation has a single prolonged intromission that extends into the postejaculatory period. This is characteristic of species in which more than one male has access to an estrous female.  相似文献   

Long distance vocalizations have been shown to be good indicators of genetic species in primates. Here the loud calls of two recently identified greater galago taxa —Galago crassicaudatus andG. garnettii — are compared and analyzed statistically. Observed differences in call structures are investigated further as potential indicators of differences in the structures of habitats frequented by the two species. Although the calls share a repetitive structure, and show similar dominant frequency bands (1,000 – 1,500 Hz), they differ significantly in the number of units per call, unit duration, inter-unit interval, highest frequency, lowest frequency, dominant frequency band, first harmonic, and call duration. The duration of theG. crassicaudatus call is more than twice that ofG. garnettii. Strong intraspecific consistency is seen in the most energetic frequency bands (dominant frequency band and first harmonic), and durations of the individual units and inter-unit intervals. Information important to species recognition is thus most likely to be contained in these features. Individual recognition may be encoded in the relative emphasis of higher level harmonics. The frequency structures of the calls will reflect requirements for acoustical transmission in a forest environment, as well as structural constraints imposed by body size. Higher frequencies detected in theG. garnettii call (up to 8,500 Hz) may have a functional significance related to distance estimation, or may simply be a reflection of smaller body size. The greater modulation of theG. garnettii call suggests that its habitat constitutes a denser or more turbulent medium for sound transmission than does the habitat ofG. crassicaudatus.  相似文献   

Aspects of reproduction and development of the young in Galago senegalensiswere investigated as part of a long-term study of small groups which were housed at indoor and outdoor enclosures in southern Germany. Estrus and delivery of the young may occur in all months of the year. All of the 23 births recorded were singletons. Postpartum estrus is unusual; normally, females come into estrus 4 to 5 weeks after parturition. Gestation length was 141 ± 1.6 days measured from midestrus. Gravid females, or females with off-spring, were never separated from their family groups since the fathers and offspring from earlier litters were intensivly engaged in positive interactions with the growing young. The development of locomotion, social behavior, and vocal patterns from birth to nutritional weaning is described. Youngsters had specific vocalizations, which were, for the most part, different from those of adults. The results are compared with reproduction and behavioral ontogeny in related prosimian species.  相似文献   

Results from data collected during the 1978–1979 breeding season on the reproduction of Lemur variegatus at the San Diego Zoo provide information which generally supports previously published reports on this species. Comparison of selected results from these data to a larger data base of which they are a part makes it possible to resolve some of the discrepancies between reports. Certain aspects of the reproductive biology of this species may then be generally characterized with confidence: The onset of seasonal breeding as evidenced by estrous behavior begins as early as mid-December in the northern hemisphere and may continue through March; genital changes associated with estrus in females last 9.85 ± 1.67 days (± SD); female receptivity occurs 7.0 ± 1.53 days after the onset of these genital changes and lasts 12-24 hours, during which breeding occurs; gestation averages 99.47 ± 4.19 days; the peak birth season is April–May; litters normally contain two to three offspring, with full-term neonates weighing an average of 104.63 ± 19.10 grams. In addition, L variegatus appears to be highly resistant to the impact of captivity on both its reproductive physiology and behavior, as indicated by the 100% breeding success of the diversely reared and managed groups of study animals.  相似文献   

Information concerning habitat, body size, reproductive status, and diet was recorded from 348 greater galagos, captured at six different localities in Tanzania and southern Africa between 1953 and 1955. The localities extended from Pemba Island in the north to Chikwawa, Malawi, in the south and varied broadly in the same order in degree of climatic aridity— from well-watered clove and coconut plantations to seasonally very dry woodland. Animals from the three northern localities fell within the geographic range of Galago garnettii,while the rest were assumed to be G. crassicaudatus.Statistical analysis of body size parameters confirmed this allocation. Data on fetal occurrence, vaginal and labial condition, and lactation indicate a restricted breeding season for both species, with peak proportions in estrus in August in G. garnettiiand in May-July in G. crassicaudatus.Gut content data indicate a variety of foods, with a preponderance in the northern localities of soft fruit such as mango, pawpaw, and coconut pulp; gum was a major carbohydrate source in the southernmost localities. Contrary to expectations, tooth damage, in the form of both loss and breakage, was much more prevalent in G. garnettiithan in G. crassicaudatus.The teeth most commonly lost were the upper incisors— perhaps because of the high acid and sugar content of a frugivorous diet. The high incidence of breakage of the lower incisors and upper canines indicates the inclusion of hard-shelled food sources in the diet of G. garnettii.  相似文献   

The phenology and flowering of two sympatric understory palms from western Ecuador, until recently regarded as conspecific, is described.Geonoma irena Borchs. flowers throughout the year. Anthesis lasts 11–14 weeks per inflorescence, with overlapping male and female phases. Flowers open in the midmorning, and are visited mainly by meliponid and halictid bees.Geonoma cuneata var.sodiroi (Burret)Skov flowers from December to April, with a distinct peak in Feburary. Anthesis lasts 6–8 days per inflorescence, with non-overlapping male and female phases. Flowers open at dawn, and are visited mainly by drosophilid and sphaerocerid flies. The flowering pattern of the two species match different specific behavioural features of their insect visitors. The study provides an example of how differences in reproductive biology may act as an important barrier to gene flow between related, co-occurring taxa.  相似文献   

Reproductive physiology was studied in female stumptail macaques. Initially the monkeys were housed indoors (individually and in small groups) and later as one large (92 individuals) social group in an outdoor cage. Most data were collected during the 4-year outdoor period. Plasma progesterone determination in blood samples taken at weekly intervals allowed estimation of ovulation and conception dates. The age at first ovulation (X =3.73 years) was positively correlated with body weight at 3 years of age. The average age at first birth was 4.90 years. Gestation lengths averaged 176.6 days. Following a live birth ovulations returned after a mean interval of 11 months but following an abortion or still birth this interval was 1 month. Usually a number of ovulatory cycles (X =2.37) preceded a conception. Interbirth intervals (IBIs) in the outdoor cage (X =619.4 days) were significantly longer than IBIs during the indoor period (X =523.1), because indoors the infants were weaned at the age of 7 months, while outdoors weaning occurred more naturally. IBIs following abortions or still births (X =291.9 days) were significantly shorter than IBIs following live births. Age at first ovulation, age at first birth, IBIs, and infant production rates were not correlated with dominance rank. Ovarian cycle lengths (X =30.2 days, mode = 28 days) were comparable to previously reported data from laboratory-housed stumptails. No systematic seasonal fluctuations were found in the onset of sexual maturity, in ovarian cycle lengths, in copulation frequencies, and in distribution of births.  相似文献   

Kurthia senegalensis strain JC8ET sp. nov. is the type strain of K. senegalensis sp. nov., a new species within the genus Kurthia. This strain, whose genome is described here, was isolated from the fecal flora of a healthy patient. K. senegalensis is an aerobic rod. Here we describe the features of this organism, together with the complete genome sequence and annotation. The 2,975,103 bp long genome contains 2,889 protein-coding genes and 83 RNA genes, including between 4 and 6 rRNA genes.  相似文献   

The calcifying cave inhabitant atmophytic blue-green algaGeitleria calcarea is reported from new localities in Florida and in the Cook Islands.—G. floridana n. sp., is described from caves in Florida. The calcified sheath has the shape of a quadratic prism and is built of crystalline acicular subunits about 0.1 µm in diameter. The subunits mostly form a rhombic lattice pattern but in some cases, they are not distinguishable and then the surface of the sheath is smooth.This paper is dedicated with gratitude to my former teacher, Prof. Dr.Lothar Geitler, for his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

The feeding behavior and diet of two species of bushbaby, Galago senegalensisand Galago crassicaudatus,in South Africa were examined in relation to seasonal changes in climate. The populations studied were allopatric, but both fed predominantly on Acaciagum and invertebrates. Data on their diet were collected by direct observation of a radiocollared female of each species and by analysis of fecal samples. Differences in diet were found between the species within seasons and within species between the seasons. Both spent more time gum-feeding in winter than in summer. Prey size and type differed between the species in summer but converged in winter. The quantity of insects taken was fairly similar between seasons for G. senegalensisbut dropped considerably for G. crassicaudatusin winter. These observations are interpreted in terms of interspecific differences in feeding strategies, which are considered to be a function of the difference in body size of the two galago species.  相似文献   

One of the biotypes of the planarian Dugesia benazzii is triploid in the somatic line, hexaploid in the female line owing to a chromosome set doubling, and diploid in the male line due to a haploid set elimination. In a population of this biotype only 50% of the oocytes are hexaploid, the others being triploid as a results of the lack of set doubling; the male line is always diploid. After a long period of laboratory culture most of the individuals became asexual and fissiparous. Almost all the oocytes of the few specimens which have remained sexual showed triploid complement; B-chromosomes also appeared. These events represent the manifestation of a new genetic background which act upon the two germ lines in different ways and moments. These topics are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on personal collections ofGlobba unifolia Ridl. andG. unifolia var.sessiliflora Holtt., the latter is recognized as a distinct species. As the nameG. sessiliflora is already occupied, the nomen novumG. corneri is proposed in honour of Prof. DrE. J. H. Corner, who was the first collector of the plant.Dedicated to Prof. DrE. J. H. Corner (Cambridge) on the occasion of his 85th birthday on January 12th, 1991.  相似文献   

We studied reproductive behavior of free-ranging capped langurs (Trachypithecus pileatus) in the Pakhui Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Four species of primates —Trachypithecus pileatus, Macaca mulatta, M. assamensis, and Nycticebus bengalensis— live there. We studied the mating seasons, mating frequency, copulatory attempts, time spent in copulation, and interval between 2 successive copulations, gestation length, and interbirth interval of 4 groups of capped langurs during 2001–2003. We observed 2 mating seasons in a year. The first was larger, comprising 5 months (September–January), and the second was short, April and May. Mating was intensive in the morning session (0600–1000 h); 57% of total mating events occurred then. The average gestation period was 200 d. November was the most favorable month for breeding. In a year, 107 mating events occurred involving 5 adult females. Average time per mounting attempt is 12 s. Duration of mounting was the maximum in November. Interbirth interval was 23 months and 10 d. The birth season was 129 days, December–April; 53% of births occurred in February and March. Average birth rate is 0.386 birth/female/yr.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine species and subspecies of the genera Centaurea, Colymbada, Psephellus and Cyanus (all included in Centaurea s.l.) including many rare and endemic taxa of preponderantly Bulgarian distribution have been investigated with Feulgen DNA image densitometry for holoploid and monoploid genome size (C- and Cx-values). Cyanus varies gradually 2.17-fold between 0.74 pg and 1.56 pg (1Cx). In the remaining taxa two major genome size groups are found, which differ about 1.8-fold in Cx-value. Low values occur in Centaurea subgenera Acrolophus, Solstitiaria, Phalolepis (0.77 pg to 0.90 pg, 1Cx) and Jacea (0.95 pg to 1.09 pg, 1Cx), high values in the genera Colymbada (1.65 pg to 1.93 pg, 1Cx) and Psephellus (1.79 pg, 1Cx, in P. marschallianus). Cx-values support a distinction of Colymbada from Centaurea. Genome size variation is discussed with regard to phylogeny, life form (annual versus perennial), polyploidy, chromosome basic numbers, altitude of occurrence and climate, endemism, and rarity.  相似文献   

Summary We investigate how body size of two coexisting Daphnia species varies among 7 lakes that represent a gradient of predation risk. The two species segregate vertically in stratified lakes; D. galeata mendotae is typically smaller and more eplimnetic than D. pulicaria. The extent of vertical habitat partitioning, however, varies seasonally within and among lakes in apparent response to predation intensity by epilimnetic planktivorous fishes. Daphnia pulicaria uses the epilimnion at low levels of fish predation but is restricted to the hypolimnion under high fish predation, whereas D. galaeta mendotae always utilizes the epilimnion. The species display contrasting patterns of genetic variation in neonate size and size at maturity. D. pulicaria is larger in lakes with higher fish and Chaoborus densities whereas D. galeata mendotae is smaller. This contrast in body size in lakes with high predation is associated with greater habitat segregation in those lakes. In lakes with low predation risk, the two species are similar in body size at birth and maturity.Authorship order alphabetical  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the esterase 6 (EST6) enzyme ofD. melanogaster is mainly produced in the sperm ejaculatory duct of the adult male and comparisons of wild-type males with laboratory null mutants have suggested that the enzyme plays a role in reproductive fitness. In this study we have compared 18 field-derived lines each isoallelic forEst6 for differences in five components of male reproductive fitness. No consistent fitness differences were found among lines differing in respect of the two major allozyme classes EST6-F and EST6-S, despite other evidence that these two classes are not selectively equivalent in the field. However, differences in reproductive fitness were found among lines differing in the minor mobility variants that segregate within EST6-F and EST6-S. A failure to distinguish among these minor forms may explain the discrepancies in previous studies on the effects of the major EST6 allozymes on reproductive fitness. The most significant associations we have found between EST6 and reproductive fitness were due to variation in EST6 activity levels. Male EST6 activity levels were found to be positively correlated with their time to first mating, negatively correlated with the numbers of eggs laid and progeny produced by their mates, and negatively correlated with the frequency with which their mates remate. We conclude that some EST6 variants differ in components of male reproductive fitness operative in laboratory cultures. However, the evidence for fitness differences is stronger for variants affecting the amount, rather than the structure of the enzyme, and the direction of the differences varies between some of the fitness components tested.  相似文献   

Spacing behaviour of female mammals is suggested to depend on the distribution and abundance of food. In addition, food limitation has been found to constrain the reproductive success of females. However, whether females maximize their reproductive success by adjusting space use in relation to current food availability and reproductive effort (e.g. litter size) has not been experimentally studied. We examined these questions by manipulating simultaneously food resources (control vs. food supplementation) and litter sizes (control vs. plus two pups) of territorial female bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) in large outdoor enclosures. Females with supplementary food had smaller home ranges (foraging area) and home range overlaps than control females, whereas litter size manipulation had no effect on space use. In contrast, the size of territory (exclusive area) was not affected by food supplementation or litter size manipulation. As we have previously shown elsewhere, extra food increases the reproductive success of bank vole females in terms of size and proportion of weaned offspring. According to the present data, greater overlap of female home ranges had a negative effect on reproductive success of females, particularly on survival of offspring. We conclude that higher food availability increases the reproductive success of bank vole females, and this effect may be mediated through lower vulnerability of offspring to direct killing and/or detrimental effects from other females in the population. Moreover, it seems that when density of conspecifics is controlled for, home range sizes of females, but not territoriality, is related to food resources in Clethrionomys voles.  相似文献   

Summary Two primarily granivorous rodents of Old World deserts,Gerbillus allenbyi (mean adult body mass=26 g) andG. pyramidum (mean adult body mass=40 g), coexist in sandy habitats in the northwestern Negev desert. Both species are burrow dwellers and are nocturnal; however, in their overall distributions,G. pyramidum occurs in more extreme deserts than doesG. allenbyi. In comparing field metabolic rate (FMR) and water influx of the twoGerbillus species, we considered two alternative hypotheses: (1) given the difference in their overall distributions,G. pyramidum has a lower FMR and water influx thanG. allenbyi, and (2) given the similarity in their diets, and that we worked with sympatric populations, FMR and water influx are similar. The latter alternative proved to be correct. Field metabolic rates in summer were 7.29 kJ · g-0.51 · day-1 forG. allenbyi and 7.74 kJ · g-0.51 · day-1 forG. pyramidum, values that were 69.3% and 74.5%, respectively, of those predicted for rodents of their body masses. Summer water influx ofG. allenbyi was 0.167 ml · g-0.90 · day-1 and that ofG. pyramidum was 0.144 ml · g-0.90 · day-1; these values were 79.4% and 68.6%, respectively, of water influxes predicted for rodents of their body masses. When compared allometrically, there were no interspecific differences in any of the measurements.  相似文献   

Reproductive characters of the Caribbean reef-building coral Acropora cervicornis were investigated based on histological samples collected from April 2001 through October 2002. Oogenesis commenced in early to mid-October through November and spermatogenesis was initiated from January to March. The onset of gametogenesis was staggered, exhibiting up to approximately a 1-month delay within colonies. In the hermaphroditic polyps, the observed male-to-female gonad ratio was nearly 1:1 and ripe oocytes represented over 70% of the total gonadal volume. Fecundity estimates based on Stage IV ova ranged between 10.4 and 21.8 mm3 per square centimeter per year, comparable to A. cervicornis in Puerto Rico and other broadcasting Indo-Pacific Acropora. Fecundity estimates based on Stage III vitellogenic oocytes indicated statistically significant differences among study sites. Spawning in field conditions was observed in 2001, 2003, and 2004 from 2300 to 2330 h. Gamete release generally occurred synchronously between nights two and seven after the full moon of July or August. However in 2003, multiple, small-scale gamete release episodes occurred over more than one lunar cycle. This coincided with the full moon occurring early in the month of July. While prolific gamete production is reported in this study, low levels of recruitment have been reported for this species. Thus, the highly fragmenting A. cervicornis may rely heavily on asexual reproduction for population maintenance and expansion, and recovery after disturbance may be greatly protracted.  相似文献   

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