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Proteasomes (multi-protease complexes) are composed of approximately 15 non-identical subunits of similar sizes (molecular weight = 21-32 kDa), but different charges (isoelectric point = 4-9). Previously, we deduced the primary structures of 6 subunits of rat proteasomes by recombinant DNA techniques. In this paper we report the nucleotide sequences of 4 other subunits, rIOTA, rZETA, rDELTA, and rRING12, determined from cDNA clones isolated by screening a rat H4TG hepatoma cell cDNA library with the cDNAs of their human counterparts as probes. The polypeptides deduced from their nucleotide sequences consisted of 246, 241, 202, and 219 amino acid residues with calculated molecular weights of 27,399, 26,391, 21,649, and 23,324, and calculated isoelectric points of 6.37, 4.65, 4.84, and 4.70, respectively. These results and previous findings indicate that the primary structures of the subunits of rat proteasomes show considerably high inter-subunit homology, but can be classified into apparently distinct sub-groups, suggesting that rat proteasome genes form a multi-gene family with the same evolutionary origin, but have diverged during evolution to acquire possibly subunit-specific functions.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of two rat major globin cDNAs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two cDNA clones for globins of the adult Wistar rat were isolated from a reticulocyte cDNA library and the nucleotide sequences of the inserts were determined. One clone contained a cDNA insert consisting of 556 bp and the other contained one of 577 bp, both covering the entire coding sequences for rat globins. Comparisons of their predicted amino acid sequences with known sequences of rat globins revealed that these cDNAs coded for a rat major alpha- and a major beta-globin, I alpha and II beta, respectively. The cause of diversity of rat globins was discussed in terms of the nucleotide sequences of cDNAs and known amino acid sequences of globins.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA clones corresponding to the 70 and 82 kDa subunits of soluble guanylyl cyclase from human adult brain have been isolated and sequenced. Their respective open reading frames correspond to 619 amino acids (M(r) 70,469) and 717 amino acids (M(r) 81,324). Southern blots of human genomic DNA using these clones as probes give patterns which might be compatible with the presence of more than one copy per gene, or pseudogenes, for each subunit in the human genome. Comparison of the protein sequence of the large subunit from adult brain with the subunit cloned from human fetal brain (Harteneck, C., Wedel, B., Koesling, D., Malekewitz, J., B?hme, E., and Schultz, G. (1991) FEBS Lett. 292, 217-222) revealed only 34% homology. This result demonstrates the existence of a novel large subunit isoform for soluble guanylyl cyclase in human tissues.  相似文献   

cDNA clones coding for rat liver ribosomal proteins S17 and L30 have been isolated by positive hybridization-translation assay from a cDNA library prepared from 8-9S poly(A)+RNA from free polysomes of regenerating rat liver. The cDNA clone specific for S17 protein (pRS17-2) has a 466-bp insert with the poly(A) tail. The complete amino acid (aa) sequence of S17 protein was deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the cDNA. S17 protein consists of 134 aa residues with an Mr of 15 377. The N-terminal aa sequence of S17 protein determined by automatic Edman degradation is consistent with the sequence data. The aa sequence of S17 shows strong homology (76.9%) to that of yeast ribosomal protein 51 [Teem and Rosbash, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 80 (1983) 4403-4407] in the two-thirds N-terminal region. The cDNA clone specific for L30 protein (pRL30) has a 394-bp insert. The aa sequence of L30 protein was deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the cDNA. The protein consists of 114 aa residues with an Mr of 12 652. When compared with the N-terminal aa sequence of rat liver L30 protein [Wool, Annu. Rev. Biochem. 48 (1979) 719-754], pRL30 was found not to contain the initiation codon and 5'-noncoding region. The cDNA showed twelve silent changes in the coding region, one point mutation and one base deletion in the 3'-noncoding region, compared with mouse genomic DNA for L30 protein [Wiedemann and Perry, Mol. Cell Biol. 4 (1984) 2518-2528].  相似文献   

Complementary DNA clones corresponding to the 70- and 82-kDa subunits of soluble guanylate cyclase of rat lung have been isolated. Blot hybridization of total poly(A)+ RNA from rat tissues detected mRNA of about 3.4 kilobases for the 70-kDa subunit and about 5.5 kilobases for the 82-kDa subunit. Messenger RNA levels of both subunits were abundant in lung and cerebrum, moderate in cerebellum, heart, and kidney, and low in liver and muscle, consistent with previously described enzyme activities in these tissues. Southern blot analysis of high molecular weight genomic DNA from rat liver indicated that the genes for the 70- and 82-kDa subunits are different. The carboxyl-terminal region of the 70- and 82-kDa subunits showed a high degree of homology and also had a partial homology with the putative catalytic domain of particulate guanylate cyclase and adenylate cyclase, indicating that both the 70- and 82-kDa subunits have catalytic domains. The cDNAs were subcloned to an expression vector and transfected to L cells. The cells transfected with cDNA of the 70-kDa subunit or the 82-kDa subunit showed no guanylate cyclase activity, whereas the cells transfected with both the 70- and 82-kDa subunit cDNAs showed significant guanylate cyclase activity that was activated markedly by sodium nitroprusside. These data suggest that both subunits are required for both the basal catalytic and regulatory activity of soluble guanylate cyclase. Presumably both catalytic subunits must be present and interactive to permit synthesis of cyclic GMP and nitrovasodilator activation.  相似文献   

1. A high-molecular-mass multicatalytic proteinase, ingensin, has been purified from rat liver and biochemically characterized. Trypsinization in the presence of ATP prevented the degradation of ingensin subunits. 2. Glutaraldehyde, which copolymerizes proteins, increased the apparent molecular mass of the subunits on SDS-PAGE, indicating the occurrence of covalent crosslinking of subunits. ATP, in this case, lowered the extent of covalent crosslinking. These results suggest that ATP altered the conformation of ingensin subunits. 3. Urea-induced autodigestion experiments demonstrated that some low-molecular-weight subunits selectively disappeared without changes in the contents of other subunits. The chymotryptic activity of the proteinase was more resistant to autodigestion than its tryptic activity. Therefore, we conclude that separate subunits of the enzyme are responsible for the different peptide-hydrolyzing activities.  相似文献   

During a three-day fast, followed by four days of refeeding, the content of the multicatalytic proteinase as well as hydrolyzing activity towards Suc-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-7-amino-4-methylocoumarin (SLLVT-MCA) was measured in various rat tissues. When compared with normal rats, the MCP content, as determined by immunochemical techniques, was unchanged over the entire experimental period in the three tissues examined: gastrocnemius muscle, thymus and testis. By contrast, a differential response was observed in the three tissues with respect to specific and total SLLVT-MCA splitting activity: for thymus and testis, these values were again unchanged, whereas in gastrocnemius muscle, both specific and total enzyme activity fell by almost 70% on day three of fasting but returned to control values on day four of refeeding. This change in activity was not due to the accumulation or degradation of a specific proteinase inhibitor. Data demonstrate that, in association with the insulin-deficient state of starvation, the activity of the multicatalytic proteinase shows an adaptive behaviour which becomes manifest in some but not in other tissues.  相似文献   

Nucleotide pyrophosphatase (NPPase) activity is markedly elevated in cultured skin fibroblasts from patients of Lowe's syndrome. cDNA clones encoding the NPPase were isolated using synthetic oligonucleotide probes designed on the basis of partial amino acid sequence of the enzyme purified from human placenta. The complete sequences of these clones yielded a merged sequence of 3508 bases. The polypeptide chain of the enzyme was deduced to comprise 873 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 99,703 and had the characteristics of a class II transmembrane protein. Ten potential N-glycosylation sites were detected in the protein. RNA blot analysis showed that human fibroblasts contain two minor mRNAs of 7.0 and 8.2 kb, respectively, in addition to a major 3.6-kb species that coincides with the merged cDNA in size. A computer search of a nucleotide sequence data-base revealed that plasma cell membrane glycoprotein PC-1, whose function was unknown at the time, is identical with the NPPase. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of the NPPase with the active site sequence of bovine 5'-nucleotide phosphodiesterase allowed the assignment of a putative active site domain to the central region of the COOH-terminal extracellular domain of the NPPase. The gene for human NPPase was localized to chromosome 6 at q22-q23 by in situ hybridization with a fragment of the NPPase cDNA.  相似文献   

Proteasomes (multicatalytic proteinase complexes) from rat liver are composed of at least 13 nonidentical components [Tanaka, K., Yoshimura, T., Ichihara, A., Ikai, A., Nishigai, M., Morimoto, M., Sato, M., Tanaka, N., Katsube, Y., Kameyama, K., & Takagi, T. (1988) J. Mol. Biol. 203, 985-996]. The nucleotide sequence of one major component (C2) of the proteasomes has been determined from a recombinant cDNA clone isolated by screening a rat liver cDNA library with a mixture of synthetic deoxyribonucleotides as a probe. The sequence was composed of 1174 nucleotides including a coding region for the entire protein and noncoding regions of both the 5'- and 3'-sides. The polypeptide deduced from the open reading frame consisted of 263 amino acid residues, and its molecular weight was calculated to be 29,516. The partial amino acid sequences of several fragments (approximately 45% of the total residues), which were obtained by cleavage of C2 with lysyl endopeptidase and cyanogen bromide, were determined by automated Edman degradation and found to be in complete accordance with those deduced from the cDNA sequence. The amino acid composition of C2, determined by chemical analysis, was also consistent with that deduced from the cDNA sequence, indicating that the cloned cDNA actually encoded component C2. Computer analysis revealed little structural similarity of C2 to other proteins reported so far. Northern blot hybridization analyses showed that the mRNA encoding this novel protein C2 was expressed in all the rat tissues examined and in a variety of eukaryotic organisms such as amphibia, birds, and mammals with slight species-specific differences in size.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A proteolytic enzyme was purified from the post-myofibrillar fraction of rat skeletal muscle. The purification procedure consisted of fractionation of the muscle extract by (NH4)2SO4, chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel, fast protein liquid chromatography on Mono Q and gel filtration on Sepharose 6B. The enzyme preparation appeared to be homogeneous as judged by disc electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels and by immunoelectrophoresis. The isoelectric point of the proteinase is at 5.1-5.2. The enzyme has an Mr of about 650 000 and dissociates into eight subunits of Mr 25 000-32 000 when subjected to electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gels. The proteinase contains hydrolytic activity against N-blocked tripeptide 4-methyl-7-coumarylamide substrates with an arginine or phenylalanine residue adjacent to the leaving group. Maximum activity with the first group of substrates was at pH 10.5, and this activity was inhibited by leupeptin, chymostatin and Ca2+. Maximum activity with the latter group of substrates was at pH 7.5, and was also inhibited by the two microbial inhibitors, but was activated by Ca2+ ions. By using [14C]methylcasein as a substrate, maximum activity was observed at pH9.0, and this proteolytic activity was not affected by leupeptin, was enhanced by chymostatin and inhibited by Ca2+. Similar effects were observed when benzyloxycarbonyl-Leu-Leu-Glu 2-naphthylamide was used as a substrate. These enzymic activities were abolished by p-hydroxymercuribenzenesulphonic acid or mersalyl acid, whereas a small activation was observed with cysteine or dithiothreitol.  相似文献   

Two species of cDNAs for human alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase were isolated from a human fibroblast cDNA library. The two species differ each other by a 70 bp insertion in the coding region. Transient expression study in COS cells demonstrated that only the cDNA without the 70 bp insertion expressed alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase activity. Analysis of mRNA species utilizing polymerase chain reaction revealed that the majority of the mRNA does not contain the 70 bp insertion, and the mRNA containing the 70 bp insertion is present only in a minor amount in human brain.  相似文献   

Size and shape of the multicatalytic proteinase from rat skeletal muscle   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The multicatalytic proteinase from rat skeletal muscle, a non-lysosomal high molecular weight enzyme active at neutral to alkaline pH, has been examined in the electron microscope as well as by dynamic laser light scattering. Both methods reveal monodisperse particles. Electron micrographs show a cylinder-shaped complex with a diameter of 11 nm and a length of 16 nm in negatively stained, and a diameter of 9.6 nm and a length of 14.3 nm in freeze-dried, heavy metal replicated specimens. The molecule is composed of four rings or disks.  相似文献   

In insects, holoferritin is easily visible in the vacuolar system of tissues that filter the hemolymph and, at least in Lepidoptera, is abundant in the hemolymph. Sequences reported for insect secreted ferritins from Lepidoptera and Diptera have high sequence diversity. We examined the nature of this diversity for the first time by analyzing sequences of cDNAs encoding two ferritin subunits from one species, Calpodes ethlius (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae). We found that insect secreted ferritin subunits are of two types with little resemblance to each other. Ferritin was isolated from iron loaded hemolymph of C. ethlius fifth instar larvae by differential centrifugation. The N-terminal amino acid sequences for the nonglycosylated subunit with Mr 24,000 (S) and the largest glycosylated subunit with Mr 31,000 (G) were determined. The N-termini of the two subunits were different and were used to construct degenerate PCR primers. The same cDNA products were amplified from cDNA libraries from the midgut which secretes holoferritin and from the fat body which secretes iron-poor apoferritin. The G subunit most closely resembles the glycosylated ferritin subunit from Manduca sexta and the S subunit resembles the Drosophila small subunit. The S and G subunits from Calpodes were dissimilar and distinct from the cytosolic ferritins of vertebrates and invertebrates. Additional sequences were obtained by 5' and 3' RACE from separate fat body and midgut RACE libraries. cDNAs encoding both subunits had a consensus iron responsive element (IRE) in a conserved cap-distal location of their 5' UTR. An integrin-binding RGD motif found in the G subunit and conserved in Manduca may facilitate iron uptake through a calreticulin (mobilferrin)/integrin pathway. Calpodes and other insect ferritins have conserved cysteine residues to which fatty acids can be linked. Dynamic acylation of ferritin may slow but not prevent its passage out of the ER.  相似文献   

Two previously uncharacterized cDNAs encoding for polyketide synthases (PKSs), designated as HpPKS1 and HpPKS2, were isolated from Hypericum perforatum. The full-length HpPKS1 was 1573bp containing an open reading frame (ORF) of 1161bp encoding for a 386 amino acid protein. The full-length cDNA of HpPKS2 was 1559bp with an ORF of 1182bp encoding for a 393 amino acid protein. The highly conserved catalytic amino acid residues common to plant-specific PKSs were preserved in both genes. HpPKS1 and HpPKS2 exhibited distinct tissue-specific expression patterns in H. perforatum. The HpPKS1 expression was highest in flower buds and lowest in root tissues. The expression of HpPKS2 was found to be high in flower buds and leaf margins and low in leaf interior parts, stems and roots. The expression of the HpPKS1 was found to correlate with the concentrations of hyperforin and adhyperforin while the expression of HpPKS2 showed correlation with the concentrations of hypericins and pseudohypericins in H. perforatum tissues.  相似文献   

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