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Locomotory speed correlates with muscle mass (determining force and stride rate), limb length (stride rate and distance), and laterally compressed body trunk (force and stride distance). To delineate generalization of the locomotory-morphometric relationships specifically in anuran amphibians, we investigated take-off speed and the three morphological variables from seven species, Rana nigromaculata, R. rugosa, and Bombina orientalis, Eleuthrodectilus fitzingeri, E. diastema, Bufo typhonius, Colostethus flotator and Physalaemus pustulosus. The fastest jumper E. fitzingeri (3.41 m s(-1)) showed 2.49-fold greater speed than the slowest B. typhonius. Take-off speed correlated well with both thigh muscle mass relative to body mass and hindlimb length relative to snout-vent length (HL/SVL), but poorly correlated with the inter-ilial width relative to SVL. The best morphological predictor was HL/SVL (speed=-3.28+3.916 HL/SVL, r=0.968, P<0.0001), suggesting that anuran take-off speed is portrayed well with high gear and acceleration distance characterized by hindlimbs.  相似文献   

The unity and diversity of developmental processes in the vertebrate limb have singular importance in the interpretation of evolutionary hypotheses of tetrapod diversification. In anurans, the intraordinal diversity of forelimbs seems to be related to the fusion of distal carpals, whereas proximal carpals are invariable. However, there are different ontogenetic pathways involved in the differentiation of proximal carpals. This study presents a comparative analysis of early developmental features in one archeobatrachian and 23 neobatrachian species representing five families and explores the variability in the differentiation of carpal cartilages. We found new evidence supporting the presence of an embryonic intermedium that incorporates with the ulnare. Difference between the pipid Xenopus and the neobatrachians is interpreted as a change in the rate of differentiation of Distal Carpal 5 that does not affect the developmental pattern of digits. The developmental variability exhibited by the intermedium, radiale, and Element Y is combined in patterns that converge on the same adult carpal morphology among neobatrachians; these patterns appear to contain potentially useful phylogenetic information.  相似文献   

Thermal and water balance are coupled in anurans, and species with particularly permeable skin avoid overheating more effectively than minimizing variance of body temperature. In turn, temperature affects muscle performance in several ways, so documenting the mean and variance of body temperature of active frogs can help explain variation in behavioral performance. The two types of activities studied in most detail, jumping and calling, differ markedly in duration and intensity, and there are distinct differences in the metabolic profile and fiber type of the supporting muscles. Characteristics of jumping and calling also vary significantly among species, and these differences have a number of implications that we discuss in some detail throughout this paper. One question that emerges from this topic is whether anuran species exhibit activity temperatures that match the temperature range over which they perform best. Although this seems the case, thermal preferences are variable and may not necessarily reflect typical activity temperatures. The performance versus temperature curves and the thermal limits for anuran activity reflect the thermal ecology of species more than their systematic position. Anuran thermal physiology, therefore, seems to be phenotypically plastic and susceptible to adaptive evolution. Although generalizations regarding the mechanistic basis of such adjustments are not yet possible, recent attempts have been made to reveal the mechanistic basis of acclimation and acclimatization.  相似文献   

The aerobic capacity model, as well as other models for the evolution of aerobic metabolism and the origin of endothermy, requires a mechanistic link between rates of resting and activity oxygen consumption (VO2rest and VO2act). The existence of such link is still controversial, but studies with anuran amphibians support a correlation between VO2rest and VO2act at both the intraspecific and interspecific levels. Because results at the intraspecific level are based only on a few species, we test for the generality of a link between these two metabolic variables in anurans by studying the intraspecific correlational patterns between mass-independent VO2rest and VO2act in anurans. We focus on 21 Neotropical species from different geographical areas that include remarkable diversity in behavior and thermal ecology. Although uncorrelated, VO2rest and VO2act seem to be consistent among individuals. Diverse intraspecific phenotypic correlational trends were detected, indicating that the intraspecific relationships between VO2rest and VO2act might be very diverse in anurans. The three possible trends (positive, negative, and absent correlations) were observed and appeared to be predictable from ecological and behavioral variables that relate to evolutionary physiological shifts in anurans. Positive correlations between VO2rest and VO2act were more common in species with active lifestyles (e.g., intense vocal activity) and in species that call at low temperatures (e.g., winter or high-elevation specialists).  相似文献   

Oildroplets in the eyes of terrestrial vertebrates are spherical cellular organelles that stain for lipids, have no discernible internal structure, and often contain carotenoids and possibly other chemicals. A survey of 97 species of anuran amphibians (frogs and toads) revealed that all species of 16 families surveyed possessed yellow oildroplets of varying size in the cells of the pigment epithelium, except for three species that appear to have secondarily lost them during evolution. Furthermore, 25 species of six families also possess colorless oildroplets at the distal end of the inner segments of single cones and principal cones of the double-cone system; two species of the Ranidae appear to have secondarily lost such retinal oildroplets. Every species possesses epithelial or retinal oildroplets or both. Lastly, small oildroplet-like inclusions were discovered in the red blood cells of two species. All of Walls' ('42) summary generalizations about anuran oildroplets are incorrect: oildroplets are not restricted to the Ranidae, are not yellow when found in the cones, and do not correlate with photoactic behavior in 87 species. Evidence is reviewed suggesting that the primary function of anuran oildroplets is chemical storage, perhaps related to the visual pigment cycle. Oildroplets in the cones may additionally act as filters of ultraviolet radiation.  相似文献   

The external gills of anuran amphibians are transient structures, covered by the development of the operculum and regressing soon afterwards. Their functional role has been regarded as equivocal. However, detailed morphological analysis has been limited. Analysis of 21 species from six families using scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed diversity at the anatomical and cellular levels in extent and length of gill filaments, numbers of surface ciliated cells, width of water‐blood barrier distance, and evidence of gill motility. The most highly developed external gills were found in species with delayed hatching, such as Phyllomedusa trinitatis, or in species in which hatchlings hang from the surface film of temporary ponds, such as Phrynohyas venulosa in which gills added 26–38% to body surface area. In one family, the bufonids, all four species examined had poorly developed gills, but in other families where we examined several species, the hylids and leptodactylids, there was considerable diversity of external gills, suggesting flexible adaptation to incubation and hatching environment. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Genetic studies have indicated that some parasite species formerly thought to be generalists are complexes of morphologically similar species, each appearing to specialize on different host species. Studies on such species are needed to obtain ecological and parasitological data to address whether there are fitness costs in parasitizing atypical host species. We examined whether lungworms from two anuran host species, Lithobates sylvaticus and Lithobates pipiens, differed in measures of infection success in L. pipiens recipient hosts. We also determined if the worms from the two host species were sources of genetically resolvable species of morphologically similar nematodes. Sequences of internal transcribed spacer and lsrDNA regions of adult lungworms from each host species indicated that worms from L. sylvaticus matched Rhabdias bakeri, whereas worms from L. pipiens matched Rhabdias ranae. Our work suggested that these morphologically similar species are distant non-sibling taxa. We infected male and female metamorphs experimentally with lungworm larvae of the two species. We observed higher penetration, higher prevalence and higher mean abundance of adult worms in lungs of male and female metamorphs exposed to R. ranae larvae than in lungs of metamorphs exposed to R. bakeri larvae. Furthermore, metamorphs exposed to R. ranae larvae carried larger adult female worms in their lungs. Some variation in infection measures depended on host sex, but only for one parasite species considered. Overall, the differential establishment and reproductive potential of R. ranae and R. bakeri in L. pipiens suggests co-adaptation.  相似文献   

E. Korpimäki 《Oecologia》1987,74(2):277-285
Summary Food samples of breeding Kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) and Long-eared Owls (Asio otus) were collected in the peak and low phase of their preferred prey (Microtus voles) in western Finland. Diets of pairs that bred as neighbours (1 km) with interspecifics were compared with those of non-neighbours. In both species, neighbouring pairs fed less on Microtus voles and more on alternative prey than did non-neighbours. Competition theory predicts that diet overlap should be lower during prey shortage and that diet similarity should be especially reduced in neighbouring pairs. Observations were consistent with expectations: diet similarity was lower in the low vole years and neighbouring pairs showed less diet overlap that non-neighbours. Differences in habitat composition and prey availability at the sample sites should not confuse the results. In addition to the high diet similarity, hunting habitats and nest sites of the species overlapped almost completely; they only showed clear temporal segregation in hunting. Probably because of food competition, the neighbouring pairs of both species produced significantly fewer young than the non-neighbours. These results contrast with the view that the diet composition and dietary shift of rodent-feeding predatory birds can be interpreted in terms of simple opportunistic foraging. In the breeding season, interspecific competition for food seems to be an important factor that affects the niches of these species, especially in northern areas, where the seasonal low phase of voles in spring and the number of alternative prey are lower than in more southern areas.  相似文献   

Dipteran predators of Simuliid blackflies: a worldwide review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Haematophagous female blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) are serious biting pests and obligate vectors of vertebrate pathogens, namely filarial Dirofilaria, Mansonella, Onchocerca and protozoal Leucocytozoon. Immature stages of Simuliidae inhabit lotic waterways, the sessile larvae filter-feeding and often forming a large proportion of the benthic biomass, usually aggregated in well-oxygenated sections of streams, rivers, waterfalls and spillways. Simuliid control practices depend on larvicidal chemicals, biological products (bacteria, nematodes) and environmental modification. The potential use of predators for biological control of Simuliidae has not been exploited. Predators of Simuliidae include examples of at least 12 families of Diptera and other predaceous arthropods (Crustacea and insects: Coleoptera, Odonata, Plecoptera, Trichoptera), invertebrates (notably Turbellaria), as well as browsing fish. Diptera impacting upon simuliid populations comprise mainly Chironomidae, Empididae and Muscidae, although several other families (Asilidae, Dolichopodidae, Phoridae, Drosophilidae, Scathophagidae) play a significant role as predators. Details of predator and prey species and life stages are presented, by zoogeographical region, including the prevalence of cannibalism among Simuliidae.  相似文献   

The distribution of fallow deer: a worldwide review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

  • 1.1. A fluorescent derivative of the Griffonia simplicifolia I-B4 isolectin was used to examine historically the distribution of terminal methyl-α-galactosyl residues in the microcirculatory vessels of the gastrocnemius muscle and the ventricles from four families of anuran amphibians.
  • 2.2. The isolectin preferentially bound to capillaries in the gastrocnemius muscles from members of the families Ranidae, Bufonidae and Pipidae, but not from the family Hylidae.
  • 3.3. Histological and ultrastructural analyses revealed a primitive sinusoidal endothelial system in the anuran heart, with a less extensive expression of the GSI-B4 receptors than in skeletal muscle.
  • 4.4. These results suggest phylogenetic differences among families of anuran amphibians with regard to the distribution of GSI-B4 receptors in skeletal and cardiac muscle.


1. 1.|Body temperatures (Tb) and contaneous evaporative water loss rates (CWL) were measured in tree frogs (Hyla cinerea) and toads (Bufo valliceps) exposed to cyclical ramp changes in water vapor density (WVD) between 7.5 and 9.8 gm−3 (1 cycle h−1 at an air temperature of 27.0°C.

2. 2.|CWL was 3.3 times greater in toads than in tree frogs.

3. 3.|Tb in toads cycled directly with WVd; WVD accounted for 98% of the variation in toad Tb.

4. 4.|Tb in tree frogs was independent of WVD, probably due to changes in skin resistance to water loss.

Author Keywords: Body temperature; evaporative water loss; skin resistance; water vapor density; relative humidity; Anura; Hyla cinerea; Bufo valliceps  相似文献   

Many studies have assessed the impact of different pollutants on amphibians across a variety of experimental venues (laboratory, mesocosm, and enclosure conditions). Past reviews, using vote-counting methods, have described pollution as one of the major threats faced by amphibians. However, vote-counting methods lack strong statistical power, do not permit one to determine the magnitudes of effects, and do not compare responses among predefined groups. To address these challenges, we conducted a meta-analysis of experimental studies that measured the effects of different chemical pollutants (nitrogenous and phosphorous compounds, pesticides, road deicers, heavy metals, and other wastewater contaminants) at environmentally relevant concentrations on amphibian survival, mass, time to hatching, time to metamorphosis, and frequency of abnormalities. The overall effect size of pollutant exposure was a medium decrease in amphibian survival and mass and a large increase in abnormality frequency. This translates to a 14.3% decrease in survival, a 7.5% decrease in mass, and a 535% increase in abnormality frequency across all studies. In contrast, we found no overall effect of pollutants on time to hatching and time to metamorphosis. We also found that effect sizes differed among experimental venues and among types of pollutants, but we only detected weak differences among amphibian families. These results suggest that variation in sensitivity to contaminants is generally independent of phylogeny. Some publication bias (i.e., selective reporting) was detected, but only for mass and the interaction effect size among stressors. We conclude that the overall impact of pollution on amphibians is moderately to largely negative. This implies that pollutants at environmentally relevant concentrations pose an important threat to amphibians and may play a role in their present global decline.  相似文献   

Cloning of a proenkephalin cDNA from the pelobatid anuran amphibian, Spea multiplicatus, provides additional evidence that Leu-enkephalin, although present in the brain of anuran amphibians, is not encoded by the proenkephalin gene. The S. multiplicatus proenkephalin cDNA is 1375 nucleotides in length, and the open reading frame contains the sequences of seven opioid sequences. There are five copies of the Met-enkephalin sequence, as well as an octapeptide opioid sequence (YGGFMRNY) and a heptapeptide opioid sequence (YGGFMRF). In the proenkephalin sequence of S. multiplicatus the penultimate opioid is a Met-enkephalin sequence rather than the Leu-enkephalin present in mammalian sequences. The same order of opioid sequences also is observed for the proenkephalin sequence of the pipid anuran amphibian, Xenopus laevis. Hence, from a phylogenetic standpoint the organization of tetrapod proenkephalin has been remarkably conserved. What remains to be resolved is whether the Leu-enkephalin sequence found in mammalian proenkephalin is an ancestral trait or a derived trait for the tetrapods. Unlike the proenkephalin precursor of X. laevis, all of the opioid sequences in the S. multiplicatus proenkephalin cDNA are flanked by paired-basic amino acid proteolytic cleavage sites. In this regard the proenkephalin sequence for S. multiplicatus is more similar to mammalian proenkephalins than the proenkephalin sequence of X. laevis. However, a comparison of the proenkephalin sequences in human, X. laevis, and S. multiplicatus revealed several conserved features in the evolution of the tetrapod proenkephalin gene. By contrast, a comparison of tetrapod proenkephalin sequences with the partial sequence of a sturgeon proenkephalin cDNA indicates that the position occupied by the penultimate opioid sequence in vertebrate proenkephalins may be a highly variable locus in this gene.  相似文献   

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