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The cellular prion protein, PrPC, is GPI anchored and abundant in lipid rafts. The absolute requirement of PrPC in neurodegeneration associated to prion diseases is well established. However, the function of this ubiquitous protein is still puzzling. Our previous work using the 1C11 neuronal model, provided evidence that PrPC acts as a cell surface receptor. Besides a ubiquitous signaling function of PrPC, we have described a neuronal specificity pointing to a role of PrPC in neuronal homeostasis. 1C11 cells, upon appropriate induction, engage into neuronal differentiation programs, giving rise either to serotonergic (1C115-HT) or noradrenergic (1C11NE) derivatives.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The neuronal specificity of PrPC signaling prompted us to search for PrPC partners in 1C11-derived bioaminergic neuronal cells. We show here by immunoprecipitation an association of PrPC with an 80 kDa protein identified by mass spectrometry as the tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP). This interaction occurs in lipid rafts and is restricted to 1C11-derived neuronal progenies. Our data indicate that TNAP is implemented during the differentiation programs of 1C115-HT and 1C11NE cells and is active at their cell surface. Noteworthy, TNAP may contribute to the regulation of serotonin or catecholamine synthesis in 1C115-HT and 1C11NE bioaminergic cells by controlling pyridoxal phosphate levels. Finally, TNAP activity is shown to modulate the phosphorylation status of laminin and thereby its interaction with PrP.


The identification of a novel PrPC partner in lipid rafts of neuronal cells favors the idea of a role of PrP in multiple functions. Because PrPC and laminin functionally interact to support neuronal differentiation and memory consolidation, our findings introduce TNAP as a functional protagonist in the PrPC-laminin interplay. The partnership between TNAP and PrPC in neuronal cells may provide new clues as to the neurospecificity of PrPC function.  相似文献   

An alkaline phosphatase with unusually high specific activity has been found to be produced by the marine bacterium Cobetia marina (strain KMM MC-296) isolated from coelomic liquid of the mussel Crenomytilus grayanus. The properties of enzyme, such as a very high specific activity (15000 DE U/1 mg of protein), no activation with divalent cations, resistance to high concentrations of inorganic phosphorus, as well as substrate specificity toward 5′ nucleotides suggest that the enzyme falls in an intermediate position between unspecific alkaline phosphatases (EC and 5′ nucleotidases (EC  相似文献   

Blocks of molar teeth and bisected knee joints from rats of 7-21 days were embedded, without previous decalcification, in tropical grade ester wax. Serial sections were cut at settings of 3-25μ on a base sledge microtome equipped with a Jung extra hard steel knife with a tool-edged profile. The sections were supported with Sellotape during actual cutting and were then coated with a 2% celloidin solution. Chloroform was used to free the sections from the Sellotape. The distribution of alkaline phosphatase activity in the knee joints and teeth was demonstrated in these sections with the coupled-azo dye technique of Gomori, using Brentamine fast red T.R. salt.  相似文献   

耐热碱性磷酸酯酶的功能结构域的定位   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
 为了确定耐热碱性磷酸酯酶 (TAPND2 7)发挥活性所必需的功能结构域 ,通过 PCR介导的诱变缺失 ,得到了 N端分别缺失 8、1 6、2 5个氨基酸的 3个缺失体 p TAPN8、p TAPN1 6和p TAPN2 5以及 C端分别缺失 1 0和 30个氨基酸的两个缺失体 p TAPC1 0和 p TAPC30 .经表达和活性测定 ,发现 p TAPN8和 TAPC1 0保持了较高的活性而其余 3个缺失体则失去酶活性 .据此 ,TAPND2 7的活性区域被定位在 8~ 465氨基酸之间 .在分离纯化的基础上测定了一些酶学性质 .发现 TAPN8和 TAPC1 0的比活没有大的改变 ,Tm 下降了 5.5℃ ;TAPN8的最适反应温度上升了1 0℃ .结果提示了 N端和 C端的这些氨基酸残基对热稳定性有一定的贡献 ,N端氨基酸残基还对酶的亲热性有贡献 .  相似文献   

用正丁醇抽提,硫酸铵分级沉淀,DEAE-纤维素和SephacrylS-200柱层析,从南方鲇(Silurus meridionalis Chen)肠粘膜中提取出碱性磷酸酶(AKP)。提纯倍数为39.50倍,比活为68.35μ/mg蛋白,提取酶液经PAGE和SDS-PAGE只呈现一条区带。该酶的分子量为132140,N末端氨基酸为门冬氨酸,最适pH为10.10,7.5>pH>11.5时不稳定,最适温度为40℃左右,对热不很稳定,以磷酸苯二钠为底物其K_m值为1.72×10~(-3)mol/L。Mg~(2+)、Mn~(2+)为该酶的激活剂,KH_2PO_4、L-CyS、ME、DFP、EDTA-Na_2为抑制剂。选用KH_2PO_4和DFP作抑制类型的判断,结果表明,KH_2PO_4属竞争性掏剂,其抑制常数为2.3mmol/L;DFP为非竞争性抑制剂,抑制常数为1.05mmol/L。  相似文献   

Circulatory transport of neutral lipids (fat) in animals relies on members of the large lipid transfer protein (LLTP) superfamily, including mammalian apolipoprotein B (apoB) and insect apolipophorin II/I (apoLp-II/I). Latter proteins, which constitute the structural basis for the assembly of various lipoproteins, acquire lipids through microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP)—another LLTP family member—and bind them by means of amphipathic structures. Comparative research reveals that LLTPs have evolved from the earliest animals and additionally highlights the structural and functional adaptations in these lipid carriers. For instance, in contrast to mammalian apoB, the insect apoB homologue, apoLp-II/I, is post-translationally cleaved by a furin, resulting in their appearance of two non-exchangeable apolipoproteins in the insect low-density lipoprotein (LDL) homologue, high-density lipophorin (HDLp). An important difference between mammalian and insect lipoproteins relates to the mechanism of lipid delivery. Whereas in mammals, endocytic uptake of lipoprotein particles, mediated via members of the LDL receptor (LDLR) family, results in their degradation in lysosomes, the insect HDLp was shown to act as a reusable lipid shuttle which is capable of reloading lipid. Although the recent identification of a lipophorin receptor (LpR), a homologue of LDLR, reveals that endocytic uptake of HDLp may constitute an additional mechanism of lipid delivery, the endocytosed lipoprotein appears to be recycled in a transferrin-like manner. Binding studies indicate that the HDLp–LpR complex, in contrast to the LDL–LDLR complex, is resistant to dissociation at endosomal pH as well as by treatment with EDTA mimicking the drop in Ca2+ concentration in the endosome. This remarkable stability of the ligand–receptor complex may provide a crucial key to the recycling mechanism. Based on the binding and dissociation capacities of mutant and hybrid receptors, the specific binding interaction of the ligand-binding domain of the receptor with HDLp was characterized. These structural similarities and functional adaptations of the lipid transport systems operative in mammals and insects are discussed from an evolutionary perspective.  相似文献   

Study of protoplasts, lysed protoplasts, and cells treated with lysozyme in the absence of osmotic stabilizer suggested that the alkaline phosphatase (EC of Bacillus subtilis is located in the protoplasmic membrane. Cytochemical evidence in support of this view is presented. The enzyme protein was strongly bound to the membrane structure and could not be solubilized by a number of treatments known to release enzymes from membranes and other lipoprotein structures. Alkaline phosphatase was, however, solubilized by treatment of intact B. subtilis cells or isolated protoplasmic membranes with strong salt solutions at pH 7.2, suggesting that electrostatic forces are responsible for the association between membrane and enzyme protein. Dialysis of alkaline phosphatase solutions against buffer of low ionic strength resulted in precipitation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

This work reports the first isolation and characterization of an alkaline phosphatase (AP) from a hyperthermophilic archaeon. An AP gene from Pyrococcus abyssi, a euryarchaeon isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent, was cloned and the enzyme expressed in Escherichia coli. Analysis of the sequence showed conservation of the active site and structural elements of the E. coli AP. The recombinant AP was purified and characterized. Monomeric and homodimeric active forms were detected, with a monomer molecular mass of 54 kDa. Apparent optimum pH and temperature were estimated at 11.0 and 70°C, respectively. Thus far, P. abyssi AP has been demonstrated to be the most thermostable AP, with half-lives at 100 and 105°C of 18 and 5 h, respectively. Enzyme activity was found to be dependent on divalent cations: metal ion chelators inhibited activity, whereas the addition of exogenous Mg(II), Zn(II), and Co(II) increased activity. The enzyme was inhibited by inorganic phosphate, but not by molybdate and vanadate. Strong inhibitory effects were observed in the presence of thiol-reducing agents, although cysteine residues of the P. abyssi AP were not found to be incorporated within intra- or interchain disulfide bonds. In addition, P. abyssi AP was demonstrated to dephosphorylate linear DNA fragments with dephosphorylation efficiencies of 93.8 and 84.1% with regard to cohesive and blunt ends, respectively.  相似文献   

黄茄莉 《生态学报》2015,35(8):2712-2718
可持续发展水平的衡量是可持续发展研究的重要内容,它可以为政府的可持续发展决策提供重要的科学依据。现有的可持续性评价方法可分为指标列举法、流量分析法和系统分析法。前两类方法应用广泛,但理论基础较为薄弱,在指标的选取、标准化和赋权等方面存在一定的缺陷。基于系统运行机理的系统分析法尚不多见,但能弥补前两种方法的部分不足,Ulanowicz于2009年提出的演化模型是此类方法的代表。该模型从系统演化角度出发,以网络流为研究对象,以信息论为手段,指出系统的可持续性是系统上升性(效率)和恢复力平衡的结果,并提出了可持续性评价指标R。回顾了现有研究方法的优缺点。介绍了从演化视角分析可持续性的原理和数学模型,可持续发展的阈值范围以及该方法的应用案例。总结了该方法的应用步骤及尚需解决的问题。  相似文献   

耐热碱性磷酸酶功能结构域的进一步定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了进一步精确定位耐热碱性磷酸酶 (TAP)的功能结构域和建立酶功能结构域定位的有效方法 ,在对TAP进行序列相容性比对及二级结构统计预测的基础上 ,以二级结构单元的完整性为依据对其功能结构域进行定位 .TAP的功能结构域在 35~ 4 76氨基酸之间 ,记为TAPN3 4C2 5(TAP的N端去掉 34个氨基酸而C端去掉 2 5个氨基酸 ) ,比盛小禹等定位的少 15个氨基酸 .克隆、表达实验结果证明了TAPN3 4C2 5的酶学活性 ,其最适反应温度为 72℃ ,比TAPND2 7(N端去除了 2 7个信号肽氨基酸的TAP)上升了 7℃ ,而最高耐受温度为 83℃ ,比TAPND2 7下降了 16℃ .实验结果表明 ,以二级结构预测结果进行酶功能结构域定位是一种更为精确的方法 .  相似文献   

A novel optical activity of lutein was studied in dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) solution by the measurement of circular dichroism and absorbance. The surfactant was found to bring about the circular dichroism activity of the lutein below the critical micelle concentration (CMC) in a different way from that by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). This phenomenon was interpreted by the card-pack model of the lutein aggregate in which lutein molecule was slightly shifted each other. The above optical activity abruptly became strong just before the CMC of DTAB. This seems to correspond to the transition from the polymeric aggregate of the lutein to the oligomeric one. Such an optical activity disappeared beyond the CMC on the incorporation of the lutein molecules into the surfactant micelles. The molar binding ratios of DTAB to the lutein were determined to be 130 to 210 on the basis of the lutein concentration dependence of the DTAB concentration showing the arbitrary ellipticity. These ratios were clearly larger than those for SDS. On the other hand, filtration measurement showed that the size of the lutein-DTAB complex was larger than 2 μm in diameter. These phenomena were discussed assuming the possible model of the aggregate as a comparative study of the anionic and cationic surfactants causing the novel optical activity of this aggregate.  相似文献   

Ectopic lipid accumulation is now known to be a mechanism that contributes to organ injury in the context of metabolic diseases. In muscle and liver, accumulation of lipids impairs insulin signaling. This hypothesis accounts for the mechanism of insulin resistance in obesity, type 2 diabetes, aging and lipodystrophy. Increasing data suggest that lipid accumulation in the kidneys could also contribute to the alteration of kidney function in the context of metabolic syndrome and obesity. Furthermore and more unexpectedly, animal models of kidney disease exhibit a decreased adiposity and ectopic lipid redistribution suggesting that kidney disease may be a state of lipodystrophy. However, whether this abnormal lipid partitioning during chronic kidney disease (CKD) may have any functional impact in these tissues needs to be investigated.  相似文献   

A dual staining method for different human lymphocyte subpopulations with nonoverlapping antigen distribution patterns is described. Cytocentrifuge slide preparations of peripheral blood nonadherant mononuclear cells (NAMNC), bone marrow aspirate or buffy coat smears were fixed in acetone and incubated with a primary mouse monoclonal antibody (MAb) against a lymphocyte antigen (CD8, Ig-light-chain, CD19, CD4) followed by rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulin (Ig) and the alkaline phosphatase monoclonal anti-alkaline phosphatase (APAAP) complex. After repeating the “bridge” antibody and the APAAP, a red product was developed with fast red TR-naphthol AS-BI phosphate. Following this one-color stain the process was repeated using a different primary mouse MAb against another lymphocyte antigen (CD4, Ig-light chain, CDS, MHCU DR, CD5) and fast blue BB-naphthol AS-MX phosphate at the last step to yield a blue product. Control slides stained by the standard one-color APAAP method with die relevant primary MAb showed that there was no nonspecific labelling and the percent of positive cells in a given test was almost identical. To achieve an intense blue in the second stain for some antigens, e.g., CD4, either the MAb concentration had to be increased or two different MAbs recognizing differing epitopes of the same antigen, e.g., T1 and UCHT2 for CD5, were applied. Any change of red to purple at the site of the first stain after 15 min exposure to the blue-yielding AP substrate is due to residual AP activity of the first stain rather than to crossbinding of immunoreagents. This rechnique allows sensitive two-color staining without being limited to the few antigens against which heteroantibodies are available. High nonspecific background staining due to endogenous enzyme activity, as inherent in peroxidase staining procedures, is overcome in this dual APAAP technique.  相似文献   

 为研究体外磷酸根离子对嗜热菌 (Thermussp .30 4 1)碱性磷酸酶TAPND2 7耐热性的影响 ,通过克隆于高表达质粒上编码TAPND2 7的基因在E .coli中的诱导表达和蛋白产物的纯化 ,获得了电泳纯的TAPND2 7.耐热性实验表明磷酸根离子能显著提高该酶的热稳定性 ,在 10mmol L磷酸根离子存在下 ,TAPND2 7的Tm 值从 91℃上升到了 97℃ ;酶的动力学实验证实无机磷酸盐 (Pi)对TAP ND2 7的酶活性有可逆竞争性抑制作用 ,Ki 值为 0 99× 10 -4 mol L .上述结果说明 ,TAPND2 7耐热性的提高是由于磷酸根离子对TAPND2 7活性位点的竞争性结合 ,这种结合 ,推测为Pi 与氨基酸残基间的非共价相互作用 ,减小了TAPND2 7的自由能 ,从而提高了它的热稳定性  相似文献   

Active sorting at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) drives efficient export of fully folded secretory proteins into coat protein complex II (COPII) vesicles, whereas ER-resident and misfolded proteins are retained and/or degraded. A number of secretory proteins depend upon polytopic cargo receptors for linkage to the COPII coat and ER export. However, the mechanism by which cargo receptors recognize transport-competent cargo is poorly understood. Here we examine the sorting determinants required for export of yeast alkaline phosphatase (ALP) by its cargo receptor Erv26p. Analyses of ALP chimeras and mutants indicated that Erv26p recognizes sorting information in the lumenal domain of ALP. This lumenal domain sorting signal must be positioned near the inner leaflet of the ER membrane for Erv26p-dependent export. Moreover, only assembled ALP dimers were efficiently recognized by Erv26p while an ALP mutant blocked in dimer assembly failed to exit the ER and was subjected to ER-associated degradation. These results further refine sorting information for ER export of ALP and show that recognition of folded cargo by export receptors contributes to strict ER quality control.  相似文献   

Lipid metabolism plays an important role in cancer development due to the necessities of rapidly dividing cells to increase structural, energetic, and biosynthetic demands for cell proliferation. Basically, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other related diseases, and cancer are associated with a common hyperactivated “lipogenic state.” Recent evidence suggests that metabolic reprogramming and overproduction of enzymes involved in the synthesis of fatty acids are the new hallmarks of cancer, which occur in an early phase of tumorigenesis. As the first evidence to confirm dysregulated lipid metabolism in cancer cells, the overexpression of fatty acid synthase (FAS) was observed in breast cancer patients and demonstrated the role of FAS in cancer. Other enzymes of fatty acid synthesis have recently been found to be dysregulated in cancer, including ATP-dependent citrate lyase and acetyl-CoA carboxylase, which further underscores the connection of these metabolic pathways with cancer cell survival and proliferation. The degree of overexpression of lipogenic enzymes and elevated lipid utilization in tumors is closely associated with cancer progression. The question that arises is whether the progression of cancer can be suppressed, or at least decelerated, by modulating gene expression related to fatty acid metabolism. Curcumin, due to its effects on the regulation of lipogenic enzymes, might be able to suppress, or even cause regression of tumor growth. This review discusses recent evidence concerning the important role of lipogenic enzymes in the metabolism of cancer cells and whether the inhibitory effects of curcumin on lipogenic enzymes is therapeutically efficacious.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common cancer in men in developed countries. Epidemiological studies have associated high blood-cholesterol levels with an increased risk of PCa, whilst cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) reduce the risk of advanced PCa. Furthermore, normal prostate epithelial cells have an abnormally high cholesterol content, with cholesterol levels increasing further during progression to PCa. In this review, we explore why and how this occurs.  相似文献   

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