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Circulating microparticles (MPs) are produced as part of normal physiology. Their numbers, origin, and composition change in pathology. Despite this, the normal MP proteome has not yet been characterized with standardized high-resolution methods. We here quantitatively profile the normal MP proteome using nano-LC-MS/MS on an LTQ-Orbitrap with optimized sample collection, preparation, and analysis of 12 different normal samples. Analytical and procedural variation were estimated in triply processed samples analyzed in triplicate from two different donors. Label-free quantitation was validated by the correlation of cytoskeletal protein intensities with MP numbers obtained by flow cytometry. Finally, the validity of using pooled samples was evaluated using overlap protein identification numbers and multivariate data analysis. Using conservative parameters, 536 different unique proteins were quantitated. Of these, 334 (63%) were present in all samples and represent an MP core proteome. Technical triplicates showed <10% variation in intensity within a dynamic range of almost 5 decades. Differences due to variable MP numbers and losses during preparative steps could be normalized using cytoskeletal MP protein intensities. Our results establish a reproducible LC-MS/MS procedure, provide a simple and robust MP preparation method, and yield a baseline MP proteome for future studies of MPs in health and disease.  相似文献   

Oxidative modifications of protein thiols are important mechanisms for regulating protein functions. The present study aimed to compare the relative effectiveness of two thiol-specific quantitative proteomic techniques, difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE) and isotope coded affinity tag (ICAT), for the discovery of redox-sensitive proteins in heart tissues. We found that these two methods were largely complementary; each could be used to reveal a set of unique redox-sensitive proteins. Some of these proteins are low-abundant signaling proteins and membrane proteins. From DIGE analysis, we found that both NF-kappaB-repressing protein and epoxide hydrolase were sensitive to H 2O 2 oxidation. In ICAT analysis, we found that specific cysteines within sacroplasmic endoplamic reticulum calcium ATPase 2 and voltage-dependent anion-selective channel protein 1 were sensitive to H 2O 2 oxidation. From these analyses, we conclude that both methods should be employed for proteome-wide studies, to maximize the possibility of identifying proteins containing redox-sensitive cysteinyl thiols in complex biological systems.  相似文献   

A quantitative proteome study using the stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture technique was performed on bovine kidney cells after infection with the alphaherpesvirus pseudorabies virus (PrV), the etiological agent of Aujeszky's disease. To enhance yields of proteins to be identified, raw extracts were fractionated by affinity solid-phase extraction with a combination of a cibacron blue F3G-A and a heparin matrix and with a phosphoprotein-specific matrix. After two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in different pH ranges between pH 3 and pH 10, 2,600 proteins representing 565 genes were identified by mass spectrometry and screened for virus-induced changes in relative protein levels. Four hours after infection, significant quantitative variations were found for constituents of the nuclear lamina, representatives of the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins, proteins involved in membrane trafficking and intracellular transport, a ribosomal protein, and heat shock protein 27. Several proteins were present in multiple charge variants that were differentially affected by infection with PrV. As a common pattern for all these proteins, a mass shift in favor of the more acidic isoforms was observed, suggesting the involvement of viral or cellular kinases.  相似文献   

Comparative proteome analysis of breast cancer and normal breast   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Breast cancer is a leading cause of death for women. The underlying molecular mechanism is still not well understood. In this study, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis combined with mass spectrometry was used to analyze changes in the proteome of infiltrating ductal carcinoma compared to normal breast tissue. Ten sets of two-dimensional gels per experimental condition were analyzed and more than 500 spots each were detected. This revealed 39 spots for which expression in breast cancer cells were reproducibly altered more than twofold compared to normal controls (p<0.01). These spots represented 25 different proteins after identification using the database search after mass spectrometry, comprising cell defense proteins, enzymes involved in glycolytic energy metabolism and homeostasis, protein folding and structural proteins, proteins involved in cytoskeleton and cell motility, and proteins involved in other functions. In addition, 28 nondifferentially expressed proteins with different functions were also mapped and identified, which might help to establish a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis reference map of human breast cancer. Our study shows that proteomics offers a powerful methodology to detect the proteins that show different expression patterns in breast cancer tissue and may provide an accurate molecular classification. The differentially expressed proteins may be used as potential candidate markers for diagnostic purposes or for determination of tumor sensitivity to therapy. The functional implications of the identified proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

Correlation of the mean and standard deviation of trabecular stresses has been proposed as a mechanism by which a strong relationship between the apparent strength and stiffness of cancellous bone can be achieved. The current study examined whether the relationship between the mean and standard deviation of trabecular von Mises stresses can be generalized for any group of cancellous bone. Cylindrical human vertebral cancellous bone specimens were cut in the infero-superior direction from T12 of 23 individuals (inter-individual group). Thirty nine additional specimens were prepared similarly from the T4-T12 and L2-L5 vertebrae of a 63 year old male (intra-individual group). The specimens were scanned by micro-computed tomography (microCT) and trabecular von Mises stresses were calculated using finite element modeling. The expected value, standard deviation and coefficient of variation of the von Mises stress were calculated form a three-parameter Weibull function fitted to von Mises stress data from each specimen. It was found that the average and standard deviation of trabecular von Mises shear stress were: (i) correlated with each other, supporting the idea that high correlation between the apparent strength and stiffness of cancellous bone can be achieved through controlling the trabecular level shear stress variations, (ii) dependent on anatomical site and sample group, suggesting that the variation of stresses are correlated to the mean stress to different degrees between vertebrae and individuals, and (iii) dependent on bone volume fraction, consistent with the idea that shear stress is less well controlled in bones with low BV/TV. The conversion of infero-superior loading into trabecular von Mises stresses was maximum for the tissue at the junction of the thoracic and lumbar spine (T12-L1) consistent with this junction being a common site of vertebral fracture.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of biofilm thickness variability   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The thickness variability of biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and the binary population combination of these two species was quantified. The experimental method involved cryoembedding biofilms with a commercial tissue embedding agent, sectioning, and applying image analysis to construct thickness profiles along linear transects (up to 1 cm in length) across the substratum. Biofilms embedded and sectioned by this method were locally as thin as a single cell attached to the surface (<5 mum) and as thick as 1000 mum. Week-old biofilms of three different species compositions displayed distinct structural features as indicated by their mean thicknesses and by a roughness coefficient. Monopopulation biofilms of P. aeruginosa (29 mum mean thickness) or K. pneumoniae (100 mum mean thickness) were thinner than the binary population biofilm (400 mum mean thickness). A roughness coefficient developed in this investigation corroborated the qualitative visual characterization of P. aeruginosa biofilms as relatively uniformly thick (mean roughness coefficient 0.15), K. pneumoniae biofilms as patchy (mean roughness coefficient 1.14), and the binary population biofilm as intermediate (mean roughness coefficient 0.26). Whereas P. aeruginosa and binary population biofilms covered the substratum completely, significant areas of essentially bare substratum were apparent in K. pneumoniae biofilms. The patchiness of K. pneumoniae biofilms may be due to the fact that this organism is nonmotile. A spatial correlation analysis of the thickness data indicated that thickness measurements were still correlated even when separated by distances that exceeded the mean biofilm thickness. Cell aggregates, some of them hundreds of microns in size, were observed in the effluent of K. pneumoniae and binary population biofilm reactors. Measurements of thickness variability and other observations reported in this article provide a quantitative basis for analysis of microscale structural heterogeneity of biofilms. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The adaptation of sequences of chemical reactions to a solid-phase format has been essential to the automation, reproducibility, and efficiency of a number of biotechnological processes including peptide and oligonucleotide synthesis and sequencing. Here we describe a method for the site-specific, stable isotopic labeling of cysteinyl peptides in complex peptide mixtures through a solid-phase capture and release process, and the concomitant isolation of the labeled peptides. The recovered peptides were analyzed by microcapillary liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (microLC-MS/MS) to determine their sequences and relative quantities. The method was used to detect galactose-induced changes in protein abundance in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A side-by-side comparison with the isotope-coded affinity tag (ICAT) method demonstrated that the solid-phase method for stable isotope tagging of peptides is comparatively simpler, more efficient, and more sensitive.  相似文献   



Mitochondria are highly complex, membrane-enclosed organelles that are essential to the eukaryotic cell. The experimental elucidation of organellar proteomes combined with the sequencing of complete genomes allows us to trace the evolution of the mitochondrial proteome.  相似文献   

Quantitative comparison of protein expression levels in 2D gels is complicated by the variables associated with protein separation and mass spectrometric responses. Metabolic labeling allows cells from different experiments to be mixed prior to analysis. This approach has been reported for prokaryotic cells. Here, we demonstrate that metabolic labeling can also be successfully applied to the eukaryote Saccharormyces cerevisiae. Yeast leucine auxotrophs grown on synthetic complete media containing natural abundance Leu or D10-Leu were mixed prior to 2D gel separation and MALDI analysis of the digested proteins. D10-Leu labeling provided an effective internal calibrant for peptide MS analysis, and the number of Leu residues yielded an additional parameter for peptide identification at low mass resolution (1000). Metabolic incorporation of D10-Leu into yeast proteins was found to be quantitative since the intensities of the peptide peaks corresponded to those expected on the basis of the percent label in the media. Thus, D10-Leu labeling should provide reliable data for comparing proteomes both quantitatively and qualitatively from wild-type and nonessential-gene-null-mutant strains of S. cerevisiae. Given the central role played by yeast in our understanding of eukaryotic gene and protein expression, it is anticipated that the quantitative expressional proteomic method outlined here will have widespread applications.  相似文献   

The movement and dietary history of individuals can be studied using stable isotope records in archival keratinous tissues. Here, we present a chronology of temporally fine-scale data on the trophic niche of otariid seals by measuring the isotopic signature of serially sampled whiskers. Whiskers of male Antarctic fur seals breeding at the Crozet Islands showed synchronous and regular oscillations in both their δ13C and δ15N values that are likely to represent their annual migrations over the long term (mean 4.8 years). At the population level, male Antarctic fur seals showed substantial variation in both δ13C and δ15N values, occupying nearly all the ‘isotopic space’ created by the diversity of potential oceanic habitats (from high Antarctica to the subtropics) and prey (from Antarctic krill to subantarctic and subtropical mesopelagic fishes). At the individual level, whisker isotopic signatures depict a large diversity of foraging strategies. Some seals remained in either subantarctic or Antarctic waters, while the migratory cycle of most animals encompassed a wide latitudinal gradient where they fed on different prey. The isotopic signature of whiskers, therefore, revealed new multi-year foraging strategies of male Antarctic fur seals and is a powerful tool for investigating the ecological niche during cryptic stages of mammals'' life.  相似文献   

Regulated proteolysis plays important roles in cell biology and pathological conditions. A crosstalk exists between apoptosis and the ubiquitin?Cproteasome system, two pathways responsible for regulated proteolysis executed by different proteases. To investigate whether the apoptotic process also affects the 20S proteasome, we performed three independent SILAC-based quantitative proteome approaches: 1-DE/MALDI-MS, small 2-DE/MALDI-MS and large 2-DE/nano-LC?CESI?CMS. Taking the results of all experiments together, no quantitative changes were observed for the ??- and ??-subunits of the 20S proteasome except for subunit ??7. This protein was identified in two protein spots with a down-regulation of the more acidic protein species (??7a) and up-regulation of the more basic protein species (??7b) during apoptosis. The difference in these two ??7 protein species could be attributed to oxidation of cysteine-41 to cysteine sulfonic acid and phosphorylation at serine-250 near the C terminus in ??7a, whereas these modifications were missing in ??7b. These results pointed to the biological significance of posttranslational modifications of proteasome subunit ??7 after induction of apoptosis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a model for the quantitative estimation of the genetic and environmental variance components in the first generation (T1) of transgenic plants, in which the transgene effect is considered as a source of genetic variation. The experimental population consisted of T1 independent transgenic plants (ITPs). Forty-two ITPs of tobacco were generated, containing a chimaeric gene comprising the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter and the reporter gene -glucuronidase (GUS). From each ITP, four cuttings were grown in a randomized block design, and GUS activity in the leaves was determined. The mean GUS activity of the ITPs ranged from 0.55 to 167.9 pmol MU per mg protein per min. Testing of the statistical assumptions of the model revealed a significant scale effect, resulting from correlation between the intra-ITP variance and the average GUS activity of the ITPs. Log GUS activity (LGA) and power of –0.15 of GUS activity (TGA) scale transformations eliminated the scale effect. For GUS activity, the inter-ITP variance was only 28% of the total variance in the experiment, whereas for LGA and TGA it was 72% and 76%, respectively. The opposite was true for the intra-ITP variance, which was reduced from 58% to 18% and 16%, respectively. The experimental design allowed partitioning of the phenotypic variance in T1 transgenic plants into genetic and environmental components. According to the original scale GUS activity, most of the phenotypic variance was due to environmental variance; the common tendency to interpret this variance as an outcome of position effect and other genetic changes due to transformation leads to incorrect findings. In the present example, after scale transformation the genetic component was 80% of the phenotypic variance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several Helicobacter pylori proteins have been reported to be associated with severe symptoms of gastric disease. However, expression levels of most of these disease-associated proteins require further evaluation in order to clarify their relationships with gastric disease patterns. Representative proteome components of 71 clinical isolates of H. pylori were analyzed quantitatively to determine whether the protein expression levels were associated with gastric diseases and to cluster clinical isolates. METHODS: After two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) of H. pylori isolates, spot intensities were analyzed using pdquest 2-D Gel Analysis Software. The intensities of 10 representative protein spots, identified by peptide fingerprinting using matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) or peptide sequencing using quadrupole TOF MS, were subjected to the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test and hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis. The relationship between clusters and gastric diseases was analyzed by the chi-squared test. RESULTS: Although the spot intensities of the 10 representative proteins were highly variable within each gastric disease group, the expression levels of CagA, UreB, GroEL, EF-Tu, EF-P, TagD, and FldA showed some significant differences among the gastric disease patterns. On the basis of the 10 target protein intensities, hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis generated a dendrogram with clusters indicative of chronic gastritis/gastric cancers and gastric/duodenal ulcers. CONCLUSION: These results indicated that quantitative analysis of proteome components is a feasible method for examining disease-associated proteins and clustering clinical strains of H. pylori.  相似文献   

To increase grain quality, optimal nutrient management is desirable. Recently, atmospheric S emissions from industry have decreased leading to reduced grain quality. Fertilization of N primarily affects protein concentration and biomass production while S fertilization affects the fine tuning of storage protein composition. Additionally, high N supply increases the N/S ratio to the extent that the grains could be classified as S-deficient. Although total protein amounts were not changed by the fertilizer treatments, the amounts of individual gluten proteins were altered. High resolution proteomic analysis of S-containing gluten protein fractions demonstrates that under high N supply, low or high S fertilization significantly changed 41 and 66 of the gliadin and the glutenin proteins. In particular, this change may lead to different dough and baking quality. In conclusion, a high N fertilization induces S deficiency together with a change in gluten proteins and a loss of nutritional quality of grains.  相似文献   

The study of the human urinary proteome has the potential to offer significant insights into normal physiology as well as disease pathology. The information obtained from such studies could be applied to the diagnosis of various diseases. The high sensitivity, resolution, and mass accuracy of the latest generation of mass spectrometers provides an opportunity to accurately catalog the proteins present in human urine, including those present at low levels. To this end, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of human urinary proteome from healthy individuals using high-resolution Fourier transform mass spectrometry. Importantly, we used the Orbitrap for detecting ions in both MS (resolution 60 000) and MS/MS (resolution 15 000) modes. To increase the depth of our analysis, we characterized both unfractionated as well as lectin-enriched proteins in our experiments. In all, we identified 1,823 proteins with less than 1% false discovery rate, of which 671 proteins have not previously been reported as constituents of human urine. This data set should serve as a comprehensive reference list for future studies aimed at identification and characterization of urinary biomarkers for various diseases.  相似文献   


Endogenous glucocorticoids have diverse physiological effects and are important regulators of metabolism, immunity, cardiovascular function, musculoskeletal health and central nervous system activity. Synthetic glucocorticoids have received widespread attention for their potent anti-inflammatory activity and have become an important class of drugs used to augment endogenous glucocorticoid activity for the treatment of a host of chronic inflammatory conditions. Chronic use of synthetic glucocorticoids is associated with a number of adverse effects as a result of the persistent dysregulation of glucocorticoid sensitive pathways. A failure to consider the pronounced circadian rhythmicity of endogenous glucocorticoids can result in either supraphysiological glucocorticoid exposure or severe suppression of endogenous glucocorticoid secretion, and is thought be a causal factor in the incidence of adverse effects during chronic glucocorticoid therapy. Furthermore, given that synthetic glucocorticoids have potent feedback effects on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, physiological factors which can give rise to individual variability in HPA axis activity such as sex, age, and disease state might also have substantial implications for therapy. We use a semi-mechanistic mathematical model of the rodent HPA axis to study how putative sex differences and individual variability in HPA axis regulation can influence the effects of long-term synthetic exposure on endogenous glucocorticoid circadian rhythms. Model simulations suggest that for the same drug exposure, simulated females exhibit less endogenous suppression than males considering differences in adrenal sensitivity and negative feedback to the hypothalamus and pituitary. Simulations reveal that homeostatic regulatory variability and chronic stress-induced regulatory adaptations in the HPA axis network can result in substantial differences in the effects of synthetic exposure on the circadian rhythm of endogenous glucocorticoids. In general, our results provide insight into how the dosage and exposure profile of synthetic glucocorticoids could be manipulated in a personalized manner to preserve the circadian dynamics of endogenous glucocorticoids during chronic therapy, thus potentially minimizing the incidence of adverse effects associated with long-term use of glucocorticoids  相似文献   

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