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We previously reported Agrobacterium-mediated transformation methods for the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha using the hygromycin phosphotransferase gene as a marker for selection with hygromycin. In this study, we developed three additional markers for M. polymorpha transformation: the gentamicin 3''-acetyltransferase gene for selection with gentamicin; a mutated acetolactate synthase gene for selection with chlorsulfuron; and the neomycin phosphotransferase II gene for selection with G418. Based on these four marker genes, we have constructed a series of Gateway binary vectors designed for transgenic experiments on M. polymorpha. The 35S promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus and endogenous promoters for constitutive and heat-inducible expression were used to create these vectors. The reporters and tags used were Citrine, 3×Citrine, Citrine-NLS, TagRFP, tdTomato, tdTomato-NLS, GR, SRDX, SRDX-GR, GUS, ELuc(PEST), and 3×FLAG. These vectors, designated as the pMpGWB series, will facilitate molecular genetic analyses of the emerging model plant M. polymorpha.  相似文献   

The plant hormone auxin (indole-3-acetic acid [IAA]) has previously been suggested to regulate diverse forms of dormancy in both seed plants and liverworts. Here, we use loss- and gain-of-function alleles for auxin synthesis- and signaling-related genes, as well as pharmacological approaches, to study how auxin regulates development and dormancy in the gametophyte generation of the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. We found that M. polymorpha possess the smallest known toolkit for the indole-3-pyruvic acid (IPyA) pathway in any land plant and that this auxin synthesis pathway mainly is active in meristematic regions of the thallus. Previously a Trp-independent auxin synthesis pathway has been suggested to produce a majority of IAA in bryophytes. Our results indicate that the Trp-dependent IPyA pathway produces IAA that is essential for proper development of the gametophyte thallus of M. polymorpha. Furthermore, we show that dormancy of gemmae is positively regulated by auxin synthesized by the IPyA pathway in the apex of the thallus. Our results indicate that auxin synthesis, transport, and signaling, in addition to its role in growth and development, have a critical role in regulation of gemmae dormancy in M. polymorpha.  相似文献   

采用实时荧光定量PCR(qPCR)分析了GmARF10表达模式。通过挖掘大豆基因组信息并参考拟南芥同源基因序列,分析了大豆生长素响应因子GmARF10和小RNA分子Gm-miR160作用位点,构建了pGmARF10∷mGmARF10(mGmARF10)抗降解表达载体;利用农杆菌介导法转化大豆,并对转基因植株叶片发育表型进行了分析。结果表明:GmARF10在大豆[Glycine max(L.)Merri.]根、茎、叶、花和果荚中均有一定程度的表达,其中花内表达量最高,茎内最低,第一复叶表达量低于子叶和第一对真叶。mGmARF10转基因植株复叶形状和大小与对照组没有明显的差异,但其叶绿素含量和最大光量子效率(Fv/Fm)明显下降,叶片衰老标记基因GmCYSP1表达显著增加。研究认为,大豆生长素响应因子GmARF10参与了叶片衰老进程并可能是叶片衰老信号的重要组份。  相似文献   

Two-component signal transduction systems (TCS) are used by bacteria to sense and respond to their environment. TCS are typically composed of a sensor histidine kinase (HK) and a response regulator (RR). The Vibrio cholerae genome encodes 52 RR, but the role of these RRs in V. cholerae pathogenesis is largely unknown. To identify RRs that control V. cholerae colonization, in-frame deletions of each RR were generated and the resulting mutants analyzed using an infant mouse intestine colonization assay. We found that 12 of the 52 RR were involved in intestinal colonization. Mutants lacking one previously uncharacterized RR, VCA0566 (renamed VxrB), displayed a significant colonization defect. Further experiments showed that VxrB phosphorylation state on the predicted conserved aspartate contributes to intestine colonization. The VxrB regulon was determined using whole genome expression analysis. It consists of several genes, including those genes that create the type VI secretion system (T6SS). We determined that VxrB is required for T6SS expression using several in vitro assays and bacterial killing assays, and furthermore that the T6SS is required for intestinal colonization. vxrB is encoded in a four gene operon and the other vxr operon members also modulate intestinal colonization. Lastly, though ΔvxrB exhibited a defect in single-strain intestinal colonization, the ΔvxrB strain did not show any in vitro growth defect. Overall, our work revealed that a small set of RRs is required for intestinal colonization and one of these regulators, VxrB affects colonization at least in part through its regulation of T6SS genes.  相似文献   

When Caenorhabditis elegans encounters an unfavourable stimulus at its anterior, it responds by initiating an avoidance response, namely reversal of locomotion. The amphid neurons, ASHL and ASHR, are polymodal in function, with roles in the avoidance responses to high osmolarity, nose touch, and both volatile and non-volatile repellents. The mechanisms that underlie the ability of the ASH neurons to respond to such a wide range of stimuli are still unclear. We demonstrate that the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R), encoded by itr-1, functions in the reversal responses to nose touch and benzaldehyde, but not in other known ASH-mediated responses. We show that phospholipase Cβ (EGL-8) and phospholipase Cγ (PLC-3), which catalyse the production of IP3, both function upstream of ITR-1 in the response to nose touch. We use neuron-specific gene rescue and neuron-specific disruption of protein function to show that the site of ITR-1 function is the ASH neurons. By rescuing plc-3 and egl-8 in a neuron-specific manner, we show that both are acting in ASH. Imaging of nose touch–induced Ca2+ transients in ASH confirms these conclusions. In contrast, the response to benzaldehyde is independent of PLC function. Thus, we have identified distinct roles for the IP3R in two specific responses mediated by ASH.  相似文献   

Polarized growth in yeast requires cooperation between the polarized actin cytoskeleton and delivery of post-Golgi secretory vesicles. We have previously reported that loss of the major tropomyosin isoform, Tpm1p, results in cells sensitive to perturbations in cell polarity. To identify components that bridge these processes, we sought mutations with both a conditional defect in secretion and a partial defect in polarity. Thus, we set up a genetic screen for mutations that conferred a conditional growth defect, showed synthetic lethality with tpm1Delta, and simultaneously became denser at the restrictive temperature, a hallmark of secretion-defective cells. Of the 10 complementation groups recovered, the group with the largest number of independent isolates was functionally null alleles of RAS2. Consistent with this, ras2Delta and tpm1Delta are synthetically lethal at 35 degrees C. We show that ras2Delta confers temperature-sensitive growth and temperature-dependent depolarization of the actin cytoskeleton. Furthermore, we show that at elevated temperatures ras2Delta cells are partially defective in endocytosis and show a delocalization of two key polarity markers, Myo2p and Cdc42p. However, the conditional enhanced density phenotype of ras2Delta cells is not a defect in secretion. All the phenotypes of ras2Delta cells can be fully suppressed by expression of yeast RAS1 or RAS2 genes, human Ha-ras, or the double disruption of the stress response genes msn2Deltamsn4Delta. Although the best characterized pathway of Ras function in yeast involves activation of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A pathway, activation of the protein kinase A pathway does not fully suppress the actin polarity defects, suggesting that there is an additional pathway from Ras2p to Msn2/4p. Thus, Ras2p regulates cytoskeletal polarity in yeast under conditions of mild temperature stress through the stress response pathway.  相似文献   

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