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H J?rnvall  A V Fowler  I Zabin 《Biochemistry》1978,17(24):5160-5164
Carboxymethylation with 14 C-labeled iodoacetate of cysteine residues in wild-type beta-galactosidase from Escherichia coli and in a defective beta-galactosidase from deletion mutant strain M15 was investigated in order to determine accessible positions in the tetrameric wild-type form and the dimeric mutant M15 protein. The extent of carboxymethylation, the effects on biological activity, antibody activation, physical stability, and the labeling of particular residues were studied. The results distinguish three groups of spatial relationships for cysteine residues in the protein, define possible regions for subunit interactions, and confirm that no cysteine residue is specifically involved in catalysis. Residue 1019 and to a lesser extent 498 are accessible in the tetrameric protein and probably represent exposed areas. In the M15 protein, these two, and three additional residues, at 76,387 and 600, were found to react significantly with reagent. One or more of the latter are suggested to be in the dimer-dimer interface. Complementation and activation by antibody are inhibited by carboxymethylation of M15 protein.  相似文献   

Position of the mutation in beta-galactosidase ochre mutant U118.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The Escherichia coli lacZ ochre mutant strain U118 was converted to an amber mutant and suppressed with supF, which inserts tyrosine. Enzymatically active beta-galactosidase was isolated. It contained tyrosine at residue number 17 instead of glutamic acid as in wild type.  相似文献   

Kidneys from normal, diabetic-nonketotic and ketotic Chinese hamsters were homogenized, fractionated and assayed for beta-glucosidase, and beta-galactosidase activities. The kidneys of the ketotic animals were enlarged but the protein content in each subcellular fraction was similar in all three groups of animals. beta-Glucosidase was found chiefly in the soluble fraction and no difference was observed in these animals. beta-Galactosidase was distributed in both cytoplasmic and particulate fractions; difference in the specific activity of beta-galactosidase between control and ketotic animals was found in nuclear, lysosomal-mitochondrial, microsomal and soluble fractions.  相似文献   

Summary Ten out of 43 missense mutations in the lacZ gene of Escherichia coli gave rise to polypeptide chains that were degraded in vivo. While many of the mutants appeared to be fully or partially CRM, there appeared to be no obvious correlation between degradation, map position, altered subunit association and the half-life of the mutant proteins.  相似文献   

1,25(OH)2D3, the hormonal form of vitamin D, is a neuroactive seco-steroid hormone with multiple functions in the brain. Most of these effects are mediated through the nuclear vitamin D receptor (VDR), widely distributed in the central nervous system. Our earlier studies showed that mutant mice lacking functional VDR have specific behavioural abnormalities, including anxiety and aberrant maternal behaviour, which may be hormonally regulated. Here we describe impaired nest building behaviour in VDR mutant mice. Since prolactin plays a key role in the regulation of nest building in both sexes, we also examine whether VDR mutant mice have altered prolactin levels. Overall, serum prolactin levels were increased in VDR mutant mice, accompanied by marked impairments in their nest building activity. In contrast, there were no differences in prolactin mRNA expression levels between wildtype control mice and VDR mutant mice. Collectively, these data suggest that partial genetic ablation of VDR affects prolactin system in mice, and that altered serum prolactin levels in VDR mutants may underlie some of their behavioural abnormalities, such as impaired nest building.  相似文献   

1. Rabbit kidney acid beta-galactosidase can be resolved into three peaks (named A3, A2 and A1) by gel-filtration chromatography. Their estimated molecular weights were: more than 250,000, 150,000 and 17,000 respectively. 2. The purified acid form appeared as a single band of protein (Mr = 28,000) on electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate, suggesting that forms A3 and A2 are multimeric forms of beta-galactosidase A1. 3. Treatment with neuraminidase from Clostridium perfringens converts form A3 into a more basic form. This phenomenon occurs also when this form is stored for a week at 4 degrees C and parallels its disaggregation. 4. The data suggest that the sialic acids present in the multimeric forms are involved in the aggregation of the acidic form of beta-galactosidase.  相似文献   

Internal re-initiation polypeptides which are products of the lacZ gene of Escherichia coli have been synthesized in a DNA-directed cell-free protein synthesis system. Some of the properties of these protein fragments have been characterized. The de novo synthesized re-initiation proteins, unlike both in vitro synthesized wild-type β-galactosidase and nonsense termination fragments, are insoluble when synthesized at 37 °C, but soluble if synthesis takes place at 25 °C. The same re-initiation proteins which are made in vivo have been detected in vitro. Unlike their in vivo counterparts, which are degraded rapidly, the in vitro synthesized restart proteins are completely stable for at least one hour following their synthesis. Both in vivo and in vitro, the re-initiation proteins are not synthesized from DNA containing a wild-type Z gene, but require a specific nonsense mutation in order to be expressed. Furthermore, the location of the mutation within the Z gene is very important in determining whether or not re-initiation will occur at a given site.Several nonsense mutations which do not result in the synthesis of detectable amounts of restart protein in vivo produce specific re-initiation polypeptides in vitro. These restart proteins display many of the same properties as do those which are made both in vivo and in vitro: they are not made from wild-type DNA, and they are only made from DNA containing a specific nonsense mutation. One of these mutations is 118, which is an extreme polar mutation in vivo. Another is 545, which synthesizes a restart protein in vivo if, and only if, it is coupled with a secondary mutation, π(1). π(1) thus appears to be necessary for the synthesis of a particular re-initiation protein in vivo but unnecessary for the synthesis of the same protein in vitro. The efficiencies of re-initiation vary at the different sites, but in all cases are less than the initiation frequency at the start of the gene. The experiments thus show that when complicating factors, such as polarity and protein degradation, are eliminated, translational re-initiation can be detected at many sites in the lacZ gene.  相似文献   

This study found that the thymus of hea/hea mutant mice (hea mice) became atrophic in early phase of life and that the differentiation of CD4-CD8- (Double Negative; DN) into CD4+CD8+ (Double Positive; DP) cells during the development of T cells in the thymus was abnormal. The thymus development of hea mice was different from that of normal littermates. After 6 days of age, the numbers of thymocytes in hea mice decreased. The total numbers of DP cells in the thymus of hea mice reached the maximum at 6-9 days of age and then decreased after 10 days. The total numbers of DN cells in the thymus were almost constant in hea mice and normal littermates. These results indicate abnormalities in the process of differentiation from DN to DP cells in the thymus of hea mice. Flow cytometoric analysis indicated the presence of a large number of apoptotic and necrotic cells in the thymus of 13-15-day-old hea mice. However, there were no significant differences in the amount of mRNAs of Fas, Fas ligand and IL-7 between hea mice and normal littermates. Splenocytes from hea mice produced the same amount of cytokine mRNAs as normal littermate mice and the hea mutation (Ttc7(fsn-hea)) did not affect serum levels of IgM immunoglobulin. However, activated T cells from hea mice showed more secretion of cytokines derived from Th2 cells than from Th1 cells, so they might be affected by abnormalities of the immune system.  相似文献   

The Cu2+-binding proteins from liver and kidney tissue of 7--8-day-old brindled (Mobr) mice and their normal littermates were compared. (1) Separation over Bio-Gel P-10 showed that the differences in the Cu2+ content of mutant tissues were largely associated with a low-molecular-weight protein fraction (mol.wt. 14 500). (2) Further purification of this low-molecular-weight fraction by anion-exchange chromatography revealed four subfractions. The Cu2+ content of each subfraction reflected the Cu2+ status of the tissue of origin; the Cu2+ contents of the mutant kidney subfractions were elevated and those of the mutant liver were depressed compared with normal. In contrast, the protein contents of the subfractions were less variable and did not reflect the differing Cu2+ contents. (3) Amino acid analysis of the four subfractions from CuCl2-treated mutant and normal animals revealed clos similarities. The proteins showed high glycine, glutamic acid, serine, alanine and lysine contents and a rather variable cysteine content. Differences were apparent in the normal liver subfractions, which showed a higher cysteine content and lower glutamic acid content than did either the mutant liver or normal and mutant kidney subfractions. These observations, together with the recorded presence of aromatic amino acids, indicated that these proteins are not thioneins.  相似文献   

Opossum kidney epithelial cells synthesize and secrete two Cobalamin (Cbl) binding proteins of Mr 66,000 and 43,000. When grown on culture inserts, the apical medium contained both these proteins while the basolateral medium contained only the 43 kDa Cbl binder. Colchicine, a microtubule disruptive drug, increased two fold the apical but not the basolateral secretion of the Cbl binding proteins. Although the opossum Cbl binders did not cross react with anti-serum raised to Cbl binders from other species, the identity based on Cbl binding and size suggest that the 66 kDa and 43 kDa proteins are haptocorrin and transcobalamin II.  相似文献   

Summary Primary kidney cultures from adult beige-J (bg J/ bg J) mice were selected for epithelial cell growth using D-valine medium. After 2 weeks of attachment and proliferation in vitro, the cells form a confluent or nearly confluent monolayer that retains several phenotypic characteristics of the beige-J mutant. These include large, multilamellar inclusion bodies that are apparently dysmorphic lysosomes, and higher concentrations of neutral glycosphingolipids and dolichols than control cells. -Glucuronidase activity, used as a lysosomal enzyme marker, is not elevated in beige-J-cultured kidney cells compared with controls, as it is in the intact kidney. The high levels of -glucuronidase activity in both control and mutant cells may mask expression of this difference in vitro. The action of the beige-J mutation in kidney cells is thought to be due to a block in exocytosis that results in the accumulation of abnormal lysosomes and their components. The maintenance of the beige phenotype in vitro indicates that the mutation is not suppressed in primary kidney cell cultures. The expression of the beige phenotype in vitro should be useful for studies concerning the primary lesion of this mutation.  相似文献   

By analysing the kinetics of beta-galactosidase accumulation after induction, the synthesis time of beta-galactosidase in Escherichia coli B/r was found to be 75s in rapidly growing cells (1.36 and 2.1 doublings/h), and 90s in slowly growing cells (0.63 doubling/h). These values correspond to peptide-chain-elongation rates of 16 and 13 amino acids/s respectively, in agreement with previous findings, indicating that the peptide-chain growth rate is constant (presumably maximal) in fast-growing bacteria, but decreased in slowly growing bacteria [Forchhammer & Lindahl (1971) J. Mol. Biol. 55, 563-568].  相似文献   

Properties and kinetics of a neutral beta-galactosidase from rabbit kidney   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A neutral beta-galactosidase has been purified by concanavalin A-Sepharose affinity chromatography, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, Sephadex G-200 gel filtration and hydroxylapatite chromatography. The enzyme was purified 126-fold with a yield of about 21%. This form has a neutral optimal pH (7.5) and it is located in the cytosolic fraction. It shows a wide pH stability from pH 4.5 to 8.0, but it is very unstable at low pH values. Its isoelectric point is 4.9 and this value does not change on neuraminidase treatment. The estimated molecular weight was 47 000. The neutral form shows beta-D-galactosidase, beta-D-fucosidase and beta-D-glucosidase activities, all of them associated in a single peak in all the purification steps. p-Nitrophenyl beta-D-galactosides, p-nitrophenyl beta-D-fucosides and p-nitrophenyl beta-D-glucosides competed fully for a common active site in mixed-substrate experiments. Using gamma-D-galactonolactone as competitive inhibitor the Ki values were always coincident for the three activities. The effect of NaCl, methyl mannoside and some sugars (fucose, galactose and glucose) was studied.  相似文献   

A number of abnormal polypeptides which are products of the lacZ gene in Escherichia coli have been characterized. A variety of experiments indicates that one class of at least nine different fragments arises from premature termination of protein synthesis. They have been detected as products of protein synthesis both in vitro and in vivo, although the percentage of fragments made in vitro is greater than that in vivo. The percentage of total Z gene-encoded protein which is found as fragments is estimated to be roughly 23% in vivo. This means that about 31% of the total number of β-galactosidase monomers synthesized are prematurely terminated molecules. The average molecular weight of the polypeptides produced is 91,000. This corresponds to a termination event occurring on the average once every 3200 codons. The sites at which termination occurs appear to be specific and are located primarily near the 3′-end of the gene.Polypeptides synthesized in vitro and in vivo from templates containing mutations in the Z gene have also been compared. Most of the mutationally generated fragments synthesized in vitro are stable, unlike their in vivo counterparts, which are often rapidly degraded. One fragment, however, generated by an early amber mutation in the Z gene, is degraded in the in vitro system. The mechanism of degradation appears to be specific for small abnormal polypeptides. Internal reinitiation polypeptides generated by nonsense mutations, which have been found in vivo, are not detected in the in vitro protein synthesis system under the conditions used here.  相似文献   

Galactosylceramide β-galactosidase (EC has been partially purified from liver of a patient who died of Krabbe disease. Approximately 700-fold purification was achieved by solubilization, adsorption with immobilized concanavalin A, gel filtration through Bio-Gel A-1.5m and chromatography on immobilized sphingosine. The relative increase in crossreacting material and residual galactosylceramidase and lactosylceramidase I activities of the mutant enzyme was essentially identical to that obtained for the enzyme partially purified by the same procedure from normal liver control. An apparent molecular weight of about 750,000 and similar electrophoretic mobilities were observed for both enzymes. In contrast, catalytic properties and stability of the enzyme protein were severely affected in the mutant as compared to the normal enzyme. The apparent Km values of the mutant enzyme for β-galactosidase activities toward galactosylceramide and lactosylceramide in the presence of pure sodium taurocholate were 14 and 4 times, respectively, higher than the normal values. Incubation for 4 min at 52 °C or dialysis against 1.3 m urea caused a 50% loss of residual enzymatic activity of the mutant enzyme, whereas a 35-min incubation or dialysis against 5.6 m urea was required for 50% inactivation of the normal enzyme. These findings indicate that the mutation in Krabbe disease leads to synthesis of normal quantities of catalytically and structurally altered protein.  相似文献   

An Aspergillus niger mutant strain, VTT-D-80144, with an improvement of three- to fourfold in the production of extracellular beta-galactosidase was isolated after mutagenesis. The production of beta-galactosidase by this mutant was unaffected by fermentor size, and the enzyme was also suitable for immobilization.  相似文献   

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