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The native enzyme must be denatured either by sodium dodecyl sulfate or by urea before limited proteolysis can occur. Under these conditions only one or two peptide bonds are hydrolyzed by each of the following proteases: Staphylococcal V8 protease, trypsin and elastase. The amino-terminal amino acid sequences were determined to identify the cleavage sites. The new sequences comprise approximately 20% of the entire polypeptide chain, and show good agreement with the nucleotide sequence of the trpC gene. Both V8 protease2 and elastase yield large carboxy-terminal fragments, about two thirds of the size of the parent enzyme, and corresponding small amino-terminal fragments. Trypsin cleaves a single peptide bond in the last one third of the polypeptide chain. After separation of the fragments, removal of dodecyl sulfate and renaturation, only the large fragments fold to stable structures. The small fragments precipitate. The large amino-terminal fragment catalyzes only the synthesis of indoleglycerol phosphate and precipitates when solutions are frozen and thawed. The large carboxy-terminal fragment catalyzes only the isomerization of N-(5′-phosphoribosyl)anthranilate and is stable towards freezing and thawing. These studies prove that the intact bifunctional enzyme consists of two autonomously folding, functional domains. They also support the notion that the bifunctional enzyme may have arisen by the fusion of separate ancestral genes, and that stabilization of the intrinsically labile indoleglycerol phosphate synthase domain by interdomain interactions is functionally advantageous.  相似文献   

The computational protein design protocol Rosetta has been applied successfully to a wide variety of protein engineering problems. Here the aim was to test its ability to design de novo a protein adopting the TIM-barrel fold, whose formation requires about twice as many residues as in the largest proteins successfully designed de novo to date. The designed protein, Octarellin VI, contains 216 residues. Its amino acid composition is similar to that of natural TIM-barrel proteins. When produced and purified, it showed a far-UV circular dichroism spectrum characteristic of folded proteins, with α-helical and β-sheet secondary structure. Its stable tertiary structure was confirmed by both tryptophan fluorescence and circular dichroism in the near UV. It proved heat stable up to 70°C. Dynamic light scattering experiments revealed a unique population of particles averaging 4 nm in diameter, in good agreement with our model. Although these data suggest the successful creation of an artificial α/β protein of more than 200 amino acids, Octarellin VI shows an apparent noncooperative chemical unfolding and low solubility.  相似文献   

The evolution of (β/α)8 barrel proteins is currently thought to have involved the fusion of two (β/α)4 half-barrels, thereby conferring stability on the protein structure. After the formation of a whole (β/α)8 barrel, this structure could evolve and diverge to form fully active enzymes. Interestingly, we show here that isolated (β/α)4 half-barrels derived from the N- and C-terminal domains of the β-glucosidase Sfβgly (Sfβgly-N: residues 1 to 265; Sfβgly-C: residues 266 to 509) undergo an activation process, which renders them catalytically active. The rate constants of the activation process were calculated to be 0.029 and 0.032 h-1 for Sfβgly-N and Sfβgly-C, respectively. Moreover, the Sfβgly-N and Sfβgly-C activation processes were simultaneous with modifications in their initial structure, which reduced the exposure of their tryptophan residues. Importantly, this activation was also coincident with an increase in the sizes of Sfβgly-N and Sfβgly-C particles. These novel observations suggest that the change in catalytic activity associated with the transition from a half to whole (β/α)8 barrel might also have driven such an evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Sequence alignment and structure prediction are used to locate catalytic α-amylase-type (β/α)8-barrel domains and the positions of their β-strands and α-helices in isoamylase, pullulanase, neopullulanase, α-amylase-pullulanase, dextran glucosidase, branching enzyme, and glycogen branching enzymes—all enzymes involved in hydrolysis or synthesis of α-1,6-glucosidic linkages in starch and related polysaccharides. This has allowed identification of the transferase active site of the glycogen debranching enzyme and the locations of β ? α loops making up the active sites of all enzymes studied. Activity and specificity of the enzymes are discussed in terms of conserved amino acid residues and loop variations. An evolutionary distance tree of 47 amylolytic and related enzymes is built on 37 residues representing the four best conserved β-strands of the barrel. It exhibits clusters of enzymes close in specificity, with the branching and glycogen debranching enzymes being the most distantly related.  相似文献   

The inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH)/guanosine monophosphate reductase (GMPR) family of (β/α)(8) enzymes presents an excellent opportunity to investigate how subtle changes in enzyme structure change reaction specificity. IMPDH and GMPR bind the same ligands with similar affinities and share a common set of catalytic residues. Both enzymes catalyze a hydride transfer reaction involving a nicotinamide cofactor hydride, and both reactions proceed via the same covalent intermediate. In the case of IMPDH, this intermediate reacts with water, while in GMPR it reacts with ammonia. In both cases, the two chemical transformations are separated by a conformational change. In IMPDH, the conformational change involves a mobile protein flap while in GMPR, the cofactor moves. Thus reaction specificity is controlled by differences in dynamics, which in turn are controlled by residues outside the active site. These findings have some intriguing implications for the evolution of the IMPDH/GMPR family.  相似文献   

Protein structures are stabilized by both local and long-range interactions. In this work, we analyzed the importance of long-range interactions in (α/β)8 barrel proteins in terms of residue distances. We found that the residues occurring in the range of 21–30 residues apart contribute more toward long-range contacts. Indeed, about 50% of successive strands in these proteins are found to occur at a sequential distance of 21–30 residues. The aromatic amino acid residues Phe, Trp, and Tyr prefer the 4–10 range and all other residues prefer the 21–30 range. Hydrophobic-hydrophobic resideu pairs are the most preferred ones for long-range interactions and they may play a key role in the folding and stabilization of (α/β)8 barrel proteins.  相似文献   

Cellulosomes are large extracellular multi-enzyme complexes that exhibit elevated activity on plant cell-wall polysaccharides. In the present study, the relationships between the conformational flexibility and efficacy of cellulosomes, and the inter-modules linkers of their scaffold protein were investigated. For this purpose, the length of the intrinsically disordered Ser/Thr-rich 50-residue linker connecting a Clostridium thermocellum and a Clostridium cellulolyticum cohesin in a hybrid scaffoldin (Scaf4) was changed by sequences ranging from 4 to 128 residues. The composition was also modified and new linkers composed of series of N, S or repeats of the EPPV motif were generated. Two model cellulases (Cel48F and Cel9G) appended with appropriate dockerins were subsequently bound to the engineered scaffoldins. All the resulting minicomplexes displayed the same activity on crystalline cellulose as the complex based on the initial Scaf4, and were found to be 2-fold more active than Cel48F and Cel9G bound to separate cohesins. Small-angle X-ray scattering assays of the engineered scaffoldins confirmed, however, that the size and the conformational flexibility of some of the new inter-cohesins linkers differed significantly from that of the initial 50 residue linker displayed by the parental Scaf4. Our data suggest that the synergy induced by proximity does not require a specific inter-cohesins sequence or distance. The present study reveals that complexation onto the hybrid scaffoldins modifies the type of soluble sugars released from crystalline cellulose by the selected cellulases, compared to the free enzyme system.  相似文献   

Further evidence is presented to confirm the previous conclusion that the enzyme from Escherichia coli catalysing the two sequential reactions in tryptophan biosynthesis, N-(5'-phosphoribosyl)anthranilic acid (PRA) --> 1-(o-carboxyphenyl-amino)-1-deoxyribulose 5-phosphate (CdRP) --> indol-3-ylglycerol phosphate (InGP)+CO(2)+H(2)O, consists of a single polypeptide chain. The kinetic properties of the enzyme demonstrate that intermediate CdRP formed from PRA must dissociate from the enzyme before it can be converted into InGP. It is concluded that there are two distinct and non-overlapping catalytic sites on the enzyme for the two reactions. The expected complementation between a mutationally altered form of the enzyme lacking the first reaction and a mutationally altered form lacking the second reaction has been demonstrated in vitro by InGP formation from PRA. This system thus exhibits intracistronic complementation with a non-oligomeric protein gene product.  相似文献   

A 4α-methylsterol was isolated from the seeds of Capsicum annuum and was identified as 4α-methyl-5α-cholest-8(14)-en-3β-ol. This seems to b  相似文献   

Cellulose synthase genes (CesAs) encode a broad range of processive glycosyltransferases that synthesize (14)-D-glycosyl units. The proteins predicted to be encoded by these genes contain up to eight membrane-spanning domains and four `U-motifs' with conserved aspartate residues and a QxxRW motif that are essential for substrate binding and catalysis. In higher plants, the domain structure includes two plant-specific regions, one that is relatively conserved and a second, so-called `hypervariable region' (HVR). Analysis of the phylogenetic relationships among members of the CesA multi-gene families from two grass species,Oryza sativa and Zea mays, with Arabidopsis thaliana and other dicotyledonous species reveals that the CesA genes cluster into several distinct sub-classes. Whereas some sub-classes are populated by CesAs from all species, two sub-classes are populated solely by CesAs from grass species. The sub-class identity is primarily defined by the HVR, and the sequence in this region does not vary substantially among members of the same sub-class. Hence, we suggest that the region is more aptly termed a `class-specific region' (CSR). Several motifs containing cysteine, basic, acidic and aromatic residues indicate that the CSR may function in substrate binding specificity and catalysis. Similar motifs are conserved in bacterial cellulose synthases, the Dictyostelium discoideum cellulose synthase, and other processive glycosyltransferases involved in the synthesis of non-cellulosic polymers with (14)-linked backbones, including chitin, heparan, and hyaluronan. These analyses re-open the question whether all the CesA genes encode cellulose synthases or whether some of the sub-class members may encode other non-cellulosic (14)-glycan synthases in plants. For example, the mixed-linkage (13)(14)-D-glucan synthase is found specifically in grasses and possesses many features more similar to those of cellulose synthase than to those of other -linked cross-linking glycans. In this respect, the enzymatic properties of the mixed-linkage -glucan synthases not only provide special insight into the mechanisms of (14)-glycan synthesis but may also uncover the genes that encode the synthases themselves.  相似文献   

Alzheimer disease (AD) is characterized by the presence of senile plaques of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides derived from amyloid precursor protein (APP) and neurofibrillary tangles made of hyperphosphorylated Tau. Increasing APP gene dosage or expression has been shown to cause familial early-onset AD. However, whether and how protein stability of APP is regulated is unclear. The prolyl isomerase Pin1 and glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK3β) have been shown to have the opposite effects on APP processing and Tau hyperphosphorylation, relevant to the pathogenesis of AD. However, nothing is known about their relationship. In this study, we found that Pin1 binds to the pT330-P motif in GSK3β to inhibit its kinase activity. Furthermore, Pin1 promotes protein turnover of APP by inhibiting GSK3β activity. A point mutation either at Thr-330, the Pin1-binding site in GSK3β, or at Thr-668, the GSK3β phosphorylation site in APP, abolished the regulation of GSK3β activity, Thr-668 phosphorylation, and APP stability by Pin1, resulting in reduced non-amyloidogenic APP processing and increased APP levels. These results uncover a novel role of Pin1 in inhibiting GSK3β kinase activity to reduce APP protein levels, providing a previously unrecognized mechanism by which Pin1 protects against Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

The residue-residue contacts and the role of medium and long rangeinteractions in 36 (/)8 barrel proteins have beenanalysed. The influence of long range contacts in the formation ofphysico-chemically similar clusters, and the preference of amino acidresidues towards long range contacts have also been studied. Theresults reveal a nearly uniform level of medium and long rangecontacts in most of the proteins. The residues Gln and Ala havehighest medium range contacts and the residue Pro has the lowestmedium range contacts. The residue Cys has the highest long rangecontact followed by other hydrophobic residues namely Val, Ile andLeu. In the physico-chemically similar clusters identified in theseproteins, 25–40 percent residues are influenced by long rangecontacts, and the residues Cys, Ile, Val and Met are the mostpreferred ones.  相似文献   

The evolution of distyly from tristyly has occurred repeatedly, especially in the Lythraceae. However, the evolutionary forces involved remain unclear since species exhibiting transitional stages between tristyly and distyly have rarely been studied. The self-compatible, wetland perennial Decodon verticillatus (Lythraceae) may provide this transitional variation since populations commonly lack style morphs, particularly the mid-styled (M) morph. In dimorphic populations lacking the M morph, anthers positioned at the mid level in both the long- (L) and short-styled (S) morphs have lost their target stigma, setting the stage for either evolutionary repositioning of mid-level anthers to increase pollen export to L and S stigmas, or increased variability in mid-level anther position resulting from relaxed selection. We examined these two hypotheses by comparing floral morphology in eight dimorphic and ten trimorphic populations from throughout the species’ range. We found no evidence that loss of the M morph has led to evolutionary modification of mid-level stamens. While mid-level stamens of the S morph were 11.0 ± 4.0% (mean ± 1 SE) longer than those of the L morph in dimorphic populations, divergence in stamen length between morphs occurred to the same extent (10.4 ± 2.0%) in trimorphic populations and cannot be attributed to the absence of the M morph. Analyses of variability using median ratio tests revealed no difference in the variability of mid-level stamen length between dimorphic and trimorphic populations. Mid-level stamens were not more variable than long- and short-level stamens within dimorphic populations. The consistent divergence in mid-level stamens between the L and S morphs may reflect morph-specific differences in the optimal position of mid-level anthers for maximizing cross-pollination and avoiding self-fertilization.  相似文献   

Protein engineering by directed evolution has proven effective in achieving various functional modifications, but the well-established protocols for the introduction of variability, typically limited to random point mutations, seriously restrict the scope of the approach. In an attempt to overcome this limitation, we sought to explore variant libraries with richer diversity at regions recognized as functionally important through an exchange of natural components, thus combining design with combinatorial diversity. With this approach, we expected to maintain interactions important for protein stability while directing the introduction of variability to areas important for catalysis.Our strategy consisted in loop exchange over a (β/α)8 fold. Phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase was chosen as scaffold, and we investigated its tolerance to loop exchange by fusing variant libraries to the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase coding gene as an in vivo folding reporter. We replaced loops 2, 4, and 6 of phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase with loops of varied types and sizes from enzymes sharing the same fold.To allow for a better structural fit, saturation mutagenesis was adopted at two amino acid positions preceding the exchanged loop. Our results showed that 30% to 90% of the generated mutants in the different libraries were folded. Some variants were selected for further characterization after removal of chloramphenicol acetyl transferase gene, and their stability was studied by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy. The sequences of 545 clones show that the introduction of variability at “hinges” connecting the loops with the scaffold exhibited a noticeable effect on the appearance of folded proteins. Also, we observed that each position accepted foreign loops of different sizes and sequences.We believe our work provides the basis of a general method of exchanging variably sized loops within the (β/α)8 fold, affording a novel starting point for the screening of novel activities as well as modest diversions from an original activity.  相似文献   

Our knowledge about adipocyte metabolism and development is steadily growing, yet many players are still undefined. Here, we show that α/β-hydrolase domain containing protein 15 (Abhd15) is a direct and functional target gene of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ), the master regulator of adipogenesis. In line, Abhd15 is mainly expressed in brown and white adipose tissue and strongly upregulated during adipogenesis in various murine and human cell lines. Stable knockdown of Abhd15 in 3T3-L1 cells evokes a striking differentiation defect, as evidenced by low lipid accumulation and decreased expression of adipocyte marker genes. In preconfluent cells, knockdown of Abhd15 leads to impaired proliferation, which is caused by apoptosis, as we see an increased SubG1 peak, caspase 3/7 activity, and BAX protein expression as well as a reduction in anti-apoptotic BCL-2 protein. Furthermore, apoptosis-inducing amounts of palmitic acid evoke a massive increase of Abhd15 expression, proposing an apoptosis-protecting role for ABHD15. On the other hand, in mature adipocytes physiological (i.e. non-apoptotic) concentrations of palmitic acid down-regulate Abhd15 expression. Accordingly, we found that the expression of Abhd15 in adipose tissue is reduced in physiological situations with high free fatty acid levels, like high-fat diet, fasting, and aging as well as in genetically obese mice. Collectively, our results position ABHD15 as an essential component in the development of adipocytes as well as in apoptosis, thereby connecting two substantial factors in the regulation of adipocyte number and size. Together with its intricate regulation by free fatty acids, ABHD15 might be an intriguing new target in obesity and diabetes research.  相似文献   

The inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH)/guanosine monophosphate reductase (GMPR) family of (β/α)8 enzymes presents an excellent opportunity to investigate how subtle changes in enzyme structure change reaction specificity. IMPDH and GMPR bind the same ligands with similar affinities and share a common set of catalytic residues. Both enzymes catalyze a hydride transfer reaction involving a nicotinamide cofactor hydride, and both reactions proceed via the same covalent intermediate. In the case of IMPDH, this intermediate reacts with water, while in GMPR it reacts with ammonia. In both cases, the two chemical transformations are separated by a conformational change. In IMPDH, the conformational change involves a mobile protein flap while in GMPR, the cofactor moves. Thus reaction specificity is controlled by differences in dynamics, which in turn are controlled by residues outside the active site. These findings have some intriguing implications for the evolution of the IMPDH/GMPR family.  相似文献   

The (/)8 barrel proteins, in spite of having a common fold, do not show any sequence similarity. In order to understand the factors which are responsible for maintaining the common fold, the three-dimensional structures of 36 (/)8 barrel proteins are analyzed for the presence of identical amino acid clusters or physicochemically similar clusters. The results reveal 14 identical amino acid clusters and a large number of physicochemically similar clusters. Further analysis of the similar clusters points to the conservation of secondary structures, the presence of pairs of residues occupying topologically equivalent secondary structures, and the presence of certain key residues which may play a vital role in directing and stabilizing the (/)8 barrel fold.  相似文献   

By predicting the general secondary structure for β-glucosidases (family 3), in conjunction with existing knowledge of the circular permutants present in B. fibrisolvens and R. albus, we were able to find the canonical elements of the secondary structure. The way these elements are linked suggests that there is a double-domain topology made up of a (β/α)8-barrel domain and a “mainly all-β” domain. A number of already known conserved motifs are located within (or near) the C-terminal part of the putative parallel β-strands of the (β/α)8-barrel, which is consistent with what is known about the location of catalytical sites for enzymes that have this domain topology. Within the circular permutants, two β/α units are located at the N-terminal part of the molecule, whereas the other six β/α units are located at the C-terminal end. In this way, the circular permutants can be seen to have a putative discontinuous double-domain topology. Proteins 31:214–223, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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