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How do animals control the trajectory of ballistic motions like jumping? Targeted jumps by a locust, which are powered by a rapid extension of the tibiae of both hind legs, require control of the take-off angle and speed. To determine how the locust controls these parameters, we used high speed images of jumps and mechanical analysis to reach three conclusions: (1) the extensor tibiae muscle applies equal and opposite torques to the femur and tibia, which ensures that tibial extension accelerates the centre of mass of the body along a straight line; (2) this line is parallel to a line drawn from the distal end of the tibia through the proximal end of the femur; (3) the slope of this line (the angle of elevation) is not affected if the two hind legs extend asynchronously. The mechanics thus uncouple the control of elevation and speed, allowing simplified and independent control mechanisms. Jump elevation is controlled mechanically by the initial positions of the hind legs and jump speed is determined by the energy stored within their elastic processes, which allows us to then propose which proprioceptors are involved in controlling these quantities.  相似文献   

In Auchenorrhyncha, jumping is achieved by metathoracic muscles which are inserted into the trochanter of the hind leg. The synchronisation of movements of the hind legs is a difficult problem, as the leg extension that produces the jump occurs in less than 1 ms. Even slight asynchrony could potentially result in failure of a jump. Both the synchronisation of the movements of a pair of jumping legs, and their stabilisation during a jump, seem to be important problems for small jumping insects. The present study was performed in order to clarify some questions of the functional morphology of the leafhopper jumping mechanism. It is based on skeleton-muscle reconstruction, high-speed video recordings, transmission (TEM) and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) investigations of the cuticle, together with 3D inverse-kinematic modelling of angles and working zones of hind leg joints of cicada Cercopis vulnerata (Cercopidae). The complete extension of the hind leg takes less than 1 ms, which suggests that the jump is powered not only by the muscle system, but also by an elastic spring. Histological staining and fluorescence microscopy showed resilin-bearing structures, responsible for elastic energy storage, in the pleural area of the metathorax. Synchronisation of hind leg movements may be aided by microtrichia fields that are located on the medial surface of each hind coxa. In Auchenorrhyncha, hind coxae are rounded in their anterior and lateral parts, whereas medial parts are planar, and contact each other over a rather large area. The inverse-kinematic model of propulsive leg movements was used to draw the surface outlined by the medial surface of the coxa, during the jump movement. This is a cone surface, faced with its bulged-in side, medially. Surfaces outlined by the movements of both right and left coxae overlap in their anterior and posterior positions. In both extreme positions, coxae are presumably connected to each other by coupled microtrichia fields. Thus, in extreme positions, both coxae can be moved synchronously.  相似文献   

The flea's hind legs are the chief source of jumping power, but in species which execute large jumps, take-off is accelerated by elastic energy released from a resilin pad (homologous with the wing hinge ligaments of flying insects) situated in the pleural arch. A central click mechanism, operated by a rapid twitch of the trochanteral depressor (the starter muscle), synchronizes the separate sources of energy which power the jump. Ciné photos confirm the morphological evidence that the flea takes off from the trochanters, not the tarsi. The loss of wings, associated with lateral compression of the body and the shortening of the pleural ridge (which thus lowers the position of the pleural arch) together with modifications of the direct and indirect flight muscles, are some of the main morphological features associated with the change from a flying to a saltatorial mode of progression. The flea's take-off basically resembles that of other Panorpoid insects (Diptera, Mecoptera, etc.). The release of elastic energy from the pleural arch is a system by which the force used to move the wings of flying insects is rapidly fed back into the legs and adds power to the jump.  相似文献   

We describe the kinematics and performance of the natural jump in the weevil Orchestes fagi (Fabricius, 1801) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and its jumping apparatus with underlying anatomy and functional morphology. In weevils, jumping is performed by the hind legs and involves the extension of the hind tibia. The principal structural elements of the jumping apparatus are (1) the femoro-tibial joint, (2) the metafemoral extensor tendon, (3) the extensor ligament, (4) the flexor ligament, (5) the tibial flexor sclerite and (6) the extensor and flexor muscles. The kinematic parameters of the jump (from minimum to maximum) are 530–1965 m s?2 (acceleration), 0.7–2.0 m s?1 (velocity), 1.5–3.0 ms (time to take-off), 0.3–4.4 μJ (kinetic energy) and 54–200 (g-force). The specific joint power as calculated for the femoro-tibial joint during the jumping movement is 0.97 W g?1. The full extension of the hind tibia during the jump was reached within up to 1.8–2.5 ms. The kinematic parameters, the specific joint power and the time for the full extension of the hind tibia suggest that the jump is performed via a catapult mechanism with an input of elastic strain energy. A resilin-bearing elastic extensor ligament that connects the extensor tendon and the tibial base is considered to be the structure that accumulates the elastic strain energy for the jump. According to our functional model, the extensor ligament is loaded by the contraction of the extensor muscle, while the co-contraction of the antagonistic extensor and flexor muscles prevents the early extension of the tibia. This is attributable to the leverage factors of the femoro-tibial joint providing a mechanical advantage for the flexor muscles over the extensor muscles in the fully flexed position. The release of the accumulated energy is performed by the rapid relaxation of the flexor muscles resulting in the fast extension of the hind tibia propelling the body into air.  相似文献   

Abstract: Abundant arthropod walking and jumping traces, from the Lower Permian Robledo Mountains Formation of southern New Mexico, provide direct evidence of the locomotory techniques of monurans, an extinct group of archaeognathan apterygote insects. The jumping behaviour of monurans is compared with that of the extant machilid archaeognathan Petrobius. The jumping traces are referred to Tonganoxichnus robledoensis, and demonstrate that monurans were capable of forward progression via a linear succession of jumps of several times their body length. Petrobius also employs an unusual, fast, in‐phase, jumping gait for normal directed locomotion; however, unlike the T. robledoensis traces, these jumps are only about one body length. In‐phase trackways, referred to Stiaria intermedia from the Upper Carboniferous Tonganoxie Sandstone of Kansas, are found in association with Tonganoxichnus traces, indicating that monurans were also capable of such a fast jumping gait. Petrobius employs an escape jump that is more similar in terms of magnitude to those represented by T. robledoensis; however, the escape jump is essentially random in terms of direction and rotation of the body. Out‐of‐phase trackways from the Robledo Mountains Formation, also referred to Stiaria intermedia, are found preceding or following on from several Tonganoxichnus traces, and demonstrate that monurans also used normal, out‐of‐phase, walking gaits across open ground. Analysis of these trackways demonstrates that they used a variety of gaits ranging from very slow and stable gait ratios of 1·2 : 8·8 (i.e. the propulsive backstroke phase comprises 88 per cent of the step cycle) following jumps, to fast gait ratios of 3·3 : 6·7 and 5·0 : 5·0 preceding jumps. Petrobius tends not to use such normal walking gaits unless on the undersurface of rocks, preferring to use the unusual, fast, in‐phase, jumping gait over open ground. Monurans appear to have been capable of many of the same jumping behaviours as Petrobius, apart from the random escape jump. Archaeognathans are the most primitive group of true insects, and the presence of these similar types of jumping behaviours in monurans and machilids suggests that such behaviours were a primitive method of insect locomotion.  相似文献   

Differences in muscle dynamics between the preferred and nonpreferred jumping legs of subjects in maximal, explosive exercise were examined. Eight subjects performed nonfatiguing bouts of single-legged drop jumps and rebound jumps on a force sledge apparatus. Measures of flight time, reactive strength index, peak vertical force, and vertical leg-spring stiffness were obtained for 3 drop jumps and 3 rebound jumps on both legs. Subjects utilized a stiffer leg spring and a more explosive jumping action in the nonpreferred leg when performing a cyclical rebound jumping task in comparison to a single drop jump task (observed through differences in vertical leg-spring stiffness, peak vertical force, and reactive strength index, p < 0.05). The preferred leg performed equally well in both tasks. Between-leg analysis showed no differences in dependent variables between the preferred and the nonpreferred leg in the rebound jumping protocol. However, the drop jump protocol showed significant performance differences, with flight time and reactive strength index greater in the preferred leg than the nonpreferred leg (p < 0.05). We hypothesize that, throughout the lifespan, both legs are equally trained in cyclical rebound jumping tasks through running. However, because a preferred leg must be selected when performing any one-off, single-legged jump, imbalances in this specific task develop over time with consistent selection of a preferred jumping leg. The data demonstrate that the rebound jump protocol is representative of the symmetrical mechanics of forward running and that leg-spring stiffness is modulated depending on the demands of the specific task involved. Strength and conditioning practitioners should give careful consideration to appropriate jump protocol selection and should exercise caution when comparing laboratory results to data gathered in field testing.  相似文献   

The jump as a fast mode of locomotion in arboreal and terrestrial biotopes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The jump is always used for locomotion. For its execution in arboreal and terrestrial biotopes the requirements are of somewhat different nature. In an arboreal biotope the jump is characterized by a rapid progression through discontinuous substrates and the ability to take off from a small area and a secure landing on a spot. This requires well coordinated movements in all phases of the jump. On the ground, the jump is less frequent and often used for crossing obstacles or gaps. In primates both variants can be observed. In order to relate the details of locomotor behaviour to a certain environment, the biomechanics of jumping are analyzed in five primate species: The three mainly arboreal prosimian species Galago moholi, the smallest and most specialized leaper of all, Galago garnettii, a medium-sized bushbaby with some capacities for jumping, and Lemur catta also with some abilities to jump. The two simian species, Macaca fuscata and Homo sapiens, are usually terrestrial and have good jumping capacities, although not in terms of quantity. The investigation is based on high-speed motion analyses (100-500 frames/second) and the synchronized records of a force-plate from which all subjects had to jump off. On the basis of the results two kinds of jumping can be distinguished: standing and running jumps. The three prosimian species perform standing jumps. Dorsiflexion of their tails compensates ventrally oriented rotational moments of the trunk during body extension at take-off. The upward arm swing yields an overall increase in take-off velocity without additional muscular force exerted by the legs. The main difference among the species are the high relative forces in the small Galago moholi (up to 13 times body weight) as compared to the larger G. garnettii (8.5 times body weight) and the even larger Lemur catta (4.5 times body weight). In Homo sapiens the standing jump is characterized by an extensive arm swing backward, which is then followed by a forward and upward movement. The velocity at take-off is much smaller if compared to the prosimians. The running jump in Macaca fuscata is always preceded by at least one gallop cycle. The body assumes a ball shape at the beginning of the actual take-off. This is advantageous for rotating the body into a position in which the trunk axis is in line with the direction of movement. The tail of the Japanese macaque is too short to compensate the trunk's lift exerted on the hip region by the extending hindlimbs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Spiders use hemolymph pressure to extend their legs. This mechanism should be challenged when required to rapidly generate forces during jumping, particularly in large spiders. However, effective use of leg muscles could facilitate rapid jumping. To quantify the contributions of different legs and leg joints, we investigated jumping kinematics by high-speed video recording. We observed two different types of jumps following a disturbance: prepared and unprepared jumps. In unprepared jumps, the animals could jump in any direction away from the disturbance. The remarkable directional flexibility was achieved by flexing the legs on the leading side and extending them on the trailing side. This behaviour is only possible for approximately radial-symmetric leg postures, where each leg can fulfil similar functions. In prepared jumps, the spiders showed characteristic leg positioning and the jumps were directed anteriorly. Immediately after a preliminary countermovement in which the centre of mass was moved backwards and downwards, the jump was executed by extending first the fourth and then the second leg pair. This sequence provided effective acceleration to the centre of mass. At least in the fourth legs, the hydraulic and the muscular mechanism seem to interact to generate ground reaction forces.  相似文献   

The energetics of the jump of the locust Schistocerca gregaria.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The anatomy of the metathoracic leg is redescribed with particular reference to storage of energy in cuticular elements and the way in which the stored energy is used in jumping. The jump of adult male locusts requires an energy of 9 mJ and that of the female requires 11 mJ. The semilunar processes of each metafemur store 4 mJ at a stress of 15 N, and the extensor tibiae apodeme stores a further 3 mJ at the same stress. The total stored energy in both metathoracic legs is 14 mJ. The extensor tibiae muscle produces a maximum isometric force of over 15 N at 30 degrees C and, when loaded with the extensor apodeme and semilunar processes, attains this force in 0.3 sec with a strain of 0.8 mm. The peak power output is 36 mW or 0.45 W.g-1. The peak isometric force is attained when the tibia is fully flexed and the force falls as the tibia extends. The extensor tibiae muscle A band is 5.5 mum long and the peak force is over 0.75 N.m-2. The peak velocity of shortening is 7 mm.sec-1 or about 1.75 lengths/sec at 30 degrees C. The tensile strength of the extensor apodeme is 0.6 kN.mm-2 and Young's modulus is 19 kN.mm-2. The safety factor does not exceed 1.2 and the safety factor of the semilunar processes and tibial cuticle is little higher. The jump impulse lasts 25-30 msec. A velocity of 3.2 m.sec-1 is reached after a peak acceleration of 180 m.sec-2. The peak power output is 0.75 W at close to maximum velocity. Energy losses in rotating the femur and tibia are small and it is shown that the leg is able to extend at 7 times the normal rate with losses of about 20%. Most of the stored energy is converted to kinetic energy as the animal jumps. A model is based on the relaxation of a spring that has the properties of the elastic elements of the locust leg into a lever with the same kinematics as the locust leg produces a force-distance curve similar to that measured for locust jumps. The major part of the jump energy is stored before the jump.  相似文献   

The jump of the sea-shore bristletails, Petrobius brevistylis and P. maritimus , has been investigated. A brief study of jumping distance and orientation showed that jumping behaviour was partly random, particularly with regard to the direction of a jump. A high speed cine camera was used to analyse both forward and backward jumps. The jumping action consists of a tail beat which reflects the strong depression of the posterior abdomen. This swings up the anterior part of the body, including the centre of gravity. The model suggested to explain this action proposes two movements spreading from either end of the bristletail: 1. A straightening of the abdomen starting posteriorly, 2. An increasing ventral curvature of the thorax starting anteriorly. Movement 1 will account for the raising of the centre of gravity, and the rapidity of movement 2 will determine the final direction of the jump.
The muscular basis of these movements has been discussed using the data of Manton (1972), Barlet (1967) and Bitsch (1973). A catapult system was proposed which depended on the dynamic balance between two abdominal muscular systems. It was suggested that the dorsal longitudinal muscles were antagonised by the deep oblique muscles. A short study of the energetics of jumping was made in order to estimate the times needed for sufficient energy to be stored for particular jumps. These times were then compared with known times spent by Petrobius in the cocked (energy storing) pre-jump position.  相似文献   

There is a change in the synaptic connections between motor neurones that underlie locust kicking and jumping during maturation following the adult moult. The fast extensor tibiae (FETi) motor neurone makes monosynaptic excitatory connections with flexor tibiae motor neurones that have previously been implicated in maintaining flexor activity during the co-contraction phase of jumping, in which energy generated by the muscles of a hind leg is stored. The amplitude of the FETi spike decreases when repetitively activated, and this decrement is larger in locusts immediately following the adult moult than in mature locusts. The decrement in␣the FETi spike is correlated with a greater decrease in the amplitude of the flexor excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) in newly moulted locusts and in turn with the failure of these locusts to kick or jump. The results presented here indicate that the developmental change in the connections between the motor neurones contributes to the change in behaviour following the moult. Accepted: 28 April 1997  相似文献   

Ribak G  Weihs D 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e20871
To return to their feet, inverted click-beetles (Elateridae) jump without using their legs. When a beetle is resting on its dorsal side, a hinge mechanism is locked to store elastic energy in the body and releases it abruptly to launch the beetle into the air. While the functional morphology of the jumping mechanism is well known, the level of control that the beetle has over this jumping technique and the mechanical constraints governing the jumps are not entirely clear. Here we show that while body rotations in air are highly variable, the jumps are morphologically constrained to a constant “takeoff” angle (79.9°±1.56°, n = 9 beetles) that directs 98% of the jumping force vertically against gravity. A physical-mathematical model of the jumping action, combined with measurements from live beetle, imply that the beetle may control the speed at takeoff but not the jumping angle. In addition, the model shows that very subtle changes in the exact point of contact with the ground can explain the vigorous rotations of the body seen while the beetle is airborne. These findings suggest that the evolution of this unique non-legged jumping mechanism resulted in a jumping technique that is capable of launching the body high into the air but it is too constrained and unstable to allow control of body orientation at landing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of 3 different plyometric training frequencies (e.g., 1 day per week, 2 days per week, 4 days per week) associated with 3 different plyometric training volumes on maximal strength, vertical jump performance, and sprinting ability. Forty-two students were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups: control (n = 10, 7 sessions of drop jump (DJ) training, 1 day per week, 420 DJs), 14 sessions of DJ training (n = 12, 2 days per week, 840 DJs), and 28 sessions of DJ training (n = 9, 4 days per week, 1680 DJs). The training protocols included DJ from 3 different heights 20, 40, and 60 cm. Maximal strength (1 repetition maximum [1RM] and maximal isometric strength), vertical height in countermovement jumps and DJs, and 20-m sprint time tests were carried out before and after 7 weeks of plyometric training. No significant differences were observed among the groups in pre-training in any of the variables tested. No significant changes were observed in the control group in any of the variables tested at any point. Short-term plyometric training using moderate training frequency and volume of jumps (2 days per week, 840 jumps) produces similar enhancements in jumping performance, but greater training efficiency (approximately 12% and 0.014% per jump) compared with high jumping (4 days per week, 1680 jumps) training frequency (approximately 18% and 0.011% per jump). In addition, similar enhancements in 20-m-sprint time, jumping contact times and maximal strength were observed in both a moderate and low number of training sessions per week compared with high training frequencies, despite the fact that the average number of jumps accomplished in 7S (420 jumps) and 14S (840 jumps) was 25 and 50% of that performed in 28S (1680 jumps). These observations may have considerable practical relevance for the optimal design of plyometric training programs for athletes, given that a moderate volume is more efficient than a higher plyometric training volume.  相似文献   

The effect of animal design on jumping performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Julie M.  Gabriel 《Journal of Zoology》1984,204(4):533-539
The range of large jumping animals will be limited by their ability to produce energy. In order to jump further, a large animal would need to give over a greater proportion of its body mass to jumping muscle. Small animals will be limited by their ability to produce power, but this problem can be overcome by increasing the relative length of the jumping legs or by introducing an energy storage system. Animals showing increased range with increased body size probably use energy storage systems.
My thanks are due to Dr H. C. Bennet-Clark and Dr J. F. lles for supervision of this work, to Professor T. R. E. Southwood for accommodation in the Dept of Zoology, Oxford, and to the SERC for financial support.  相似文献   

Changes in total mechanical work, its partitioning into different energy states, mechanical power, force-time characteristics, force impulses of body segments and mass center's pathway characteristics during long jump take-off were investigated on four national and six ordinary level athletes. Both cinematographic and force-platform techniques were used. The data showed that the national level jumpers had higher run-up and higher take-off (release) velocities in horizontal and vertical directions. In addition, they were able to utilize efficiently the elastic energy stored in the leg extensor muscles at take-off impact. This was seen in high support leg eccentric and concentric forces, which were produced in short contact times. The ordinary level athletes had greater variability in the investigated attributes, and they reached their maximum length of jumps in many different ways. Cinematically the greatest difference between the subject groups was observed in the timing of the various body segment movements. In better athletes all the body parts (arms, trunk, and legs) had decelerating horizontal impulses, but in all ordinary level athletes the horizontal impulse of the swing leg was accelerating during take-off.  相似文献   

Abstract Anuran jumping is an ideal system for examining the relationships between key morphological, physiological, and kinematic parameters. We used the Australian rocket frog (Litoria nasuta) as a model species to investigate extreme specialization of the vertebrate locomotor system for jumping. We measured the ground reaction forces applied during maximal jumps using a custom-designed force platform, which allowed us to calculate instantaneous measures of acceleration, velocity, power output, and total jump distance. We quantified the mechanical properties of the plantaris longus muscle using the work loop technique. We found that L. nasuta achieved the second-longest relative jumping distance for any anuran (55.2 body lengths for one individual) and the highest published anuran values for isolated net mean muscle power output measured using work loops (93.5 W kg(-1) muscle mass), hindlimb length to snout-vent length ratio (2.02), and relative hindlimb muscle mass (33% of body mass). Litoria nasuta also had a higher ratio of tibia length to snout-vent length than 19 related species. We found that the mean power output expended during the takeoff phase of jumping in the individual that jumped the farthest was about three times greater than our estimate of available muscle power output.  相似文献   

A study of the jumping mechanism of a mite of the genus Indotritia has shown that its leg extension is one of the fastest movements known among animals (duration of approximately 0.5 ms). Moreover, the power per unit mass developed by this mite is unequalled among animals that jump using their legs and without the use of any specialized structures.  相似文献   

Anuran jumping is one of the most powerful accelerations in vertebrate locomotion. Several species are hypothesized to use a catapult-like mechanism to store and rapidly release elastic energy, producing power outputs far beyond the capability of muscle. Most evidence for this mechanism comes from measurements of whole-body power output; the decoupling of joint motion and muscle shortening expected in a catapult-like mechanism has not been demonstrated. We used high-speed marker-based biplanar X-ray cinefluoroscopy to quantify plantaris muscle fascicle strain and ankle joint motion in frogs in order to test for two hallmarks of a catapult mechanism: (i) shortening of fascicles prior to joint movement (during tendon stretch), and (ii) rapid joint movement during the jump without rapid muscle-shortening (during tendon recoil). During all jumps, muscle fascicles shortened by an average of 7.8 per cent (54% of total strain) prior to joint movement, stretching the tendon. The subsequent period of initial joint movement and high joint angular acceleration occurred with minimal muscle fascicle length change, consistent with the recoil of the elastic tendon. These data support the plantaris longus tendon as a site of elastic energy storage during frog jumping, and demonstrate that catapult mechanisms may be employed even in sub-maximal jumps.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to comparatively investigate the energy expenditure of jumping on sand and on a firm surface. Eight male university volleyball players were recruited in this study and performed 3 sets of 10 repetitive jumps on sand (the S condition), and also on a force platform (the F condition). The subjects jumped every two seconds during a set, and the interval between sets was 20 seconds. The subjects performed each jump on sand with maximal exertion while in the F condition they jumped as high as they did on sand. The oxygen requirement for jumping was defined as the total oxygen uptake consecutively measured between the first set of jumps and the point that oxygen uptake recovers to the resting value, and the energy expenditure was calculated. The jump height in the S condition was equivalent to 64.0 +/- 4.4% of the height in the maximal jump on the firm surface. The oxygen requirement was 7.39 +/- 0.33 liters in S condition and 6.24 +/- 0.69 liters in the F condition, and the energy expenditure was 37.0 +/- 1.64 kcal and 31.2 +/- 3.46 kcal respectively. The differences in the two counter values were both statistically significant (p < 0.01). The energy expenditure of jumping in the S condition was equivalent to 119.4 +/- 10.1% of the one in the F condition, which ratio was less than in walking and close to in running.  相似文献   

In the literature, it has been reported that the mechanical output per leg is less in two-leg jumps than in one-leg jumps. This so-called bilateral deficit has been attributed to a reduced neural drive to muscles in two-leg jumps. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the possible contribution of nonneural factors to the bilateral deficit in jumping. We collected kinematics, ground reaction forces, and electromyograms of eight human subjects performing two-leg and one-leg (right leg) squat jumps and calculated mechanical output per leg. We also used a model of the human musculoskeletal system to simulate two-leg and one-leg jumps, starting from the initial position observed in the subjects. The model had muscle stimulation as input, which was optimized using jump height as performance criterion. The model did not incorporate a reduced maximal neural drive in the two-leg jump. Both in the subjects and in the model, the work of the right leg was more than 20% less in the two-leg jump than in the one-leg jump. Peak electromyogram levels in the two-leg jump were reduced on average by 5%, but the reduction was only statistically significant in m. rectus femoris. In the model, approximately 75% of the bilateral deficit in work per leg was explained by higher shortening velocities in the two-leg jump, and the remainder was explained by lower active state of muscles. It was concluded that the bilateral deficit in jumping is primarily caused by the force-velocity relationship rather than by a reduction of neural drive.  相似文献   

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