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(1) Treatment with cortisol acetate (0.2 mg daily during the first 4 days after birth) reduced the rate of growth in the rat: at 35 days of age the body weight was reduced by 50 per cent and the brain weight, depending on the region, by up to 30 per cent. (2) In the brain the normal increase in cell number was severely inhibited during the period of cortisol treatment; this resulted in a final deficit in cell number of about 20 per cent in the cerebrum and 30 per cent in the cerebellum. (3) To determine whether cortisol affected primarily cell formation or cell destruction the labelling of brain DNA was studied 1 h after a subcutaneous injection of 20 Ci/100 g [2-14C]thymidine. In the controls the amount of labelled DNA increased by a factor of two in the cerebrum and seven in the cerebellum during the period 2-13 days, and it decreased to 40 and 27 per cent of the peak values in the cerebrum and cerebellum respectively in the following 7 days. The results indicated that mitotic activity is higher in the cerebellum than in the cerebrum in the 2nd week of life. It would appear that in the cerebrum appreciable cell death accompanies new cell formation, especially during the period 13-35 days of age. (4) Cortisol treatment affected cell division rather than cell destruction in the brain since it strongly inhibited the incorporation of [2-14C]thymidine into DNA. The inhibition was severe during the period of treatment but it did not result in a lasting fall in mitotic activity. At the age of 13 days the amount of labelled DNA formed approached the normal level and it was twice that in controls at 20 days, indicating a tendency for compensating cell deficit by an accelerated mitotic activity. Nevertheless, massive cell proliferation ceased at about the same age as in normals; the labelling of DNA decreased markedly between 13 and 20 days after birth, and the DNA content did not increase after the age of 20 days. (5) In contrast to the marked effect on cell number, cortisol treatment did not influence significantly the maturational changes related to average cell size (DNA concentration) or the chemical composition of cells (RNA/DNA and protein/DNA).  相似文献   

胚胎及生后不同发育时期大鼠睾丸生殖细胞的凋亡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探索雄性生殖细胞在发育过程中凋亡的特征和规律。方法 利用改进的石蜡切片原位末端标记法(TUNEL法)观察SD大鼠睾丸生殖细胞,对胚胎及生后不同阶段生殖细胞凋亡进行研究。结果 胚胎第13.5天原始生殖细胞即有较高的凋亡率,胚胎第19.5天到出生后第1天,未检测到凋亡生殖细胞,出生后第7天精原细胞分裂增生,伴有较高的凋亡率,与其他各年龄组有显著性差异。出生后第14天精母细胞凋亡率最高,与其他日龄组有显著性差异。结论 SD大鼠雄性生殖细胞发生,发育,成熟过程中都存在凋亡,主要发生在处于细胞增殖过程中的原始生殖细胞,精原细胞和初级精母细胞。  相似文献   

A number of cell kinetic techniques using labelled thymidine and autoradiography have been applied to study growth cartilage in the rat tibia during ageing. No change in the duration of the synthesis phase was found from 4 to 13 weeks of age but there was a reduction in cell proliferation rate during this period. Measurements of labelling index, proliferation zone size and height of hypertrophic cells were used to calculate the growth rate of the bone from 7 days to 1 year. The results agreed well with radiographic measurements of bone growth.  相似文献   

The post-natal growth of rat submandibular gland and the effect of isoproterenol on this process were studied. Between 2 and 42 days of age the DNA content of the gland increased linearly but the increase in RNA and protein content was more rapid after 29 days of age. The RNA: DNA and protein: DNA ratio increased linearly with age. The proliferative activity, measured by the incorporation of tritiated thymidine, was maximum in the gland of 7-day-old rats. It declined steadily to a low level in 42-day-old rats. A single injection of isoproterenol had no effect on thymidine incorporation in 2-day-old rats. The drug, however, stimulated DNA synthesis in older animals and the degree of stimulation was inversely correlated with the proliferative activity in control rats. Small doses of isoproterenol given to rats for 4 days between 2 and 5 days of age produced a hypertrophy of the submandibular gland. The same treatment between 7 and 10 days of age caused both hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the gland. It is concluded that both the regulation of growth and the regulation of induced cell proliferation are a function of cellular differentiation and that cell proliferation can be induced only in cells that reached a certain degree of differentiation.  相似文献   

肝纤维化大鼠贮脂细胞的超微结构和免疫组织化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨贮脂细胞在免疫性肝损伤时的形态学变化及意义。应用猪血清注射法造成大鼠肝纤维化 ,取肝脏做免疫组织化学染色和透射电镜观察。结果显示贮脂细胞数目增多 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,α-平滑肌肌动蛋白 (α- SMA)阳性 ,胞质内脂滴减少 ,粗面内质网和线粒体增多。结果表明贮脂细胞在肝纤维化过程中 ,细胞形态、数目和功能有明显改变  相似文献   

—The changes in the wet weight and the numbers of cell nuclei recovered from the cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum and the brain stem of rats from the period of 5–30 days after birth have been determined. In parallel a study has been made of the RNA polymerase activity, both in the unfractionated nuclei from these regions and in the nuclei separated by zonal centrifugation. In general there is a considerable decline in activity during this period, which occurs in all class of nuclei although not to the same extent. The most dense nuclei from the cerebellum retain relatively high activity at 20 days after birth, possibly due to the contribution of the microneuronal nuclei.  相似文献   

In rat sciatic nerves, a small bundle of fibers was identified in which myelin sheaths were absent at birth, appeared within 3 days, and grew rapidly for 2 wk. During this interval, nerves were removed from littermates and were sectioned serially in the transverse plane. Alternating sets of thin and thick sections were used to prepare electron micrograph montages in which single myelinating axons could be identified and traced distally. During the formation of the first spiral turn, the mesaxon's length and configuration varied when it was studied at different levels in the same Schwann cell. The position of the mesaxon's termination shifted while its origin, at the Schwann cell surface, remained relatively constant. Along myelin internodes composed of two to six spiral turns, there were many variations in the number of lamellae and their contour. Near the mesaxon's origin, longitudinal strips of cytoplasm separated the myelin layers. Thicker sheaths were larger in circumference, more circular in transverse sections, and more uniform at different levels. Irregularities were confined to the paranodal region, and separation of lamellae by cytoplasm occurred at Schmidt-Lantermann clefts. Approximate dimensions of the bundle, its largest fibers, and their myelin sheaths were measured and calculated. The myelin membrane's transverse length and area increased exponentially with time; the growth rate increased rapidly during the formation of the first four to six spiral layers and remained relatively constant during the subsequent enlargement of the compact sheath.  相似文献   

The cell population kinetic parameters defining a simple model of the recognizable part of the erythroid system have been determined. Experimental results using tritiated thymidine and radioactive iron autoradiography have provided estimates of the number of cell divisions, transit times and flow rates for all the recognizable stages of the erythroid system. The accuracy of the estimates and the validity of the model employed are discussed.  相似文献   

The time sequence of nuclear pore frequency changes was determined for phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated human lymphocytes and for HeLa S-3 cells during the cell cycle. The number of nuclear pores/nucleus was calculated from the experimentally determined values of nuclear pores/µ2 and the nuclear surface. In the lymphocyte system the number of pores/nucleus approximately doubles during the 48 hr after PHA stimulation. The increase in pore frequency is biphasic and the first increase seems to be related to an increase in the rate of protein synthesis. The second increase in pores/nucleus appears to be correlated with the onset of DNA synthesis. In the HeLa cell system, we could also observe a biphasic change in pore formation. Nuclear pores are formed at the highest rate during the first hour after mitosis. A second increase in the rate of pore formation corresponds in time with an increase in the rate of nuclear acidic protein synthesis shortly before S phase. The total number of nuclear pores in HeLa cells doubles from ~2000 in G1 to ~4000 at the end of the cell cycle. The doubling of the nuclear volume and the number of nuclear pores might be correlated to the doubling of DNA content. Another correspondence with the nuclear pore number in S phase is found in the number of simultaneously replicating replication sites. This number may be fortuitous but leads to the rather speculative possibility that the nuclear pore might be the site of initiation and/or replication of DNA as well as the site of nucleocytoplasmic exchange. That is, the nuclear pore complex may have multiple functions.  相似文献   

Abstract— Rats were undernourished by approximately halving the normal food given from the 6th day of gestation throughout lactation. Growth of the foetuses was nearly normal, in marked contrast to the severe retardation caused by undernutrition during the suckling period. In comparison with controls the size and the DNA content of the brain were permanently reduced by undernutrition during the suckling period: this effect was relatively small, approx. 15 per cent decrease at 21 and 35 days. The rate of 14C incorporation into brain DNA at 30 min after administration of [2-14C] thymidine was taken as an index of mitotic activity; compared with controls there was severe reduction in mitotic activity (maximal decrease by about 80 per cent at 6 days in the cerebrum and by 70 per cent at 10 days in the cerebellum). The rate of acquisition of cells was calculated from the slopes of the logistic curves fitted to the estimated DNA contents. In normal animals the maximal slope was attained at 2·7 days and at 12·8 days after birth in cerebrum and cerebellum respectively; the daily acquisition of cells at these times was 4·8 × 106 and 18 × 106 cells respectively. The fractional increase in cell number at the maximum was 5·4 percent per day in the cerebrum and 15·2 per cent per day in the cerebellum. The rate of acquisition of cells relative to the rate of mitotic activity was higher in the brains of undernourished animals than in controls. One of the compensatory mechanisms for the severe depression of mitotic activity in the brain of undernourished animals Seems to involve a reduction in the normal rate of cell loss.  相似文献   

Three-week-old male rats of the Wistar strain were given tritiated thymidine, 1 µc/gm body weight, intraperitoneally and were killed at intervals from 0.25 to 72 hours later. Autoradiographs were made from 5 µ sections, stained by the Feulgen method. The replication time and its component intervals were determined from the scoring of the labeling of interphase nuclei as well as of prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase nuclei. Absorption of the intraperitoneally injected label is rapid and is attended by "flash" labeling during interphase. The results show that at any one time about 4 per cent of the liver cells are synthesizing DNA preliminary to cell division. These cells alternate with waves of other cells and it is estimated that about 10 per cent of the liver cell population is engaged in cell duplication. The replication time is about 21.5 hours, and its component intervals occupy the following times: DNA synthesis, 9 hours; post-DNA synthesis gap, 0.50 hour; prophase, 1.3 hours; metaphase, 1.0 hour; anaphase, 0.4 hour; telophase, 0.3 hour; postmitosis gap, 9.0 hours. A group of liver cells has been recorded in at least 3 successive replication cycles.  相似文献   

探讨转化生长因子-β超家族肽类的细胞内信号转导分子Smad4蛋白在发育不同阶段大鼠睾丸的表达与分布。分别选用出生后3、7、14、28天以及成年大鼠,应用免疫组织化学ABC法结合葡萄糖氧化酶-DAB-硫酸镍铵增强技术及蛋白质免疫印迹技术,检测Smad4蛋白在大鼠睾丸的表达、定位和发育变化,并通过图像分析技术对免疫组织化学结果进行统计学分析。结果显示,发育各个阶段的间质细胞中都有较强的表达,免疫阳性产物位于细胞质内,而各级生精细胞则无阳性反应,且随着大鼠睾丸发育阶段的变化而蛋白表达量逐渐增多,为TGF-β超家族成员在精子发生和发育过程中的分子机理提供了直接证据。  相似文献   

This electron microscopical study was performed in order to follow the endocytic pathway of horseradish peroxidase and colloidal gold tracers and to determine the involvement of endocytosis in postnatal differentiation in superficial cells of the mouse urinary bladder epithelium. Morphometric analyses of late endosomes/multivesicular bodies from day of birth to day 25 were performed. The internalisation and intracellular transport of luminal plasmalemma to multivesicular bodies via endocytic vesicles, early endosomes and pleomorphic compartments was established. Dynamic changes in endocytic activity took place within the first few days of postnatal differentiation. During this period the number of multivesicular bodies changed in an inverse ratio to their size. After the third day endocytic activity gradually approached the low rate of adult urothelium.  相似文献   

Dissociated cells of lens epithelia of adult rats were monolayerly cultured in vitro. After about 15–20 days' period of active cell growth, such characteristic structures that correspond to "lentoid bodies" described previously in chick cultures were formed. These structures consisted of elongated cells, ultrastructural profile of which was similar with lens fiber. The presence of gamma-crystallin, a marker molecule specific to mature lens fiber, was confirmed in these elongated cells by means of fluorescent antibody technique. The differentiation of lens fiber in vitro was also recognized in clones originating from single lens epithelial cells cultured at very low cell density.  相似文献   

目的研究促甲状腺激素释放激素受体-1(thyrotrophin-releasing hormone receptor type-1, TRH-R1)在大鼠睾丸出生后不同发育阶段的表达,探讨其在生殖发育调节中的作用.方法应用蛋白质免疫印迹杂交技术以及免疫组织化学ABC法检测TRH-R1在8d、15d、20d、35d、60d和90d大鼠睾丸中的表达和定位,并结合图像分析技术对免疫组化结果进行统计学分析观察其在发育过程中的变化.结果免疫印迹杂交发现TRH-R1蛋白表达于15d以后各阶段的大鼠睾丸;而运用免疫组化在第8d即检测到TRH-R1的表达,以后发育过程中的各个阶段均有阳性反应细胞, TRH-R1定位于大鼠睾丸的间质细胞;免疫反应阳性物均位于胞膜和胞质,胞核区为阴性;图像分析结果表明,随着大鼠睾丸的发育,TRH-R1表达量呈增多趋势,且具有统计学差异(P<0.01).结论本实验证明TRH-R1在出生后8d大鼠的睾丸内即有表达,并持续表达于其后各个发育阶段;TRH-R1定位于睾丸的间质细胞,其表达量随着增龄变化呈增多趋势,即同发育过程相关.  相似文献   

肌细胞分化基因与大鼠肝再生的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肌细胞是组织器官的重要组成部分。为在基因转录水平了解肌细胞分化相关基因在大鼠肝再生中的作用,本文用搜集网站资料和查阅相关论文等方法获得上述基因.用Rat Genome2302.0芯片检测它们在大鼠肝再生(liver regeneration,LR)中表达情况,用比较真、假手术基因表达的差异性方法确定肝再生相关基因。初步证实上述基因中52个基因与肝再生相关。根据肝再生中基因表达的时间相关性将上述基因聚合为0.5-1h;2—12h;16、30、42、96h;18—24、36、48—60h;66—72、120-168h等5类,表达上调和下调的基因数分别为8和10,24和8,21和24,53和64,28和36。它们表达的相似性分为均上调、上调占优势、均下调、下调占优势、上调和下调次数相近等5类,涉及15、10、17、7和3个基因,共上调表达143次、下调136次,分为8类表达方式。表明肌细胞分化相关基因表达变化多样和复杂。根据上述结果推测,肝再生中成肌细胞和平滑肌细胞分化增强:骨骼肌和心肌细胞分化相关基因参与肝再生的生理生化活动。  相似文献   

前言虽然乳腺在生长、功能和萎退过程中形态上的变化是很大的(姚曾序、顾国彦,1957),可是和形态变化相伴随的化学和生物化学变化却研究得少。关于碱性磷酸酶(以下简称 AKP)方面,Kay(1925),Folley 和 Kay(1935)最早证明牛、羊和豚鼠乳腺含有相当量的这种酶。以后 Folley 和 Greenbaum(1947)进一步用生化方法研究了大鼠在怀  相似文献   

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