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Many studies have focused on the impacts of climate change on biological assemblages, yet little is known about how climate interacts with other major anthropogenic influences on biodiversity, such as habitat disturbance. Using a unique global database of 1128 local ant assemblages, we examined whether climate mediates the effects of habitat disturbance on assemblage structure at a global scale. Species richness and evenness were associated positively with temperature, and negatively with disturbance. However, the interaction among temperature, precipitation and disturbance shaped species richness and evenness. The effect was manifested through a failure of species richness to increase substantially with temperature in transformed habitats at low precipitation. At low precipitation levels, evenness increased with temperature in undisturbed sites, peaked at medium temperatures in disturbed sites and remained low in transformed sites. In warmer climates with lower rainfall, the effects of increasing disturbance on species richness and evenness were akin to decreases in temperature of up to 9°C. Anthropogenic disturbance and ongoing climate change may interact in complicated ways to shape the structure of assemblages, with hot, arid environments likely to be at greatest risk.  相似文献   

The role of indirect interactions in structuring communities is becoming increasingly recognised. Plant fungi can bring about changes in plant chemistry which may affect insect herbivores that share the same plant, and hence the two may interact indirectly. This study investigated the indirect effects of a fungal pathogen ( Marssonina betulae) of silver birch ( Betula pendula) on an aphid ( Euceraphis betulae), and the processes underpinning the interaction. There was a strong positive association between natural populations of the aphid and leaves bearing high fungal infection. In choice tests, significantly more aphids settled on leaves inoculated with the fungus than on asymptomatic leaves. Individual aphids reared on inoculated leaves were heavier, possessed longer hind tibiae and displayed enhanced embryo development compared with aphids reared on asymptomatic leaves; population growth rate was also positively correlated with fungal infection when groups of aphids were reared on inoculated branches. Changes in leaf chemistry were associated with fungal infection with inoculated leaves containing higher concentrations of free-amino acids. This may reflect a plant-initiated response to fungal attack in which free amino acids from the degradation of mesophyll cells are translocated out of infected leaves via the phloem. These changes in plant chemistry are similar to those occurring during leaf senescence, and are proposed as the mechanistic basis for the positive interaction between the fungus and aphid.  相似文献   

The interaction between two species that do not compete for resources but share a common natural enemy is known as apparent competition. In the absence of other limiting factors, such three-species interactions are impermanent, with one species being excluded from the assemblage by the natural enemy. Here, the effects of metapopulation structure are explored in a system of two hosts that experience apparent competition through a shared parasitoid. A coupled-map lattice model is developed and used to explore species coexistence and patterns of patch occupancy at the metapopulation scale. Linking local and regional dynamics favours coexistence by uncoupling the dynamics of the three species in space. Coexistence is promoted by the inferior species being either a fugitive or a sedentary species. The occurrence of these two mutually exclusive mechanisms of coexistence is influenced by the relative dispersal of the inferior apparent competitor.  相似文献   

Fire plays a key role in ecosystem dynamics worldwide, altering energy flows and species community structure and composition. However, the functional mechanisms underlying these effects are not well understood. Many ground‐dwelling animal species can shelter themselves from exposure to heat and therefore rarely suffer direct mortality. However, fire‐induced alterations to the environment may change a species' relative trophic level within a food web and its mode of foraging. We assessed how fire could affect ant resource utilization at different scales in a Mediterranean forest. First, we conducted isotopic analyses on entire ant species assemblages and their potential food resources, which included plants and other arthropods, in burned and unburned plots 1 year postfire. Second, we measured the production of males and females by nests of a fire‐resilient species, Aphaenogaster gibbosa, and analyzed the differences in isotopic values among workers, males, and females to test whether fire constrained resource allocation. We found that, in spite of major modifications in biotic and abiotic conditions, fire had little impact on the relative trophic position of ant species. The studied assemblage was composed of species with a wide array of diets. They ranged from being mostly herbivorous to completely omnivorous, and a given species' trophic level was the same in burned and unburned plots. In A. gibbosa nests, sexuals had greater δ15N values than workers in both burned and unburned plots, which suggests that the former had a more protein‐rich diet than the latter. Fire also appeared to have a major effect on A. gibbosa sex allocation: The proportion of nests that produced male brood was greater on burned zones, as was the mean number of males produced per nest with the same reproductive investment . Our results show that generalist ants with relatively broad diets maintained a constant trophic position, even following a major disturbance like fire. However, the dramatically reduced production of females on burned zones compared to unburned zones 1 year postfire may result in considerably reduced recruitment of new colonies in the mid to long term, which could yield genetic bottlenecks and founder effects. Our study paves the way for future functional analyses of fire‐induced modifications in ant populations and communities.  相似文献   

Dominant species are thought to regulate species composition and assemblage structure. Invasion by a dominant species is thus likely to alter assemblages and anthropogenic disturbance often facilitates such invasions. In this study we examined the association of a dominant ant, Iridomyrmex purpureus , native to south-eastern Australia, with fire trails in national parks and its effects on ant assemblages. Association with fire trails was examined by comparing the numbers of I. purpureus nests on transects along fire trails with those in transects through surrounding vegetation. Ant assemblages and habitat characteristics of eight sandstone outcrops that supported colonies of I. purpureus were compared with those on eight that did not in summer and autumn 2000. We examined ant species richness, abundance, composition and biomass using quadrats, and resource use with Acacia botrycephalus seeds placed on rock and in vegetation. I. purpureus nests were considerably more common along fire trails than in surrounding vegetation. Sites with I. purpureus had similar species richness to those without, but a lower abundance and biomass of other ants and a different assemblage composition. These differences could not be attributed to any differences in measured habitat characteristics. Ecologically similar species, particularly other species of Iridomyrmex , were less abundant in areas with I. purpureus . While the biomass of other species was suppressed in areas with I. purpureus , the biomass of the dominant was several times that of the assemblage of other ants, a pattern shared with assemblages invaded by exotic species. In areas with I. purpureus , seeds were removed more rapidly from rock, but not vegetation, indicating that resources on rock may be under-exploited by other species. Regulation of invaded ant assemblages by this dominant ant is thus limited to functionally similar species, and this may be due to its use of resources that are unexploited in its absence.  相似文献   

Patterns of species occurrence and abundance are influenced by abiotic factors and biotic interactions, but these factors are difficult to disentangle without experimental manipulations. In this study, we used observational and experimental approaches to investigate the role of temperature and interspecific competition in controlling the structure of ground‐foraging ant communities in forests of the Siskiyou Mountains of southwestern Oregon. To assess the potential role of competition, we first used null model analyses to ask whether species partition temporal and/or spatial environments. To understand how thermal tolerances influence the structure of communities, we conducted a laboratory experiment to estimate the maximum thermal tolerance of workers and a field experiment in which we added shaded microhabitats and monitored the response of foragers. Finally, to evaluate the roles of temperature and interspecific competition in the field, we simultaneously manipulated shading and the presence of a dominant competitor (Formica moki). The foraging activity of species broadly overlapped during the diurnal range of temperatures. Species co‐occurrence patterns varied across the diurnal temperature range: species were spatially segregated at bait stations at low temperatures, but co‐occurred randomly at high temperatures. The decreased abundance of the co‐occurring thermophilic Temnothorax nevadensis in shaded plots was a direct effect of shading and not an indirect effect of competitive interactions. Thermal tolerance predicted the response of ant species to the shading experiment: species with the lowest tolerances to high temperatures showed the greatest increase in abundance in the shaded plots. Moreover, species with more similar thermal tolerance values segregated more frequently on baits than did species that differed in their thermal tolerances. Collectively, our results suggest that thermal tolerances of ants may mediate competitive effects in habitats that experience strong diurnal temperature fluctuations.  相似文献   

Ants are a major ecological group in tropical rainforests. Few studies in the Neotropics have documented the distribution of ants from the ground to the canopy, and none have included the understorey. A previous analysis of an intensive arthropod study in Panama, involving 11 sampling methods, showed that the factors influencing ant β diversity (i.e., changes in assemblage composition) were, in decreasing order of importance, the vertical (height), temporal (season), and horizontal (geographic distance) dimensions. In the present study, we went one step further and aimed (1) to identify the best sampling methods to study the entire ant assemblage across the three strata, (2) to test if all strata show a similar horizontal β diversity and (3) to analyze the functional structure of the entire ant assemblage. We identified 405 ant species from 11 subfamilies and 68 genera. Slightly more species were sampled in the canopy than on the ground; they belonged to distinct sub-assemblages. The understorey fauna was mainly a mixture of species found in the other two strata. The horizontal β diversity between sites was similar for the three strata. About half of the ant species foraged in two (29%) or three (25%) strata. A single method, aerial flight interception traps placed alongside tree trunks, acting as arboreal pitfall traps, collected half of the species and reflected the vertical stratification. Using the functional traits approach, we observed that generalist species with mid-sized colonies were by far the most numerous (31%), followed by ground- or litter-dwelling species, either specialists (20%), or generalists (16%), and arboreal species, either generalists (19%) or territorially dominant (8%), and finally army ants (5%). Our results reinforce the idea that a proper understanding of the functioning of ant assemblages requires the inclusion of arboreal ants in survey programs.  相似文献   

  1. Increased turbidity and siltation caused by rock quarrying, mining, and deforestation are pervasive disturbances in aquatic systems. Turbidity interferes with vision for aquatic organisms, potentially altering predator–prey interactions.
  2. We studied the effects of these disturbances in Trinidadian streams by surveying predators and their shared prey both in streams with versus without quarries as well as in a focal stream before and after the establishment of a quarry. Then, to evaluate whether differential foraging success in turbid water might underlie abundance patterns of predators, we experimentally induced turbidity in mesocosms and measured predator foraging success.
  3. Upstream quarry presence had a dramatic effect on the benthic structure of streams, greatly increasing siltation. A substantial decrease in the abundance of a diurnal cichlid predator (Crenicichla frenata) was associated with quarry presence, while a nocturnal erytherinid predator (Hoplias malabaricus) was equally as abundant in streams with or without quarries. The density of their shared prey, the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) remained unchanged.
  4. In mesocosm trials, Crenicichla were less successful predators with turbidity, whereas Hoplias performed equally across turbidities. These foraging success results help explain differences in demographic shifts in response to turbidity for both predators.
  5. By relating short-term effects of an anthropogenically altered visual environment on species interactions to abundance patterns of predators and prey, this study helps to identify an important mechanism whereby changes to species’ visual ecology may have long-term effects on population biology.

The relative contributions of climate versus interspecific interactions in shaping species distributions have important implications for closely related species at contact zones. When hybridization occurs within a contact zone, these factors regulate hybrid zone location and movement. While a hybrid zone''s position may depend on both climate and interactions between the hybridizing species, little is known about how these factors interact to affect hybrid zone dynamics. Here, we utilize SDM (species distribution modeling) both to characterize the factors affecting the current location of a moving North American avian hybrid zone and to predict potential direct and indirect effects of climate change on future distributions. We focus on two passerine species that hybridize where their ranges meet, the Black‐capped (Poecile atricapillus) and Carolina (P. carolinensis) chickadee. Our contemporary climate models predict the occurrence of climatically suitable habitat extending beyond the hybrid zone for P. atricapillus only, suggesting that interspecific interactions primarily regulate this range boundary in P. atricapillus, while climatic factors regulate P. carolinensis. Year 2050 climate models predict a drastic northward shift in suitable habitat for P. carolinensis. Because of the greater importance of interspecific interactions for regulating the southern range limit of P. atricapillus, these climate‐mediated shifts in the distribution of P. carolinensis may indirectly lead to a range retraction in P. atricapillus. Together, our results highlight the ways climate change can both directly and indirectly affect species distributions and hybrid zone location. In addition, our study lends support to the longstanding hypothesis that abiotic factors regulate species'' poleward range limits, while biotic factors shape equatorial range limits.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that environmental effects with transgenerational consequences, including rapid evolution and maternal effects, may affect the outcome of ecological interactions. However, indirect effects occur when interactions between two species are altered by the presence of a third species, and can make the consequences of transgenerational effects difficult to predict. We manipulated the presence of insect herbivores and the competitor Medicago polymorpha in replicated Lotus wrangelianus populations. After one generation, we used seeds from the surviving Lotus to initiate a reciprocal transplant experiment to measure how transgenerational effects altered ecological interactions between Lotus, Medicago, and insect herbivores. Herbivore leaf damage and Lotus fecundity were dependent on both parental and offspring environmental conditions. The presence of insect herbivores and Medicago in the parental environment resulted in transgenerational changes in herbivore resistance, but these effects were non-additive, likely as a result of indirect effects in the parental environment. Indirect transgenerational effects interacted with more immediate ecological indirect effects to affect Lotus fecundity. These results suggest that explanations of ecological patterns require an understanding of transgenerational effects and that these effects may be difficult to predict in species-rich, natural communities where indirect effects are prevalent.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis, including double-mutant cycles, is used routinely for studying protein-protein interactions. We now present a case analysis of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2) and subtilisin BPN' using (i) a residue in CI2 that is known to interact directly with subtilisin (Tyr42) and (ii) two CI2 residues that do not have direct contacts with subtilisin (Arg46 and Arg48). We find that there are similar changes in binding energy on mutation of these two sets of residues. It can thus be difficult to interpret mutagenesis data in the absence of structural information.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by ants (i.e. myrmecochory) is usually considered as a mutualism: ants feed on nutritive bodies, called elaiosomes, before rejecting and dispersing seeds in their nest surroundings. While mechanisms of plant dispersal in the field are well documented, the behaviour of the ant partner was rarely investigated in details. Here, we compared in laboratory conditions the foraging behaviour of two ant species, the omnivorous Lasius niger and the insectivorous Myrmica rubra to which seeds of two European myrmecochorous plants (Chelidonium majus and Viola odorata) were given. Ant colonies were simultaneously presented three types of items: entire seeds with elaiosome (SE), seeds without elaiosome (S) and detached elaiosomes (E). The presence of elaiosomes on seeds did not attract workers from a distance since ants first contact equally each type of items. Although ants are mass-recruiting species, we never observed any recruitment nor trail-laying behaviour towards seeds. For ants having contacted seed items, their antennation, manipulation and seed retrieval behaviour strongly varied depending on the species of each partner. Antennation behaviour, followed by a loss of contact, was the most frequent ant-seed interaction and can be considered as a “hesitation” clue. For both plant species, insectivorous Myrmica ants removed items in larger number and at higher speed than Lasius. This fits with the hypothesis of a convergence between odours of elaiosomes and insect preys. For both ant species, the small Chelidonium seeds were retrieved in higher proportion than Viola ones, confirming the hypothesis that ants prefer the higher elaiosome/diaspore-ratio. Thus, in these crossed experiments, the ant-plant pair Myrmica/Chelidonium was the most effective as ants removed quickly almost all items after a few antennations. The presence of an elaiosome body increased the seed removal by ants excepting for Myrmica which retrieved all Chelidonium seeds, even those deprived of their elaiosome. After 24 h, all the retrieved seeds were rejected out of the nest to the refuse piles. In at least half of these rejected items, the elaiosome was discarded by ants. Species-specific patterns and behavioural differences in the dynamics of myrmecochory are discussed at the light of ant ecology. Received 10 September 2007; revised 5 February 2008; accepted 5 March 2008.  相似文献   

The increasing numbers of invasive species have stimulated the study of the underlying causes promoting the establishment and spread of exotic species. We tracked the spread of the highly invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) along an environmental and habitat gradient on the northeastern Iberian Peninsula to determine the role of climatic, habitat and biotic variables on the rate of spread, and examine impact on native ant communities. We found the species well-established within natural environments. The mean annual rate of spread of the invasion (7.94 ± 2.99 m/year) was relatively low compared to other studies, suggesting that resistance posed by native ants in natural environments with no or low human disturbance might delay (although not prevent) the spread of the invasion irrespectively of the land-use type. Factors related to the distance to urban areas and characteristics of native and introduced populations explained the rate of spread of the invasion, while habitat-related variables determined the distribution of native ants and the impact of the Argentine ant on them. Native ant communities became more homogeneous following the invasion due to the decline of species richness and abundance. Only few species (Plagiolepis pygmaea and Temnothorax spp.) were able to cope with the spread of the invasion, and were possibly favored by the local extinction of other ant species. Taken together, our results indicate that land uses per se do not directly affect the spread of L. humile, but influence its invasive success by molding the configuration of native ant communities and the abiotic suitability of the site.  相似文献   

Disturbances such as floods and droughts play a central role in determining the structure of riverine benthic biological assemblages. Extreme disturbances from flash floods are often restricted to part of the river network and the magnitude of the flood disturbance may lessen as floods propagate downstream. The present study aimed to characterize the impact of summer monsoonal floods on the resistance and resilience of the benthic diatom assemblage structure in nine river reaches of increasing drainage size within the Gila River in the southwestern United States. Monsoonal floods had a profound effect on the diatom assemblage in the Gila River, but the effects were not related to drainage size except for the response of algal biomass. During monsoons, algal biomass was effectively reduced in smaller and larger systems, but minor changes were observed in medium systems. Resistance and resilience of the diatom assemblage to floods were related to specific species traits, mainly to growth forms. Tightly adhered, adnate and prostrate species (Achnanthidium spp., Cocconeis spp.) exhibited high resistance to repeated scour disturbance. Loosely attached diatoms, such as Nitzschia spp. and Navicula spp., were most susceptible to drift and scour. However, recovery of the diatom assemblage was very quick indicating a high resilience, especially in terms of biomass and diversity. Regional hydroclimatic models predict greater precipitation variability, which will select for diatoms resilient to bed‐mobilizing disturbances. The results of this study may help anticipate future benthic diatom assemblage patterns in the southwestern United States resulting from a more variable climate.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of predator-prey interactions is proposed which incorporates both age structure in the predators and density dependence in the prey. The properties of the model are investigated by a linearized analysis, which enables the conditions for stability to be formulated. The analysis indicates that for a substantial domain of parameter space, a stable equilibrium is possible with the prey well below its carrying capacity. The effect of violating the stability conditions on the behaviour of the model was investigated by computer simulation. Two further types of behaviour are noted in which coexistence is possible. The first is a two point limit cycle in which young and old predators occur in alternate time periods. The second involves a limit cycle in which the component population trajectories lie on closed curves in phase space.  相似文献   

红火蚁(Solenopsis invicta)具有扩散迅速、攻击性强等特点,常对入侵地区造成巨大的生态危害。虽然很多文献报道了红火蚁对无脊椎动物的影响,但红火蚁对脊椎动物影响的研究较少,也缺乏系统的总结。综述了红火蚁对不同脊椎动物类群的影响和主要的研究方法(野外调查、案例分析、实验室评估、比较分析和人工移除红火蚁),以及脊椎动物对红火蚁的行为和生理防御机制。一般而言,红火蚁常以腹部末端的螯针攻击其他动物并释放毒液,可直接捕食、伤害各种脊椎动物的卵、幼体和成体,并影响动物的行为。此外,红火蚁可降低生境内无脊椎动物的丰度,间接影响捕食者的种群数量。尽管红火蚁是陆生生物,但鱼类可能取食掉落在水面的有翅繁殖蚁而中毒,且漂浮于水面的红火蚁蚁筏也可能对鱼类造成威胁。由于两栖类动物通常体型较小,运动能力较弱,且皮肤缺乏角质层与鳞片毛发等结构的保护,极易受到红火蚁的攻击和伤害。对于鸟类和爬行类,红火蚁主要捕食卵和幼体,并干扰成体的筑巢和育幼行为,降低其繁殖成功率。此外,红火蚁对小型哺乳动物的觅食行为和种群数量均可造成负面影响,并可蛰刺伤害牛羊等家畜,对畜牧业造成巨大的经济损失。一些动物对红火蚁具有行为防御,如用附肢蹬掉体表的红火蚁,或避免取食或接触红火蚁。此外,一些动物能对红火蚁的毒素产生抗体,或调整体内荷尔蒙水平以应对红火蚁的攻击。然而,仍不清楚这些行为和生理反应是否普遍存在于其他脊椎动物,以及能在多大程度上保护其免受红火蚁伤害。值得注意的是,几乎所有的相关研究都是由国外研究者完成的,建议我国学者更多的关注红火蚁对我国经济物种、珍稀动物和食蚁物种的影响。  相似文献   

Land‐use intensification is a major driver of local species extinction and homogenization. Temperate grasslands, managed at low intensities over centuries harbored a high species diversity, which is increasingly threatened by the management intensification over the last decades. This includes key taxa like ants. However, the underlying mechanisms leading to a decrease in ant abundance and species richness as well as changes in functional community composition are not well understood. We sampled ants on 110 grassland plots in three regions in Germany. The sampled grasslands are used as meadows or pastures, being mown, grazed or fertilized at different intensities. We analyzed the effect of the different aspects of land use on ant species richness, functional trait spaces, and community composition by using a multimodel inference approach and structural equation models. Overall, we found 31 ant species belonging to 8 genera, mostly open habitat specialists. Ant species richness, functional trait space of communities, and abundance of nests decreased with increasing land‐use intensity. The land‐use practice most harmful to ants was mowing, followed by heavy grazing by cattle. Fertilization did not strongly affect ant species richness. Grazing by sheep increased the ant species richness. The effect of mowing differed between species and was strongly negative for Formica species while Myrmica and common Lasius species were less affected. Rare species occurred mainly in plots managed at low intensity. Our results show that mowing less often or later in the season would retain a higher ant species richness—similarly to most other grassland taxa. The transformation from (sheep) pastures to intensively managed meadows and especially mowing directly affects ants via the destruction of nests and indirectly via loss of grassland heterogeneity (reduced plant species richness) and increased soil moisture by shading of fast‐growing plant species.  相似文献   

Invasive plants may establish strong interactions with species in their new range which could limit or enhance their establishment and spread. These interactions depend upon traits of the invader and the recipient community, and may alter interactions among native species. In the Patagonian steppe we studied interactions of native ant assemblages with seeds of native and exotic plants, and asked whether ant–seed interactions differ with seed types and disturbance levels and whether the amount and type of ant–seed interactions can be predicted if both ant and seed traits are known. To characterize and quantify ant–seed interactions, we offered baits with large seeds of Pappostipa speciosa (native) and medium-sized elaiosome-bearing seeds of Carduus thoermeri (exotic), near and far from a road (high vs. low disturbed areas), and compared ant abundance and composition between areas. Interaction frequency was the highest for C. thoermeri seeds far from the road. Composition of ants interacting with C. thoermeri in these areas differed from that near the road and from that interacting with native seeds. Ant composition and abundance were similar between areas, but some species interacted more with exotic seeds in low disturbed areas. Ant foraging type predicted ant–seed interactions since the abundance of seed harvesters was positively correlated to interactions with P. speciosa, and that of generalists and predators, with interactions with C. thoermeri. The high interaction of ants with exotic seeds in low invaded areas suggests that ant activity could influence plant invasion, either by predating or dispersing seeds of invasive plants.  相似文献   

Evolutionary history can exert a profound influence on ecological communities, but few generalities have emerged concerning the relationships among phylogeny, community membership, and niche evolution. We compared phylogenetic community structure and niche evolution in three lizard clades (Ctenotus skinks, agamids, and diplodactyline geckos) from arid Australia. We surveyed lizard communities at 32 sites in the northwestern Great Victoria Desert and generated complete species-level molecular phylogenies for regional representatives of the three clades. We document a striking pattern of phylogenetic evenness within local communities for all groups: pairwise correlations in species abundance across sites are negatively related to phylogenetic similarity. By modeling site suitability on the basis of species' habitat preferences, we demonstrate that phylogenetic evenness generally persists even after controlling for habitat filtering among species. This phylogenetic evenness is coupled with evolutionary lability of habitat-associated traits, to the extent that closely related species are more divergent in habitat use than distantly related species. In contrast, lizard diets are phylogenetically conserved, and pairwise dietary overlap between species is negatively related to phylogenetic distance in two of the three clades. Our results suggest that contemporary and historical species interactions have led to similar patterns of community structure across multiple clades in one of the world's most diverse lizard communities.  相似文献   

Scale dependence of diversity measures in a leaf-litter ant assemblage   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A reliable characterization of community diversity and composition, necessary to allow inter‐site comparisons and to monitor changes, is especially difficult to reach in speciose invertebrate communities. Spatial components of the sampling design (sampling interval, extent and grain) as well as temporal variations of species density affect the measures of diversity (species richness S, Buzas and Gibson's evenness E and Shannon's heterogeneity H). Our aim was to document the small‐scale spatial distribution of leaf litter ants in a subtropical dry forest of the Argentinian Chaco and analyze how the community characterization was best achieved with a minimal sampling effort. The work was based on the recent standardized protocol for collecting ants of the leaf litter (“A.L.L.”: 20 samples at intervals of 10 m). To evaluate the consistency of the sampling method in time and space, the selected site was first subject to a preliminary transect, then submitted after a 9‐month interval to an 8‐fold oversampling campaign (160 samples at interval of 1.25 m). Leaf litter ants were extracted from elementary 1 m2 quadrats with Winkler apparatus. An increase in the number of samples collected increased S and decreased E but did not affect much H. The sampling interval and extent did not affect S and H beyond a distance of 10 m between samples. An increase of the sampling grain had a similar effect on S than a corresponding increase of the number of samples collected, but caused a proportionaly greater increase of H. The density of species m?2 varied twofold after a 9‐month interval; the effect on S could only be partially corrected by rarefaction. The measure of species numerical dominance was little affected by the season. A single standardized A.L.L. transect with Winkler samples collected <45% of the species present in the assemblage. All frequent species were included but their relative frequency was not always representative. A log series distribution of species occurrences was oberved. Fisher's α and Shannon's H were the most appropriate diversity indexes. The former was useful to rarefy or abundify S and the latter was robust against sample size effects. Both parametric and Soberón and Llorente extrapolation methods outperformed non‐parametric methods and yielded a fair estimate of total species richness along the transect, a minimum value of S for the habitat sampled.  相似文献   

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