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Robustness and evolvability: a paradox resolved   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Understanding the relationship between robustness and evolvability is key to understand how living things can withstand mutations, while producing ample variation that leads to evolutionary innovations. Mutational robustness and evolvability, a system's ability to produce heritable variation, harbour a paradoxical tension. On one hand, high robustness implies low production of heritable phenotypic variation. On the other hand, both experimental and computational analyses of neutral networks indicate that robustness enhances evolvability. I here resolve this tension using RNA genotypes and their secondary structure phenotypes as a study system. To resolve the tension, one must distinguish between robustness of a genotype and a phenotype. I confirm that genotype (sequence) robustness and evolvability share an antagonistic relationship. In stark contrast, phenotype (structure) robustness promotes structure evolvability. A consequence is that finite populations of sequences with a robust phenotype can access large amounts of phenotypic variation while spreading through a neutral network. Population-level processes and phenotypes rather than individual sequences are key to understand the relationship between robustness and evolvability. My observations may apply to other genetic systems where many connected genotypes produce the same phenotypes.  相似文献   

Perspective: Evolution and detection of genetic robustness   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Abstract Robustness is the invariance of phenotypes in the face of perturbation. The robustness of phenotypes appears at various levels of biological organization, including gene expression, protein folding, metabolic flux, physiological homeostasis, development, and even organismal fitness. The mechanisms underlying robustness are diverse, ranging from thermodynamic stability at the RNA and protein level to behavior at the organismal level. Phenotypes can be robust either against heritable perturbations (e.g., mutations) or nonheritable perturbations (e.g., the weather). Here we primarily focus on the first kind of robustness–genetic robustness–and survey three growing avenues of research: (1) measuring genetic robustness in nature and in the laboratory; (2) understanding the evolution of genetic robustness; and (3) exploring the implications of genetic robustness for future evolution.  相似文献   

Summary While many developmental processes (e. g., gene networks or signaling pathways) are astonishingly conserved during evolution, they may be employed differently in different metazoan taxa or may be used multiply in different contexts of development. This suggests that these processes belong to building blocks or modules, viz., highly integrated parts of the organism, which develop and/or function relatively independent from other parts. Such modules may be relatively easy to dissociate from other modules and, therefore, could also serve as units of evolution. However, in order to further explore the implications of modularity for evolution, the vague notion of “modularity” as well as its relation to concepts like “unit of evolution” need to be more precisely specified. Here, a module is characterized as a certain type of dynamic pattern of couplings among the constituents of a process. It may or may not form a spatially contiguous unit. A unit of selection is defined as a unit of those constituents of a reproducing process/system, which exists in different variants and acts as a non-decomposable unit of fitness and variant reproduction during a particular selection process. The more general notion of a unit of evolution is characterized as a nondecomposable unit of constituents with reciprocal fitness dependence, be it due to fitness epistasis or due to the lack of independent variability. Because such fitness dependence may only be observed for some combinations of variants, several constituents may act as a unit of evolution only with a certain probability (coevolution probability). It is argued, that under certain conditions modules are likely to act as units of evolution with high coevolution probabilities, because there is likely to be a close tie between the pattern of couplings of the constituents of a reproducing system and their interdependent fitness contributions. Moreover and contrary to the traditional dichotomy of genes versus organisms as units of selection, modules tend to be more important in delimiting actual units of selection than either organisms or genes, because they are less easily disrupted by recombination than organisms, while having less contextsensitive fitness values than genes. Finally, it is suggested that the evolution of modularity is self-reinforcing, because the flexibility of intermodular connections facilitates the recombination among modules and their multiple employment in new contexts.  相似文献   

A fundamental goal of the biological sciences is to determine processes that facilitate the evolution of diversity. These processes can be separated into ecological, physiological, developmental and genetic. An ecological process that facilitates diversification is frequency-dependent selection caused by competition. Models of frequency-dependent adaptive diversification have generally assumed a genetic basis of phenotype that is non-epistatic. Here, we present a model that indicates diversification is accelerated by an epistatic basis of phenotype in combination with a competition model that invokes frequency-dependent selection. Our model makes use of a genealogical model of epistasis and insights into the effects of balancing selection on the genealogical structure of a population to understand how epistasis can facilitate diversification. The finding that epistasis facilitates diversification may be informative with respect to empirical results that indicate an epistatic basis of phenotype in experimental bacterial populations that experienced adaptive diversification.  相似文献   

Translational errors during protein synthesis cause phenotypic mutations that are several orders of magnitude more frequent than DNA mutations. Such phenotypic mutations may affect adaptive evolution through their interactions with DNA mutations. To study how mistranslation may affect the adaptive evolution of evolving proteins, we evolved populations of green fluorescent protein (GFP) in either high-mistranslation or low-mistranslation Escherichia coli hosts. In both hosts, we first evolved GFP under purifying selection for the ancestral phenotype green fluorescence, and then under directional selection toward the new phenotype yellow fluorescence. High-mistranslation populations evolved modestly higher yellow fluorescence during each generation of evolution than low-mistranslation populations. We demonstrate by high-throughput sequencing that elevated mistranslation reduced the accumulation of deleterious DNA mutations under both purifying and directional selection. It did so by amplifying the fitness effects of deleterious DNA mutations through negative epistasis with phenotypic mutations. In contrast, mistranslation did not affect the incidence of beneficial mutations. Our findings show that phenotypic mutations interact epistatically with DNA mutations. By reducing a population’s mutation load, mistranslation can affect an important determinant of evolvability.  相似文献   

The idea that interactions between mutations influence adaptation by driving populations to low and high fitness peaks on adaptive landscapes is deeply ingrained in evolutionary theory. Here, we investigate the impact of epistasis on evolvability by challenging populations of two Pseudomonas aeruginosa clones bearing different initial mutations (in rpoB conferring rifampicin resistance, and the type IV pili gene network) to adaptation to a medium containing l ‐serine as the sole carbon source. Despite being initially indistinguishable in fitness, populations founded by the two ancestral genotypes reached different fitness following 300 generations of evolution. Genome sequencing revealed that the difference could not be explained by acquiring mutations in different targets of selection; the majority of clones from both ancestors converged on one of the following two strategies: (1) acquiring mutations in either PA2449 (gcsR, an l ‐serine‐metabolism RpoN enhancer binding protein) or (2) protease genes. Additionally, populations from both ancestors converged on loss‐of‐function mutations in the type IV pili gene network, either due to ancestral or acquired mutations. No compensatory or reversion mutations were observed in RNA polymerase (RNAP) genes, in spite of the large fitness costs typically associated with mutations in rpoB. Although current theory points to sign epistasis as the dominant constraint on evolvability, these results suggest that the role of magnitude epistasis in constraining evolvability may be underappreciated. The contribution of magnitude epistasis is likely to be greatest under the biologically relevant mutation supply rates that make back mutations probabilistically unlikely.  相似文献   

Invariant sites are a common feature of amino acid sequence evolution. The presence of invariant sites is frequently attributed to the need to preserve function through site-specific conservation of amino acid residues. Amino acid substitution models without a provision for invariant sites often fit the data significantly worse than those that allow for an excess of invariant sites beyond those predicted by models that only incorporate rate variation among sites (e.g., a Gamma distribution). An alternative is epistasis between sites to preserve residue interactions that can create invariant sites. Through computer-simulated sequence evolution, we evaluated the relative effects of site-specific preferences and site-site couplings in the generation of invariant sites and the modulation of the rate of molecular evolution. In an analysis of ten major families of protein domains with diverse sequence and functional properties, we find that the negative selection imposed by epistasis creates many more invariant sites than site-specific residue preferences alone. Further, epistasis plays an increasingly larger role in creating invariant sites over longer evolutionary periods. Epistasis also dictates rates of domain evolution over time by exerting significant additional purifying selection to preserve site couplings. These patterns illuminate the mechanistic role of epistasis in the processes underlying observed site invariance and evolutionary rates.  相似文献   

Based on ecological and metabolic arguments, some authors predict that adaptation to novel, harsh environments should involve alleles showing negative (diminishing return) epistasis and/or that it should be mediated in part by evolution of maternal effects. Although the first prediction has been supported in microbes, there has been little experimental support for either prediction in multicellular eukaryotes. Here we use a line‐cross design to study the genetic architecture of adaptation to chronic larval malnutrition in a population of Drosophila melanogaster that evolved on an extremely nutrient‐poor larval food for 84 generations. We assayed three fitness‐related traits (developmental rate, adult female weight and egg‐to‐adult viability) under the malnutrition conditions in 14 crosses between this selected population and a nonadapted control population originally derived from the same base population. All traits showed a pattern of negative epistasis between alleles improving performance under malnutrition. Furthermore, evolutionary changes in maternal traits accounted for half of the 68% increase in viability and for the whole of 8% reduction in adult female body weight in the selected population (relative to unselected controls). These results thus support both of the above predictions and point to the importance of nonadditive effects in adaptive microevolution.  相似文献   

It has recently been claimed that certain amino acids have been increasing in frequency in all living organisms for most of the history of life on earth, while other amino acids have been decreasing in frequency. Three lines of evidence have been offered for this assertion, but each has a more plausible alternative interpretation. Here I show that unequal patterns of gains and losses for particular pairs of amino acids (such as more leucine --> phenylalanine than phenylalanine --> leucine substitutions in humans and chimpanzees since they split from a common ancestor) are consistent with a simple neutral model at equilibrium amino acid frequencies. Unequal numbers of gains and losses for particular amino acids (such as more gains than losses of cysteine) are shown by simulations to be consistent with a model of nearly neutral evolution. Unequal numbers of gains and losses for particular amino acids in human polymorphism data are shown by simulations to be explainable by the nearly neutral model as well. In a comparison of protein sequences from four strains of Escherichia coli, polarized by one outgroup strain of Salmonella, the disparity in number of gains and losses for particular amino acids is strong in terminal branches but weaker or nonexistent in internal branches, which is inconsistent with the universal trend model but as expected under the nearly neutral model.  相似文献   

Goldstein RA 《Proteins》2011,79(5):1396-1407
When we seek to explain the characteristics of living systems in their evolutionary context, we are often interested in understanding how and why certain properties arose through evolution, and how these properties then affected the continuing evolutionary process. This endeavor has been assisted by the use of simple computational models that have properties characteristic of natural living systems but allow simulations over evolutionary timescales with full transparency. We examine a model of the evolution of a gene under selective pressure to code for a protein that exists in a prespecified folded state at a given growth temperature. We observe the emergence of proteins with modest stabilities far below those possible with the model, with a denaturation temperature tracking the simulation temperature, despite the absence of selective pressure for such marginal stability. This demonstrates that neither observations of marginally stable proteins, nor even instances where increased stability interferes with function, provide evidence that marginal stability is an adaptation. Instead the marginal stability is the result of a balance between predominantly destabilizing mutations and selection that shifts depending on effective population size. Even if marginal stability is not an adaptation, the natural tendency of proteins toward marginal stability, and the range of stabilities that occur during evolution, may have significant effect on the evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Conventional population genetics considers the evolution of a limited number of genotypes corresponding to phenotypes with different fitness. As model phenotypes, in particular RNA secondary structure, have become computationally tractable, however, it has become apparent that the context dependent effect of mutations and the many-to-one nature inherent in these genotype-phenotype maps can have fundamental evolutionary consequences. It has previously been demonstrated that populations of genotypes evolving on the neutral networks corresponding to all genotypes with the same secondary structure only through neutral mutations can evolve mutational robustness [E. van Nimwegen, J.P. Crutchfield, M. Huynen, Neutral evolution of mutational robustness, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96(17), 9716-9720 (1999)], by concentrating the population on regions of high neutrality. Introducing recombination we demonstrate, through numerically calculating the stationary distribution of an infinite population on ensembles of random neutral networks that mutational robustness is significantly enhanced and further that the magnitude of this enhancement is sensitive to details of the neutral network topology. Through the simulation of finite populations of genotypes evolving on random neutral networks and a scaled down microRNA neutral network, we show that even in finite populations recombination will still act to focus the population on regions of locally high neutrality.  相似文献   

Based on their extremely high mutation rates, RNA viruses have been traditionally considered as the fastest evolving entities in nature. However, recent work has revealed that, despite their greater replication fidelity, single-stranded (ss) DNA viruses can evolve fast in a similar way. To further investigate this issue, we have compared the rates of adaptation and molecular evolution of ssRNA and ssDNA viruses under highly controlled laboratory conditions using the bacteriophages ΦX174, G4, f1, Qβ, SP, and MS2 as model systems. Our results indicate that ssRNA phages evolve faster than ssDNA phages under strong selective pressure, and that their extremely high mutation rates appear to be optimal for this kind of scenario. However, their performance becomes similar to that of ssDNA phages over the longer term or when the population is moderately well-adapted. Interestingly, the roughly 100-fold difference between the mutation rates of ssRNA and ssDNA phages yields less than a fivefold difference in adaptation and nucleotide substitution rates. The results are therefore consistent with the observation that, despite their lower mutation rates, ssDNA viruses can sometimes match the evolvability of RNA viruses.  相似文献   

Epistatic interactions between resistance mutations in antibiotic-free environments potentially play a crucial role in the spread of resistance in pathogen populations by determining the fitness cost associated with resistance. We used an experimental evolution approach to test for epistatic interactions between 14 different pairs of rifampicin mutations in the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 42 different rifampicin-free environments. First, we show that epistasis between rifampicin-resistance mutations tends to be antagonistic: the fitness effect of having two mutations is generally smaller than that predicted from the effects of individual mutations on the wild-type. Second, we show that sign epistasis between resistance mutations is both common and strong; most notably, pairs of deleterious resistance mutations often partially or completely compensate for each others' costs, revealing a novel mechanism for compensatory adaptation. These results suggest that antagonistic epistasis between intragenic resistance mutations may be a key determinant of the cost of antibiotic resistance and compensatory adaptation in pathogen populations.  相似文献   

Many biological networks can maintain their function against single gene loss. However, the evolutionary mechanisms responsible for such robustness remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that antagonistic host–parasite interactions can act as a selective pressure driving the emergence of robustness against gene loss. Using a model of host signaling networks and simulating their coevolution with parasites that interfere with network function, we find that networks evolve both redundancy and specific architectures that allow them to maintain their response despite removal of proteins. We show that when the parasite pressure is removed, subsequent evolution can lead to loss of redundancy while architecture‐based robustness is retained. Contrary to intuition, increased parasite virulence hampers evolution of robustness by limiting the generation of population level diversity in the host. However, when robustness emerges under high virulence, it tends to be stronger. These findings predict an increased presence of robustness mechanisms in biological networks operating under parasite interference. Conversely, the presence of such mechanisms could indicate current or past parasite interference.  相似文献   

Evolution of adaptive phenotypic flexibility requires a system that can dynamically restore and update a functional phenotype in response to environmental change. The architecture of such a system evolves under the conflicting demands of versatility and robustness, and resolution of these demands should be particularly evident in organisms that require external inputs for reiterative trait production within a generation, such as in metabolic networks that underlie yearly acquisition of diet‐dependent coloration in birds. Here, we show that a key structural feature of carotenoid networks–redundancy of biochemical pathways–enables these networks to translate variable environmental inputs into consistent phenotypic outcomes. We closely followed life‐long changes in structure and utilization of metabolic networks in a large cohort of free‐living birds and found that greater individual experience with dietary change between molts leads to wider occupancy of the metabolic network and progressive accumulation of redundant pathways in a functionally active network. This generated a regime of emergent buffering whereby greater dietary experience was mechanistically linked to greater robustness of resulting traits and an increasing ability to retain and implement previous adaptive solutions. Thus, experience‐related buffering links evolvability and robustness in carotenoid‐metabolizing networks and we argue that this mechanistic principle facilitates the evolution of phenotypic flexibility.  相似文献   

A growing body of empirical evidence demonstrates that at an expanding front, there can be strong selection for greater dispersal propensity, whereas recent theory indicates that mutations occurring towards the front of a spatially expanding population can sometimes ‘surf’ to high frequency and spatial extent. Here, we consider the potential interplay between these two processes: what role may mutation surfing play in determining the course of dispersal evolution and how might dispersal evolution itself influence mutation surfing? Using an individual‐based coupled‐map lattice model, we first run simulations to determine the fate of dispersal mutants that occur at an expanding front. Our results highlight that mutants that have a slightly higher dispersal propensity than the wild type always have a higher survival probability than those mutants with a dispersal propensity lower than, or very similar to, the wild type. However, it is not always the case that mutants with very high dispersal propensity have the greatest survival probability. When dispersal mortality is high, mutants of intermediate dispersal survive most often. Interestingly, the rate of dispersal that ultimately evolves at an expanding front is often substantially higher than that which confers a novel mutant with the greatest probability of survival. Second, we run a model in which we allow dispersal to evolve over the course of a range expansion and ask how the fate of a neutral or nonneutral mutant depends upon when and where during the expansion it arises. These simulations highlight that the success of a neutral mutant depends upon the dispersal genotypes that it is associated with. An important consequence of this is that novel mutants that arise at the front of an expansion, and survive, typically end up being associated with more dispersive genotypes than the wild type. These results offer some new insights into causes and the consequences of dispersal evolution during range expansions, and the methodology we have employed can be readily extended to explore the evolutionary dynamics of other life history characteristics.  相似文献   

上位性及其在遗传育种研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
上位性引入遗传学已有一个多世纪,直到近些年才受到广泛关注,成为复杂性状遗传研究体系的一个重要组成部分。上位性可分为统计上位性和功能上位性两类,前者具有群体特性,后者属于基因型现象。分子标记技术是研究上位性的一个有力工具,理论与实验研究证实上位性在动植物数量性状的表现中具有重要作用。上位性在作物育种中的应用因作物的繁殖方式,育种方法等不同而异,上位性是杂种优势形成的重要遗传基础。  相似文献   

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