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Chemical interactions between plants and their insect herbivoresprovide an excellent opportunity to study the evolution of speciesinteractions on a molecular level. Here, we investigate themolecular evolutionary events that gave rise to a novel detoxifyingenzyme (nitrile-specifier protein [NSP]) in the butterfly familyPieridae, previously identified as a coevolutionary key innovation.By generating and sequencing expressed sequence tags, genomiclibraries, and screening databases we found NSP to be a memberof an insect-specific gene family, which we characterized andnamed the NSP-like gene family. Members consist of variabletandem repeats, are gut expressed, and are found across Insectaevolving in a dynamic, ongoing birth–death process. Inthe Lepidoptera, multiple copies of single-domain major allergengenes are present and originate via tandem duplications. Multipledomain genes are found solely within the brassicaceous-feedingPieridae butterflies, one of them being NSP and another calledmajor allergen (MA). Analyses suggest that NSP and its paralogMA have a unique single-domain evolutionary origin, being formedby intragenic domain duplication followed by tandem whole-geneduplication. Duplicates subsequently experienced a period ofrelaxed constraint followed by an increase in constraint, perhapsafter neofunctionalization. NSP and its ortholog MA are stillexperiencing high rates of change, reflecting a dynamic evolutionconsistent with the known role of NSP in plant–insectinteractions. Our results provide direct evidence to the hypothesisthat gene duplication is one of the driving forces for speciationand adaptation, showing that both within- and whole-gene tandemduplications are a powerful force underlying evolutionary adaptation.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer involves the non-sexual interspecific transmission of genetic material. Even if they are initially functional, horizontally transferred genes are expected to deteriorate into non-expressed pseudogenes, unless they become adaptively relevant in the recipient organism. However, little is known about the distributions of natural transgenes within wild species or the adaptive significance of natural transgenes within wild populations. Here, we examine the distribution of a natural plant-to-plant nuclear transgene in relation to environmental variation within a wild population. Festuca ovina is polymorphic for an extra (second) expressed copy of the nuclear gene (PgiC) encoding cytosolic phosphoglucose isomerase, with the extra PgiC locus having been acquired horizontally from the distantly related grass genus Poa. We investigated variation at PgiC in samples of F. ovina from a fine-scale, repeating patchwork of grassland microhabitats, replicated within spatially separated sites. Even after accounting for spatial effects, the distributions of F. ovina individuals carrying the additional PgiC locus, and one of the enzyme products encoded by the locus, are significantly associated with fine-scale habitat variation. Our results suggest that the PgiC transgene contributes, together with the unlinked ‘native’ PgiC locus, to local adaptation to a fine-scale mosaic of edaphic and biotic grassland microhabitats.  相似文献   

Of the two tRNA(Cys) (GCA) genes, trnC1-GCA and trnC2-GCA, previously identified in mitochondrial genome of sugar beet, the former is a native gene and probably a pseudo-copy, whereas the latter, of unknown origin, is transcribed into a tRNA [tRNA(Cys2) (GCA)]. In this study, the trnC2-GCA sequence was mined from various public databases. To evaluate whether or not the trnC2-GCA sequence is located in the mitochondrial genome, the relative copy number of its sequence to nuclear gene was assessed in a number of angiosperm species, using a quantitative real-time PCR assay. The trnC2-GCA sequence was found to exist sporadically in the mitochondrial genomes of a wide range of angiosperms. The mitochondrial tRNA(Cys2) (GCA) species from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris), spinach (Spinacea oleracea) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus) were found to be aminoacylated, indicating that they may participate in translation. We also identified a sugar beet nuclear gene that encodes cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase, which is dual-targeted to mitochondria and plastids, and may aminoacylate tRNA(Cys2) (GCA). What is of particular interest is that trnC1-GCA and trnC2-GCA co-exist in the mitochondrial genomes of eight diverse angiosperms, including spinach, and that the spinach tRNA(Cys1) (GCA) is also aminoacylated. Taken together, our observations lead us to surmise that trnC2-GCA may have been horizontally transferred to a common ancestor of eudicots, followed by co-existence and dual expression of trnC1-GCA and trnC2-GCA in mitochondria with occasional loss or inactivation of either trnC-GCA gene during evolution.  相似文献   

A marker rescue system based on the repair of the kanamycin resistance gene nptII was constructed for use in Gram-positive bacteria and established in Bacillus subtilis 168. Marker rescue was detected in vitro using different types of donor DNA containing intact nptII. The efficiency of marker rescue using chromosomal DNA of E. coli Sure as well as plasmids pMR2 or pSR8-30 ranged from 3.8 x 10(-8) to 1.5 x 10(-9) transformants per nptII gene. Low efficiencies of ca. 10(-12) were obtained with PCR fragments of 792 bp obtained from chromosomal DNA of E. coli Sure or DNA from a transgenic potato. B. subtilis developed competence during growth in milk and chocolate milk, and marker rescue transformation was detected with frequencies of ca. 10(-6) and 10(-8), respectively, using chromosomal DNA of E. coli Sure as donor DNA. Although the copy number of nptII genes of the plant DNA exceeded that of chromosomal E. coli DNA in the marker rescue experiments, a transfer of DNA from the transgenic plant to B. subtilis was detectable neither in vitro nor in situ.  相似文献   

The flea beetle, Phyllotreta nemorum L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is an intermediate specialist feeding on a small number of plants within the family Brassicaceae. The most commonly used host plant is Sinapis arvensis L., whereas the species is found more rarely on Cardaria draba (L.) Desv., Barbarea vulgaris R.Br., and cultivated radish (Raphanus sativus L.). The interaction between flea beetles and Barbarea vulgaris ssp. arcuata (Opiz.) Simkovics seems to offer a good opportunity for experimental studies of coevolution. The plant is polymorphic, as it contains one type (the P‐type) that is susceptible to all flea beetle genotypes, and another type (the G‐type) that is resistant to some genotypes. At the same time, the flea beetle is also polymorphic, as some genotypes can utilize the G‐type whereas others cannot. The ability to utilize the G‐type of B. vulgaris ssp. arcuata is controlled by major dominant genes (R‐genes). The present investigation measured the frequencies of flea beetles with R‐genes in populations living on different host plants in 2 years (1999 and 2003). Frequencies of beetles with R‐genes were high in populations living on the G‐type of B. vulgaris ssp. arcuata in both years. Frequencies of beetles with R‐genes were lower in populations living on other host plants, and declining frequencies were observed in five out of six populations living on S. arvensis. Selection in favour of R‐genes in populations living on B. vulgaris is the most likely mechanism to account for the observed differences in the relative abundance of R‐genes in flea beetle populations utilizing different host plants. A geographic mosaic with differential levels of interactions between flea beetles and their host plants was demonstrated.  相似文献   

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