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Uniformity of stem height in rice directly affects crop yield potential and appearance, and has become a vital index for rice improvement. In the present study, a doubled haploid (DH) population, derived from a cross between japonica rice Chunjiang 06 and indica rice TN1 was used to analyze the quantitative trait locus (QTL) for three related traits of paniclelayer-uniformity; that is, the tallest panicle height, the lowest panicle height and panicle layer disuniforrnity in two locations:Hangzhou (HZ) and Hainan (HN). A total of 16 QTLs for three traits distributed on eight chromosomes were detected in two different environments. Two QTLs, qTPH-4 and qTPH-8 were co-located with the QTLs for qLPH-4 and qLPH-8, which were only significant in the HZ environment, whereas the qTPH-6 and qLPH-6 located at the same interval were only significant in the HN environment. Two QTLs, qPLD-10.1 and qPLD-10.2, were closely linked to qTPH-10, and they might have been at the same locus. One QTL, qPLD-3, was detected in both environments, explaining more than 23% of the phenotypic variations. The CJ06 allele of qPLD-3 could increase the panicle layer disuniformity by 9.23 and 4.74 cm in the HZ and HN environments. Except for qPLD-3, almost all other QTLs for the same trait were detected only in one environment, indicating that these three traits were dramatically affected by environmental factors. The results may be useful for elucidation of the molecular mechanism of panicle-layer-uniformity and marker assisted breeding for super-rice.  相似文献   

基于单片段代换系的水稻穗长QTL加性及其上位性效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
穗长是影响水稻(Oryza sativa)产量的重要因子之一, 研究水稻穗长QTL间的上位性效应对于发掘水稻产量潜力具有重要意义。该研究以16个单片段代换系(single segment substitution lines, SSSLs)和15个双片段聚合系(double segment pyramiding lines, DSPLs)为材料研究了水稻穗长QTL的加性及上位性效应。以P<0.01为阈值, 共检测到6个穗长QTL和9对基因互作座位。其中2个(Pl-2和Pl-10)是尚未报道的穗长QTL。穗长QTL互作后, 一些互作对的上位性效应与单个QTL的作用方式及效应大小各不相同, 预示着基因聚合后会产生不同的互作效应。该研究结果对于通过分子聚合育种手段改良穗长具有重要意义。  相似文献   

穗长是影响水稻(Oryza sativa)产量的重要因子之一,研究水稻穗长QTL间的上位性效应对于发掘水稻产量潜力具有重要意义。该研究以16个单片段代换系(single segment substitution lines,SSSLs)和15个双片段聚合系(double segment pyramiding lines,DSPLs)为材料研究了水稻穗长QTL的加性及上位性效应。以P〈0.01为阈值,共检测到6个穗长QTL和9对基因互作座位。其中2个(Pl-2和Pl-10)是尚未报道的穗长QTL。穗长QTL互作后,一些互作对的上位性效应与单个QTL的作用方式及效应大小各不相同,预示着基因聚合后会产生不同的互作效应。该研究结果对于通过分子聚合育种手段改良穗长具有重要意义。  相似文献   

株高是典型的数量性状,易受遗传背景的干扰和环境因素的影响,利用单片段代换系(single segment substitution lines,SSSLs)能减少遗传背景的干扰。以85个单片段代换系为材料,其受体亲本为籼稻广陆矮4号(Oryzasativassp.in-dica),供体亲本为粳稻日本晴(Oryza sativa ssp.japonica)。通过单因素方差分析和Dunnett’s多重比较,分析单片段代换系与受体亲本之间株高的差异,对代换片段上的株高QTL进行鉴定。以P≤0.001为阈值共检测到24个株高QTLs,分别分布于除第10染色体外的其它11条染色体上,其中3个QTLs的加性效应表现为减效作用,另外21个株高QTLs的加性效应表现为增效作用。QTLs加性效应变化范围为-6.5-31.74,加性效应百分率的变化范围为-8.81%-41.96%。该研究对进一步发掘和利用新的矮秆或半矮秆基因资源具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A doubled haploid (DH) population, which consists of 120 lines derived from anther culture of a typical indica and japonica hybrid‘CJ06'/‘TNI', was used in this study. Ligule lengths of flag leaf were investigated for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping using the DH population. Five QTLs (qLL-2, qLL.4, qLL-6, qLL-IO and qLL-12) controlling the ligule length (LL) were detected on chromosomes 2, 4, 6, 10 and 12, with the variances explained 11.4%, 13.6%, 27.8%, 22.1% and 11.0%, respectively. Using four known genes of ZmGL1, ZmGL2, ZmGL3 and ZmGL4 in maize from the MaizeGDB, their homologs in rice were aligned and integrated into the existing simple sequence repeats linkage map by in silico mapping. A ZmLG1 homolog gene, OsLG1 encoding a squamosa promoter binding protein, was located between the markers RM255 and RM280, which is just identical to the interval of qLL.4 on the long arm of chromosome 4. The results are beneficial to dissection of the ligule molecular mechanism and the study of cereal evolution.  相似文献   

Early bolting of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L.) during spring cultivation often has detrimental effects on the yield and quality of the harvested products. Breeding late bolting varieties is a major objective of Chinese cabbage breeding programs. In order to analyze the genetic basis of bolting traits, a genetic map of B. rapa was constructed based on amplified fragment-length poiymorphism (AFLP), sequence-related amplified poiymorphism (SRAP), simple sequence repeat (SSR), random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and isozyme markers. Marker analysis was carried out on 81 double haploid (DH) lines obtained by microspore culture from F1 progeny of two homozygous parents: B. rapa L. ssp. pekinensis (BY) (an extra-early bolting Chinese cabbage line) and B. rapa L. ssp. rapifera (MM) (an extra-late bolting European turnip line). A total of 326 markers including 130 AFLPs, 123 SRAPs, 16 SSRs, 43 RAPDs and 14 isozymes were used to construct a linkage map with 10 linkage groups covering 882 cM with an average distance of 2.71 cM between loci. The bolting trait of each DH line was evaluated by the bolting index under controlled conditions. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis was conducted using multiple QTL model mapping with MapQTL5.0 software. Eight QTLs controlling bolting resistance were identified. These QTLs, accounting for 14.1% to 25.2% of the phenotypic variation with positive additive effects, were distributed into three linkage groups. These results provide useful information for molecular marker-assisted selection of late bolting traits in Chinese cabbage breeding programs.  相似文献   

A method was developed to model and optimize selection on multiple identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and polygenic estimated breeding value, in order to maximize a weighted sum of cumulative response to selection over multiple years in a population with overlapping generations. The model allows for a population with multiple sex-age classes, different number of age class between sires and dams, and varied genetic contribution of the age class. The optimization problem was formulated as a multiple-stage optimal control problem and solved by a forward and backward iteration loop. The practical utility of this method was illustrated in an example of pig breeding population with overlapping generations. The selection response of this method was compared with standard QTL selection and conventional best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) selection. Simulation results show that optimal selection achieved greater selection response than either standard QTL or conventional BLUP selections. The influence of population structure on optimal selection was significant. Optimal QTL selection and standard QTL selection were more favorable in a population with overlapping generations than discrete generations, and obtained more benefits relative to conventional BLUP selection in a population with overlapping generations. Optimal QTL selection relative to conventional BLUP selection is also more favorable following increase of genetic contribution of two-year-old boars and sows in a population with overlapping generations.  相似文献   

唐国庆  李学伟 《遗传学报》2006,33(5):429-440
一种扩展的方法能够在一个世代重叠的群体内对多个数量性状位点选择进行最优化,目的是为了在整个计划期内获得最大的累积反应加权和。该模型允许群体有多个性别年龄组、公母畜间有不同的年龄组数、各年龄组有不同的遗传贡献。整个最优化问题被描述成一个多阶段系统优化控制问题,通过一个向前和向后的迭代循环解决。用一个世代重叠的实际育种猪群的参数来评价该方法的选择效果,并和标准QTL选择和常规BLUP选择进行比较。模拟结果表明,优化选择要优于标准QTL选择和常规BLUP选择。群体结构对优化选择的影响比较明显。优化QTL选择和标准QTL选择在世代重叠的群体内比在世代离散的群体内的选择优势更明显,相对于常规BLUP选择,能够获得更大的选择优势。在世代重叠群体内随着2岁公畜遗传贡献的增大,优化选择相对于常规BLUP选择的优势越明显。  相似文献   

水稻外观品质的数量性状基因位点分析   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
利用由98个家系组成的Nipponbare(粳)/Kasalath(秒)∥Nipponbare回交重组自交系(backcross inbred lines,BILs)群体(BC1F9)及其分子连锁图谱,采用复合区间作图的方法,在2个不同年份对粒长、粒宽、粒形、垩白率、垩白大小、垩白度和透明度等7个稻米外观品质性状的数量性状基因位点(Quantiative trait loci,QTL)进行了定位分析。共定位到33个四QTLs,单个性状QTL数目在4-7个之间,以垩白率最多,为7个;粒长和垩白大小次之,为5个;其他性状均为4个,表明该组合外观品质是由多基因控制的数量性状。单个QTL对性状变异解释率粒长为6.2%-15.2%,粒宽为8.3%-32.5%,长宽比为6.8%-19.8%,垩白率为6.4%-28.5%,垩白大小为6.1%-16.9%,垩白度为9.3%-17.2%,透明度为5.6%-25.2%.QTL在染色体上成集中分布的特点,第3染色体C1488-C563、第5染色体R830-R3166和R1436-R2289、第6染色体R2147-R2171均有3个以上的QTLs分布。比较2年的检测结果表明,外观品质性状的QTL定位都受环境影响,但不同性状受影响的程度差异很大。粒长和粒形的QTL定位受环境影响很小,垩白率、垩白大小和垩白度的QTL定位受环境影响很大。  相似文献   

利用水稻重组自交系群体定位谷粒外观性状的数量性状基因   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
用区间作图和混合线性模型的复合区间作图两种方法,对水稻(Oryza sativa L)珍汕97和明恢63组合的重组自交系群体的谷粒外观性状-粒长,粒宽和粒形进行了数量性状基因(QTL)定位,用区间作图法在LOD≥2.4水平上(近拟于a=0.005),1998年对粒长,粒宽和粒形分别检测到6,2放2个QTLs,1999年对以上3个性状分别检测到3,2和2个QTLs,其中7个QTLs在两年均检测到,位于第3染色体RG393-C1087区间的QTL效应大,同时影响粒长和粒形,两年贡献分别为57.5%,61.4%和26.7%,29.9%,位于第5染色体RG360-C734B区间的QTL效应大,同时影响粒宽和粒形,两年贡献率分别为44.2%,53.2%和32.1%和36.0%,用混合线性模型的复合区间作图法在P=0.005水平上,对粒长,粒宽和粒形分别检测到8,5和5个QTLs,共解释各自性状变异的58.81%,44.75%和57.47%,只检测到1个QTL与环境之间存在的显互作。  相似文献   

基于CSSL的高密度物理图谱定位水稻分蘖角度QTL   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对以籼稻9311为遗传背景携带粳稻日本晴基因组的染色体片段置换系(CSSL)的遗传图谱进行分子标记加密,构建了含250个多态标记的高密度物理图谱。以119个CSSLs为材料,P≤0.001为阈值,筛选到分蘖角度与受体亲本9311差异极显著的10个系。结合物理图谱和代换作图方法,共鉴定出5个分蘖角度QTL,其中qTA11的加性效应表现为增效作用,来源于9311的等位基因;其余4个QTL的加性效应为减效作用,均来源于日本晴的等位基因。qTA6-1和qTA6-2分别被定位于第6染色体RM253–RM527之间的3.55Mb区段和RM3139–RM494的1.65Mb区间;qTA9被定位于第9染色体RM257–RM189之间的3.40Mb区段;qTA10被定位在第10染色体RM222–S10-1之间的2.10Mb区段;qTA11被定位于第11染色体RM1761–RM4504之间的3.30Mb区间。以上研究结果为水稻分蘖角度QTL的精细定位和株型育种提供了依据。  相似文献   

A linkage map consisting of 221 markers was constructed based on a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population from the cross between Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping was carried out for grain appearance traits such as grain length, grain width and grain shape in rice in 1998 and 1999. Based on interval mapping method at the threshold LOD≥2.4, six, two and two QTLs were detected for grain length, grain width and grain shape, respectively, in 1998; In 1999, three, two and two QTLs were identified for the three traits, respectively. Of them, seven QTLs were simultaneously identified in both of the years. The QTL with large effects located in the interval RG393-C1087 on chromosome 3 not only controlled the grain length, but also influenced the grain shape. It explained 57.5%, 61.4% and 26.7%, 29.9% of phenotypic variation of the grain length and the grain shape in two years, respectively. The QTL with large effects located in the interval RG360-C734B on chromosome 5 affected the grain width and the grain shape. It explained 44.2%, 53.2% and 32.1%, 36.0% of phenotypic variation of the grain width and the shape in two years, respectively. Eight, five and five QTLs were identified for the grain length, width and shape, respectively, based on mixed linear-model composite interval mapping method at P =0.005. Their general contributions were 58.81%, 44.75%, and 57.47%. One QTL for the grain length was found to be significant interaction with environment.  相似文献   

利用染色体单片段代换系定位水稻芽期耐冷QTL   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻(Oryza sativa)芽期耐冷性是其生长发育过程中不可忽视的重要数量性状,易受遗传背景的干扰和环境因素的影响;利用单片段代换系(SSSL.s)能减少遗传背景的干扰。该研究以85个单片段代换系为材料,其受体亲本为广陆矮4号,供体亲本为日本晴。通过单因素方差分析和Dun netts多重比较,分析单片段代换系与受体亲本之间芽期耐冷性的差异,并对代换片段上的芽期耐冷QTL进行鉴定。以F≤0.001为闽值共检测到8个芽期耐冷QTL,分别分布在第1、6、8、9和10号染色体上,其中4个QTL通过代换作图被初步定位。这些QTL加性效应均表现为增效作用,在2个年度间其加性效应值的变化范围分别为14%-44%和10%-45%,加性效应百分率的变化范围分别为700%-2 200%和500%-2 250%,其中qCTPg-2在2个年度间的加性效应均最高,分别为44%和45%。研究结果对进一步发掘和利用新的水稻芽期耐冷QTL具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The demand for high quality rice represents a major issue in rice production. The primary components of rice grain quality include appearance, eating, cooking, physico-chemical, milling and nutritional qualities. Most of these traits are complex and controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTLs), so the genetic characterization of these traits is more difficult than that of traits controlled by a single gene. The detection and genetic identification of QTLs can provide insights into the genetic mechanisms underlying quality traits. Chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) are effective tools used in mapping QTLs. In this study, we constructed 154 CSSLs from backcross progeny (BC3F2) derived from a cross between 'Koshihikari' (an Oryza sativa L. Ssp. Japonica variety) as the recurrent parent and 'Nona Bokra' (an O. Sativa L. Ssp. Indica variety) as the donor parent. In this process, we carried out marker-assisted selection by using 102 cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence and simple sequence repeat markers covering most of the rice genome. Finally, this set of CSSLs was used to identify QTLs for rice quality traits. Ten QTLs for rice appearance quality traits were detected and eight QTLs concerned physico-chemical traits. These results supply the foundation for further genetic studies and breeding for the improvement of grain quality.  相似文献   

水稻苗期耐旱性基因位点及其互作的分析   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
随着全球水资源的日益贫乏和旱灾的日趋严重,水稻耐旱性的研究越来越重要,对籼稻窄叶青8号(ZYQ8)和粳稻京系17(JX17)以及由它们构建的加倍单倍体(DH)群体,参照国际水稻研究所的耐旱鉴定方法,在苗期进行断水,调查期耐旱性,利用该群体的分子连锁图谱进行数量性状座位(QTL)区间作图分析,共检测到2个耐旱的QTL(qDT-5和qDT-12),分别位于第5染色体的GA41-GA257之间的和第12染色体的RG457-Y12817R之间,这两个QTL的加性效应均来自ZYQ8的等位基因,用Epistat软件检测到2个单位点,即GA257和Y12817R,与区间作图分析的结果一致,Epistat还检测到与GA257互作的3个位点(RG541、G318和G192,分别位于第1、4和8染色体上)和与Y12817R互作的1个位点(CT234,位于第3染色体上)。  相似文献   

唐国庆  李学伟 《遗传学报》2006,33(3):220-229
一种扩展的方法能够在多个世代对具有多个数量性状位点的多性状选择进行最优化。这种方法的基础是在目标雨数中用综合遗传值替代单个性状遗传值,并在整个规划期内最大化所有世代选择反应的加权和。利用多阶段系统优化控制理论,整个最优化问题通过一个向前和向后的迭代循环解决。用一个实际育种猪群的育种参数来评价该方法的选择效果,并和标准QTL选择和常规BLUP选择进行比较。结果表明,优化选择要优于标准QTL选择和常规BLUP选择。经济权重对优化选择的影响较明显,随着达100kg日龄赋予的经济权重的增加,优化选择的优势越明显。优化选择通过两种方式增加总选择反应:1)选择早期减少一部分QTL选择反应;2)对达100kgH龄给予更大的权重。选择后期优化累积贴现选择比优化终端选择给予达100kgH龄更大的权重。  相似文献   

Bacterial blight (BB) is one of the major diseases that affect rice productivity. In previous studies, BB resistance was transferred to cultivated rice Oryza sativa from wild rice Oryza meyeriana using asymmetric somatic hybridization. One of the resistant hybrid progenies (Y73) has also been shown to possess novel resistance gene(s) different from any of those previously associated with BB resistance. We have mapped quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for BB resistance in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between Y73 and a BB‐susceptible cv. IR24. Five QTLs were detected where Y73 alleles contributed to increased BB resistance. Three minor QTLs were identified on chromosomes 3, 10 and 11, and two major QTLs on chromosomes 1 and 5, respectively. QTL on chromosome 5, designated qBBR5, had the strongest effect on BB resistance, explaining approximately 37% of the phenotypic variance. Using the same RIL population, we also mapped QTLs for agronomic traits including plant height (PH), heading date (HD), plant yield (PYD) and PYD component traits. A total of 21 QTLs were identified, of which four were detected for PH, six for HD, three for panicle number per plant (PNPP), one for spikelets per panicle (SPP), six for 1000‐grain weight (TGW) and one for PYD. qPH1 (a QTL for PH) was found in the same interval as qBBR1 for BB resistance, and qHD11 for HD and qBBR11 for BB resistance also shared a similar interval. Additionally, BB resistance was significantly correlated with PH or HD in the RIL population. This suggests that the resistance genes may have pleiotropic effects on, or close linkage to, genes controlling PH or HD. These results will help deduce the resistance mechanisms of the novel resistance gene(s) and provide the basis for cloning them and using them in marker‐assisted breeding.  相似文献   

Plant breeders have focused on improving plant architecture as an effective means to increase crop yield. Here, we identify the main-effect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for plant shape-related traits in rice (Oryza sativa) and find candidate genes by applying whole genome re-sequencing of two parental cultivars using next-generation sequencing. To identify QTLs influencing plant shape, we analyzed six traits: plant height, tiller number, panicle diameter, panicle length, flag leaf length, and flag leaf width. We performed QTL analysis with 178 F7 recombinant in-bred lines (RILs) from a cross of japonica rice line ‘SNUSG1’ and indica rice line ‘Milyang23’. Using 131 molecular markers, including 28 insertion/deletion markers, we identified 11 main- and 16 minor-effect QTLs for the six traits with a threshold LOD value > 2.8. Our sequence analysis identified fifty-four candidate genes for the main-effect QTLs. By further comparison of coding sequences and meta-expression profiles between japonica and indica rice varieties, we finally chose 15 strong candidate genes for the 11 main-effect QTLs. Our study shows that the whole-genome sequence data substantially enhanced the efficiency of polymorphic marker development for QTL fine-mapping and the identification of possible candidate genes. This yields useful genetic resources for breeding high-yielding rice cultivars with improved plant architecture.  相似文献   

微卫星标记与奶牛数量性状QTL定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
储明星  叶素成  陈国宏 《遗传》2003,25(3):337-340
本文对奶牛产奶性能(产奶量、乳脂率、乳脂量、蛋白率、蛋白量)、乳房炎及体细胞数、繁殖性能、生产寿命等数量性状QTL定位研究进展进行了综述。 Abstract:Mapping of quantitative trait loci for some important traits (milk yield,fat percentage,fat yield,protein percentage,protein yield,clinical mastitis and somatic cell count,reproductive performance,productive life,etc.) in dairy cattle was introduced in this review.  相似文献   

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