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This article uses metric and nonmetric dental data to test the "two-layer" or immigration hypothesis whereby Southeast Asia was initially occupied by an "Australo-Melanesian" population that later underwent substantial genetic admixture with East Asian immigrants associated with the spread of agriculture from the Neolithic period onwards. We examined teeth from 4,002 individuals comprising 42 prehistoric and historic samples from East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, and Melanesia. For the odontometric analysis, dental size proportions were compared using factor analysis and Q-mode correlation coefficients, and overall tooth size was also compared between population samples. Nonmetric population affinities were estimated by Smith's distances, using the frequencies of 16 tooth traits. The results of both the metric and nonmetric analyses demonstrate close affinities between recent Australo-Melanesian samples and samples representing early Southeast Asia, such as the Early to Middle Holocene series from Vietnam, Malaysia, and Flores. In contrast, the dental characteristics of most modern Southeast Asians exhibit a mixture of traits associated with East Asians and Australo-Melanesians, suggesting that these populations were genetically influenced by immigrants from East Asia. East Asian metric and/or nonmetric traits are also found in some prehistoric samples from Southeast Asia such as Ban Kao (Thailand), implying that immigration probably began in the early Neolithic. Much clearer influence of East Asian immigration was found in Early Metal Age Vietnamese and Sulawesi samples. Although the results of this study are consistent with the immigration hypothesis, analysis of additional Neolithic samples is needed to determine the exact timing of population dispersals into Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

The population history of extant and extinct hyenas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have analyzed partial DNA sequences of the mitochondrialcytochrome b gene from extant striped, brown, and spotted hyenasas well as from Pleistocene cave hyenas. Sequences of the Pleistocenecave hyenas from Eurasia and modern spotted hyenas from Africaare intermixed in phylogenetic analyses, questioning any taxonomicdelineation between the two groups. Contrary to cave hyenasin Eurasia, spotted hyenas in Africa show a phylogeographicpattern with little geographical overlap between two mitochondrialDNA (mtDNA) clades, suggesting two Pleistocene refugia in thenorth and south of Africa. Our results, furthermore, suggestthree waves of migration from Africa to Eurasia for spottedhyenas, around 3, 1, and 0.3 MYA. A recent emigration of stripedhyenas from Africa to Eurasia took place less than 0.1 MYA,resulting in a dramatic expansion of the geographical rangeof striped hyenas. In striped hyenas and within the geographicalrange of mtDNA clades in spotted hyenas, we found identicalsequences several thousand kilometers apart, indicating a highrate of migration during the Pleistocene as well as the Holocene.Both striped and brown hyenas show low amounts of genetic diversity,with the latter ones displaying just a single haplotype.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the geographic and temporal distribution of a unique variant of the O blood group allele called O1vG542A, which has been shown to be shared among Native Americans but is rare in other populations. O1vG542A was previously reported in Native American populations in Mesoamerica and South America, and has been proposed as an ancestry informative marker. We investigated whether this allele is also found in the Tlingit and Haida, two contemporary indigenous populations from Alaska, and a pre‐Columbian population from California. If O1vG542A is present in Na‐Dene speakers (i.e., Tlingits), it would indicate that Na‐Dene speaking groups share close ancestry with other Native American groups and support a Beringian origin of the allele, consistent with the Beringian Incubation Model. If O1vG542A is found in pre‐Columbian populations, it would further support a Beringian origin of the allele, rather than a more recent introduction of the allele into the Americas via gene flow from one or more populations which have admixed with Native Americans over the past five centuries. We identified this allele in one Na‐Dene population at a frequency of 0.11, and one ancient California population at a frequency of 0.20. Our results support a Beringian origin of O1vG542A, which is distributed today among all Native American groups that have been genotyped in appreciable numbers at this locus. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that Na‐Dene and other Native American populations primarily derive their ancestry from a single source population. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:649–657, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

distruct: a program for the graphical display of population structure   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In analysis of multilocus genotypes from structured populations, individual coefficients of membership in subpopulations are often estimated using programs such as structure . distruct provides a general method for visualizing these estimated membership coefficients. Subpopulations are represented as colours, and individuals are depicted as bars partitioned into coloured segments that correspond to membership coefficients in the subgroups. distruct , available at http://www.cmb.usc.edu/~noahr/distruct.html , can also be used to display subpopulation assignment probabilities when individuals are assumed to have ancestry in only one group.  相似文献   

田娇阳  李玉春  孔庆鹏  张亚平 《遗传》2018,40(10):814-824
东亚是研究解剖学意义上现代人迁徙和演化的重要地带之一,该地区现代人群的起源及形成问题一直都是人类学领域广泛关注的焦点。遗传学研究为重建东亚人群历史提供了新的视角和见解。越来越多的遗传学证据表明,现代人约20万年前起源于非洲的晚期智人,并于10万年前走出非洲,大约在5~6万年前沿海岸线快速到达东亚南部,进而扩散到整个东亚地区。早期智人可能对走出非洲的现代人有一定程度的遗传贡献。早期定居、文化同化、人群迁徙以及基因交流等,对东亚人群的起源和演化起着至关重要的作用。前期的研究对东亚人群的源流历史进行了细致的分析,很大程度上解决了考古学、历史学等领域长期以来存在的分歧,然而这还需通过全基因组学和古DNA研究的进一步验证。本文从遗传学视角梳理和总结了东亚人群起源、迁徙和演化的历史,完善了对东亚人群演变的系统认识,并对未来东亚人群源流历史研究的发展方向做了展望。  相似文献   

Thailand and Laos, located in the center of Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA), harbor diverse ethnolinguistic groups encompassing all five language families of MSEA: Tai-Kadai (TK), Austroasiatic (AA), Sino-Tibetan (ST), Hmong-Mien (HM), and Austronesian (AN). Previous genetic studies of Thai/Lao populations have focused almost exclusively on uniparental markers and there is a paucity of genome-wide studies. We therefore generated genome-wide SNP data for 33 ethnolinguistic groups, belonging to the five MSEA language families from Thailand and Laos, and analyzed these together with data from modern Asian populations and SEA ancient samples. Overall, we find genetic structure according to language family, albeit with heterogeneity in the AA-, HM-, and ST-speaking groups, and in the hill tribes, that reflects both population interactions and genetic drift. For the TK speaking groups, we find localized genetic structure that is driven by different levels of interaction with other groups in the same geographic region. Several Thai groups exhibit admixture from South Asia, which we date to ∼600–1000 years ago, corresponding to a time of intensive international trade networks that had a major cultural impact on Thailand. An AN group from Southern Thailand shows both South Asian admixture as well as overall affinities with AA-speaking groups in the region, suggesting an impact of cultural diffusion. Overall, we provide the first detailed insights into the genetic profiles of Thai/Lao ethnolinguistic groups, which should be helpful for reconstructing human genetic history in MSEA and selecting populations for participation in ongoing whole genome sequence and biomedical studies.  相似文献   

The population of Argentina today does not have a “visible” black African component. However, censuses conducted during most of the 19th century registered up to 30% of individuals of African origin living in Buenos Aires city. What has happened to this African influence? Have all individuals of African origin died, as lay people believe? Or is it possible that admixture with the European immigrants made the African influence “invisible?” We investigated the African contribution to the genetic pool of the population of Buenos Aires, Argentina, typing 12 unlinked autosomal DNA markers in a sample of 90 individuals. The results of this analysis suggest that 2.2% (SEM = 0.9%) of the genetic ancestry of the Buenos Aires population is derived from Africa. Our analysis of individual admixture shows that those alleles that have a high frequency in populations of African origin tend to concentrate among 8 individuals in our sample. Therefore, although the admixture estimate is relatively low, the actual proportion of individuals with at least some African influence is approximately 10%. The evidence we are presenting of African ancestry is consistent with the known historical events that led to the drastic reduction of the Afro‐Argentine population during the second half of the 19th century. However, as our results suggest, this reduction did not mean a total disappearance of African genes from the genetic pool of the Buenos Aires population. Am J Phys Anthropol 128:164‐170, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The dispersal of rice (Oryza sativa) following domestication influenced massive social and cultural changes across South, East, and Southeast (SE) Asia. The history of dispersal across islands of SE Asia, and the role of Taiwan and the Austronesian expansion in this process remain largely unresolved. Here, we reconstructed the routes of dispersal of O. sativa ssp. japonica rice to Taiwan and the northern Philippines using whole-genome resequencing of indigenous rice landraces coupled with archaeological and paleoclimate data. Our results indicate that japonica rice found in the northern Philippines diverged from Indonesian landraces as early as 3,500 years before present (BP). In contrast, rice cultivated by the indigenous peoples of the Taiwanese mountains has complex origins. It comprises two distinct populations, each best explained as a result of admixture between temperate japonica that presumably came from northeast Asia, and tropical japonica from the northern Philippines and mainland SE Asia, respectively. We find that the temperate japonica component of these indigenous Taiwan populations diverged from northeast Asia subpopulations at about 2,600 BP, whereas gene flow from the northern Philippines had begun before ∼1,300  BP. This coincides with a period of intensified trade established across the South China Sea. Finally, we find evidence for positive selection acting on distinct genomic regions in different rice subpopulations, indicating local adaptation associated with the spread of japonica rice.  相似文献   

Southern East Asia, including Guangxi and Fujian provinces in China, is home to diverse ethnic groups, languages, and cultures. Previous studies suggest a high complexity regarding population dynamics and the history of southern East Asians. However, large-scale genetic studies on ancient populations in this region are hindered by limited sample preservation. Here, using highly efficient DNA capture techniques, we obtain 48 complete mitochondrial genomes of individuals from Guangxi and Fujian in China and reconstruct their maternal genetic history over the past 12,000 years. We find a strong connection between southern East Asians dating to ~12,000–6000 years ago and present-day Southeast Asians. In addition, stronger genetic affinities to northern East Asians are observed in historical southern East Asians than Neolithic southern East Asians, suggesting increased interactions between northern and southern East Asians over time. Overall, we reveal dynamic connections between ancient southern East Asians and populations located in surrounding regions, as well as a shift in maternal genetic structure within the populations over time.  相似文献   

The geological and climatic oscillations influenced the geographic distribution and demography of most present-day species, but few studies have investigated evolutionary history of species adapted to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia. Here, using sequence datasets obtained from three chloroplast DNA fragments (trnH-psbA, trnS-trnG, and trnL-F) from 320 individuals belonging to 24 natural populations, we investigated the phylogeographical history of Tacca chantrieri, which inhabits Southeast Asian tropical forests. Although relatively high level of differentiation among the populations were observed, mismatch distribution and neutrality tests showed no evidence of recent demographic population expansion. Phylogenetic inference exhibited two identified population groups showing a disjunctive distribution of dominant haplotypes. The split in cpDNA was largely consistent with the Tanaka line and Red River geographically. Molecular clock estimations revealed that the two lineages diverged during Pleistocene approximately 1.16 Ma. Therefore, the disjunct distribution of T.chantrieri could be explained by both the vicariance caused by Red River as well as ecological barriers caused by the different monsoon climates (Southwest monsoon vs. Southeast monsoon) that developed during the Pleistocene. The Tanaka line can be considered as a climatically driven barrier that influenced present-day plant dispersal.  相似文献   

Assessments of plant population dynamics in space and time have depended on dated records of fossil pollen synthesized on a subcontinental scale. Genetic analyses of extant populations have revealed spatial relationships that are indicative of past spatial dynamics, but lack an explicit timescale. Synthesis of these data requires genetic analyses from abundant dated fossil material, and this has hitherto been lacking. Fossil pollen is the most abundant material with which to fill this data gap. Here we report genetic analyses of fossil pollen retrieved from Holtjärnen postglacial lake sediment in Sweden and show that plastid DNA is recoverable from Scots Pine and Norway spruce pollen grains that are 100 and 10 000 years old. By sequencing clones from two short plastid PCR products and by using multiple controls we show that the ancient sequences were endogenous to the fossil grains. Comparison of ancient sequences and those obtained from an extant population of Scots pine establishes the first genetic link between extant and fossil samples in this species, providing genetic continuity through time. The finding of one common haplotype present in modern, 100-year old and 10 000-year old samples suggests that it may have persisted near Holtjärnen throughout the postglacial period. This retrieval of ancient DNA from pollen has major implications for plant palaeoecology in conifer species by allowing direct estimates of population dynamics in space and time.  相似文献   

Aim  Middle East brown bears ( Ursus arctos syriacus Hemprich and Ehrenberg, 1828) are presently on the edge of extinction. However, little is known of their genetic diversity. This study investigates that question as well as that of Middle East brown bear relationships to surrounding populations of the species.
Location  Middle East region of south-western Asia.
Methods  We performed DNA analyses on 27 brown bear individuals. Twenty ancient bone samples (Late Pleistocene to 20th century) from natural populations and seven present-day samples obtained from captive individuals were analysed.
Results  Phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial sequences obtained from seven ancient specimens identify three distinct maternal clades, all unrelated to one recently described from North Africa. Brown bears from Iran exhibit striking diversity (three individuals, three haplotypes) and form a unique clade that cannot be linked to any extant one. Individuals from Syria belong to the Holarctic clade now observed in Eastern Europe, Turkey, Japan and North America. Specimens from Lebanon surprisingly appear as tightly linked to the clade of brown bears now in Western Europe. Moreover, we show that U. a. syriacus in captivity still harbour haplotypes closely linked to those found in ancient individuals.
Main conclusion  This study brings important new information on the genetic diversity of brown bear populations at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa. It reveals a high level of diversity in Middle East brown bears and extends the historical distribution of the Western European clade to the East. Our analyses also suggest the value of a specific breeding programme for captive populations.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generally small, short-lived and highly reactive molecules, initially thought to be a pathological role in the cell. A growing amount of evidence in recent years argues for ROS functioning as a signaling intermediate to facilitate cellular adaptation in response to pathophysiological stress through the regulation of autophagy. Autophagy is an essential cellular process that plays a crucial role in recycling cellular components and damaged organelles to eliminate sources of ROS in response to various stress conditions. A large number of studies have shown that DNA damage response (DDR) transducer ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein can also be activated by ROS, and its downstream signaling pathway is involved in autophagy regulation. This review aims at providing novel insight into the regulatory mechanism of ATM activated by ROS and its molecular basis for inducing autophagy, and revealing a new function that ATM can not only maintain genome homeostasis in the nucleus, but also as a ROS sensor trigger autophagy to maintain cellular homeostasis in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Analyses of historical samples can provide invaluable information on changes to the genetic composition of natural populations resulting from human activities. Here, we analyse 21 microsatellite loci in historical (archived scales from 1927 to 1956) and contemporary samples of brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) from six neighbouring rivers in Denmark, to compare the genetic structure of wild populations before and after population declines and stocking with nonlocal strains of hatchery trout. We show that all populations have been strongly affected by stocking, with admixture proportions ranging from 14 to 64%. Historical population genetic structure was characterized by isolation by distance and by positive correlations between historical effective population sizes and habitat area within river systems. Contemporary population genetic structure still showed isolation by distance, but also reflected differences among populations in hatchery trout admixture proportions. Despite significant changes to the genetic composition within populations over time, dispersal rates among populations were roughly similar before and after stocking. We also assessed whether population declines or introgression by hatchery strain trout should be the most significant conservation concern in this system. Based on theoretical considerations, we argue that population declines have had limited negative effects for the persistence of adaptive variation, but admixture with hatchery trout may have resulted in reduced local adaptation. Collectively, our study demonstrates the usefulness of analysing historical samples for identifying the most important consequences of human activities on the genetic structure of wild populations.  相似文献   

North China and South Siberia, populated by Altaic- and Sino-Tibetan-speaking populations, possess extensive ethnolinguistic diversity and serve as the crossroads for the initial peopling of America and western–eastern transcontinental communication. However, the population genetic structure and admixture history of northern East Asians remain poorly understood due to a lack of genome-wide data, especially for Mongolic-speaking people in China. We genotyped genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms for 510 individuals from 38 Mongolic, Tungusic, and Sinitic-speaking populations. We first explored the shared alleles and haplotypes within the studied groups. We then merged with 3508 published modern and ancient Eurasian individuals to reconstruct the deep evolutionary and natural selection history of northern East Asians. We identified genetic substructures within Altaic-speaking populations: Western Turkic people harbored more western Eurasian-related ancestry; Northern Mongolic people in Siberia and eastern Tungusic people in Amur River Basin (ARB) possessed a majority of Neolithic ARB related ancestry; Southern Mongolic people in China possessed apparent genetic influence from Neolithic Yellow River Basin (YRB) farmers. Additionally, we found the differentiated admixture history between western and eastern Mongolians and geographically close Northeast Hans: the former received a genetic impact from western Eurasians, and the latter retained the primary Neolithic YRB and ARB ancestry. Moreover, we demonstrated that Kalmyk people from the northern Caucasus Mountains possessed a strong genetic affinity with Neolithic Mongolian Plateau (MP) people, supporting the hypothesis of their eastern Eurasian origin and long-distance migration history. We also illuminated that historical pastoral empires in the MP contributed considerably to the gene pool of northern Mongolic people but rarely to the southern ones. We finally found natural selection signatures in Mongolians associated with alcohol metabolism. Our results demonstrated that the Neolithic ancestral sources from the MP or ARB played an important role in spreading Altaic populations and languages. The observed multisources of genetic diversity contributed significantly to the extensive ethnolinguistic diversity in northern East Asia.  相似文献   

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