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Numerous naturally-occurring and synthetic compounds that were discovered initially because of their toxic properties, were later shown to possess biological activities beneficial to humans that enabled them to serve as templates for the development of useful medicinal agents. A prominent example is thalidomide, a synthetic drug that gained notoriety originally due to its catastrophic teratogenicity in humans. The discovery of thalidomide's efficacy in treating several diseases has resulted in the recrudescence of the drug to society's usage. A current example of this phenomenon is the plant teratogen cyclopamine (11-deoxojervine), whose deleterious terata-inducing effects were restricted to grazing animals, but whose recently discovered inhibition of Sonic hedgehog signal transduction has provided both the potential to increase our understanding of organogenesis and to serve as a lead compound in drug development.  相似文献   

My comments will not be those of a criminal justice scholar but rather those of a participant-observer of the societal reintegration programs of the Pennsylvania correctional system and reentry programs in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area.  相似文献   

During my graduate studies, I characterized patterns of geographical distribution and taxonomic differentiation in birds of the West Indies, which suggested that species undergo phases of expansion and contraction similar to the taxon cycles that E. O. Wilson had described for Melanesian ants. Fieldwork in the early 1970s with George Cox confirmed that these phases were associated with variation in habitat distribution and abundance on individual islands, tying together local ecology and biogeography. Because taxon‐cycle stage was independent of taxonomic or ecological relationships among birds of the West Indies, George and I postulated that whether a species was in a phase of expansion or contraction reflected the outcome of coevolved relationships with antagonists, including pathogens. The taxon cycle concept had a cool reception initially, but subsequent phylogeographical analyses, beginning in the early 1990s with Eldredge Bermingham, provided a time scale that confirmed the relationship between taxon cycle stage and the relative age of the most recent population expansion. The discrete nature of islands allows one to visualize taxon cycles in island systems, but the principle should apply in a continental biota as well. The absence of strong phylogenetic effects in distribution and abundance is consistent with evolutionary lability caused by coevolutionary outcomes with specialized antagonists. Related species appear to compete for resources on a more‐or‐less equal footing across a broad range of environments, and their distribution at any particular time is likely to be determined primarily by their relationships with pathogens, among other antagonists. This model of distribution and abundance within a regional community is consistent with much of what we know about the interactions between pathogens and their host populations, but testing the model will require the development of a new research programme focused on endemic pathogen effects in natural communities.  相似文献   

During 1970 and 1971, I discovered that a devastating disease of potato plants is not caused by a virus, as had been assumed, but by a new type of subviral pathogen, the viroid. Viroids are so small--one fiftieth of the size of the smallest viruses--that many scientists initially doubted their existence. We now know that viroids cause many damaging diseases of crop plants. Fortunately, new methods that are based on the unique properties of viroids now promise effective control.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes represent an important tool for the investigation of species differences in drug metabolism and toxicity. Data obtained with hepatocytes from multiple animal species, including man, allow better prediction of the effects of xenobiotics in man. Cryopreservation of hepatocytes extends the use of this important experimental system by enhancing the convenience of its use. Also, it allows the researchers to perform experiments not plausible with freshly isolated hepatocytes, such as the direct comparison of xenobiotic toxicity and metabolism in hepatocytes from multiple human donors in a single experiment.  相似文献   

Mitra S 《DNA Repair》2007,6(8):1064-1070
This review describes the history of studies on alkylation damage of mammalian genomes and its carcinogenic consequences that led to the discovery of a unique DNA repair protein, named MGMT. MGMT repairs O(6)-alkylguanine, a critical mutagenic lesion induced by alkylating agents. The follow-up studies in mammalian cells following the discovery of the ubiquitous repair protein in E. coli are summarized.  相似文献   

The epidemic of kuru is now known to have been transmitted among the Fore by ritual consumption of infected organs from deceased relatives. As cannibalism was suppressed by government patrol officers during the 1950s, most transmission had ceased by 1957, when the kuru research programme first commenced. As predicted in the 1960s, the epidemic has waned, with progressive ageing of kuru-affected cohorts over the years to 2007. The few cases seen in the twenty-first century, with the longest incubation periods, were almost certainly exposed as children prior to 1960. Although the research programme had almost no role in bringing the kuru epidemic to an end, it did provide important knowledge that was to help the wider world in controlling the later epidemics of iatrogenic and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and bovine spongiform encephalopathy.  相似文献   

Simon Silver 《Biometals》2011,24(3):379-390
Understanding of BioMetals developed basically from a starting point about 60 years ago to current mechanistic understanding of the biological behavior of many metal ions from protein structural and functional studies. Figure 1 shows a Biochemical Periodic Table, element by element, with requirements, roles and biochemistry of the specific ions indicated. With few exceptions, the biology is of the ions formed and not of the elemental state of each. Early BioMetals efforts defined nutritional growth needs for animals, plants and microbes for inorganic “macro-nutrients” such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, and phosphate and of “micronutrients” such as copper, iron, manganese and zinc. Surprises came early with regard to microbes, for example the finding that Escherichia coli (then and now the standard microbial model) grows happily in the apparent total absence of calcium, sodium, and chloride, which are certainly major animal nutrients. Some elements such as mercury and arsenic are never required by living cells, but are always toxic, often at very low levels. Therefore, the division into nutrient elements and toxic elements came soon. For most inorganic nutrients, excessive amounts can be toxic as well, for example for copper and iron.  相似文献   

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