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Animals may form groups in response to the foraging–vigilance trade‐off, through enhanced predator detection (collective detection hypothesis) or reduced predation risk to the individual (dilution hypothesis), allowing individuals to decrease vigilance levels. Both hypotheses predict decreasing individual vigilance levels with increasing group size; however, the collective detection hypothesis also predicts increasing overall group vigilance with increasing group size. However, in species in which vigilance and foraging are not mutually exclusive, where vigilance may not be as costly, neither of these hypotheses may apply. Here, we examine the relationship between group size and vigilance in the social Cape ground squirrel (Xerus inauris), a species that can combine foraging and vigilance behaviours. Ten groups were observed using scan sampling, measuring both group and individual vigilance and group size. A negative relationship existed between individual vigilance and group size and a positive relationship between group vigilance and group size. Therefore, in Cape ground squirrels, vigilance seems to be costly even though it can be combined with foraging behaviours. Furthermore, group vigilance behaviour gives support to the collective detection hypothesis, whilst individual vigilance gives support to both hypotheses.  相似文献   

The possibility that social foragers adjust and coordinate their scanning activity when in the presence of close relatives to attain inclusive fitness benefits remains controversial and scarcely examined. To this aim, we first tested the null hypothesis of no association between foraging individuals of the diurnal rodent, Octodon degus and their pairwise relatedness (six microsatellite loci), under natural conditions. Secondly, we examined the influence of relatedness on scan effort (percent overlapping) and temporal distribution of scanning using linear regression. Finally, we evaluated whether temporal distributions of scanning were significantly lower (coordination) or higher (synchrony) than random expectations using bootstrapping. We found that pairwise relatedness between focal degus and their foraging partner did not influence the scan effort or the temporal distribution of scanning. These original, field-based findings imply that vigilance behavior in socially foraging degus is unlikely to be kin-selected and adds to results from previous lab studies in that kinship remains a poor predictor of social behavior in these animals. Overall, our study adds to others revealing that kin selection may not have had an impact on aspects of social behavior such as vigilance during social foraging.  相似文献   

The group size effect states that animals living in groups gain anti‐predator benefits through reducing vigilance levels as group size increases. A basic assumption of group size effect is that all individuals are equally important for a focal individual, who may adjust its vigilance levels according to social information acquired from them. However, some studies have indicated that neighbors pose greater influences on an individual's vigilance decisions than other group members, especially in large aggregations. Vigilance has also been found to be directed to both predators (anti‐predation vigilance) and conspecifics (social vigilance). Central individuals might rely more on social vigilance than peripheral individuals. To test these hypotheses, we examined the effects of flock size, number of neighbors and position within a flock on vigilance and competition of greater white‐fronted goose Anser albifrons that form large foraging flocks in winter, controlling the effects of other variables (group identity, winter period and site). We found that individual vigilance levels were significantly affected by number of neighbors and position within a flock, whereas flock size showed no effect. Individuals devoted a large component of vigilance to nearby flock mates. Central individuals directed a relatively larger proportion of vigilance to monitor neighbors than peripheral ones, indicating that central individuals more relied on social information acquired from neighbors, possibly caused by the more blocked visual field of central individuals. Moreover, some social vigilance may function as conducting or preventing agonistic interactions since competition intensity was positively correlated with number of neighbors. Our study therefore demonstrate that the number of neighbors is more important than group size in determining individual vigilance in large animal groups. Further studies are still needed to unravel which neighbors pose greater influence on individual vigilance, and the factors that influence individuals to acquire information from their neighbors to adjust vigilance behaviors.  相似文献   

Vigilance behavior is considered as an effective strategy for prey species to detect predators.An individual benefits from living in a group by reducing the time spent being vigilant without affecting the probability of detecting a predator.However,the mechanism producing a decrease in vigilance with increasing group size is unclear.Many models of vigilance assume that group members scan independently of one another.Yet in recent studies,the other 2 patterns of vigilance,coordination and synchronization,were reported in some species.In 2 summers(2018 and 2019),we studied the group-size effect on vigilance and foraging of Tibetan wild ass in Chang Tang Nature Reserve of Tibet.We also tested whether individuals scan the environment independently,tend to coordinate their scans,or tend to synchronize their vigilance.The results showed that individuals decreased the time spent on vigilance with increasing group size,while increased the time spent foraging.Group members scanned the environment at the same time more frequently and there was a positive correlation between group members'behaviors,indicating that Tibetan wild asses tend to synchronize their vigilance.  相似文献   

Antipredatory vigilance usually decreases in groups. The generallyaccepted "collective detection" explanation implies that becausethere are more eyes to scan the surroundings for predators,individuals in a group can lower their personal investment invigilance without increasing their predation risk. The roleof other factors, such as numerical risk dilution caused bythe mere presence of companions, has been neglected. In a model,we explore a dilution game when foragers in groups have accessto protective cover. We show that foragers can take advantageof risk dilution and that this leads to changes in vigilancewith group size without the need to invoke collective detection.We identify a cost to maintaining high levels of vigilance asless vigilant foragers gather food faster and so depart thegroup sooner (to reach cover) leaving more vulnerable stragglersbehind. In groups, there is a scramble to reach safe sites thatcan induce a reduction in vigilance levels. Such a mechanismoperates less forcefully in large groups because individualsin these groups are less vulnerable to the departure of an individual.We also demonstrate that individuals should adopt lower levelsof vigilance, to reach safe sites sooner, when predator evasionis compromised or when the rate of food intake is high. Themodel provides new insights into the mechanisms underlying changesin vigilance with group size in animals.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(3):897-904
Animals that live in groups may accrue anti-predator benefits by virtue of their association with other individuals. While a number of factors (e.g. habitat quality, group geometry, dominance rank) have been shown to affect the relationship between group living and individual rates of visual vigilance, sociality and vigilance have not been studied specifically in terms of the two competing demands they impose upon an individual's visual time. Two captive groups each of tamarins, Saguinus labiatus, and squirrel monkeys, Saimiri sciureus, were used in three related experiments to determine whether they looked at the social or non-social environment while they engated in a simulated foraging task. The tamarins, whose social behaviour is quite pacific and cooperative relative to the more hierarchical squirrel monkeys, looked at the non-social environment when they visually interrupted their foraging. Squirrel monkeys, however, looked more often at group mates. Detection of predators is probably more likely when an individual directs its attention not to conspecifics, but to the environment. Hence, social organizations in which individuals must pay social attention in order to monitor threats and avoid aggression may reduce individual rates of vigilance for predators. Failure to consider various targets of attention may well overestimate vigilance for predators by including other sorts of attentional phenomena in the measurement of vigilance.  相似文献   

Individuals in groups are often thought to scan their surroundings for threats independently of one another. Models, however, suggest that foragers should monitor the vigilance level of their neighbours to prevent cheating, and to gather information about incipient predation risk. Evidence for monitoring of vigilance is scant. Here, I examined changes in vigilance levels in sleeping gulls (Larus sp.) surrounded by neighbours in various states of alertness. Controlling for group size and neighbour density, gulls interrupted sleep more often to scan their surroundings, and were therefore more vigilant, when their neighbours were alert rather than sleeping or preening. The results provide evidence for copying of vigilance within groups of birds, suggesting a complex flow of information about predation risk in groups.  相似文献   

Vigilance in social animals is often aimed at detecting predators. Many social and environmental factors influence vigilance, including sex, predation risk and group size. During the summer of 2007, we studied Przewalski's gazelle Procapra przewalskii , an endemic ungulate to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, to test whether and how these three factors affect vigilance. We distinguished groups consisting of males, mothers with lambs and females without lambs making observations on groups in the presence or absence of nearby predators. We assessed the group-size effect on vigilance and how this varied with levels of predation risk and sex. Males and mothers scanned longer and with a higher frequency than females without lambs. Individuals were more vigilant under direct predation threat. Although vigilance generally decreased with group size, the extent of the decrease was independent of predation risk and was not significant in males. The results suggest that mothers are more vigilant suggesting greater vulnerability and that males may have increased their vigilance to compete for higher social ranks. The positive correlation between vigilance and predation risk and the negative correlation between vigilance and group size are consistent with earlier findings, but we failed to find an interaction between group size and predation risk on vigilance perhaps because vigilance levels are low even in small groups, thus making similar vigilant upward adjustments in both small and large groups.  相似文献   

Vigilance allows individuals to escape from predators, but it also reduces time for other activities which determine fitness, in particular resource acquisition. The principles determining how prey trade time between the detection of predators and food acquisition are not fully understood, particularly in herbivores because of many potential confounding factors (such as group size), and the ability of these animals to be vigilant while handling food. We designed a fertilization experiment to manipulate the quality of resources, and compared awareness (distinguishing apprehensive foraging and vigilance) of wild impalas (Aepyceros melampus) foraging on patches of different grass height and quality in a wilderness area with a full community of predators. While handling food, these animals can allocate time to other functions. The impalas were aware of their environment less often when on good food patches and when the grass was short. The animals spent more time in apprehensive foraging when grass was tall, and no other variable affected apprehensive behavior. The probability of exhibiting a vigilance posture decreased with group size. The interaction between grass height and patch enrichment also affected the time spent in vigilance, suggesting that resource quality was the main driver when visibility is good, and the risk of predation the main driver when the risk is high. We discuss various possible mechanisms underlying the perception of predation risk: foraging strategy, opportunities for scrounging, and inter-individual interference. Overall, this experiment shows that improving patch quality modifies the trade-off between vigilance and foraging in favor of feeding, but vigilance remains ultimately driven by the visibility of predators by foragers within their feeding patches.  相似文献   

We conducted focal observations of territorial guanacos, a highly polygynous and social mammal, to compare time budgets between sexes and test the hypothesis that the differences in reproductive interests are associated with differential group size effects on male and female time allocation patterns. In addition, we used group instantaneous sampling to test the hypothesis that grouping improves detection capacity through increased collective vigilance. We fit GLM to assess how group size and group composition (i.e., presence or absence of calves) affected individual time allocation of males and females, and collective vigilance. As expected from differences in reproductive interests, males in family groups devoted more time to scan the surroundings and less to feeding activities compared to females. Both sexes benefited from grouping by reducing the time invested in vigilance and increased foraging effort, according to predation risk theory, but the factors affecting time allocation differed between males and females. Group size effects were significant when females were at less than five body‐lengths from their nearest neighbour, suggesting that grouping benefits arise when females are close to each other. Female time budgets were also affected by season, topography and vegetation structure. In contrast to our expectation, males reduced the time invested in vigilance as the number of females in the group increased, supporting the predation risk theory rather the intrasexual competition hypothesis. The presence of calves was associated with an increase in male individual vigilance; and vegetation type also affected the intensity of the group size effect over male time allocation. In closed habitats, collective vigilance increased with the number of adults but decreased with the number of calves present. Although male and female guanacos differed in their time allocation patterns, our results support the hypothesis that both sexes perceive significant antipredator benefits of group living.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that an individual of a prey species can benefit from an increase in the number of its group''s members by reducing its own investment in vigilance. But what behaviour should group members adopt in relation to both the risk of being preyed upon and the individual investment in vigilance? Most models assume that individuals scan independently of one another. It is generally argued that it is more profitable for each group member owing to the cost that coordination of individual scans in non-overlapping bouts of vigilance would require. We studied the relationships between both individual and collective vigilance and group size in Defassa waterbuck, Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa, in a population living under a predation risk. Our results confirmed that the proportion of time an individual spent in vigilance decreased with group size. However, the time during which at least one individual in the group scanned the environment (collective vigilance) increased. Analyses showed that individuals neither coordinated their scanning in an asynchronous way nor scanned independently of one another. On the contrary, scanning and non-scanning bouts were synchronized between group members, producing waves of collective vigilance. We claim that these waves are triggered by allelomimetic effects i.e. they are a phenomenon produced by an individual copying its neighbour''s behaviour.  相似文献   

Foraging birds can manage time spent vigilant for predators by forming groups of various sizes. However, group size alone will not always reliably determine the optimal level of vigilance. For example, variation in predation risk or food quality between patches may also be influential. In a field setting, we assessed how simultaneous variation in predation risk and intake rate affects the relationship between vigilance and group size in foraging Ruddy Turnstones Arenaria interpres. We compared vigilance, measured as the number of ‘head‐ups’ per unit time, in habitat types that differed greatly in prey energy content and proximity to cover from which predators could launch surprise attacks. Habitats closer to predator cover provided foragers with much higher potential net energy intake rates than habitats further from cover. Foragers formed larger and denser flocks on habitats closer to cover. Individual vigilance of foragers in all habitats declined with increasing flock size and increased with flock density. However, vigilance by foragers on habitats closer to cover was always higher for a given flock size than vigilance by foragers on habitats further from cover, and habitat remained an important predictor of vigilance in models including a range of potential confounding variables. Our results suggest that foraging Ruddy Turnstones can simultaneously assess information on group size and the general likelihood of predator attack when determining their vigilance contribution.  相似文献   

In the context of social foraging, predator detection has been the subject of numerous studies, which acknowledge the adaptive response of the individual to the trade-off between feeding and vigilance. Typically, animals gain energy by increasing their feeding time and decreasing their vigilance effort with increasing group size, without increasing their risk of predation ('group size effect'). Research on the biological utility of vigilance has prevailed over considerations of the mechanistic rules that link individual decisions to group behavior. With sheep as a model species, we identified how the behaviors of conspecifics affect the individual decisions to switch activity. We highlight a simple mechanism whereby the group size effect on collective vigilance dynamics is shaped by two key features: the magnitude of social amplification and intrinsic differences between foraging and scanning bout durations. Our results highlight a positive correlation between the duration of scanning and foraging bouts at the level of the group. This finding reveals the existence of groups with high and low rates of transition between activities, suggesting individual variations in the transition rate, or 'tempo'. We present a mathematical model based on behavioral rules derived from experiments. Our theoretical predictions show that the system is robust in respect to variations in the propensity to imitate scanning and foraging, yet flexible in respect to differences in the duration of activity bouts. The model shows how individual decisions contribute to collective behavior patterns and how the group, in turn, facilitates individual-level adaptive responses.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of group size on the proportion of time that greater rheas, Rhea americana, allocated to vigilance and feeding during the non‐breeding season. We tested whether: (1) the proportion of time that one bird allocates to vigilance (individual vigilance) decreases with group size, and (2) the proportion of time that at least one bird of the group is vigilant (collective vigilance) increases with group size. We analyzed video‐recordings of birds that were foraging alone or in groups from two to 12 birds. The proportion of time allocated to individual vigilance decreased and the proportion of time spent feeding increased with group size. In both cases the main significant difference was between birds foraging alone and in groups. Collective vigilance did not vary with group size and it was lower than expected if vigilance bouts were random or sequential. Our results indicate that rheas foraging in large groups would not receive the benefit of an increase in collective vigilance, although they could still benefit from a reduction of predation risk by the dilution effect.  相似文献   

Vigilance achieved at the group level, known as collective vigilance, can enhance the ability to assess threats and confer benefits to gregarious prey species. Examining the factors that influence collective vigilance and exploring how individual vigilance is organized at the group level can help to understand how prey groups respond to potential threats. We quantified collective vigilance and determined its temporal pattern in a natural wintering population of the hooded crane Grus monacha in the Shengjin Lake reserve in China. We examined the role of flock size and anthropogenic disturbances in the human‐dominated landscape on collective vigilance and level of synchronization. The proportion of time during which at least one individual scanned the surroundings (collective vigilance) increased with flock size and was higher in the more disturbed buffer zone of the lake. Synchronization of vigilance occurred more frequently in the smaller flocks but was not related to the risk of disturbance. Synchronization implies that individuals tend to monitor and copy the vigilance of neighbors. In the degraded wetlands, the wintering hooded crane benefits from foraging in groups and synchronizing their vigilance in response to human disturbances.  相似文献   

A number of studies demonstrate that plant cover provides prey animals with refuges to decrease vulnerability to predators. However, others suggest plant cover to visually obstruct detection of predators or conspecifics. We suggest these seemingly conflicting results can, to some extent, be resolved if overhead vs. lateral cover are distinguished. We recorded seasonal variation in vigilance activity of a natural population of degus (Octodon degus), a diurnal, semi‐subterranean and social rodent from central Chile. We used these data to determine whether cover provided by herbaceous vegetation is mostly obstructive. The height of herbaceous vegetation in the habitat of degus varied seasonally, and the ability of degus (estimated from human observers) to detect potential predators decreased when herbaceous vegetation was high. This effect was more important for degus using quadruped postures and when dealing with terrestrial simulated predators. Accordingly, degus adjusted the quality rather than the quantity of their vigilance activity: male and female degus allocated similarly more time to bipedal vigilance when the height of herbs was high. Such increase in bipedal vigilance seemed to occur at the expense of quadruped vigilance instead of foraging time. Collectively, these results support the hypothesis that cover of herbaceous vegetation is mostly obstructive to degus when active above ground, a finding that contrasts with previous evidence supporting that shrub cover provides refuges against predators. The differential effects of shrubs and herbs on degu vigilance are likely linked to differences in the costs and benefits associated with each cover type. For degus, shrubs may provide more overhead (protective) than lateral (obstructive) cover.  相似文献   

Vigilance allows animals to monitor their surroundings for signs of danger associated with predators or rivals. As vigilance is costly, models predict that it should increase when the risk posed by predators or rivals increases. In addition, vigilance is expected to decrease in larger groups that provide more safety against predators. Risk and group size are thus two key determinants of vigilance. Together, they could have additive or interactive effects. If risk and group size interacted, the magnitude of the group‐size effect on vigilance would vary depending on the level of risk experienced, implying that the benefits of sociality in terms of vigilance vary with risk. Depending on the model, vigilance is predicted to decrease more rapidly with group size at low risk or at high risk. Little work has focused directly on the interaction between risk and group size, making it difficult to understand under which conditions particular interactive effects arise and whether interactive effects are common in natural systems. I review the vast literature on vigilance in birds and mammals to assess whether interactive effects between risk and group size are common, and if present, which pattern occurs more frequently. In studies involving predation risk, the greatest proportion reported no statistically significant interactive effects. In other cases, vigilance decreased with group size more rapidly at low or high risk in a similar proportion of studies. In studies involving risk posed by rivals (social risk), most documented a more rapid decrease in vigilance with group size at low than at high risk, as predicted if the need to monitor rivals increases in larger groups. Low statistical power to detect interactive effects might have been an issue in several studies. The absence of interactive effects, on the other hand, might suggest constraints or limits on the ability of animals to adjust vigilance to current risk or group sizes. Interactive effects on vigilance have implications for the evolution of sociality and for our understanding of the phenotypic plasticity of predator‐ and competitor‐induced defences and deserve more attention in future studies.  相似文献   

1. Vigilance increases fitness by improving predator detection but at the expense of increasing starvation risk. We related variation in vigilance among 122 radio-tagged overwintering grey partridges Perdix perdix (L.) across 20 independent farmland sites in England to predation risk (sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus L., kill rate), use of alternative antipredation behaviours (grouping and use of cover) and survival. 2. Vigilance was significantly higher when individuals fed in smaller groups and in taller vegetation. In the covey period (in early winter when partridges are in flocks), vigilance and use of taller vegetation was significantly higher at sites with higher sparrowhawk predation risk, but tall vegetation was used less by larger groups. Individuals were constrained in reducing individual vigilance by group size and habitat choice because maximum group size was determined by overall density in the area during the covey period and by the formation of pairs at the end of the winter (pair period), when there was also a significant twofold increase in the use of tall cover. 3. Over the whole winter individual survival was higher in larger groups and was lower in the pair period. However, when controlling for group size, mean survival decreased as vigilance increased in the covey period. This result, along with vigilance being higher at sites with increasing with raptor risk, suggests individual vigilance increases arose to reduce short-term predation risk from raptors but led to long-term fitness decreases probably because high individual vigilance increased starvation risk or indicated longer exposure to predation. The effect of raptors on survival was less when there were large groups in open habitats, where individual partridges can probably both detect predators and feed efficiently. 4. Our study suggests that increasing partridge density and modifying habitat to remove the need for high individual vigilance may decrease partridge mortality. It demonstrates the general principle that antipredation behaviours may reduce fitness long-term via their effects on the starvation-predation risk trade-off, even though they decrease predation risk short-term, and that it may be ecological constraints, such as poor habitat (that lead to an antipredation behaviour compromising foraging), that cause mortality, rather than the proximate effect of an antipredation behaviour such as vigilance.  相似文献   

Large group sizes have been hypothesized to decrease predation risk and increase food competition. We investigated group size effects on vigilance and foraging behaviour during the migratory period in female Tibetan antelope Pantholops hodgsoni, in the Kekexili Nature Reserve of Qinghai Province, China. During June to August, adult female antelope and yearling females gather in large migratory groups and cross the Qinghai-Tibet highway to calving grounds within the Nature Reserve and return to Qumalai county after calving. Large groups of antelope aggregate in the migratory corridor where they compete for limited food resources and attract the attention of mammalian and avian predators and scavengers. We restricted our sampling to groups of less than 30 antelopes and thus limit our inference accordingly. Focal-animal sampling was used to record the behaviour of the free-ranging antelope except for those with lambs. Tibetan antelope spent more time foraging in larger groups but frequency of foraging bouts was not affected by group size. Conversely, the time spent vigilant and frequency of vigilance bouts decreased with increased group size. We suggest that these results are best explained by competition for food and risk of predation.  相似文献   

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