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We report an efficient and flexible in vitro method for the isolation of genomic DNA sequences that are the binding targets of a given DNA binding protein. This method takes advantage of the fact that binding of a protein to a DNA molecule generally increases the rate of migration of the protein in nondenaturing gel electrophoresis. By the use of a radioactively labeled DNA-binding protein and nonradioactive DNA coupled with PCR amplification from gel slices, we show that specific binding sites can be isolated from Escherichia coli genomic DNA. We have applied this method to isolate a binding site for FadR, a global regulator of fatty acid metabolism in E. coli. We have also isolated a second binding site for BirA, the biotin operon repressor/biotin ligase, from the E. coli genome that has a very low binding efficiency compared with the bio operator region.  相似文献   

The ability of Escherichia coli ribosomes to protect small specific regions of single-stranded bacteriophage DNA from digestion by pancreatic DNAase has been investigated. A procedure is described by which ribosome-protected fragments can be isolated from the DNA of bacteriophage f1 and φX174. Size determination by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or thin layer homochromatography together with fingerprinting analysis following chemical depurination or digestion with E. coli endonuclease IV were employed to show that these fragments represent a small specific portion of these DNAs. The protection reaction is largely dependent upon components necessary for ribosome binding to mRNA, including GTP, formylmethionyl-tRNA, and initiation factors. Thus, ribosomal binding to DNA mimics the ribosome-mRNA interaction. Furthermore, the regions in f1 and φX174 DNA which are protected differ in sequence from each other.When E. coli endonuclease IV is substituted for pancreatic DNAase in the ribosome protection reaction, a fragment of φX174 DNA is obtained about 150 bases in length which contains all of the pyrimidine tracts in the shorter 50-base fragment obtained with pancreatic DNAase, and a number of additional polypyrimidines.Double-stranded DNAs such as φX174 replicative form do not bind at all to ribosomes in their native state. Heat denaturation of such double-stranded DNAs allows ribosome binding. Protection of the same specific regions as those protected in single-stranded φX174 DNA was observed. A similar specific protection was observed following heat denaturation and ribosome binding with DNA from polyoma virus.  相似文献   

A possible code is suggested that describes a correspondence between amino acid sequences in stereospecific sites of regulatory proteins and nucleotide sequences at the control sites on DNA. Stereospecific sites of regulatory proteins are assumed to contain pairs of antiparallel polypeptide chain segments which form a right-hand twisted antiparallel -sheet with single-stranded regions at the ends of the -structure. The binding reaction between regulatory protein and double-helical DNA is accompanied by significant structural alterations at stereospecific sites of the protein and DNA. Half of the hydrogen bonds normally existing in -structure are broken upon complex formation with DNA and a new set of hydrogen bonds is formed between polypeptide amide groups and DNA base pairs. The code states a correspondence between four amino acid residues at a stereospecific site of the regulatory protein and an AT (GC) base pair at the control site. It predicts that there are six fundamental amino acid residues (serine, threonine, histidine, asparagine, glutamine and cysteine) whose arrangement in the stereospecific site determines the base pair sequence to which a given regulatory protein would bind preferentially.  相似文献   

Fragments of rat liver mitochondrial DNA were isolated. In vivo these fragments were able to form the complexes with the proteins of inner mitochondrial membrane. The fragments represent unique DNA regions with the secondary structure, their A-T content being equal to 82%. With the aid of phosphomonoesterase, polynucleotidkinase and gamma-(32P)-ATP mtDNA fragments were labeled and analyzed for oligopyrimidine composition. It was shown that they were enriched in di- and tri-oligo-pyrimidine blocks. The fragments are shown to form in vitro a complex with the membrane proteins. A single protein m. wt. 40,000) was reisolated from the complex.  相似文献   

Hox genes determine anterior–posterior specificity of an animal body. In mammals, these genes map onto four chromosomal loci in a clustered manner, and their expression is regulated in a coordinated manner according to their chromosomal structure. In the present study, we analysed the Hoxb9 promoter and found that promoter activity in cultured cells is linked to secondary structure formation of promoter DNA. In nuclear extracts, we also detected binding activity specific for secondary-structured DNA. We successfully isolated a candidate gene encoding this specific DNA-binding protein, FBXL10, and demonstrated the effects of the gene product on Hoxb9 promoter activity. Our results suggest that DNA can regulate gene expression by other, non-sequence-specific modes of genetic coding.  相似文献   

A nucleic acid affinity matrix containing a short oligodeoxynucleotide ligand has been prepared as an example of a material which can be used for the rapid and effective isolation of sequence specific DNA binding proteins. Two complementary oligodeoxynucleotides have been employed, one of which contains a small 5'-spacer arm with a terminal thiol group. Using this terminal thiol group, the ligand can be covalently coupled to Tresyl-activated Sepharose 4B or Epoxy-activated Sepharose 6B via a thioether linkage. This approach allows the specific attachment of the nucleic acid ligand via its 5'-terminus to the insoluble matrix. The double stranded affinity material was obtained by annealing of the complementary DNA fragment. As an example, we have used an eicosomer affinity column containing the sequence d(GAATTC) for the isolation of the Eco RI restriction endonuclease. Using a single column, the enzyme could be isolated by eluting the column with a single step or multistep gradient of increasing salt concentration. The enzyme was purified to 75%-85% homogeneity with yields of 0.1 mg to 0.2 mg from 0.5 g of cell paste.  相似文献   

In this report, we show that yccV, a gene of unknown function, encodes a protein having an affinity for a hemimethylated oriC DNA and that the protein negatively controls dnaA gene expression in vivo.  相似文献   

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