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This study evaluated the effects of one session of frontal electromyographic (EMG) feedback on (1) frontal EMG, (2) frontal EMG response to stress, (3) cardiovascular variables, and (4) cardiovascular responses to stress. Eighteen male and female undergraduate volunteers received either frontal EMG feedback or a relaxation instructions control procedure and were then exposed to a fear stimulus (visualization of a feared situation) and a post-stress adaptation period while several cardiovascular measures were monitored. In comparison to the control group, frontal EMG feedback significantly reduced resting levels of frontal EMG and frontal EMG response to stress but had no significant effect on cardiovascular measures. The results of this study suggest that one session of frontal EMG feedback may attenuate response to stress but, within the paradigm utilized, may be confined to the specific muscle groups monitored. Additional areas of needed research were noted including individual differences in generalization, the effects of EMG feedback from multiple sites sequentially and concomitantly, and the generalized effects from symptom-specific sites.  相似文献   

Groups of 20 normotensive subjects were assigned to one of three conditions to help them lower their blood pressure: (1) intermittent visual feedback of blood pressure; (2) continuous analogue auditory feedback of frontal EMG; (3) an instructed, no-feedback condition. Both groups receiving feedback showed greater within-session lowering of systolic blood pressure than the no-feedback control group. Although the group receiving intermittent visual feedback of blood pressure lowered blood pressure more than the EMG feedback group at the first session, in three subsequent sessions, the two feedback groups did not differ.  相似文献   

Evidence from one case with a 15-month follow-up is presented to support the conclusion that electromyographic (EMG) feedback from the masseter was effective in controlling tardive dyskinesia, while a combination of EMG feedback from the frontalis and verbal muscle relaxation training were not.  相似文献   

The efficacy of electromyographic feedback training in reducing the magnitude and frequency of the oral-lingual movements associated with tardive dyskinesia (TD) was investigated in a groups design. Twenty adult male inpatients diagnosed as having TD using the Abnormal Involuntary Movements Scale (AIMS) were randomly assigned to one of two treatment conditions. Following identification, all participants were initially reduced to the lowest effective dosage of neuroleptics, and then discontinued from anticholinergics. Following one month on this regimen, they were given a course of feedback training consisting of ten 14-minute sessions. Group one participants were provided with a tone contingent upon oral-lingual movements above a yoked threshold. Group two participants were given noncontingent feedback tones generated randomly. Weekly AIMS were administered as well as an initial baseline during each session to determine current level of oral-lingual activity. An analysis of session effects indicated significantly more suppression of oral-lingual activity in the contingent group versus the noncontingent feedback group. Jaw and forehead activity also measured showed reductions of similar magnitudes for both groups.This work was sponsored in part by a Research Advisory Grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs awarded to Joanne Intrator. We gratefully acknowledge the valuable contributions of K. Duvvi, S. Kemble, and L. Kolman.  相似文献   

The efficacy of electromyographic feedback training in reducing the magnitude and frequency of the oral-lingual movements associated with tardive dyskinesia (TD) was investigated in a groups design. Twenty adult male inpatients diagnosed as having TD using the Abnormal Involuntary Movements Scale (AIMS) were randomly assigned to one of two treatment conditions. Following identification, all participants were initially reduced to the lowest effective dosage of neuroleptics, and then discontinued from anticholinergics. Following one month on this regimen, they were given a course of feedback training consisting of ten 14-minute sessions. Group one participants were provided with a tone contingent upon oral-lingual movements above a yoked threshold. Group two participants were given noncontingent feedback tones generated randomly. Weekly AIMS were administered as well as an initial baseline during each session to determine current level of oral-lingual activity. An analysis of session effects indicated significantly more suppression of oral-lingual activity in the contingent group versus the noncontingent feedback group. Jaw and forehead activity also measured showed reductions of similar magnitudes for both groups.  相似文献   

Osteomas are the most common tumors of the cranial vault and facial skeleton. Osteomas are usually benign in nature, commonly presenting with symptoms of facial deformity, facial pain, and headaches. Although the frontal sinus is the most frequent location of cranial osteomas, they are also occasionally seen involving only the frontal bone periosteum. This study is a retrospective series investigating the characteristics, management, and outcomes of five patients with frontal bone periosteal osteomas surgically treated with superficial osteotomies with primary closure. Medical charts were reviewed focusing on symptoms, size, radiographic findings, and disease of the periosteal osteomas. The chief complaint primarily involved a palpable deformity, which led to surgical evaluation. Radiographic studies were obtained to evaluate size and location of the frontal osteomas. Microanalysis of the specimens confirmed the presence of mature cancellous and/or cortical bone. Postoperative follow-up revealed no evidence of recurrence or complications. The superficial ostectomy technique with primary closure offers a simple, effective method for removal of frontal bone periosteal osteomas with minimal side effects.  相似文献   

Frontal affinity chromatography (FAC) is a biophysical method for the discovery and characterization of molecular interactions in a flow-based system. Several different modes of analysis are possible by interfacing to the mass spectrometer, including robust single-compound characterizations as well as high-throughput screening of over 1,000 compounds per run. The method supports thermodynamic and kinetic characterization of interactions for a wide range of molecular species and possesses similarities to flow-based biosensors such as surface plasmon resonance. It offers sensitive detection of ligands present well below their respective dissociation constants, and can be assembled from readily available laboratory components. Direct coupling of the FAC cartridge to the mass spectrometer is useful for the interrogation of single compounds or mixtures of limited complexity. An offline fractionation schema is more appropriate for discovery-mode applications. A high-performance FAC system enabling both modes can be assembled in 2-3 h. Measurements of dissociation constants can be made with such a system in 0.5-3 h, and the system supports higher-throughput screening modes at a rate of 10,000 compounds d(-1).  相似文献   

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