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Although poplar is widely used for genomic and biotechnological manipulations of wood, the cellular basis of wood development in poplar has not been accurately documented at an ultrastructural level. Developing secondary xylem cells from hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides × P. trichocarpa), which were actively making secondary cell walls, were preserved with high pressure freezing/freeze substitution for light and electron microscopy. The distribution of xylans and mannans in the different cell types of developing secondary xylem were detected with immunofiuorescence and immuno-gold labeling. While xylans, detected with the monoclonal antibody LM10, had a general distribution across the secondary xylem, mannans were enriched in the S2 secondary cell wall layer of fibers. To observe the cellular structures associated with secondary wall production, cryofixed fibers were examined with transmission electron microscopy during differentiation. There were abundant cortical microtubules and endomembrane activity in cells during the intense phase of secondary cell wall synthesis. Microtubule-associated small membrane compartments were commonly observed, as well as Golgi and secretory vesicles fusing with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Although poplar is widely used for genomic and biotechnological manipulations of wood, the cellular basis of wood development in poplar has not been accurately documented at an ultrastructural level. Developing secondary xylem cells from hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides x P. trichocarpa), which were actively making secondary cell walls, were preserved with high pressure freezing/freeze substitution for light and electron microscopy. The distribution of xylans and mannans in the different cell types of devel...  相似文献   

White poplar (Populus alba L.) protoplasts were investigatedat 0, 3,10, 20 and 30 d after regeneration to visualize thecell wall architecture prerequisite for cell division. The 10day-old cells just before cell division developed a thin walllayer with uneven deposition of cell wall materials and weresaved from bursting by suspension in low osmotic medium. Thethree dimensional architecture of the cell wall, as revealedby rapid-freezing and deep-etching electron microscopy, in 10day-old cells, constituted thin innermost lamellae on the plasmamembrane along with highly extended micronbrillar networks.These results suggest that the deposition of thin lamellae isimportant not only for cells to withstand bursting but alsoto induce cell division. The present investigations give thefirst account of the visualization of the three-dimensionalarchitecture of regenerated cell wall right before cell division. (Received July 31, 1997; Accepted April 6, 1998)  相似文献   

Sucrose synthase (SuSy) is considered the first key enzyme for secondary growth because it is a highly regulated cytosolic enzyme that catalyzes the reversible conversion of sucrose and UDP into UDP-glucose and fructose. Although SuSy enzymes preferentially functions in the direction of sucrose cleavage at most cellular condition, they also catalyze the synthetic reaction. We isolated a gene that encodes a SuSy from Populus simonii×Populus nigra and named it PsnSuSy2 because it shares high similarity to SuSy2 in Populus trichocarpa. RT-PCR revealed that PsnSuSy2 was highly expressed in xylem, but lowly expressed in young leaves. To characterize its functions in secondary growth, multiple tobacco overexpression transgenic lines of PnsSuSy2 were generated via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The PsnSuSy2 expression levels and altered wood properties in stem segments from the different transgenic lines were carefully characterized. The results demonstrated that the levels of PsnSuSy2 enzyme activity, chlorophyll content, total soluble sugars, fructose and glucose increased significantly, while the sucrose level decreased significantly. Consequently, the cellulose content and fiber length increased, whereas the lignin content decreased, suggesting that PsnSuSy2 plays a significant role in cleaving sucrose into UDP-glucose and fructose to facilitate cellulose biosynthesis and that promotion of cellulose biosynthesis suppresses lignin biosynthesis. Additionally, the noticeable increase in the lodging resistance in transgenic tobacco stem suggested that the cell wall characteristics were altered by PsnSuSy2 overexpression. Scanning electron microscopy was performed to study the cell wall morphology of stem, and surprisingly, we found that the secondary cell wall was significantly thicker in transgenic tobacco. However, the thickened secondary cell wall did not negatively affect the height of the plants because the PsnSuSy2- overexpressing lines grew taller than the wildtype plants. This systematic analysis demonstrated that PsnSuSy2 plays an important role in cleaving sucrose coupled with cellulose biosynthesis in wood tissue.  相似文献   

TransformationofPoplar(Populus)withtPAGeneZHAOShu-hui(赵淑慧);HANYi-nong(韩一侬);LILing(李玲);HANYi-fan(韩一凡);XUEGuo-xiong;(薛国雄)(Insti...  相似文献   

The initiation of secondary xylem in elongating axillary branchesof Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. is independent of thatin the main stem. Although secondary xylem differentiates acropetallyin the main stem, it does not differentiate from the stem intothe axillary branch. Secondary xylem is usually initiated ininternode 4 (occasionally 3) of the axillary branch, and fromthis site it develops both acropetally in the elongating branchand basipetally toward the main stem. Secondary vessel differentiationalways precedes fibre differentiation. Although secondary xylemdifferentiates in internodes that have ceased elongation, itdifferentiates first in traces of the vascular cylinder servingrapidly expanding and maturing foliage leaves. As younger leaveson the branch expand and mature, secondary xylem differentiatesin their traces eventually producing a complete secondary vascularcylinder. Scale leaves do not initiate secondary xylem independentlyin their traces; they are activated by adjacent traces in thevascular cylinder serving foliage leaves. Once established,the primary-secondary vascular transition zone advances acropetallyin a branch just as it does in the main stem. Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh., cottonwood, axillary branches, secondary xylem, plastochron index, post-dormancy development, xylem.  相似文献   

On the Cytochemistry of Cell Wall Formation in Poplar Trees   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: The ultrastructure of cell walls and the mechanisms of cell wall formation are still not fully understood. The objective of our study was therefore to obtain additional fine structural details on the deposition of cell wall components during the differentiation of xylem cells in hybrid aspen ( Populus tremula L. × P. tremuloides Michx.) we used as a model tree. At the electron microscope level, PATAg staining revealed a successive deposition of polysaccharides with increasing distance from the cambium. Staining with potassium permanganate and UV microspectrophotometry showed that the cell walls were lignified, with some delay to the deposition of polysaccharides. Immunogold labelling of three lignin types in developing cell walls varied with progressive deposition of cell wall layers. Condensed lignin subunits were localized in corners of cells adjacent to the cambium prior to S1 formation, whereas non-condensed lignin subunits became labelled only in later stages - in secondary walls near cell corners and simultaneously with the completion of S1 formation. As S2 polysaccharide deposition progressed, the labelling extended towards the lumen. Labelling of peroxidases revealed their presence in cell corner regions of young xylem cells, still lacking a secondary wall, implying that peroxidases are incorporated into the developing cell wall at early developmental stages. A weak labelling of middle lamella regions and secondary walls could also be seen at later stages. The results are discussed in relation to current knowledge on the succession of polysaccharide and lignin deposition in woody cell walls.  相似文献   

利用扫描电子显微镜对毛良科类叶升麻(Artaea asiaticaHara)根和根状茎次生木质部中的管状分子进行观察.发观其管状分子类型丰富,主要有:管胞、管胞状导管、纤维导管和典型的导管分子,其中管胞、管胞状导管和纤维导管为在该类群中首次报道;在导管分子中.存在着梯状穿孔板、网状穿孔板、混合型穿孔板和单穿孔板.其中网状穿孔板和混合型穿孔板为在陔类群中的首次报道;对其导管分子上的侧壁穿孔板、多穿孔板和纹孔膜残余也进行了描述。根据类叶升麻次生木质部中多变的管状分子类型,认为以往积累的有关毛茛科植物管状分子类型及导管穿孔板类型是小个面的,因此以该性状为参考作出的有关某一个类群的原始性和进化性的推论也是不可靠的。同时探讨了不同类型管状分子作类叶升麻不同器官的分布与其生理功能和生态环境的关系,同时将该植物作为毛莨科的代表类群.与其它基邴类群植物导管分子进行了比较。  相似文献   

东北刺人参茎次生木质部结构植物学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东北刺人参为五加科植物,本文对其茎次生木质部进行结构植物学研究,发现其为环孔材,射线为异形Ⅱ型。在离析材料中,发现其导管分子穿孔板有单穿孔板和梯状穿孔板2种。具不同穿孔板的导管分子可分为8种。还有维管管胞、纤维管胞和韧型木纤维。8种导管分子是只有中央具1个单穿孔的导管;中央有2个穿孔的导管,其中一个孔是单穿孔,另一个是梯状穿孔;一端是梯状穿孔板,另一端为孔纹增厚的导管;一端是单穿孔。另一端是孔纹增厚的导管;一端为单穿孔板。另一端为梯状穿孔板的导管;两端都是梯状穿孔板的导管;侧壁具有3个穿孔的导管;两端都具单穿孔的导管。在东北刺人参的个体发育中重演了系统发育过程中导管分子穿孔板的演化过程。  相似文献   

Mature contact cells in the metaxylem of tomato stems are characterizedby a distinctive wall deposit occurring mainly over the areaof the pit membrane that separates the cell from an adjoiningvessel member but also extending as a layer on the secondarywall round the interior of the cell. Cytochemical tests showthe layer contains a low concentration of pectin, no lignin,and a high concentration of polysaccharides. It can be distinguishedfrom the primary and secondary walls by quantitative differencesin the cytochemical staining reactions and by its loose-texturedappearance under the electron microscope. The layer is similarin composition and structure to the ‘protective layer’described in woody plants. The layer has also been found inpea and cotton and may be a characteristic feature of the contactcells in herbaceous plants. Cell wall ultrastructure, contact cells, Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill., protective layer, tomato, xylem  相似文献   

Foliar fungal communities of plants are diverse and ubiquitous. In grasses endophytes may increase host fitness; in trees, their ecological roles are poorly understood. We investigated whether the genotype of the host tree influences community structure of foliar fungi. We sampled leaves from genotyped balsam poplars from across the species'' range, and applied 454 amplicon sequencing to characterize foliar fungal communities. At the time of the sampling the poplars had been growing in a common garden for two years. We found diverse fungal communities associated with the poplar leaves. Linear discriminant analysis and generalized linear models showed that host genotypes had a structuring effect on the composition of foliar fungal communities. The observed patterns may be explained by a filtering mechanism which allows the trees to selectively recruit fungal strains from the environment. Alternatively, host genotype-specific fungal communities may be present in the tree systemically, and persist in the host even after two clonal reproductions. Both scenarios are consistent with host tree adaptation to specific foliar fungal communities and suggest that there is a functional basis for the strong biotic interaction.  相似文献   

The anatomical structure of the wood of Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl. was studied with both light and scanning electron microscopy. The main characters of the secondary xylem are as follows: (1) The wood is diffuse porous with distinct growth ring. (2) Most vessel elements possess simple perforation plates, only a few are with scalariform perforation plates, but both of them have spiral thickenings on their secondary walls. (3) Tracheids, fiber-tracheids and libriform fibers all exist and the libriform fibers may or may not have septa. (4) Wood parenchyma is mainly of terminal distribution type. (5) Wood ray is heterogenous belonging to the Krib′s heterogenous IIB type. (6) Tylosis, resin canal and secretory cell are absent. Based on the present study and other data derived from external morphology, bark anatomy, chromosome study, palynology and embryogenetic study, the systematic position of Bretschneidera sinensis was analysed and discussed. The authors agree that the genus should be elevated to the level of a monotypic family—Bretschneideraceae, belonging to the order of Sapindales; also it is closely related to other primitive families of the same order such as Staphyleaceae, Sabiaceae and Connaraceae.  相似文献   

The result from in situ end-labelling of fragmented DNA indicated that the vessel element differentiation of the secondary xylem in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. was a typical programmed cell death (PCD) which involved a series of events, viz. synthesis of components essential for the secondary wall formation and a well organized succession of protoplast degeneration and autolysis in the tracheary cells. The nuclei gradually became irregular with highly condensed chromatin. In some nuclei, the cistema of the nuclear envelope became unevenly dilated within which some inner membrane protrusion enclosed with nuclear materials were present. The nuclear envelope underwent disruption and the nucleus eventually degenerated. However, as the nucleus was one of the most stable components in the cell, it was among the last organelles disappeared during the autolytic process. In the process, there were two forms of degeneration in the mitochondria (Mit). In one form the Mit shrank and became disorganized; in the other, part of the matrix in the Mit became electron-lucent with breakage of the membrane nearby. The cytoplasmic component residues were phagocitized and sequestered by the dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) cisternae. The RER and vacuoles did play a vital role in the further degeneration of other organelles just similar to the lysosomes acting in the animal cells. The autolyzed debri might be utilized in situ by taking part in the formation of secondary wall or be transported to the adjacent cells through the pits.  相似文献   

The dynamic changes in the distribution of lignin and hemicelluloses (xylans and xyloglucans) in cell walls during the differentiation of secondary xylem in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. were studied by means of ultraviolet light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy combined with immunogold labelling. In the cambial zone and cell expansion zone, xyloglucans were localized both in the tangential and radial walls, but no xylans or lignin were found in these regions. With the formation of secondary wall S1 layer, lignin occurred in the cell corners and middle lamella, while xylans appeared in S1 layer, and xyloglucans were localized in the primary walls and middle lamella. In pace with the formation of secondary wall S2 and S3 layer, lignification extended to S1, S2 and S3 layer in sequence, showing a patchy style of lignin deposition. Concurrently, xylans distributed in the whole secondary walls and xyloglucans, on the other hand, still localized in the primary walls and middle lamella. The results indicated that along with the formation and lignification of the secondary wall, great changes had taken place in the cell walls. Different parts of cell walls, such as cell corners, middle lamella, primary walls and various layers of secondary walls, had different kinds of hemicelluloses, which formed various cell wall architecture combined with lignin and other cell wall components.  相似文献   

Dehydrins (DHNs) define a complex group of stress inducible proteins characterized by the presence of one or more lysine-rich motifs. DHNs are present in multiple copies in the genome of plant species. Although genome-wide analysis of DHNs composition and chromosomal distribution has been conducted in herbaceous species, it remains unexplored in woody plants. Here, we report on the identification of ten genes encoding eleven putative DHN polypeptides in Populus. We document that DHN genes occur as duplicated blocks distributed over seven of the 19 poplar chromosomes likely as a result of segmental and tandem duplication events. Based on conserved motifs, poplar DHNs were assigned to four subgroups with the Kn subgroup being the most frequent. One putative DHN polypeptide (PtrDHN-10) with a SKS arrangement could originate from a recombination between SKn and KnS genes. In silico analysis of microarray data showed that in unstressed poplar, DHN genes are expressed in all vegetative tissues except for mature leaves. This exhaustive survey of DHN genes in poplar provides important information that will assist future studies on their functional role in poplar.  相似文献   

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