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我国徐淮地区元古宙九顶山组产出丰富的条带状和结核状燧石,其中保存了大量微体生物化石。本研究通过岩石切片法发现了呈三维立体状态保存的精美的丝状和球状蓝藻化石,鉴定出12属16种,即有丝状蓝藻6属10种(包含2个未定种):Siphonophycus septatum,S.robustum,S.typicum,S.kestron,Oscillatoriopsis ver-miformis,O.obtusa,Cephalophytarion grande,Salome sp.,Veteronostocale amoenum,Paleolyngbyasp.;球状蓝藻3属3种:Gloeodiniopsis suxianensis,Eoentophysalis cumulus,Nanococcus vulgaris;以及分类位置未定的3属3种(包含1个未定种):Myxococcoides minor,Leiosphaeridiasp.,Brachypleganon khandanum。其中Oscil-latoriopsis vermiformis,O.obtusa,Cephalophytarion grande,Salome sp.,Veteronostocale amoenum,Paleolyn-gbyasp.,Nanococcus vulgaris均为本地首次发现,弥补了以前在九顶山组中只找到Siphonophycus而未曾见Os-cillatoriopsis的缺憾,并对大量保存精美的Siphonophycus的来源问题给出了可能的解释。而大量无异形胞的Os-cillatoriopsis属化石的存在可能反映了当时的海底为缺氧环境。本次新发现丰富了九顶山组的微体生物化石资料,这些微体生物化石组合有可能成为元古宙洲际生物地层对比的依据。九顶山组碳酸岩台地沉积相中普遍发育的微体生物藻席、保存精美的高分异度的蓝藻化石以及并未在底栖环境中发现真核生物,均反映冰期前的浅海底栖生态系统还是由原核生物为主体的微体生物生态系统。  相似文献   

Carbonates and rare shales of the ca 700-800 Ma old Draken Conglomerate Formation, northeastern Spitsbergen, preserve a record of environmental variation within a Neoproterozoic tidal flat/lagoon complex. Forty-two microfossil taxa have been recognized in Draken rocks, and of these, 39 can be characterized in terms of their paleoenvironmental distributions along a gradient from the supratidal zone to permanently submerged lagoons. Supratidal to subtidal trends include: increasing microbenthic diversity, increasing abundance and diversity of included allochthonous (presumably planktonic) elements, decreasing sheath thickness of mat-building organisms (with significant taphonomic consequences), and an increasing sediment/fossil ratio in fossiliferous rocks. Five principal and several minor biofacies can be distinguished. The paleoecological resolution obtainable in the Draken Conglomerate Formation rivals that achieved for most Phanerozoic fossil deposits. It documents the complexity and diversity of Proterozoic coastal ecosystems and indicates that both environment and taphonomy need to be taken into explicit consideration in attempts to understand evolutionary trends in early fossil record. Three species, Coniunctiophycus majorinum, Myxococcoides distola, and M. chlorelloidea, are described as new; Siphonophycus robustum, Siphonophycus septatum, and Gorgonisphaeridium maximum are proposed as new combinations.  相似文献   

Aves are represented by abundant fossil remains in Quaternary sites. Birds are well adapted to the environment they inhabit, so they make very good paleoenvironmental indicators for Quaternary sites. Here we analyse the avian remains from the Late Pleistocene (probably MIS3) site of Aguilón P-7 (AGP-7). The Pleistocene sediments fill up a shallow cave, which is located in the Zaragozan part of the Iberian Range, 55 km south of the city of Zaragoza. We have for the first time provided a taxonomic and taphonomic study of the avian assemblage of AGP-7, as well as a preliminary paleoenvironmental analysis based on these data. Nine avian taxa have been identified: Galliformes indet., Lagopus sp., Aquila chrysaetos, Gyps fulvus, Passeridae indet., Anthus sp., Prunella modularis,Sturnus cf. unicolor and Corvus monedula. The taphonomic analysis did not provide conclusive information. However, it suggests an accumulation of uneaten food remains by diurnal birds of prey. The identified taxa currently inhabit the Iberian Peninsula, populating woodland environments with rocky areas. They are found in areas with an oceanic climate, in contrast to the Mediterranean climate that now prevails in Aguilón.  相似文献   

孙海静  罗翠 《古生物学报》2024,63(2):138-153
埃迪卡拉纪—寒武纪之交见证了地球—生命系统不同圈层的重大变革, 是复杂多细胞生物演化的重要转折期。华南是开展相关研究的主要区域之一, 但前人工作主要集中在化石材料丰富的浅水台地相区, 深水区生物组成面貌尚未得到充分认识。本研究对斜坡相区贵州交榜剖面的留茶坡组进行了详细研究, 通过酸蚀和薄片观察发现了丰富的化石材料, 包括: 海绵骨针、软舌螺、可能的原牙形类(? Protohertzina sp.)和织金钉类(? Zhijinites sp.)、球形疑源类、Megathrix longus, 及不同类型的多细胞藻类, 亲缘关系未定的Poratusiramus sp.、球形化石和形态多样的丝状、片状化石等。该化石组合属于寒武纪纽芬兰世幸运期, 其中的骨骼化石以海绵骨针为主。化石组合中既有与浅水区共有分子, 也有深水区特有类群, 丰富了斜坡相区的化石记录, 具有潜在的地层对比和演化意义。  相似文献   

This study comprises a comparative taphonomic analysis of three endobenthic bivalves (Mya arenaria, Cerastoderma edule, and Macoma balthica) derived from a mass accumulation of mainly vertically packed shells from the “Wurster Watt” in Lower Saxony’s Wadden Sea, German Bight. Bulk samples from two transects were analyzed with respect to taxonomic composition, left/right valve presence, counts and weight percentages of taxa, and size-frequency distributions. Taphonomic features including abrasion, fragmentation, encrustation and bioerosion were subjected to a semi-quantitative analysis. Taphonomic results show significant differences with respect to bivalve taxa as well as between transects. Mya arenaria, a large endobenthic bivalve, shows the greatest amount of fragmentation and is often encrusted by balanids and bryozoans. The smaller and more robust Cerastoderma edule has the greatest values for bioerosion especially by the polychaete Polydora ciliata. Macoma balthica, which has the thinnest valves, shows the highest values for abrasion, but low values for the rest of the measured taphonomic features. Taphonomic differences between the taxa, samples and transects are related to (1) the origin of the bivalves (from living populations or exposed colonization horizons), (2) the different size and morphology of the valves (themselves related to mode of life), (3) the taphonomic trajectories of the different bivalves, as well as (4) the varying depositional environment of the two transects.  相似文献   


The golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is one of the most important birds of prey in the Northern Hemisphere. This raptor is used to building large nests in high cliffs to which they return for several breeding years accumulating important amounts of their prey skeletal remains. This makes the golden eagle one of the major predators able to accumulate faunal remains in archaeological sites. Despite this fact, the taphonomic signature of golden eagles has not been properly characterized. Here we present the analysis of ingested and non-ingested faunal remains predated and accumulated by this raptor in two different nesting areas from the Iberian Peninsula. Results show how the faunal taxonomic record may vary depending on the ecological zone. Leporids and terrestrial carnivores are the best represented. The observed anatomical representation, breakage and bone surface modification patterns are discussed for different taxa. The taphonomic pattern varies depending on the type of prey and the origin of skeletal materials (non-ingested vs. pellets). Finally, after comparing our results with marks left by other predators, several characteristic features are noted to recognise golden eagles as agents of animal bones accumulations in the fossil record.  相似文献   

Organic-walled microfossils offer important information on the biospheric evolution in pre-Cryogenian and provide biostratigraphic implications for many Proterozoic fossiliferous sequences that are poorly age constrained for the lack of reliable radiometric date. Recently, macroscopic carbonaceous compression fossils have been reported for the first time from the Tonian Shiwangzhuang Formation of the Tumen Group in western Shandong, North China. However, organic-walled microfossils have never been discovered from this formation up till now. To improve our knowledge about Proterozoic biodiversity in North China, we conducted a micropaleontological survey on the argillaceous limestone samples of the Shiwangzhuang Formation, which also contain macroscopic carbonaceous compression fossils, from the Baishicun section in Anqiu, western Shandong, North China. Our investigation shows that the Shiwangzhuang microfossil assemblage is dominated by smooth-walled sphaeromorphic acritarchs and cyanobacterium-like filaments and relatively low abundance of other acritarchs, including 16 taxa, such as Polysphaeroides filliformis, Ostiana microcystis, Simia annulare, ?Jacutianema sp., Arctacellularia tetragonala, Pellicularia tenera, Polythrichoides lineatus, and Navifusa actinomorpha. The Shiwangzhuang organic-walled microfossil assemblage, although consisting of long-ranging and not age diagnostic taxa, is consistent with a Tonian age suggested by macroscopic carbonaceous compression fossils, including the Chuaria-Tawuia and Sinosabellidites-Protoarenicola-Pararenicola assemblages, revealed from the same fossiliferous horizon of the Shiwangzhuang Formation and by organic-walled microfossil assemblage, including the late Mesoproterozoic to Tonian index fossil Trachyhystrichosphaera aimika, from the underlying Tongjiazhuang Formation. However, it is also worth noting that a Cryogenian or Ediacaran age cannot be completely excluded based just on the Shiwangzhuang microfossils because of their limited biostratigraphic utility.  相似文献   

The Cryogenian Period experienced two long lived global glaciations known as Snowball Earths. While these events were dramatic, eukaryotic life persisted through them, and fossil evidence shows that eukaryotes thrived during the c. 30-million-year interlude between the glaciations. Carbonate successions have become an important taphonomic window for this interval. One of the most notable examples is the c. 662–635 Ma Taishir Formation (Tsagaan Olom Group, Zavkhan Terrane, Mongolia) which has yielded a number of eukaryotic fossil taxa. Here, we examine more closely the morphology and taxonomic affinity of some of these Taishir fossils previously interpreted as remains of ciliate tintinnid loricae (purportedly the oldest fossil ciliates). New morphological and ultrastructural analyses indicate that these fossils are not ciliate tintinnids. Instead, we propose a new interpretation: that they are algal reproductive structures related to coeval macroscopic organic warty sheets described as putative red algae. We report the first occurrence of these fossils in the earliest Ediacaran Ol Formation, indicating that this taxon persisted through the Marinoan Snowball Earth. A new interpretation of these fossils as putative red algal spores has broad implications for our understanding of biodiversity in the Neoproterozoic Era, specifically during the Cryogenian Period, and for the antiquity of ciliates.  相似文献   

Assemblages of in situ upright stem casts, or fossil standing forests, provide information on the composition and spatial arrangement of the original plant communities they record, with minimal taphonomic bias. Stands of calamites and lycopsids are found repeatedly as fossil forests in the Late Carboniferous, while other major groups of plants are only rarely preserved in this way. The Carboniferous coal measures of Europe and North America were formed in low‐latitude, tropical environments. The ancient plant communities of these settings can be interpreted by comparison of their taxa with specific, modern tropical analogs. Here, ancient standing forests of the extinct sphenopsid Mesocalamites suckowii are compared with modern stands of the monocot Montrichardia arborescens. These modern analogs occur in the Orinoco Delta of Venezuela and the mouth of the Amazon. Montrichardia and its ancient counterparts occur in comparable clastic facies of fluvio‐deltaic and estuarine depositional systems. Although Mesocalamites and Montrichardia are very different anatomically and taxonomically, they exhibit some intriguing morphological similarities that can be linked to a common ecology. These modern and ancient taxa have evolved convergent forms of vegetative propagation that enable the plants to colonize and survive in environments characterized by very high rates of sedimentation, or episodic sedimentation events. Such environments have an unusually high potential to preserve standing forests.  相似文献   

A Fagus-like leaf fossil (cuticular compression) with an attached fruit, differing from any known Fagus species (fossil or extant) or other fagoid taxa, has been discovered from the Miocene Clarkia Lake deposits of northern Idaho. Because of its unusual morphology (especially the fruit) the fossil taxon has been described as a new genus and species, Pseudofagus idahoensis Smiley and Huggins. The successful previous use of paleobiochemistry in studies of fossil taxa from the Miocene Succor Creek Flora of Oregon suggested that chemical data might help clarify the taxonomic affinities of Pseudofagus. Indeed, examination of the chemistry of the fossil, Pseudofagus idahoensis, and comparison with extant Fagus species and related fagoid genera indicate that: 1) based on steroid chemistry, Pseudofagus idahonesis does belong in the Fagaceae; 2) like all extant species of Fagus, the fossil lacks the tannin component, ellagic acid, which separates it from other extant fagoid genera, and 3) its simple flavonoid pigment profile places it closest to the extant North American Fagus grandifolia or the European/Eurasian Fagus sylvatica. However, the exclusive presence of an isorhamnetin (3'-methoxyquercetin) 3-0-glycoside, onocerane, and 5α-cholestane imparts a species-specific chemical character to Pseudofagus idahoensis, which also sets it apart from extant species of Fagus. While the chemistry does not decide the taxonomic level to be accorded to the fossil, it certainly supports, along with morphology and anatomy, the distinctness of Pseudofagus and its proposed relationships within the Fagaceae.  相似文献   

Micro‐computed tomography (μCT) scanning now represents a standard tool for non‐destructive study of internal or concealed structure in fossils. Here we report on otoliths found in situ during routine μCT scanning of three‐dimensionally preserved skulls of Palaeogene and Cretaceous fishes. Comparisons are made with isolated otolith‐based taxa to attempt correlations between the body fossil and otolith fossil records. In situ otoliths previously extracted mechanically from specimens of Apogon macrolepis and Dentex laekeniensis match our μCT models. In some cases, we find a high degree of congruence between previously independent taxonomic placements for otolith and skeletal remains (Rhinocephalus, Osmeroides, Hoplopteryx). Unexpectedly, in situ otoliths of the aulopiform Apateodus match isolated otoliths of Late Cretaceous age previously interpreted as belonging to gempylids, a group of percomorph fishes that do not appear in the body fossil record until the Palaeogene. This striking example of convergence suggests constraints on otolith geometry in pelagic predators. The otoliths of Apateodus show a primitive geometry for aulopiforms and lack the derived features of Alepisauroidea, the lizardfish clade to which the genus is often attributed. In situ otoliths of Early Cretaceous fishes (Apsopelix and an unidentified taxon) are not well preserved, and we are unable to identify clear correlations with isolated otolith morphologies. We conclude that the preservation of otoliths suitable for μCT scanning appears to be intimately connected with the taphonomic history, lithological characteristics of surrounding matrix, and syn‐ and postdepositional diagenetic effects.  相似文献   

The development of taphonomic approaches to facies analysis requires a foundation in facies-based actualistic studies. Modern intertidal and shallow shelf environments at Provincetown Harbor. northern Cape Cod, Massachusetts (USA) provide an opportunity to compare pattcrns and controlling factors in molluscan biofacies and taphofacies distributions. Variation in faunal composition, ecologic variables, and taphonomic attributes of molluscan death assemblages produce distinct patterns of environmental zonation: (1) Faunal composition (biofacies) primarily tracks variation in substrate type among environments (sand, rock, peat, and Zostera marina beds). (2) Ecologic variables (equitability, infauna: epifauna ratio, gastropod:bivalve ratio, and predation on M. mercenaria) appear to reflect tidal exposure time. (3) Taphononic attributes (fragmentation, abrasionm, corrosion, bioerosion, and encrustation) of the common bivalve M. mercenaria track environmental energy, in particular its effects on the stability and reworking of hardparts at the sediment surface. Shells in different environments proceed along different taphonomic pathways - the order of acquisition of taphonomic features by hardparts. An encrustation/bioerosion-dominated pathway characterizes low energy environments; the upper intertidal and deeper subtidal. An abrasion-dominated pathway characterizes the high energy lower intertidal and shallow subtidal. Contrasting pathways produce distinct proportions of taphonomic attributes in time-averaged samples; proportions that delineate taphofacies. Integrated taxonomic, ecologic and taphonomic data provide a more complete picture of environmental processes than any approach alone. Taphonomic data not only furnish information not readily provided by other approaches, but free paleoecology from the constraints of taxonomic uniformitarianism. □Taphonomy, comparative taphonomy, taphofacies, biofacies, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, taphonomic pathways, Recent, actualism, intertidal, molluses.  相似文献   

Sharks and their relatives (Elasmobranchii) are highly threatened with extinction due to various anthropogenic pressures. The abundant fossil record of fossil taxa has allowed the tracing of the evolutionary history of modern elasmobranchs to at least 250 MYA; nonetheless, exactly how far back the fossil record of living taxa goes has never been collectively surveyed. In this study, the authors assess the representation and extent of the fossil record of elasmobranchs currently living in our oceans by collecting their oldest records and quantifying first appearance dates at different taxonomic levels (i.e., orders, families, genera and species), ecological traits (e.g., body size, habitat and feeding mechanism) and extinction risks (i.e., threatened, not threatened and data deficient). The results of this study confirm the robust representation of higher taxonomic ranks, with all orders, most of the families and over half of the extant genera having a fossil record. Further, they reveal that 10% of the current global species diversity is represented in the geological past. Sharks are better represented and extend deeper in time than rays and skates. While the fossil record of extant genera (e.g., the six gill sharks, Hexanchus) goes as far back as c. 190 MYA, the fossil record of extant species (e.g., the sand shark, Carcharias taurus Rafinesque 1810) extends c. 66 MYA. Although no significant differences were found in the extent of the fossil record between ecological traits, it was found that the currently threatened species have a significantly older fossil record than the not threatened species. This study demonstrate that the fossil record of extant elasmobranchs extends deep into the geologic time, especially in the case of threatened sharks. As such, the elasmobranch geological history has great potential to advance the understanding of how species currently facing extinction have responded to different stressors in the past, thereby providing a deep-time perspective to conservation.  相似文献   

The fossil record provides compelling examples of heterochrony at macroevolutionary scales such as the peramorphic giant antlers of the Irish elk. Heterochrony has also been invoked in the evolution of the distinctive cranial frill of ceratopsian dinosaurs such as Triceratops. Although ceratopsian frills vary in size, shape, and ornamentation, quantitative analyses that would allow for testing hypotheses of heterochrony are lacking. Here, we use geometric morphometrics to examine frill shape variation across ceratopsian diversity and within four species preserving growth series. We then test whether the frill constitutes an evolvable module both across and within species, and compare growth trajectories of taxa with ontogenetic growth series to identify heterochronic processes. Evolution of the ceratopsian frill consisted primarily of progressive expansion of its caudal and caudolateral margins, with morphospace occupation following taxonomic groups. Although taphonomic distortion represents a complicating factor, our data support modularity both across and within species. Peramorphosis played an important role in frill evolution, with acceleration operating early in neoceratopsian evolution followed by progenesis in later diverging cornosaurian ceratopsians. Peramorphic evolution of the ceratopsian frill may have been facilitated by the decoupling of this structure from the jaw musculature, an inference that predicts an expansion of morphospace occupation and higher evolutionary rates among ceratopsids as indeed borne out by our data. However, denser sampling of the meager record of early‐diverging taxa is required to test this further.  相似文献   

Summary This report presents the results of taphofacies analyses of shelly cheniers (mollusk-dominated lag-concentrations) from the tidal flats of northeastern Baja California, Mexico. The three generations of moderm (formed during last 70 years), submodem (younger than 1,500 BP), and subfossil (5,000–2,000 BP) cheniers can be distinguished by their position relative to the shoreline, their topography, and the radiocarbon-age of their shells. The generations differ in the duration and complexity of their taphonomic history. Sixty-one samples from nine localities were collected to test the utility of the taphofacies approach for studying chenier-type shell deposits. The three chenier generations, although all dominated by the bivalve molluskMulinia coloradoensis, differ significantly in their taxonomic composition due to taphonomic and/or biologic factors. The taphofacies analysis included 4,334 specimens ofM. coloradoensis described by nine taphonomic variables. Univariate analysis of those variables indicated that the shells that accumulated in the cheniers are little-affected by biological processes (bioerosion, encrustation), and moderately affected by physical processes (fragmetation, cracking, peeling, edge preservation). Only the luster features of shells (external luster, internal luster, and internal features) vary substantially and consistently with chenier age —a result of subaerial weathering. Multivariate taphofacies analysis discriminates the three generations of cheniers even when the poorly preservable luster variables are excluded from the analysis. This suggests that taphofacies discrimination is possible for fossil cheniers. The shells collected from the chenier surface have substantially poorer preservation than shells from the subsurface, indicating that taphonomic degradation in the chenier plain environment is a surface phenomenon. Chenier plain shelly assemblages are taphonomically distinct from assemblages formed in other marine environments: they have a very low frequency of macroscopically recognizable bioerosion and encrustation. The existence of preservable taphonomic differences between the cheniers that differ in their age (i.e., duration of preburial history), suggests that fossil lag concentrations may be useful in detecting incompleteness gradients along stratigraphic boundaries. A ‘taphonomic clock’—a correlation between a ‘time-sincedeath’ and shell preservation—was found only for luster features, taphonomic attributes that are unlikely to be preserved in the fossil record.  相似文献   

Fossil tip‐dating allows for the inclusion of morphological data in divergence time estimates based on both extant and extinct taxa. Neoselachii have a cartilaginous skeleton, which is less prone to fossilization compared to skeletons of Osteichthyans. Therefore, the majority of the neoselachian fossil record is comprised of single teeth, which fossilize more easily. Neoselachian teeth can be found in large numbers as they are continuously replaced. Tooth morphologies are of major importance on multiple taxonomic levels for identification of shark and ray taxa. Here, we review dental morphological characters of squalomorph sharks and test these for their phylogenetic signal. Subsequently, we combine DNA sequence data (concatenated exon sequences) with dental morphological characters from 85 fossil and extant taxa to simultaneously infer the phylogeny and re‐estimate divergence times using information of 61 fossil tip‐dates as well as eight node age calibrations of squalomorph sharks. Our findings show that the phylogenetic placement of fossil taxa is mostly in accordance with their previous taxonomic allocation. An exception is the phylogenetic placement of the extinct genus ?Protospinax , which remains unclear. We conclude that the high number of fossil taxa as well as the comprehensive DNA sequence data for extant taxa may compensate for the limited number of morphological characters identifiable on teeth, serving as a backbone for reliably estimating the phylogeny of both extinct and extant taxa. In general, tip‐dating mostly estimates older node ages compared to previous studies based on calibrated molecular clocks.  相似文献   

Melica (Poaceae) consist of about 92 species distributed across temperate regions of the world. Within section Dalycum, Melica ciliata sensu lato forms a taxonomic complex of several species and subspecies with clinal morphological variation causing conflicting identifications. To resolve taxonomic confusion, we used three complementary approaches, through molecular, morphological, and phytoecological analyses. The double-digest restriction-associated DNA markers significantly support the monophyly of three taxa: (i) the Mediterranean Melica magnolii, (ii) the Eurasian Melica transsilvanica subsp. transsilvanica, and (iii) the west-European M. ciliata subsp. glauca. This differentiation is corroborated by the analysis of 22 morphometric variables. Furthermore, phytoecological analysis of 221 floristic inventories revealed habitat distinctions among these taxa. Our approach of integrative taxonomy argues for a specific distinction for these three taxa, and we include a key to separate these forms. These new molecular data on the section Dalycum, subsection Ciliatae, call for further phylogenetic analyses including samples of M. ciliata subsp. ciliata and other East-Mediterranean and South African taxa.  相似文献   

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