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为研究人工鱼礁对产卵鱼类的诱集效果和庇护效应,2014—2015年对青岛崂山青山湾海域人工鱼礁区及附近海域鱼卵和仔稚鱼的种类组成和数量分布进行了水平和垂直拖网调查. 2014年春、夏、秋3个季节的7个航次调查中,共采集鱼卵7306粒、仔稚鱼52尾,隶属于4目9科11属12种;2015年同期进行的13个航次调查中,共采集鱼卵10373粒、仔稚鱼159尾,隶属于6目11科14属15种.2年间鱼卵和仔稚鱼样品均以鲈形目数量最多,鲽形目次之,其中鱼卵样品中仅有少鳞鱚和短吻红舌鳎构成优势种;仔稚鱼样品以少鳞鱚优势度最高,但不存在仔稚鱼优势种.鱼卵和稚鱼的高优势度物种的季节间演替明显.春、夏、秋季鱼类浮游生物群落Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数平均值均较低,说明该海域鱼类浮游生物群落结构稳定性较低.2年间所采集物种对应的成鱼平均营养级分别为3.71和3.78,均属第三营养级中的低级肉食性鱼类,绝大多数为暖温种,无冷温性种类,表现出明显的暖温带特点.综合分析认为,人工鱼礁区鱼类浮游生物群落的多样性相对较高,这与鱼礁区流速和流场特征及复杂的空间异质性有关.  相似文献   

The diameter and dry weight of the eggs of haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus , are positively correlated with fish length. The correlations are largely due to the fact that many of the smaller fish that were sampled were 2 years old, and the eggs of these young haddock, which can be regarded as precocious spawners, are significantly smaller and lighter than those of older fish. The relative fecundity of 2–year–old haddock (274 eggs g−1) is also lower than that of the other age classes (493 eggs g−1); this has important implications for the estimation of egg production from female spawning stock biomass. It is pointed out that in some years precocious spawners represent a large component of the North Sea haddock spawning stock. When the annual egg production of this stock is calculated, it may be appropriate to apply a weighting factor to the number of eggs contributed by the 2–year–olds, on the assumption that the small eggs of these fish produce larvae that are less viable than those of older haddock.  相似文献   

The wide-eyed flounder, Bothus podas, occurs in many East Atlantic sub-tropical and temperate inshore areas and is the dominant flatfish in shallow-water areas around the Azores. The aim of this study was to examine the growth, reproductive biology and recruitment patterns of the wide-eyed flounder in the Azores. Adult fish samples were obtained by spear fishing and SCUBA hand netting at Faial Island. Juveniles were obtained from a complementary monthly beach-seining programme undertaken at Porto Pim Bay, Faial. Sex and development stage were determined by macroscopic examination of gonads, whereas age estimates were obtained by counting the number of opaque bands in the otoliths. In the Azores, B. podas reaches 6 years old, which is more than reported for the central Mediterranean, the only other population of this species that has been studied. The studied population has a sex ratio biased to males, which contrasts to a previous observational study, which noted a female-biased sex ratio. Spawning time, as determined from the gonadosomatic ratio and the macroscopic examination of gonads, was between July and September. This time period agrees with behavioural observations in the same area. Sexual maturity was estimated at a total length (TL50) of 14.1 cm and at an age (A50) of 1.7 years. Small juveniles occur on sandy inshore nursery areas for most of the year, but mainly between July and August each year. The presence of small fish throughout most of the year could suggest a protracted settlement period or slow growth on occasions on the shallow-water nursery grounds.  相似文献   

Sand gobies ( Pomatoschistus minutus ) collected from beaches with a large tidal range (Scotland) exhibit a circatidal rhythm of activity in constant conditions in the laboratory. There is no endogenous circadian component to the rhythm. The phasing of the rhythm is such that peak activity occurs at the predicted time of ebb tide. Light-dark (LD) cycles applied in the laboratory have a marked effect on activity greatly enhancing it at night so that the original tidal rhythm becomes nocturnal. Some evidence was obtained that LD cycles can entrain a weak nocturnal circadian rhythm in fish removed from tidal conditions. Contrary to expectations, some fish from beaches with a small and unpredictable tidal range (Oslofjord, Norway) also show a weakly persistent circatidal thythm without an endogenous circadian component, but great variability was noticed between individual fish. Laboratory LD cycles did not entrain a persistent circadian rhythm in the fish from the Oslofjord.  相似文献   

Decapsulated cysts of the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana were assessed as a factitious food for rearing the anthocorid predator Orius laevigatus. Developmental and reproductive traits of O. laevigatus reared for a single generation on A. franciscana from three geographical locations or on gamma-irradiated eggs of the Mediterranean flour moth Ephestia kuehniella were compared. There was no effect of diet on nymphal survival but nymphal period on E. kuehniella eggs (12.2 days) was 0.7-1.6 days shorter than on the Artemia diets. The predator developed 0.5-1 day faster on cysts from San Francisco Bay (USA) than on cysts from Great Salt Lake (USA) or Macau (Brazil). Fecundity on brine shrimp cysts from different locations was similar to that on flour moth eggs (142-187 eggs/female). The biochemical composition of decapsulated cysts from San Francisco Bay was compared with that of E. kuehniella eggs. Depending on the type of analysis, Artemia cysts contained higher or similar amounts of protein as compared with E. kuehniella eggs, but amino acid patterns were generally similar. Flour moth eggs were almost three times richer in fatty acids than brine shrimp cysts, with some marked differences in fatty acid profiles. Because nutrient imbalances in a diet may be expressed only after several generations of rearing, the predator was cultured for three consecutive generations on A. franciscana cysts from San Francisco Bay. In the third generation on brine shrimp cysts, nymphs took 18% longer to develop, and adults were shorted-lived and about 60% less fecund than those maintained on E. kuehniella eggs. Brine shrimp cysts may be used as a supplement in the mass production of O. laevigatus but may not be a suitable food for long-term culturing of the predator.  相似文献   

Aspects of the biology of the panga, Pterogymnus laniarius, a commercially important endemic southern African, demersal sparid fish species, are described from material collected monthly between February 1994 and July 1995 on the Agulhas Bank, South Africa. Growth studies based on sectioned sagittal otoliths revealed that the panga is relatively slow growing with ages of 16 years being recorded. Growth was best described by the von Bertalanffy growth model as Lt = 379.4 (1-e–0.13(t+1.78)). Estimates of total mortality, natural and fishing mortality were estimated at 0.36 year–1 0.28 year–1 and 0.08 year–1, respectively. Detailed histological examination revealed that panga are late gonochorists, males and females maturing after a non-functional intersexual interval. Females mature at approximately 200 mm fork length or 4 years of age. Reproductive activity occurs throughout the year, peaking slightly in winter when small pelagic eggs are spawned. Gametogenesis was found to be similar to that of other sparid fishes and marine teleosts in general. The panga feeds predominantly on crustaceans with a distinct ontogenetic shift in feeding habits. Juvenile fish feed predominantly in the water column on mysids after which they move to the benthos with subadult fish feeding on ophiuroids and amphipods. Adult fish remain on or near the benthos, feeding predominantly on crabs with polychaetes, ophiuroids and fishes also present in the diet in smaller quantities. Several aspects of the panga's biology such as it's late gonochoristic reproductive style, protracted spawning season, maturation before recruitment and the ability to utilise large areas of the Agulhas Bank by feeding on soft substratum prey are thought to enable this species to sustain a higher fishing pressure than other sympatric sparid species. The panga's longevity, slow growth and high natural mortality rate mitigates against these factors and needs to be considered in the development of a management strategy.  相似文献   

Predation on eggs, embryos, and larvae of the sand dollar, Dendraster excentricus (Eschscholtz) was investigated in a series of laboratory feeding experiments. Dendraster susceptibility to predation by zoea larvae of the red crab, Cancer productus Randall was strongly dependent on developmental stage and ontogenetic differences in motility. Clearance rates by C. productus were highest for eggs and averaged 0.551·zoea−1·day−1. Embryos and prism larvae of Dendraster were consumed at an intermediate rate, while pluteus larvae were captured at a relatively low rate. Clearance rates decreased from 0.18 to 0.031·zoea−1·day−1 during the transition of prism larvae into echinoplutei. Differences in Dendraster susceptibility to predation cannot be attributed to increasing prey body size because dwarf plutei were captured at the same rate as normal plutei. Reduced capture rates by Cancer productus zoeae are dependent on the development of Dendraster swimming behavior. Periodic reversals in the direction of ciliary beating and backwards swimming effectively remove Dendraster plutei from the immediate capture sphere of Cancer productus. Reversed swimming appears to function as a post-contact encounter response that reduces the mortality rates of Dendraster plutei.  相似文献   

In the Glentui River, Canterbury, New Zealand, Galaxias vulgaris Stokell spawned in late winter and early spring (from July to September), the onset of spawning being temperature-dependent. No females matured in their first year, but 95 and 68 % of age 0+ males were mature in consecutive years. With the exception of one female, all fish aged 1 + and older spawned. In mature fish, overies reached nearly 23%, and testes 11%, of somatic weight. Maturity in males depended on size, whereas in females, age appeared to be the major factor affecting maturity. Recruitment eggs for next season's spawning were distinct from primary oocytes soon after the ripe eggs were shed. Egg numbers varied between 284 and 1911 per fish, and weight was the best indicator of fecundity. Sex ratios of whole samples were not significantly different from 1 : 1, but ratios of potential spawners revealed an excess of males, due mainly to the presence of age 0 + fish. Age0+ males probably play an important role in adverse conditions and act as a form of insurance by significantly increasing the proportion of ripe males, thereby ensuring that all eggs are fertilized. The nest, egg mass and behaviour during the spawning period are described. More than one female may lay eggs in each nest and it is probable that each egg mass receives sperm from more than one male. It is suggested that the presence of fewer and larger eggs in G. vulgaris , compared with the diadromous galaxiids, is the result of a more precise fertilization process.  相似文献   

Demersal fish were sampled over 3 years to describe sealworm Pseudoterranova decipiens infection levels in relation to the size of a local colony of common seals Phoca vitulina in Hvaler, Oslofjord, Norway. More than 2000 fish were examined for worms, and five fish species were found to be infected, cod Gadus morhua , four-bearded rockling Enchelyopus cimbrius , plaice Pleuronectes platessa , long rough dab Hippoglossoides platessoides and dab Limanda limanda. A detailed analysis of worm accumulation in cod, the only infected species present in large enough numbers, shows a net decrease in worm transmission following the phocine distemper virus epizootic which killed two-thirds of the seals in Hvaler in 1988.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The material for this study is drawn from two sources, (a) investigations of the fish fauna in the inner Oslofjord between 1897 and 1967, (b) fish landing statistics available since 1872 at the Oslo fish market.2. The investigations of the fish fauna reveal that 4 species of fish — 2 sharks and 2 arctic bullheads — have disappeared from the deep waters of the Oslofjord where they were known to exist in 1897. We assume that unfavourable conditions, great changes in temperature or lack of oxygen in the stagnant deep water to which these species belonged have been injurious to their propagation and survival.3. The annual fluctuations in the landed quantities of fish are great, but nevertheless there exists a marked decreasing trend since about 1930; total landings in recent years are less than 1/10 of what they were 30 or 40 years ago.4. The fluctuations in the landings of cod, herring and mackerel are studied in some detail. Three periods (of 20 to 22 years' duration) from 1872 to 1932 show increasing average landings of cod: 44, 57, and 74 tons respectively; in the period 1933 to 1955 landings decreased to an average of 16 tons per year. The effect of fluctuating year classes is discussed.5. The landings of herring and mackerel were very good between 1911 and 1919 or 1920 with a maximum of 1500 tons of herring and 800 tons of mackerel. In the following years there was a trend of decrease with a few years of moderately good landings. Mature mackerels are immigrating into the fjord for feeding and spawning, while mature herrings, to a major extent, are supposed to belong to a local stock. The highest landings of both species are due to extremely great catches of young fish, and the success of the fishery in any one year, therefore, dependent of a successful spawning and hatching one ort two years before.6. In conclusion, the attention is drawn to the fact that there are reasons to believe that the profuse growth of bacteria in the polluted waters seems to be injurious to the hatching of fish eggs and to the survival of fish larvae (Dannevig 1945,Oppenheimer 1955).
Veränderungen der Fischfauna und der Fischerei des Oslofjords seit der Jahrhundertwende
Kurzfassung Das Material zu dieser Untersuchung stammt aus zwei Quellen: (a) vier Untersuchungen über die Fischfauna des Oslofjords im Zeitraum zwischen 1897 und 1967, und (b) Statistiken für den Zeitraum von 1872 bis 1964 über die Fischmengen, die im inneren Oslofjord gefangen und an die Fischhalle in Oslo geliefert worden sind. Ein Vergleich der Resultate mit den vier Untersuchungen über die Fischfauna zeigt, daß vier Arten von Tiefwasserfischen aus dem inneren Oslofjord völlig verschwunden sind, nämlichEtmopterus spinax, Somniosus microcephalus, Artediellus uncinatus undIcelus bicornis, die beiden zuletzt genannten wahrscheinlich schon vor 1930. Eine Anzahl anderer Arten, die früher häufig waren, sind jetzt selten. Statistische Erhebungen über die im Oslofjord gefangenen Fische lassen erkennen, daß die Erträge seit den zwanziger und dreißiger Jahren stark zurückgegangen sind. Gleichzeitig hat die Zahl der Fischer abgenommen. Es wird die Schlußfolgerung gezogen, daß die Veränderungen des Oslofjords sich besonders in den letzten 30 Jahren für mehrere Fischarten als schädigend erwiesen haben. Diese Auffassung wird unterstützt durch die Untersuchungen vonDannevig (1945) undOppenheimer (1955), die gezeigt haben, daß die reiche Bakterienflora des Oslofjords für die Entwicklung der pelagischen Fischeier schädlich ist.

根据2014年夏季、2016年夏季与2017年夏季3个航次的黄海近岸海域产卵场调查数据,采用服从Tweedie分布的广义加性模型(GAM),对黄海近岸海域短吻红舌鳎产卵场的空间分布及其年际变化进行了研究。结果表明: 短吻红舌鳎的产卵场主要分布在海州湾(34°00′—35°18′ N,119°30′—121°30′ E)、苏北浅滩(32°18′—34°00′ N,120°18′—122°00′ E)海域范围内,而山东半岛南部海域(34°42′—36°48′ N,119°30′—122°00′ E)鱼卵数量较少。短吻红舌鳎产卵场的空间分布与经纬度、水深及海水表层温度均显著相关,与海水表层盐度、表层叶绿素a相关性不显著;其最适水深、海水表层温度、海水表层盐度、表层叶绿素a浓度范围分别为15~26 m、29~32 ℃、22~25和0.10~3 mg·m-3。短吻红舌鳎产卵场的空间分布及其影响因子存在一定的年际变化,总体上其产卵场分布较为稳定,但表层温度较高的年份可能存在北移的趋势。  相似文献   

An experimental approach was adopted to clarify whether fertilisation in Jasus, a southern temperate genus of rock or spiny lobster (Decapoda: Palinuridae), occurs internally or externally. Female Jasus edwardsii, isolated from males until they moulted, to ensure that they were unmated, were randomly assigned to treatments in which internal fertilisation was physically prevented or to methodological controls. Examination of eggs attached to setae on the pleopods indicated that those from all females from all treatments had divided and were therefore fertilised. The only mechanism that explains these results is external fertilisation via a spermatophore deposited on the sternal plates of the female during copulation. Because of similar morphologies it is likely that in all Jasus species fertilisation occurs by this external mechanism. These experimental results are important in understanding the mating system of Jasus and in clarifying the phylogenetic relationships of this genus, and suggest that claims for internal fertilisation in related taxonomic groups warrant similar experimental testing before they are accepted.  相似文献   

Summary The grass carp is one of the largest members of the family Cyprinidae. In their native habitat, grass carp typically reach weights of 30–36 kg, but fish have been reported up to 181 kg. Successful reproduction is a function of temperature, age/size, and water conditions. Fish reach maturity when about 4 years old (4–5 kg). Spawning occurs when water temperature rises above 20°C. Because grass carp eggs are semipelagic, current during spawning is required to keep eggs in suspension while they incubate. In general, successful spawning takes place under rising water conditions in very long rivers. Fecundity is very high in normal diploid individuals; females may produce over one million eggs in a season. In triploid fish, eggs and sperm are produced, but the incidence of viable offspring (even when mated with diploids) is very low.Grass carp fry begin feeding on microscopic animals and gradually switch to plant material as they grow. Adult diploids, triploids, and hybrids ( grass carp x bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, Cyprinidae)) are all herbivorous. Feeding is strongly affected by temperature. Active feeding begins as temperatures rise above 7–8°C and consumption peaks at 20–26°C. Whereas triploids feed at nearly the same rate as diploids, hybrids feed at substantially lower rates. Therefore, vegetation control is most efficiently achieved with diploid or triploid fish. These fish may consume more than their own weight in plant material each day. However, feeding rate (and hence vegetation control) is affected by the forage that is available. Grass carp exhibit strong preferences for different macrophyte species depending on the aquatic system (i.e. the same plant species is not always the most preferred). Hydrilla verticillata and similar species are almost always among the most preferred species, and control or elimination is usually assured if adequate stocking densities are used. Vegetation control has been reported with stocking densities as low as six fish per vegetated ha.Grass carp currently appear to be the most effective biological control on aquatic vegetation. However, in order to avoid ecological disaster, care should be taken to limit their use to sterile forms and to prevent their invasion of ecologically sensitive areas, such as waterfowl staging areas and threatened or endangered species habitat.  相似文献   

Age, growth and mortality of red bandfish, Cepola macrophrhalma (L.), from the western Aegean Sea were studied using the otoliths from 1113 fish and the length and weight of 3351 fish. Two regions were established (north and south of the Euripos Strait). The red bandfish grows allometrically (slope of length-weight regressions ≤2) and relatively rapidly until age 4 or 5 years. It is proposed that this rapid linear growth represents an adaptation which evolved to reduce the vulnerability of red bandfish to whole-fish swallowers. Back-calculated lengths-at-age showed significant differences between regions and between sexes. Males were larger than females after age 2 years. Maximum age of northern fish was also higher than southern fish (8 and 5 years respectively). Southern fish grow at a faster rate (K=0.379) but to a significantly smaller size (Lx=424.8mm t.l. , Wx=25.1 g) than northern fish (K=0.214, Lx=676.1 mm t.l. , Wx=90.9 g). Mortality rates (total and natural instantaneous mortalities) of southern fish were also higher than northern fish. We suggest that these variations represent responses to the different conditions of temperature and food availability prevailing in the two regions.  相似文献   

福建三都澳游泳动物种类组成及群落结构稳定性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用2012-2013年三都澳渔业资源的定置张网调查资料, 应用物种多样性指数、数量生物量比较曲线(ABC曲线)及鱼类分类多样性指数等方法分析三都澳游泳动物种类组成特征和群落结构的稳定性。调查中共出现游泳动物195种, 隶属于17目64科125属, 其中鱼类143种, 甲壳类47种, 头足类5种。大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)在三都澳4个航次的调查中都是最主要的优势种类, 其他优势种类还包括叫姑鱼(Johnius belengerii)、白姑鱼(Argyrosomus argentatus)、虾虎鱼类和一些甲壳类。大黄鱼多为养殖群体, 其他优势种类的共同特征是个体小, 繁殖周期短, 生物量季节或年际间波动剧烈。物种多样性分析表明, 三都澳游泳动物群落平均Shannon-Wiener多样性指数为2.61, 9、10月高, 1、5月低。ABC曲线分析表明, 4次调查中群落结构存在明显的变化, 繁殖群体的补充、个体生长、捕捞、伏季休渔等是影响群落结构稳定性的因素。本次研究表明, 大黄鱼生物量的比例与Shannon-Wiener多样性指数呈极显著负相关(P < 0.01, R = -0.890), 与种类数呈显著负相关(P < 0.05, R = -0.563)。结合近年来的调查数据, 统计得到三都澳的现存鱼类约224种, 其平均分类差异指数(△+)为59.5, 分类差异变异指数(∧+)为260.8。相对于中国沿海其他海域, 三都澳鱼类群落分类学范围较小, 且群落间的分类地位关系极不均匀, 群落抗干扰的能力较差。  相似文献   

Enclosure and exclosure experiments were conducted in Canary Creek marsh to examine how predation by a killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus (L.), affects the abundance and size distribution of the salt marsh snail, Melampus bidentatus (Say). Enclosures (7.6 × 19.7 m) were stocked with Fundulus heteroclitus at densities of one-half normal, normal, twice normal, and four times normal density. Fish exclusion pens were also built. In both years of study, the mean density of snails increased significantly in pens where fish were excluded or their density reduced. During the same period in each year, the density of snails in pens containing higher than normal fish density fell by ≈50%.

Fish density also affected the size distribution of snails within pens. In both years, mean shell length of snails in the pen with the highest density of fish was significantly greater, and mean shell length of snails within fish exclusion pens was significantly lower than in all other treatments. Gape size limitation of F. heteroclitus causes selective predation on small snails and apparently is responsible for the difference in mean shell length among treatments.

Density and size distribution measurements of the natural Melampus bidentatus population in Canary Creek marsh were also taken. Larger snails were found to occur in the low marsh zone, whereas smaller snails occurred in the high marsh zone. Since the high marsh area is flooded less often than the low marsh, and the grass types found in the high marsh zone are known to afford protection from fish predation, the distribution of snails in the marsh is consistent with the idea that fish predation is an important factor influencing the distribution of snails in Canary Creek marsh.  相似文献   

The bucephalid digenean Prosorhynchoides gracilescens (Rudolphi, 1819) is a common intestinal parasite of the angler fish Lophius piscatorius in European marine waters. Detailed studies of new material collected off the coasts of both Marseilles and Corsica in the western Mediterranean, and comparison with museum material from the northern North-East Atlantic, indicated that the accepted concept of this species comprises two distinct taxa. The Mediterranean form occurs in relatively small numbers and has small eggs, a large rhynchus and a vitelline distribution that finishes well short of the rhynchus, whereas the NE Atlantic form, which comprises the majority of records, occurs often in large numbers, has larger eggs, a relatively smaller rhynchus and a vitelline distribution that tends to reach the rhynchus. Since the type-material is from the Mediterranean and resembles the Mediterranean form, there was little option but to consider the latter as P. gracilescens (sensu stricto) and to describe the NE Atlantic form as a new species, for which the name P. borealis n. sp. is coined to reflect its northerly distribution. Both species are described and figured in detail, and a table and illustration of the diagnostic features are presented. In addition, some discussion is included on the distribution of these two species and whether P. gracilescens (s. str.) might be a relict species, and on non-European records of P. gracilescens (sensu lato).  相似文献   

A first attempt to introduce tench (Tinca tinca (L.)) to Israel, followed by comparative growth experiments, was carried out in 1947. A batch of 200 fingerlings, which were supposed to serve later as brood fish, was imported from Switzerland to Fish Culture Experimental Station at Sdeh Nahum. However, after 2 years tench were considered unsuitable for culturing in Israel and the trials were abandoned. Two factors affected negatively these historically early trials: (1) Tench was just second exotic species introduced to Israel some years after introduction of the common carp, and the Israeli fish farming expertise at that time was low. (2) The Independence War temporarily delayed advancement of aquaculture. A second introduction of tench was performed in 1992, when a golden mutant of tench was imported to Gan Shmuel Fish Breeding Center (GS-FBC) from the Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology at Vodňany, Czech Republic. Currently, GS-FBC is the only Israeli fish hatchery that maintains golden tench as a part of breeding program as well as a number of other varieties of ornamental fish and species, all of them produced mostly for export. Tench (800–1,000 g) females are maintained separately from males, in order to prevent uncontrolled reproduction. Routinely, in April, the fish are transferred indoors and induced to spawn artificially with a single injection of GnRH synthetic analog—DAGIN. Dry method of stripping is used to obtain eggs and sperm. After fertilization the sticky eggs are spread in a single layer on walls of 230 dm3 cylindrical incubators provided with conical bottom, or they are degummed using a solution of milk/water. At a water temperature of 24°C, hatching (70% hatching rate) occurs 36–40 h after fertilization. The larvae absorb their yolk sac 2–3 days after fertilization and they start feeding on small size (200 μm) Artemia nauplii. At the age of 7–10 days, if fry are retained indoors, they are fed with regular size Artemia and starter feed, or are released into a nursing 0.5–1.0 ha pond. Usually, the fish are grown to the marketing size (5–15 cm) and exported abroad, mainly to Europe. About 100,000 golden tench fingerlings, with a total value of € 40,000 are produced and marketed annually.  相似文献   

Over its exceptionally wide geographical range the minnow displays a remarkable variability in its life history. In southern England many fish mature after one year and few fish survive to their third birthday. Very few fish spawned for more than one season but a 65-mm female is estimated to spawn up to 3172 eggs over the extended spawning season. In the River Utsjoki in Finnish Lapland maturity was strongly size-dependent and delayed until the fish reached 5, 6 or even 7 years of age, with a maximum age of 13 years at a length of only 75 mm. Unlike some other small-sized species in unproductive environments, individual females continued to spawn successive clutches of eggs though over a much shorter spawning season. The maximum estimated egg production was 824 for a 65-mm fish. Temperature had a strong direct or indirect effect on growth, with significantly lower growth increments in cold summers. At a second Arctic site in eastern Lapland growth rates were higher and maturity earlier, yet clutch size was greatly reduced with a seasonal fecundity estimate of only 314. There were only small differences in size of eggs or larvae between the populations. Evidence from other species indicates that most of the observed changes over the range of the minnow are phenotypic responses to the contrasting environments. However, the different strategies displayed at the two Arctic sites could represent the results of selection for differences in pre- and post-reproductive survival.  相似文献   

Icefish or white-blooded fish are a family of species, unique among vertebrates in that they possess no haemoglobin. With the exception of one species which occurs on the southern Patagonian shelf, icefish live only in the cold-stable and oxygen-rich environment of the Southern Ocean. It is still questionable how old icefish are in evolutionary terms: they may not be older than 6 Ma, i.e. they evolved well after the Southern Ocean started to cool down or they are 15–20 Ma old and started to evolve some time after the formation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Individuals of most icefish species with the exception of species of the genus Champsocephalus have been found down to 700–800 m depth, a few even down to more than 1,500 m. Icefish have been shown to present organ-level adaptations on different levels to compensate for the ‘disadvantages’ of lacking respiratory pigments. These include a low metabolic rate, well perfused gills, increased blood volume, increased cardiac output, cutaneous uptake of oxygen, increased blood flow with low viscosity, enlarged capillaries, large heart, and increased skin vascularity. Biological features, such as reproduction and growth, are not unique and are comparable to other notothenioids living in the same environment. Icefish produce large yolky eggs which have a diameter of more than 4 mm in most species. Consequently, the number of eggs produced is comparatively small and exceeds 10,000–20,000 eggs in only a few cases. With the exception of species of the genus Champsocephalus which mature at an age of 3 to 4 years, icefish do not attain maturity before they are 5–8 years old. Spawning period of most icefish species is autumn-winter. The incubation period spans from 2 to 3 months in the north of the Southern Ocean to more than 6 months close to the continent. Growth in icefish to the extent it is known is fairly rapid. They grow 6–10 cm in length per annum before they reach spawning maturity. Icefish feed primarily on krill and fish. Some icefish species were abundant enough to be exploited by commercial fisheries, primarily in the 1970s and 1980s with Champsocephalus gunnari as the main target species. Most stocks of this species had been overexploited by the beginning of the 1990s, some had further declined due to natural causes. Other species taken as by-catch species in fisheries were Chaenocephalus aceratus, Pseudochaenichthys georgianus, and Chionodraco rastrospinosus. Chaenodraco wilsoni was the only species exploited on a commercial scale in the high-Antarctic. Part II will be published in the following issue. DOI 10.1007/s00300-005-0020-6.  相似文献   

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