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Calcium ions (Ca2+) and nitric oxide (NO) are key signalling molecules that are implicated in the regulation of numerous cellular processes. Here we show that, in the intact liver, stimulation of endothelial cells by bradykinin coordinates the propagation of vasopressin-dependent intercellular Ca2+ waves across hepatic plates, and markedly increases the frequency of Ca2+ oscillations in individual hepatocytes. Modulation of Ca2+ oscillations by bradykinin is lost following isolation of hepatocytes, but restored in co-cultures of hepatocytes and endothelial cells. The sensitizing effects of bradykinin are mimicked by NO donors and abrogated by NO inhibitors. Thus, crosstalk between NO and Ca2+ signalling pathways through the microvasculature is probably an important mechanism for the coordination of liver function and may have a function in other organs.  相似文献   

The inotropic effects of insulin in the rat heart are still incompletely understood. In this study, the effects of insulin on cardiac contraction were studied in right ventricular papillary muscles from both control rats and rats with chronic diabetes (lasting 16 weeks). Diabetes was induced by the application of streptozotocin (STZ) and the development of diabetes was documented by increased levels of blood glucose, by reduction in body weight and by decreased plasma concentrations of insulin. The contraction was significantly smaller in diabetic rats. Insulin (80 IU/l) reduced the contraction force in both control and diabetic groups. The post-rest potentiation of contraction was not influenced by insulin in control rats, but insulin increased it in diabetic rats. The negative inotropic effect of insulin was preserved in the presence of cyclopiazonic acid (3 micromol/l), a blocker of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ pump, in both control and diabetic groups. In contrast, the negative inotropic effect of insulin was completely prevented in the presence of nifedipine (3 micromol/l), a blocker of L-type Ca2+ current. We conclude that insulin exerts a significant negative inotropic effect in rat myocardium, both control and diabetic. This effect is probably related to processes of SR Ca2+ release triggering, whereas SR Ca2+ loading is not involved.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) generated by inducible NO synthase (iNOS) contributes critically to inflammatory injury and host defense. While previously thought as a soluble protein, iNOS was recently reported to form aggresomes inside cells. But what causes iNOS aggresome formation is unknown. Here we provide evidence demonstrating that iNOS aggresome formation is mediated by its own product NO. Exposure to inflammatory stimuli (lipopolysaccharide and interferon-γ) induced robust iNOS expression in mouse macrophages. While initially existing as a soluble protein, iNOS progressively formed protein aggregates as a function of time. Aggregated iNOS was inactive. Treating the cells with the NOS inhibitor N-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) blocked NO production from iNOS without affecting iNOS expression. However, iNOS aggregation in cells was prevented by L-NAME. The preventing effect of NO blockade on iNOS aggresome formation was directly observed in GFP-iNOS-transfected cells by fluorescence imaging. Moreover, iNOS aggresome formation could be recaptured by adding exogenous NO to L-NAME-treated cells. These studies demonstrate that iNOS aggresome formation is caused by NO. The finding that NO induces iNOS aggregation and inactivation suggests aggresome formation as a feedback inhibition mechanism in iNOS regulation.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that nitric oxide has a positive inotropic effect on mammalian cardiac muscle contractility and that this effect sums with the positive inotropic effect of beta1-adrenergic agonists when both are present. Feline right ventricular papillary muscles were stimulated to contract isometrically at 0.2 Hz in Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate buffer (KREBS) gassed with 95% O2 and 5% CO2 (26 degrees C; pH 7.34). The nitric oxide (NO) donor, S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP, 10(-5) M), and the membrane permeable cGMP analog 8-bromoguanosine-3',5'-cyclophosphate sodium (Br-cGMP, 10(-5) M), significantly increased developed force by 13.3+/-1.5% (n = 11) and 7.8+/-2.8% (n = 7), respectively. SNAP, at 10(-5) M, significantly increased the force developed by papillary muscle treated with 10(-11) M or 10(-9) M dobutamine hydrochloride (a beta1-adrenergic agonist) (n = 25, 11.3+/-2.9% and 10.0+/-3.6%, respectively) when compared with the addition of KREBS (n = 27, 2.6+/-0.9% and 5.5+/-0.9%), but the increase was less than predicted by the sum of inotropic effects of SNAP and dobutamine. SNAP at 10(-5) M did not change developed force in muscles treated with 10(-7) M dobutamine but it significantly decreased developed force in muscles challenged with 10(-5) M dobutamine (n = 18, 29.3+/-5.0%) when compared with KREBS (n = 10, 41.5+/-6.8%). Similarly, 10(-4) M 8-bromo-adenosine cyclic 3',5'-hydrogen phosphate monosodium (a membrane permeable cAMP analog) increased developed force 14.9+/-3.3% and the addition of 10(-5) M Br-cGMP to those muscles significantly reduced developed force by 3.5%+/-1.1% (n = 7). Thus, the positive inotropic effect of NO decreased and ultimately became an attenuation as the level of beta1-adrenergic stimulation increased due at least in part, to an interaction between the cAMP and cGMP second messenger pathways.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the possible relationship between cytokines, nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandins in the pregnant rat uterus. Results indicate that 1) IL1alpha enhances the synthesis of prostaglandins and augments NO production in pregnant rat uteri and 2) the effect of IL1alpha on prostaglandin synthesis is abolished by NMMA, a NOS inhibitor, by aminoguanidine, an iNOS inhibitor, and by NS-398, a COX-2 inhibitor. These results suggest that there is an interaction between IL1alpha, NO and prostaglandins and that are involved COX-2 and iNOS in this interrelationship. This mechanism might be important in the regulation of uterine contractility during pregnancy and labor.  相似文献   

We examined the possible relationship between cytokines, nitric oxide and prostaglandins (PGs) in the estrogenized rat uterus. Results indicate that epidermal growth factor (EGF) enhances the synthesis of prostaglandins in estrogenized rat uteri and induces the augmentation of nitric oxide (NO) production in this tissue by stimulating iNOS. While the effect of EGF is abolished by L-NMMA, an NO antagonist, the NS-398, a cyclooxygenase-II (COX-II) inhibitor, prevents the augmentation of prostanoids induced by EGF. These results suggest that there is an interaction among EGF, NO and PGs and that in this interrelationship are involved COX-II and iNOS. This mechanism might be important during implantation and labor.  相似文献   

The effects of insulin (0.1–50 nM) on isometric twitch force (0.1 to 1.0 Hz; 30 ± 1°C; 1.8 mM Ca2+) were studied in right ventricular papillary muscles from active ground squirrels of different seasons (summer, n = 14; autumn, n = 16 and winter interbout, n = 16) in control conditions and after one-hour pretreatment of PM with 2 μM nifedipine (an L-type Ca2+-channel inhibitor) and 1.0 mM orthovanadate (a tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor). In active animals of different seasonal periods insulin causes both positive and negative inotropic effects. At low frequencies (0.1–0.5 Hz), insulin of low concentrations (0.1–1.0 nM) induces a transient (within the first 20 min after application) positive effect (about 15–25%). Application of high hormone concentration (10 nM) in a low range of stimulation frequencies causes a biphasic effect (a small initial positive inotropic effect followed by a marked negative one). At frequencies above 0.5-Hz stimulation, insulin of 10 nM concentration causes presumably a negative inotropic effect. It was proposed that ICaL is possibly involved in the insulin-induced negative inotropy in ground squirrels hearts. Alteration of protein phosphorylation in tyrosine residues is known to be a major link in the mechanism of insulin action. We performed a study on sodium orthovanadate action (a known inhibitor of tyrosine phosphatase) on the inotropic insulin effect. In the group of summer animals the pretreatment of papillary muscles with sodium orthovanadate (100 μM) does not change the negative inotropic effect of insulin in a low range of stimulation frequencies but almost completely removes this effect at stimulation frequencies above 0.3 Hz (n = 4). Nifedipine (1–1.5 h pretreatment), a blocker of L-type calcium channel, reduces the inhibitory effect of insulin in autumn and winter animals, and on the contrary intensifies it in summer animals. This fact indicates that different mechanisms must be involved in insulin actions in animals of summer and winter periods. The main findings of the present study are that insulin induces positive, negative or no inotropic effects in papillary muscles of ground squirrels myocardium. The character of the effects of insulin depends on the physiological state of animals; time and concentrations of the hormone applied; affected by conditions that alter cellular Ca2+ loading and the ratio of protein-tyrosine kinases/phosphatases activity.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has been shown to be both an intercellular and intracellular messenger. We propose here that exogenous NO induces chemotactic locomotion of human neutrophils. Indeed, when human neutrophils were placed in a gradient of a nitric oxide donor (S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine; SNAP), a directed locomotion was induced, as evidenced by experiments of chemotaxis under agarose. Degraded SNAP (i.e., SNAP solution which had previously released NO) did not induce directed locomotion. Moreover, oxyhemoglobin, a scavenger of free NO, suppressed the chemotactic effect of SNAP, whereas LY-83583, a soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor, inhibited the SNAP-mediated chemotaxis in a dose-response manner. Other unrelated NO donors, SIN-1 and S-nitroso-cysteine—a natural S-nitroso-compound, also induced a directed locomotion of neutrophils. Taken together, these in vitro experiments indicate that exogenous NO could mediate the chemotaxis of neutrophils and thus suggest that NO could contribute to neutrophil recruitment in vivo. © 1995 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at establishing the interaction between dopamine and nitric oxide and elucidating the mechanistic aspects inherent in this interaction. At high (*) NO concentrations (microM range), dopamine underwent nitrosation with subsequent nitration. Nitrosation is proposed to occur via a nucleophilic attack to N(2)O(3) by dopamine. At low (*) NO concentrations (microM range), dopaminochrome was formed. EPR spin stabilization studies showed the occurrence of two o-semiquinone intermediates during dopaminochrome formation. Heats of formation obtained by AM1 semiempirical calculations supported the formation of the two o-semiquinone species. Hydroxyl radicals were detected by spin trapping EPR, and experiments performed with superoxide dismutase and catalase suggested that peroxynitrite was the source of HO(*). A mechanism is presented that considers the several factors influencing these reactions.  相似文献   

This study was performed with the objective of assessing the mechanical response of the myocardium to different levels of cerium and delineation of the mechanism underlying the mediation of the functional changes. Rat ventricular papillary muscle was used as the experimental model. Isolated papillary muscles were exposed to different concentrations of CeCl3 and the force of contraction was measured using a force transducer. Experiments have revealed that the negative inotropic response to CeCl3 was proportional to its concentration. The inotropic changes were found to be completely reversible at concentrations ≤5μM, and partially reversible at higher concentrations. Neutralization of cerium-induced inotropic changes by the superoxide anion scavenger superoxide dismutase (SOD) at concentrations ≤5 μM indicates that the mechanical changes are mediated by reactive oxygen species. At higher concentrations of Ce3+, SOD partially reversed the contractile changes. The beneficial effect of SOD was seen only if the muscles were pretreated with the scavenger prior to the addition of cerium chloride.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)) is produced during myocardial inflammation and many of the insults that trigger contractile dysfunction also activate prostaglandin synthesis and production. However, although PGF(2alpha) plays a significant role in the cardiac response to inflammation, the effect of this particular compound on the heart was largely studied at the cellular level and probably no due attention was paid to the effect of PGF(2alpha) on the whole heart contractility. Therefore, in the present study we have investigated the effect of PGF(2alpha) on isolated right ventricle of the rat heart. PGF(2alpha) (1nM-1microM) induced concentration-dependent decrease of the amplitude of contractions of the ventricular muscle. Real time RT-PCR has revealed that prostaglandin FP receptors are expressed in the rat myocardium and the level of expression was similar to those of creatine kinase and adenylate kinase, which are proteins abundantly present in the heart. An antagonist of FP receptors, PGF(2alpha) dimetilamide (10nM), abolished negative inotropic effect induced by PGF(2alpha). To examine the possibility that PGF(2alpha) could activate non-FP prostaglandin receptor, we have measured the level of expression of all known prostaglandin receptors in the rat heart. These experiments have shown that the order of expression of prostaglandin receptors in the rat heart is FP>EP1=TP>EP4>EP3>DP=IP. Based on the obtained results we conclude that PGF(2alpha) induces negative inotropic effect on rat heart by activating FP prostaglandin receptors. This effect of PGF(2alpha) could contribute to cardiac dysfunction in conditions of systemic and myocardial inflammation.  相似文献   

Although beta(2)-adrenoceptors represent 15-25% of beta-adrenoceptors in the guinea pig heart, their functionality is controversial. We assessed the inotropic effects of beta(2)-adrenoceptor partial agonists in right papillary muscles. Salbutamol induced a small but significant concentration-dependent negative inotropic effect (NIE, -5% at 60 nM) followed by a moderate positive inotropic effect (+36% at 6 microM) due to activation of beta(1)-adrenoceptors. In the presence of 4 microM atenolol, the concentration-dependent NIE (-12% at 6 microM) was biphasic, best described by a double logistic equation with respective EC(50) values of 3 and approximately 420 nM, and was insensitive to SR59230A. In muscles from pertussis toxin-treated guinea pigs, the salbutamol-induced positive inotropic effect was sensitive to low concentrations of ICI-118551 in an unusual manner. Experiments in reserpinized animals revealed the importance of the phosphorylation-dephosphorylation processes. PKA inhibition reduced and suppressed the effects obtained at low and high concentrations, respectively, indicating that its activation was a prerequisite to the NIE. The effect occurring at nanomolar concentrations depended upon PKA/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/cytosolic phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2)) activations leading to nitric oxide (NO) release via the arachidonic acid/cyclooxygenase pathway. NO release via PKA-dependent phosphorylation of the receptor was responsible for the inotropic effect observed at submicromolar concentrations, which is negatively controlled by cPLA(2). The possibility that these effects are due to an equilibrium between different affinity states of the receptor (G(s)/G(i) coupled and G(i) independent with different signaling pathways) that can be displaced by ICI-118551 is discussed. We conclude that beta(2)-adrenoceptors are functional in guinea pig heart and can modulate the inotropic state.  相似文献   

Intermedin/adrenomedullin-2 (IMD/AM2) is a 47 amino acid peptide formed by enzymatic degradation of preprointermedin. The present study was undertaken to investigate the effects of rat IMD (rIMD) in the isolated buffer perfused rat lung (IBPR) under resting conditions and under conditions of elevated pulmonary vasoconstrictor tone (PVT). Under resting conditions in the IBPR, rIMD had little or no activity. When PVT was actively increased by infusion of U46619, bolus injection of IMD decreased pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) in a dose-dependent manner. Since the pulmonary perfusion rate and left atrial pressure were constant, these reductions in PAP directly reflect reductions in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). The pulmonary vasodilator response to rIMD, when compared to calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) on a molar basis, was greater at the lowest and midrange doses. The degree of inhibition by CGRP8-37 on pulmonary vasodilator response to rIMD was significantly less when compared to CGRP. Pretreatment with L-nitro-arginine-methyl ester (L-NAME), unlike meclofenamate and glybenclamide, significantly reduced the pulmonary vasodilator responses to rIMD. rIMD administration induced cross-tachyphylaxis to the pulmonary vasodilator response to CGRP whereas CGRP administration did not alter the ability of rIMD to dilate the IBPR. Pulmonary vasodilator responses to repeated injections of rIMD did not undergo tachyphylaxis. The present data demonstrate rIMD possesses direct vasodilator activity in the rat pulmonary vascular bed. The present data suggest activation of CGRP1 receptors and release of nitric oxide (NO*) mediate the pulmonary vasodilator response to rIMD whereas cyclooxygenase products and KATP channels do not contribute to the pulmonary vasodilator response to rIMD. The ability of rIMD to induce heterologous desensitization of CGRP1 receptor activation, to retain much of its pulmonary vasodilator activity after inhibition of CGRP1 receptors, and to lack homologous desensitization together suggests the pulmonary, unlike the systemic, vasodilator response to rIMD may depend on other vasodilator mechanisms including receptors in the calcitonin-receptor-like-receptor (CRLR) family.  相似文献   

The mediators of acute exercise-induced preconditioning against ischemia-reperfusion injury are not understood. This study assesses the role of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), a reported mediator of other forms of preconditioning. Male Fischer 344 rats were divided into five groups (n = 6-7): sedentary (Sed); exercised 2 days on a treadmill at 20 m/min, 6 degrees grade, for 60 min (Run); sedentary, perfused with 100 microM N(omega)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride (l-NAME) to inhibit NOS (Sed/L-N); exercised, perfused with l-NAME (Run/L-N); and exercised in a 4 degrees C environment, perfused with l-NAME (CRun/L-N). Twenty-four hours following exercise, isolated, perfused working hearts were subjected to 22.5 min of global ischemia plus 30 min of normoxic reperfusion. Left ventricle contents of several putative preconditioning mediators were determined. Postischemic recovery of cardiac output times systolic pressure was better in Run than Sed (78.4 vs. 50.2% of preischemia, P < 0.05). Inhibition of NOS did not abrogate the improved recovery in the exercise groups or alter recovery in Sed. All exercise groups also displayed improved myocardial efficiency (cardiac output times systolic pressure/oxygen consumption) postischemia and less lactate dehydrogenase release (P < 0.05). l-NAME appeared to lower lactate dehydrogenase release independent of exercise. The only change in antioxidant enzyme activity was a decrease in manganese superoxide dismutase in CRun/L-N (P < 0.05). Heat shock protein 72 expression increased only in Run and Run/L-N and endothelial NOS only in CRun/L-N (P < 0.05). Acute exercise-induced preconditioning of the Fischer 344 rat heart is not mediated by NOS and does not require increases in heat shock protein 72 or antioxidant enzymes.  相似文献   

N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) elicits pial arteriolar dilation that has been associated with neuronal nitric oxide (NO) production. However, endothelial factors or glial P-450 epoxygenase products may play a role. We tested whether NMDA-induced pial vasodilation 1) primarily involves NO diffusion from the parenchyma to the surface arterioles, 2) involves intact endothelial function, and 3) involves a miconazole-sensitive component. Arteriolar diameters were determined using closed cranial window-intravital microscopy in anesthetized piglets. NMDA (10-100 microM) elicited virtually identical dose-dependent dilations in paired arterioles (r = 0.94, n = 15). However, NMDA- but not bradykinin (BK)-induced dilations of arteriolar sections over large veins were reduced by 31 +/- 1% (means +/- SE, P < 0.05, n = 4) compared with adjacent sections on the cortical surface. Also, 100 microM NMDA increased cerebrospinal fluid levels of NO metabolites from 3.7 +/- 1.0 to 5.3 +/- 1.2 microM (P < 0.05, n = 6). Endothelial stunning by intracarotid injection of phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate did not affect NMDA-induced vasodilation but attenuated vascular responses to hypercapnia and BK by approximately 70% (n = 7). Finally, miconazole (n = 6, 20 microM) pretreatment and coapplication with NMDA did not alter vascular responses to NMDA. In conclusion, NMDA appears to dilate pial arterioles exclusively through release and diffusion of NO from neurons to the pial surface in piglets.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure to cells and tissues can mimic the biochemical events leading to septic shock. Previous data demonstrated a massive upregulation of prostaglandin endoperoxide H2 synthase (PGHS-2), but not NO synthase-2 (NOS-2) in bovine smooth muscle cells (SMC) between 2 and 12 h of LPS exposure. This caused an abundant release of prostacyclin (PGI2) by constitutive PGI2-synthase as a counterregulation to a dysfunctional endothelium. We here report that human as well as bovine SMC mainly respond by the induction of PGHS-2 and the subsequent release of PGI2, whereas rat SMC exhibited a distinct induction of NOS-2 and released significantly higher amounts of *NO compared with cattle and human. The induction of either PGHS-2 or NOS-2 in the three different species investigated seems to be mutually exclusive in the time window of 2-24 h. This finding should be considered in the setup of experimental models for the investigation of septic shock.  相似文献   

It has been widely accepted that microglia, the innate immune cells in the brain, can be chronically activated in response to neuron death, fuelling a self-renewing cycle of microglial activation followed by further neuron damage (reactive microgliosis), which has been considered as the main reason responsible for the progressive nature of neurodegenerative diseases. In the present study, it was found that LPS (lipopolysaccharide) significantly induced the activation of N9 microglia, and the increase of NO level induced by pretreatment of LPS could last after the removal of LPS. The culture medium of activated microglia significantly decreased the viability of rat primary cortical neuron. These results can be blocked by the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate reduced (NADPH) oxidase inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium sulfate (DPI), suggesting that intracellular reactive oxide species (iROS) released from the activated microglial cells may continue to further activate microglia. Next, it was shown that the iROS level increased rapidly after the LPS treatment in microglia cells followed by the NO production through the regulation of iNOS (inducible nitric oxide synthase) expression. The increase of iROS could be reversed by gp91phox (the critical and catalytic subunit of NADPH oxidase) siRNA. Moreover, NO released from sodium nitroprusside (SNP) was able to increase the iROS production of N9 microglia by regulating of the activity and the expression of NADPH oxidase. In conclusion, our research suggests for the first time that there may exist a self-propelling cycle in microglial cells possibly mediated by iROS and NO when they become activated by LPS. It may be responsible partially for the ongoing microglial activation and the progressive nature of neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

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