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The skeletal muscle satellite cell: stem cell or son of stem cell?   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The concept of the adult tissue stem cell is fundamental to models of persistent renewal in functionally post-mitotic tissues. Although relatively ignored by stem cell biology, skeletal muscle is a prime example of an adult tissue that can generate terminally differentiated cells uniquely specialized to carry out tissue-specific functions. This capacity is attributed to satellite cells, a population of undifferentiated, quiescent precursors that become activated to divide and differentiate in response to the demands of growth or damage. The aim of this review is to discuss the role of the satellite cell as an adult tissue-specific stem cell. We examine evidence for the presence of behaviourally and phenotypically distinct subpopulations of precursor within the satellite cell pool. Further, we speculate on the possible identity, origins and relevance of multipotent muscle stem cells, a population with both myogenic and hematopoietic potentials that has been isolated from whole muscle. Taken together, current evidence suggests the possibility that the regenerative compartment of adult skeletal muscle may conform to an archetypal stem cell-based hierarchy, maintained within a stem cell niche. It therefore remains to be seen whether all satellite cells are skeletal muscle-specific stem cells, or whether some or all are the progeny of an as yet unidentified muscle stem cell.  相似文献   

Intervention with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) represents a promising therapeutic tool in treatment-refractory autoimmune diseases. A new report by Schurgers and colleagues in a previous issue of Arthritis Research & Therapy sheds novel mechanistic insight into the pathways employed by MSCs to suppress T-cell proliferation in vitro, but, at the same time, indicates that MSCs do not influence T-cell reactivity and the disease course in an in vivo arthritis model. Such discrepancies between the in vitro and in vivo effects of potent cellular immune modulators should spark further research and should be interpreted as a sign of caution for the in vitro design of MSC-derived interventions in the setting of human autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Although it is generally accepted that osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition of the cartilage, other tissues such as synovium in which immunological and inflammatory reactions occur contribute to the development of joint pathology. This sheds new light on the potential mechanism of action of mesenchymal stem cell therapy in osteoarthritis. Rather than tissue repair due to local transformation of injected mesenchymal stem cells to chondrocytes and filling defects in cartilage, such treatment might suppress synovial activation and indirectly ameliorate cartilage damage. Desando and co-workers report in Arthritis Research & Therapy that intra-articular delivery of adipose-derived stem cells attenuates progression of synovial activation and joint destruction in osteoarthritis in an experimental rabbit model. Clinical studies are warranted to see whether this approach might be a novel way to combat development of joint destruction in inflammatory subtypes of osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, extracellular vesicles (EVs) have emerged as crucial mediators of intercellular communication. EVs encapsulate and convey information to surrounding cells or distant cells, where they mediate cellular biological responses. Among their multifaceted roles in the modulation of biological responses, the involvement of EVs in vascular development, growth and maturation has been widely documented and their potential therapeutic application in regenerative medicine or in the treatment of angiogenesis-related diseases is drawing increasing interest. In this review, we have summarized the details about the current knowledge on biogenesis of EVs and conventional isolation methods. Evidence supporting the use of EVs derived from mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) to enhance angiogenesis in the development of insufficient angiogenesis, such as chronic wounds, stroke and myocardial infarction, will also be discussed critically. Finally, the main challenges and prerequisites for their therapeutic applications will be evaluated.  相似文献   

Hematti P 《Cytotherapy》2012,14(5):516-521
The plastic-adherent fibroblast-looking cells that can be isolated and culture-expanded from bone marrow and many other tissues are widely known as mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC). In addition to their fibroblast-like morphology, they are characterized by a panel of cell-surface markers and their potential to differentiate into bone, fat and cartilage. Based on their intriguing immunomodulatory and regenerative properties, MSC are being investigated as cellular therapeutics for a variety of clinical indications. However, many questions regarding the true identity and functionality of these cells in vivo remain unanswered. Fibroblasts, known for a much longer time but still poorly characterized, are also considered to be a ubiquitous stromal element of almost all tissues and are believed to play a role in tissue homeostasis. Despite the presence of MSC and fibroblasts in almost all tissues, similar morphology and other shared characteristics, the exact relationship between MSC and fibroblasts has remained undetermined. In this review, based on recent and old, but often neglected, literature it is suggested that ex vivo culture-expanded MSC and fibroblasts are indistinguishable by morphology, cell-surface markers, differentiation potential and immunologic properties.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are progenitor cells capable of self-renewal that can differentiate in multiple tissues and, under specific and standardized culture conditions, expand in vitro with little phenotypic alterations. In recent years, preclinical and clinical studies have focused on MSC analysis and understanding the potential use of these cells as a therapy in a wide range of pathologies, and many applications have been tested. Clinical trials using MSCs have been performed (e.g., for cardiac events, stroke, multiple sclerosis, blood diseases, auto-immune disorders, ischemia, and articular cartilage and bone pathologies), and for many genetic diseases, these cells are considered an important resource. Considering of the biology of MSCs, these cells may also be useful tools for understanding the physiopathology of different diseases, and they can be used to develop specific biomarkers for a broad range of diseases. In this editorial, we discuss the literature related to the use of MSCs for diagnostic applications and we suggest new technologies to improve their employment.  相似文献   

The efficacy of cardiac cell therapy depends on the integration of existing and newly formed cardiomyocytes. Here, we developed a minimal in vitro model of this interface by engineering two cell microtissues (μtissues) containing mouse cardiomyocytes, representing spared myocardium after injury, and cardiomyocytes generated from embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells, to model newly formed cells. We demonstrated that weaker stem cell–derived myocytes coupled with stronger myocytes to support synchronous contraction, but this arrangement required focal adhesion-like structures near the cell–cell junction that degrade force transmission between cells. Moreover, we developed a computational model of μtissue mechanics to demonstrate that a reduction in isometric tension is sufficient to impair force transmission across the cell–cell boundary. Together, our in vitro and in silico results suggest that mechanotransductive mechanisms may contribute to the modest functional benefits observed in cell-therapy studies by regulating the amount of contractile force effectively transmitted at the junction between newly formed and spared myocytes.  相似文献   

During vertebrate gastrulation, convergence and extension cell movements both narrow and lengthen the forming embryonic axis. Concurrently, positional information established principally by the ventral-to-dorsal gradient of bone morphogenetic protein activity specifies cell fates within the gastrula. New data, primarily from zebrafish, have identified domains of distinct convergence and extension movements, and have established a role for the noncanonical Wnt signaling pathway in promoting the mediolateral cell polarization that underlies this morphogenetic process. Other observations suggest the intriguing possibility that positional information regulates convergence and extension movements in parallel with cell-fate specification.  相似文献   

The considerable therapeutic potential of human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells or mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) has generated increasing interest in a wide variety of biomedical disciplines. Nevertheless, researchers report studies on MSCs using different methods of isolation and expansion, as well as different approaches to characterize them; therefore, it is increasingly difficult to compare and contrast study outcomes. To begin to address this issue, the Mesenchymal and Tissue Stem Cell Committee of the International Society for Cellular Therapy proposed minimal criteria to define human MSCs. First, MSCs must be plastic-adherent when maintained in standard culture conditions (α minimal essential medium plus 20% fetal bovine serum). Second, MSCs must express CD105, CD73 and CD90, and MSCs must lack expression of CD45, CD34, CD14 or CD11b, CD79α or CD19 and HLA-DR surface molecules. Third, MSCs must differentiate into osteoblasts, adipocytes and chondroblasts in vitro. MSCs are isolated from many adult tissues, in particular from bone marrow and adipose tissue. Along with their capacity to differentiate and transdifferentiate into cells of different lineages, these cells have also generated great interest for their ability to display immunomodulatory capacities. Indeed, a major breakthrough was the finding that MSCs are able to induce peripheral tolerance, suggesting that they may be used as therapeutic tools in immune-mediated disorders. Although no significant adverse events have been reported in clinical trials to date, all interventional therapies have some inherent risks. Potential risks for undesirable events, such as tumor development, that might occur while using these stem cells for therapy must be taken into account and contrasted against the potential benefits to patients.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have attracted recent attention for their cell therapy potential, based in particular on their immunosuppressive properties, which have served as the basis for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Interestingly, MSC have been used in cell therapy strategies to deliver therapeutical genes. Cell therapy approaches taking advantages of MSC have been proposed, as MSC display a potential tropsim for tumors. However, all these strategies raise a series of questions about the safety of MSC, as MSC could enhance tumor growth and metastasis. This review summarizes recent findngs about MSC in carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Acute lung injury (ALI) is a severe clinical condition responsible for high mortality and the development of multiple organ dysfunctions, because of the lack of specific and effective therapies for ALI. Increasing evidence from pre‐clinical studies supports preventive and therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs, also called mesenchymal stromal cells) in ALI/ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome). Therapeutic effects of MSCs were noticed in various delivery approaches (systemic, local, or other locations), multiple origins (bone marrow or other tissues), or different schedules of administrations (before or after the challenges). MSCs could reduce the over‐production of inflammatory mediators, leucocyte infiltration, tissue injury and pulmonary failure, and produce a number of benefit factors through interaction with other cells in the process of lung tissue repair. Thus, it is necessary to establish guidelines, standard operating procedures and evaluation criteria for translating MSC‐based therapies into clinical application for patients with ALI.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress in cell culture: an under-appreciated problem?   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Halliwell B 《FEBS letters》2003,540(1-3):3-6
Cell culture studies have given much valuable information about mechanisms of metabolism and signal transduction and of regulation of gene expression, proliferation, senescence, and death. However, cells in culture may behave differently from cells in vivo in many ways. One of these is that cell culture imposes a state of oxidative stress on cells. I argue that cells that survive and grow in culture might use ROS-dependent signal transduction pathways that rarely or never operate in vivo. A further problem is that cell culture media can catalyse the oxidation of compounds added to them, resulting in apparent cellular effects that are in fact due to oxidation products such as ROS. Such artefacts may have affected many studies on the effects of ascorbate, thiols, flavonoids and other polyphenolic compounds on cells in culture.  相似文献   

A germ cell origin of embryonic stem cells?   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Because embryonic stem (ES) cells are generally derived by the culture of inner cell mass (ICM) cells, they are often assumed to be the equivalent of ICM cells. However, various evidence indicates that ICM cells transition to a different cell type during ES-cell derivation. Historically, ES cells have been believed to most closely resemble pluripotent primitive ectoderm cells derived directly from the ICM. However, differences between ES cells and primitive ectoderm cells have caused developmental biologists to question whether ES cells really have an in vivo equivalent, or whether their properties merely reflect their tissue culture environment. Here, we review recent evidence that the closest in vivo equivalent of an ES cell is an early germ cell.  相似文献   

Recently a growing attention in scientific community has been gathered on potential application of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in various fields of medicine. Owing to the fact that they can be easily isolated from different sources, and simply proliferated in large quantities while keeping their original biological characteristics, they can be successfully used as cell-based therapeutics. Engineering MSCs and other type of stem cells to be carriers of therapeutic agents is a new tactic in the targeted gene and cell therapy of cancers and degenerative diseases. Various useful properties of MSCs including tropism toward tumor/injury site(s), weakly immunogenic, production of anti-inflammatory molecules, and safety against normal tissues have made them prone for regenerative medicine, targeted therapy and treating injured tissues, and immunological abnormalities. In this review, we introduce latest advances, methods, and applications of MSCs in gene therapy of various malignant organ disorders. Additionally, we will cover the problems and challenges which researchers have faced with when trying to translate their basic experimental findings in MSCs research to clinically applicable therapeutics.  相似文献   

With technological advances in basic research,the intricate mechanism of secondary delayed spinal cord injury(SCI)continues to unravel at a rapid pace.However,despite our deeper understanding of the molecular changes occurring after initial insult to the spinal cord,the cure for paralysis remains elusive.Current treatment of SCI is limited to early administration of high dose steroids to mitigate the harmful effect of cord edema that occurs after SCI and to reduce the cascade of secondary delayed SCI.R ecent evident-based clinical studies have cast doubt on the clinical benefit of steroids in SCI and intense focus on stem cell-based therapy has yielded some encouraging results.An array of mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs)from various sources with novel and promising strategies are being developed to improve function after SCI.In this review,we briefly discuss the pathophysiology of spinal cord injuries and characteristics and the potential sources of MSCs that can be used in the treatment of SCI.We will discuss the progress of MSCs application in research,focusing on the neuroprotective properties of MSCs.Finally,we will discuss the results from preclinical and clinical trials involving stem cell-based therapy in SCI.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cell(MSC)therapy is entering a challenging phase after completion of many preclinical and clinical trials.Among the major hurdles encountered in MSC therapy are inconsistent stem cell potency,poor cell engraftment and survival,and age/disease-related host tissue impairment.The recognition that MSCs primarily mediate therapeutic benefits through paracrine mechanisms independent of cell differentiation provides a promising framework for enhancing stem cell potency and therapeutic benefits.Several MSC priming approaches are highlighted,which will likely allow us to harness the full potential of adult stem cells for their future routine clinical use.  相似文献   

Angiomyolipomas are benign tumors of the kidney which express phenotypes of smooth muscle, fat, and melanocytes. These tumors appear with increased frequency in the autosomal dominant disorder tuberous sclerosis and are the leading cause of morbidity in adults with tuberous sclerosis. While benign, these tumors are capable of provoking life threatening hemorrhage and replacement of the kidney parenchyma, resulting in renal failure. The histogenesis of these tumors is currently unclear, although currently, we believe these tumors arise from "perivascular epithelioid cells" of which no normal counterpart has been convincingly demonstrated. Recently, stem cell precursors have been recognized that can give rise to smooth muscle and melanocytes. These precursors have been shown to express the neural stem cell marker NG2 and L1. In order to determine whether angiomyolipomas, which exhibit smooth muscle and melanocytic phenotypes, express NG2 and L1, we performed immunocytochemistry on a cell line derived from a human angiomyolipoma, and found that these cells are uniformly positive. Immunohistochemistry of human angiomyolipoma specimens revealed uniform staining of tumor cells, while renal cell carcinomas revealed positivity only of angiogenic vessels. These results support a novel histogenesis of angiomyolipoma as a defect in differentiation of stem cell precursors.  相似文献   

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