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Miguel  Tejedo 《Journal of Zoology》1992,228(4):545-555
This study estimated variability in components of reproductive success in female natterjack toads ( Bufo calamita , Laurenti, 1768) as a function of their body size and timing of reproduction. Two components of reproductive success were analysed: fecundity and metamorphic success. Fecundity, as a function of body size, tended to increase exponentially. Age had a negligible effect once body size was statistically controlled. Egg size was also related to female body size but showed greater variation. Metamorphic success depended on the timing of reproduction. Later breeders suffered an exponential decline in metamorphic success because females spawned at recently-filled ponds of ephemeral duration. Since female body size decreased as the breeding season progressed, it may be inferred that larger, early-breeding females would have a differential reproductive success. The inverse relationship between the timing of reproduction and body size may be based on the energetic physiology of vitellogenesis, and on the potential trade-offs between the allocation of energy to growth—higher in smaller females—and reproduction.  相似文献   

We have studied a series of natterjack populations with varying densities of adults on the three main habitat types (lowland heaths, coastal dunes and coastal marshes) occupied by this species in Britain. Animals were aged by skeletochronology, condition was assessed by measuring weight length ratios in autumn and home ranges were determined by individual-marking and by radiotelemetry. Female longevity was inversely correlated with population density, but no similar effect was observed for males. Uniformity of growth rates, absolute growth rates and mean condition for both sexes were also inversely related to population density, whereas mean home range showed a positive correlation. Taken together the data indicated that in high-density populations natterjack toads grew more slowly and erratically, were in poorer condition and foraged much more widely than their counterparts in low-density populations.  相似文献   

Ulrich Sinsch 《Oecologia》1992,90(4):489-499
Summary The migratory and reproductive behaviour ofBufo calamita was studied at four neighbouring breeding sites in the northern Rhineland, Germany, from 1986 to 1991. Radio telemetry and marking systems based on toe-clipping and on microchips were used to follow the tracks of toads and for individual recognition. Emphasis lay on estimates of (1) the exchange of reproductive individuals between neighbouring sites, and (2) the reproductive success at each site. Allozyme electrophoresis served to assess the genetic diversity of local populations. More than 90% of all reproductive males showed a lifelong fidelity to the site of first breeding, whereas females did not prefer certain breeding sites. Due to the female-biased exchange of individuals among neighbouring sites the genetic distance between local populations was generally low but increased with geographical distance. This pattern of spatial relations is consistent with the structure of a metapopulation. Morever, up to three mass immigrations of males per breeding period, replacing previously reproductive individuals, suggested the existence of temporal populations successively reproducing at the same locality. Genetic distances were considerably greater between temporal populations than between local ones, indicating partial reproductive isolation. In fact, an exchange of reproductive individuals between the temporal populations at each site was not detected, but gene flow due to the recruitment of first-breeders originating from offspring other than their own seems probable. Thus, natterjack metapopulations consist of interacting local and temporal populations. The reproductive success differed considerably among the four sites and also between the temporal populations. Three out of four local populations had low reproductive success as well as the latest temporal population. The persistence of these populations depended entirely on the recruitment of juveniles from the only self-sustaining local population. This rescue-effect impeded local extinction. The discussion focuses on the modifications required to fit the classical metapopulation concept to the empirical findings and their consequences for the dynamics of amphibian metapopulations.  相似文献   

Defining boundaries between populations is often difficult in the absence of information about current levels of gene flow. Such definitions can be important, however, both for the understanding of population dynamics and for conservation planning. Recently developed Bayesian methods for analysing genetic data now provide a powerful approach to this problem. Natterjack toads Bufo calamita are endangered in Britain, where their distribution is restricted to four geographically discrete regions. In three of these regions the boundaries between populations are often uncertain. We therefore used Bayesian approaches with microsatellite data to try and define British natterjack population structure, and thus inform conservation management. A large sample of natterjack toads from all 38 locations in Britain where the species is native was genotyped at eight microsatellite loci. The genetic diversity of natterjack populations declined as a function of increasing latitude, echoing postglacial colonization dynamics. Comparisons of three assignment methods (structure, baps and geneland) generated some broad similarities but also some inconsistencies in the definitions of population structure, especially in the most complex region (south Cumbria). Implications of the analyses for the future conservation of Bufo calamita in Britain are discussed.  相似文献   

Across altitudinal and latitudinal gradients, the proportion of suitable habitats varies, influencing the individual dispersal that ultimately can produce differentiation among populations. The natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) is distributed across a wide geographic range that qualifies the species as interesting for a geographic analysis of its genetic variability. Five populations of B. calamita in the Sierra de Gredos (Spain) were studied in an altitudinal gradient ranging from 750 to 2270 m using microsatellite markers. In addition, we analyzed the latitudinal genetic variation in B. calamita within a global European distribution using genetic diversity parameters (mean number of alleles per locus [M(a)] and expected heterozygosity [H(E)]) obtained from our results and those published in the literature. The low level of genetic differentiation found between populations of B. calamita (F(st) ranging from 0.0115 to 0.1018) and the decreases in genetic diversity with altitude (M(a) from 13.6 to 8.3, H(E) from 0.82 to 0.74) can be interpreted by the combined effects of discontinuous habitat, produced mainly by the high slopes barriers and geographic distance. In the latitudinal gradient, genetic diversity decreases from south to north as a consequence of the colonization of the species from the Pleistocene refugium. We conclude that the genetic variability in B. calamita along its wide altitudinal and latitudinal geographic distribution mainly reflects the colonization history of the species after the last glacial period.  相似文献   

Temporal spacing of breeding activity in the natterjack toad,Bufo calamita   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ulrich Sinsch 《Oecologia》1988,76(3):399-407
Summary The reproductive behaviour of the toad Bufo calamita was studied in a large population in the northern Rhineland, Germany. Toads bred at four spatially separated but neighbouring areas including 34 breeding ponds. Three methods were applied to monitor quantitatively the intensity of breeding and migratory activity: capture-mark-recapture, a mechanical tracking device, and radio-telemetry. In 1987 a twofold temporal spacing of breeding activity was observed: (1) division of the reproductive period into early, main, and late breeding periods; (2) subdivision of each breeding period into several short calling periods. Since weather conditions were favourable during most of the reproductive period, environmental factors contributed little (23.4%–41.0%) to the temporal variation in breeding intensity as shown by multivariate statistics. The period of vocalization (April to August) included the activity of three distinct male groups. The first group called from April to mid-May (2 calling periods), the second from May to early July (5 calling periods) and the third from mid-July to August (2 calling periods). Within a calling period most males stayed near their calling sites and migratory activity was low. Extensive movements were detected when a new group of males immigrated from the feeding regions to the breeding areas and males that had been calling previously emigrated, at least partly. However, exchange of males among the neighbouring breeding choruses were clearly audible. It is suggested that the energetic costs of vocalization impeded continuous calling activity in individuals and accounted for the periodical variations in chorus size. The short-time variations of breeding activity therefore probably reflect the physiological limits of toads in a situation where the weather permits continuous reproductive activity.  相似文献   

Like other pond-breeding amphibians, the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) typically presents a patchy distribution. Because the species experiences high probabilities of local population extinction, its persistence within landscapes relies on both local and landscape-scale processes [dispersal allowing the (re)colonization of habitat patches]. However, the structure and composition of the matrix surrounding local populations can alter the dispersal rates between populations. As shown previously (Landscape Ecol 19:829–842, 2004), the locomotor performances of individuals at the dispersal stage depend on the nature of the component crossed: some landscape components offer high resistance to movement (high resistance or high viscosity components) whereas others allow high efficiency of movement (low resistance components). We now examine the ability of individuals to discriminate between landscape components and select low-resistance components. Our experimental study investigates the ways in which young natterjack toads choose from among landscape components common to southern Belgium. Toadlets (the dispersal stage) were experimentally confronted with boundaries between surrogates of sandy soils, roads, forests, agricultural fields and intensive pastures. Our results show: 1 the ability of toadlets to react to boundaries between landscape components, 2 differences in permeability among boundaries, and 3 our inability to predict correctly the permeability of the boundaries from the patch-specific resistance assessed previously. Toadlets showed a preference for bare environments and forests, whereas they avoided the use of agricultural environments. This pattern could not be explained in terms of patch-specific resistance only, and is discussed in terms of mortality risks and resource availability in the various landscape components, with particular attention to repercussions on conservation strategies.  相似文献   

The relative importance of natural selection and genetic drift in determining patterns of phenotypic diversity observed in nature is still unclear. The natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) is one of a few amphibian species capable of breeding in saline ponds, even though water salinity represents a considerable stress for them. Results from two common-garden experiments showed a pattern of geographic variation in embryonic salinity tolerance among populations from either fresh or brackish environments, consistent with the hypothesis of local adaptation. Full-sib analysis showed increased variation in survival among sibships within population for all populations as osmotic stress was increased (broad-sense heritability increased as salinity raised). Nevertheless, toads native to the brackish water environment had the highest overall survival under brackish conditions. Levels of population genetic differentiation for salinity tolerance were higher than those of neutral genetic differentiation, the latter obtained through the analysis of eight microsatellite loci. Microsatellite markers also revealed little population differentiation, lack of an isolation-by-distance pattern, and moderate gene flow connecting the populations. Therefore, environmental stress tolerance appears to have evolved in absence of geographic isolation, and consequently we reject the null hypothesis of neutral differentiation.  相似文献   

Miguel Tejedo 《Oecologia》1992,90(2):294-296
Summary A trade-off between size and number of offspring was not found for females of similar sizes of the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita). Moreover, for large females, clutches with higher number of eggs had larger eggs as well. This suggests that larger females produce more numerous and larger eggs because they potentially have more energy available for reproduction. Egg size diminished allometrically with clutch size. Egg size, however, did not increase offspring fitness. Therefore, this allometric decrease may be considered a consequence of phylogenetic constraints rather than a result of optimizing selection.  相似文献   

Like other amphibians native to Britain, the natterjack toad Bufo calamita must have colonized the islands during the relatively short period between the end of the last glaciation and the separation of Britain from mainland Europe by rising sea levels. Unlike the other native amphibians, however, B. calamita is a habitat specialist at the north-westerly edge of its biogeographical range and for most of the 8000–10000 years since its colonization has probably been restricted to open dunes, heathlands and upper saltmarshes, as isolated populations in a few discrete areas of the country. We have investigated the genetic diversity and relatedness of six widely separated British natterjack populations by allozyme analysis, and shown that all have very low diversity (Overall P 95%= 2.7%, H = 0.004) by comparison with other anurans, including natterjack populations in mainland Europe and common frogs ( Rana temporaria , L) in Britain. Eighty percent of loci were fixed for the same allele in all six British natterjack populations and genetic differentiation between colonies was extremely low. The possible significance of these findings to the persistence of small isolated populations at range edges is discussed.  相似文献   

The European natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) has declined rapidly in recent years, primarily due to loss of habitat, and in Denmark it is estimated that 50% of the isolated populations are lost each decade. To efficiently manage and conserve this species and its genetic diversity, knowledge of the genetic structure is crucial. Based on nine polymorphic microsatellite loci, the genetic diversity, genetic structure and gene flow were investigated at 12 sites representing 5–10% of the natterjack toad localities presently known in Denmark. The expected heterozygosity (H E) within each locality was generally low (range: 0.18–0.43). Further analyses failed to significantly correlate genetic diversity with population size, degree of isolation and increasing northern latitude, indicating a more complex combination of factors in determining the present genetic profile. Genetic differentiation was high (overall θ = 0.29) and analyses based on a Bayesian clustering method revealed that the dataset constituted 11 genetic clusters, defining nearly all sampling sites as distinct populations. Contemporary gene flow among populations was undetectable in nearly all cases, and the failure to detect a pattern of isolation by distance within major regions supported this apparent lack of a gene flow continuum. Indications of a genetic bottleneck were found in three populations. The analyses suggest that the remaining Bufo calamita populations in Denmark are genetically isolated, and represent independent units in a highly fragmented gene pool. Future conservation management of this species is discussed in light of these results. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Clinal variation is paramount for understanding the factors shaping genetic diversity in space and time. During the last glacial maximum, northern Europe was covered by glacial ice that rendered the region uninhabitable for most taxa. Different evolutionary processes during and after the recolonisation of this area from different glacial refugia have affected the genetic landscape of the present day European flora and fauna. In this study, we focus on the common toad (Bufo bufo) in Sweden and present evidence suggesting that these processes have resulted in two separate lineages of common toad, which colonised Sweden from two directions. Using ddRAD sequencing data for demographic modelling, structure analyses, and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), we provide evidence of a contact zone located between Uppland and Västerbotten in central Sweden. Genetic diversity was significantly higher in southern Sweden compared to the north, in accordance with a pattern of decreased genetic diversity with increasing distance from glacial refugia. Candidate genes under putative selection are identified through outlier detection and gene–environment association methods. We provide evidence of divergent selection related to stress response and developmental processes in these candidate genes. The colonisation of Sweden by two separate lineages may have implications for how future conservation efforts should be directed by identifying management units and putative local adaptations.Subject terms: Evolutionary genetics, Genomics, Genetic variation  相似文献   

Summary In the present study comparative aspects of the ultrastructure of the spleen were analyzed in non-immunized and T-dependent antigen-challenged natterjacks, Bufo calamita. Special attention is focused on the role of the non-lymphoid components in the splenic immunoreactivity. Ten days after primary immunization with sheep erythrocytes, splenic lymphoid follicles increase considerably in number and size. By that time, lymphoblasts, medium and large lymphocytes abound in the periphery of the white pulp near the marginal zone. Meanwhile, in the red pulp numerous monocytes migrating across the sinusoidal walls apparently transform into giant, dendritic-like cells. Twenty days after immunization the splenic lymphoid follicles decrease in number, although certain reactivity persists and numerous plasma cells occur in the cell cords and sinusoids of the red pulp. These results are discussed comparatively with those reported in other lower vertebrates.  相似文献   

The natterjack toad Bufo calamita is rare in Britain, which is at the northwestern edge of its biogeographical range. We investigated the level of genetic differentiation amongst almost all (34 out of 38) of the surviving British populations of this species, and among six new populations established by translocations during the 1980s. For eight microsatellite loci, allele sizes and frequencies were analysed using samples from each of these populations. The populations clustered into three robustly differentiated groups, each of which corresponded with a geographical region (east/southeast England, Merseyside and Cumbria). The Cumbrian populations showed a further weak geographical substructuring into northern and southern clades. The populations in south Cumbria were genetically more diverse than those in any of the other regions, as judged by the mean numbers of alleles per locus and the mean heterozygosity estimates. The translocated populations clustered close to their founders and, with one exception, did not differ significantly with respect to mean allele numbers, heterozygosity or polymorphism level. However, significant genetic differentiation (as measured by unbiased R ST) was found between all but one of the founder-translocation pairs. The implications of this phylogeographic study for the future conservation of B. calamita in Britain are discussed.  相似文献   

Aspects of visual optics were investigated in the American toad (Bufo americanus). The development of the refractive state of the eye during metamorphosis was followed with IR photoretinoscopy. Frozen sections documented the changes in optical parameters before and after metamorphosis. There is a difference in light sensitivity between juvenile and adult toads. Binocular accommodation in adult toads was observed. 1. IR photoretinoscopic measurements showed that the refractive state of the eye changed very rapidly during metamorphosis, about 10 D/h while the animal entered the terrestrial habitat. 2. Frozen sections showed that the almost spherical lens in a tadpole eye had flattened in a just metamorphosed toad's eye while at the same time the distance of the lens to the retina had decreased. However, the morphological measurements were not sufficiently sensitive to record the relatively small changes in ocular dimensions that were responsible for the rapid changes in refractive state during metamorphosis. 3. Schematic eyes, with homogeneous and non homogeneous lenses, were constructed for tadpoles, juvenile toads, and adult toads. 4. Nonparaxial raytracing studies in schematic eyes suggested that the lenses of animals of the three developmental stages tadpole, juvenile toad, and adult are not homogeneous but have a refractive index gradient. The raytracing studies indicated that the refractive index gradient is different for the different developmental stages, being highest in the tadpole lens. 5. The observations of toads during feeding behavior at different light levels showed an increased light sensitivity in the adult nocturnal toads in contrast to the juvenile animals, which are diurnal. The increased light sensitivity could partly be explained with an increase in aperture and an increase in red rod outer segments. To fully explain the higher light sensitivity in adult toads, changes in neuronal parameters had to be assumed. 6. Retinoscopic measurements of the resting refractive state in the adult toad showed a hyperopic defocus of about +8 D. By subtracting the measurement artefact for retinoscopy, the true resting focus was found to be nearly emmetropic. 7. The amount of natural accommodation in adult toads during normal feeding behavior was investigated with IR photoretinoscopy. Binocular accommodation of about 8 D was observed.  相似文献   

In the present study, the ultrastructure of the stromal components, basically epithelial elements and macrophages, of the thymus of adult natterjacks, Bufo calamita has been analyzed. A network of stellate epithelial-reticular cells joined together by desmosomes, constitutes the main component of the thymic parenchyma in both cortex and medulla. In the medulla pale, electron-lucent epithelial cells, sometimes showing surface interdigitations, are striking elements. Moreover, uni- and multicellular epithelial cysts appear in the thymic medulla as well as granulated cells of possible endocrine significance. Remarkably, isolated or grouped gland cells whose morphology and cytoplasmic content resemble that of the skin glands, were occasionally found. Finally, macrophages, multinucleated giant cells and dendritic-like cells, the latter intimately associated to lymphocytes, occur in the thymus of Bufo calamita. The most remarkable morphologic characteristics of all those non-lymphoid cell types, as well as their possible functional significance are comparatively discussed with available information on the amphibian and higher vertebrate thymic cytoarchitecture.  相似文献   

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