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In budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, PtdIns(4)P serves as an essential signalling molecule in the Golgi complex, endosomal system, and plasma membrane, where it is involved in the control of multiple cellular functions via direct interactions with PtdIns(4)P-binding proteins. To analyse the distribution of PtdIns(4)P in yeast cells at a nanoscale level, we employed an electron microscopy technique that specifically labels PtdIns(4)P on the freeze-fracture replica of the yeast membrane. This method minimizes the possibility of artificial perturbation, because molecules in the membrane are physically immobilised in situ. We observed that PtdIns(4)P is localised on the cytoplasmic leaflet, but not the exoplasmic leaflet, of the plasma membrane, Golgi body, vacuole, and vesicular structure membranes. PtdIns(4)P labelling was not observed in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum, and in the outer and inner membranes of the nuclear envelope or mitochondria. PtdIns(4)P forms clusters of <100?nm in diameter in the plasma membrane and vacuolar membrane according to point pattern analysis of immunogold labelling. There are three kinds of compartments in the cytoplasmic leaflet of the plasma membrane. In the present study, we showed that PtdIns(4)P is specifically localised in the flat undifferentiated plasma membrane compartment. In the vacuolar membrane, PtdIns(4)P was concentrated in intramembrane particle (IMP)-deficient raft-like domains, which are tightly bound to lipid droplets, but not surrounding IMP-rich non-raft domains in geometrical IMP-distributed patterns in the stationary phase. This is the first report showing microdomain formations of PtdIns(4)P in the plasma membrane and vacuolar membrane of budding yeast cells at a nanoscale level, which will illuminate the functionality of PtdIns(4)P in each membrane.  相似文献   

Numerous reports have established that lipid peroxidation contributes to cell injury by altering the basic physical properties and structural organization of membrane components. Oxidative modification of polyunsaturated phospholipids has been shown, in particular, to alter the intermolecular packing, thermodynamic, and phase parameters of the membrane bilayer. In this study, the effects of oxidative stress on membrane phospholipid and sterol organization were measured using small angle x-ray diffraction approaches. Model membranes enriched in dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine were prepared at various concentrations of cholesterol and subjected to lipid peroxidation at physiologic conditions. At cholesterol-to-phospholipid mole ratios (C/P) as low as 0.4, lipid peroxidation induced the formation of discrete, membrane-restricted cholesterol domains having a unit cell periodicity or d-space value of 34 A. The formation of cholesterol domains correlated directly with lipid hydroperoxide levels and was inhibited by treatment with vitamin E. In the absence of oxidative stress, similar cholesterol domains were observed only at C/P ratios of 1.0 or higher. In addition to changes in sterol organization, lipid peroxidation also caused reproducible changes in overall membrane structure, including a 10 A reduction in the width of the surrounding, sterol-poor membrane bilayer. These data provided direct evidence that lipid peroxidation alters the essential organization and structure of membrane lipids in a manner that may contribute to changes in membrane function during aging and oxidative stress-related disorders.  相似文献   

We studied compositionally heterogeneous multi-component model membranes comprised of saturated lipids, unsaturated lipids, cholesterol, and α-helical TM protein models using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. Reducing the mismatch between the length of the saturated and unsaturated lipid tails reduced the driving force for segregation into liquid-ordered (l(o)) and liquid-disordered (l(d)) lipid domains. Cholesterol depletion had a similar effect, and binary lipid mixtures without cholesterol did not undergo large-scale phase separation under the simulation conditions. The phase-separating ternary dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC)/dilinoleoyl-PC (DLiPC)/cholesterol bilayer was found to segregate into l(o) and l(d) domains also in the presence of a high concentration of ΤΜ helices. The l(d) domain was highly crowded with TM helices (protein-to-lipid ratio ~1:5), slowing down lateral diffusion by a factor of 5-10 as compared to the dilute case, with anomalous (sub)-diffusion on the μs time scale. The membrane with the less strongly unsaturated palmitoyl-linoleoyl-PC instead of DLiPC, which in the absence of TM α-helices less strongly deviated from ideal mixing, could be brought closer to a miscibility critical point by introducing a high concentration of TM helices. Finally, the 7-TM protein bacteriorhodopsin was found to partition into the l(d) domains irrespective of hydrophobic matching. These results show that it is possible to directly study the lateral reorganization of lipids and proteins in compositionally heterogeneous and crowded model biomembranes with coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations, a step toward simulations of realistic, compositionally complex cellular membranes. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Protein Folding in Membranes.  相似文献   

Folding, curvature, and domain formation are characteristics of many biological membranes. Yet the mechanisms that drive both curvature and the formation of specialized domains enriched in particular protein complexes are unknown. For this reason, studies in membranes whose shape and organization are known under physiological conditions are of great value. We therefore conducted atomic force microscopy and polarized spectroscopy experiments on membranes of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. These membranes are densely populated with peripheral light harvesting (LH2) complexes, physically and functionally connected to dimeric reaction center-light harvesting (RC-LH1-PufX) complexes. Here, we show that even when converting the dimeric RC-LH1-PufX complex into RC-LH1 monomers by deleting the gene encoding PufX, both the appearance of protein domains and the associated membrane curvature are retained. This suggests that a general mechanism may govern membrane organization and shape. Monte Carlo simulations of a membrane model accounting for crowding and protein geometry alone confirm that these features are sufficient to induce domain formation and membrane curvature. Our results suggest that coexisting ordered and fluid domains of like proteins can arise solely from asymmetries in protein size and shape, without the need to invoke specific interactions. Functionally, coexisting domains of different fluidity are of enormous importance to allow for diffusive processes to occur in crowded conditions.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae were prepared by a new procedure involving lyticase treatment of the yeast cells. The plasma membranes were right-side-out, closed vesicles of uniform appearance with a sterol to phospholipid molar ratio of 0.365. The thermotropic behavior of these plasma membranes from wild-type yeast and from sterol mutants was examined by differential scanning calorimetry, fluorescence anisotropy and Arrhenius kinetics of plasma membrane enzymes. While differential scanning calorimetry failed to demonstrate any lipid transition, fluorescence anisotropy data indicated that lipid transitions were occurring in the plasma membranes of the yeast sterol mutants but not the sterol wild-type. The temperature dependence of the plasma membrane enzymes, chitin synthase and Mg2+-ATPase, was also investigated. The Arrhenius kinetics of chitin synthase did not reveal any transitions in either the sterol mutant or wild-type plasma membranes, yet the Arrhenius kinetics of the Mg2+-ATPase suggested that lipid transitions were occurring in both cases.  相似文献   

We describe the interaction of pure brain tubulin with purified membranes specialized in different cell functions, i.e., plasma membranes and mitochondrial membranes from liver and secretory granule membranes from adrenal medulla. We studied the tubulin-binding activity of cellular membranes using a radiolabeled ligand-receptor assay and an antibody retention assay. The tubulin-membrane interaction was time- and temperature-dependent, reversible, specific, and saturable. The binding of tubulin to membranes appears to be specific since acidic proteins such as serum albumin or actin did not interfere in the binding process. The apparent overall affinity constant of the tubulin- membrane interaction ranged between 1.5 and 3.0 X 10(7) M-1; similar values were obtained for the three types of membranes. Tubulin bound to membranes was not entrapped into vesicles since it reacted quantitatively with antitubulin antibodies. At saturation of the tubulin-binding sites, the amount of reversibly bound tubulin represents 5-10% by weight of membrane protein (0.4-0.9 nmol tubulin/mg membrane protein). The high tubulin-binding capacity of membranes seems to be inconsistent with a 1:1 stoichiometry between tubulin and a membrane component but could be relevant to a kind of tubulin assembly. Indeed, tubulin-membrane interaction had some properties in common with microtubule formation: (a) the association of tubulin to membranes increased with the temperature, whereas the dissociation of tubulin- membrane complexes increased by decreasing temperature; (b) the binding of tubulin to membranes was prevented by phosphate buffer. However, the tubulin-membrane interaction differed from tubulin polymerization in several aspects: (a) it occurred at concentrations far below the critical concentration for polymerization; (b) it was not inhibited at low ionic strength and (c) it was colchicine-insensitive. Plasma membranes, mitochondrial membranes, and secretory granule membranes contained tubulin as an integral component. This was demonstrated on intact membrane and on Nonidet P-40 solubilized membrane protein using antitubulin antibodies in antibody retention and radioimmune assays. Membrane tubulin content varied from 2.2 to 4.4 micrograms/mg protein. The involvement of membrane tubulin in tubulin-membrane interactions remains questionable since erythrocyte membranes devoid of membrane tubulin exhibited a low (one-tenth of that of rat liver plasma membranes) but significant tubulin-binding activity. These results show that membranes specialized in different cell functions possess high- affinity, large-capacity tubulin-binding sites...  相似文献   

We previously found that phosphatidylglucoside (PtdGlc), a novel glycolipid expressed in HL60 cells, plays a role in forming signaling microdomains involved in cellular differentiation. Because cells contain minute levels of PtdGlc, pure PtdGlc is very difficult to isolate. Thus, its complete structure has never been assessed. To aid in analyzing PtdGlc, we generated a PtdGlc-specific monoclonal antibody, DIM21, by immunizing mice with detergent-insoluble membranes isolated from HL60 cells [Yamazaki, Y., et al. (2006) J. Immunol. Methods 311, 106-116]. DIM21 immunostaining of murine CNS tissues revealed stage- and cell type-specific localization of the DIM21 antigen during development, with especially high levels of expression in radial glia/astroglia. DIM21 immunostained cultured hippocampal astroglia in a punctate fashion. To characterize the structure of PtdGlc, we isolated DIM21 antigen from fetal brains. Using successive column chromatography, we purified two previously unrecognized glycolipids, PGX-1 and PGX-2, from embryonic day 21 rat brains. DIM21 reacted more strongly to PGX-2 than to PGX-1. Structural analyses with 600 MHz (1)H NMR, FT-ICR mass spectrometry, and GC revealed that PGX-1 is phosphatidyl beta-d-(6-O-acetyl)glucopyranoside and PGX-2 is phosphatidyl beta-d-glucopyranoside. The yields of PGX-1 and PGX-2 were approximately 250 +/- 150 and 440 +/- 270 nmol/g of dried brains, respectively. Surprisingly, both glycolipids were composed exclusively of C18:0 at the C1 position and C20:0 at the C2 position of the glycerol backbone. This saturated fatty acyl chain composition comprising a single molecular species rarely occurs in known mammalian lipids and provides a molecular basis for why PtdGlc resides in raftlike lipid microdomains.  相似文献   

The sphingolipid, ceramide, self-assembles in the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM), forming large channels capable of translocating proteins. These channels are believed to be involved in protein release from mitochondria, a key decision-making step in cell death. Synthetic analogs of ceramide, bearing modifications in each of the major structural features of ceramide were used to probe the molecular basis for the stability of ceramide channels. Channel stability and mitochondrial permeabilization were disrupted by methylation of the C1-hydroxyl group whereas modifications of the C3 allylic hydroxyl group were well tolerated. A change in chirality at C2 that would influence the orientation of the C1-hydroxyl group resulted in a strong reduction of channel-forming ability. Similarly, methylation of the amide nitrogen is also detrimental to channel formation. Many changes in the degree, location and nature of the unsaturation of ceramide had little effect on mitochondrial permeabilization. Competition experiments between ceramide and analogs resulted in synergy with structures compatible with the ceramide channel model and antagonism with incompatible structures. The results are consistent with ceramide channels being highly organized structures, stabilized by specific inter-molecular interactions, similar to the interactions responsible for protein folding.  相似文献   

In this paper we have studied the kinetics of psi-DNA structure formation induced by H1 and H1 peptides containing the C-terminal domain, namely the CTB peptide, obtained by thrombin digestion, and the CNBS peptide, derived from N-bromosuccinimide treatment of H1. The time course for the formation of the psi structure has been followed by measuring the changes in ellipticity at 270 nm as a function of time under different experimental conditions. In all cases studied here, we have observed the existence of two elementary processes: one fast, the other slow. Kinetic experiments performed with high molecular weight DNA showed that the greater the salt concentration, the higher was the apparent rate of psi structure formation. In complexes formed with sonicated DNA and H1, CNBS and CTB, we observed that the greater the content of the C-terminal domain, the higher was the apparent rate at which the final psi structure was reached. Thus, the presence of increasing amounts of either salt or C-terminal domain facilitates the formation of the psi structure. The molecular basis for these phenomena is discussed. The influence of the order of addition of the different components of the complex on the kinetics of psi structure induction is also studied.  相似文献   

We have developed a new rapid cell-free assay for endocytic clathrin-coated vesicle formation using highly purified rat liver plasma membrane sheets. After incubation in the presence of cytosol and nucleotides, released vesicles were collected by high-speed centrifugation and incorporated cargo receptors were detected by Western blotting. Three different cargo receptors were internalized into vesicles while a receptor, known to be excluded from coated pits, was not. The recruitment of cargo receptors into the vesicle fraction was cytosol, ATP and temperature-dependent and was enhanced by addition of GTP. Vesicle formation in this assay was confirmed by subcellular fractionation and EM analysis. Plasma membranes stripped of their endogenous coat proteins with 0.5  m Tris retained vesicle formation activity, which was highly dependent on clathrin and dynamin. Coat proteins and dynamin were not sufficient for clathrin-coated vesicle formation, and other peripheral membrane proteins recruited from the cytosol are required. The nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue, AMPPNP did not support clathrin-coated vesicle formation; however, surprisingly, GTPγS was as effective as GTP. This assay will provide a powerful tool to dissect the minimum machinery and to probe the hierarchy of events involved in cargo selection and endocytic clathrin-coated vesicle formation .  相似文献   

Glycosphingolipids, sphingomyelin and cholesterol are often all found in the detergent resistant fraction of biological membranes and are therefore recognized as raft components, but they do not necessarily co-localize in the same lateral domains. From cell biological studies it is evident that different sphingolipid species can be found in different lateral regions within the same cellular membrane. Biophysical studies have shown that their tendency to co-localize with each other and with other membrane components is largely governed by structural features of all lipids present. Glycosphingolipids form gel-phase like domains in fluid lipid bilayers. Sphingomyelin readily associates with cholesterol, forming liquid-ordered phase domains, but glycosphingolipids do not readily form cholesterol-enriched domains by themselves. However, mixed sphingomyelin- and glycosphingolipid-rich domains appear to incorporate cholesterol. Recent studies indicate that the ceramide backbone structure as well as the number of sugar units and presence of charge in the glycosphingolipid head group will influence the partitioning of these lipids between lateral membrane domains. The properties of the domains will be largely influenced by the presence of glycosphingolipids, which have very high melting temperatures. The lateral partitioning of glycosphingolipid molecular species has only recently been studied more intensively, and a lot remains to be done in this field of research.  相似文献   

The aggregation of alpha-synuclein is believed to be a critical factor in the etiology of Parkinson's disease. alpha-Synuclein is an abundant neuronal protein of unknown function, which is enriched in the presynaptic terminals of neurons. Although alpha-synuclein is found predominantly in the cytosolic fractions, membrane-bound alpha-synuclein has been suggested to play an important role in fibril formation. The effects of alpha-synuclein on lipid bilayers of different compositions were determined using fluorescent environment-specific probes located at various depths. alpha-Synuclein-membrane interactions were found to affect both protein and membrane properties. Our results indicate that in addition to electrostatic interactions, hydrophobic interactions are important in the association of the protein with the bilayer, and lead to disruption of the membrane. The latter was observed by atomic force microscopy and fluorescent dye leakage from vesicles. The kinetics of alpha-synuclein fibril formation were significantly affected by the protein association and subsequent membrane disruption, and reflected the conformation of alpha-synuclein. The ability of alpha-synuclein to disrupt membranes correlated with the binding affinity of alpha-synuclein for the particular membrane composition, and to the induced helical conformation of alpha-synuclein. Protofibrillar or fibrillar alpha-synuclein caused a much more rapid destruction of the membrane than soluble monomeric alpha-synuclein, indicating that protofibrils (oligomers) or fibrils are likely to be significantly neurotoxic.  相似文献   

Plasma kallikrein is a serine protease that has many important functions, including modulation of blood pressure, complement activation, and mediation and maintenance of inflammatory responses. Although plasma kallikrein has been purified for 40 years, its structure has not been elucidated. In this report, we described two systems (Pichia pastoris and baculovirus/Sf9 cells) for expression of the protease domain of plasma kallikrein, along with the purification and high resolution crystal structures of the two recombinant forms. In the Pichia pastoris system, the protease domain was expressed as a heterogeneously glycosylated zymogen that was activated by limited trypsin digestion and treated with endoglycosidase H deglycosidase to reduce heterogeneity from the glycosylation. The resulting protein was chromatographically resolved into four components, one of which was crystallized. In the baculovirus/Sf9 system, homogeneous, crystallizable, and nonglycosylated protein was expressed after mutagenizing three asparagines (the glycosylation sites) to glutamates. When assayed against the peptide substrates, pefachrome-PK and oxidized insulin B chain, both forms of the protease domain were found to have catalytic activity similar to that of the full-length protein. Crystallization and x-ray crystal structure determination of both forms have yielded the first three-dimensional views of the catalytic domain of plasma kallikrein. The structures, determined at 1.85 A for the endoglycosidase H-deglycosylated protease domain produced from P. pastoris and at 1.40 A for the mutagenically deglycosylated form produced from Sf9 cells, show that the protease domain adopts a typical chymotrypsin-like serine protease conformation. The structural information provides insights into the biochemical and enzymatic properties of plasma kallikrein and paves the way for structure-based design of protease inhibitors that are selective either for or against plasma kallikrein.  相似文献   

Sphingolipid and cholesterol-rich liquid ordered lipid domains (lipid rafts) have been studied in both eukaryotic cells and model membranes. However, while the coexistence of ordered and disordered liquid phases can now be easily demonstrated in model membranes, the situation in cell membranes remains ambiguous. Unlike the usual situation in model membranes, under most conditions, cell membranes rich in sphingolipid and cholesterol may have a "granular" organization in which the size of ordered and/or disordered domains is extremely small and domains may be of borderline stability. This review attempts to explain the origin of the divergence between of our understanding of rafts in model membranes and in cells, and how the physical properties of model membranes can help explain many of the ambiguities concerning raft formation and properties in cells. How physical principles of ordered domain formation relate to limitations of detergent insolubility and cholesterol depletion methods used to infer the presence of rafts in cells is also discussed. Possible modifications of these techniques that may increase their reliability are considered. It will be necessary to study model membrane systems more closely approximating cell membranes in order gain a complete understanding of raft properties in cells. Very high concentrations of membrane cholesterol and proteins may explain key physical characteristics of domains in cellular membranes, and are the two of the most obvious factors requiring additional study.  相似文献   

Unilamellar liposomes composed of natural phospholipids provide a new promising class of protective agents for hypothermic storage, cryopreservation, or freeze-drying of red blood cells (RBCs). In this study, FTIR spectroscopy, MALDI-TOF MS, and colorimetric assays were used to investigate the effects of liposomes composed of a homologous series of linear saturated phosphatidylcholine phospholipids (18:0; 16:0; 14:0; 12:0) on RBC membranes. RBCs were incubated with liposomes at 37°C and both the liposomal and the RBC fraction were analyzed after incubation. FTIR studies showed that liposomes composed of short acyl chain length lipids cause an increase in RBC membrane conformational disorder at suprazero temperatures, whereas long acyl chain length lipids were found to have little effects. The increased lipid conformational disorder in the RBC membranes coincided with a decrease in the cholesterol-to-phospholipid ratio. The opposite effects were found in the liposomes after incubation with RBCs. MALDI-TOF MS analysis showed the presence of short acyl chain length lipids (14:0 and 12:0) in RBC membranes after incubation, which was not observed after incubation with liposomes containing long acyl chain length lipids (18:0 and 16:0). Liposomes alter RBC membrane properties by cholesterol depletion and lipid addition.  相似文献   

Rafts are sphingolipid/cholesterol-rich lipid domains believed to exist within certain eukaryotic cell membranes. Model membrane studies have been key to understanding the basic physical principles behind raft formation. Recent fluorescence quenching studies have demonstrated that tight packing between sterols and sphingolipids is the driving force for raft formation, and have begun to decipher the rules governing how different molecules interact with rafts.  相似文献   

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