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The effect of mutual shading on the root/shoot ratio and on the number of nodal roots of maize was studied. Plants of two varieties (Dea and LG2281) were grown in individual pots of 9 L, at three plant densities: 7.5, 11 and 15 plants m–2. A control experiment was carried out in order to study if root growth was affected by the small size of the pots. Maize plants (cv Dea) were grown at a low plant density (7.5 plants m–2) in pots of two different volumes (9 and 25 L respectively). In both experiments plants were watered every two hours with a nutrient solution. Some plants were sampled at five dates in the main experiment and the following data were recorded: foliar stage; root, stem and leaf dry weight; number of root primordia and number of emerged roots per phytomer. The final sampling date occurred at silking.Results of the control experiment showed that the root biomass was lower in small pots but the number of nodal roots per phytomer was not affected.Results of the main experiment showed that the total plant biomass and the root/shoot ratio were lower at high plant density. The number of emerged roots was strongly reduced on the upper phytomer (P8). This reduction was mainly due to a lower percentage of root primordia which elongated. A proposed interpretation is that the number of roots which emerge on upper phytomers is controlled by carbohydrate availability.  相似文献   

The trajectories of seventy three nodal roots of maize were studied in two fields with loose soil structure. Their projections on horizontal and vertical planes were traced. These roots tended to remain in a vertical plane. Trajectories were related to each other by an affine transformation. Thus, all the observed trajectories could be obtained by transformation of a common root archetype. The horizontal component of the trajectories was mainly in the first 0.4 m depth of soil, in the layer where soil structure was disturbed by ploughing. This horizontal component decreased with later appearance of roots (upper internodes), but differed between the two sites. The average soil temperature during the week following root appearance accounted for differences between internodes and sites. Lungley's algorithm, which is commonly used in modelling root trajectories, was tested. A general pattern could be simulated, but the model failed to fit the trajectories in the first 100 to 200 mm of soil. As a consequence, the initial angle between the stem and the root, which is a sensitive parameter in Lungley's model, did not account for differences between root trajectories. Laboratoire d'agronomie de Colmar  相似文献   

Trajectories of maize nodal roots were studied to test the hypothesis that roots which appear on a common internode have similar geometrical characteristics, and to assess the effect of soil temperature on root trajectory. Treatments consisted of three sowing dates, a comparison between mulched and non-mulched soil, a replication of one sowing date for two years in two locations, and a comparison between two cultivars at one sowing date. All these sources of variation, except the cultivar, had an appreciable effect on the trajectories of roots which appeared on the first four internodes. The horizontal component of the trajectory differed significantly between treatments, ranging from 93 to 700 mm in roots which appeared on the second internode, and from 71 to 569 for those on the third internode. The original hypothesis had, therefore, to be rejected. Mean soil temperature during the 100°C.days after root appearance accounted for the differences in trajectory between location, year, sowing date and mulch treatments, and for the differences between internodes within each location. The critical period during which temperature affected root trajectory probably began at root appearance, and ended between 50 and 100°C days after root appearance, i.e. when the root was less than 100 mm long.  相似文献   

T. Nakamoto 《Plant and Soil》1993,152(2):261-267
The direction of root growth is an important factor that determines the spatial distribution of roots in the soil. The influence of soil water content on the direction of growth of maize nodal roots was studied both in the field and in the greenhouse. In the field experiment, the one plot was regularly irrigated (I-plot) and the other non-irrigated (N-plot). In the greenhouse experiment, three water treatments were conducted on plants grown in pots: continuously wet (CW), early drying (ED), and late drying (LD). The direction of root growth was quantified by the angle from the vertical, measured at 1 cm intervals for 10 cm from the first five internodes. Nodal roots grew more vertically in the N-plot and ED treatment than those in the I-plot and CW treatment. This was due to the decrease of the initial angle and/or the liminal angle. It is therefore thought that two events regulate the growth direction of nodal roots under dry soil conditions: gravitropic bending at root emergence from the stem and the later establishment of the angle of growth. Nodal roots appearing after rewatering in the ED treatment grew in a similar direction as those in the CW treatment. It follows from this that the water content of the surrounding soil has a direct effect on the direction of growth. Nodal roots that emerged in rapidly drying soil in the LD treatment ceased growing after showing negative gravitropism. The possible mechanisms determining the growth direction of nodal roots in drier soils are discussed.  相似文献   

The direction of root growth can be studied by analyzing the trajectories of roots growing in soil. Both the primary seminal root and nodal roots of maize attain a preferred, or liminal, angle of growth that deviates from the vertical. These roots are said to be plagiogravitropic. Experiments using plants grown in soil-filled boxes revealed that the primary seminal root is truly plagiogravitropic. It shows both positive and negative gravitropism in response to gravity stimuli and tends to maintain its direction even after growing around obstacles. These are experimental results suggesting that plagiogravitropic growth is controlled by internal factors. The orientation of the grain affects the establishment of the liminal angle of the primary seminal root, and both the position of their node of origin and the root diameter are closely related to the plagiogravitropic behaviour of nodal roots. Several external factors are also known to influence plagiogravitropism. Low soil water content causes a decrease in the angle of growth and soil mechanical resistance suppresses the gravitropic curvature. Plagiogravitropic behaviour of both seminal and nodal roots plays a significant role in shaping the root system.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of maize roots was studied in four contrasting soils, (arenosols, luvisols, planosols and vertisols) by using in-situ root mapping on vertical planes. The relationship between root contact frequency and depth was different for each soil, with a relatively low field-to-field variability within each soil type. The general aspect of this relationship did not change appreciably for three years in arenosols, with a low colonization in sandy layers probably being due to mechanical barriers. The relationship was consistently non-monotonic in luvisols and planosols, because of the sparse colonization of sandy layers. In planosols, these layers were traversed by some primary roots, which were essentially clustered in animal burrows. The distribution of root contact frequency was closer to an exponential function in vertisols. In these soils rooting depth and colonization of deep soil layers showed a marked increase during two dry years compared with a wet year. This was probably due to a denser net of shrinkage cracks and slickensides, where roots were essentially located in dry years. These results raise the possibility of modelling the decrease in root distribution with depth using soil information and climatic characteristics.  相似文献   

Maize plants grown in field conditions were used to describe the histological organisation of the nodal roots, those of their laterals, and also to test the presence of critical stages where the subsequent capability for growth and development of young laterals was determined irreversibly. The absence of undeveloped primordia, which stop their development before boring through the nodal mother-root epidermis, proved that the number of laterals could not be regulated between the differentiation and the emission stage. Cross sections performed on nodal roots beared by the internodes 2, 4 and 6 and their long (>3 cm) and short (<3 cm) laterals showed that: u  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of cyclic soil wetting and drying on maize (Zea mays L.) root hair growth. Three soils, Chalmers silty clay loam (Typic Haplaquolls), Raub silt loam (Aquic Argiudolls) and Aubbeenaubbee sandy loam (Aric Ochraqualfs) and two soil moisture contents, −175 (M0) and −7.5 kPa (M1), were used to study root hair growth in a controlled-climate chamber. Increasing soil moisture after 7d from M0 and M1 resulted in a cessation of root hair growth behind the root cap while drying the soil after 7d from M1 and M0 promoted root hair growth on new but not old or existing roots. By maintaining liquid continuity under cyclic wetting and drying of a soil, root hairs may be of far greater significance to the nutrition of the plant than originally thought. Journal Paper No. 11023, Purdue Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn., W. Lafayette, IN 47907. Contribution from the Dep. of Agron.  相似文献   

Two methods for estimating the size of the maize (Zea mays l.) root system from soil cores taken in the field were compared. The spatially weighed block method of estimation accounted for variation in root density by using 18 samples per plant which varied in distance from plant and soil depth. This method was compared to an estimation which averaged all of the 18 samples together. Both methods gave surprisingly similar estimates for total root growth. Increased root growth in the surface soil layers, due to tillage and N fertilization, did not impact on the estimation of total root growth. Total root length remained unchanged or increased with N fertilization, while root weight remained the same or decreased. Root mass per length decreased with N fertilization. The estimated size of the root system was used to calculate root:shoot weight ratios. The largest root:shoot ratio was found in the vegetative stage and decreased throughout the rest of the season. In this field experiment, the estimated size of the root system at 8 weeks after planting was not significantly different from the size at silking or harvest. Nitrogen fertilization significantly decreased the root:shoot weight ratio. However, tillage did not significantly change the ratio.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study elongation curves of maize axile roots throughout their elongation period under field conditions. Relationships between their elongation rate and the extension rate of their branched region were also studied. Maize, early-maturing cultivar Dea, was grown on a deep, barrier-free clay loam (depth 1.80m). Trenches were dug during four periods until after silking and axile roots were excavated. Parameters measured were total length and the lengths of basal and apical unbranched zones. The rank of the bearing phytomer and general data about the carrying plant were also recorded. Results showed that axile roots from lower phytomers had similar elongation rates irrespective of the rank of the carrying phytomer. This elongation rate declined with root age. A monomolecular elongation model was fitted to the experimental data. Elongation was much slower in roots from upper phytomers. A rough linear relationship was found between the elongation rate of axile roots and the length of the apical unbranched zone. This result suggests that laterals appeared on a root segment a constant time after it was formed. Possible mechanisms with may account for the declining elongation rate with root age (increasing distance from aerial parts or adverse environmental conditions in deep soil layers) and variability between individual roots are also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary When roots of five day-old maize seedlings were exposed to15N-nitrate, a constant (25–29%) proportion of the reduced15N derived from the entering15N-nitrate accumulated as insoluble15N nitrogen. Constancy was established by two hours and lasted through 12 hours at ambient15N-nitrate concentrations of 0.05 mM to 20.0 mM. Even when little15N nitrate had been reduced (<2 moles), there was a linear relationship between accumulation of insoluble15N (but not accumulation or translocation of soluble reduced15N) and total reduced15N. It is proposed that protein synthesis from the entering nitrate occurs in close association with nitrate reduction.Paper No. 9764 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC, 27695-7619, USA. This research was supported by Grant No. PCM-8118661 from the National Science Foundation.Use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the product's name or criticisms of similar ones not mentioned.  相似文献   

The root system of a rice plant (Oryza sativa L.) consists of numerous nodal roots and their laterals. The growth direction of these nodal roots affects the spatial distribution of the root system in soil, which seems to relate to yield and lodging resistance. The growth angle of a nodal root varies with the type and timing of emergence of the nodal root. The body of a rice plant can be recognized as an integrated set of shoot units, each unit consisting of an internode with a leaf and several roots. Nodal roots formed at the apical part of a shoot unit often elongate horizontally, whereas those formed at the basal part of the shoot unit show various growth directions depending on both the growth stages of the plant and the environmental conditions. Moreover, nodal roots that emerge from the most basal shoot unit of a tiller are usually thick and grow downwards. External factors such as planting density and nitrogen application affect the growth direction of nodal roots, probably partly because of the changing tillering pattern of the shoot. In addition to the growth angle of nodal roots, size of nodal roots may be another important factor determining the spatial distribution of the root system in soil.  相似文献   

This study characterized the changes in proteinase activities in maize inbred line H60 and soybean cultivar Keller roots in response to anoxia. After 24 h of anoxia, crude protein extracts from both maize and soybean root tips (10 cm) were assayed for proteinase activities at pHs ranging from 4.5 to 10.2. In anoxic roots of both maize and soybean, activities of proteinases with alkaline pH optima increased, and activities of proteinases with acidic pH optima declined. Proteinases with neutral pH increased in anoxic maize roots, but declined in anoxic soybean roots. Whether the differences in proteinase activities in anaerobic maize and soybean roots contribute to the differental susceptibility of the two species requires further study.Journal Article No. 265-89.  相似文献   

Most existing water and nutrient uptake models are based on the assumption that roots are evenly distributed in the soil volume. This assumption is not realistic for field conditions, and significantly alters water or nutrient uptake calculations. Therefore, development of models of root system growth that account for the spatial distribution of roots is necessary.The objective of this work was to test a three dimensional architectural model of the maize root system by comparing simulated horizontal root maps with observed root maps obtained from the field. The model was built using the current knowledge on maize root system morphogenesis and parameters obtained under field conditions. Simulated root maps (0.45 × 0.75 m) of horizontal cross sections at 3 depths and 3 dates were obtained by using the model for a plant population. Actual root maps were obtained in a deep, barrier-free clay-loamy soil by digging pits, preparing selected horizontal planes and recording root contacts on plastic sheets.Results showed that both the number of cross-sections of axile roots, and their spatial distribution characterized with the R-index value of Clark and Evans (1954), were correctly accounted for by the model at all dates and depths. The number of cross-sections of laterals was also correctly predicted. However, laterals were more clustered around axile roots on simulated root maps than on observed root maps. Although slight discrepancies appeared between simulated and observed root maps in this respect, it was concluded that the model correctly accounted for the general colonization pattern of the soil volume by roots under a maize crop.  相似文献   

We studied the possibility whether the initiation of secondary roots is regulated by the air-filled porosity in soil, i.e. the availability of oxygen in the soil. Maize plants were grown in long PVC tubes (1 m long and 12 cm diameter) and were unwatered for different numbers of days so that variations of soil water content with depth were achieved on the same date with plants at the same age. The plants were harvested when their root systems were established in the whole soil column and watering had been withheld for 0, 15, 20, 25 days. A decrease of soil water content was significantly correlated with an increase of air-filled porosity in soil. The number of secondary lateral roots from segments of primary adventitious roots increased dramatically when soil water content decreased from field capacity to about 0.05 g water g-1 dried soil. The total dried mass of roots at different soil depths was also positively correlated with soil air-filled porosity. It was observed that the elongation of the initiated secondary roots responded differently to the variations of soil air-filled porosity. The length of secondary roots increased initially when the soil was dried from field capacity to 0.18 g g-1 dried soil (water potential at about−0.2 MPa, air-filled porosity 0.26 cm3 cm-3), but was drastically reduced when the soil was dried further. Obviously elongation of secondary roots was inhibited when soil water potential began to deviate substantially from an optimum value. The present results suggested that the initiation of secondary roots was greatly promoted by the increase of air-filled soil porosity, i.e. availability of oxygen. This conclusion was further verified in a separate experiment where solution-cultured maize seedlings were subjected to different aeration treatments. An obvious increase in secondary root initiation was found in plants which were aerated with normal air (21% O2) than in plants which were either not aerated or aerated with 5% O2 air. ei]Section editor: B E Clothier  相似文献   

Summary North Carolina Design III and generation means analyses were used to study the inheritance of seedling emergence time and a related seedling growth parameter in crosses between 5–154, a line from CIMMYT Pool 5 with rapid seedling emergence under cool conditions, and two Corn Belt Dent lines of maize (Zea mays L.). The crosses were evaluated at low temperatures in controlled environment rooms. Additive genetic variances were larger than dominance variances in both crosses and estimates of the average levels of dominance were in the partial dominance range. Dominance was in the direction of rapid seedling emergence and rapid utilization of seed reserve. Estimates of minimum numbers of effective factors provided evidence for polygenic inheritance.  相似文献   

Live cells can reduce colorless 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) to a red insoluble compound, formazan. Maize (Zea mays) callus, when osmotically stressed by 0.53 mol/L mannitol, produced 7-times or more formazan than untreated control callus. This result was seen with all osmotica tested and could not be attributed to differences in TTC uptake rate or accumulation, increased respiration rate as measured by O2 uptake, or to de novo protein synthesis. Increased formazan production could be detected after 2.5 h of exposure to osmotic stress and leveled off after 48 h of exposure. The increased formazan production was only detected when callus was moved from high osmotic medium to low osmotic, TTC-containing medium. Abscisic acid increased TTC reduction only when added in combination with 0.53 mol/L mannitol. Incubation of maize seedling roots with 0.53 mol/L mannitol also increased formazan production as seen visually. Further studies are needed to determine the cause of the increased formazan production. These results show that TTC viability measurements must be carefully evaluated with appropriate controls to confirm their validity.  相似文献   

The addition of 10 mM KNO3 to the solution bathing the roots of young nitrogen-starved seedlings of Zea mays L. enhanced root water transfer within 15 h, compared with 10 mM KCl addition. The free exudation flux was 2.2–3.9 times higher in excised KNO3-treated roots than in KCl-treated ones. Cryo-osmometry data for xylem sap suggested that, compared with chloride, nitrate treatment increased the steady solute flux into the xylem, but did not modify the osmotic concentration of sap. Root growth was not significantly modified by nitrate within 15 h. Root hydraulic conductances were measured by using either hydrostatic-pressure or osmotic-gradient methods. During hydrostatic experiments, the conductance (kp), which is thought to refer mainly to the apoplasmic pathway, was 1.6 times larger in KNO3-than in KCl-treated plants. From experiments in which polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8000 was used as external osmolyte, osmotic conductances (ks) were found to be smaller by 5–20 times than kp for the two kinds of plants. The KCl-treated roots were characterized by a low ks which was the same for influx or efflux of water. By contrast, KNO3-treated roots exhibited two distinct conductances ks1 and ks2, indicating that influx of water was easier than efflux when the water flow was driven by the osmotic pressure gradient. Infiltration of roots with KNO3 solution supported the idea that nitrate might enhance the efficiency of the cell-to-cell pathway. The low ks value of KCl-treated roots and the existence of two contrasting ks values (ks1 and ks2) for KNO3-treated roots are discussed in terms of reversible closing of water channels.  相似文献   

Summary Plasma membranes were isolated and purified from 14-day-old maize roots (Zea mays L.) by two-phase partitioning at a 6.5% polymer concentration, and compared to isolated mitochondria, microsomes, and soluble fraction. Marker enzyme analysis demonstrated that the plasma membranes were devoid of cytoplasmic, mitochondrial, tonoplast, and endoplasmic-reticulum contaminations. Isolated plasma membranes exhibited malate dehydrogenase activity, catalyzing NADH-dependent reduction of oxaloacetate as well as NAD+-dependent malate oxidation. Malate dehydrogenase activity was resistant to osmotic shock, freeze-thaw treatment, and salt washing and stimulated by solubilization with Triton X-100, indicating that the enzyme is tightly bound to the plasma membrane. Malate dehydrogenase activity was highly specific to NAD+ and NADH. The enzyme exhibited a high degree of latency in both right-side-out (80%) and inside-out (70%) vesicle preparations. Kinetic and regulatory properties with ATP and Pi, as well as pH dependence of plasma-membrane-bound malate dehydrogenase were different from mitochondrial and soluble malate dehydrogenases. Starch gel electrophoresis revealed a characteristic isozyme form present in the plasma membrane isolate, but not present in the soluble, mitochondrial, and microsomal fractions. The results presented show that purified plasma membranes isolated from maize roots contain a tightly associated malate dehydrogenase, having properties different from mitochondrial and soluble malate dehydrogenases.Abbreviations FCR ferricyanide reductase - MDH malate dehydrogenase  相似文献   

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