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Nucleotide variation in an approximately 490 bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region (mtDNA CR) was used to describe the genetic variation and phylogeographical pattern in the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) over its entire range. The sampling effort was focused on the relict populations that survived a drastic population bottleneck, caused by overhunting, at the end of the 19th century. A total of 152 individuals grouped into eight populations representing all currently recognized subspecies were studied. Sixteen haplotypes were detected, none of them shared among populations. Intrapopulation sequence variation was very low, most likely a result of the severe bottleneck. Extreme genetic structure could result from human-mediated extinction of intermediate populations, but it could also be an effect of prior substantial structuring of the beaver populations with watersheds of major Eurasian rivers acting as barriers to gene flow. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of two mtDNA lineages: eastern (Poland, Lithuania, Russia and Mongolia) and western (Germany, Norway and France), the former comprising more divergent haplotypes. The low level of sequence divergence of the entire cytochrome b gene among six individuals representing six subspecies suggests differentiation during the last glacial period and existence of multiple glacial refugia. At least two evolutionary significant units (ESU) can be identified, the western and the eastern haplogroup. The individual relict populations should be regarded as management units, the eastern subspecies possibly also as ESUs. Guidelines for future translocations and reintroductions are proposed.  相似文献   

  • 1 Chemical communication in mammals includes an array of specific behaviours that are often ignored in terms of their potential relevance to conservation. Often used during territorial or social interactions between animals, chemical communication can also be used as a tool in reintroduction programmes. Reintroductions still exhibit high failure rates and methods to improve success should be investigated. The Eurasian beaver Castor fiber has been widely reintroduced across Europe after its near extinction in the 19th century.
  • 2 Using olfactory studies in the beaver, we aim to demonstrate how scent transfers a range of information about the sender which can be used to monitor social and territorial behaviour along with general well‐being. Scent manipulation can be used to reduce human–beaver conflicts, and aid reintroduction success through reducing stress and territorial conflicts, and by influencing dispersal and settlement.
  • 3 Two species of beavers, the Eurasian beaver and the North American beaver Castor canadensis, occupy freshwater habitats throughout North America and in parts of South America, most of Europe and parts of Asia. Most of the reviewed literature concerns the wild Eurasian beaver, its chemical communication and conservation; however, captive studies and those addressing North American beavers are also included.
  • 4 Chemical communication is advanced and has been well documented in this highly territorial species. However, few studies directly link olfaction with conservation practices.
  • 5 Olfactory studies in beavers can provide non‐invasive methods to monitor translocated animals and indicators of health. We conclude that chemical analysis, olfactory studies and behavioural manipulations involving semiochemicals have important impacts on conservation and can generate practical solutions to conservation problems including aiding animal capture, captive stress reduction, breeding pair formation and release site fidelity.

  • 1 Eurasian beavers Castor fiber, formerly threatened with extinction, have been widely reintroduced since the 1920s. Reintroductions and studies of possible reintroductions are continuing.
  • 2 The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) guidelines for reintroductions state that ‘the source population should ideally be closely related genetically to the original native stock’.
  • 3 Palaeoecological studies suggest that the species survived the last Ice Age in two refugia: in the west in Iberia and Southern France and in the east in the Black Sea region. The post‐Ice Age population of Western Europe, including Great Britain, recolonized from the western refugium. Recent mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid studies strongly support this view, and extant beaver populations are clearly divided into eastern and western evolutionarily significant units (ESUs).
  • 4 The western ESU is composed of three stocks which survived the 19th and early 20th century as very small, isolated populations. They are very closely related to each other. Each is genetically depauperate, apparently as a result of genetic drift at low population levels.
  • 5 There is evidence of inbreeding depression and of phenotypic abnormalities in beaver populations descended from unmixed stocks.
  • 6 The evidence suggests three coherent management options for sourcing reintroduction stock for Great Britain and for unoccupied areas of western continental Europe. These are (i) use animals from a single western ESU stock; (ii) intentionally mix animals from two or all three of the surviving western ESU stocks; (iii) make an informed exception to the IUCN guidelines and reintroduce animals of mixed eastern and western ESU provenance.
  • 7 These options are discussed with regard to IUCN guidelines, conservation biology and animal welfare considerations. It would be advantageous if a common policy on the origin of reintroduction stock were agreed by the national agencies responsible.

Babik W  Durka W  Radwan J 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(14):4249-4257
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes, coding molecules which play an important role in immune response, are the most polymorphic genes known in vertebrates. However, MHC polymorphism in some species is limited. MHC monomorphism at several MHC class I and II loci was previously reported for two neighbouring northern European populations of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) and reduced selection for polymorphism has been hypothesized. Here, we analysed a partial sequence of the second exon of the MHC II DRB locus from seven relict European and Asian beaver populations. We detected 10 unique alleles among 76 beavers analysed. Only a western Siberian population was polymorphic, with four alleles detected in 10 individuals. Each of the remaining populations was fixed for a different allele. Sequences showed considerable divergence, suggesting the long persistence of allelic lineages. A significant excess of nonsynonymous substitutions was detected at the antigen binding sites, indicating that sequence evolution of beaver DRB was driven by positive selection. Current MHC monomorphism in the majority of populations may be the result of the superimposition of the recent bottleneck on pre-existing genetic structure resulting from population subdivision and differential pathogen pressure.  相似文献   

After centuries of human hunting, the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber had disappeared from most of its original range by the end of the 19th century. The surviving relict populations are characterized by both low genetic diversity and strong phylogeographical structure. However, it remains unclear whether these attributes are the result of a human‐induced, late Holocene bottleneck or already existed prior to this reduction in range. To investigate genetic diversity in Eurasian beaver populations during the Holocene, we obtained mitochondrial control region DNA sequences from 48 ancient beaver samples and added 152 modern sequences from GenBank. Phylogeographical analyses of the data indicate a differentiation of European beaver populations into three mitochondrial clades. The two main clades occur in western and eastern Europe, respectively, with an early Holocene contact zone in eastern Europe near a present‐day contact zone. A divergent and previously unknown clade of beavers from the Danube Basin survived until at least 6000 years ago, but went extinct during the transition to modern times. Finally, we identify a recent decline in effective population size of Eurasian beavers, with a stronger bottleneck signal in the western than in the eastern clade. Our results suggest that the low genetic diversity and the strong phylogeographical structure in recent beavers are artefacts of human hunting‐associated population reductions. While beaver populations have been growing rapidly since the late 19th century, genetic diversity within modern beaver populations remains considerably reduced compared to what was present prior to the period of human hunting and habitat reduction.  相似文献   

The effect of beaver (Castor fiber Linnaeus, 1758) activity on amphibian reproduction was studied in the small river valleys in Novgorod oblast. At sites not subjected to beaver activity, the reproduction rate of amphibians was low. In spring the water in beaver ponds warms up quickly, which attracts amphibians for reproduction. The maximal abundance of tadpoles due to a high reproduction rate was observed in partially drained ponds. However, a high larvae mortality rate was often observed there. Tadpole survival in flooded and empty ponds depends on factors that are not controlled by beavers, such as geomorphology and climate.  相似文献   

Beavers Castor spp. are generalist herbivores, feeding on the bark, shoots and leaves of woody plants, terrestrial herbs and forbs, ferns and aquatic vegetation. As central-place foragers, beavers move out from water to select and cut trees and vegetation, and then transport it back to their refuge. These terrestrial forays are energetically costly; therefore, beavers should concentrate their foraging activity near the central place and increase the degree of selectivity for specific sizes or species of food with increasing distance from the water. The aim of this study was to test the predictions of the central place and the optimal foraging theories for the food selection of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber , and show the foraging preferences of the focal species in the boreal conifer forest zone of Europe. Foraging intensity by beavers and the abundance of woody species were surveyed in transects positioned randomly at seven beaver territories. In compliance with the central-place foraging theory, the foraging intensity declined with increasing distance from the river. Beavers fed preferentially on willows ( Salix ), rowan ( Sorbus ) and birches ( Betula ), although alders ( Alnus ) dominated their diet. Size selectivity showed similar patterns to previous North American studies, which were also carried out in habitats with predominantly small saplings. The probability of selection of small saplings dropped as distance increased, which is consistent with the predictions of optimal foraging models that larger prey items are more likely to be favoured with increasing provisioning distance.  相似文献   

In 1995 Scottish Natural Heritage proposed a feasibility study to examine the case for reintroducing the Eurasian Beaver Castor fiber to Scotland. Following IUCN guidelines, an important first step is to demonstrate that the Beaver was once a native of Scotland and that the causes of its extinction no longer pose any threat to reintroduced animals. Therefore, palaeontological, archaeological and historical evidence for the former existence of the Beaver in Scotland and the causes of its extinction are reviewed.
Palaeontological and archaeological evidence suggest that the Eurasian Beaver was once widely distributed throughout mainland Scotland. Historical evidence suggests that although it was once probably fairly common, it became extinct between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries, most probably towards the latter. The main cause of its decline and extinction was probably hunting for its pelt, meat and castoreum, but habitat destruction may have been important in the loss of some small isolated populations.
Given that the causes of extinction of the Beaver in Scotland now no longer exist or can be effectively controlled, there is no reason why a feasibility study cannot proceed to assess the practicalities of a reintroduction.  相似文献   

We analyzed the meat composition of ten females and seven males of sexually mature European beavers (Castor fiber L.). Cutting yield, percentage of particular elements, and chemical composition of the meat were determined. On average, a beaver carcass constitutes 48.6% of beaver body mass and contains 62.8% of meat, 14.5% of fat and 22.4% of bones. The thigh was found to be the largest and most valuable element constituting 33.4% of carcass weight and containing 66.7% of meat. Beaver meat has a high concentration of protein (20.9–21.8% wet wt.) and minerals (1.27–1.31%). The fat was characterized by a high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (48.0–53.1%).  相似文献   

Mammal Research - Reduction of genetic diversity can lead to reduced fitness of species, such as the loss of adaptability to changing environments. The native Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) was...  相似文献   

Lee Raye 《Historical Biology》2013,25(8):1029-1041
This paper re-examines the evidence for the extinction of the beaver (Castor fiber) in South Britain and Scotland. Much of the evidence found by previous scholars is discounted as unreliable or outdated. A new study looks at reliable historical sources and studies references to the beaver in the context of references to comparable mammals, especially the most ecologically comparable [polecat (Mustela putorius), pine marten (Martes martes), otter (Lutra lutra) and badger (Meles meles)]. Each of these mammals was present in every period studied, meaning that medieval authors were reliable witnesses to the species' presence. The beaver is present in comparable numbers to the other mammals in South Britain 1188–1307 and in Scotland 1526–1600, meaning that as a species it was frequently recorded by humans. References to it cease after 1308 in South Britain, except a single anomalous entry, and after 1600 in Scotland. The idea that this reflects a sample bias or random chance is discounted. The paper rejects the late extinction scenario and concludes that the beaver became extinct by 1300 in South Britain and by 1600 in Scotland.  相似文献   

Semi‐aquatic mammals have secondarily returned to the aquatic environment, although they spend a major part of their life operating in air. Moving both on land, as well as in, and under water is challenging because such species are considered to be imperfectly adapted to both environments. We deployed accelerometers combined with a depth sensor to study the diving behavior of 12 free‐living Eurasian beavers Castor fiber in southeast Norway between 2009 and 2011 to examine the extent to which beavers conformed with mass‐dependent dive capacities, expecting them to be poorer than wholly aquatic species. Dives were generally shallow (<1 m) and of short duration (<30 s), suggesting that the majority of dives were aerobic. Dive parameters such as maximum diving depth, dive duration, and bottom phase duration were related to the effort during different dive phases and the maximum depth reached. During the descent, mean vectorial dynamic body acceleration (VeDBA—a proxy for movement power) was highest near the surface, probably due to increased upthrust linked to fur‐ and lung‐associated air. Inconsistently though, mean VeDBA underwater was highest during the ascent when this air would be expected to help drive the animals back to the surface. Higher movement costs during ascents may arise from transporting materials up, the air bubbling out of the fur, and/or the animals’ exhaling during the bottom phase of the dive. In a manner similar to other homeotherms, beavers extended both dive and bottom phase durations with diving depth. Deeper dives tended to have a longer bottom phase, although its duration was shortened with increased VeDBA during the bottom phase. Water temperature did not affect diving behavior. Overall, the beavers’ dive profile (depth, duration) was similar to other semi‐aquatic freshwater divers. However, beavers dived for only 2.8% of their active time, presumably because they do not rely on diving for food acquisition.  相似文献   

Noninvasive genetic techniques have become indispensible tools in wildlife conservation and management. Here, we report the development of the first set of microsatellite markers for the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). All 15 loci show considerable variation within the sampled region in southwestern Germany, with number of alleles ranging from two to six alleles per locus. A comparison between tissue and hair samples revealed that amplification success was only slightly lower for hair samples, making their use in noninvasive monitoring feasible. Despite some evidence for false alleles and allelic dropout, 77% of all loci were genotyped successfully among all hair samples and loci tested. The developed markers will be used for subspecies differentiation and reconstruction of dispersal routes, following reintroductions in Central Europe.  相似文献   

The structural organization of the spermatozoon from the Eurasian beaver, Castor fiber (Family: Castoridae), was determined and compared to that of other sciuromorph rodents. The beaver spermatozoon has a head, which is variable in form but usually paddle-shaped, with a small nucleus and very large acrosome, and a tail that is relatively short compared to that of most other rodents. Transmission electron microscopy indicates that in most testicular spermatozoa the acrosome projects apically, although in a few it becomes partly flexed. During the final stages of maturation, however, the acrosome becomes highly folded so that the apical segment comes to lie alongside part of the acrosome that occurs lateral to the nucleus, with, in some cases, fusion taking place between the outer acrosomal membranes. The sperm nucleus is wedge-shaped, being broader basally and narrowing apically with an occasional large nuclear vacuole occurring. This spermatozoon structure is markedly different from that found in the other species of Geomyoidea, which is the sister group of the Castoridae. The findings thus emphasize the highly divergent nature of the beaver spermatozoon and demonstrate that, within the proposed Infraorder Castorimorpha, very large differences in sperm structure have evolved.  相似文献   

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