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C.  HUYGHE 《Annals of botany》1991,67(4):429-434
The winter growth of winter white lupin (cv. Lunoble) was investigated.Over three consecutive years, 1987–1989, it was sown atdifferent times at Lusignan (France) and in 1989, at nine differentlocations with various sowing times. The production of primordia,the vernalization requirements and the final number of leaveson the main stem were related to field measurements of dailymaximum and minimum temperatures. A statistical model for the main apex growth with a system oftwo equations was developed, with a threshold level for leafprimordia production at 3 °C. The number of leaf primordiaproduced by a vegetative apex (y) in terms of the cumulativesums of temperature over 3 °C (x) followed the curvilinearregression y = 4.76 + 00268x + 00000156x2. The upper and lowertemperature limits for vernalization were estimated as 14 andI °C respectively. The vernalization requirements of a vegetative apex (y) decreasedwhen the number of initials produced (x) increased accordingto the negative exponential regression y = exp (7.2 + 002626.x). The two equations were used for the prediction of the finalnumber of leaves of a lupin crop. The predictive accuracy ofthe model was checked against independent data. The agreementbetween observed and predicted final leaf number was often close,but some deviations did occur with low leaf number. The modeldescribed most of the growth phenomena which occur during thephase sowing to floral initiation of the main stem of a winterlupin crop, and its possible uses are discussed. Lupinus albus L., white lupin, growth, model, vernalization, primordia, apex, thermal time  相似文献   

Temperature Response of Vernalization in Wheat: A Developmental Analysis   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
BROOKING  IAN R. 《Annals of botany》1996,78(4):507-512
The vernalization response of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.)was reinterpreted from a developmental perspective, using currentconcepts of the developmental regulation of wheat morphologyand phenology. At temperatures above 0 °C, the effects ofthe process of vernalization per se in wheat are confoundedby the effects of concurrent vegetative development. These effectsare manifested by differences in the number of leaves initiatedby the shoot apex prior to floral initiation, which in turnaffects the subsequent rate of development to ear emergenceand anthesis. Leaf primordia development during vernalizationand total leaf number at flowering were used to develop criteriato define both the progress and the point of saturation of thevernalization response. These criteria were then used to reinterpretthe results of Chujo ( Proceedings of the Crop Science Societyof Japan 35 : 177–186, 1966), and derive the temperatureresponse of vernalization per se for plants grown under saturatinglong day conditions. The rate of vernalization increased linearlywith temperature between 1 and 11 °C, such that the timetaken to saturate the vernalization response decreased from70 d at 1 °C to 40 d at 11 °C. The rate declined againat temperatures above 11 °C, and 18 °C was apparentlyineffective for vernalization. Total leaf number at saturation,however, increased consistently with temperature, as a resultof the balance between the concurrent processes of leaf primordiuminitiation and vernalization. Total leaf number at saturationincreased from 6 at 1 °C to 13.3 at 15 °C, which inturn influenced the time taken to reach ear emergence. The advantagesof using this developmental interpretation of vernalizationas the basis for a mechanistic model of the vernalization responsein wheat are discussed. Triticum aestivum L.; wheat; vernalization; rate; temperature; primordia; leaf number; flowering  相似文献   

This paper outlines a modelling approach which predicts theeffect of both continuous and intermittent low temperature regimeson the final number of leaves in winter wheat. The model takesaccount of the balance between the concurrent processes of leafprimordium initiation and rate of saturation of vernalization,and their response to temperature. The inverse of the time tosaturation of vernalization, at which stage final leaf numberis set, is modelled as a linear function of vernalizing temperature,between 0 and 17 °C. The rate of leaf primordium initiationis modelled using the established linear relationship betweenrate and temperature above 0 °C. Final leaf number is hencethe product of the number of leaf primordia initiated once vernalizationis saturated. In the model, genotypes are characterized by (1)the slope and intercept of the linear response of the rate ofsaturation of vernalization to temperature in the vernalizingrange, and (2) by a development rate towards floral transitionat on-vernalizing temperatures (above 17 °C). The modelis tested against data from experiments where six cultivarsof winter wheat plants of different ages were exposed to a rangeof low temperature regimes, including continuous and intermittentvernalizing temperatures. Overall, the model predicted, withr 2values of 70–90%, the final leaf number across a rangeof six to 21 leaves. Prediction of final leaf number for somecultivars was better in continuous than in intermittent vernalizingregimes. This modelling approach can explain the often-conflictingreports of the effectiveness of different temperatures for vernalization,and the interaction of plant age and vernalization effectiveness. Triticum aestivum L.; wheat; vernalization; rate; temperature; leaf number; modelling; phenology; flowering  相似文献   

Lolium temulentum plants were grown at 20 °C, under an 8-hdaylength, in a controlled-environment chamber, and the kineticsof leaf expansion were observed by measuring the movement ofan optical grid attached to the fourth leaf. The leaf emerged23–24 d after sowing and was fully expanded 9–10d later. Extension rate was maximal between the second and fifthdays after emergence and declined markedly thereafter. Duringthe rapid growth phase the rate of elongation exhibited a distinctdiurnal rhythm, fluctuating between 1.9 to 2.3 mm h–1in the light period, and 1.3 to 1.7 mm h–1 in the dark.A circadian oscillation with a period of about 27 h was observedin leaves elongating in continuous darkness. When plants weretransferred to 5 °C soon after emergence of the fourth leafthere was an immediate reduction in rate of growth to about22 per cent of the rate at 20 °C: the Q10 for the mean elongationrate in the range 20–5 °C was 3.7. When plants weretransferred from 20 to 2 °C at fourth leaf emergence, meanextension rate declined to less than 5 per cent, correspondingto a Q10 in the range 5–2 °C of more than 300. Furthermore,growth at 2 °C was confined almost entirely to the darkphase of the photoperiod cycle. The responsive tissue was shownto be a small area of expanding leafless than 1.5 cm above theshoot apex and the possible mechanisms underlying low temperatureeffects in this region are discussed. Lolium temulentum L., leaf growth, auxanometer, low temperature, diurnal rhythm  相似文献   

Kirk, W W., Davies, H. V. and Marshall, B. 1985. The effectof temperature on the initiation of leaf primordia in developingpotato sprouts.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1634–1643. Initiation of leaf primordia in potato sprouted out of soilin light was an asymptotic function of thermal time and thebase temperature for the process was 3.6 °C. The parametervalues of the asymptotic function were universal for cv. MarisPiper. The estimated rate of leaf primordium initiation decreasedlinearly from 0.033 leaf pnmordia (K day)–1 when abouteight leaf primordia were present to zero after a maximum numberof 24 leaf primordia had been initiated. The decrease in rateof development with increasing number of primordia may be dueto depletion of mother tuber resources. The transition of theapex from a vegetative to a reproductive state was not the factorlimiting the initiation of additional leaf primordia. Key words: Potato, Solanum tuberosum L., leaf primordia initiation, temperature, thermal time, development  相似文献   

CANNELL  M. G. R. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(6):1291-1303
During the first 100 days after sowing (March-June) the followingchanges took place at the terminal shoot apices of Picea sitchensisseedlings: plastochrones (T) decreased from over 24 h to 4 h;apical domes enlarged from less than 0·20 mm to 0·45mm diameter (D); the ‘projected’ area of tissuesproduced by the apical domes (i.e. viewed from above) increasedin amount from less than 0·012 to 0·024 mm2 day-1;about 15 per cent of this tissue was re-invested in the apicaldomes, the rest was used to produce primordia; and the volume-doublingtimes of the apical dome tissues decreased from over 150 h to50 h. After 100 days there was no further re-investment in theapical domes, but the domes did not decrease abruptly in size.Less tissue was produced per day, but the primordia were smallerso that the rate of primordia formation did not fall precipitously.Plastochrone ratios were inversely related to D, but the relationshipbetween T and D depended on whether T was decreasing or increasing.Progenies which were known to be fast growing tended to build-uptheir apical domes rapidly (i.e. have large ‘re-investmentratios’) and to be capable of producing small primordia.These attributes can evidently be evaluated on seedlings andcould help to lessen the cost of tree breeding progeny-testprogrammes. meristem, Picea sitchensis, Sitka spruce, growth, shoot apex  相似文献   

Plants of the C4 sedge Cyperus longus L. were grown at 10, 20and 30 °C. An asymptotic growth curve, the Richards function,was fitted to growth data for successive leaves. The mean rateof leaf appearance was a linear function of temperature with0.014 leaves appearing per day for every 1 °C increase intemperature. The instantaneous relative rate of leaf extensionshowed a marked ontogenetic drift which was most rapid at 30°C and slowest at 10 °C. The mean absolute extensionrate for foliage had a temperature coefficient of 0.16 cm d–1° C–1 in the range from 10 to 30 °C. The durationof leaf growth was independent of leaf number at 10 and 20 °Cbut increased linearly with leaf number at 30 °C. The smalldifferences in relative growth rate at the three temperaturesresulted in large differences in foliage area produced at theend of a 30 d growth period. The final foliage areas at 20 and10 °C were 51 and 9% respectively of that at 30 °C. Cyperus longus, temperature, leaf growth, Richards function, growth analysis  相似文献   

The potential for leaf extension of plants of Lolium perennecv S24 growing in small artificial communities under naturalconditions was measured as the plants progressed from the vegetativeto the reproductive state In two consecutive years, 1975 and 1976, ‘simulated swards’were sown in autumn and overwintered in an open, unheated glasshouseIndividual swards from the batch sown in 1975 were brought into a growth room on two occasions in spring 1976 to measuretheir potential for leaf extension at a range of temperatures(5–20 °C) Individual swards from the batch sown inautumn 1976 were brought in to the growth room on 15 occasionsbetween November 1976 and May 1977 and their potential for leafextension was measured at a single temperature of 15 °CFrequent dissections were made in both years to describe changesin the developing apex. The potential for leaf extension at 15 °C decreased fromc 17 mm day–1 in November to c 10 mm day–1 in mid-winter.In January, the potential rapidly increased threefold to reach30mm day–1 by mid February The increase began coincidentwith the earliest stages of floral initiation and was completedby the time of double-ridge formation Spring-grown vegetativeplants, however, showed potential rates of < 20 mm day–1at 15 °C The results are discussed in relation to reproductive developmentand to changes in the carbohydrate strategy of the plants inearly spring Lolium perenne L perennial ryegrass, leaf extension, temperature response  相似文献   

The vegetative growth of Dactylis glomerata L. in sand was studiedunder controlled light, temperature, and nutritional conditions.Plants were daily supplied with three nutrient solutions ofdifferent nitrate concentrations (10–2, 10–3 and2 x 10–4 mol I–1). For each concentration, growthobeyed an exponential law between the fourth and seventh weeksafter sowing. The time constant of the exponential was the samefor the shoot as for the root, and showed no significant variationwith nitrate concentration. The kinetic results and the strong dependence of the root: shootratio on nitrate concentration are discussed on the basis ofThornley's model. Hypothesizing that the molecular mechanismsof nitrate absorption are independent of the nitrate concentrationof the nutrient solution, we derived a relationship betweenthe root: shoot ratio and nitrate concentration. This relationshipwas found to be compatible with the experimental results. Dactylis glomerata L., vegetative phase, kinetics of growth, root: shoot equilibrium, nitrate absorption  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) at 1 x 10–4 M or 3 x 10–4 Mwas applied to the apical buds of Chenopodium rubrum plantsexposed to different photoperiodic treatments and showing differentpatterns of floral differentiation. Stimulation of growth inwidth of the apical meristem of the shoot and/or inhibitionof growth in length was obtained under all photoperiodic treatments.This change of growth pattern was followed by different effectson flowering. In non-induced plants grown under continuous light ABA stimulatedpericlinal divisions in the peripheral zone and the initiationof leaves as well as the growth in width of bud primordia. Inplants induced by two short days reduced growth of the meristemcoincided with ABA application. Longitudinal growth of the meristemwas inhibited in this case and only a temporary stimulationof inflorescence formation took place. In plants induced ata very early stage, ABA exerted a strong inhibitory effect onflowering. A permanent and reproducible stimulatory effect onflowering was obtained in plants induced by three sub-criticalphotoperiodic cycles if ABA was applied to apices released fromapical dominance. In this case formation of lateral organs andinternodes was promoted by ABA and was followed by stimulatedinflorescence formation. Gibberellic acid (GA2) at 1x 10–4M or 3 x 10–4 M brought about a similar effect on floweringas ABA, although the primary growth effect was different, i.e.GA2 stimulated longitudinal growth. The effects of ABA and GA2 on floral differentiation have beencompared with earlier results obtained from auxin and kinetinapplications. These growth hormones are believed to regulateflowering by changing cellular growth within the shoot apex.Depending on the actual state of the meristem identical growthresponses may result in different patterns of organogenesisand even in opposite effects on flowering. Shoot apex, flowering, photoperiodic induction, abscisic acid, gibberellic acid, Chenopodium rubrum L.  相似文献   

Pansies (Viola xwittrockiana Gams.) cv. Universal Violet weresown on five dates between Jul. and Dec. 1992 and placed insix temperature-controlled glasshouse compartments set to providemean temperatures between 6.5 and 30 °C. Shoot dry weightand leaf number were recorded. A model was constructed, to analysethe effects of light and temperature on dry matter accumulation,which assumed that relative growth rate (RGR) declined linearlywith thermal time accumulated from sowing, reflecting ontogeneticdrift. Furthermore, it assumed that RGR was a semi-ellipsoidfunction of temperature, rising to an optimum of 25.3 °Cand declining thereafter, and a positive linear function oflight integral. When fitted to data collected in this studythe model accounted for 94% of the variance in RGR. Independentvalidation using data from four further crops grown in glasshousecompartments at four different set point temperatures showedthat the model could also be used to predict plant dry weightaccurately (r 2=0.98). The rate of mainstem leaf productionwas also linearly related to both light integral and temperature. Pansy; Viola xwittrockiana ; temperature; light integral; dry weight; relative growth rate; leaf number  相似文献   

A comparative study, employing the concepts of growth analysis,has been made of the varying responses in the early vegetativephase of Gossypium hirsutum, Helianthus annuus, Phaseolus vulgaris,and Zea mays to combinations of light intensity (1.08, 2.16,3.24, 4.32, and 5.4 x 104 lx—photoperiod 14 h) and constantdiurnal air temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 °C).Depending on the combination of treatments, the temperatureof the internal tissues departed from air temperature by 6.9to 1.4 °C: so only the internal temperatures are cited here. For each species there are complex interactions between theeffects of light and temperature on the net assimilation rate,the leaf-area ratio, and the relative growth-rates of plantweight and leaf area. The magnitude of the changes induced bythe two factors vary both with the growth component and thespecies. The temperature responses are maximal up to 20–5°C while at the highest temperatures they may be negative.The temperature coefficients for leaf-area ratio are consistentlyless than those of the other three components: here betweenspecies the coefficients over 10–20 °C vary by a factorof 9.6, 5.4, and 5.1 for the rates of gain in plant weight andleaf area and the net assimilation rate, while the orderingwithin each growth component is species dependent. Under conditions of optimal temperature the relative growth-rateand net assimilation rate progressively increase, accordingto the species, up to either 4.32 or 5.4x 104 lx. The leaf-arearatio is always largest at the lowest intensity. The level oflight at which the rate of gain in leaf area reaches a maximumranges from 2.16x 104 lx for Phaseolus to between 4.32 and 5.40x104 lx for Gossypium. The highest relative growth-rate and net assimilation rate ofHelianthus exceed those of Zea substantially. Indeed the maximalassimilation rate for Helianthus of 2.10 g dm–2 week–1is the highest ever recorded under field or controlled conditions.Possible reasons for this reversal of the photosynthetic potentialsof the two species observed by previous workers are discussed.  相似文献   

Thermosensitivity in Spring White Lupin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spring morphotypes of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) are veryresponsive to cool temperatures during seedling developmentas expressed in a number of subsequent developmental characters.Thermosensitivity was examined in a number of studies whereseedlings were incubated at various stages of development andat differing temperatures. Plants were scored for thermosensitivity,as expressed by the number of mainstem and first order lateralvegetative nodes, at flowering. The stages of radicle emergenceand split seed coat were observed to be the developmental stageswhen mainstem and first-order lateral meristems were most sensitiveto incubation temperature. These data show that the optimumwindow for cold treating spring lupin seed is very narrow andoccurs prior to seedling emergence. Seedlings at radicle emergencestage were incubated at temperatures ranging from 1 to 27 °Cfor 0 to 14 d in 2 d increments. For temperatures less than12 °C, mainstem node number decreased curvilinearly withduration of incubation. For temperatures between 12 and 17 °C,mainstem node number decreased linearly with duration of incubation.However, mainstem node number increased linearly with durationof incubation at temperatures greater than 17 °C. The datashow that 'warm' temperatures during early seedling developmenthave a profound influence on subsequent plant morphology. Responseto 'warm' temperatures is greater than to 'cool' temperaturesand it is suggested that the differential response to warm vs.cold incubation temperatures could account for morphologicaland phenological differences observed within genotypes in fieldstudies among sites and years. The lack of temperature responsein one genotype, 'Start' may indicate thermoneutrality in thisgenotype.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Lupinus albus L., lupin, vernalization, thermosensitivity, vegetative development  相似文献   

The effects of a range of applied nitrate (NO3) concentrations(0–20 mol m3) on germination and emergence percentageof Triticum aestivum L. cv. Otane were examined at 30, 60, 90and 120 mm sowing depths. Germination percentage was not affectedby either sowing depth or applied NO3 concentration whereasemergence percentage decreased with increased sowing depth regardlessof applied NO3 concentration. Nitrate did not affectemergence percentage at 30 mm sowing depth, but at 60 to 120mm depth, emergence percentage decreased sharply with an increasedapplied NO3 concentration of 0 to 1·0 mol m–3then decreased only slightly with further increases in appliedNO3 of about 5·0 mol m–3. Root and shoot growth, NO3 accumulation and nitrate reductaseactivity (NRA) of plants supplied with 0, 1·0 and 1·0mol m–3 NO3 at a sowing depth of 60 mm were measuredprior to emergence. The coleoptile of all seedlings opened withinthe substrate. Prior to emergence from the substrate, shootextension growth was unaffected by additional NO3 butshoot fr. wt. and dry wt. were both greater at 1·0 and1·0 mol m–3 NO3 than with zero NO3.Root dry wt. was unaffected by NO3. Nitrate concentrationand NRA in root and shoot were always low without NO3.At 1·0 and 10 mol m3 NO3, NO3 accumulatedin the root and shoot to concentrations substantially greaterthan that applied and caused the induction of NRA. Regardlessof the applied NO3 concentration, seedlings which failedto emerge still had substantial seed reserves one month afterplanting. Coleoptile length was substantially less for seedlingswhich did not emerge than for seedlings which emerged, but wasnot affected by NO3. It is proposed that (a) decreasedemergence percentage with increased sowing depth was due tothe emergence of leaf I from the coleoptile within the substrateand (b) decreased emergence percentage with additional NO3was due to the increased expansion of leaf 1 within the substrateresulting in greater folding and damage of the leaf. Key words: Triticum aestivwn L., nitrate, sowing depth, seedling growth, seedling emergence  相似文献   

Studies were made of the influence of genes for vernalizationresponse on the growth and development of four near-isogeniclines of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The duration from sowing of flower initiation, terminal spikeletformation and ear emergence all increased with increasing vernalizationresponse. There was a close positive relationship between thedays from sowing to flower initiation and from sowing to earemergence, indicating that the duration of either phase of developmentis a useful measure of relative vernalization when daylengthdoes not limit the rate of development. Total spikelet number per ear and the duration of spikelet initationincreased with increasing vernalization response and there wasa correspondingly higher rate of spikelet initiation in thetwo lines with stronger vernalization response. Most of the differences in growth between the lines were associatedwith diferences in development caused by the vrn genes. Maximumtotal above-ground dry matter and total leaf area per plantincreased with increasing vernalization repsonse but relativegrowth rate and leaf area per plant were not significantly differentbetween the lines. There were no differences in net assimilationrate between the four lines until 40 d from sowing; thereafterit decreased, with the greatest decrease in the line with thestrongest vernalization response. Flower initiation, terminal spikelet formation, spikelet initiation, ear emergence, growth rate  相似文献   

In the search for early-detectable selection criteria for growthat low temperature conditions in tomato, first the initiationand growth of individual leaves was analysed. Scanning electronmicroscopy revealed that the first four primordia had alreadydeveloped during the germination period at 25°C. The primordiumof the fifth leaf, however, was initiated after the transferof seedlings to the experimental conditions. The increase inlength of the first three leaves, and to a lesser extent ofthe fourth leaf, was considerably smaller in comparison withthat of later formed leaves. Moreover, the morphology of thefirst three to four leaves was deviant, whereas the others showedthe normal compound leaf architecture. All these results indicatedthat the fifth leaf was the earliest formed leaf with growthcharacteristics that might reflect the growth potential of thewhole plant. Development of the fifth leaf was tested as a marker for wholeplant growth. At three temperature, 18, 15 and 12°C, growthresponses of the fifth leaf were similar to that of whole plantsin four tomato genotypes: Line A, Line B, Premier and MXXIV-13.Significant differences in relative growth rate of dry weightof whole plants and fifth leaves (RGRW)and of leaf area of thefifth leaves (RGRLA between two fast growing and two slow growinggenotypes were found. No genotype by temperature interactionfor RGRW and RGRLA was found, indicating that the effect oftemperature decrease was similar for the four genotypes. The structure of the mature fifth leaf of one fast and one slowgrowing genotype, Line A and MXXIV-13, was analysed. For bothgenotypes, leaves were small and thick at low temperature, 12°C.The total number of epidermis and palisade parenchyma cellsper leaf was smaller but the size of the cells developed at12°C was larger than at 18°C. Consequently, the slowgrowth at 12°C was due to a low rate of cell division. Atboth temperatures, the fifth leaf to MXXIV-13 was smaller comparedto that of line A. Since the size of the cells were similar,the smaller leaf size was due to lower number of leaf cells. The results confirm the suitability of the growth, especiallyexpressed as RGRLA , of the fifth leaf as a nondestructive marketfor vegetative development of tomato at low temperature. Growthdifferences between genotypes were mainly reflected by differencesin cell number of leaves, which might be correlated with geneticallydetermined differences in cell number of leaf primordia.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. genotypes, plant growth, selection criteria, low temperature, leaf initiation, leaf development, RGR, leaf structure, cell expansion  相似文献   

The relationships between rates of leaf extension, leaf appearance,and primordia production on the apex were studied in the fieldduring winter and spring in established swards of four contrastingperennial ryegrass lines (Aurora, Melle, a hybrid selectionfrom a cross between Aurora and Melle and S.24). All four linesshowed an increase in leaf extension rates which commenced whenspikelet primordia were first initiated at the apex. This wassome time after vernalization requirements had been satisfied.In early-flowering lines the stimulus to leaf growth rates occurredearlier than in late-flowering lines. Maximum leaf growth ratesoccurred about the time of double ridge formation, in the middleof the period of spikelet primordia production. The rate andduration of the period of spikelet primordia production variedbetween lines. By the time of flowering, leaf growth rates declinedto values recorded for vegetative plants in the winter. Leafappearance rates followed a similar pattern to leaf growth rates,although the increase in leaf appearance rate was less thanin primordia production or leaf growth rates. Hybrids from across between early- and late-flowering lines showed early enhancementof leaf extension rates due to early initiation of spikeletprimordia production. These high rates of leaf growth were maintainedfor longer, compared with the early-flowering line, as the durationof spikelet production was longer. This illustrates a mechanismfor combining early spring growth with lateness of floweringin ryegrass breeding programmes Leaf growth, apex development, vernalization, initiation, spikelet primordia production, flowering, thermal time, Lolium perenne, perennial ryegrass, spring growth  相似文献   

Potato production in the tropical lowlands during the rainyseason is constrained by high temperature and low irradiance.This study examined the effect of these two variables on drymatter production and allocation, using plant growth, leaf anatomy,gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. Plantsof two clones, Solanum goniocalyx cv. Garhuash Huayro (GH) andDTO-33, a heat tolerant clone of S. tuberosum x S. phureja,were grown in growth chambers at 33/25 °C or 20/10 °Cday/night temperature. At each temperature, plants were grownin either 12 h high irradiance (430–450 µmol m–2s–1 PAR) or 12 h low irradiance (250–280 µmolm–2 s–1) both with a 6–h photoperiod extensionof 6 µmol m–2 s–1. Plants were harvested after10 d (initial harvest) and after 20 d (final harvest). By theend of the study DTO-33 had produced more dry matter and hadtuberized, whereas GH had a greater leaf area ratio (LAR) andspecific leaf area (SLA). The highest relative growth rate (RGR)was at low temperature and low irradiance, possibly due to acombination of thin leaves with a large surface area. At thehigh temperature, low irradiance had the opposite effect, producingthe lowest net assimilation rate (NAR) and lowest RGR. Bothtuber number and weight were markedly reduced by high temperature.Low irradiance, in combination with high temperature, producedvirtually no tubers. Stomatal density, which was greater onGH than in DTO-33, was increased at high temperature. When measuredat 30 °C both clones, especially DTO-33, showed heat-adaptationin terms of ability to maintain a high rate of net photosynthesisat 30 °C. Plants grown at high irr-adiance and low temperaturehad the lowest net photosynthetic rate at 30 °C. Concurrentmeasurements of chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that onlythe initial (O) fluorescence parameter was affected. The dataconfirm the field observation that reduction in potato growthat high temperature can be aggravated by lower irradiance. Thisreduction is associated with a reduced leaf area and NAR. Growth analysis, heat adaptation, light  相似文献   

The Growth and Development of Maize (Zea mays L.) at Five Temperatures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objectives of this work were to measure growth and developmentrates over a range of temperatures and to identify processeswhich may limit vegetative yield of maize (Zea mays L.). Twosingle cross Corn Belt Dent maize hybrids were grown from sowingin a diurnal temperature regime of 16/6 °C day/night andin constant temperature environments of 16, 20, 24 and 28 °C.The 16/6 °C environment was close to the minimum for sustainedgrowth and 28 °C was near the optimum. Entire plants wereharvested at stages with 4, 6, 7 and 8 mature leaves in alltemperature treatments except 20 °C in which the final twoharvests were carried out at 9 and 10 mature leaves. Mean totalleaf number varied between 19.5 and 16.0 with the maximum occurringat 16/6 °C. Although harvests were carried out at comparableleaf numbers, and hence at similar developmental stages, thetime interval between sowing and harvest decreased considerablyas temperatures increased. The relative rates of dry weight and leaf area accumulationwith time increased with a Q10 of 2.4 between 16 and 28 °C,while leaf appearance rate increased with a Q10 of 2.9 overthe same range; both rates were highest at 28 °C. Althoughdry matter partitioning to the shoots increased with temperature,the area of individual leaves varied in a systematic patternwhich resulted in maximum leaf area, leaf area duration andconsequently dry weight being realized at 20 °C for anygiven stage of development. Zea mays, corn, low temperature stress, temperature response, growth, development  相似文献   

Distribution of Growth in the Apical Region of the Shoot of Lupinus albus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of the investigation is the determination of thevolumes and numbers of cells of the meristematic dome and ofeach of the first 7 primordia and internodes at the apex ofthe shoot of Lupinui albus. This system occupies a zone whichis about 0·4 mm. in length. Techniques are describedfor dissecting the region in which the observations are made,for determining the numbers of cells and the volumes of theseveral fragments. From the number of cells and the volume ofeach fragment an average cell volume it calculated. It is shown that in the midphase of the plastochron the domecontains 3,500 cells and has a volume of 1·6 x10–3mm.3,the first primordium contains 1,630 cells and has a volume of0·38 x10–3 mm.3, and the first intemode containsabout 700 cells and has a volume of about 1·4 x10–3mm3The number of cells and the volume of the primordium increaseexponentially with increasing plastochron age, and the seventhprimordium contains 26,000 cells and has a volume of 20·9x 10–3mm3 The seventh intemode contains about 5,000 cellsand has a volume of 8·6x10–3mm3 The average cell volume in the dome is 4·7 x 10–7mm.3in the first primorndium it is 2·3 x 10–7mm.3 andin the first internode it is 20·9x 10–7mm.3 Inthe seventh primordium the average cell volume increases to7·9 x 10–7mm.3 In the internodes there is little,if. any, change in cell volume from the first to the seventhof the series. The significance of these changes is discussed.  相似文献   

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