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江门海关从冈比亚进境的刺猬紫檀木原木中检出活体长蠹科昆虫.通过显微形态特征的观察和测量,对该虫进行了物种鉴定.经形态特征鉴定,该虫为小楔双棘长蠹.该虫的形态特征与近似种的主要区别:斜面毛被稀疏、不太明显,近缝角处竖立短直;缝侧齿基部不粗糙;斜面侧上缘有3对胝状的痕迹显现.该虫在我国尚无分布记录,为国内口岸首次截获.该虫...  相似文献   

【背景】花生豆象原产于非洲,目前已扩散至北美洲、亚洲和大洋洲,为害多种农作物,是重要的仓储害虫,1992年曾被列入《中华人民共和国进境植物检疫危险性病、虫、杂草名录》。但2007年颁布的《中华人民共和国进境植物检疫性有害生物名录》未包括花生豆象,原因可能是该虫已在我国云南等地发生。【方法】通过检视我国检疫部门截获的标本、核对“云南花生豆象”相关研究资料,说明花生豆象的鉴定特征,并使用CLIMEX3.0对其在我国的适生区进行预测分析。【结果】我国报道花生豆象的发生缘于我国酸角豆象的鉴定错误。花生豆象的外部形态与酸角豆象极为相似,但通过生殖器特征可以明确鉴定并区分这2种害虫。我国多个花生主产区是花生豆象的适生区,花生豆象一旦入侵,就会给我国的花生生产造成极大的损失。【结论与意义】花生豆象人侵我国的风险大,建议将其增补为中华人民共和国进境植物检疫性有害生物。  相似文献   

【背景】蚧虫是半翅目胸喙亚目蚧总科下的一类昆虫的总称。蚧虫个体小、食性广,极易随货物扩散传播。【方法】分别从疫情概况、截获种类、产地、截获载体、截获年份等方面对10年来我国各口岸截获蚧虫的信息数据进行了比对和统计,并对之前容易被忽视的非检疫性蚧虫疫情进行了统计和分析。【结果】2005年以来,我国从进口植物和植物产品中截获蚧虫共计171978批次,其中,检疫性蚧虫12种共7071批次;南洋臀纹粉蚧截获量最大,达2848批次,大洋臀纹粉蚧次之,为2442批次,第3是新菠萝灰粉蚧,为1714批次。东南亚是蚧虫的主要来源地,截获量居前3位的蚧类几乎都来自该地区;水果是截获蚧虫的主要载体,占所有植物及植物产品总截获量的99.0%;总体来看,蚧虫截获量从2006年开始逐年下降,到2010年后又呈暴发性上升趋势。比较3种截获量较大的蚧虫发现,2005~2008年,截获主要以南洋臀纹粉蚧为主;自2009年起,大洋臀纹粉蚧截获量逐年上升,成为截获量最多的蚧虫;2011年以来,新菠萝灰粉蚧截获量激增。2005年至今,我国口岸共截获其他非检疫性蚧类68797批次,鉴定到种的有46个属105种共68712批次,其中,在我国内陆地区尚未报道的有23个种,入侵风险高,需要引起重视。【结论与意义】了解我国口岸蚧类害虫截获情况,有利于针对性地开展疫情检疫与监测,有效防范蚧类害虫的传入与扩散。  相似文献   

【目的】明确北京口岸从泰国进口的红毛丹果实表皮中检出活体粉蚧的种类及其分类地位、分布、潜在入侵危害性等情况。【方法】通过形态特征和DNA条形码技术对截获样本进行比对鉴定,并结合相关文献对其进行综合分析。【结果】该粉蚧为多孔曼粉蚧Maconellicoccus multipori(Takahashi,1951),隶属于半翅目Hemiptera粉蚧科Pseudococcidae蔓粉蚧属Maconellicoccus。同时详细介绍了该粉蚧的形态特征,以及我国口岸对曼粉蚧属的截获情况,讨论了多孔曼粉蚧的检疫意义。【结论】口岸应对该虫引起足够的重视,加强针对该虫的检疫措施,严防该虫入侵我国。  相似文献   

【背景】近年来,种苗等植物通过邮寄包裹进入我国的数量越来越多,有害生物随之入侵的风险与日俱增。深圳口岸曾多次从入境包裹中截获孢囊线虫、根结线虫等。【方法】2015年10月12日,深圳口岸在对日本邮寄来的仙人掌进行检疫时,从其根部发现了一种孢囊线虫。对该线虫进行分离,结合形态学和28S r DNA序列扩增并测序的方法,对截获的线虫进行鉴定。【结果】分离到了一种孢囊线虫,其形态特征与仙人掌孢囊线虫基本吻合,28S r DNA序列与Gen Bank数据库中登录号为DQ328702的德国群体的同源性高达99%。因此,判定截获的线虫为仙人掌孢囊线虫。【结论与意义】入境包裹检疫需要引起口岸检疫部门的高度重视。采用形态学和分子生物学相结合的方法对植物寄生线虫进行鉴定,可以得到更加准确的结果。  相似文献   

【目的】2016年9月临沂出入境检验检疫局从德国进境的杨木原木中检出活体象甲科昆虫。【方法】通过形态学观察与线粒体DNA细胞色素氧化酶(mt COⅠ)序列测定及系统进化分析,对该虫进行了物种鉴定。【结果】该虫的形态特征与条纹根瘤象相似;测序分析发现,其COⅠ序列特征与Gen Bank中条纹根瘤象mt COⅠ序列相似性为100%;系统进化树表明,其与条纹根瘤象聚为一组。【结论】以上结果证实该虫为条纹根瘤象。这是我国首次从进境带皮杨木中截获该有害生物,需引起检验检疫部门的重视。  相似文献   

2022年2月1日起,美国、加拿大等国家的松木进口,只能通过我国江苏(南京、连云港)、福建(福州港)等17个指定口岸进境。美国、加拿大进境松木携带疫情复杂,将给指定口岸带来巨大的疫情防控压力。2022年1月,连云港海关在进口美国原木中截获了美东最小齿小蠹。该小蠹在我国无分布,为国内首次截获。其形态特征与近似种主要区别为:该齿小蠹体型相对较小,一般为2.1~2.8 mm,侧缘4齿各自独立,其中第2齿和第3齿着生在共同的基部。通过初步风险分析,其通过指定口岸入侵我国的可能性很大,一旦成功入侵定殖,将对我国的林业资源造成严重威胁,各相关指定口岸应加强对北美进境原木的检疫。  相似文献   

[目的] 小条实蝇属害虫原产非洲,在我国无分布且具有一定的入侵风险。分析该虫在我国口岸的截获情况,能更好地利用已知实蝇截获数据防范实蝇人为传播。[方法] 经动植物检验检疫信息资源共享服务平台查询,统计小条实蝇属的有害生物类别、截获途径及截获地区等。[结果] 全国口岸共截获8种共计524批次的小条实蝇属害虫;地中海实蝇的截获批次数最多,为415批次,为小条实蝇属截获率的79.2%;截获的种类最多的国家来自尼日利亚,5种;截获批次最多的国家为南非,71批次;截获方式最多的为旅客携带物,占总批次的68.3%;在我国口岸中,广东口岸截获批次最多,占总数的57.4%。[结论] 从今后防控的重点种类、加大查验力度、推广新技术在鉴定上的应用、应急预案等几个方面,加强针对该类有害生物的检验检疫措施。  相似文献   

在室内条件下研究了水菖蒲Acorus calamus活性物质β-细辛醚对四纹豆象Callosobruchus maculates成虫行为、产卵和繁殖的影响。结果表明:经过β-细辛醚接触处理后的四纹豆象成虫行为主要表现为兴奋→失去平衡→击倒→死亡,接触药剂64 h后,试虫成虫全部死亡。β-细辛醚处理可显著的降低四纹豆象成虫的交配次数,随着处理时间的延长,成虫的交配次数减少,且处理雄虫比处理雌虫对交配竞争能力的影响更大。处理雌虫与未处理雄虫配对后以及处理雄虫与未处理雌虫配对后,雌虫的产卵数均极显著低于对照,且随着处理时间的延长,雌虫的产卵数显著减少,但两种配对处理之间雌虫的产卵数无显著差异。处理雌虫与未处理雄虫配对后以及处理雄虫与未处理雌虫配对后,雌虫产卵的孵化率均显著低于对照处理,但不同处理时间后卵的孵化率无显著差异; 两种配对处理所产卵的孵化率无显著差异。据此得出结论:水菖蒲根茎提取物β-细辛醚为神经毒剂,可以减少四纹豆象的种群数量,具有开发为储粮害虫四纹豆象防治剂的潜力。  相似文献   

利用原产于印度的抗豆象栽培绿豆品种V2709与农艺性状优良的感豆象推广品种中绿1号(VC1973A)杂交,以杂交种F1、F2为试验材料,通过田间农艺性状调查、室内人工接虫鉴定及多元相关分析等,研究V2709中所包含的抗豆象特性的遗传背景。结果表明V2709的抗豆象特性由一对显性基因控制;通过相关性分析发现其抗虫性与植株高度呈极显著正相关,与主茎节数呈显著正相关,而与其他性状无明显相关性。  相似文献   

目前胡杨更新困难,种群处于退化阶段,而与其生态位高度重叠的多枝柽柳却在扩张。为探讨多枝柽柳对胡杨生长的影响,本研究设置了3个水平的水分、盐分梯度,对胡杨进行了单种和混种的盆栽控制实验,通过测定胡杨幼苗的生长和存活状况,分析不同水、盐梯度下多枝柽柳如何影响胡杨生长。结果表明:(1)多枝柽柳伴生降低当年生胡杨幼苗的存活率,随着水分条件改善,胡杨存活率提高,而盐分对存活率没有显著的影响。(2)水分、盐分和伴生模式几个因子对胡杨的生长特征的影响存在显著的交互作用(P<0.05)。各水盐条件下,多枝柽柳会不同程度降低胡杨幼苗的株高、主根长和地上地下生物量,而根冠比增大。混种条件下,胡杨幼苗对水盐的响应更为敏感。(3)相对竞争强度对水盐环境有明显的响应(P<0.05),随水分条件改善,地上、地下相对竞争强度降低。多枝柽柳对胡杨的生长产生不良影响的机制是通过快速消耗土壤的水分,从而导致胡杨幼苗水分亏缺。土壤水分条件是胡杨和多枝柽柳幼苗共存的关键因素,在水分供给不足的情况下,对水分偏好的差异导致胡杨无法通过实生苗进行有效的更新从而加剧胡杨种群的衰退,而多枝柽柳更为耐旱的特性使其逐步占据河岸的生境。我们的研究结果强调了两个树种对环境因子的适应性差异决定了河岸带植被发育过程中植物-土壤的相互作用导致胡杨在演替过程中表现出的衰退现象。  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation alters plant-animal interactions, including herbivory. Relying manipulative experiments, we test if the reduction in insect herbivory associated with forest fragmentation translates into increased seedling growth and survival of three tree common species (Aristotelia chilensis, Cryptocarya alba and Persea lingue) in forest fragments and continuous forests in coastal Maulino forest, central Chile. Furthermore, we test if after protecting seedlings from herbivorous insects, plant performance is increased regardless of forest fragmentation. Nursery grown seedlings were transplanted into four forest fragments and a continuous forest during 2002. Insects, important herbivores in this forest, were excluded from half the seedlings by repeated applications of insecticides. Compared to continuous forests, in forest fragments, herbivory was reduced in all three species, seedling growth was greater in A. chilensis and C. alba but not in P. lingue, and survivorship was unaffected by herbivory or fragmentation in all three species. Protecting seedlings from insects reduced herbivory in the continuous forest to similar levels attained in the forest fragments. No change in herbivory results from by protecting seedlings in forest fragments. These results confirm that insects are important herbivores in the Maulino forest and also support the hypothesis that fragmentation can have strong indirect effects on plant communities as mediated through trophic interactions.  相似文献   

【目的】研究大面积栽植外来树种日本落叶松和日本花柏对鄂西北森林群落物种多样性的影响,为评价外来树种的入侵风险提供依据。【方法】采用样地调查法对比研究外来树种日本落叶松和日本花柏人工林与当地森林群落特征差异。【结果】日本落叶松人工林样地林下植物种类丰富,样地平均物种数与当地天然林样地物种数相比无显著差异;林下灌木层和草本层多样性指数较高,草本层多样性指数与当地天然林相比无显著差异;林下未发现日本落叶松的更新苗。日本花柏人工林样地平均物种数显著少于当地其他人工林样地;乔木层、灌木层和草本层的4个多样性指数值均小于当地其他人工林样地;在3个样地中出现日本花柏更新苗,更新苗数量达479株·hm~(-2)。【结论】引种栽培日本落叶松不会导致当地森林群落的物种多样性降低,不会引起生物入侵风险;但引种栽培日本花柏会明显降低当地森林群落的物种多样性,对当地森林生态系统的稳定构成一定威胁。  相似文献   

无瓣海桑与乡土红树植物混交对林地大型底栖动物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择广东省雷州市附城镇和珠海市淇澳岛沿海1年生无瓣海桑人工林,分别在林下混种乡土红树植物红海榄或木榄幼苗,对混交林和无瓣海桑纯林林地大型底栖动物群落进行比较,探讨无瓣海桑与乡土红树植物混交对林地大型底栖动物的影响。结果显示,混交林和无瓣海桑纯林之间大型底栖动物群落的优势种存在差异;相似性分析检验(One-Way ANOSIM)、等级聚类和非参数多变量标序结果均表明1年无瓣海桑+红海榄混交林、1年无瓣海桑+木榄混交林和1年无瓣海桑纯林之间大型底栖动物群落结构差异显著。研究还发现在无瓣海桑人工林林下混交红海榄或木榄这两种乡土红树植物,可提高林地底栖动物的生物量和物种多样性。BIOENV分析说明大型底栖动物分布与红海榄或木榄这两种混交的乡土树种的凋落物量密切相关,这进一步证实了混交乡土红树植物对林地底栖动物多样性和分布的影响。两个研究地实验结果均显示,在无瓣海桑林下种植木榄的效果要优于红海榄,表现在木榄的平均苗高、凋落物量、凋落物量占群落凋落物总量百分比和幼苗成活率均高于红海榄,其对提高林地大型底栖动物生物量和物种多样性的效果也明显优于红海榄。  相似文献   

Microsatellite variations in Castanopsis species in Japan were examined to clarify the genetic relationships among 25 local populations according to the difference in the number of layers of adaxial epidermis in the leaves. Six microsatellite loci were assayed for 629 seedlings from the populations, and these seedlings were classified into five types according to the state of the leaf epidermis. Remarkable differences in the allele frequency of the six microsatellite loci were observed among these local populations. The coefficients of genetic differentiation, RST, of each locus ranged from 0.209 to 0.388. An unweighted pair-group method (UPGMA) phenogram constructed on the population pairwise RST over the loci revealed three clusters (A–C), and six sub-clusters. These clusters reflected the differences in the occurrence frequency of seedlings in each epidermis type within a population. Our findings suggest that clusters A and C are the local populations dominated by Castanopsis sieboldii and Castanopsis cuspidata, respectively, while local populations of cluster B are composed of the two Castanopsis species and/or include many individuals derived by hybridization. The six sub-clusters were found to reflect the geographic relationship among the populations, suggesting a different process for geographic population dynamics during the postglacial period.  相似文献   

Trichoderma species are usually considered soil organisms that colonize plant roots, sometimes forming a symbiotic relationship. Recent studies demonstrate that Trichoderma species are also capable of colonizing the above ground tissues of Theobroma cacao (cacao) in what has been characterized as an endophytic relationship. Trichoderma species can be re-isolated from surface sterilized cacao stem tissue, including the bark and xylem, the apical meristem, and to a lesser degree from leaves. SEM analysis of cacao stems colonized by strains of four Trichoderma species (Trichoderma ovalisporum-DIS 70a, Trichoderma hamatum-DIS 219b, Trichoderma koningiopsis-DIS 172ai, or Trichoderma harzianum-DIS 219f) showed a preference for surface colonization of glandular trichomes versus non-glandular trichomes. The Trichoderma strains colonized the glandular trichome tips and formed swellings resembling appresoria. Hyphae were observed emerging from the glandular trichomes on surface sterilized stems from cacao seedlings that had been inoculated with each of the four Trichoderma strains. Fungal hyphae were observed under the microscope emerging from the trichomes as soon as 6 h after their isolation from surface sterilized cacao seedling stems. Hyphae were also observed, in some cases, emerging from stalk cells opposite the trichome head. Repeated single trichome/hyphae isolations verified that the emerging hyphae were the Trichoderma strains with which the cacao seedlings had been inoculated. Strains of four Trichoderma species were able to enter glandular trichomes during the colonization of cacao stems where they survived surface sterilization and could be re-isolated. The penetration of cacao trichomes may provide the entry point for Trichoderma species into the cacao stem allowing systemic colonization of this tissue.  相似文献   

Patterns of colonization of conifer roots by dark septate endopyhtes of the Phialocephala fortinii s. lat. species complex in nurseries in Switzerland and Lithuania were studied. The potential for man-mediated genotype flow was estimated for two Swiss nurseries based on customers' addresses and the number of delivered plants. Two hundred and forty-nine strains from three Swiss and five Lithuanian nurseries and an afforestation site were characterized using a combination of inter-simple sequence repeat-anchored PCR (ISSR-PCR), single-copy RFLP analysis, and sequence analysis. P. fortinii s. lat. was abundant in nursery seedlings, but the frequency of seedlings colonized varied considerably among and within nurseries. Ten cryptic species (CSP) of P. fortinii s. lat. were identified, including four hitherto undiscovered CSP. P. helvetica was the dominant species in Swiss nurseries, whereas P. fortinii s. str. was the most abundant species in Lithuanian nurseries and the afforestation site. Swiss nurseries deliver plants over distances of more than 200 km indicating the high potential for man-mediated genotype flow in P. fortinii s. lat.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships, limits of species, and genera within Lycoperdaceae, were inferred by use of ITS and LSU nu-rDNA sequence data. Lycoperdaceae was confirmed as monophyletic, and Mycenastrum corium as a sister taxon to the ingroup. Four major clades were identified and received weak to moderate support and correspond with the genera Lycoperdon, Bovista, Calvatia, and Disciseda. The Lycoperdon clade includes species from Lycoperdon, Vascellum, Morganella, Handkea, Bovistella, and Calvatia. The structure within the Lycoperdon clade is unresolved and several clades are more or less unsupported, which suggests treating the supported Lycoperdon clade as the genus Lycoperdon. L. nigrescens and L. caudatum occur on single branches and their phylogenetic positions could not be resolved. The phylogenetic analyses identified 31 species of Lycoperdon, 11 species of Bovista, six species of Calvatia, and two species of Disciseda. In Lycoperdon three new species were recognized. A new species closely related to B. limosa is identified and discussed. A classification of Lycoperdaceae is proposed based on the results of the phylogenetic analyses. Morphological characters of species within and among identified clades are discussed.  相似文献   

A community of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi was investigated in a warm-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest using a molecular analysis method. Root samples were obtained from the forest, and DNA was extracted from the samples. Partial 18S rDNA of AM fungi were amplified from the extracted DNA by polymerase chain reaction using a universal eukaryotic primer NS31 and an AM fungal-specific primer AM1. After cloning the PCR products, 394 clones were obtained in total, which were divided into five types by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) with HinfI, RsaI, and Hsp92II. More than 20% of the clones were randomly selected from each RFLP type and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis showed that all the obtained clones belonged to Glomus but could not be identified at species level. Topsoil of the forest containing plant roots was inoculated to nonmycorrhizal seedlings of indigenous woody plants, Rhus javanica var. roxburghii and Clethra barvinervis, to introduce the community of AM fungi into the seedlings. Among these five RFLP types, four types were detected from both seedlings, which indicates that the AM fungal community in the forest root samples was introduced at least partly into the seedlings. Meanwhile, an additional four types that were not found in the forest root samples were newly detected in the seedlings, these types were closely related to one another and close to G. fasciculatum or G. intraradices. It is expected that a community of indigenous diverse AM fungi could be introduced into target fields by planting these mycorrhizal seedlings.  相似文献   

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