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Interactions of meso-tetrakis(4-N-methylpyridiniumyl)porphyrin [TMpyP(4)] with poly[d(G-C)].poly[d(G-C)] [poly[d(G-C)2] and poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)] [poly[d(A-T)2] were studied by equilibrium dialysis and stopped-flow dissociation kinetics as a function of [Na+]. Metalloderivatives of TMpyP(4), NiTMpyP(4), and ZnTMpyP(4) were also investigated. The apparent equilibrium binding constants (Kobs) were approximately the same for TMpyP(4) binding to either poly[d(G-C)2] or poly[d(A-T)2] and decreased with increasing [Na+]. The slopes of the plots of log Kobs vs log [Na+] were similar, with values close to -2.7. Contrary to implications in previously reported studies, these data do not indicate that TMpyP(4) prefers to bind to GC sites at low ionic strength and to AT sites at high ionic strength. In contrast, binding of ZnTMpyP(4) to these two polymers is very different. Comparisons of Kobs values at 0.065 M [Na+] indicate that ZnTMpyP(4) binding to AT sites is approximately 200 times more favorable than binding to GC sites, a finding in agreement with previous qualitative observations. Although the binding of the Zn species to the GC polymer was too weak for us to assess the salt effect, the plot of log Kobs vs log [Na+] gave a slope of -2.0 for ZnTMpyP(4) binding to poly[d(A-T)2]. Application of condensation theory for polyelectrolytes suggests similar charge interactions for ZnTMpyP(4) and for TMpyP(4) binding to poly[d(A-T)2]. Likewise, the rates of dissociation from poly[d(A-T)2] were similar for TMpyP(4) and ZnTMpyP(4) [and also NiTMpyP(4)]. However, whereas TMpyP(4) [and NiTMpyP(4)] dissociation from poly[d(G-C)2] was measurable, that for ZnTMpyP(4) was too fast to measure.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Antibodies to DNA (anti-DNA) are the serological hallmark of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and can mediate disease pathogenesis by the formation of immune complexes. Since blocking immune complex formation can attenuate disease manifestations, the effects of nucleic acid binding polymers (NABPs) on anti-DNA binding in vitro were investigated. The compounds tested included polyamidoamine dendrimer, 1,4-diaminobutane core, generation 3.0 (PAMAM-G3), hexadimethrine bromide, and a β-cylodextrin-containing polycation. As shown with plasma from patients with SLE, NABPs can inhibit anti-DNA antibody binding in ELISA assays. The inhibition was specific since the NABPs did not affect binding to tetanus toxoid or the Sm protein, another lupus autoantigen. Furthermore, the polymers could displace antibody from preformed complexes. Together, these results indicate that NABPs can inhibit the formation of immune complexes and may represent a new approach to treatment.  相似文献   

To create new, effective reagents for affinity modification of restriction-modification (R-M) enzymes, a regioselective method for reactive dialdehyde group incorporation into oligonucleotides, based on insertion of a 1-beta-D-galactopyranosylthymine residue, has been developed. We synthesized DNA duplex analogs of the substrates of the Eco RII and Mva I R-M enzymes that contained a galactose or periodate-oxidized galactose residue as single substituents either in the center of the Eco RII (Mva I) recognition site or in the flanking nucleotide sequence. The dependence of binding, cleavage and methylation of these substrate analogs on the modified sugar location in the duplex was determined. Cross-linking of the reagents to the enzymes under different conditions was examined. M. Eco RII covalent attachment to periodate-oxidized substrate analogs proceeded in a specific way and to a large extent depended on the location of the reactive dialdehyde group in the substrate. The yield of covalent attachment to a DNA duplex with a dialdehyde group in the flanking sequence with Eco RII or Mva I methylases was 9-20% and did not exceed 4% for R. Eco RII.  相似文献   

Water-soluble core-shell star polymers consisting of a dendritic polyphenylene core and an outer shell containing a defined number of amino groups have been synthesized via atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). All macromolecules efficiently interacted with a diverse set of DNA fragments, and stable complexes were formed and visualized by atomic force microscopy. The observed tight binding of DNA, which was found in the sub-nanomolar range, was mainly attributed to strong electrostatic interactions. Complex stoichiometries between the polyelectrolytes were controlled via the number of amino groups of the star polymers, and well-defined nanoscopic architectures were formed. DNA was released from the complexes after treatment with high concentrations of sodium chloride in aqueous solution. Such star polymers, which allow the binding and release of DNA, represent attractive candidates for the development of novel anion-exchange resins for DNA purification or as nonviral vector systems for gene delivery.  相似文献   

The binding of the antibiotics netropsin and distamycin A to DNA has been studied by thermal melting, CD and sedimentation analysis. Netropsin binds strongly at antibiotic/nucleotide ratios up to at least 0.05. CD spectra obtained using DNA model polymers reveal that netropsin binds tightly to poly (dA) · poly (dT), poly (dA-dT) · poly(dA-dT) and poly (dI-dC) · poly (dI-dC) but poorly, if at all, to poly (dG) · poly (dC). Binding curves obtained with calf thymus DNA reveal one netropsin-binding site per 6.0 nucleotides (Ka=2.9 · 105 M−1); corresponding values for distamycin A are one site per 6.1 nucleotides with Ka= 11.6 · 105 M−1. Binding sites apparently involve predominantly A·T-rich sequences whose specific conformation determines their high affinity for the two antibiotics. It is suggested that the binding is stabilized primarily by hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions probably in the narrow groove of the DNA helix, but without intercalation. Any local structural deformation of the helix does not involve unwinding greater than approximately 3° per bound antibiotic molecule.  相似文献   

C Price  J C Shepherd    T A Bickle 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(5):1493-1497
The DNA sequences recognized by the allelic type I restriction enzymes EcoR124 and EcoR124/3 were determined. EcoR124 recognizes 5'-GAA(N6)RTCG-3' and EcoR124/3 recognizes 5'-GAA(N7)RTCG-3'. These are typical of sequences recognized by type I recognition enzymes in that they consist of two specific domains separated by a non-specific spacer sequence. For these two enzymes, the specific sequences are identical but the length of the non-specific spacer is different. The specific domains of EcoR124/3 are thus 3.4 A further apart than those of EcoR124 and rotated with respect to each other through a further 36 degrees.  相似文献   

The rumen: a unique source of enzymes for enhancing livestock production   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Increasing competition in the livestock industry has forced producers to cut costs by adopting new technologies aimed at increasing production efficiency. One particularly promising technology is feeding enzymes as supplements for animal diets. Supplementation of diets for non-ruminants (e.g., swine and poultry) with fibrolytic enzymes, such as cellulases, xylanases and beta-glucanases, increases the feed conversion efficiency and growth rate of the animals. Enzymatic hydrolysis of plant cell wall polymers (e.g., cellulose, xylan, beta-glucans) releases glucose and xylose and eliminates the antinutritional effects of beta-glucans and arabinoxylans. Enzyme supplementation of diets for ruminants has also been shown to improve growth performance, even though the rumen itself represents the most potent fibrolytic fermentation system known. Implementation of this technology in the livestock industry has been limited largely because of the cost of development and production of enzymes. Over the last decade, however, developments in recombinant DNA technology have increased the efficiency of existing microbial production systems and facilitated exploitation of alternative sources of industrial enzymes. The ruminal ecosystem is among the novel enzyme sources currently being explored. Understanding the role of enzymes in feed digestion through characterization of the enzymology and genetics involved in digestion of feedstuffs by ruminants will provide insight required to improve the products currently available to producers. Characterization of genes encoding a variety of hydrolytic enzymes, such as cellulases, xylanases, beta-glucanases, amylases, pectinases, proteases, phytases and tannases, will foster the development of more efficacious enzyme supplements and enzyme expression systems for enhancing nutrient utilization by domestic animals. Characteristics of the original source organism need no longer restrict the production of a useful enzyme. Recent reports of transgenic plants expressing fibrolytic or phytase activity and of transgenic mice able to produce endoglucanase in the pancreas speak to the feasibility of improving feed digestion through genetic modification of the feedstuffs and the animals.  相似文献   

The archaeal intron-encoded homing enzymes I-PorI and I-DmoI belong to a family of endonucleases that contain two copies of a characteristic LAGLIDADG motif. These endonucleases cleave their intron- or intein- alleles site-specifically, and thereby facilitate homing of the introns or inteins which encode them. The protein structure and the mechanism of DNA recognition of these homing enzymes is largely unknown. Therefore, we examined these properties of I-PorI and I-DmoI by protein footprinting. Both proteins were susceptible to proteolytic cleavage within regions that are equidistant from each of the two LAGLIDADG motifs. When complexed with their DNA substrates, a characteristic subset of the exposed sites, located in regions immediately after and 40-60 amino acids after each of the LAGLIDADG motifs, were protected. Our data suggest that the enzymes are structured into two, tandemly repeated, domains, each containing both the LAGLIDADG motif and two putative DNA binding regions. The latter contains a potentially novel DNA binding motif conserved in archaeal homing enzymes. The results are consistent with a model where the LAGLIDADG endonucleases bind to their non-palindromic substrates as monomeric enzymes, with each of the two domains recognizing one half of the DNA substrate.  相似文献   

Type III and type VI secretion systems (T3/T6SS) are encoded in horizontally acquired genomic islands (GIs) that play crucial roles in evolution and virulence in bacterial pathogens. T3/T6SS expression is subjected to tight control by the host xenogeneic silencer H-NS, but how this mechanism is counteracted remains to be illuminated. Here, we report that xenogeneic nucleoid-associated protein EnrR encoded in a GI is essential for virulence in pathogenic bacteria Edwardsiella and Salmonella. We showed that EnrR plays critical roles in T3/T6SS expression in these bacteria. Various biochemical and genetic analyses demonstrated that EnrR binds and derepresses the promoter of esrB, the critical regulator of T3/T6SS, to promote their expression by competing with H-NS. Additionally, EnrR targets AT-rich regions, globally modulates the expression of ∼363 genes and is involved in various cellular processes. Crystal structures of EnrR in complex with a specific AT-rich palindromic DNA revealed a new DNA-binding mode that involves conserved HTH-mediated interactions with the major groove and contacts of its N-terminal extension to the minor groove in the symmetry-related duplex. Collectively, these data demonstrate that EnrR is a virulence activator that can antagonize H-NS, highlighting a unique mechanism by which bacterial xenogeneic regulators recognize and regulate foreign DNA.  相似文献   

The structure of the rare-cutting restriction endonuclease NotI, which recognizes the 8 bp target 5'-GCGGCCGC-3', has been solved with and without bound DNA. Because of its specificity (recognizing a site that occurs once per 65 kb), NotI is used to generate large genomic fragments and to map DNA methylation status. NotI contains a unique metal binding fold, found in a variety of putative endonucleases, occupied by an iron atom coordinated within a tetrahedral Cys4 motif. This domain positions nearby protein elements for DNA recognition, and serves a structural role. While recognition of the central six base pairs of the target is accomplished via a saturated hydrogen bond network typical of restriction enzymes, the most peripheral base pairs are engaged in a single direct contact in the major groove, reflecting reduced pressure to recognize those positions. NotI may represent an evolutionary intermediate between mobile endonucleases (which recognize longer target sites) and canonical restriction endonucleases.  相似文献   

Propidium iodide is used as a structural probe for alternating and non-alternating DNA polymers containing guanine and the results are compared to experiments with poly[d(A-T)2], poly(dA . dT) and random DNA sequences. Viscometric titrations indicate that propidium binds to all polymers and to DNA by intercalation. The binding constant and binding site size are quite similar for all alternating polymers, non-alternating polymers containing guanine and natural DNA. Poly(dA . dT) is unusual with a lower binding constant and positive cooperativity in its propidium binding isotherms. Poly(dA . dT) and poly(dG . dC) have similar salt effects but quite different temperature effects in propidium binding equilibria. Polymers and natural DNA have similar rate constants in their SDS driven dissociation reactions. The association rate constants are similar for the alternating polymers and poly(dG . dC) but are significantly reduced for poly(dA . dT). These results suggest that natural DNA, the alternating polymers, and non-alternating polymers containing guanine convert to an intercalated conformation with bound propidium in a very similar manner.  相似文献   

Farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPPS: EC2.5.1.10), a key enzyme in isoprenoid metabolic pathways, catalyzes the synthesis of farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) an intermediate in the biosynthesis of both sterol and non-sterol isoprenoid end products. The localization of FPPS to peroxisomes has been reported (Krisans, S. K., J. Ericsson, P. A. Edwards, and G. A. Keller. 1994. J. Biol. Chem. 269: 14165;-14169). Using indirect immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopic techniques we show here that FPPS is localized predominantly in the peroxisomes of rat hepatoma H35 cells. However, the partial release of 60;-70% of cellular FPPS activity is observed by selective permeabilization of these cells with digitonin. Under these conditions, lactate dehydrogenase, a cytosolic enzyme, is completely released whereas catalase, a known peroxisomal enzyme, is fully retained. Digitonin treatment of H35 cells differentially affects the release of other peroxisomal enzymes involved in isoprenoid metabolism. For instance, mevalonate kinase and phosphomevalonate kinase are almost totally released (95% and 91%, respectively), whereas 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase is fully retained. Indirect immunoflourescence studies indicate that FPPS is localized in peroxisomes of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-K1 cells but is dispersed in the cytosol of ZR-82 cells, a mutant that lacks peroxisomes. Unlike in H35 cells, FPPS is completely released upon digitonin permeabilization of CHO-K1 and ZR-82 cells. In contrast, under the same permeabilization conditions, catalase is fully retained in CHO-K1 cells but completely released from ZR-82 cells. These studies indicate that FPPS and other enzymes in the isoprenoid biosynthetic pathways, involved in the formation of FPP, are differentially associated with peroxisomes and may easily diffuse to the cytosol. Based on these observations, the significance and a possible regulatory model in the formation of isoprenoid end-products are discussed.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin (Ig)-binding bacterial proteins have attracted theoretical interest for their role in molecular host-parasite interactions, and they are widely used as tools in immunology, biochemistry, medicine, and biotechnology. Protein L of the anaerobic bacterial species Peptostreptococcus magnus binds Ig light chains, whereas streptococcal protein G has affinity for the constant (Fc) region of IgG. In this report, Ig binding parts of protein L and protein G were combined to form a hybrid molecule, protein LG, which was found to bind a large majority of intact human Igs as well as Fc and Fab fragments, and Ig light chains. Binding to Ig was specific, and the affinity constants of the reactions between protein LG and human IgG, IgGFc fragments, and kappa light chains, determined by Scatchard plots, were 5.9 x 10(9), 2.2 x 10(9), and 2.0 x 10(9) M-1, respectively. The binding properties of protein LG were more complete as compared with previously described Ig-binding proteins when also tested against mouse and rat Igs. This hybrid protein thus represents a powerful tool for the binding, detection, and purification of antibodies and antibody fragments.  相似文献   

A result of the fact that enzymes are catalysts is that an enzyme must bind the reactants in the transition state more tightly than the reactants in the ground state (Wolfenden, 1972; Lienhard, 1973). However, the position along the reaction co-ordinat e corresponding to the reactants in the transition state for an enzyme-catalyzed reaction does not necessarily correspond to the structure which has the highest affinity for the enzyme. Thus, analogs of structures intermediate between reactants in the ground state and in the transition state may be potent enzyme inhibitors. Bi-substrate analogs (compounds which are analogs of two substrates with the same relative orientation as the ternary enzyme complex in the ground state) are expected to have a higher affinity for many enzymes than indicated from the magnitude of the product of the binding constants of the two substrates. The value of the binding constant of a bi-substrate analog is dependent on the structure of the productive ternary complex and the kinetic nature of the reaction and is, therefore, a useful probe of the enzymic mechanism.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to survey ATPases with respect to features common to all or some of them and features peculiar to each individual enzyme of the group. Clues are presented for a tentative classification of ATPases and a simple system is suggested for the designation of interaction of ATPases with ions which is often used as the main feature for identification of individual ATPases.  相似文献   

NEBcutter, version 1.0, is a program available via a web server (http://tools.neb.com/NEBcutter) that will accept an input DNA sequence and produce a comprehensive report of the restriction enzymes that will cleave the sequence. It produces a variety of outputs including restriction enzyme maps, theoretical digests and links into the restriction enzyme database, REBASE (http://www.neb.com/rebase). Importantly, its table of recognition sites is updated daily from REBASE and it marks all sites that are potentially affected by DNA methylation (Dam, Dcm, etc.). Many options exist to choose the enzymes used for digestion, including all known specificities, subsets of those that are commercially available or sets of enzymes that produce compatible termini.  相似文献   

Junction-resolving enzymes are nucleases that are specific for the structure of the four-way DNA junction. The binding of RuvC of Escherichia coli and Hjc of Sulfolobus solfataricus can be followed by an increase in the fluorescence anisotropy of Cy3 terminally attached to one of the helical arms of a four-way junction. By contrast, there was no change in fluorescein anisotropy with the binding of single dimers of these proteins. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer has therefore been used between fluorescein and Cy3 fluorophores attached to the ends of helical arms to analyse the global structure of the junction on protein binding. The results indicate that both enzymes induce a marked change in the global DNA conformation on the binding of a single dimer. The structure of the protein-junction complexes is independent of the presence or absence of divalent metal ions, unlike that of the protein-free junction. The structures of the RuvC and Hjc complexes are different, but both represent a significant opening of the structure compared to the stacked X-structure of the protein-free junction in the presence of magnesium ions. This protein-induced opening is likely to be important in the function of these enzymes.  相似文献   

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