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Our goal is to match some dynamical aspects of biological systems with that of networks of coupled logistic maps. With these networks we generate sequences of iterates, convert them to symbol sequences by coarse-graining, and count the number of times combinations of symbols occur. Comparison of this with the number of times these combinations occur in experimental data—a sequence of interbeat intervals for example—is a measure of the fitness of each network to describe the target data. The most fit networks provide a cartoon that suggests a decomposition of the experimental data into a component that may be produced by a simple dynamical subsystem, and a residual component, the result of detailed, particular characteristics of the system that generated the target data. In the space of all network parameters, each point corresponds to a particular network. We construct a fitness landscape when we assign a fitness to each point. Because the parameters are distributed continuously over their ranges, and because fitnesses are estimated numerically, any plot of the landscape involves a finite sample of parameter values. We’ll investigate how the local landscape geometry changes when the array of sample parameters is refined, and use the landscape geometry to explore complex relations between local fitness maxima.  相似文献   

The theory of spatial pattern formation via Turing bifurcations - wherein an equilibrium of a nonlinear system is asymptotically stable in the absence of dispersal but unstable in the presence of dispersal - plays an important role in biology, chemistry and physics. It is an asymptotic theory, concerned with the long-term behavior of perturbations. In contrast, the concept of reactivity describes the short-term transient behavior of perturbations to an asymptotically stable equilibrium. In this article we show that there is a connection between these two seemingly disparate concepts. In particular, we show that reactivity is necessary for Turing instability in multispecies systems of reaction-diffusion equations, integrodifference equations, coupled map lattices, and systems of ordinary differential equations.  相似文献   

A weakly nonlinear analysis relevant to the formation of one-dimensional spatial patterns generated by diffusive instabilities is performed on a particular interaction-diffusion model for a temperature-dependent predator-prey mite system on fruit trees. The bifurcation from a uniform steady state is of a subcritical nature in a low temperature-low population interval while in a high temperature-high population one there exist temperatures for which it can be supercritical resulting in a family of parallel stripes. The occurrence of such population clumping, caused both by the predator's having a sufficient dispersal advantage and by its strongly stabilizing tendency toward preytactic aggregation lying in some critical range, may help explain the inhomogeneous ecological patterns exhibited by phytophagous arthropods found on uniformly distributed vegetation or on plants grown in monocultures.  相似文献   

Distance matrices obtained from allozyme studies on tilapiine fish are analysed by a multivarite approach. A hierarchical clustering procedure facilitated comparison with tree representations. A map-like representation provided information additional to the tree representation. The current belief that Sarotherodon is closer to Oreochromis than to Tilapia is strengthened. But while it may be the link between these genera at the species level, it is not entirely distinct from Oreochromis at the molecular level. Further, Sarotherodon and Oreochromis species may have arisen from Tilapia in several speciation events. Some of the species interrelations agreed with inferences from morphological data, and disagreed with those from a consensus maximum parsimony (MP) tree. It is suggested that both Chromidotilapia guntheri and Tylochromis jentinki are ancestral to diVerent sub-groups of Tilapia , so that inferences from morphological studies and the consensus MP method are both partially correct. The graphical representation also suggests that the Nile tilapia strains in Asia may be derived from Egypt rather than from Ghana. It is advantageous to use the map-like and tree representations together for maximum visual informativeness and inference from the data.  相似文献   

The oocyte cytoplasmic lattices (CPLs) have long been predicted to function as a storage form for the maternal contribution of ribosomes to the early embryo. Our previous studies have demonstrated that ribosomal component S6 is stored in the oocyte CPLs and peptidylarginine deiminase 6 (PADI6) is critical for CPLs formation. Additionally, we found that depletion of PADI6 reduced de novo protein synthesis prior to the maternal-to-embryonic transition, therefore causing embryos to arrest at the 2-cell stage. Here, we present evidence further supporting the association of ribosomes with the CPLs by demonstrating that rRNAs are dramatically decreased in Padi6 KO oocytes. We also show that the abundance and localization of mRNAs is affected upon PADI6 depletion, suggesting that mRNAs are very possibly associated with CPLs. Consistent with this observation, the amount of the major RNA binding protein, MSY2, that is associated with the insoluble fraction of the oocytes after Triton X-100 extraction is also markedly decreased in the Padi6 KO oocytes. Furthermore, treatment of the oocytes with RNase A followed by Triton X-100 extraction severely impairs the localization of PADI6 and MSY2 in oocytes. These results indicate that mRNAs, possibly in a complex with MSY2 and PADI6, are bound in the CPLs and may play a role in securing the mRNA-MSY2 complex to the CPLs.  相似文献   

纪燕玲 《微生物学通报》2020,47(12):4300-4308
思维导图作为一种高效的思维工具,正在各个行业中被逐步广泛推广。本文以学生为主体,通过由手绘到软件绘制,由指定题目到自由选题,由个人独立作业、两人作业到小组作业,将思维导图逐步应用于微生物学教学设计和学生学习的各个环节中。并通过观察法、调查法由教师、生生进行学习效果的评价。通过思维导图,能图形化反映学生对所学知识的掌握程度,利于学生构建和优化知识结构;理解所学知识的思考过程,方便交流。最后探讨加强微生物学和相关学科课程的关联。因此,思维导图是值得实践的图形化思考、团队协作、知识管理的工具。  相似文献   

The method of unrestricted harmonic balance (UHB) is applied to a model system of oscillations in enzyme catalysis, which in view of the stiffness of the differential equations cannot be solved by direct simulation and requires special methods. The solution by UHB is achieved in two steps: first the reduced 3-dimensional system gained by assumption of a partial steady state of the fast variables with respect to the slow ones is treated, then this solution is taken as a starting vector for the complete 5-dimensional system.  相似文献   

 We discuss a method by which the dynamics of a network of neurons, coupled by mutual inhibition, can be reduced to a one-dimensional map. This network consists of a pair of neurons, one of which is an endogenous burster, and the other excitable but not bursting in the absence of phasic input. The latter cell has more than one slow process. The reduction uses the standard separation of slow/fast processes; it also uses information about how the dynamics on the slow manifold evolve after a finite amount of slow time. From this reduction we obtain a one-dimensional map dependent on the parameters of the original biophysical equations. In some parameter regimes, one can deduce that the original equations have solutions in which the active phase of the originally excitable cell is constant from burst to burst, while in other parameter regimes it is not. The existence or absence of this kind of regulation corresponds to qualitatively different dynamics in the one-dimensional map. The computations associated with the reduction and the analysis of the dynamics includes the use of coordinates that parameterize by time along trajectories, and “singular Poincaré maps” that combine information about flows along a slow manifold with information about jumps between branches of the slow manifold. Received: 19 May 1997 / Revised version: 6 April 1998  相似文献   

Using a High Efficiency Genome Scanning (HEGS) system and recombinant inbred (RI) lines derived from the cross of Russia 6 and H.E.S. 4, a high-density genetic map was constructed in barley. The resulting 1,595.7-cM map encompassed 1,172 loci distributed on the seven linkage groups comprising 1,134 AFLP, 34 SSR, three STS and vrs1 (kernel row type) loci. Including PCR reactions, gel electrophoresis and data processing, 6 months of work by a single person was sufficient for the whole mapping procedure under a reasonable cost. To make an appraisal of the resolution of genetic analysis for the 95 RI lines based on the constructed linkage map, we measured three agronomic traits: plant height, spike exsertion length and 1,000-kernel weight, and the analyzed quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with these traits. The results were compared on the number of detected QTLs and their effects between a high-density map and a skeleton map constructed by selected AFLP and anchor markers. The composite interval mapping on the high-density map detected more QTLs than the other analyses. Closely linked markers with QTLs on the high-density map could be powerful tools for marker-assisted selection in barley breeding programs and further genetic analyses including an advanced backcross analysis or a map-based cloning of QTL. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Communicated by J.S. Heslop-Harrison  相似文献   

Ecological communities consist of a large number of species. Most species are rare or have low abundance, and only a few are abundant and/or frequent. In quantitative community analysis, abundant species are commonly used to interpret patterns of habitat disturbance or ecosystem degradation. Rare species cause many difficulties in quantitative analysis by introducing noises and bulking datasets, which is worsened by the fact that large datasets suffer from difficulties of data handling. In this study we propose a method to reduce the size of large datasets by selecting the most ecologically representative species using a self organizing map (SOM) and structuring index (SI). As an example, we used diatom community data sampled at 836 sites with 941 species throughout the French hydrosystem. Out of the 941 species, 353 were selected. The selected dataset was effectively classified according to the similarities of community assemblages in the SOM map. Compared to the SOM map generated with the original dataset, the community pattern gave a very similar representation of ecological conditions of the sampling sites, displaying clear gradients of environmental factors between different clusters. Our results showed that this computational technique can be applied to preprocessing data in multivariate analysis. It could be useful for ecosystem assessment and management, helping to reduce both the list of species for identification and the size of datasets to be processed for diagnosing the ecological status of water courses.  相似文献   

A chicken embryonic cDNA library was screened with a (TG)13 probe in order to develop polymorphic microsatellite markers. The redundancy of the embryonic cDNA library with a chicken brain cDNA library, which was used for microsatellite development in a previous study, was extremely high. Of the 300 (TG)13 positive clones, only 80 were unique for the embryonic cDNA library. Still, nine expressed sequences derived from the embryonic cDNA library were mapped in the Wageningen (WAU) resource population. In addition seven microsatellite markers from the chicken brain cDNA library, which were monomorphic or unlinked in the two international reference families in the previous study, were also mapped in the WAU population. Three of the 16 mapped chicken expressed sequence tags (ESTs) showed relatively high percentages of sequence similarity to sequences found in other species. As two of these genes, RAB6 and ZFX/ZFY, have been mapped in humans, they contribute to the comparative map of the chicken.  相似文献   

Roff et al. (Ecological Management and Restoration, 17 , 2016, 000) provide a discussion of the criteria expected for the best approach to validation of mapping programs and uses Hunter (Ecological Management & Restoration 17 , 2016, 40) to highlight issues involved. While we support the general principles outlined, we note that the review does not apply the same standards to Sivertsen et al. (Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping Geodatabase Guide (Version 4.0). Office of Environment and Heritage, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Sydney, Australia, 2011), the original document critiqued by Hunter (Ecological Management & Restoration 17 , 2016, 40). The Hunter (Ecological Management & Restoration 17 , 2016, 40) validation was based on a larger sample size, greater sampling within mapping units and greater representation of landscapes than Sivertsen et al. (Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping Geodatabase Guide (Version 4.0). Office of Environment and Heritage, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Sydney, Australia, 2011). Survey and validation sites being placed along public roads and lands are common to both the general Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) and Hunter (Ecological Management & Restoration 17 , 2016, 40) validation methodologies. Thus, the criticisms of Roff et al. (Ecological Management and Restoration, 17 , 2016, 000) of the Hunter (Ecological Management & Restoration 17 , 2016, 40) approach apply equally, if not more, to Sivertsen et al. (Greater Hunter Native Vegetation Mapping Geodatabase Guide (Version 4.0). Office of Environment and Heritage, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Sydney, Australia, 2011). We outline in the article how the Roff et al. (Ecological Management and Restoration, 17 , 2016, 000) critique was selective and in some cases incorrect in its analysis of issues presented in Hunter (Ecological Management & Restoration 17 , 2016, 40) and did not apply the same criteria to their own work. We conclude by discussing future directions for validating and mapping vegetation communities.  相似文献   

Although it is now widely accepted that speciation can occur in the face of continuous gene flow, with little or no spatial separation, the mechanisms and genomic architectures that permit such divergence are still debated. Here, we examined speciation in the face of gene flow in the Howea palms of Lord Howe Island, Australia. We built a genetic map using a novel method applicable to long‐lived tree species, combining it with double digest restriction site–associated DNA sequencing of multiple individuals. Based upon various metrics, we detected 46 highly differentiated regions throughout the genome, four of which contained genes with functions that are particularly relevant to the speciation scenario for Howea, specifically salt and drought tolerance.  相似文献   

Aim To develop a new method for bioclimate mapping where the vegetation layer is the main source of climate information. Location The study area includes four subareas, all situated on the Varangerhalvøya peninsula in Finnmark, north‐easternmost Norway (70–71° N). The four subareas were chosen to represent most of the climatic, topographic, geomorphologic and botanic diversity along the arctic–boreal gradient in the area. The four meteorological stations in the area show a climatic gradient with mean July temperature ranging from 10.1 to 12.3 °C. Methods The new vegetation‐based method is based on the fact that most plant species and plant communities both in the Arctic and adjacent areas have a distribution pattern limited by temperature to some extent. The vegetation is mapped using Landsat TM data and a contextual correction process in a geographic information system. The mapped vegetation units are defined as temperature indicators based on their total distribution patterns and the temperature indicator value of their high frequency and dominant species. The indicator value and degree of cover of all thermophilous vegetation units, within each 500 × 500 m study unit, are combined in a Vegetation‐based Index of Thermophily, VItm. This new vegetation‐based method is based on the same basic idea as a recently published floristic‐based method for calculating a Floristic‐based Index of Thermophily, FItm. The VItm values are tested by comparison with the FItm values, and temperature data collected in the field during two growing seasons, and the differences are interpreted ecologically. Results Twenty‐one of the mapped vegetation units were defined as thermophilous and categorized in five groups of temperature indicators. The VItm values showed a strong positive linear relationship with the temperatures measured during the years 2001 and 2002, with r2 values of 0.79 and 0.85, respectively. The VItm values show a high linear relationship (r2 = 0.76) with the 71 study units where the FItm values were calculated. As interpreted from the relationship with temperature measurements and FItm values, the vegetation‐based method seems to work at a broad range of ecological conditions, with very dry, acidic sites being the most important exception. The VItm values are related to growing degree‐days of a normal year, and the four subareas are mapped, showing a diversity of 13 bioclimatic classes. The birch forest line is estimated to occur at about 980 °C‐days. The results show climatic gradients with temperatures increasing from the cold coast towards the interior, from wind‐exposed convex hills towards wind‐protected valleys, and from mountain plateaux towards south‐facing lowlands. The north‐easternmost study site at the coast is positioned within the arctic shrub tundra zone. Main conclusions The vegetation‐based method shows a strong positive correlation both with measured temperatures and the floristic‐based method within a broad range of different ecological conditions. The vegetation‐based method has the potential for bioclimatic mapping of large areas in a cost‐effective way. The floristic‐based method has higher accuracy and is more flexible than the vegetation‐based method, and the two methods seem to complement each other.  相似文献   

 By using 25 primer combinations, 563 AFLP markers segregating in a recombinant inbred population (103 lines, F9) derived from L94/Vada were generated. The 38 AFLP markers in common to the existing AFLP/RFLP combined Proctor/Nudinka map, one STS marker, and four phenotypic markers with known map positions, were used to assign present AFLP linkage groups to barley chromosomes. The constructed high-density molecular map contains 561 AFLP markers, three morphological markers, one disease resistance gene and one STS marker, and covers a 1062-cM genetic distance, corresponding to an average of one marker per 1.9 cM. However, extremely uneven distributions of AFLP markers and strong clustering of markers around the centromere were identified in the present AFLP map. Around the centromeric region, 289 markers cover a genetic distance of 155 cM, corresponding to one marker per 0.5 cM; on the distal parts, 906 cM were covered by 277 markers, corresponding to one marker per 3.3 cM. Three gaps larger than 20 cM still exist on chromosomes 1, 3 and 5. A skeletal map with a uniform distribution of markers can be extracted from the high-density map, and can be applied to detect and map loci underlying quantitative traits. However, the application of this map is restricted to barley species since hardly any marker in common to a closely related Triticum species could be identified. Received: 16 June 1997 / Accepted: 9 October 1997  相似文献   

In this work we develop approximate aggregation techniques in the context of slow-fast linear population models governed by stochastic differential equations and apply the results to the treatment of populations with spatial heterogeneity. Approximate aggregation techniques allow one to transform a complex system involving many coupled variables and in which there are processes with different time scales, by a simpler reduced model with a fewer number of ‘global’ variables, in such a way that the dynamics of the former can be approximated by that of the latter. In our model we contemplate a linear fast deterministic process together with a linear slow process in which the parameters are affected by additive noise, and give conditions for the solutions corresponding to positive initial conditions to remain positive for all times. By letting the fast process reach equilibrium we build a reduced system with a lesser number of variables, and provide results relating the asymptotic behaviour of the first- and second-order moments of the population vector for the original and the reduced system. The general technique is illustrated by analysing a multiregional stochastic system in which dispersal is deterministic and the rate growth of the populations in each patch is affected by additive noise.  相似文献   

本研究通过方法学的改良和观察方式的创新试图阐明这种现象的原因.微卫星非传统的检测方法仅能实现微卫星定性检测,我所在的研究组开发了自动片段分析双荧光标识技术,提高了微卫星检测的感度和重复性,并实现了微卫星片段变化长度的定量.小于6碱基的微卫星变化被定义为修饰型微卫星不稳定,大于8碱基的变化被定义为跳跃型微卫星不稳定,它们的电泳谱截然不同.前者表现为在非肿瘤来源微卫星位点基础上的增加或减少,后者表现为距离非肿瘤微卫星片段远隔部位的新波形的出现.通过研究我们发现,在DNA错配修复缺陷细胞系及基因敲除大鼠自发肿瘤样本,仅有修饰型微卫星不稳定性检出;在人类DNA错配修复缺陷细胞系连续80次传代也没有检出跳跃型变化.跳跃型变化不能通过简单重复序列不稳定基础上的增加或减少的累加而获得.在76例散发大肠癌,我们检测了微卫星不稳定性,KRAS基因突变,并对高频度微卫星不稳定性病例的两个主要DNA错配修复基因MSH2和MLHl进行了全长测序.我们发现,在大肠癌,按频度的传统分类与按波形变化的分类有高度的一致性,高频度微卫星不稳定性病例均检测到跳跃型表现,低频度微卫星不稳定性都表现为修饰型变化.在12例高频度微卫星不稳定病例,有三例检出了跳跃型和修饰型同时存在微卫星不稳定的特殊表型,这3例均检出KRAS的突变,更有趣的是该3例病例也同时检出了DNA错配修复基因MLH1的变异.而在其他9例高频度微卫星不稳定病例,KRAS突变及MLH1、MSH2交变未检出.通过对突变谱的分析我们还发现,修饰型微卫星不稳定与KTAS基因12号密码子的转换型突变高度相关,而微卫星稳定的病例检出的KRAS基因12号密码子突变多为颠换型突变.修饰型微卫星不稳定表型检出的高频度转换突变可由DNA错配修复缺陷的分子背景解释.通过本研究,我们认为以波形为基础的微卫星不稳定新分型可能是解决目前微卫星研究领域矛盾的一个选项.一直公认为高频度微卫星不稳定性是"真正"的DNA错配修复缺陷表型,我们的研究提示实际上高频度微卫星的可能是多元的.修饰型微卫星不稳定与DNA错配修复缺陷直接关联,而跳跃型微卫星不稳定的原因尚未阐明.在高频度为微型不稳定中,携带修饰型变化的病例可以通过DNA错配修复系统缺陷来解释其病因.  相似文献   

 The potential of PCR-based markers for construction of a genetic linkage map in Einkorn wheat was investigated. From a comparison of polymorphisms between two Einkorn wheats, Triticum monococcum (Mn) and T. boeoticum (Bt), we obtained 49 polymorphic bands produced by 33 primers for inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and 36 polymorphic bands shown by 25 combinations of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers for mapping in 66 individuals in the F2 population. Although 44 ISSR fragments and 29 RAPD fragments statistically showed a 3 : 1 segregation ratio in the F2 population, only 9 markers each of the ISSR and RAPD bands were able to be mapped on the RFLP linkage map of Einkorn wheat. ISSR markers were distributed throughout the chromosomes. The mapped positions of the ISSR markers seemed to be similar to those obtained by the RFLP markers. On the other hand, 4 of the 9 RAPD markers could map the RFLP marker-poor region on the short arm of 3Am, suggesting a potential to map novel regions containing repetitive sequences. Comparisons of the genetic linkage map of Einkorn wheat to the linkage map and cytological map of common wheat revealed that the marker orders between the two maps of Einkorn wheat and common wheat coincided except for 4A, which harbors chromosome rearrangements specific for polyploid wheats, indicating a conservatism between the two genomes. Recombinations in Einkorn wheat chromosomes took place more frequently around the centromere and less at the distal part of chromosomes in comparison to those in common wheat. Nevertheless, recombinations even in Einkorn wheat chromosomes were strongly suppressed around the centromere. In fact, the markers located within 1 cM of the centromere were located almost in the central part of the chromosome arm. Received: 7 June 1997 / Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

Underwater light is spatially as well as temporally variable and directly affects phytoplankton growth and competition. Here we systematically (following the guidelines of PRISMA‐EcoEvo) searched and screened the published literature resulting in 640 individual articles. We mapped the conducted research for the objectives of (1) phytoplankton fundamental responses to light, (2) effects of light on the competition between phytoplankton species, and (3) effects of climate‐change‐induced changes in the light availability in aquatic ecosystems. Among the fundamental responses of phytoplankton to light, the effects of light intensity (quantity, as measure of total photon or energy flux) were investigated in most identified studies. The effects of the light spectrum (quality) that via species‐specific light absorbance result in direct consequences on species competition emerged more recently. Complexity in competition arises due to variability and fluctuations in light which effects are sparsely investigated on community level. Predictions regarding future climate change scenarios included changes in in stratification and mixing, lake and coastal ocean darkening, UV radiation, ice melting as well as light pollution which affect the underwater light‐climate. Generalization of consequences is difficult due to a high variability, interactions of consequences as well as a lack in sustained timeseries and holistic approaches. Nevertheless, our systematic literature map, and the identified articles within, provide a comprehensive overview and shall guide prospective research.  相似文献   

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