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We examined the development of the nervous system in Aurelia (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) from the early planula to the polyp stage using confocal and transmission electron microscopy. Fluorescently labeled anti-FMRFamide, antitaurine, and antityrosinated tubulin antibodies were used to visualize the nervous system. The first detectable FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity occurs in a narrow circumferential belt toward the anterior/aboral end of the ectoderm in the early planula. As the planula matures, the FMRFamide-immunoreactive cells send horizontal processes (i.e., neurites) basally along the longitudinal axis. Neurites extend both anteriorly/aborally and posteriorly/orally, but the preference is for anterior neurite extension, and neurites converge to form a plexus at the aboral/anterior end at the base of the ectoderm. In the mature planula, a subset of cells in the apical organ at the anterior/aboral pole begins to show FMRFamide-like and taurine-like immunoreactivity, suggesting a sensory function of the apical organ. During metamorphosis, FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity diminishes in the ectoderm but begins to occur in the degenerating primary endoderm, indicating that degenerating FMRFamide-immunoreactive neurons are taken up by the primary endoderm. FMRFamide-like expression reappears in the ectoderm of the oral disc and the tentacle anlagen of the growing polyp, indicating metamorphosis-associated restructuring of the nervous system. These observations are discussed in the context of metazoan nervous system evolution.  相似文献   

The evolutionary origin of the anterior-posterior and the dorsoventral body axes of Bilateria is a long-standing question. It is unclear how the main body axis of Cnidaria, the sister group to the Bilateria, is related to the two body axes of Bilateria. The conserved antagonism between two secreted factors, BMP2/4 (Dpp in Drosophila) and its antagonist Chordin (Short gastrulation in Drosophila) is a crucial component in the establishment of the dorsoventral body axis of Bilateria and could therefore provide important insight into the evolutionary origin of bilaterian axes. Here, we cloned and characterized two BMP ligands, dpp and GDF5-like as well as two secreted antagonists, chordin and gremlin, from the basal cnidarian Nematostella vectensis. Injection experiments in zebrafish show that the ventralizing activity of NvDpp mRNA is counteracted by NvGremlin and NvChordin, suggesting that Gremlin and Chordin proteins can function as endogenous antagonists of NvDpp. Expression analysis during embryonic and larval development of Nematostella reveals asymmetric expression of all four genes along both the oral-aboral body axis and along an axis perpendicular to this one, the directive axis. Unexpectedly, NvDpp and NvChordin show complex and overlapping expression on the same side of the embryo, whereas NvGDF5-like and NvGremlin are both expressed on the opposite side. Yet, the two pairs of ligands and antagonists only partially overlap, suggesting complex gradients of BMP activity along the directive axis but also along the oral-aboral axis. We conclude that a molecular interaction between BMP-like molecules and their secreted antagonists was already employed in the common ancestor of Cnidaria and Bilateria to create axial asymmetries, but that there is no simple relationship between the oral-aboral body axis of Nematostella and one particular body axis of Bilateria.  相似文献   

Larval development in Cnidaria: A connection to bilateria?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Among the basal animal phyla, the Cnidaria display many characteristics similar to the Bilateria (the higher Metazoa). However, the relation of that outgroup phyla to the Bilateria is still equivocal. Additionally to morphological and genetic data, studies on cnidarian embryogenesis are essential to clarify the Cnidaria-Bilateria relationship. We analyzed cellular differentiation during planula larvae development of the jellyfish Podocoryne carnea. Within 24 to 30 h postfertilization, the diploblastic body structure and all cell types found in polyps have already differentiated in the larva. Whereas the differentiating smooth muscles, RFamide-positive nerve cells, or nematocytes (stinging cells) express no axial polarity, a newly discovered tyrosine-tubulin-positive nervous system develops gradually in repetitive patterns from anterior to posterior. These data demonstrate that part of the cnidarian nervous system develops from anterior to posterior in serially repeated patterns. This developmental mechanism seems to follow the bilaterian pattern and would have antedated the Cambrian explosion.  相似文献   

Members of the phylum Myxozoa are obligate parasites, primarily of aquatic organisms. Their phylogeny has remained problematic, with studies placing them within either the Bilateria or Cnidaria. The discovery that the enigmatic Buddenbrockia plumatellae is a myxozoan that possesses distinct bilaterian features appeared to have finally resolved the debate. B. plumatellae is described as a triploblastic 'worm-like' organism, within which typical myxozoan malacospores form. Using EM we examined the early development of the B. plumatellae 'worms' within the bryozoan host Plumatella repens. The initial development involved numerous unicellular, amoeboid pre-saccular stages that were present within the basal lamina of the host's body wall. These stages migrate immediately beneath the peritoneum where a significant host tissue reaction occurs. The stages aggregate, initiating the formation of a 'worm'. The base of a developing 'worm' forms a pseudosyncytium which resolves into an ectoderm surrounding a mesendoderm. The pseudosyncytium is directly anchored into neighbouring host cells via masses of striated fibres. The replication of the ectodermal and mesendodermal cells extends the developing 'worm' into the coelom of the host. The mesendoderm resolves to form a mesoderm and an endoderm. Myogenesis appears to be initiated from the anchored end of the 'worm' and develops along the mesoderm. The aggregation and differentiation of amoeboid pre-saccular stages to initiate the 'worm' draws analogies to the sacculogenesis observed for Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, B. plumatellae's sister taxon within the class Malacosporea. The development of a multicellular, spore forming organism, from single cells does not correlate to any bilaterian or cnidarian species. Current phylogenies indicate the Myxozoa are basal bilaterians along with the Acoela and Mesozoa. Comparison with these other basal groups may help to resolve the placement of Myxozoa within the tree of life.  相似文献   

Across the animal kingdom, Hox genes are organized in clusters whose genomic organization reflects their central roles in patterning along the anterior/posterior (A/P) axis . While a cluster of Hox genes was present in the bilaterian common ancestor, the origins of this system remain unclear (cf. ). With new data for two representatives of the closest extant phylum to the Bilateria, the sea anemone Nematostella and the hydromedusa Eleutheria, we argue here that the Cnidaria predate the evolution of the Hox system. Although Hox-like genes are present in a range of cnidarians, many of these are paralogs and in neither Nematostella nor Eleutheria is an equivalent of the Hox cluster present. With the exception of independently duplicated genes, the cnidarian genes are unlinked and in several cases are flanked by non-Hox genes. Furthermore, the cnidarian genes are expressed in patterns that are inconsistent with the Hox paradigm. We conclude that the Cnidaria/Bilateria split occurred before a definitive Hox system developed. The spectacular variety in morphological and developmental characteristics shown by extant cnidarians demonstrates that there is no obligate link between the Hox system and morphological diversity in the animal kingdom and that a canonical Hox system is not mandatory for axial patterning.  相似文献   

We investigated the development of Aurelia (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) during embryogenesis and metamorphosis into a polyp, using antibody markers combined with confocal and transmission electron microscopy. Early embryos form actively proliferating coeloblastulae. Invagination is observed during gastrulation. In the planula, (1) the ectoderm is pseudostratified with densely packed nuclei arranged in a superficial and a deep stratum, (2) the aboral pole consists of elongated ectodermal cells with basally located nuclei forming an apical organ, which is previously only known from anthozoan planulae, (3) endodermal cells are large and highly vacuolated, and (4) FMRFamide-immunoreactive nerve cells are found exclusively in the ectoderm of the aboral region. During metamorphosis into a polyp, cells in the planula endoderm, but not in the ectoderm, become strongly caspase 3 immunoreactive, suggesting that the planula endoderm, in part or in its entirety, undergoes apoptosis during metamorphosis. The polyp endoderm seems to be derived from the planula ectoderm in Aurelia, implicating the occurrence of “secondary” gastrulation during early metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Among the bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic animals (the Bilateria), a conserved set of developmental regulatory genes are known to function in patterning the anterior–posterior (AP) axis. This set includes the well-studied Hox cluster genes, and the recently described genes of the ParaHox cluster, which is believed to be the evolutionary sister of the Hox cluster ( Brooke et al. 1998 ). The conserved role of these axial patterning genes in animals as diverse as frogs and flies is believed to reflect an underlying homology (i.e., all bilaterians derive from a common ancestor which possessed an AP axis and the developmental mechanisms responsible for patterning the axis). However, the origin and early evolution of Hox genes and ParaHox genes remain obscure. Repeated attempts have been made to reconstruct the early evolution of Hox genes by analyzing data from the triphoblastic animals, the Bilateria ( Schubert et al. 1993 ; Zhang and Nei 1996 ). A more precise dating of Hox origins has been elusive due to a lack of sufficient information from outgroup taxa such as the phylum Cnidaria (corals, hydras, jellyfishes, and sea anemones). In combination with outgroup taxa, another potential source of information about Hox origins is outgroup genes (e.g., the genes of the ParaHox cluster). In this article, we present cDNA sequences of two Hox-like genes ( anthox2 and anthox6 ) from the sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that anthox2 (=Cnox2) is homologous to the GSX class of ParaHox genes, and anthox6 is homologous to the anterior class of Hox genes. Therefore, the origin of Hox genes and ParaHox genes occurred prior to the evolutionary split between the Cnidaria and the Bilateria and predated the evolution of the anterior–posterior axis of bilaterian animals. Our analysis also suggests that the central Hox class was invented in the bilaterian lineage, subsequent to their split from the Cnidaria.  相似文献   

HCN channels play a unique role in bilaterian physiology as the only hyperpolarization-gated cation channels. Their voltage-gating is regulated by cyclic nucleotides and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). Activation of HCN channels provides the depolarizing current in response to hyperpolarization that is critical for intrinsic rhythmicity in neurons and the sinoatrial node. Additionally, HCN channels regulate dendritic excitability in a wide variety of neurons. Little is known about the early functional evolution of HCN channels, but the presence of HCN sequences in basal metazoan phyla and choanoflagellates, a protozoan sister group to the metazoans, indicate that the gene family predates metazoan emergence. We functionally characterized two HCN channel orthologs from Nematostella vectensis (Cnidaria, Anthozoa) to determine which properties of HCN channels were established prior to the emergence of bilaterians. We find Nematostella HCN channels share all the major functional features of bilaterian HCNs, including reversed voltage-dependence, activation by cAMP and PIP2, and block by extracellular Cs+. Thus bilaterian-like HCN channels were already present in the common parahoxozoan ancestor of bilaterians and cnidarians, at a time when the functional diversity of voltage-gated K+ channels was rapidly expanding. NvHCN1 and NvHCN2 are expressed broadly in planulae and in both the endoderm and ectoderm of juvenile polyps.  相似文献   

Cnidarians, the sister group to bilaterians, have a simple diffuse nervous system. This morphological simplicity and their phylogenetic position make them a crucial group in the study of the evolution of the nervous system. The development of their nervous systems is of particular interest, as by uncovering the genetic programme that underlies it, and comparing it with the bilaterian developmental programme, it is possible to make assumptions about the genes and processes involved in the development of ancestral nervous systems. Recent advances in sequencing methods, genetic interference techniques and transgenic technology have enabled us to get a first glimpse into the molecular network underlying the development of a cnidarian nervous system—in particular the nervous system of the anthozoan Nematostella vectensis. It appears that much of the genetic network of the nervous system development is partly conserved between cnidarians and bilaterians, with Wnt and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signalling, and Sox genes playing a crucial part in the differentiation of neurons. However, cnidarians possess some specific characteristics, and further studies are necessary to elucidate the full regulatory network. The work on cnidarian neurogenesis further accentuates the need to study non-model organisms in order to gain insights into processes that shaped present-day lineages during the course of evolution.  相似文献   

Evolution of sensory structures in basal metazoa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cnidaria have traditionally been viewed as the most basal animalswith complex, organ-like multicellular structures dedicatedto sensory perception. However, sponges also have a surprisingrange of the genes required for sensory and neural functionsin Bilateria. Here, we: (1) discuss "sense organ" regulatorygenes, including; sine oculis, Brain 3, and eyes absent, thatare expressed in cnidarian sense organs; (2) assess the sensoryfeatures of the planula, polyp, and medusa life-history stagesof Cnidaria; and (3) discuss physiological and molecular datathat suggest sensory and "neural" processes in sponges. We thendevelop arguments explaining the shared aspects of developmentalregulation across sense organs and between sense organs andother structures. We focus on explanations involving divergentevolution from a common ancestral condition. In Bilateria, distinctsense-organ types share components of developmental-gene regulation.These regulators are also present in basal metazoans, suggestingevolution of multiple bilaterian organs from fewer antecedentsensory structures in a metazoan ancestor. More broadly, wehypothesize that developmental genetic similarities betweensense organs and appendages may reflect descent from closelyassociated structures, or a composite organ, in the common ancestorof Cnidaria and Bilateria, and we argue that such similaritiesbetween bilaterian sense organs and kidneys may derive froma multifunctional aggregations of choanocyte-like cells in ametazoan ancestor. We hope these speculative arguments presentedhere will stimulate further discussion of these and relatedquestions.  相似文献   

The larval and polyp stages of extant Cnidaria are bi-layered with an absence of mesoderm and its differentiation products. This anatomy originally prompted the diploblast classification of the cnidarian phylum. The medusa stage, or jellyfish, however, has a more complex anatomy characterized by a swimming bell with a well-developed striated muscle layer. Based on developmental histology of the hydrozoan medusa this muscle derives from the entocodon, a mesoderm-like third cell layer established at the onset of medusa formation. According to recent molecular studies cnidarian homologs to bilaterian mesoderm and myogenic regulators are expressed in the larval and polyp stages as well as in the entocodon and derived striated muscle. Moreover striated and smooth muscle cells may have evolved directly and independently from non-muscle cells as indicated by phylogenetic analysis of myosin heavy chain genes (MHC class II). To accommodate all evidences we propose that striated muscle-based locomotion coevolved with the nervous and digestive systems in a basic metazoan Bauplan from which the ancestors of the Ctenophora (comb jellyfish), Cnidaria (jellyfish and polyps), as well as the Bilateria are derived. We argue for a motile tri-layered cnidarian ancestor and a monophyletic descent of striated muscle in Cnidaria and Bilateria. As a consequence, diploblasty evolved secondarily in cnidarian larvae and polyps.  相似文献   

achaete-scute homologs (ash) regulate neural development in all bilaterian model animals indicating that they represent a component of the ancestral neurogenic pathway. We test this by investigating four ash genes during development of a basal metazoan, the cnidarian sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. Spatiotemporal expression of ash genes in the early embryo and larval stages suggests that they regulate neurogenesis. More specifically, NvashA is co-expressed with neural genes in the embryonic ectoderm. Knockdown of NvashA results in decreased expression of eight neural markers, including the six novel neural targets identified here. Conversely, overexpression of NvashA induces increased expression of all eight genes, but only within their normal axial domains. Overexpression of NvashB-D differentially increases expression of NvashA targets. The expression patterns and differential ability of ash genes to regulate neural gene expression reveals surprising molecular complexity in these 'simple' animals. These data suggest that achaete-scute homologs functioned in the ancestral metazoan neurogenic pathway and provide a foundation to investigate further the evolution of neurogenesis and the origin of complex central nervous systems.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The Hox gene cluster is renowned for its role in developmental patterning of embryogenesis along the anterior–posterior axis of bilaterians. Its supposed evolutionary sister or paralog, the ParaHox cluster, is composed of Gsx, Xlox, and Cdx, and also has important roles in anterior–posterior development. There is a debate as to whether the cnidarians, as an outgroup to bilaterians, contain true Hox and ParaHox genes, or instead the Hox‐like gene complement of cnidarians arose from independent duplications to those that generated the genes of the bilaterian Hox and ParaHox clusters. A recent whole genome analysis of the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis found conserved synteny between this cnidarian and vertebrates, including a region of synteny between the putative Hox cluster of N. vectensis and the Hox clusters of vertebrates. No syntenic region was identified around a potential cnidarian ParaHox cluster. Here we use different approaches to identify a genomic region in N. vectensis that is syntenic with the bilaterian ParaHox cluster. This proves that the duplication that gave rise to the Hox and ParaHox regions of bilaterians occurred before the origin of cnidarians, and the cnidarian N. vectensis has bona fide Hox and ParaHox loci.  相似文献   

The last common ancestor of Bilateria and Cnidaria is considered to develop a nervous system over 500 million years ago. Despite the long course of evolution, many of the neuron-related genes, which are active in Bilateria, are also found in the cnidarian Hydra. Thus, Hydra is a good model to study the putative primitive nervous system in the last common ancestor that had the great potential to evolve to a more advanced one. Regionalization of the nervous system is one of the advanced features of bilaterian nervous system. Although a regionalized nervous system is already known to be present in Hydra, its developmental mechanisms are poorly understood. In this study we show how it is formed and maintained, focusing on the neuropeptide Hym-176 gene and its paralogs. First, we demonstrate that four axially localized neuron subsets that express different combination of the neuropeptide Hym-176 gene and its paralogs cover almost an entire body, forming a regionalized nervous system in Hydra. Second, we show that positional information governed by the Wnt signaling pathway plays a key role in determining the regional specificity of the neuron subsets as is the case in bilaterians. Finally, we demonstrated two basic mechanisms, regionally restricted new differentiation and phenotypic conversion, both of which are in part conserved in bilaterians, are involved in maintaining boundaries between the neuron subsets. Therefore, this study is the first comprehensive analysis of the anatomy and developmental regulation of the divergently evolved and axially regionalized peptidergic nervous system in Hydra, implicating an ancestral origin of neural regionalization.  相似文献   

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