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L D Faller 《Biochemistry》1990,29(13):3179-3186
TNP-ATP binds to the gastric H,K-ATPase with a 4.6-fold increase in fluorescence intensity and 10-nm blue shift that indicate a relatively hydrophobic protein environment. The fluorescence enhancement saturates and is compatible with binding to a single class of specific nucleotide sites with Kd less than 25 nM and N = 3.4 +/- 0.9 nmol mg-1. Cofactors of the H,K-ATPase affect the fluorescence enhancement. K+ causes a rapid fluorescence quench by binding to a single class of sites with Kd = 3 mM. Mg2+ rapidly and completely reverses the K+ quench and then causes a slow fluorescence quench. The maximum enhancement is approximately halved by either Mg2+ or K+ in titrations with both protein and fluorophore. Therefore, TNP-ATP reports changes in protein environment compatible with cofactor-induced changes in the conformation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The fluorescent ATP derivative 2',3'-O-(2,4,6-trinitrocyclohexadienylidine) adenosine 5'-triphosphate (TNP-ATP) binds specifically with enhanced fluorescence to the ATP site of purified eel electroplax sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphatase, (Na,K)-ATPase. A single homogeneous high affinity TNP-ATP binding site with a KD of 0.04 to 0.09 microM at 3 degrees C and 0.2 to 0.7 microM at 21 degrees-25 degrees C was observed in the absence of ligands when binding was measured by fluorescence titration or with [3H]TNP-ATP. ATP and other nucleotides competed with TNP-ATP for binding with KD values similar to those previously determined for binding to the ATP site. Binding stoichiometries determined from Scatchard plot intercepts gave one TNP-ATP site/175,000 g of protein (range: 1.64 X 10(5) to 1.92 X 10(5) when (Na,K)-ATPase protein was determined by quantitative amino acid analysis. The ratio of [3H]ouabain sites to TNP-ATP sites was 0.91. These results are inconsistent with "half-of-sites" binding and suggest that there is one ATP and one ouabain site/alpha beta protomer. (Na,K)-ATPase maintained a high affinity for TNP-ATP regardless of the ligands present. K+ increased the KD for TNP-ATP about 5-fold and Na+ reversed the effect of K+. The effects of Na+, K+, and mg2+ on ATP binding at 3 degrees C were studied fluorimetrically by displacement of TNP-ATP by ATP. The results are consistent with competition between ATP and TNP-ATP for binding at a single site regardless of the metallic ions present. The derived KD values for ATP were : no ligands, 1 microM; 20 mM NaCl, 3-4 microM; 20 mM KCl, 15-19 microM; 20 mM Kcl + 4 mM MgCl2, 70-120 microM. These results suggests that a single ATP site exhibits a high or low affinity for ATP depending on the ligands present, so that high and low affinity ATP sites observed kinetically are interconvertible and do not co-exist independently. We propose that during turnover the affinity for ATP changes more than 100-fold owing to the conformational changes associated with ion binding, translocation, and release.  相似文献   

Highly purified Na+, K+-ATPase of the dog kidney was reacted with Mg2++32Pi or Mg2++32Pi + ouabain. 32P-phosphorylation was terminated by the addition of EDTA, and the effects of various ligands on dephosphoration rate were studied. ATP reduced the dephosphorylation rates of both the native and the ouabain-complexed enzymes. K0.5 for this effect of ATP was about 0.2 mM. ADP also slowed dephosphorylation, but less effectively than ATP. The ATP effect on the native enzyme, but not that on the ouabain-complexed enzyme, was antagonized by Na+. The data establish the binding of ATP to the phosphoenzyme. Since the site that is phosphorylated by Pi is the same that is phosphorylated by ATP, coexistence of two ATP sites on the functional unit of the enzyme is suggested.  相似文献   

It was previously reported that 2',3'-O-(2,4,6-trinitrocyclohexadienylidene) (TNP)-nucleotides bind with high affinity to the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase (Dupont, Y., Chapron, Y., and Pougeois, R. (1982) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 106, 1272-1279 and Watanabe, T., and Inesi, G. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 11510-11516). Here we report a study of the Ca-ATPase nucleotide binding sites using TNP-nucleotides. Competition at equilibrium between TNP-nucleotides and ATP was measured in the absence of calcium; it was found that TNP-nucleotides and ATP competitively bind to two classes of sites of equal concentration (3.5 nmol/mg). The ATP dissociation constants for the two classes of sites were found to be sensitive to H+ and Mg2+ concentrations. In the absence of Mg2+ (independently of pH) or at acid pH (independently of Mg2+ concentration), the nucleotide sites behave like one single family of sites of intermediate affinity (Kd = 20 microM). They split into two classes of sites of high (Kd = 2-4 microM) and low (Kd greater than 1 mM) affinity at pH values higher than neutral and in the presence of Mg2+. The calcium-activated ATP hydrolysis is accelerated by TNP-ATP (or TNP-AMP-PNP) binding on the phosphorylated enzyme. It is concluded 1) that the Ca-ATPase enzyme possesses two classes of ATP binding sites, 2) that the affinity of these two sites and the nature of their interaction is modulated by the H+ and Mg2+ concentrations, and 3) that the hydrolytic activity of the high affinity ATP binding site is activated by ATP or TNP-AMP-PNP (or TNP-ATP) binding in a low affinity ATP binding site.  相似文献   

The trinitrophenyl derivative of ATP, 2'(3')-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl) adenosine 5'-triphosphate, has been used as a spectroscopic probe to investigate threonine-promoted conformational changes in the aspartokinase region of aspartokinase-homoserine dehydrogenase I in an attempt to relate the structural effects of threonine binding to inhibition of enzymatic activity. Binding of this analogue substrate to the enzyme is characterized by a 9-fold enhancement in probe fluorescence. Saturating levels of the feedback inhibitor, threonine, produce a 77% increase in fluorescence enhancement, indicating an increase in the rigidity or hydrophobicity of the nucleotide-binding site in the inhibited form of the enzyme. Threonine titration studies indicate that the two inhibitor-binding sites found on each subunit do not contribute equally to the fluorescence-detected conformational change. Comparison of the spectral change with the inhibition of dehydrogenase activity has revealed the exclusive involvement of the non-kinase threonine sites. No transition can be detected as a consequence of inhibitor binding at the kinase subsites. The results of the 2'(3')-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)adenosine 5'-triphosphate study have provided further evidence for a concerted kinase-dehydrogenase conformational change which is induced by threonine interaction with the high affinity binding sites and which provides maximal inhibition of homoserine dehydrogenase and the majority of aspartokinase inhibition. The failure to observe a distinct enzyme form produced by threonine occupation of the low affinity kinase sites suggests that no large structural reorganization of the kinase active site is produced as a result of this binding event. The conformational change, suggested by the cooperativity of threonine binding, must instead involve only a subtle or highly localized alteration which does not perturb the environment of the ATP-binding cleft.  相似文献   

M Sheridan  D C Wilton 《FEBS letters》1992,314(3):486-488
The less polar fluorescent analogue of ATP, 2'(3')-trinitrophenyl-5'-triphosphate bound to rat liver fatty acid-binding protein with high affinity (Kd 6.3 x 10(-6) M) and 1:1 molar stoichiometry. This probe bound to the fatty acid binding site of the protein and was displaced by oleic acid and oleoyl CoA. High concentrations of ATP did not cause significant displacement of the fluorescent ATP analogue. Since the anionic part of this molecule is the triphosphate group it is difficult to envisage this group being accommodated at an anion binding site within the non-polar core of this protein as is the case with other fatty acid binding proteins. Therefore it is anticipated that the ligand must bind to liver fatty acid-binding protein with this triphosphate group surface exposed. Caution must be exercised when using the more hydrophobic fluorescent analogue of ATP to investigate the ATP binding properties of proteins.  相似文献   

The covalent labeling of the alpha subunit of lamb kidney Na+,K+-ATPase by fluorescein 5'-isothiocyanate at Lys-501 has generally been assumed to occur at the ATP binding site. We have found that the peptide sequence 496HLLVMKGAPER506 serves as the antigenic determinant for monoclonal antibody M8-P1-A3. This antibody binds to both native and FITC-labeled enzyme and while this epitope undergoes ligand-induced changes these changes are not involved in either enzyme function or the E1 in equilibrium E2 conformational changes monitored by FITC-fluorescence intensity.  相似文献   

2′,3′-O-(2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl) adenosine 5′-triphosphate (TNP-ATP) is a fluorescent analogue of ATP. MgTNP-ATP was found to be an allosteric activator of pyruvate carboxylase that exhibits competition with acetyl CoA in activating the enzyme. There is no evidence that MgTNP-ATP binds to the MgATP substrate binding site of the enzyme. At concentrations above saturating, MgATP activates bicarbonate-dependent ATP cleavage, but inhibits the overall reaction. The fluorescence of MgTNP-ATP increases by about 2.5-fold upon binding to the enzyme and decreases on addition of saturating acetyl CoA. However, not all the MgTNP-ATP is displaced by acetyl CoA, or with a combination of saturating concentrations of MgATP and acetyl CoA. The kinetics of the binding of MgTNP-ATP to pyruvate carboxylase have been measured and shown to be triphasic, with the two fastest phases having pseudo first-order rate constants that are dependent on the concentration of MgTNP-ATP. The kinetics of displacement from the enzyme by acetyl CoA have been measured and also shown to be triphasic. A model of the binding process is proposed that links the kinetics of MgTNP-ATP binding to the allosteric activation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

When the effects of varying concentrations of ATP on the dissociation rate of the ouabain-enzyme complex were studied, the dissociation rate constant increased with increasing ATP concentrations up to 1 mM, and then decreased with further rise in ATP; indicating that ATP binds to two distinct sites on the complex. ADP and AMP-PNP had similar biphasic effects. GTP, CTP, UTP, and AMP-PCP reduced the dissociation rate. AMP and Pi had no effects. Increase in dissociation rate caused by 0.5 mM ATP was not abolished by saturating CTP, indicating the binding of CTP to only one of the two ATP sites. The data suggest the existence of separate catalytic and regulatory sites, with different affinities and nucleotide specificities.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (designated as HK4001) was prepared against hog gastric H+,K(+)-ATPase. It dose-dependently inhibited the H+,K(+)-ATPase activity, formation of the K(+)-sensitive phosphoenzyme, and proton uptake into gastric vesicles. The H+,K(+)-ATPase activity was completely inhibited by addition of the antibody at a molar ratio of 1:2 (antibody/catalytic subunit) at pH 7.8. The maximal inhibition decreased with decrease in pH of the medium (7.8 greater than 7.4 greater than 6.2). The Fab fragment obtained by digestion of the antibody with papain was also inhibitory. The antibody did not inhibit the K(+)-dependent p-nitrophenylphosphatase or the labeling of the enzyme with fluorescein isothiocyanate. It inhibited gastric H+,K(+)-ATPase from rabbits and rats, but did not cross-react with related cation-transport ATPases (Na+,K(+)-ATPase or Ca2(+)-ATPase) or H(+)-ATPase in the multivesicular body. From these and related findings, the antibody was suggested to recognize a highly specific site on the cytosolic surface of H+,K(+)-ATPase. The conformation of the epitope was conserved after treatment with Triton X-100, but not sodium dodecyl sulfate. In addition, judging from the stoichiometry of inactivation of H+,K(+)-ATPase by this antibody, the functional unit of H+,K(+)-ATPase was suggested to be a dimer or a tetramer (not a trimer) of the catalytic unit.  相似文献   

W J Ball 《Biochemistry》1986,25(22):7155-7162
The effects of a monoclonal antibody, prepared against the purified lamb kidney Na+,K+-ATPase, on the enzyme's Na+,K+-dependent ATPase activity were analyzed. This antibody, designated M10-P5-C11, is directed against the catalytic subunit of the "native" holoenzyme. It inhibits greater than 90% of the ATPase activity and acts as a noncompetitive or mixed inhibitor with respect to the ATP, Na+, and K+ dependence of enzyme activity. It inhibits the Na+- and Mg2+ATP-dependent phosphoenzyme intermediate formation. In contrast, it has no effect on K+-dependent p-nitrophenylphosphatase (pNPPase) activity, the interconversion of the phosphoenzyme intermediates, and ADP-sensitive or K+-dependent dephosphorylation. It does not alter ATP binding to the enzyme nor the covalent labeling of the enzyme at the presumed ATP site by fluorescein 5'-isothiocyanate (FITC), but it prevents the ATP-induced stimulation in the rate of cardiac glycoside [3H]ouabain binding to the Na+,K+-ATPase. M10-P5-C11 binding appears to inhibit enzyme function by blocking the transfer of the gamma-phosphoryl of ATP to the phosphorylation site after ATP binding to the enzyme has occurred. In the presence of Mg2+ATP, it also prevents the ATP-induced transmembrane conformational change that enhances cardiac glycoside binding. This uncoupling of ATP binding from its stimulation of ouabain binding and enzyme phosphorylation demonstrates the existence of an enzyme-Mg2+ATP transitional intermediate preceding the formation of the Na+-dependent ADP-sensitive phosphoenzyme intermediate. These results are also consistent with a model of the Na+,K+-ATPase active site being composed of two distinct but interacting regions, the ATP binding site and the phosphorylation site.  相似文献   

The ATP analog 6-[(3-carboxy-4-nitrophenyl)thiol]-9-beta-D-ribofuranosylpurine 5'-triphosphate (Nbs6ITP) is slowly hydrolyzed at pH 7.4 by the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, whereas it binds covalently at pH 8.5 and inhibits the enzyme irreversibly. Time courses of irreversible inhibition could only be fitted to a model in which the enzyme can exist in two slowly interchangeable states, one of which is enzymatically active and binds Nbs6ITP first reversibly and then covalently. Arguments that the covalent binding occurs at a low affinity nucleotide binding site are: (a) similarity of the Ki Nbs6ITP for the reversible and the irreversible inhibition and of K0.5 for ATP protection; (b) stoichiometry of covalent Nbs6ITP binding per alpha subunit of 0.8; and (c) change of complex substrate dependence of the enzyme to a Michaelis-Menten type after Nbs6ITP modification. This change in kinetics and the finding that the Nbs6ITP inactivation at a low affinity nucleotide binding site is increased by micromolar ADP concentrations indicates that the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase contains two different nucleotide binding sites. Since studies of nucleotide effects on enzyme inactivation by 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) did not confirm the hypothesis of an SH-group in a nucleotide binding site, Nbs6ITP may bind to another functional group, e.g. to an OH-group of tyrosine.  相似文献   

Gastric microsomal vesicles isolated from dog fundic mucosa were shown to be relatively ion tight and have a low level of proton permeability. The H+ translocase, basal ATPase and K+-activated ATPase activities of these vesicles were measured and the H+/ATP stoichiometry calculated using either the total K+-ATPase or the K+-stimulatable component (total K+-ATPase—basal ATPase). The former estimations consistently gave stoichiometric of approximately one, whereas the use of only the K+-stimulatable component gave widely differing values. Measurement of the dephosphorylation of the enzyme under basal conditions revealed both a labile and a stable phosphoenzyme component. The rate of decay of the labile component completely accounted for the basal ATPase activity observed. We conclude that the basal ATPase associated with our preparations is a spontaneous dephosphorylation of the phosphoenzyme occurring in the absence of K+ and that the H+/ATP stoichiometry of the gastric ATPase is one.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses have recently been proposed for the thiocyanate inhibition of gastric acid secretion--a protonophore mechanism and an uncoupling model. The mechanistic aspects for the latter scheme have been examined on the following basis: capability of generating verifiable predictions, supporting evidence that is unambiguous, and compatibility with experimental realities. Gastric microsomes bind 5 nmol of SCN-/mg, and a "pure" and highly active fraction of H+,K+-ATPase prepared from gastric microsomes binds about 15 nmol of SCN-/mg. The affinity of SCN- binding to gastric microsomes changes from 10 to 25 mM in the presence of 20 mM K+ suggesting competition between K+ and SCN-. Potassium also displaces the bound SCN- from "pure" H+,K+-ATPase with a Ki of about 25 mM. Of the cations tested--Tl+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, NH4+, Na+, and Li+--Tl+ was the most effective in displacing bound SCN- while Na+ and Li+ were without effect. The effects of anions such as Cl-, NO3-, and gluconate were found to be nonspecific and absolutely dependent on K+ as cocation. Sulfate and OCN-, on the other hand, showed an ability to displace SCN- as both K+ and Na+ salts. For SO4(-2) the K+ form was much more effective than the Na+ salt. Besides these antagonistic effects of K+ and congeners with the H+,K+-ATPase-bound SCN-, a competition between K+ and SCN- was also observed at the level of gastric K+-stimulated pNPPase reaction. The effects of SCN- and two other unrelated anions, F- and NO2-, on artificial delta pH across the microsomal vesicles exhibited a lack of appreciable change up to 5 mM and a small (about 13%) reduction between 10 and 20 mM. However, a combination of CCCP and nigericin or valinomycin completely abolished the delta pH under identical conditions. The present data in conjunction with other reports suggest that the proton impediment model best explains the gastric antisecretory effects of SCN-.  相似文献   

The H+/ATP stoichiometry of the (H+ +K+)-ATPase of dog gastric microsomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gastric microsomal vesicles isolated from dog fundic mucosa were shown to be relatively ion tight and have a low level of proton permeability. The H+ translocase, basal ATPase and K+-activated ATPase activities of these vesicles were measured and the H+/ATP stoichiometry calculated using either the total K+-ATPase or the K+-stimulatable component (total K+-ATPase--basal ATPase). The former estimations consistently gave stoichiometric of approximately one, whereas the use of only the K+-stimulatable component gave widely differing values. Measurement of the dephosphorylation of the enzyme under basal conditions revealed both a labile and a stable phosphoenzyme component. The rate of decay of the labile component completely accounted for the basal ATPase activity observed. We conclude that the basal ATPase associated with our preparations is a spontaneous dephosphorylation of the phosphoenzyme occurring in the absence of K+ and that the H+/ATP stoichiometry of the gastric ATPase is one.  相似文献   

The gastric H+,K+-ATPase of the parietal cell is responsible for acid secretion in the stomach and is the main target in the pharmacological treatment of acid-related diseases. Omeprazole and other benzimidazole drugs, although having delayed efficacy if taken orally, have high success rates in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease. Potassium competitive acid blockers (P-CAB) compete with K+ for binding to the H+,K+-ATPase and thereby they inhibit acid secretion. In this study, the in vitro properties of AZD0865, a reversible H+,K+-ATPase inhibitor of gastric acid secretion, are described. We used a digital-imaging system and the pH sensitive dye BCECF to observe proton efflux from hand-dissected rat gastric glands. Glands were stimulated with histamine (100 microM) and exposed to a bicarbonate- and Na+-free perfusate to induce an acid load. H+,K+-ATPase inhibition was determined by calculating pHi recovery (dpH/dT) in the presence of omeprazole (10-200 microM) or AZD0865 (0.01-100 microM). The efficacies of both drugs were compared. Our data show that acid secretion is inhibited by both the proton pump inhibitor omeprazole and the P-CAB AZD0865. Complete inhibition of acid secretion by AZD0865 had a rapid onset of activation, was reversible, and occurred at a 100-fold lower dose than omeprazole (1 microM AZD0865 vs. 100 microM omeprazole). This study demonstrates that AZD0865 is a potent, fast-acting inhibitor of gastric acid secretion, effective at lower concentrations than drugs of the benzimidazole class. Therefore, these data strongly suggest that AZD0865 has great potential as a fast-acting, low-dose inhibitor of acid secretion.  相似文献   

A Reimann  B Kadenbach 《FEBS letters》1992,307(3):294-296
The binding of 2'(or 3')-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)adenosine 5'-triphosphate (TNP-ATP) to isolated bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (COX) was studied by following its specific spectral change at 510 nm. The quantitative titration revealed two binding sites for TNP-ATP per monomer COX with a Kd of 1.6 microM.  相似文献   

The sixth transmembrane (M6) segment of the catalytic subunit plays an important role in the ion recognition and transport in the type II P-type ATPase families. In this study, we singly mutated all amino acid residues in the M6 segment of gastric H(+),K(+)-ATPase alpha-subunit with alanine, expressed the mutants in HEK-293 cells, and studied the effects of the mutation on the functions of H(+),K(+)-ATPase; overall K(+)-stimulated ATPase, phosphorylation, and dephosphorylation. Four mutants, L819A, D826A, I827A, and L833A, completely lost the K(+)-ATPase activity. Mutant L819A was phosphorylated but hardly dephosphorylated in the presence of K(+), whereas mutants D826A, I827A, and L833A were not phosphorylated from ATP. We found that almost all of these amino acid residues, which are important for the function, are located on the same side of the alpha-helix of the M6 segment. In addition, we found that amino acids involved in the phosphorylation are located exclusively in the cytoplasmic half of the M6 segment and those involved in the K(+)-dependent dephosphorylation are in the luminal half. Several mutants such as I821A, L823A, T825A, and P829A partly retained the K(+)-ATPase activity accompanying the decrease in the rate of phosphorylation.  相似文献   

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