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Kathiresan S  Srivastava D 《Cell》2012,148(6):1242-1257
Cardiovascular disease encompasses a range of conditions extending from myocardial infarction to congenital heart disease, most of which are heritable. Enormous effort has been invested in understanding the genes and specific DNA sequence variants that are responsible for this heritability. Here, we review the lessons learned for monogenic and common, complex forms of cardiovascular disease. We also discuss key challenges that remain for gene discovery and for moving from genomic localization to mechanistic insights, with an emphasis on the impact of next-generation sequencing and the use of pluripotent human cells to understand the mechanism by which genetic variation contributes to disease.  相似文献   

This year's work on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and cardiovascular disease has been remarkable for the publication of the first randomised controlled trial of HRT use, the Heart Estrogen Replacement Study (HERS). The findings go against not only the trend of previous observational epidemiological studies, but also against findings in the very many studies which have previously shown and continue to show this year a beneficial effect of HRT on a large variety of cardiovascular risk factors, including endothelial function, here reviewed. The aspect of the effect of HRT on clotting variables is clearly crucial given the increased risk of venous thrombosis, and also increased number of cardiac events in the first 4 months of the HERS. Prothrombotic factors increase with age in women, and HRT alters these, particularly fibrinogen, factor VII, and PAI (less change with transdermal HRT) and antithrombin III. In normal women therefore the balance should be towards fibrinolysis rather than coagulation. Work has been presented in abstract for clarifying the effects of HRT on coagulation markers and grasping the problem of differences according to its route of administration. The full publications on this work are expected shortly. We are still awaiting evidence from randomized controlled trials of HRT in primary prevention; one is now recruited but will not report until 2005.  相似文献   

Hormone replacement therapy and cardiovascular disease.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A large amount of research continues to be conducted on the mechanisms of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) effects, and the first of the large clinical trials published its results during the past year. In addition to the well known effects on LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides, recent studies confirmed that estrogen with or without a progestin lowers lipoprotein (a) concentrations in women (but not in men). In men, estrogen appears to have a similar effect on other lipids and lipoproteins and on plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 as in women. A comparison of estrogen with simvastatin indicated that simvastatin is better at lowering LDL-cholesterol while estrogen is better at raising HDL-cholesterol; when given in combination the additional effects were modest. Estrogen and simvastatin had similar beneficial effects on endothelial function. The estrogen effect on endothelial function may be blocked by medroxyprogesterone, but the data are inconsistent. These studies of intermediate outcomes were put in perspective by the results of a landmark secondary prevention trial of coronary heart disease (CHD). This randomized placebo-controlled trial (Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study) of conjugated equine estrogens plus medroxyprogesterone failed to show the anticipated reduction in CHD, and at the same time the threefold increase in venous thromboembolism confirmed that HRT is procoagulant. Therefore, it is still not known whether HRT is a viable option for the prevention of CHD. The preliminary data on selective estrogen receptor modulators are not overly promising, but a definitive trial to test whether raloxifene will reduce CHD is ongoing.  相似文献   

Gene therapy using in vivo recombinant adenovirus-mediated gene transfer is an effective technique that offers great potential to improve existing drug treatments for the complex cardiovascular diseases of heart failure and vascular smooth muscle intimal hyperplasia. Cardiac-specific adenovirus-mediated transfer of the carboxyl-terminus of the β-adrenergic receptor kinase (βARKct), acting as a Gβγ-β-adrenergic receptor kinase (βARK)1 inhibitor, improves basal and agonist-induced cardiac performance in both normal and failing rabbit hearts. In addition, βARKct adenovirus infection of vascular smooth muscle is capable of significantly diminishing neointimal proliferation after angioplasty. Therefore, further investigation is warranted to determine whether inhibition of βARK1 activity and sequestration of Gβγ via an adenovirus that encodes the βARKct transgene might be a useful clinical tool for the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to most common human diseases is, at least in part, determined by genetic factors. Rapid progress is being made in defining these genetic determinants for a range of diseases including breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, arthritis and dementia. The ability to define susceptibility in genetic terms has already led to a reclassification of some of these diseases on genetic and mechanistic grounds. This information is likely to have a profound effect on our approach to human diseases as it will allow a better definition of these disorders, permitting more effective therapeutic intervention, and will lead to both a more precise understanding of the natural history of these diseases and the possibility of identifying populations at risk. An understanding of the mechanisms underlying disease susceptibilty will also improve our ability to develop rational therapeutic interventions for many of these diseases. The role of genetic screening in these common diseases will be discussed, particularly in regard to the application of health care in populations.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To provide an update on clinical trials of gene therapy for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease published since 1 August 2001 and summarize the general advantages and potential problems of gene transfer in these disorders. RECENT FINDINGS: There are two major areas in which gene therapy has entered clinical trials. The first is angiogenesis for coronary and peripheral arterial disease. Two relatively small placebo-controlled trials for coronary disease were reported, one using intramyocardial plasmid VEGF-2 gene, the other using intracoronary adenoviral FGF-4 gene. The VEGF-2 study in no-option patients showed reduced angina, and significant improvement in perfusion and function, whereas the FGF-4 study in less severely affected patients showed promising results in some subsets. In peripheral artery disease two phase 1 studies of adenoviral NV1FGF and VEGF showed some objective improvement in pain, ulcer size and ankle:brachial index in one study and endothelial function in the other. Both adenoviral and plasmid VEGF gene transfer at angioplasty increased vascularity in a phase 2 double-blind study. The other major area is the prevention of graft disease and restenosis using antisense oligodeoxynucleotides. E2F decoy led to a significant reduction in venous graft complications after ex-vivo transfection at the time of coronary bypass surgery, whereas the c-Myc oligodeoxynucleotide was ineffective in preventing in-stent coronary restenosis. SUMMARY: There are more reviews of gene therapy for atherosclerosis in the literature than publications with original data or trials, but in the past year the imbalance is being redressed, with some promising results from controlled studies.  相似文献   

A selection of World Wide Web sites relevant to papers published in this issue of Current Opinion in Genetics & Development.  相似文献   



Experimental studies support an important role for endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in the regulation of angiogenesis. In humans, a common polymorphism exists in the eNOS gene that results in the conversion of glutamate to aspartate for codon 298. In vitro and in vivo studies have suggested a decreased NOS activity in patients with the Asp298 variant. We hypothesized that a genetic-mediated decreased eNOS activity may limit collateral development in patients with chronic coronary occlusions.


We selected 291 consecutive patients who underwent coronary angiography and who had at least one chronic (>15 days) total coronary occlusion. Collateral development was graded angiographically using two different methods: the collateral flow grade and the recipient filling grade. Genomic DNA was extracted from white blood cells and genotyping was performed using previously published techniques.


Collateral development was lower in patients carrying the Asp298 variant than in Glu-Glu homozygotes (collateral flow grade: 2.64 ± 0.08 and 2.89 ± 0.08, respectively, p = 0.04; recipient filling grade: 3.00 ± 0.08 and 3.24 ± 0.07, respectively, p = 0.04). By multivariable analysis, three variables were independently associated with the collateral flow grade: female gender, smoking, and the Asp298 variant (p = 0.03) while the Asp298 variant was the sole variable independently associated with the recipient filling grade (p = 0.03).


Collateral development is lower in patients with the Asp298 variant. This may be explained by the decreased NOS activity in patients with the Asp298 variant. Further studies will have to determine whether increasing eNOS activity in humans is associated with coronary collateral development.  相似文献   

There are at least three well-defined signalling cascades engaged directly in the physiological regulation of cardiac circulatory function: the beta1-adrenoceptors that control the cardiac contractile apparatus, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system involved in regulating blood pressure and the natriuretic peptides contributing at least to the factors determining circulating volume. Apart from these pathways, other cardiac receptor systems, particularly the alpha1-adrenoceptors, adenosine, endothelin and opioid receptors, whose physiological role may not be immediately evident, are also important with respect to regulating cardiovascular function especially in disease. These and the majority of other cardiovascular receptors identified to date belong to the guanine nucleotide binding (G) protein-coupled receptor families that mediate signalling by coupling primarily to three G proteins, the stimulatory (Gs), inhibitory (Gi) and Gq/11 proteins to stimulate the adenylate cyclases and phospholipases, activating a small but diverse subset of effectors and ion channels. These receptor pathways are engaged in crosstalk utilizing second messengers and protein kinases as checkpoints and hubs for diverting, converging, sieving and directing the G protein-mediated messages resulting in different signalling products. Besides, the heart itself is endowed with the means to harmonize these signalling mechanisms and to fend off potentially fatal consequences of functional loss of the essential signalling pathways via compensatory reserve pathways, or by inducing some adaptive mechanisms to be turned on, if and when required. This receptor crosstalk constitutes the underlying basis for sustaining a coherently functional circulatory entity comprising mechanisms controlling the contractile apparatus, blood pressure and circulating volume, both in normal physiology and in disease.  相似文献   

Genetics of parkin-linked disease   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
West AB  Maidment NT 《Human genetics》2004,114(4):327-336
Research into Parkinsons disease (PD), once considered the archetypical non-genetic neurodegenerative disorder, has been revolutionized by the identification of a number of genes, mutations of which underlie various familial forms of the disease. Whereas such mutations appear to exist in a relatively small number of individuals from a few families, the study of the function of these genes promises to reveal the fundamental disease pathogenesis, not only of familial forms of the disease, but also of the much more common sporadic PD. The observation that mutations in the second identified PD locus (parkin) are common in juvenile- and early-onset PD and increasing evidence supporting a direct role for parkin in late-onset disease make this gene a particularly compelling candidate for intensified investigation. The determination of the frequency and effect of parkin mutations in various subsets of PD will be crucial for understanding the way in which parkin is related to neurodegenerative mechanisms, and whether these subsets might be effectively identified and treated. In addition, many aspects of parkin-linked disease, originally thought to be well defined, have now been obscured both by genetic studies that preclude a simple model of disease transmission and by clinical and pathological studies that demonstrate broad variability in cases with parkin mutations. Future studies that address the issues in question should have a far-reaching impact in downstream biochemical studies and our understanding of parkins role in PD.  相似文献   

Many of the chronic inflammatory and degenerative disorders that present to clinical rheumatologists have a complex genetic aetiology. Over the past decade a dramatic improvement in technology and methodology has accelerated the pace of gene discovery in complex disorders in an exponential fashion. In this review, we focus on rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and ankylosing spondylitis and describe some of the recently described genes that underlie these conditions and the extent to which they overlap. The next decade will witness a full account of the main disease susceptibility genes in these diseases and progress in establishing the molecular basis by which genetic variation contributes to pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Genetics play a prominent role in both determination of thyroid hormone and thyrotropin (TSH) concentrations, and susceptibility to autoimmune thyroid disease. Heritability studies have suggested that up to 67% of circulating thyroid hormone and TSH concentrations are genetically determined, suggesting a genetic basis for narrow intra-individual variation in levels, perhaps a genetic 'set point'. The search for the genes responsible has revealed several candidates, including the genes for phosphodiesterase 8B, iodothyronine deiodinase 1, F-actin-capping protein subunit beta and the TSH receptor; however, each of these only contributes a small amount to the variability of hormone concentrations, suggesting that further genes and mechanisms of genetic influence are yet to be discovered. Some genes known to influence thyroid function, including iodothyronine deiodinase 2 and the TSH receptor, have been shown to influence a wide range of clinical and developmental phenotypes from bone health to neurological development and longevity; such observations will help us understand the complex action of thyroid hormones on individual tissues. Finally, autoimmune thyroid disease commonly runs in families, and the search for genes which increase susceptibility has identified several good candidates, particularly those involved in immune regulation and thyroid function. However, these genes alone account for only a small percentage of the current prevalence of these disorders. Although the advancement of genetic technology has led to many significant findings in the last decade or two, it is clear that we are only just beginning to understand the role of genetics in thyroid function and disease.  相似文献   

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