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黑线仓鼠殴斗行为模式及其与生理状态的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以分布于鲁西南山区的黑线仓鼠雄体为对象,通过测定重复遭遇战(repeated encounters)对黑线仓
鼠体重、生理指标等参数的作用,以期阐明社群冲突(social conflict)对黑线仓鼠生理状态的影响。研究结果表
明:在4 周的重复遭遇战过程中,参与冲突个体的体重增长率略有降低,但未达到显著水平;粪便肾上腺皮质
激素(GCs)含量呈现波动性变化,在整个遭遇战过程中,优势个体与从属个体的GCs 含量交替显著升高,与
组雄体的肾上腺显著增大,但生殖腺间差异不显著;HPA 轴对HPG 轴具有显著的抑制效应,肾上腺分泌的皮质
明确的优势- 从属关系,睾酮可促进个体优势地位的形成并受到肾上腺皮质醇抑制;HPA 轴对HPG 轴的抑制未
能在器官指数方面得到证实。从属个体受到胁迫,对优势雄性黑线仓鼠野外生存和繁殖有重要意义。  相似文献   

青春期雌性根田鼠初次择偶行为与雄性优势等级   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在实验室条件下,研究了性刚成熟的雌性根田鼠对一对互为同胎同胞的以体重划分为优势和从势的雄性个体的择偶行为,目的在于检验雄性社会等级是否影响其配偶选择。结果发现:(1)根田鼠存在显著的偏雄性二型,而雄性动物优势度与体重大小成正比;(2)在Y字型迷宫中,初次发情雌鼠对优势雄鼠的访问时间、社会探究频次和友好频次等显著大于从属雄鼠;(3)在随后24h的一雌二雄共居中,优势雄优先交配;从属雄的干扰不能中断优势雄鼠的交配。这些结果说明,体重差异可以作为划分雄性优势的指标,社会等级可以作为择偶行为的一个依据。优势雄鼠与处于从属地位的同胞相比,能获得优先交配机会。同胎同胞虽具有遗传相似性,但雄性竞争的结果表现在体重和社会等级上具有显著差异,表明配偶选择在发挥着作用。根田鼠是一雄多雌制,而且具有较大的偏雄性二型,提示社会等级、雌性选择和婚配制度有密切关联[动物学报49(3):303—309,2003]。  相似文献   

本文在中立竞技场中通过两两互作确定四川短尾鼩(Anourosorex squamipes)同性个体间的社会等级,并在此基础上利用其尿液,研究不同社会等级个体的自我/非自我识别能力及模式、尿液气味的行为响应机制,以及社会等级识别能力。结果表明:(1)四川短尾鼩优势个体表现攻击行为较多,从属个体防御行为较多,优势个体的标记行为显著高于从属个体。攻击行为表现为同等级雄性高于同等级雌性,且雌性间的攻击强度低于雄性。(2)从属个体和优势个体分别对自身尿液气味和非自身尿液气味存在明显偏好差异。不同性别、等级个体自我识别模式差异不明显,不同社会等级个体对于自身识别模式和非自身尿液的行为反应模式均不同。不同社会等级个体具有自我识别能力且能力不同。(3)四川短尾鼩能够识别不同社会等级个体的尿液气味,雌性对雄性尿液更感兴趣,雄性对优势雄性尿液选择回避。雄性对其他个体的访问时间与嗅舔频次均显著高于雌性,雌雄个体在识别不同社会等级的尿液气味时存在性二型。  相似文献   

体重是体现灵长类动物生活史和生长发育特征的重要指标,可反映其生理状况、行为变化和生态适应等信息。本研究以安徽黄山野生猴谷YA1群的48只藏酋猴为对象,使用地磅秤对群内个体进行连续11个月(2022年7月至2023年5月)的体重监测。研究结果显示,雄性藏酋猴的平均体重为(18.71±2.33) kg,显著高于雌性(11.79±1.97) kg。未成年雄性藏酋猴体重的快速发育期为3~5岁,雌性为2~3岁。成年雌雄体重与个体社会等级间均存在显著的正相关关系(P <0.001)。成年藏酋猴体重存在显著的季节变化(P <0.05),雌雄个体体重均在秋季最高,但是雄性个体在冬季最低,雌性个体春季最低。未怀孕个体体重在不同季节无显著性差异,而怀孕个体的体重从冬季到春季显著降低(P <0.05)。本研究表明,藏酋猴的体重具有显著的雌雄性二型现象,未成年雌雄个体体重的快速发育期存在明显分化,季节和社会等级对藏酋猴体重均具有显著影响。  相似文献   

多雄多雌的灵长类社会群体中,性成熟的雄性和雌性形成临时性的配偶关系(Consortship)是极其显著特征,但这种关系对个体的交配和繁殖成功作用缺少深入研究。本研究以栖息于安徽黄山的短尾猴YA1群为研究对象,采用全事件取样法(All occurrences recording)、目标动物取样法(Focal animal sampling)以及行为取样法(Behavioral sampling method)记录个体间的社会行为、雄性的配偶数量和临时配偶关系的持续时间,对雄性短尾猴临时配偶关系的基本特征与适应策略进行了初步探讨。研究期间,雄性个体的顺位发生替换,在替换前后,处于高顺位的雄性个体始终拥有最多的配偶数量以及形成的临时配偶关系的持续时间最长,并且雄性个体的顺位与临时配偶关系呈正相关关系(顺位变化前:配偶数量:P = 0.010;持续时间:P = 0.014;顺位变化后:配偶数量:P = 0.032;持续时间:P = 0.035);雄性个体的年龄与临时配偶关系无显著相关性(配偶关系:P = 0.150;持续时间:P = 0.511);雄性个体在群体中生活的时间与临时配偶关系呈显著正相关(配偶数量:P = 0.034;持续时间:P = 0.023);雄性个体的社会关系与临时配偶关系呈显著正相关(顺位变化前:配偶数量,P = 0.013;持续时间,P = 0.001;顺位变化后:配偶数量,P < 0.001;持续时间,P = 0.003)。研究结果表明:雄性个体的顺位、在群体中生活时间以及社会关系对临时配偶的形成起主要作用,这为进一步阐明雄性行为策略与临时配偶关系提供新的科学依据。  相似文献   

非优势顺位雄性黄山短尾猴的交配策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在多雄多雌、顺位决定交配机会、雄性偏斜繁殖的非人灵长类社会中,低顺位雄性为提高自己的繁殖成功率,通常采取多样的交配策略以获得较多的交配机会。对非优势顺位雄性交配策略的研究可以增加对灵长类社会性行为复杂性的理解,对于深入探讨动物的婚配制度及繁殖策略具有十分重要的科学意义。本研究采用目 标动物取样法和全事件记录法,在2012 年9 -12 月(交配期)记录了安徽黄山短尾猴鱼鳞坑YA1 群中4 只成年雄性个体的交配及有关的行为。研究发现:(1)非优势顺位雄性个体在远离优势顺位雄性视野范围的交配频次和交配时间显著高于优势顺位视野范围内;(2)与优势顺位雄性个体相比,非优势顺位雄性的强行交配(forced copulation)和隐秘交配(clandestine copulation)比例较高;(3) 就交配对象而言,对成功生育的雌性个体,优势顺位雄性在选择交配对象时具有明显的倾向性,非优势顺位雄性在选择时倾向性不显著;对未生育的雌性,优势顺位雄性更倾向于选择没有生殖经历的亚成年雌性个体,非优势顺位雄性则倾向于选择处于哺乳后期的成年雌性个体;(4)在具体交配策略上,优势顺位雄性选择跟随(follow) 雌性,非优势顺位雄性则通过做鬼脸 (grimacing)和性追求(sexual chasing)直接获取交配机会。本研究结果表明黄山短尾猴中非优势雄性个体形成了多变的交配策略,更多采取强制性方式,以获得更多的交配机会,多数的交配都是机会性的。  相似文献   

以独居型啮齿动物——黑线仓鼠(Cricetulus barabensis)为对象,主要测定了与优势-从属关系有关的体重、生理状态和粪便激素变化规律相关的参数。野生成年仓鼠捕获于鲁西南山区农田并于实验室内单独饲养。按照陌生和体重匹配的原则配对,实验动物在中立竞技场中每天进行15 m in的遭遇战并收集粪便,连续28 d。以攻击行为、防御行为、社会行为、非社会行为确定个体的优势-从属地位。用于实验的动物共33只。行为实验结束后,将动物解剖,确定其繁殖及生理状态。结果表明:4周重复遭遇战期间,(1)优势雌体体重显著增加;(2)肾上腺指数显著降低;(3)雌体肾上腺指数与卵巢指数无显著的相关关系;(4)雌体粪便皮质醇及雌二醇含量随时间表现出明显的波动,但优势与从属个体间差异不显著;(5)优势雌体的粪便雌二醇含量与皮质醇含量呈显著的正相关关系。研究结果提示,重复遭遇战未影响雌体的存活及潜在繁殖能力,这可能与黑线仓鼠的独居生活方式有关。  相似文献   

非繁殖期大仓鼠对同种气味的反应和个体间的行为关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在实验室通过对陌生成年大仓鼠(Cricetulustriton)非繁殖期的气味偏好,性别选择和两鼠间的行为关系的实验研究表明,用Y-型迷宫进行选择测试时,与空白组比较,大仓鼠了同种个体鼠垫的气味,在雌雄巢垫气味之间,雌鼠偏好雄性巢垫的气味,雄鼠不表现性别偏好,与空白组比较,被试鼠选择同种个体;在雌雄个体之间,雄性大仓鼠选择同性个体,雌性不表现性别偏好,在观察箱内,无论同性相遇还是异性相遇,两鼠间攻  相似文献   

采用两两遭遇法确定雄性根田鼠的社会等级,然后以新鲜尿作气味源,在行为选择箱中观察不同社会等级雄性根田鼠对自身气味和非自身气味的行为响应模式,结果表明:种群中从属个体对自身尿液存在明显偏好,其对自身尿液的接近潜伏期显著短于非自身尿液,而访问时间、自我修饰频次都显著高于非自身尿液;种群中优势个体则优先访问非自身尿液,其对非自身尿液的访问时间、嗅舔时间、自我修饰及反标记均显著高于自身尿液;对非自身尿液,不同社会等级雄性个体之间存在明显不同的行为反应模式。这说明,不同社会等级雄性根田鼠具有自我识别的能力且模式不同,同时其对非自身尿气味响应模式的差异也与自身的社会等级有关。  相似文献   

雄性海南坡鹿发情期泥浴、沙浴行为及其在繁殖中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2005年2-5月间,在海南省大田国家级自然保护区文昌保护站的养鹿场内对7只半野生雄性海南坡鹿(Cervus eldi hainanus)的泥浴和沙浴行为、进行泥浴和沙浴行为的雄性个体的年龄、等级序位和交配成功次数进行了观察记录,以确定雄性坡鹿的泥、沙浴行为是否与雄性个体的年龄、等级序位和交配行为相关.本实验对以下3个假说进行了检验:(1)性成熟的雄鹿的泥浴行为多于刚刚性成熟的雄鹿;(2)优势雄鹿泥浴的频次和持续的时间多于非优势个体;(3)泥浴的次数与交配次数正相关.研究期间记录到雄性个体的79次泥浴和171次沙浴行为,性成熟雄鹿的泥浴和沙浴的频次显著地高于刚刚性成熟的雄鹿(P<0.01,Friedman nonparametric two-way ANOVA);不同等级序位的雄性泥沙浴持续时间没有明显的差异,但是优势雄鹿的泥浴频次显著高于非优势个体(Wilcoxon signed ranks 检验,P<0.01);雄鹿的泥浴和沙浴的频次分别与交配次数显著正相关(r=0.802, P<0.05, n=7;r=0.919, P<0.01, n=7;Pearson 检验).雄性海南坡鹿沙浴与泥浴是雄鹿发情期中的优势炫耀行为,对雄性个体的繁殖成功与否具有重要的意义[动物学报 53(3):417-424,2007].  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in agonistic behaviors and effects of familiarity on agonistic behaviors in wild-caught adult rat-like hamsters (Cricetulus triton) were observed in dyadic encounters in a neutral arena. The aggression of opposite- and same-sex encounters became higher or remained the same during the non-breeding season. This indicates that the hamsters were solitary during both seasons. Familiarity increased the aggression in male–male encounters and decreased the aggression in female–female encounters during both seasons. Familiarity also increased the aggression in female–male encounters during the non-breeding season and had no effect on the aggression in female–male encounters during the breeding season. These results may be related to the hamsters social structure. The more agonistic acts both male and female hamsters had, the more frequently they marked using flank glands during both seasons. This implies that flank gland marking can be used to advertise status and can be assessed by opponents to reduce the agonistic costs.  相似文献   

During an agonistic encounter test, dominant male greater long-tailed hamsters (Tscheskia triton) initiated attacks sooner and displayed higher levels of aggression and flank marking behavior than their subordinate counterparts. Accordingly, subordinate males exhibited more defensive behavior than dominant ones. Specific patterns of neuronal activation, measured by Fos-immunoreactive staining (Fos-ir), were found in the hamster brain following agonistic interactions. Increased Fos-ir was observed in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH), and medial (MeA) and anterior cortical (ACo) nuclei of the amygdala (AMYG) in both dominant and subordinate males. In contrast, dominant males had significantly higher Fos-ir densities in the medial preoptic area (MPOA) than subordinate males, whereas subordinate males expressed higher densities of Fos-ir in the anterior hypothalamus (AH) and central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA). Additionally, Fos-ir levels in the MPOA were significantly correlated with aggression and Fos-ir levels in the AH and CeA were correlated with defensive behavior. Together, our data indicate distinct patterns of neuronal activation associated with agonistic encounters in a behavior-specific manner in male greater long-tailed hamsters.  相似文献   

We investigated the existence of a social dominance hierarchy in the captive group of six adult bonobos at the Planckendael Zoo. We quantified the pattern of dyadic exchange of a number of behaviors to examine to what extent each behavior fits a linear rank order model. Following de Waal (1989), we distinguish three types of dominance: agonistic dominance, competitive ability and formal dominance. Fleeing upon aggression is a good measure of agonistic dominance. The agonistic dominance hierarchy in the study group shows significant and strong linearity. The rank order was: 1. female (22 yr), 2. female (15 yr)., 3. male (23 yr.), 4. female (15 yr.), 5. male (9 yr.), 6. male (10 yr.). As in the wild, the females occupy high ranks. There is prominent but nonexclusive female agonistic dominance. Teeth-baring does not fulfil the criteria of a formal submission signal. Peering is a request for tolerance of proximity. Since its direction within dyads is consistent with that of fleeing interactions, it is a useful additional measure to determine agonistic ranks in bonobos. In competitive situations, the females acquire more food than other group members do. The rank obtained from access to food resources differs from the agonistic rank due to female intrasexual social tolerance, expressed in food sharing. We typify the dominance styles in the group as female intrasexual tolerance and male challenging of rank differences. The agonistic rank order correlates significantly with age and has a strong predictive value for other social behaviors.  相似文献   

A dominance hierarchy based on the outcome of agonistic encounters was found among male and female domestic cats. A female dominated over some males. The dominance concept is also discussed in terms of social bonding. The relationships among adult females were amicable, whereas adult males showed reciprocal tolerance. The flow of affiliative behaviour was directed mainly from females to one male of the group. The analysis of marking behaviour showed that this male sprayed urine and rubbed the perioral and cheek regions of the face on the objects of the environment at a higher rate than the other members of the group. Nevertheless, rubbing the perioral and cheek regions of the face on objects was not correlated to dominance rank, possibly because it has some function in social communication other than territorial defence against strangers. No relationships have been found between claw scratching, rolling on the ground and social rank, or between the former and other marking behaviour. It is concluded that claw scratching and rolling were not utilised to mark territory.  相似文献   

Asymmetry of social rank in the competition for food and female was studied using the social dominance model with only two male mice. Marking activity was recorded as a useful indicator of the social status. Social rank was determined by asymmetry in aggressive behavior. A food test was presented for 10 min daily within 5 days of the experiment, whereas a sexual test was performed only on the 5th day for 30 min. Marking behavior was estimated twice: before the first interaction and on the 4th day of the experiment. The competition for food was accompanied by active attacks, escapes, vertical defense postures, and sniffing. The level of aggression, sniffing, and food activity was higher in dominant than submissive males. Time course of aggressive, defensive, and sniffing behaviors was characterized by maximum scores in the period of formation of social hierarchy; however, the rate of food activity in this period was low and increased only to the 4th day. Introduction of a receptive female into the male group with the stable social hierarchy stimulated the intermale aggression, defensive and sniffing behaviors. Dominant males were characterized by a greater number of victories over and sniffing contacts with both male and female. Marking activity was also more intense in dominants. Thus, significant unidirectional rank differences in agonistic, sniffing, food, sexual, and marking behaviors were shown on the social dominance model with the minimum number of partners.  相似文献   

One male and three female bushbabies were released into a room and observed for 30 days. Consistent relationships, but no straight-line hierarchy, were formed. Grooming and marking were the most frequent activities. Females fought over proximity to the male even though none was in oestrus. One female initiated over 90 per cent of agonistic encounters. When she was removed for 9 days the remaining animals continued their friendly relations; and when she was returned she briefly reasserted dominance over the other two females.  相似文献   

Study on Social Interactions between Male and Female Genets (Genetta genetta L.): Relations between Scent Marking and Aggression The aim of this work was to study the relations between marking behaviour and aggression in genets (Genetta genetta L.). Observations on social interactions were made on a socially stable pair and during encounters between unfamiliar pairs. In the first case, there appeared to be a relationship between marking activity in the male and aggression. During aggression periods, marking with the ano-urogenital region increased in the male and decreased in the female. Another striking variation concerned flank rubbing and hindleg rubbing. In both male and female these marking frequencies increased significantly during aggression periods and flank rubbing was modified by visual cues. Data recorded during encounters between unfamiliar pairs (one male being introduced in a female's cage) showed that agonistic behaviours were released through visual cues in females and olfactory cues in males. The same changes in marking frequencies were observed. These results also showed that ano-urogenital marking was inhibited in females during aggression periods. The adaptative significance of these phenomena is discussed.  相似文献   

The study reports the relationship between hierarchy, genetic relatedness and social interaction in captive Japanese macaques. Grooming and proximity were found to be positively related to both dominance rank and degrees of relatedness. Ranks also positively correlated with threats while no relationship was observed between genetic relationships and agonistic interactions. The removal of a-male tightened the male hierarchy while the female hierarchy became relatively loose. Affiliative behaviour became more correlated with ranks than degrees of genetic relatedness. In the absence of α-male, the next dominant male avoided involvement in either agonistic or afliliative interactions with reintroduced animals and group females.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between dominance rank and several physiological and behavioral measures in stable, captive, all-male squirrel monkey groups. Four groups, each containing three males, were observed for 12 weeks during the breeding season. Relative dominance ranking among males in each group was based on the direction of agonistic behaviors displayed. For each subject, whole blood serotonin (WBS), plasma testosterone (T), and cortisol (C) were sampled 4 to 6 times over the course of the study. Samples were separated by 1- to 2-week intervals. Each group had a stable linear dominance hierarchy. WBS had small intraanimal variance and was positively related to dominance rank. In contrast, T and C were highly variable within subjects and were unrelated to dominance rank. Among alpha males, concentrations of T and C were positively correlated, and WBS and C were negatively correlated. The effect of dominance rank on the relationship between within-animal fluctuations in WBS, T, and C and behavior was also assessed. In dominant, but not subordinate subjects, intraanimal fluctuations in WBS correlated with agonistic behavior initiated, and fluctuations in C and T correlated with huddling. In beta and gamma males, C was related to agonism received, and in gamma males to food stealing received. Dominance status also affected endocrine response to the stress of capture but not the rate of sneezing. Sneezing was positively correlated with T concentrations irrespective of dominance rank. These results extend the association between WBS and dominance rank previously reported in Old World monkeys to a New World monkey species, support previous suggestions that mean T and C titers are not reflective of dominance rank in well-established groups, and indicate that dominance rank affects adrenocortical response to the stress associated with capture and anesthesia.  相似文献   

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