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Plakophilins are armadillo repeat-containing proteins, initially identified as desmosomal plaque proteins that have subsequently been shown to also localize to the nucleus. Loss of plakophilin-1 is the underlying cause of ectodermal dysplasia/skin fragility syndrome, and skin from these patients exhibits desmosomes that are reduced in size and number. Thus, it has been suggested that plakophilin-1 plays an important role in desmosome stability and/or assembly. In this study, we used a cell culture system (A431DE cells) that expresses all of the proteins necessary to assemble a desmosome, except plakophilin-1. Using this cell line, we sought to determine the role of plakophilin-1 in de novo desmosome assembly. When exogenous plakophilin-1 was expressed in these cells, desmosomes were assembled, as assessed by electron microscopy and immunofluorescence localization of desmoplakin, into punctate structures. Deletion mutagenesis experiments revealed that amino acids 686-726 in the carboxyl terminus of plakophilin-1 are required for its localization to the plasma membrane. In addition, we showed that amino acids 1-34 in the amino terminus were necessary for subsequent recruitment of desmoplakin to the membrane and desmosome assembly.  相似文献   

A critical role of the Gbetagamma dimer in heterotrimeric G-protein signaling is to facilitate the engagement and activation of the Galpha subunit by cell-surface G-protein-coupled receptors. However, high-resolution structural information of the connectivity between receptor and the Gbetagamma dimer has not previously been available. Here, we describe the structural determinants of Gbeta1gamma2 in complex with a C-terminal region of the parathyroid hormone receptor-1 (PTH1R) as obtained by X-ray crystallography. The structure reveals that several critical residues within PTH1R contact only Gbeta residues located within the outer edge of WD1- and WD7-repeat segments of the Gbeta toroid structure. These regions encompass a predicted membrane-facing region of Gbeta thought to be oriented in a fashion that is accessible to the membrane-spanning receptor. Mutation of key receptor contact residues on Gbeta1 leads to a selective loss of function in receptor/heterotrimer coupling while preserving Gbeta1gamma2 activation of the effector phospholipase-C beta.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b5 holoenzyme was bound asymmetrically in the tightly bound form to small unilamellar dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles. [3H]Taurine, a membrane-impermeant nucleophile, was added to the external medium and was then cross-linked to cytochrome carboxyl residues by the addition of a water-soluble carbodiimide. Nonpolar peptide was isolated after trypsin digestion of taurine-labeled apocytochrome b5 and contained 1.7-1.9 residues of taurine. The C-terminal tetrapeptide containing residues Thr130-Asn133 was generated by chymotryptic hydrolysis of radiolabeled nonpolar peptide and was purified by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. Amino acid analysis of the C-terminal tetrapeptide showed that about 1.6 mol of taurine was cross-linked per mol of peptide. When the experiment was performed with taurine trapped inside the vesicles, no cross-linking was observed. The results suggest that when cytochrome b5 holoenzyme is bound to vesicles in the tight binding form, the C terminus is located on the external surface of the vesicles.  相似文献   

Bacterial translation initiation factor 2 (IF2) is a GTPase that promotes the binding of the initiator fMet‐tRNAfMet to the 30S ribosomal subunit. It is often assumed that IF2 delivers fMet‐tRNAfMet to the ribosome in a ternary complex, IF2·GTP·fMet‐tRNAfMet. By using rapid kinetic techniques, we show here that binding of IF2·GTP to the 30S ribosomal subunit precedes and is independent of fMet‐tRNAfMet binding. The ternary complex formed in solution by IF2·GTP and fMet‐tRNA is unstable and dissociates before IF2·GTP and, subsequently, fMet‐tRNAfMet bind to the 30S subunit. Ribosome‐bound IF2 might accelerate the recruitment of fMet‐tRNAfMet to the 30S initiation complex by providing anchoring interactions or inducing a favourable ribosome conformation. The mechanism of action of IF2 seems to be different from that of tRNA carriers such as EF‐Tu, SelB and eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2), instead resembling that of eIF5B, the eukaryotic subunit association factor.  相似文献   

The gamma-secretase complex catalyzes the cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein in its transmembrane domain resulting in the formation of the amyloid beta-peptide and the cytoplasmic APP intracellular domain. The active gamma-secretase complex is composed of at least four subunits: presenilin (PS), nicastrin, Aph-1, and Pen-2, where the presence of all components is critically required for gamma-cleavage to occur. The PS proteins are themselves subjected to endoproteolytic cleavage resulting in the generation of an N-terminal and a C-terminal fragment that remain stably associated as a heterodimer. Here we investigated the effects of modifications on the C terminus of PS1 on PS1 endoproteolysis, gamma-secretase complex assembly, and activity in cells devoid of endogenous PS. We report that certain mutations and, in particular, deletions of the PS1 C terminus decrease gamma-secretase activity, PS1 endoproteolysis, and gamma-secretase complex formation. We demonstrate that the N- and C-terminal PS1 fragments can associate with each other in mutants having C-terminal truncations that cause loss of interaction with nicastrin and Aph-1. In addition, we show that the C-terminal fragment of PS1 alone can mediate interaction with nicastrin and Aph-1 in PS null cells expressing only the C-terminal fragment of PS1. Taken together, these data suggest that the PS1 N- and C-terminal fragment intermolecular interactions are independent of an association with nicastrin and Aph-1, and that nicastrin and Aph-1 interact with the C-terminal part of PS1 in the absence of an association with full-length PS1 or the N-terminal fragment.  相似文献   

We report here the isolation from plasma of two penaeid shrimp species of novel peptides/polypeptides with exclusive antifungal activities. A set of three molecules was purified with molecular masses at 2.7 kDa (Penaeus vannamei), 7.9 kDa, and 8.3 kDa (Penaeus stylirostris). Primary structure determination was performed by a combination of Edman degradation and mass spectrometry. The peptides display 95-100% sequence identity with a C-terminal sequence of hemocyanin, indicating that they are cleaved fragments of the shrimp respiratory protein. Specific immunodetection of the hemocyanin-derived (poly)peptides revealed that experimental microbial infections increase their relative concentration in plasma as compared with nonstimulated animals. Thus, the production of antifungal (poly)peptides by limited proteolysis of hemocyanin could be relevant to a shrimp immune reaction that would confer a new function to the multifunctional respiratory pigment of crustaceans.  相似文献   

The anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is a conserved multisubunit E3 ubiquitin (Ub) ligase required to signal the degradation of key cell-cycle regulators. Using single particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), we have determined a three-dimensional (3D) structure of the core APC/C from Schizosaccharomyces pombe bound to the APC/C activator Slp1/Cdc20. At the 27 A resolution of our density map, the APC/C is a triangular-shaped structure, approximately 19x17x15 nm in size, with a deep internal cavity and a prominent horn-like protrusion emanating from a lip of the cavity. Using antibody labeling and mutant analysis, we have localized 12 of 13 core APC/C components, as well as the position of the activator Slp1, enabling us to propose a structural model of APC/C organization. Comparison of the APC/C with another multiprotein E3 ligase, the SCF complex, uncovers remarkable structural similarities.  相似文献   

Tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease is a cysteine protease exhibiting stringent sequence specificity. The enzyme is widely used in biotechnology for the removal of the affinity tags from recombinant fusion proteins. Crystal structures of two TEV protease mutants as complexes with a substrate and a product peptide provided the first insight into the mechanism of substrate specificity of this enzyme. We now report a 2.7A crystal structure of a full-length inactive C151A mutant protein crystallised in the absence of peptide. The structure reveals the C terminus of the protease bound to the active site. In addition, we determined dissociation constants of TEV protease substrate and product peptides using isothermal titration calorimetry for various forms of this enzyme. Data suggest that TEV protease could be inhibited by the peptide product of autolysis. Separate modes of recognition for native substrates and the site of TEV protease self-cleavage are proposed.  相似文献   

Activation of the C component C3 results in generation of the anaphylatoxin C3a. The C3a polypeptide chain consists of 77 amino acids. The active site of this potent mediator, which also has immunoregulatory function resides in its C terminus. This report demonstrates that the C terminus of C3a (C3a-desArg) exposed by proteolytic cleavage from C3 represents a neoantigenic determinant. Two mAb specific for this epitope were obtained after immunization with the synthetic octapeptide (OP) Arg-Ala-Ser-His-Leu-Gly-Leu-Ala [C3a(69-76)] coupled to the carrier keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). These anti-C3a(69-76) antibodies (H453 and H454) reacted in an ELISA system with C3a and KLH-OP but not with C3 or with KLH alone. Free OP efficiently blocked binding of the antibodies to C3a, whereas binding of another anti-C3a mAb (H13) remained unaffected. In immunoblotting analysis, the anti-C3a(69-76) mAb reacted with purified C3a but failed to react with the denatured, noncleaved C3. A novel quantitative C3a-ELISA was established with the anti-C3a(69-76) mAb. It had a sensitivity in the nanogram range (1 to 5 ng/ml). The C3a determination was not impaired by the presence of high concentrations of C3. Therefore, C3 removal was not required in contrast to the previously described C3a assays. This C3a ELISA might facilitate clinical C3a quantitation, e.g., in samples from patients with adult respiratory distress syndrome. In these patients, C3a determination in the early phase of the disease is of diagnostic relevance and has prognostic value.  相似文献   

The interaction of C1 inhibitor with complement component C1 bound to immune complexes was examined by using 125I-labelled C1 subcomponents. The inhibitor binds rapidly to subcomponent C1s, and more slowly to subcomponent C1r. Formation of the C1r-C1 inhibitor complex causes rapid dissociation of subcomponents C1r and C1s from the antibody-antigen-component C1 aggregate. The rate and extent of this release are proportional to C1 Inhibitor concentration and are also dependent on ionic strength. Results obtained with purified C1 Inhibitor, plasma or serum as source of C1 Inhibitor are all closely comparable. Only slight dissociation of subcomponent C1q is observed under the same range of conditions. The implications of the release phenomenon are discussed in relation to the structure of component C1 and the possibility of differential turnover of C1 subcomponents.  相似文献   

Proper Golgi complex function depends on the activity of Arf1, a GTPase whose effectors assemble and transport outgoing vesicles. Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P) generated at the Golgi by the conserved PI 4-kinase Pik1 (PI4KIIIβ) is also essential for Golgi function, although its precise roles in vesicle formation are less clear. Arf1 has been reported to regulate PI4P production, but whether Pik1 is a direct Arf1 effector is not established. Using a combination of live-cell time-lapse imaging analyses, acute PI4P depletion experiments, and in vitro protein–protein interaction assays on Golgi-mimetic membranes, we present evidence for a model in which Arf1 initiates the final stages of Golgi maturation by tightly controlling PI4P production through direct recruitment of the Pik1-Frq1 PI4-kinase complex. This PI4P serves as a critical signal for AP-1 and secretory vesicle formation, the final events at maturing Golgi compartments. This work therefore establishes the regulatory and temporal context surrounding Golgi PI4P production and its precise roles in Golgi maturation.  相似文献   

The MRE11‐RAD50‐NBS1 (MRN) complex is essential for the detection of DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs) and initiation of DNA damage signaling. Here, we show that Rad17, a replication checkpoint protein, is required for the early recruitment of the MRN complex to the DSB site that is independent of MDC1 and contributes to ATM activation. Mechanistically, Rad17 is phosphorylated by ATM at a novel Thr622 site resulting in a direct interaction of Rad17 with NBS1, facilitating recruitment of the MRN complex and ATM to the DSB, thereby enhancing ATM signaling. Repetition of these events creates a positive feedback for Rad17‐dependent activation of MRN/ATM signaling which appears to be a requisite for the activation of MDC1‐dependent MRN complex recruitment. A point mutation of the Thr622 residue of Rad17 leads to a significant reduction in MRN/ATM signaling and homologous recombination repair, suggesting that Thr622 phosphorylation is important for regulation of the MRN/ATM signaling by Rad17. These findings suggest that Rad17 plays a critical role in the cellular response to DNA damage via regulation of the MRN/ATM pathway.  相似文献   

ATM has a central role in controlling the cellular responses to DNA damage. It and other phosphoinositide 3-kinase-related kinases (PIKKs) have giant helical HEAT repeat domains in their amino-terminal regions. The functions of these domains in PIKKs are not well understood. ATM activation in response to DNA damage appears to be regulated by the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex, although the exact functional relationship between the MRN complex and ATM is uncertain. Here we show that two pairs of HEAT repeats in fission yeast ATM (Tel1) interact with an FXF/Y motif at the C terminus of Nbs1. This interaction resembles nucleoporin FXFG motif binding to HEAT repeats in importin-beta. Budding yeast Nbs1 (Xrs2) appears to have two FXF/Y motifs that interact with Tel1 (ATM). In Xenopus egg extracts, the C terminus of Nbs1 recruits ATM to damaged DNA, where it is subsequently autophosphorylated. This interaction is essential for ATM activation. A C-terminal 147-amino-acid fragment of Nbs1 that has the Mre11- and ATM-binding domains can restore ATM activation in an Nbs1-depleted extract. We conclude that an interaction between specific HEAT repeats in ATM and the C-terminal FXF/Y domain of Nbs1 is essential for ATM activation. We propose that conformational changes in the MRN complex that occur upon binding to damaged DNA are transmitted through the FXF/Y-HEAT interface to activate ATM. This interaction also retains active ATM at sites of DNA damage.  相似文献   

PsaD subunit of Synechocystis sp PCC 6803 photosystem I (PSI) plays a critical role in the stability of the complex and is part of the docking site for ferredoxin (Fd). In the present study we describe major physiological and biochemical effects resulting from mutations in the accessible C-terminal end of the protein. Four basic residues were mutated: R111, K117, K131, and K135, and a large 36-amino acid deletion was generated at the C terminus. PSI from R111C mutant has a 5-fold decreased affinity for Fd, comparable with the effect of the C terminus deletion, and NADP+ is photoreduced with a 2-fold decreased rate, without consequence on cell growth. The K117A mutation has no effect on the affinity for Fd, but decreases the stability of PsaE subunit, a loss of stability also observed in R111C and the deletion mutants. The double mutation K131A/K135A does not change Fd binding and reduction, but decreases the overall stability of PSI and impairs the cell growth at temperatures above 30 degrees C. Three mutants, R111C, K117A, and the C-terminal deleted exhibit a higher content of the trimeric form of PSI, in apparent relation to the removal of solvent accessible positive charges. Various regions in the C terminus of cyanobacterial PsaD thus are involved in Fd strong binding, PSI stability, and accumulation of trimeric PSI.  相似文献   

To determine the subcellular location of the Streptococcus mutans P1 protein C-terminal anchor, cell envelope fractionation experiments were conducted in combination with Western immunoblotting, using monoclonal antibody MAb 6-8C specific for an epitope that maps near the C terminus of P1 protein and also a polyclonal antibody preparation directed against the P1 C-terminal 144 amino acids (P1COOH). P1 protein was detected in cell walls but not the membrane purified from S. mutans cells by the monoclonal antibody. In contrast, P1 protein was not detected in the same cell wall preparation using the anti-P1COOH polyclonal antibody. However, proteins released from the cell walls by treatment with mutanolysin contained antigen that was recognized by the anti-P1COOH antibody, suggesting that the epitopes recognized by the antibody were masked by peptidoglycan in the cell wall preparations. When cell walls were treated with boiling trichloroacetic acid to solubilize cell-wall-associated carbohydrate, P1 antigen could not be detected in either the solubilized carbohydrate, or in the remaining peptidoglycan, regardless of whether polyclonal or monoclonal antibody was used. However, when the peptidoglycan was treated with mutanolysin, P1 antigen could be detected in the mutanolysin solubilized fraction by MAb 6-8C. Collectively, these data suggest that the C-terminal 144 amino acids of the P1 protein are embedded within the cell wall, and associated exclusively with the peptidoglycan. Furthermore, the ability of the anti-P1COOH antibody to recognize P1 antigen only after mutanolysin treatment of cell walls suggests these C-terminal 144 amino acids are tightly intercalated within the peptidoglycan strands.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated K(+) (Kv) 2.1 is the dominant Kv channel that controls membrane repolarization in rat islet beta-cells and downstream insulin exocytosis. We recently showed that exocytotic SNARE protein SNAP-25 directly binds and modulates rat islet beta-cell Kv 2.1 channel protein at the cytoplasmic N terminus. We now show that SNARE protein syntaxin 1A (Syn-1A) binds and modulates rat islet beta-cell Kv2.1 at its cytoplasmic C terminus (Kv2.1C). In HEK293 cells overexpressing Kv2.1, we observed identical effects of channel inhibition by dialyzed GST-Syn-1A, which could be blocked by Kv2.1C domain proteins (C1: amino acids 412-633, C2: amino acids 634-853), but not the Kv2.1 cytoplasmic N terminus (amino acids 1-182). This was confirmed by direct binding of GST-Syn-1A to the Kv2.1C1 and C2 domains proteins. These findings are in contrast to our recent report showing that Syn-1A binds and modulates the cytoplasmic N terminus of neuronal Kv1.1 and not by its C terminus. Co-expression of Syn-1A in Kv2.1-expressing HEK293 cells inhibited Kv2.1 surfacing, which caused a reduction of Kv2.1 current density. In addition, Syn-1A caused a slowing of Kv2.1 current activation and reduction in the slope factor of steady-state inactivation, but had no affect on inactivation kinetics or voltage dependence of activation. Taken together, SNAP-25 and Syn-1A mediate secretion not only through its participation in the exocytotic SNARE complex, but also by regulating membrane potential and calcium entry through their interaction with Kv and Ca(2+) channels. In contrast to Ca(2+) channels, where these SNARE proteins act on a common synprint site, the SNARE proteins act not only on distinct sites within a Kv channel, but also on distinct sites between different Kv channel families.  相似文献   

Nucling is a novel protein isolated from murine embryonal carcinoma cells with an up-regulated expression during cardiac muscle differentiation. We show here that Nucling was up-regulated by proapoptotic stimuli and important for the induction of apoptosis after cytotoxic stress. We further demonstrated that overexpressed Nucling was able to induce apoptosis. In Nucling-deficient cells, the expression levels of Apaf-1 and cytochrome c, which are the major components of an apoptosis-promoting complex named apoptosome, were both down-regulated under cellular stress. A deficiency of Nucling also conferred resistance to apoptotic stress on the cell. After UV irradiation, Nucling was shown to reside in an Apaf-1/pro-caspase-9 complex, suggesting that Nucling might be a key molecule for the formation and maintenance of this complex. Nucling induced translocation of Apaf-1 to the nucleus, thereby distributing the Nucling/Apaf-1/pro-caspase-9 complex to the nuclear fraction. These findings suggest that Nucling recruits and transports the apoptosome complex during stress-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

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