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In liver fibrosis, the quiescent hepatic stellate cells (HSC) are activated to proliferate and express the activated myofibroblast phenotype, losing fat droplets and the stored vitamin A, and depositing more extracellular matrix. Therapeutic strategies for liver fibrosis are focused on HSC. Pentoxifylline (PTF), an analog of the methylxanthine, prevents the biochemical and histological changes associated with animal liver fibrosis. The aim of the present study was to investigate the phenotypic change of myofibroblasts into quiescent lipocytes by PTF and/or retinol, using a permanent cell line GRX that represents murine HSC. We studied the action of both drugs on the synthesis of neutral lipids, activity of phospholipase A2 (PLA2), release of arachidonic acid (AA) and prostaglandins synthesis. Accumulation and synthesis of neutral lipids was dependent upon association of retinol with PTF. PTF (0.5 mg/mL) alone did not induce lipid accumulation and synthesis, but in cells induced by physiologic concentration of retinol (1–2.5 M), it increased the quantity of stored lipids. Retinol and PTF (5 M and 0.1 mg/mL, respectively) had a synergistic effect on neutral lipid synthesis and accumulation. In higher PTF concentrations (0.5 and 0.7 mg/ml), the synthesis was stimulated but accumulation decreased. Membrane-associated PLA2 activity decreased after PTF treatment, which increased the AA release 8 fold, and significantly increased the production of PGE2, but not of PGF2. However, when in presence of retinol, we observed a slightly higher increase in PGE2 and PGF2 production. In conclusion, PTF treatment generated an excess of free AA. We propose that retinol counteracts the action of PTF on the AA release and PGs production, even though both drugs stimulated the lipocyte induction in the HSC.  相似文献   

Many organs express the extracellular 3',5'-cAMP-adenosine pathway (conversion of extracellular 3',5'-cAMP to 5'-AMP and 5'-AMP to adenosine). Some organs release 2',3'-cAMP (isomer of 3',5'-cAMP) and convert extracellular 2',3'-cAMP to 2'- and 3'-AMP and convert these AMPs to adenosine (extracellular 2',3'-cAMP-adenosine pathway). As astrocytes and microglia are important participants in the response to brain injury and adenosine is an endogenous neuroprotectant, we investigated whether these extracellular cAMP-adenosine pathways exist in these cell types. 2',3'-, 3',5'-cAMP, 5'-, 3'-, and 2'-AMP were incubated with mouse primary astrocytes or primary microglia for 1 h and purine metabolites were measured in the medium by mass spectrometry. There was little evidence of a 3',5'-cAMP-adenosine pathway in either astrocytes or microglia. In contrast, both cell types converted 2',3'-cAMP to 2'- and 3'-AMP (with 2'-AMP being the predominant product). Although both cell types converted 2'- and 3'-AMP to adenosine, microglia were five- and sevenfold, respectively, more efficient than astrocytes in this regard. Inhibitor studies indicated that the conversion of 2',3'-cAMP to 2'-AMP was mediated by a different ecto-enzyme than that involved in the metabolism of 2',3'-cAMP to 3'-AMP and that although CD73 mediates the conversion of 5'-AMP to adenosine, an alternative ecto-enzyme metabolizes 2'- or 3'-AMP to adenosine.  相似文献   

Sphingolipids play a relevant role in cell-cell interaction, communication, and migration. We studied the sphingolipid content in the murine hepatic stellate cell line GRX, which expresses the myofibroblast phenotype, and can be induced in vitro to display the fat-storing phenotype. Lipid modifications along this induction were investigated by labeling sphingolipids with [(14)C]galactose, [(14)C]serine, or [(14)C]choline, and determination of fatty acid composition of sphingomyelin. The total ganglioside content and the GM2 synthase activity were lower in myofibroblasts. Both phenotypes presented similar gangliosides of the a-pathway: GM2, GM1, and GD1a as well as their precursor GM3. Sphingomyelin and all the gangliosides were expressed as doublets; the upper/lower band ratio increased in lipocytes, containing more long-chain fatty acids in retinol-induced lipocytes as compared to the insulin/indomethacin induced ones. Time-course experiments indicated a transfer of metabolic precursors from phosphatidylcholine to sphingomyelin in the two phenotypes. Taken together, these results indicate that myofibroblast and lipocytes can use distinct ceramide pools for sphingolipid synthesis. Differential ganglioside expression and presence of the long-chain saturated fatty acids suggested that they may participate in formation of distinct membrane microdomains or rafts with specific functions on the two phenotypes of GRX-cells.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies testing the effect of β-carotene in humans have found a relative risk for lung cancer in smokers supplemented with β-carotene. We investigated the reactions of retinal and β-apo-8′-carotenal, two β-carotene oxidation products, with 2′-deoxyguanosine to evaluate their DNA damaging potential. A known mutagenic adduct, 1,N2-etheno-2′-deoxyguanosine, was isolated and characterized on the basis of its spectroscopic features. After treatment of calf thymus DNA with β-carotene or β-carotene oxidation products, significantly increased levels of 1,N2-etheno-2′-deoxyguanosine and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine were quantified in DNA. These lesions are believed to be important in the development of human cancers. The results reported here may contribute toward an understanding of the biological effects of β-carotene oxidation products.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor (TGF) β(1) plays a critical role in liver fibrosis. Previous studies demonstrated embryonic liver fodrin (ELF), a β-spectrin was involved in TGF-β/Smad signalling pathway as Smad3/4 adaptor. Here we investigate the role of ELF in pathogenesis of liver cirrhosis. In carbon tetrachloride (CCl(4))-induced mice model of liver cirrhosis, ELF is up-regulated in activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), and down-regulated in regenerative hepatocytes of cirrhotic nodules. In activated HSCs in vitro, reduction of ELF expression mediated by siRNA leads to the inhibition of HSC activation and procollagen I expression. BrdU assay demonstrates that down-regulation of ELF expression does not inhibit proliferation of activated HSCs in vitro. Immunostaining of cytokeratin 19 and Ki67 indicates that regenerative hepatocytes in cirrhotic liver are derived from hepatic progenitor cells (HPC). Further study reveals that HPC expansion occurs as an initial phase, before the reduction of ELF expression in regenerative hepatocytes. Regenerative hepatocytes in cirrhotic liver show the change in proliferative activity and expression pattern of proteins involved in G1/S transition, which suggests the deregulation of cell cycle in regenerative hepatocytes. Finally, we find that ELF participates in TGF-β/Smad signal in activated HSCs and hepatocytes through regulating the localization of Smad3/4. These data reveal that ELF is involved in HSC activation and the formation of regenerative nodules derived from HPC in cirrhotic liver.  相似文献   

Hepatic fibrosis is concomitant with sinusoidal pathological angiogenesis, which has been highlighted as novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of chronic liver disease. Our prior studies have demonstrated that curcumin has potent antifibrotic activity, but the mechanisms remain to be elucidated. The current work demonstrated that curcumin ameliorated fibrotic injury and sinusoidal angiogenesis in rat liver with fibrosis caused by carbon tetrachloride. Curcumin reduced the expression of a number of angiogenic markers in fibrotic liver. Experiments in vitro showed that the viability and vascularization of rat liver sinusoidal endothelial cells and rat aortic ring angiogenesis were not impaired by curcumin. These results indicated that hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) that are characterized as liver‐specific pericytes could be potential target cells for curcumin. Further investigations showed that curcumin inhibited VEGF expression in HSCs associated with disrupting platelet‐derived growth factor‐β receptor (PDGF‐βR)/ERK and mTOR pathways. HSC motility and vascularization were also suppressed by curcumin associated with blocking PDGF‐βR/focal adhesion kinase/RhoA cascade. Gain‐ or loss‐of‐function analyses revealed that activation of peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor‐γ (PPAR‐γ) was required for curcumin to inhibit angiogenic properties of HSCs. We concluded that curcumin attenuated sinusoidal angiogenesis in liver fibrosis possibly by targeting HSCs via a PPAR‐γ activation‐dependent mechanism. PPAR‐γ could be a target molecule for reducing pathological angiogenesis during liver fibrosis.  相似文献   

Activated pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs) play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of pancreatic fibrosis, but the detailed mechanism for dysregulated accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) remains unclear. Cultured rat PSCs become activated by profibrogenic mediators, but these mediators failed to alter the expression levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) to the endogenous tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). Here, we examined the expression of RECK, a novel membrane-anchored MMP inhibitor, in PSCs. Although RECK mRNA levels were largely unchanged, RECK protein expression was barely detected at 2, 5 days after plating PSCs, but appeared following continued in vitro culture and cell passage which result in PSC activation. When PSCs at 5 days after plating (PSCs-5d) were treated with pepstatin A, an aspartic protease inhibitor, or TGF-beta1, a profibrogenic mediator, RECK protein was detected in whole cell lysates. Conversely, Smad7 overexpression or suppression of Smad3 expression in PSCs after passage 2 (PSCs-P2) led to the loss of RECK protein expression. These findings suggest that RECK is post-translationally processed in pre-activated PSCs but protected from proteolytic degradation by TGF-beta signaling. Furthermore, collagenolytic activity of PSCs-5d was greatly reduced by TGF-beta1, whereas that of PSCs-P2 was increased by anti-RECK antibody. Increased RECK levels were also observed in cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis. Therefore, our results suggest for the first time proteolytic processing of RECK as a mechanism regulating RECK activity, and demonstrate that TGF-beta signaling in activated PSCs may promote ECM accumulation via a mechanism that preserves the protease inhibitory activity of RECK.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid exerts antiproliferative and differentiative effects in normal and transformed in vitro hepatocytes. In order to verify whether these effects are related to a modulation of adhesion molecules, we used Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence microscopy to investigate the E-cadherin/β-catenin complex, the main system of adherens junctions, and the occludin/ZO-1 complex present in the tight junctions in HepG2 cells cultured in the presence or absence of retinoic acid. Results showed that retinoic acid treatment increases the amount of β-catenin bound to E-cadherin by decreasing its tyrosine-phosphorylation level. Similar results were obtained with the tight junction system, in which the amount of occludin/ZO-1 complex is increased by a similar mechanism that reduced the level of ZO-1 phosphorylation on tyrosine. Immunofluorescence images also confirm these results, showing the localization on the cell surface of both adhesion complexes. Their insertion into the plasma membrane could be suggestive of an optimal reassembly and function of adherens and tight junctions in hepatoma cells, indicating that retinoic acid, besides inhibiting cell proliferation, improves cell-cell adhesion, sustaining or inducing the expression of a more differentiated phenotype.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been confirmed to participate in liver fibrosis progression and activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). In this study, the role of miR‐193a/b‐3p in concanavalin A (ConA)‐induced liver fibrosis in mice was evaluated. According to the results, the expression of miR‐193a/b‐3p was down‐regulated in liver tissues after exposure to ConA. Lentivirus‐mediated overexpression of miR‐193a/b‐3p reduced ConA‐induced liver injury as demonstrated by decreasing ALT and AST levels. Moreover, ConA‐induced liver fibrosis was restrained by the up‐regulation of miR‐193a/b‐3 through inhibiting collagen deposition, decreasing desmin and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression and lessening the content of hydroxyproline, transforming growth factor‐β1 (TGF‐β1) and activin A in liver tissues. Furthermore, miR‐193a/b‐3p mimics suppressed the proliferation of human HSCs LX‐2 via inducing the apoptosis of LX‐2 cells and lowering the levels of cell cycle‐related proteins Cyclin D1, Cyclin E1, p‐Rb and CAPRIN1. Finally, TGF‐β1 and activin A‐mediated activation of LX‐2 cells was reversed by miR‐193a/b‐3p mimics via repressing COL1A1 and α‐SMA expression, and restraining the activation of TGF‐β/Smad2/3 signalling pathway. CAPRIN1 and TGF‐β2 were demonstrated to be the direct target genes of miR‐193a/b‐3p. We conclude that miR‐193a/b‐3p overexpression attenuates liver fibrosis through suppressing the proliferation and activation of HSCs. Our data suggest that miR‐193a‐3p and miR‐193b‐3p may be new therapeutic targets for liver fibrosis.  相似文献   

Although multiple biochemical pathways produce adenosine, studies suggest that the 2',3'-cAMP-adenosine pathway (2',3'-cAMP→2'-AMP/3'-AMP→adenosine) contributes to adenosine production in some cells/tissues/organs. To determine whether the 2',3'-cAMP-adenosine pathway exists in vivo in the brain, we delivered to the brain (gray matter and white matter separately) via the inflow perfusate of a microdialysis probe either 2',3'-cAMP, 3',5'-cAMP, 2'-AMP, 3'-AMP, or 5'-AMP and measured the recovered metabolites in the microdialysis outflow perfusate with mass spectrometry. In both gray and white matter, 2',3'-cAMP increased 2'-AMP, 3'-AMP and adenosine, and 3',5'-cAMP increased 5'-AMP and adenosine. In both brain regions, 2'-AMP, 3-AMP and 5'-AMP were converted to adenosine. Microdialysis experiments in 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide-3'-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) wild-type mice demonstrated that traumatic brain injury (controlled cortical impact model) activated the brain 2',3'-cAMP-adenosine pathway; similar experiments in CNPase knockout mice indicated that CNPase was involved in the metabolism of endogenous 2',3'-cAMP to 2'-AMP and to adenosine. In CSF from traumatic brain injury patients, 2',3'-cAMP was significantly increased in the initial 12 h after injury and strongly correlated with CSF levels of 2'-AMP, 3'-AMP, adenosine and inosine. We conclude that in vivo, 2',3'-cAMP is converted to 2'-AMP/3'-AMP, and these AMPs are metabolized to adenosine. This pathway exists endogenously in both mice and humans.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that one of the potential mediators of the deleterious effects of high glucose on extracellular matrix protein (ECM) expression in renal mesangial cells is its metabolic flux through the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway (HBP). Here, we investigate further whether the hexosamines induce oxidative stress, cell-cycle arrest and ECM expression using SV-40-transformed rat mesangial (MES) cells and whether the anti-oxidant alpha-lipoic acid will reverse some of these effects. Culturing renal MES cells with high glucose (HG, 25 mM) or glucosamine (GlcN, 1.5 mM) for 48 h stimulates laminin gamma1 subunit expression significantly approximately 1.5 +/- 0.2- and 1.9 +/- 0.3-fold, respectively, when compared to low glucose (LG, 5 mM). Similarly, HG and GlcN increase the level of G0/G1 cell-cycle progression factor cyclin D1 significantly approximately 1.7 +/- 0.2- and 1.4 +/- 0.04-fold, respectively, versus LG (p < 0.01 for both). Azaserine, an inhibitor of glutamine:fruc-6-PO(4) amidotransferase (GFAT) in the HBP, blocks the HG-induced expression of laminin gamma1 and cyclin D1, but not GlcN's effect because it exerts its metabolic function distal to GFAT. HG and GlcN also elevate reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, pro-apoptotic caspase-3 activity, and lead to mesangial cell death as revealed by TUNEL and Live/Dead assays. FACS analysis of cell-cycle progression shows that the cells are arrested at G1 phase; however, they undergo cell growth and hypertrophy as the RNA/DNA ratio is significantly (p < 0.05) increased in HG or GlcN-treated cells relative to LG. The anti-oxidant alpha-lipoic acid (150 microM) reverses ROS generation and mesangial cell death induced by HG and GlcN. Alpha-lipoic acid also reduces HG and GlcN-induced laminin gamma1 and cyclin D1 expression in MES cells. In addition, induction of diabetes in rats by streptozotocin (STZ) increases both laminin gamma1 and cyclin D1 expression in the renal cortex and treatment of the diabetic rats with alpha-lipoic acid (400 mg kg(-1) body weight) reduces the level of both proteins significantly (p < 0.05) when compared to untreated diabetic rats. These results support the hypothesis that the hexosamine pathway mediates mesangial cell oxidative stress, ECM expression and apoptosis. Anti-oxidant alpha-lipoic acid reverses the effects of high glucose, hexosamine and diabetes on oxidative stress and ECM expression in mesangial cells and rat kidney.  相似文献   

Catalytic asymmetric synthesis of alpha,beta-epoxy esters and alpha,beta-epoxy carboxylic acid derivatives is described. Catalytic asymmetric epoxidation of alpha,beta-unsaturated carboxylic acid imidazolides using La-BINOL-Ph(3)As=O complex gave the corresponding alpha,beta-epoxy peroxy tert-butyl esters, which were directly converted to the alpha,beta-epoxy methyl esters by adding methanol to the reaction. This catalytic system had broad generality for epoxidation of various substrates. With the use of 5-10 mol% of the catalyst, both beta-aryl and beta-alkyl-substituted-alpha,beta-epoxy methyl esters were obtained in up to 91% yield and in up to 93% enantiomeric excess. In addition, efficient transformations of alpha,beta-epoxy peroxy tert-butyl esters into the alpha,beta-epoxy amides, alpha,beta-epoxy aldehydes, and gamma,delta-epoxy beta-keto esters are also reported.  相似文献   

Burns LL  Ropson IJ 《Proteins》2001,43(3):292-302
The folding mechanisms of cellular retinol binding protein II (CRBP II), cellular retinoic acid binding protein I (CRABP I), and cellular retinoic acid binding protein II (CRABP II) were examined. These beta-sheet proteins have very similar structures and higher sequence homologies than most proteins in this diverse family. They have similar stabilities and show completely reversible folding at equilibrium with urea as a denaturant. The unfolding kinetics of these proteins were monitored during folding and unfolding by circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence. During unfolding, CRABP II showed no intermediates, CRABP I had an intermediate with nativelike secondary structure, and CRBP II had an intermediate that lacked secondary structure. The refolding kinetics of these proteins were more similar. Each protein showed a burst-phase change in intensity by both CD and fluorescence, followed by a single observed phase by both CD and fluorescence and one or two additional refolding phases by fluorescence. The fluorescence spectral properties of the intermediate states were similar and suggested a gradual increase in the amount of native tertiary structure present for each step in a sequential path. However, the rates of folding differed by as much as 3 orders of magnitude and were slower than those expected from the contact order and topology of these proteins. As such, proteins with the same final structure may not follow the same route to the native state.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In pregnant women, antiretroviral drugs improve maternal health and reduce vertical transmission of human immunodeficiency virus to the infant. However, few nonclinical studies have examined the potential for adverse drug interactions. METHODS: On gestational days (GD) 6-16, mice were dosed with vehicle, ddI (360, 1440, or 2,880 mg/kg/day, p.o.), d4T (60, 240, or 480), or ddI/d4T combinations (360/60, 1,440/240, or 2,880/480). Daily doses were divided into two equal parts that were administered >or=6-hr apart. Body weight, clinical signs, and feed consumption were monitored. Pregnancies (22-24/group) were confirmed at necropsy. Maternal liver and gravid uterine weights (GUW), uterine implants (resorption, live or dead fetus), fetal body weight, gender, and morphologic anomalies (external, visceral, skeletal) were recorded. RESULTS: Maternal body weight, clinical signs, and GUW were unaffected. Maternal weight change corrected for GUW was greater than controls at 60 and 480 d4T. Relative feed consumption during treatment was increased relative to controls at 1,440 and 2,880 ddI and 2,880/480 ddI/d4T. Relative maternal liver weight was elevated above controls at 240 and 480 d4T and 2,880/480 ddI/d4T, and above the constituent dose of ddI at 1,440/240 and 2,880/480 ddI/d4T. Liver weight was not affected by ddI and there was no significant drug interaction. Prenatal mortality and morphologic anomalies were not increased. Fetal body weight showed only a decreasing trend for ddI/d4T, no effect for ddI or d4T, and no statistically significant drug interaction. CONCLUSIONS: In pregnant mice, ddI/d4T combinations were not associated with well-defined developmental toxicity or adverse drug interactions.  相似文献   

AII (angiotensin II) is a vasoactive peptide that plays an important role in the development of liver fibrosis mainly by regulating profibrotic cytokine expression such as TGF‐β (transforming growth factor‐β). Activated HSCs (hepatic stellate cells) are the major cell type responsible for ECM (extracellular matrix) deposition during liver fibrosis and are also a target for AII and TGF‐β actions. Here, we studied the effect of AII on the mRNA levels of TGF‐β isoforms in primary cultures of rat HSCs. Both quiescent and activated HSCs were stimulated with AII for different time periods, and mRNA levels of TGF‐β1, TGF‐β2 and TGF‐β3 isoforms were evaluated using RNaseI protection assay. The mRNA levels of all TGF‐β isoforms, particularly TGF‐β2 and TGF‐β3, were increased after AII treatment in activated HSCs. In addition, activated HSCs were able to produce active TGF‐β protein after AII treatment. The mRNA expression of TGF‐β isoforms induced by AII required both ERK1/2 and Nox (NADPH oxidase) activation but not PKC (protein kinase C) participation. ERK1/2 activation induced by AII occurs via AT1 receptors, but independently of either PKC and Nox activation or EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) transactivation. Interestingly, AII has a similar effect on TGF‐β expression in quiescent HSCs, although it has a smaller but significant effect on ERK1/2 activation in these cells.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of all-trans retinoic acid (RA) on the induction of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) that is concerned with the proliferation and melanin synthesis of chick retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells in vitro. Chick RPE cells were cultured in the presence or absence of RA and anti-TGF-beta antibody for 7 days. The effects of RA and pan-specific TGF-beta antibody on RPE cell proliferation were assessed by counting the number of cells, and their effects on melanin synthesis were evaluated by measuring the melanin content of the cells. TGF-beta activity in the culture supernatant of RPE cells was measured using CCL-64 cells. RA significantly inhibited RPE cell proliferation and increased melanin synthesis. The addition of pan-specific TGF-beta antibody to the culture blocked the inhibition of RPE cell proliferation and the increased melanin synthesis. RA induced TGF-beta production in the culture supernatant of RPE cells. These findings indicate that RA regulates the proliferation and melanin synthesis of RPE cells via induction of TGF-beta.  相似文献   

Summary Liver connective tissue cells have been characterized as perisinusoidal myofibroblasts and hepatic lipocytes (Ito cells, fat-storing cells). A concept of a single mesenchymal cell population that may be modulated between these two phenotypes has been postulated. We have previously established a continuous murine cell line, GRX, obtained from fibrotic granulomatous lesions induced by schistosomal infection in mouse liver. This cell line is considered to represent liver myofibroblasts. In the present study we have induced the conversion of these cells into lipocyte (fat storing) phenotype by treatment with insulin and indomethacin. We have quantified the lipid synthesis and the increase of activity of involved enzymes during the induction of the fat-storing phenotype and described modifications of cell organization along this modulation of cell functions. This work was supported by FINEP and CNPq (Brazil).  相似文献   

Liver fibrosis is a common characteristic of chronic liver diseases. The activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) plays a key role in fibrogenesis in response to liver injury, yet the mechanism by which damaged hepatocytes modulate the activation of HSCs is poorly understood. Our previous studies have established that liver-specific deletion of O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT)leads to hepatocyte necroptosis and spontaneous fibrosis. Here, we report that OGT-deficient hepatocytes secrete trefoil factor 2 (TFF2) that activates HSCs and contributes to the fibrogenic process. The expression and secretion of TFF2 are induced in OGT-deficient hepatocytes but not in WT hepatocytes. TFF2 activates the platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta signaling pathway that promotes the proliferation and migration of primary HSCs. TFF2 protein expression is elevated in mice with carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury. These findings identify TFF2 as a novel factor that mediates intercellular signaling between hepatocytes and HSCs and suggest a role of the hepatic OGT–TFF2 axis in the process of fibrogenesis.  相似文献   

The synthesis of glyoxylyl peptides by coupling the masked glyoxylic acid derivative (FmocNH)(2)CHCO(2)H, 1, to a peptidyl resin assembled using Fmoc/tert-butyl chemistry has been described recently. Deprotection and cleavage of the peptide from the solid support using TFA was followed by unmasking of the glyoxylyl group in solution in the presence of DBU. [] The glyoxylyl peptide was thus generated using non-oxidizing conditions by comparison with the method based on the periodic oxidation of a seryl-precursor. However, base treatment of the (FmocNH)(2)CHCO(2)-peptide led to the formation of a byproduct besides the desired glyoxylyl peptide. This paper describes an optimized procedure for unmasking the Fmoc-protected alpha,alpha'-diaminoacetic acid moiety in solution which suppressed byproduct formation. Also presented is a series of experiments that permitted a structure and a mechanism of formation for the byproduct to be suggested.  相似文献   

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