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一种制备珠型固定化细胞颗粒的简易方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曹晖  彭珍荣   《微生物学通报》1997,24(4):254-254
珠型固定化细胞颗粒有总表面积大、机械强度高和便于操作等优点,从而被固定化细胞实验广泛采用。实验室包理制备珠型固定化细胞颗粒多用注射器滴注法,但由于海藻酸钠、聚乙烯醇等的高粘度,以及手的用力不均,致使注射器制备固定化颗粒费力、大小不均一,且常带有小突起,而固定化颗粒的均一性对于它的应用是非常重要的。本文用蠕动泵代替注射器制备固定化细胞颗粒,得到了较好的效果。该法简单易操作,现介绍如下。l材料与方法1.l菌种假单胞菌(hen咖monasSPJ门及1.2主要化学试剂和仪器海藻酸钠(化学纯),聚乙烯醇(化学纯),蠕动…  相似文献   

一种用于PCR模板制备的电泳产物简易回收方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索一种简便、有效而且能从琼脂糖凝胶中大量回收用于第2次PCR扩增的DNA电泳条带的方法,采用刀片切胶法和牙签插胶法从琼脂糖中回收DNA,并进行了两种方法的比较.结果显示牙签插胶法回收的DNA用作第2次PCR的模板,获得了清晰、稳定的PCR产物电泳条带,用该法成功地制备了一批DNA微阵列探针.由此可见牙签插胶法是一种简便、快速、有效的用于PCR模板的DNA琼脂糖凝胶回收法.  相似文献   

小牛血清对鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒增殖的抑制机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验研究了小牛血清(CS)对法氏囊炎病毒(IBDV)蚀斑形成的抑制机制。CS与鸡胚细胞(CEF)作用后,CS中的抑制因子能被细胞吸收。这说明血清中的抑制因子可附着在CEF上。细胞预先用CS处理,则吸附病毒的能力明显降低。还发现,若把CS加入琼脂培养液中,则能抑制IBDV的蚀斑形成。这说明CS能抑制病毒对其周围细胞的感染。CS对IBDV蚀斑形成的抑制机制,不是由于抑制因子直接中和了病毒,而是因为抑制因子附着在细胞表面,占据了细胞的病毒受体,从而阻止了病毒附着于细咆,以致抑制了病毒蚀斑的形成。  相似文献   

下面介绍一种在体的坐骨神经肌肉标本制备的简易方法 ,以供在教学实验中参考。具体方法、操作步骤如下 :1)取蛙 1只 ,毁髓后用手术剪将蛙的一侧后肢皮肤环形切开 ,并将该侧后肢皮肤撕去。2 )将蛙腹位固定在蜡盘上 (用大头钉将蛙的四肢固定即可 ) ,用玻璃分针沿半膜肌和股二头肌的裂缝找出坐骨神经 ,游离出 1段 (2 cm左右 )并穿线。3)用手术镊在腓肠肌跟腱下穿线并结扎 ,提起结扎线剪断肌腱与胫腓骨之间的联系 ,游离出腓肠肌。至此 ,在体的坐骨神经腓肠肌标本制备完毕。此法的优点 :手术简便易操作 ,不易损伤坐骨神经 ,由于是在体标本 ,动物…  相似文献   

一种改良的RNA超离心制备方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RNA制备是分子生物学中常用的实 验技术之一。RNA的常用制备方法包括蛋白酶K/SDS法、异硫氰酸胍或盐酸肌超离心法以及热酚法等。我们在制备非洲爪赡(XenopusLaevis)早期胚胎RNA的过程中,通过对不同实验方法的比较,摸索出一种RNA制备方法(改良法),提高了起离心的效率,简要介绍如下。  相似文献   

笔者在实验中发现了以下制备酵母菌实验材料的简易方法。1 实验器材1 .1 药品 :玉米粉、琼脂、蔗糖和酵母粉。1 .2 器材 :小三角烧瓶 (带棉塞 )、烧杯、漏斗和电炉。1 .3 仪器 :培养箱、高压灭菌锅。2 操作步骤1 )先将三角烧瓶 (带棉塞 )、漏斗用报纸包好 ,然后进行高压灭菌 (1 2 1℃维持 2 0~ 3 0min)。2 )配制玉米粉培养基 ,方法如下 :A .蔗糖 1 3g +琼脂 1 .5g+水 80mL ,倒入大烧杯中煮沸 ,使琼脂溶解。B .玉米粉 1 7g+水 80mL倒入另一烧杯中调匀。当A中的琼脂溶解后 ,将B倒入A中 ,煮沸后移去电炉。待稍冷却后往培养基中加入 1 …  相似文献   

童放 《蛇志》1997,9(2):16-17
电泳滴定曲线法是运用第一向等电聚焦,再进行第二向电泳,反映各pH下,各蛋白质组分之间在迁移率上的差异.该法在选择蛋白质分离纯化的最佳条件、离于交换剂的类型等方面已表现出广阔的应用前景.作者制备了小牛血清白蛋白和羊抗兔IgG血清的电泳滴定曲线,取得满意结果.  相似文献   

通过研究小牛血清对CHO-C28细胞培养及HBsAg表达的影响,探讨小牛血清的不同采集时间对血清质量的影响。采集出生后4、8、12h(未进食)小牛的血清,对CHO-C28细胞进行传代、换液培养,并检测乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)表达量。结果可见:①在细胞传代4次时,4h采集的血清细胞生长状态良好,8h采集的血清细胞出现明显的衰老,12h采集的血清细胞大面积死亡;②在细胞维持换液方面,4h采集的血清可维持细胞换液25次以上,8h采集的血清可勉强维持20次,12h采集的血清维持细胞换液10次时已大部分死亡;③乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)表达量的检测结果,同批培养上清,4h采集的血清培养细胞表达量最高。可见,小牛出生后采集血清时间越早越好。  相似文献   

介绍一种简便的蚤类DNA分离制备方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王善青 《昆虫知识》1992,29(2):122-123

一种改进的神经突触膜制备方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍一种改进的神经突触膜(SPM)的制备方法.采用此方法,可简化制备过程,缩短制备时间,提高 SPM 产率,特别是可以完全排除胞液对 SPM 制备物的污染.  相似文献   

Summary Putrescine-oxidase activity was found in fetal bovine serum (FBS) with a pH optimum of 8.0 and in adult bovine serum (ABS) with a pH optimum of 9.8. The crude FBS enzyme had a KM for putrescine of 2.58×10−6 m and a Vmax of 0.53 nmol per hr per 50 μl serum. Aminoguanidine competitively inhibited the enzyme with a KI of 1.8×10−8 m. Spermidine and spermine proved competitive inhibitors of putrescine for both the FBS and the crude ABS putrescine oxidases. The Vmax for the ABS putrescine oxidase was 2.10 nmol per hr per 50 μl serum, and the KM for putrescine, 50.3×10−6 m. The K1 of the ABS putrescine oxidase for aminoguanidine was 41×10−6 m. On the basis of both the KM and KI values, the adult serum enzyme, at its optimal pH of 9.8, bound spermidine and spermine more avidly than the smaller putrescine and aminoguanidine; whereas the FBS enzyme, at pH 8.0, bound aminoguanidine and putrescine more tightly than the larger polyamines. Each of the enzymes retained over 80% of its activity after heating at 56°C for 30 min. Applications of these data to the study of polyamines in tissue culture and to the purification of diamine oxidases are discussed. This work was supported in part by a grant from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary The colony-forming efficiency of rat tracheal epithelial (RTE) cells was determined in serum-free media containing different types of commercially available bovine serum albumin (BSA): crude fraction V, essentially globulin-free, essentially fatty-acid-free, and essentially globulin- and fatty-acid-free BSA. RTE cells exhibited a concentration-dependent increase in colony-forming efficiency in response to crude fraction V BSA. Similar results were obtained using essentially globulin-free BSA. However, deletion of cholera toxin from the medium resulted in a decrease in the colony-forming efficiency for cells plated in high concentrations (>2 mg/ml) of globulin-free, but not one type of fraction V, BSA. Essentially fatty-acid-free or essentially fatty-acid- and globulin-free BSA stimulated RTE cell colony formation at low concentrations (less than 2.5 to 5 mg BSA/ml) but resulted in concentration-dependent decreases in colony-forming efficiency at higher concentrations. The response of cells to these BSAs was not dependent on cholera toxin. Finally, commerically available fraction V BSA prepared by heat shock, dialysis, charcoal treatment, and deionization was stimulatory at low concentrations but inhibitory at high concentrations. These data suggest that impure preparations of BSA can, under different conditions, stimulate or inhibit cell proliferation and that the expression, of these activities is affected by the method of BSA preparation, the concentration of BSA used, and, in some cases, by the presence or absence of cholera toxin. Research conducted with support from the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, under contract no. DE-AC04-76EV01013 in facilities fully acredited by the American Association for Laboratory Animal Care.  相似文献   

Cell culture methods and models are key investigative tools for cell and molecular biology studies. Fetal bovine serum (FBS) is commonly used as an additive during cell culture since its constituents promote cell survival, proliferation and differentiation. Here we report that commercially available FBS from different major suppliers consistently contain precipitated, calcium oxalate crystals-either in the monohydrate (COM) or dihydrate (COD) form. Mineral structure and phase identification of the crystals were determined by X-ray diffraction, chemical composition by energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis, and imaging and measurement of crystal growth steps by atomic force microscopy-all identified and confirmed crystallographic parameters for COM and COD. Proteins binding to the crystals were identified by immunoblotting, revealing the presence of osteopontin and fetuin-A (alpha(2)HS-glycoprotein)--known regulators of crystal growth found in serum. Macrophage cell cultures exposed to calcium oxalate crystals showed internalization of the crystals by phagocytosis in a process that induced disruption of cell-cell adhesion, release of reactive oxygen species and membrane damage, events that may be linked to the release of inflammatory cytokines by these cells into the culture media. In conclusion, calcium oxalate crystals found in commercially available FBS are toxic to cells, and their presence may confound results from in vitro studies where, amongst others, phagocytosis, biomineralization, renal cell and molecular biology, and drug and biomaterial testing are being examined.  相似文献   

A new method for fish chromosome preparation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new method for the preparation of fish chromosomes from abdominal cavity fluid has been developed. Cells were collected from fish abdominal cavity fluid after an in vivo PHA treatment, and cultured for a short time in medium with colchicine. After 30 min hypotonic treatment for marine fish and 35 min for freshwater fish, slides were prepared by the conventional air-drying method. The advantages ofthe method are: (1) it is technically simple; (2) it produces a reasonably high mitotic index; (3) chromosome spreading is good (4) there is very little cell breakage. Using this method, the chromosomes ofrainbow trout (2n=62); cod (2n=4546) and plaice (2n=46,47 and 48) were investigated.  相似文献   

Hu T  Su Z 《Journal of biotechnology》2003,100(3):267-275
A solid phase adsorption method was proposed to prepare well-defined bovine serum albumin–bovine hemoglobin (Hb) conjugate. After adsorption by the solid phase, Q Sepharose Fast Flow media, bovine serum albumin (BSA) molecules were allowed to react with glutaraldehyde. The spacing out of BSA molecules on the solid phase was assumed to limit polymerization of BSA molecules, except some molecules bound closely on the solid phase resulting in minor dimer formation. Following the elution procedure, the activated monomeric BSA was separated from the dimers by gel filtration chromatography on Superdex 200 and then reacted with bovine Hb at 4 °C and pH 9.5. The 1:1 (BSA:Hb) conjugate was obtained with the yield of 64%. The P50 values of the conjugates, prepared under anaerobic and aerobic conditions, were 19.1 and 14.2 mmHg, respectively. The dependence of the P50 on chloride ions for the conjugate was slightly diminished, presumably due to covalent attachment of BSA to bovine Hb.  相似文献   

An allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification method was developed to determine the genotypes at the bovine growth hormone locus that result from two nucleotide substitutions in exon 5 of the gene. This method was a multiplex PCR (ASM–PCR) employing a common primer pair and two allele-specific reverse primers. The common primer pair was designed to amplify a target region containing two substitution points from the three variants of the bovine growth hormone gene. The allele-specific primers were designed to be mismatched with other genotypes at the 3' end of oligonucleotides. When the common and allele-specific reverse primers competed with each other, the shorter allele-specific fragments were amplified preferentially. Consequently, the PCR products of the variant-specific fragments were 347, 483 and 656 bp for alleles A, B and C, respectively, of the bovine growth hormone gene. Genotypes of the bovine growth hormone gene were easily identified by agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR products. The results suggested that this multiplex PCR method would be useful for identification of genetic variants caused by point mutations.  相似文献   

Heparin (HP) has antiproliferative as well as anticoagulant properties, but not all HP preparations are equally antiproliferative. A recent report found that HP lost its total antiproliferative activity when fetal bovine serum (FBS) was replaced with human serum (HS) in culture media. This observation led to the investigation of our most potent antiproliferative Upjohn HP preparation effects on bovine pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMC) and systemic SMC growth stimulated in the presence of either FBS or HS. Bovine PASMC, human PASMC, and bovine aortic SMC were treated with 10 microg/ml Upjohn HP in either 15% FBS or 15% HS and the cell number was determined by a Coulter counter. We found that Upjohn HP significantly inhibited bovine PASMC and systemic SMC proliferation in both HS and FBS. The antiproliferative activity of the above HP preparation in HS may lead to an effective treatment of pulmonary vascular and systemic remodeling.  相似文献   

Interactions between a model protein (bovine serum albumin—BSA) and the cationic polyelectrolyte, chitosan (Chi), have been characterized by turbidimetry, circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy. It has been found that the conformation of the BSA does not change significantly during the chain interaction between BSA and chitosan forming the non-covalently linked complex. The effects of pH, ionic strength and anions which modify the water structure around BSA were evaluated in the chitosan–BSA complex formation. A net coulombic interaction force between BSA and Chi was found as the insoluble complex formation decreased after the addition of NaCl. Around 80% of the BSA in solution precipitates with the Chi addition. A concentration of 0.05% (w/v) Chi was necessary to precipitate the protein, with a stoichiometry of 6.9 g BSA/g Chi. No modification of the tertiary and secondary structure of BSA was observed when the precipitate was dissolved by changing the pH of the medium. Chitosan proved to be a useful framework to isolate proteins with a slightly acid isoelectrical pH by means of precipitation.  相似文献   

Erythropoietin receptors (EPORs) are present not only in erythrocyte precursors but also in non-hematopoietic cells including cancer cells. In this study, we determined the effect of fetal bovine serum (FBS) in culture medium on the EPOR expression and viability of the estrogen receptor (ER)-positive MCF-7 and ER-negative MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. Using flow cytometry, we showed that the inclusion of 10% FBS in the medium increased the EPOR expressions and viabilities of MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 cells. The MDA-MB-231 showed greater EPOR expression than MCF-7 cells, suggesting that the presence of ERs on cells is associated with poor expression of EPOR. Culture medium containing 10% FBS also caused increased number of breast cancer cells entering the synthesis phase of the cell cycle. The study also showed that rHuEPO treatment did not affect viability of breast cancer cells. In conclusion, it was shown that the inclusion of FBS in culture medium increased expression of EPOR in breast cancer cells and rHuEPO treatment had no effect on the proliferation of these cancer cells.  相似文献   

Cardiac fibroblasts constitute greater than 90% of non-myocyte cells in the heart. Because they are responsible for synthesis of components of the extracellular matrix, growth factors and cytokines in the myocardium, they play an important role in normal and pathologic performance of the heart. An understanding of their biology requires in depth studies in a stable and reliable system in which the biological responses of cardiac fibroblasts to various stimuli can be determined. With the exception of few, all studies have been performed on cardiac fibroblasts obtained from rodent hearts. We present a method for isolation and subsequent culture of viable cardiac fibroblasts from ventricular tissue of adult human. This method allows rapid and reliable isolation and subsequent culture of cardiac fibroblasts from adult heart tissue without the need for cumbersome isolation techniques and complex nutrient-enriched and hormone-supplemented culture media for maintenance.  相似文献   

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